Milverton Sun, 11 May 1899, p. 2

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Subs-riners who do n't receive thelr paper regularly will ploase notify us at once. Apply at this office for advortising rates, THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1899, Notes of Industry. China exports 11,000 fans annually. Lodi. pete Frat mp andi satya ite vas o of Fccalierene the earth has been estimated at $10,000,- 00. ‘There are said to be sold sbout 25,000,000 paper cprviglies the United States and | Canada ‘The lightest fading oy ever make is a ‘hree thou: Ifall the iodine eae ee the ere tion of sugar cane were utilized in Cuba could produce enough sugar f ‘the eitire westerra hemisphere, = ca keep albumen. This isdone by mechan! ‘There never vectie never will be, a niversal in one Yeni ills to wish Hech is belr—the ah Pe of many curatives the Eorms of other and S ifteoe seated the system of the Patient oda Gatto cha nll te urn would frailest systems are le and strength, by the influence which (ui pine exerts on Nature’s own restora refreshing sleeps vigor to the action of the ene gauged by the opinion of scientists of annual production of dase | CORB! Matters, being on efiolent juember wi the yolk surrounded with | knee. ism. into convalescence | §P t | system as doo A SECTION FOREMAN His Life One of Exposure and Much Hardship. Bheumatiom and Kindred Troubles the Frequent Kesult-One Whe Has Been a Great Sufferer Speaks for the Benefit of Others. Hendry has taken an active part Fe on saya ‘Deen nominated for sounelllor, but owing to the position he held with an outei Yeading the Pr.sbyterian Review I of a eure through the use of Dr. Williams! Pink Pills, in the aman who not been ver, and 1 to give this medicine a trial. prompted me ‘The action in my case did not seem to be ided. em fin iat Wad Gest ciety boxes wat a thoronghly well man. Since ch has been the 2 These pills cure not by purging ines, but. ae enriching the nee and strengthening the nerves. ‘they cure rheumatism, sciatica, tl any inthemarket. All druggists velit. Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandruff. ns, size and shape of noses. It your every-day duties are a burden, it Sa because you arenot well.” Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills correct this cond mI The Power of Vaccinatie: and were 's because I’ve been vac- cre! Health for the children, Miller's |p ‘Worm Powders. u Unsolved Question. he discharge of 18-inch the rate ofamile a facets cuales Bsn Joti tokive a st the same speed thrown St ocours can but be conjectured. He Has Tried 11 Kinloss, writes: Jobn <Anderso1 Cetivapbige'ty sey ten. 4 and they also ocd Wot gimae ritie Ti cooas others bronohitis and incipient consumption.” Netting of Birds. Along the Adriatic and migratory birds are caught every by the hundreds of thousands and birds are caught at once. Miller’s Worm Powders cure fits in ehildren. oa as 1s upon the jnst cata us the he unjust generally have cca breilas,”” Pudd'nhesd Wilson’s ‘office boy. Pius Ultra. the | Mltard’s Liniment: tor sale everywhere, Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns, ete. body that I was dead in love pound Iron shat wi Books in the British Museum. $20,000 ia Just the erulng Tee ‘6 Wan pill that acts upon the stomach and Set i ie 20 compounded that certain ingredients of it preserve their power to act upon the in- testinal canals, so as to clear them of ex- A Substitute for Lumber. The latest in th aluminium Lo for pounds. pose of Toe fee bald Sent aha capa ium, ‘when put up it contains 190 cubio feck. _ Broken down systems, shattered nerves, are rapidly res ored ww Miller's 6 Ginpiisel Iron Pills. Mars Through # Tel: not make the planct Mars appear any bigger mn does through an ‘Too Mach