Milverton Sun, 15 Jun 1899, p. 4

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Subscribers who do not receive their regularly will please nouify us aonoe. | Guely 6+ this office for advertising rates, THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1899, In Various Places. ‘There is now a small steamer em the ‘To salute with the left hand is. deadly an inscription stating ‘isis businens an a thelr employer's name. It is considered that Japanese men are among best needleworkers in the ae Foran equals being the women ef Russia. Coco is lpg for bye ees i a said was thus ite Te- the cocoanut semblance ie ‘@ distorted tae foe Be In ch has long been known os “the iad of oppisiton.” the inis of clocks are turn reund, while the bands Me peep ms are fe forbidden to drink wines Before a Chinese woman is married she \d state to her which is Lean in large eae the keys of which mariage inf Loe takes place by day or early part of the morning. Sure Regnlators—Mandrake and dan- ion are known to exert a powerful in- ence on the liver and kidneys, restor- thful action, i e agreeable and salutary medicine they are, ‘There are few pills s0 Stteotivens they in their actior ‘hay resort to it here in ae case of wife beaters prove , good digestion, refresh tg ts sleep eta ine use of Miller’s Com- Chet celpers oie ier if he knew I had -worshipers, ing in pe ‘uot pat srinbent a7 Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Insurance Againxt Appeals. suits. On appeals the varies according e e appeal is taken. ‘The premium on Lord Chief Justice Rus- sell’s cases is ten per cent.; on those of one judge. whose decisions are frequently reversed, it is 90 per cent. Miller's Worm Powders cure fits in jome Market Quotati sugar raha imn’t my reason,” said id ae inees bor; “it’s because coffi ¢ is me with Mother Gra raye's. Worm Extermin- nr. Ht never u Jay Iooeen ‘the clothing, give plenty of fresh | rear ater in Smelling cot ac sestealecse shoal oat ‘be used con: ess has returned. Spates Home soca Miller’s Worm Powders cure all ail- ments of children like magic. ‘Adatioct-Ava 60 are eas Witt react that yon bis svar kissed? es, Adalbert; .the others ail took the initiative. pera gs ks—Weren’t rprised to see your husband coming Belge sane ‘Mrs. Ban! ee I -was prepared for it; Isaw him go Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. ‘Christ's Problem. sw to make others serve us and lift us up is our problem. Christ's problem DOINGS OF THE WEEK ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM AROJND Pruned, Punctuated and Preserved t= Pithy Paragraphs for the Perusal of Practical People — Personal, Politieal and Profitable. ‘THE AGRICULTURAL WORLD. Joni 53. Railway May a “00, grec 000; plang ris 1208, $710,000; increase, $61, Sir Charles es River Wn, president of the Grand Trun! Sa lacing English and apy at with Klan and Doukhobors. is, a ees ie peeing THE FIRE RECORD. Fire at Huntsville consumed the plan- factory own D, McCaffrey. Loss about $2, Archie Mc! Nair’s saw mill at Smee Two OPE. straight cars loaded wi! Iumber were also vonsum: Smith’s barn at Queensville, i by High Lights, A woman is never to marry 8 man who likes cat {Selloerey ca talk, bat ft tikes genius | to get listened ‘to. eed who reads bied always run; the soe reg until he can get eee poor boy can ac- cena es be ho hag a rich father to fall os rr ay true humorist is the uncon- orist; by merely writ other ledges coat hiee wabeea it she ban only thought of them. working. It is the saine e with t ive organs. Unregulat from time they are Lkely 10 throw the wuol. the flagging faculii Ger all pares of the Aral ORS pat manifé remarkable’ urage in poled It is said that when a himself wout until assistance is brought. The Coughing aud wheezing of persons troubled with brouchitis or the asthms is sively WEMaeiue ‘ce themsselyeg and annoying to others Dr. ‘Thomas! Eclectrie Oil obviates ail this entirely, safely and speedily, and benign Femedy for lameness sores, injuries, opie kidney and spinal trouble: Absoluwdy U silos ee One—My boy, ible peek ze out, remember th inact oeraen ante syorld Faecal the married and the unmarrie ee One—How about. the wid ows, gov The he Old ‘One—Don't try. It would be usel How’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by jacob ies ‘was struc] five horses and two cows, were burned to a cinder. A sh from pants to Madrid snnounces that General Rios, with the remainder — the Spanish troops, has sailed for Spain. The aay ees 8 report that Lient.