Seta on ren 22nd, 1 Tfire Val birged and the Clerk. ae to said Mince, r. Smith—-thee | opened om Mi Carried, Mr, ‘That the del hes i i—Mr. Davidson—That_ the ap ev) ve sign the agreement with the G. 1 the te r *o. for running @ drain across the, road. in Bec Me. ison—Mr. a e Council do now Saas to Emcct asters ate Sth de "10 @elock a.m, Carried 2 se as suffered a » sities and colleges— - follow the example of tl ‘@hicago in making the Of: MAY BE DISA © AWhetoria. correspond us Meatteral Hall ian ooh when Pura tack mad be aie | of the en he seeder y the ered m “Members. al nce ibe = oper ‘“Minates of last m read and si Mr. Donaldson—! Sk teal Maat ts > tenders in the eee ‘tail and Em- | doo f , 1899, ‘Donaldson—Mr. Rothwell— bentures for the Boyle drain be possi ied. day of May, next, at “summer scm SCHOOLS. jai "Phe discontinuance during the last year or |. daring the summer months \he calendar year in courses of hile the long-established for seers for atiblial eeady have ‘added | Review of Reviews for May publishes to thei and are now st than} forecust of the great national con- Ni -ever before in point of teachin: feciliaes ventions, summer "scboo! Is, and other eres eras arcana ena Ma Reviews | gatherings of general interest for the present year. ttawa’s woatble halls to the township ol wd Pare’s cell lisco é his (|W. H.-Holden, had escaped duri night," Bvergthine ‘bas. the apeeiane wwe having done the jo! ‘ab 3 pam. | Pare’s cost. ead previously wulgakad Aba agate gel frou the odkeidor while Sonfined there nr: i n Pare reached the i it schools that were is Then they went back | to their cells and tied: ee svoolen blankets 9 | about 20 feeb n | economical and dispensed “i He eerie ry. The| of the night watchman, been retained to watch 3 inthe aati escape caw a on the tae ote ts. ea Ryser eee. North Dakota, on the ¢ with 2 book prospectus, / - | successful men who go’, ie restart in life as e The Fastor. “Good Baie Roberts, what makes you look so sad this morning?” Bro. * Thave come to say good-bye, Mr, Brown,for I am out of employmentand must go back to England.” | ‘The Pastor. ‘Go back to England to ect «ployment. what nonense {I can get lots St work for a young man like you in this © Well, I have hunted high and low and can get nothing,so whatam 1 todo?” ‘The Pastor. “I tell you what you ean do, Bro, Roberts,take in agenty for a good book, for there is money in canvassing. Bro. R.“ Do you think I would stoop to can ‘The Pastor, TRemeatat{ arte ) “Stoop to canvassing | Better men than you have canvassed, I put myself through College and know many canvassers. My youngestison is canvassing nd he inakes enough at the business to Fa he qway at the University. I ie a man who failed in business, to take up can- vassing, and he made enoagh money ie start business again. I gave the same advice to a young mechanic, who was out of; ri pager and he is now a prosperous Publisher. W some of the biggest men ipbistory have been Book agents ! “Stoop to jeanvassing’ ; you are very fortunate that you can STEP Ha toit. J. . G. GROSCH & SON. Re C. Grosch & Son Have the finest Spring and Summer Shoes ever shown, in allcolors and shapes. 272 3+ Bie D1 I advise you to write to the . Limited, Toronto, Ont., for this firm Bradley-Gerretson Company and see what they have to offer, and will postpone my. de- parture in the meantime.” Swuin, formerly of it] Mil ie Be Duvustons. Ta} Motaington; “on Friday, he University of ‘April 28, James Drummond, aged 83 ears; summer quarter erthree months of bere dont — ied Machera sands tie Following its fara custom, the LLOWED, , says: Rumors Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets, at All Draggtsts, 35¢ a Box--60 Tablcts. wa Rie the bill Ja bared ed wits agreeable ies Saivhs onngla Iau THER WAY 1 =rouses to such a deg sinu- | | sold at all draggists, price 35 cents. Vata tings the: ag panbes wud the Chshese have Sold by JAS. TORRANCE. * apy ethnological or rancid affinity: It. is i sugges! t steae ieee ‘in the province who is not able to pas: factory oe oral and meta CHAPTER V. ~ ses:|| 1. Have yo heartbum ? % 2. Have ye dour stomach ? 