Publicity. engagement be 3 broke my with Miss ky.” Sicklen—No. “She was going around telling every- with her.” New Hfe for a quarter. Miller’s Com- Pills. A Terrible Te: “HT ne there's a Dew tl yh system iD transmit 4.00 words @ minote.” “Say, Ta like to have ny wife dletate to 4 fora minuteor She—He's old enough to be.her father. He—Yes; there’: fool ‘ike an old fool who marries 4 ete Miller's Worm Powders make the children healthy. CANCER aie ee ens surillg ve you you ee curing In Westminster Abbey 1,173 persons ‘have been buried. i Jess Than the Mem. in which a female pick She stole the purse of gret that I saw the of the court room free. “In the corridor she met o1 entirely among CREA Cate ens man is the prisoner that it is Witicult Gpconyict Sie. ge female thief is the meanest of all thieves.” se and Effect. Bill—That fellow looks terribly twisted. Jute’ \der. : “Because I hear his wife. turns him ground her little finger.” — Yonkers Statesman. cases of consumption so far advancedt That Bickle’s Anti Oocsamptive Sprup srl not eure, but none so bad that It will not give relief. For coughs, colds and all affections of the throat, Inngs and chest, it is a specific which bas, never been Known to fail. expectoration, thereby removing the ple lezm, and gives’ the diseased partes Waiting fer a Repert. “We have a new preacher,” said Clerl- “How do you like him?” asked Quericus, “T can’t soy; my wife hasn’t met his fe yet.” few back for 50 cents. Miller's Eiiney 7 Pills and Plaster. pot Orliew—Ther. ss pretty well everything that’s going on. TRAITS OF FEMALE PICKPOCKETS. ‘They Are Meaner and Far More Kemorse- ald. with satisfaction an incident red. in itand a small piece of jewelry that a dead child e wornan. mi would have willing]; more fo1 Keepsake, Dut it was lost to her beyond recovery. “ worked up a case against the picky itted. Sympathy for uch todo with’ the yerdloh, but there ¢ walk out Ninth | Oorres; CENT] Is the Wheel that SELLS Ask any disin ITSELF. tider about it terested and see what he says. z Gendron M’fg Co., Limited TORONTO, NATIONAL Phasnhal BEST FERTILIZER KNOWN Best Lands RESUSCITATES worn out Lands, IMPROVES Good ose and makes the BE QUALITY or the Crop and increases the QUANTITY. [-AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY DISTRICT IN CANADA. NATIONAL FARMERS CO’Y, TORONTO, ONT. TTER. IMPROVES J.Vipond & Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, pondence Solicited. Advances Made on Consignments. MONT: Iam offe E. Gartly Parker 12 Adelaide ed E., T ALL STANDARD BRITISH aes Re aoe REPUBLIC STOOKS Sandel “Mining Exchange. DEALT IN ON COMMISSIO) rin, Keep in tone with me. money. just now. It will to ie & Neale, CODES: Hed fora MeNouT 's, Olough's, Morein; ‘The Be~ ost PLOWS, etree & HARROWS nd for Catalogue, ae STEELE & oa: Sey ‘Teas Comte © Bi, Coffees isu, HAMILTON. C:s& i Spleos BINDER TWINE AND. pone aaae ONTARIO BINDER, TW gel ANY # reliable com itor from: $4, PERSON zh ILVERWARE. 2 Peo & Agen are guaranteed | ie d by F prolite To Investors Parties possessed of funds from which they wish to secure a liberal return of interest should invest with Te Investors Guar- antec Company ; BANKERS AND BROKERS, By their system of investment Not Less Than Three Per Cent. ‘This company offers the most and profits to date upon Giving 30 Days’ Notice. Sums from $25 upwards re- Silk is considered unclean by the Mo- hammedans because it is the product of a Persiatic Sheep Dip va Sena eolones ter ay ithe te Wk ts fhe sbres.ond nwo ® sn Don lt on etter eicioe-see” tae PERSIATIO SHEEP DIP Is the most o highly medicated ead veliaile et. At your dealers or The Pickhardt Renfrew SS (unareD) Box A, Stouffville, Ont. == PAINT xo ENIFE.. "XO PLASTER. Higa off the hot Picserves the house, beauties ee: Ask for card