-Col. Du Paty de Clam, arrested ore children took & promit Japan is from Shang that 13 peas spies pad by Bi Carlin; Heights passed a deciaedly comfortable day ae a atte a few proséra eat’ were reported. aa jUALTIES. sday morning Mr. J. Stewart Miller, Peart ed in the “Montreal Cus- House, fell into the canal and was ioe boy named Ernest eee, of Colby’s A young drowned the Schyan River. worl . J. R. Booth’s ene) res fe is also suffering aoe ‘UNCLASSIFIED. The Legislature tour to Algoma has eeg arranged to leave Toronto on June the eerie ee ae houses of was how to get down and lift others up, to help them. d the S.°S. McClure BREREY & O0.. Toledo, © known F. Wrere Tas Wha com Draggiats, Toled ve Bar TRADE Whole ole Warprg, Kimgan nee Drug sts, Tol < Hall's ‘Catarrh | Cure is taken internally, lee dicectly upon the biood and mucous sufi the system. Testimonials x perbottie.” Sold by all Drugelste je Really 7 the dot of a teacher you that pe oda exravagan vials fat nthabs what haaioentst {But what did he say?” “He said it was criminal folly pier money on the CaaaeEAHor euch actin 3 La FITTED WITH BUCKEYE TIRES YOu’LL NEVER HAVE TO WALK HOME. THE GENDRON MPG CO. umes bs on Ha COMPANY COMPANY one COM Bh wo without nauiterant seany Ki Canadian farmer, 801 14-1 seein ig and ony veettin with ea Wi rate WTO AS FARIS Wnneas Rn Mees Fi Wiad cunt WS PANY COMPANY TWINE Fall len strain. Fu regi t sibs. acre: Np ciutaetn in entirely of pure ila Hemp Moslttely tho tert ever citered. the se. NATION AL BINDER TWINE FOR 1 OASH with any one of the follo PLATED WATOH, ste Febeed pelienls tena Teen: rope ieman’s size—maker's guar: SOLID GOLD RING es with genuine Geen a x lg rade Mark MUSICAL ees ne rides, in Nickel Silver and and accurat a hai are emnemienl yee aie HOW IT IS DONE: n or agen eas ony for eas te time-piece. lla direct hr makes 0 losses—Eeve very ts, do foliar a doen its cor sig e, ties oe # lot of NATIONAL BINDE) jand—so mu dol rest until after dolats cash That in where the premium comes He vances by reason of the F iit} pete ae From the Pha annoe 2 ca qhetner you wa Ga oes Vatter. sem ompany reserves the rams te refund your money ifthe price of nda piece of strin: fincas all Iottors and snaie all remit pine war or other causes: Manila moses ORDER AT ONCE ana make Hemp savan Note, Post ‘tice 0 Order, Express Order he. 5 he Mie joa! e aize requre sees Payable to NY MATIONAL NATIONALNATIONAL NATIONAL NA\ FARMERS FARMERS FAR COMPANY COMPANY COM PANY COMPANY COM NATIONAL FARRERS COMPANY, uirers are beberle toany F Mercnauila Agony and fo the Buiter of this paper as to our ret TIONAL NATIONA| SES. = = So seo <S-<o— jponsibility. HUAS AREAS AKERS FARRER PANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY es = == ATION EI "ANY oes 25 Miller's oe Powders are a wonder- ful medi for the ailments of children. ~ Unfair Trick. aes ‘were nt folng to waite to young Hankinson sexi written me s dozen s hatoced anaworelh ak GOs tauk oa ha iutEa pagsious snail’ iderriteend jak im what it was about. Minard’s Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. ‘The Savage Bachelor. Bill—That fallow ats ean twisted. Jil—It's no wonder. “Why?” “Becat I hear his wife tarns him oan fee little finger.” ar Sms,—Within the past year I ae a three Ge ged on ae hea been rem: the applica- MINARDS. ent IMENT with- one any surgical operation and there is no indication of