3. Have ye distress after eating ? ‘hese are signs of advancing dyspep- at this stage the: trouble\is easily eure 5. Dr, ‘Von Staus | Pineapple. ‘Tablets give instant relief’ They wid digestion! esi Dauiah the dase which: produces, Dys- epsia, ‘These tablets come sixty i He is man and nothing To Wi The Eclipse BICYCLE is no experiment, butis the per- feeted result of mechanical skill coupled with experience, which has demonstrated the fact that under all conditions of weather and roads, the Eclipse is more satisfactory and practical than any other type of driving mechanism, the only. bicycle aS) 3 Don’t Throw Good Money Away FOR POOR CLOTHES When you buy better ones from us for less money. We can make you a nice’ suit from $8.00 to $80.00. Come in and see what we are doing, we will be pleased to show you our nice SUITINGS whether you buy or not. Evervbody Welcome. EH KNECHTEL, Appel’s Old Stand, Milverton. ‘ iW b< = Oe sississis on éarth with automatic Coaster and Brake. PRICE = $50.00 EWELER. Next Door to Postoflice. FOR THE “| Next 30 route Telegram. sof mankin ‘to the: aneth of the indi ratitueney. As » red sarge iE Brock vite « Mevwitkotanding. ‘pring, tbe buds are tpendent voters in every constituency.— CANADA HAS An oie is always ready enough to Soneotoeds reason of ti ness, temperance and Tr MpRLASKE ‘judgment to cor V. WEITZEL, ‘Admirable was esi B, Foster at Brock- ville in his s appeals to to the lefticsr impulses The Baker. beiween the parties it may be the pot calling the. kettle black, bat t ti make good bread all the year round and to prove this, we ask that you give our bread a. trial cuAIms. and we ate sure that you will be rience of by. ‘igi ratte for : iservative principles, the result. will peofit the Oppositiun: one sent and no more. | 74 9 er South Pertt bs @ constituency in which S he yoters who supply majorities care as . ites for the Tore nie the Grits. % eré isan independent tia the a <leovorate of Somth Perth whieh, wold tae é we will endeavor. to vstand at the part bigoti the Tory tis ask by eve vidhen's se cen (nal Wan ce clear off the balance this element ‘vas mab, su eridacated by the) "At Our bread J the Dest on the k i‘ ‘frendi Be ae We) marke Gryen tue’ aompentorn |. OL Our’StOGk to: Make made crete mn of the Grit Erb’s vote’ Kk ae snout the oko Raab acknowledge it as they all re} “room for, Spring died eee attending the a fused to compete with us’ for a Ss d : ae annals scab in prize.’ Though we took first’ wel” uites and Setts. Bh sroetere, ups coe Osteen |: aotbok lake fore b i al ‘ahoald nccept their victory it someaiin dp not bake for shows alone bot], Bargains will be |. given. Call and see. Wiederhold MILVERTON. -& Honderich REMOVAL Having found that our quarters were too limited for our increasing trade we secured the old stand of Schaefer Bros., P. H. BASTENDOREFE |22¢ will carry on business there in the future. We have in- creased the size of our stock that our cusfomers might have a better assortment to choose from. the finest that have ever been shown in Milverton. The are a prominent part in our selection. thing we have in Spring Overcoating and we'll guarantee that you'll pronounce it the finest thing you've seen in sometime. but I’m the man that"makes the clothes. correct measure of your form. Latest Imported Irish, Our Spring Goods are Scoteh and English Goods CLOTHES, DON’T MAKE THE MAN, satisfaction and retain our ever increasing trade. or the con> be. sac: A Fit Guaranteed, ° cgi WI1. BURTON, Having for a number of years done Custom Tailor work “| have decided to launch into the MERCHANT TAILORING and the best. | LENE, and have accordingly secured a new Stock of . _ ‘TWEEDS, Etc. I have engaged MR. GEO. BURTON, who has had a wide experience in the best shops in'London, England, and fins sieaniertey ee Montreal, as Cutter. sulting theory that every | ° spnatitnengy fn its price. Give me & Gail. Wierchant7 aiior, Main St; Milverton. SCHAEFER'S OLD. red hits sacar anys [ {he always comes to us because our selection is the most nobby Call and see, the latest How do I make - them ? Make them fit. I exercise the greatest care to first take Having done this I cut and make garments conform to your form. Not always an easy thing to do but we can do it and that's why we’ always give Our Gents’ Furnishing Department is replete with the latest things out and it is now an acknowledged fact that if hard to suit in style and quality wants anything If you have an order to leave for a Spring Suit or Over- coat come where you will get a fit becoming to your figure and a price that wil suit your pockét-book. H. C. HASENPFLUG, Merchant Tailor — and uents’ bine / MILVERTON