will tell you where to get ie ‘THE DRUMS OF THE PORE AND AFT. By RUDYARD KIPLING. And a little child shall lead them. Inthe army list they them Fore and Aft does the risk of the head which ison his Two words breathed into the stables of a certain cavalry regiment will bring t into the streets with belts = oan and bad language, but a whis- and Aft’ will bring. out This pai vrith rifle, Their one excuse t they came i their eae in ane the ge of ti eine supposed to be al a general re it is The ric are decently shoveled out of eight, only to be referred the freshet of unguard 4 sionally sw: a mess table at mid- who had no right to give th disgrace that, but for the standing luck ‘of the British army, might have ended disas office eelf, please God. his’men shall never be- ‘have unhandil e British ‘soldier is not altogether casional Ja] $01, wherefore the soldier, and the col- dier ay wee earticalnsly el not be blamed for fai does ot in the least like getting burt. to make him Rirartel half the pur- a Seperiae a ee that he is be- way to gain ten minutes pan under which he has lain Pasta weitie eppertock knowledge, cursed with the rudiments of an and then we've got ‘em by the short hairs!” But, on the other Prrecal he sees only men of his own term of easing whiievand: pia vie triggers and saying, “What up now?" while the com manders are sweati hilts and dene iteady tai siutboy inte the tender and the Jrunt of a poleaxed ox If he can be moved abont a little and allowed watch the effect uf bis own fire on the enemy, he feels «errier and may be ‘orked up to the blind passion of ie tine. balers ae era general belief, lied by # chilly devil aod shakes men Ii he wed about and begins to feel oan at the pit of thestomach and in that is baal ate vod bears orders that ill break, and he will break tadly ited of all things un- der the sight oe the san there is noth- ing more terrible than a broken hae regiment. When comes the worst and the panie is really i demic, the men ioust be e’en let go, and come again, they are Ree pleasant men to meet, because they will. not break powerfally prayerful. highland ofiomet! Dy rank :_Brosbyte- rian. is perhaps om terri- id fo aedion fhe a Mien bitten thom sand of irresponsible Irish ruffians by most improper young nnbelievers. Which homily brings me directly fa brace of the most fiche little fends @ in th regiment. "They ended their sinful career by o and flagrant mu! rere shot for it. Their na fakin and Lew—Piggy Lew—and they were bold, as bad drummer boys. bo quently birched by the drum major of the Fore and Aft. Jakin was a stunted child of 14, and same not looked after, they smoked Nere drank They swore habitually after the manner of the barrack toni. which is cold swearing and comes from between clinched teeth, and “they fought rel may not have passed through Dr. Bar- bado’s hands ere he areal at the ae mer fe i cept the regiment and the delight of listening to the ba years. He hid some- where in his grimy eee a ies istaken- o1 he walked back to barracks with the d and matured fresh causes of of- fense against Jakin. other drummer boys hated both lads on account of their illogical con- et sport of the barracks when they were not pitted area rips boys. and thus On this partcnar a there was dis- pees bi They had just bee! ieedletecalig of see, which is ad te little boys who use plug to- W's anna yn was that Jakin had © ‘stunk 60 keepin the pipe i Gapocket time he and responsible for the birch- both tingling under. eee bar- “You're a bloomin Marl said Lew without heat. “You're a bloomi barstard!” said Jakin, strong ee or _nowledge that his own ances! known. Now there is one word in the extend- ck room abuse that cannot pass without comment. You may call a man a thief aa Res nothing. You may even call