a retur an Caer. W. A. Pirr Clinton, N.B., Dennala Ferry. My daughter bas 1mprovea so much that = ‘ould hardly Enow her—Miller’s Com- yand Iron Pills did it. hut It. ‘When through the gates of Paradise I'll bet he does not close the door. A Draw. Who is the li Keka pee ‘m, it’s a draw basaon aed coal J. Vipond & Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mi Correspondence Solicited. Advances Made on Consignments. GOLD, SILVER AND COPPER MINING STOCKS. er of the ae establi im a member y Gala, gilv frit Republic, ished STANUVARD MINING EX- ver and Copper ks hand. rincess Maud, eo Pin have recent fnformation relative to the last five Republic properties. Phone GARTLY PARK! ER, Mining Broker, 12 Adelaide St. E., Toronto ————oad Maitre d? Hotel Butter. Put about six ounces of nice butter o: a plate; mix well with a little chopped parsley, pepper and galt and juice of halt alemon. re-Eminent. , Iam at the head of my class.” How's that, Dic “Teacher says I'm the worst of all the ‘bad boys in school.” Of every hundred Portuguese peasants only 20 can read and write. PLOWS, none ene &! HARROWS "The Best Made. " Gatalonae. cocKsnurr PLOW TEORD. [UCAS, STEELE & BRISTOL, f°" Br Comees or cnoctns, "Eis. & Extract Writeus. HAMILTON. LS. & B. Spices BINDER TWINE AND ROPE. ONTARIO BINDER TWINE Co., 113 ion Station Arcade, Toronto. 223 man and the ice man, my 601 Company ping eneree ‘-You say the popular Miss Smith oan play the piano. I never heard her.” “Thai's inst the point. chs ca wt STEEL T ex Lees prBk Fine ‘stam, Grain Grinders, | Fights off the hot sun, preserves the house, beautifies it, as well, and gives satisfaction if you use SBR ie =| HOUSE PAINT BARN P. All dealers have it. Ask for card or send to us and we will tell you where to get it. A. RAMSAY & SON, eC Mont WOMAN AGAINST WOMAN. SY MRS. M. E. HOLMES. Roy Darrell was kneeling by the ‘of his ne treads and the girl who had become ‘heart in its golden sunbeam, CHAPTER IL “Valerie, you will not leave me, Te question was put im a loving, ler tone. her proud, im- gmning too Jong, and that you were tir me.” Valerie bent and put her warm red xt ace are Soe but they wil "Vales ues had flushed crit ery white. as she Tae, 4 “I am perfectly happy; I want no one ‘but you.” Lady Darrell oak the soft coils of girl’s head. It wa: brown stad | that matched her eyes al- soe in color. skin was (is pa gies with Peee Ee: cheeks, and pecans he akon aol ‘by its puri ace me, aes but now to bee “Does Captain Itivers ever stay with this mother?” ae asked, speaking in a ard, ary fm Lady Ds did not seem to notice {ty she eee slightly. : I cannot say that he er. Roy bee have Eustace, of course, ently te join his Seiaot lee a he different towns in which it is car ed, but beyond that, this is his Val sharp breath. “I ‘often laugh at Roy, and tell him ever oie a wite, nor do I for the mat- ter 0! “Why? asked Miss Loni quietly, But Calg ep eee eer ae was opening her letters as she spoke, and dt nt se he @ look of pain that crept over her guest's beautiful ‘Ab, there is a letter from Lord Wil- dy Darrell, “then I ee ee eee height of ata tint Thad had you for my cried ily was Darrell rose softly aad" Tiswed face, “Look on me pels such, dear she whispered; Her sentence was nee: for the door was gel and the butler ad- “vanced into “aig nti a ‘park- ‘keeper in the -wervant's-hall begging to see you. We've told tim ie is imposible; but he will not 0.” Lady Darrell seated herself at the table “A park-keeper, fee she re Valerie.” knows, perhaps—” iit “ess Woked es: ter hastens wise -emiled. “Some begging petition, I suppose “Well, Ohelmick, I will break through my run “I beg pardon, 1 my my lady, but if T oan speak to Valerie *T will go into jie oer room,” she ‘eid, and swept a “Now, Miles,” “aid Lady Darrell 01 sense “My tedy, I bave bad news to to to you, for t thought it best.” “Go ea said the lady quickly, as he esitated. “My lady, Sd morning on my I found—I Psa | repented | ‘blankly; “Eus- a Darrell dooked up. Her eyes, gulch, fell on a silver at pon his lordship; it must have taten et as he sar still standing motion- fave carried the body to my hut— Pex ty I live anes al alone my lady— came tozou what I had dle a horse and ride to Nestley. You must fetch the police. We must find the murderer. ‘The words -aoien like agony from the white lf “Shall I stimmon Lord Roy?” said to have es Hes his Tordship? {" “The blow ‘has le heavily indeed,” whispered put out one of ier slender hands, within his own vith reverence and gether as silent as a marble pune i the butler came. Miles gazed at her in stops He and pain “Tn the police: station, Nestley; go at once.” Miles bowed and withdrew; ed her asta white, a fixed foe of sietih in her glorious eyes. las Darrell advanced to me ent’s iy true? Is he dead—mur- “He is dead,” answered the older wo- to an then she lay stretched prostrate on the ie same cet face, Lady Dar-ell J, and press- to carry the still form to me alone,” she said as they loor—“quite alone.” cortege pray that it may Roy, my darling, ™my percions ee ies or blood Roy Darrell was beside his mother, had eas Pere. to her feet, and clasped her Roy! she gasped, fearfully. Sens never prove it, am innocent of this crime! CHAPTER IIl. “Answer me at once—at once, do you ‘ear! Tell me what took you out of the ‘house at day- her Farmer Bro through the newspaper, after were fast “T cannot tell ie) Aunt a,” girl id ia isenee fae, pat “sCanmot tell me, indeed, you hussy! er mak in shoe nothing = that eats ie, out of and hom Alice wae “No, it won't. I mean to tell me ail. Where were and this morning, where is the basket, and what message did Mrs. Grey send?” “I cannot answer,” said ain very quietiy. “Then Til make you!” pea Mrs, aly, pes da a farmers Brown,” said Cariyle. ngs in ice?” enquired the magis- you're be rude to me; your punishment’s come.” Alice tool notice. She moved for- ward into the doorway. Bae is your name?” asked Sir Tee Dornton, sir, but I am al- lease will you fo Were apa the woods, ecompany please, at pare to ee Castle; you will be wanted.” Alice tied on her cotton sun-bonnet she going to be punished "kare i am tne wp af the Cae Mrs, Brown. tain Rivers was een Ty rik Jast ni; Miss Dornton is chief witness against murderer, Lord Roy Dar Mx. the village ff The or cat back in her corner very quiet and qjlent, she was bowled moron? but a Saal hay all but visions that would float away in mist. She had hed a great strain put on her luring the last few hours, g, firm to herself, hi tad done oe she fe bad been ath t erauitude fiat ied in his eyes as they separated ti sense of h: Hs this man, that she had served him “The fly oer up to a side-door of the Castle, and 4 dismounting, was led by the four o an eel sitting- pease off the servant's qu: men oa left Ries a Sarpees Se Robes Carlyle had forbidden anyone to speak to her, ‘The moments passed, eat hed she ‘was summoned to leave the She iene pe many piesa Roy Darrell standing alone, one hand leaning on @ aa) behind him three or four polise- PAL ing tabie Wugipteted Sie Baka Cariyie, one or two other gentlemen: and Miles, the keeper, had evidently just given his evidence. “M. Dornton,” Sir Robert Carlyle, speaking tain, “approach. Do not be state on you ever seen that gen! ee fot ner silent f "Yes," she said, faintly yet clearly. ae ig it?” (Roy Darrell; and—and my ree eyes Sed the husbar "The ¢ ase tones rang through the still eae ane 2 bell. cd from Sir Robert Car- ies, Hie Ve se to his ja. Your haa he Suegan blankly, Roy, is this Roy as ‘his glance ‘al “It is quite true,” he said. “But since when nee taken place?” “We were married se morning, at Nestley. ae ‘as Sas reio “Good Hi Sir Robert “ok out his handkerchief and wiped his bi en he waved the policemen away. ihe "othe gentlemen had risen, and were whispering together. Se eee avanonl | Ge a: Goa this marriage “ro BE corrinuzp.] Mother and Son at