The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JUNE, 22, 1899. 62 YEANS QUEEN ‘To-day our venerable and well-be-|ard of beer loved Queen has nm reigning 62 ears upon the British throne, the long- est in the records of English history. ‘And probably in history has no Queen ‘been so much idolized, and at the same time worthy of adoration as is Queen Victoria. Throughout the vast Empire colonies’ and dependencies’ hearts sacied oe that make this the most illustrious reign in British history. known to us—as Victoria the vener- able and Victoria the well-beloved. country, but she has raised tl morals in her country; not merely as far as her goyernment can has she preserved the peace but in- eeful serene a the Empire, but she has, iol Rerwarp.—In Mawbas on the 20t! | Oupesneno.—At Wartbu inet... , | Mizrer—Be the wile of Wn. CS cass aight Epa wife of Rev. Oldenbers, ota danghoe Cuau —In Mornington, {11th inst, the ‘wife of Jas. Chalmers: of ¢ 300. tases Millbank, 9th inst, the wife of rev Babb, of a daughter. B&B MARRIED. ) nsz—Avihe residence of the| brides fathers om capes, Tune Mth, he Rev. Geo. inkbeiner, Ba . Henry Miller, to- Rew. Willis B Becee, Chesley. and I claim for her, raised the Bae of human nature itself, and though we exposed to all the splendours of the reatest throne, she has been able to preserve to her eightieth year a repur tation not merely unspotted,. not mere- ly unclouded, ia one that has, to my belief, exalted human nature- itself. (Cheers.) I believe that this epoch. will live in history as one of the greatest which history has: recorded: Thrones. as | and Powers, dominions. and. sceptres, eighteenth year all the pasae all ee power, all the ace that the world could offer her ing was left | her crumble and pass away,_as-history il tell you: but W believe thab this and powerful reign will not pass away, that it will:remain embedded in See for long centuries. to come, and will have its influence over generations 7< unborn, and) countries that perhap: | have yet to. . spring into-existence dee ',| the auspices.of the Anglo-Saxon race. has not merely be ost tae of Great Britain and Empress. {of India, and) d,. pare head. of the colonies—she has ore than that, By sina to. who appreciate ee, in ioe laces. ‘Lord Roseberry in speaking: at a - banquet held in her honor at the Hotel Cecil in London on May. 24th, said, fix meee that have preserved this Empire, which she has also so greatly attend! Twill explain in a momen! When, in 1848; all aed neces of’ Burope.were qiwuied ‘and some of the Sovereigns of: Europe were only too us-to.eross. the. British channel security here, none of, Great, Britain almost along-imthe-shock, stood. undisturbed owing to.two facts. One was, as lieve, the-oraencipating policy of . the fhe Queem. (Gheers.), And that was 80, not merely, with regard vo the pre- servation,o£ the monarchy, bus with regard to.the-maintenauce of the Em-|i: pire outside..these islands, of which so little was.said.aad: thought at the com- that unites its one h dred, and innumerable milli ions of Tai “and the English—tha-Anglo-Saxo all over ‘he the Queen? (Cheers.) The « is the bond and the symbol of the.Bi tish| Empire. ‘None like those Psee around me, who have seen two jubilees of Her Majerty, can doubt that fagt—can doube that if under other sues 2 and under a worse sovereign ferent | form of government was ever to bo established in these islands, nog merely, acknowledgment, all claimed for her. She has done: some- thing more than this. d all thi all over the world. It is not alone her | own throne that she has establish a base incomparably broader and stronger than any other throne in the world, ut she has strengthened all wous thrones, all uprightmonarchs, and I believe that in the United States to-day you will hundreds and thous, nay millions a upright, ardent, and convin ublicans, op- to monaachy in eae shape and forw, who will make one reservation, throne she occupies. time is ruuning out. I will at least say this,in conclusion. -I know not by what naine our Dore will be known (Cheers.) | M ipa Abat verdict ; buen at least I can say ty| sehiat name, in, whag, vermashe pelygamy was openly practised an She- lise |: e f hy (et (Cheers.); Now, gentlemen, I give you e | for the first, time binge with a the-honours, the toast of your Quee: impress, on = 80th bisibday: e eae cheers. The toast was Maas drunk with twice-three-times three. ‘ Mormonism Deceptive ‘The: Mormon settlers i in Canada are of that Territory as a Stat have been able to see our young girl : 4 an offer. a Fillet you know how it,turns out.” t North Perth Farmers’ Institute EXCURSIO TO EXPERIMENTAL FARM, CUR aay Monday, June 26, 1899 THE MONEY SOME MEN MAKE. Fresr Max = ‘‘ Hello Bill, what are you driving at these days, yon seem to be en the jump all the time and walk as tea gi you had*imyortant business on hand. D MAN :.