“It Shines Wor’ All.” ‘Vol VIII—No 23 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1899 MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publish HEHEHE Wee Hee Hee Hee HEHEHE Hee HEHEHE WEEE HEHEHE Meee Hee HEHEHE FE KE RE HE HE HE HE HEHE HE TE ERE TE HE NE VE EVE TE TE a Pn ain WEE HE HE HE VE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE ETE HE HE HE HEE NEW MILLINERY This Week.—Prices be- low cost Must Go, Take a lock at our Dress Goods The Prices are astonishing. béeveeeeeyubpeece ee eee eee eee ee eee Dele ie ole ie ale he oie ie ole Me Ae i he oe ie ie ie ie ee le ls ie le i DE HEHEHE NE HE HE HE TE HE TR HEHE HE HE HE HEHE TE TE HE HEHE MO HE TE HEHEHE HEHEHE HEHE ENE HEHE HOHE IEE ie ae ec WERE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE REE ETE IE HE IE RE EIS TIE IS MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS Our exhibit of these now very fashionable garments for summer wear, is a veritable-expositom in itself. It represents the handsomest effect, the most beautiful combinations and the best fitting shirts it has ever been our lot to show, while our prices are, of course, alway below those of competing concerns. SILK FRONT SHIRTS. Soft, cool and elegant, just the thihg for warm weather, something new at $1.50 each. Come here for Shirts. Never since we are in business have we shown such a display of nice up-to-date Neckwear. We also have the new Tie called the “Rudyard” ; just the thing for boys’ and in handsome Shadings. ? We carry a complete range in LINEN COLLARS and CUEFS. Iu Summer Underwear we carry a complete range in all sizes from 25c. up. In Summer Clothing, our stock is complete. In fact we have everything a gentleman requires Crosch & Pfeffer = We are paying 10%c. for Fggs and ric. for Butter. LOCAL NEWS. Jersey cow forsale, Apply to H ScuNevKER. Sees tackle at Kertcher’s Red ee Mille, of [Ratcyrile, spent a, few days in town las | iss M. Shea, “ot Stratford, i Sunday with Miss L. Schrenk. x In confectionaries we lead, others follow. Kertcher's Red Flag Store. Miss Elsie Rooney, of of Stratford, is at present visiting at Misses Burgman ea “Bastendorff spent a few days in Stratford last’ week, The Milverton base ball team is billed to meet Brussels at Atwood off} July Ist. rr. W. H. Kertcher of Woodstoe! is spendiog afew ag at his home ii Milvertor excursionists to the farm grounds on “ 26th. ne apples, bananas and oranges. Tae fruits of the season at Berteher's Sign, Red Flag. Mr. Geo, Westin tman been en- gaged as travelling =a by thé Stratford Herald. Mr, Joseph Coulter left on Thursday for Embro to supply for the Revs} Jackson for the summer. Kertcher’s restaurant is a palace. His icecream is a a Call and sample it. Sign Red Fl June is the finest ed to view the Experimental farm. Take sarang of the excursion on the 2! Torrance’s, who is the Steinberg-Henrich school ue Messrs Ranney, Hass, Diechert and Kelterborn wheeled to Zurich on Sat urday, returning Monday morning. Baseball enthusiasts who want to see Guelph and Hamilten play should take in the excursion on the 26th. Do not forget the date of the ex- cursion to Guelph on June 26th. Fare from Milverton and return 85ets, 8. S.No. 9, Logan, will hold their, annual pic nic inScott’s bush on Junt 23: ‘here are prospects of a great gathering. about 14” years old with fairly good education. Apply at Sun office, Mil- rton. Ifyou have any paper hanging, painting, graining, caleimining or any, thing in this line todo call on Schaefer & Schauber, Milverton. Miss Kastner and Mise Beatty, o Sebringville, and Mr. Corell, of Strat+} ford, spent « few days at the residence of Mr. James Trim, this week. Mr. Charles Wilson has been station-J ed bythe London Conference. on the Thoradale circuit for the next year and will enter upon his duties in July. Remember that the 28th Battalion band will furnish the music at the garden party to be held at Mr. Thos. agwood’s this (Thursday) evening. The semi annual district meeting o* the Grangeman of North Perth an held in Milverton on Tuesday an was decidedto walk at Palmerston ar, year. The Donegal eciool picnic will be held in Mr. bash Fri4 day, June 23rd. The comurittee in charge of the affair are making extensive preparations fora big day. Mr. Charles Schmidt, of Brunner j who, a week or so ago, lost 1 valaable |” cow had her replaced the other day by the neighbors taking up a subscription and purchasing another. Mr. Schmidt feels very gratefulto all thosé who interested themselves in his behalf. The Rev. David S President of the Tract and Bible Society, of Toronto, will take the morning service in Burns church next Sabbath. Collection in aid of the Bible Society. A grand pic-nie will be held at Gurthage on Friday, Jane 23rd, under the auspices of Court Evergreen Nod 142,C.0.F. Robert Elliott, H-C.R, Lunch will bo supplied free to all|¥® A full line of scheol ante at| The agent Wanted, to learn printing—a boy Ge st, to give in, here they g grab their on and shovels and go to. work. If attitude is taken by the men all over the road their case will be worse than before. A little staying power would mse aid them in securing their Cold see ae alt hours at Kert- cher’s Red Fla Mr. G. F. Maitland will bes at his studio in Milverton on June 16th. Please make a note of the date, Priday June 16th. Open from 9. a. p.m. The best photos are fice cans in the day. Monsey Loanep. — When your mortgage is due, or if you want to borrow money on first class mortgage, | 7 come to the undersigned. Lowest rate of interest charged. i with us_will Le strictly private. JAmEs TORRANCE. Mr. William Freeborn on Sea after drilling 165 feet for Messrs. Pfeffer Bros, struck a strong spring, the