the Zoo. I once watched a monkey, mic on a baby in arms, being fed wi The youngster was ee eas a have a grape, but his mother, being either too selfish to allow rei to share vaghs treat be afraid the fruit might not rt her ay 3 juvenile aigetvs im did and spoil the child’” when he became “obstreperons. As his parent would any purr the little fellow Nctawel to obtain some on his own account and several times escaped from her arms and began to climb the wire netting in the front of his cage. but was promptly hauled tack by the tail At lengt! th he sar oe. thee actu: aes over betaine Coals “Little Folks.” ‘The Courage to Bt Jule Clarsiie ts fa ties fe this story of Erckmann and Chatrian. Those who have studied the works of pe wines It is eaid that = skeleton of the story always came Gti! atu BVvIne ct fat ak Bron the other. When the work was con- cluded, the joint authors fat t fa jndg- save over it and read it all or “What do yon think of it?” asked e of them. we is very bad.” said the other. Erckmann and Cha‘rian increased. Prettiest Part o! ¢ Language. Papa—So Emily Sande at the head of her class in French Mamma— pix She: a aeteretecst girl ie exactly even in ‘ten exami- nations, but it was nected that Emily shrugged her shoulders more correctly like the French. —Tit-Bits, NOT IN STOCK. And Spun ot ¢ is Ze Found Any= i Customer ia in the suburbs and i want a watch Dealer— heat “But, Restte T don’t want one that will yi us awake all night (Bee ing at ee “No, “He nae be Sas and strong and fierce, you know. mu et as gut as a lamb with us, you ki "Yes, mum.” “‘And he must pounce on every bratal tramp that comes along and drive him of.” ‘Yes, mum “But he mustn’t interfere with any Boor bat Bavlest isan looking for work.” “No, Pies puregiad cannes uct tiaie around at night, the dog should m meat of him in an instant.” “Yes “But he mustn't attack a neighbor who drops in ne an evening call.” “No, m eportan ree hes rasta t maples people who come hurrying in at all hours of the night to call my husband. a doctor, you know. “No, mum. I see what you want ‘You want a mind reader dog. es. I suppose so. Can you send me cnet 'y sorry, mum, but I'm just out of pi kind.’* Meets All Demands, mily. Why are yon waving your bantihi ae ae ite) papa has forbidden Ton the house we have arranged a code of aie nal mil sehen is it? gelina— When he waves his hand- rerctiat five times, that means, ‘Do yon love me?” And a I wave in reply it means, ‘‘Yes, darling!”’ Enily— ~Aa ow do oa Pasi othe questions Saeite We don’t. That’s the whole code. —Tit-Bita tice Is Freaky. meanest man in the nation.” “Tt said he lived in a certain section of the state, and a man at once got up is the fel low, know about that. He SS ea got $500 damages.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. rex:rting Himself, “Ot aid Mr. Meekton’s wife, oe man tn and is ye are one.’” “Not rietta,” he sosreied oe fists terial polite- our ‘ase a man and his wife svat least Sie Cand/e Wate Win the ae HAG Philo: Applie “Well,” said ue Balin, “we sourve ike cake puter pas to be lying around loose.”"—New York Journal. Peau “Hello!” Salina the man whe cae “Aguinalde “ML dida’t see that in the e paper.” No, but it says all is quiet jae Philippines.” Load Of His Mind. Mrs. Honkley (severely)—It’s not of of that, for I couldn’t do it tosave my- = Bitterness. “I youl’ be declared bitterly, ad = I must take you for better or worse!”’ Truly, a most unpleasant dose is qui- nine! J f A Misapprehens! “Dear, dear! ieee yon come te fall in?’’ asked the ie eee come fy tabi in, ” plubbered came to ”—New Or pray acbeumatre Got Itt Lady—I a soa: are the worst look- ig. oe Lev Maa am, nit ‘s enly te the pres ence of uncommon beauty I looks se bad. —Tit-Bits. Unkind Nature. Groogin—Too bad th’ shamrock don’t bloom. Dugan—Yist We need a national flower! A Famous Sachet. One of the sachet powders with a name the

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