hi coward without. finding more ies % ‘boot whiz past your ear, but you must tar prepared to prove it on his front teeth. “You might ha’ kep’ that till 1 wasn’t s0 sore,”’ said Lew sorrowfully dodging round Jakin’ “Tl make sorer,” said Jaki genially and on Lew’s ala- you to the color sergeant. oe that to you?’ said Jakin with an unpleasant of the nos- trils. “Oh, nothing to me Yon age into scone lyon vp beset too often to “What he hell do you pee about je?” asked Lew you two gentlemen settlin their diff'rences with, their fistes scheme would have sneceed ot kin punched him i tebomenty in the Seren or od! Leweteeatned Ticking bis shina They fought togeth- er, bleeding and breathless, for half an “Tll give ” gasped goa what for“ He proceeded to pound an’s features while Lew stamped Ghastly was the ruin that escaj and awful was the wrath of the bazaar sergeant. Awful. too, was the scene in ering a “civilian.” The bazaar sergeant thirsted ra a criminal action, and his son lied. boys stood to at- tention while the bee clouds of evi- dence accumulats “Yon little devils are more Soon than the rest of the “patie t to- gether. said the colonel angrily might as well admonish thistle down. ‘and | can’t well put you in cells or un- der stoppages. You must be floggee again." “Beg your pardon, sir. Can’t we say nothin in our own defense, sir?’’ shrill- Jakin. “Hey! hat? Are you going to with me?’’ said the colonel. SNe. sir,’’ said Lew. eee = aman come'to you, sir, ansaid he was goin to you. 8 ain, for" avin 5 Sat otk friend, si wanted ily jarnwar did, sir, an ’e’d’a’ done it, sir, e 'adn’t ted $ We didn’t major, a nor yet reported by: a! ¢ Tna—bat don’t ik it’s fair, aa for a cly’ oe to com over a man in the ar: A second shout of Tighe: shook the orderly room, but the colonel was grave. ‘What sort of chatacters have these boyst”” asked of the geant m: casein to the bandmaster, sir,” returned that aed official—the Hed soul in the regiment'whom the feared—‘‘they do everything but ie ei.” ‘ts it like we'd gofor that man for fan, ais" said Lew, pointing t plain! Sone admonished—admonished |’ said the colonel testily, and when the boys had gone he read the bazaar geant’s son a lecture on the sin of un- as a scratch on faces,’” Pee te tell th the ekin off aa ae. Understand that, you young devils.” Then he repented of his speech for just the length of time that Lew, look- ing like a seraph in red worsted embel. lishments, took his nior a yearning s master every instrument of the “There’s nothing to prevent your be- coming a bandmaster, Lew,”’ said os bandmaster, who had ay capoed walt in the interests of after prat “Said. T “night bea bloomin band- an be asked in to ’ave a glass 0 sherry wine on m i is vave a glass 0’ teeinee I8 tp pone cB ‘m goin ter? Not L sete Tn A Sangatonnd ee ie wean master says. sergeant’s cane aged not” eee oo hag prea “bein tangled along o’ er love caste slut of a ma—or we'll give you what for,” said Jakin. The man attempted by reprisals mocking the boys’ heads together. The of his own and worked day and night ee he say?’ demanded Jakin a an you'll bloomin well ‘ave to stay in the hanty room while the mess sergeant daa “S"pose to be s bandmas- There's nothin like takin to a thing The a ’ment pate ome for another seven. a lance then or pees Thus to Jakin, pas any in- irtue would erties Ca tarae pete ot pee are small priety had not the rumor gon as the regiment was to be sent on ac- tive service totake part ina war which for the sake of brevity we will call ‘‘the ibes."" regim Th ey wanted t to go to the front ere enthusiastically anxious aes but they had no knowledge of what war faceeaar ate speculated om the chances of meee ind at saving their pay. At headq said: “The i ines of commun: tion.” And this would have ‘been done ties ‘Brigade ‘em with two imerts,”’ said headquarters. be knocked about a bit, but they iness before they come through. Nothing like a night alarm and a little ene up of stragglers to make a regi- smart the field. Aaksth till they" ve had half a throats cu! ‘The colonel wrote with delight that the tem! men was excellent, that the regiment was all tha ed and as sound ssoas smiled d with sober joy, and the subalterns waltzed in pairs down the m ter er and nearly shot themselves at revolver practice. ere Was ition in the hearts of Jakin and Lew. What was to be done withthe drums? Would the band go to th 2 How: gaany ‘of the would accom the regiment? pany ‘They took counsel together, sitting in a tree and emoking “It’s more thi Dbloomin toss 1 they'll leave us betind at the one vith ‘ that,” said loomin bugler,” “They'll take Tom Kidd along, that 1 oan plaster a wall within not they won’t take “mie let’ an make Tom Kidd so yon ou Pid "is “an said Lew, cliente on the branch. with fore “Yas,” said Lew, with an oath through emokin on an empty stum- all right.” “You'll do,” said Lew. and gazed across the p! “Lew.” said he, ‘‘there’s the colonel one ain’t no good, Eo dager We “The doctor says your "eart’s weak Ses a his asta 3 deka poral screwed ts one me and said, Thats “I've "eard o’ men dyin when you ‘it “em fair on the breastbone.” “Not a they say, less you dig up ground an see what niggers ‘ave id. They're a A SWEE] REVENGE, west my boy Reu rn. sk spring, Ae ver Visi fer him - ride, 1 didn't Kick-—go0d «=> joes young folks good, am tatar-on 1 bo A slap up. nickel plated rig—good pur too, T thought. But inna” 1 didn't know my biz when E put through that deal. rve had" tee raid" ehe hull Ber torm sence Reuben got a ‘When he waa learnin fust along, he'd come home bruised a An 50 w: rmeea up T couldn't ask the boy tee ~ ea a spell I sickened of it, ‘cause I see it suited bimm too wel Ap ‘then he Sina - “Centchry club” am ta soem ® Hundred oie b’gosh! an not be home all An all the sani ‘He Zone about the place wa'n’t wuth a meal Of good cold vi sittien 08 = dow ace Ste ben got a paid rege wth tom on we rt in An bea Teave ‘Om ter git a drink, an then, hing ” too, an raced aroun’ the tow! All bent up BE fampin sok. cont ‘Tobkrau the ash fer damages that E ld: make-er 5 It's cat me forty viliars clean sence ben got a wi ‘All summer long I let him ride an never ‘opened, hea But when ‘twas winter then I set that wheel turn sls pe crosscut saw. An then I saya: oy son,” says 1, “T know ye like tei So git up on that weet an bump, or else Til tan ye Ye're quite ai ronees ain't ye? Well, ‘chen, ncoreh right off the reel!” wood sence 801 T've sawed up thirty cord er Reuben A. W. Bulletin. got a wheel! Tl Used. Johnny—Have | ever had the measles, ie Mamma—No. Johnn: Johnny—Or the Rainy M&mma—No. Johnny: you have nev- er been sick: solange: even the whooping ‘cough Bastia! “Nosipeea! Johnny—Why can’t ras never have anything that tig children have?— New York Journ: Chotce. Rumsey—Mighty poor judgment that ‘Tompkit t .y—What’s the latest? Bumsey— Went to a.pound the pean night. and what you s’pose he "“Damsey—Give i it ap. famsey— mustard Said = thonght it at come in Ee for much grip —New York World. Call esley.” said his wite, asaiivias the plaintive eal of the infant broke of the midnight hour. pling.” —Philadelphia During the Cold 82: ‘Mistress apatite for "hee break- fast)—Bridget, are Voice (from bli phonon out Throw a chest, an I'll try| here ekimmin the crame, mem Mistress—What are you skimming it "sean pepo t his chest, which | with. Bridget? Voice—Wid a jack plane, mem— cago Tribune “Say, ‘w’en I wuz callin on York Journal where's dat nickel I gib yer yer sister!” —New :

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