water rising within 50 feet of the surface. The water is sai much softer'than that which is nove being used ‘in the boiler. the Klondike are working miracles for the farmers of Canada. Thine | mortgages, Las eee Farmers can now afford to improvements. Good loans ieee "—W. Mowat é& Son,Stratford. Mr. Charles Trim, ex-Reeve of Mornington, and Mr. ‘Maynard ‘Trim while hauling stone on Monday ceived ashock by lightning which knocked them done. Mr. Maynard afternoon after Segstying nee shock he felt quite dizzy and lai The Brook’s Comedy gan! are at present playing to crowded tents on the show ground. They put bled one ‘of the best musical shows to anywhere, Brook’s and Tae s violin and banjo playing is marvellous. re also. a most excellent feature. Over 400 were in Saturday and Dacia Fevenings. A rain and windstorm. passing over this section of the country on Wed- nesday of last week and though not-of a paral desiructive nature, wrecked the barn of Je Chalmers,of the 5th line of Mornington, so badly that it will necessitate an outlay of about $500 to pair it ‘The roof was carried away and the building was shifted and bad,] ly wreel The North Perth Farmerg Institute will run their annual excursion to the turn by regulartrains on the 27th. The Canadian league baseball teams Guelph and Hamilton will play in Guelph on the 26th "Tha garden’ party nner she anspices of the Tadies Aid of the Methodist cburch on Friday evening last was a genuine success from every point of Lview. The crowd in attendance was very large and though the evening was rather chilly, it is surprising how much ice-cream and other refreshments was punished as the booth. serve great credit from the manner in which everything was arcanged. ¥ The Stratford Baseball team has disbanded owing to the fact that it was not a self-sustaining institution. The general management of the asso- ciation seemed to have their hand against the success of the tail enders, and the Stratford management found it adifficult matter to fight strongly constituted league teams, biased um- pires and the ee so they gave $50,000,—The gold discoveries ab] “! re-|™men of the section’ in ‘Trim says that throughout the whole aR up the ghost and several good bali Baas are out of a job. Té the striking trackmen of the G.T. not deserve any raise in wages. whenthe struggle isat the mostcritical We understand, ete anil fear of one being pro- inoted over the other was the cause of their going back. Later.—As the Sisnnde gang weve at work on Tuesday afternoon an un- known gang came up the track and mobbed them with stones, etc., compel- ling them ee take leg Ear for shelter. ‘The trac! who go ‘k while a a a is ge eg Bese expect however, | j The three year old. child belonging to Mr. Maynard Trim, owing to & rotten plank on the well top, fell in, a distance of 21 feet, but received no in- juries other than a few scratches on tne of her checks. ‘The little child” had the presence of mind after coming to the surface to hang on to the pump log until rescued, which as may be as Mr. James shot down By well with the agility of a practised es Borden: party to be given by the oan ‘of England people on Thursday une 22nd, promises to be the best ever given inthis district. soe have secu ices of London arpel besides cae jocheee: tractions, One of its special features is that ofa promenade. The grounds specially arranged for this Es tis our sad duty to announce the death of one of the a popular ene the person Wm. Carey who died on Wednesday, is was largely attended showing the _ ng oe in which he was . resters of Carthoge lodge areas holding a picnic in Samu Burnett's groye on Friday, June 23rd. They have amongst other amusements ed engaged a merry-; -go-round for the occasion. A good time is expect MILLBANK. ‘A terrific wind storm accompanied by rain and hail passed over this place 4 last Wednesday afternoon. The barn _f of James Chalmers about a mile south of the village was badly wrecked and will have to be almost completely rebuilt. Mr. R. Glover while sa a) wheel at a high rate of speed had the? misfortune to fall and fracture ne collar bene, There are rumors of wedditg bells. Institute is beginning to attract at- tention and a number are speaking of going. ROSTOCK: Mr. Kreuter has just had his new. office neatly arranged with shelves and drawers and he 1s now busy putting § the old books and manuscripts in an orderly shape, which has been greatly needed for some time past. iseasé has broken out among a few herds of cattle in this neighbor* hoop, and through neglect of proper treatment some of the animals may be lame for some time. Mr. GC, Vaul has just completed the house at the Ellice Centre cheese + factory, and is now working at Mr. Rehberg’s barn. Mr. F. Diebl has just completed the stone work on Mr hesea’s barn. e youngest son of F. Zimmerman, Robrrale died of pneumonia and” was buried at the Lutheran cemeter, on Saturday. The child was just one year old. The miost novel article of commerce known of in this part Has just been placed on the market. Young ducks ct el old are selling for three cents ote E. Youngblut, of Hullet, Huron Co., is visiting at his brother's. Mr, Freal, of Mitebell is etecting four new cement culverts for the gene at D. Smith’s, Kuhryviile. Mr. Schneider, of Kuhryville, has ‘m money on them, and Gan resold the same lambs to. auother buyer. The first buyer ‘entered an. action against him for settlement and the suit just took place last weel Schneider was fle the stock they buy. The surmist rie ‘sports are one of the feavares. further perticulars see posters. public syinpathy to go with them very far hen they get tito diffictlty again. farmers shall soon be on the alert alse