‘* Well, the fact is, Sack, a little prosperity puts the drive in a man. have struck a position at last,after a year of hard luck, which is panning out first-rate.” Fist Max: Well, that’s your ee For the above a Special Train will be run for which the fol-- lowing Excursion Fares will apply : Tine. Atwood .| Milverton 8.06 am. Listowel ‘ 5 8.12) Britton é i . 8.22 * * | Peffers 4 4 8.45 Millbank 3 8.58 Arriving at Guelph at 10. a.m. for I am doing mighty little these days. what have yon strack 2 Seconp Max: “I bave taken a book agency from Tue Braprazy-Garnersox Co.. 8 | (Limited) of Brantford, Ont. been at me for months to canvass, but I laughed at the idea, and at last they made me a good offer. so I vhought I'd give it a trial. Ihave been at the work now two n | months;, and I like it first-rate, and am go- ing to stiek to it.” Fi “Say Bill, do you think I could do. it Spy for Isaw the adverti a2 ment ot this firm yesterday, for more men.” Sxcoxp Man: “I don't see why you icould not, but write and get them to make Maw : “ Thanks ofd map, I. will only. this, but the highest dignitaries in the Mormon Church gave the most solemn assurances that 1f Utah was admitted to the Union polygamy sould Meera | bis renounced. But 1 been admitted eee all pa was thrown off and WANTED ig) Children between 5 and 12 years, half fare. Returning Special Train will leave Guelph at 6.45 p.m- and due in Atwood at 9.30 p.m. Tickets at all stations north of Stzatford. pros: to return.on , Tuesday, June 27th. Electric cars run between Guelph and O. A. C. Farm. League Base Ball Match, Hamilton vs. Guelph, on June, 26th. at Guelph. Join us and have a delightful day’s outing at the Farm. Good Coaches, Fast Time, Come One,,Come Alf, Remember the date, MONDAY, JUNE 26th, 1899. | JOHN: ‘BRYDONE, D. A. DEMPSEY, ‘JOS. ‘0, PUGH, ., Milverton, Vice-Pres., Stratford; Bony Milverton. DEERING LIGHT DRAFT Five young men to ho would not object spend pant of their time at can- BRADLEY. Pen CO., Limited, BRaNtrogp, Oxt. sanctioned by the church authorities. Last November Brigham ts, in Congress, and the question as to whether or not he should agitating chureh circles in the United States today. While the Mormons few in uumbers we are not likely haye trouble with them, bat etna ccessions from the United States, which an anti-Mormon agitation there | Corrected meokly ‘by H. M. Schaefer, te weated ix EU in the Northwest are Spray Peas COMMERCIAL. LVERTON, Tune | ae 1899, IDEAL MACHINES \|Haye rile orginal.and genuine , Deering, Roller.and Ball earings. without fault. ‘Apples p per bag ed to our national problems. SSRs Ae EARS ‘TIME TABLE HIGH:scHool, ENTRANCE. FIRST DAY. in| A. M.—8.45.-—Reading regulations. 9.00 to glish Grammer. 11.10 to 12, 40-—Geos raphy. P.M.2.00 to £00—Comp jon 4.10 to 4.40—Dictation, SECOND. DAY. sf a0, to T¥.00—Arithmetic. 12.20—Drawing. “| Pat 1.3020 3.00 History. ° z THIRD DA’ : P.M.130to 3. 00—Phy. cat Temp. PUBLIC SCHOOL, LEAVING... A.M.8.45.. “Reaig Regulations. tHe 13 to wo and Tem. RESULTS ARE SCARCE Wallington, crushed the power of Napolean, and'yet won fewer victories .the'Spot” the day that Hon. Biil Adams won the battle of Waterloo. A brilliant American victory has il last six mon’ oon SncunseSeSsuReses . Fer sale ae . ROE, Stor Nexr Door 70 tus Bank. bs ‘Apples, per, bag Butler” per bag hogs . Boek cper owt, Wheat, white red. Sei aBRS who played the pars of ‘-Johnny-on-|- Jumined pretty Raises day in the]. as yet the Ameri- te| can senerals b have, piricsd geese rea-|_ It is asknowledged ie everyone HARVEST ‘TOOLS. We have a full supply: of all kinds of Harvest and Haying . q 4 Pr cols such as Svthes, Snaths, Hay, Rakes, ete, Best {‘ Lardine” Machine Qil. _ BUILDERS’ HARDWARE Our stock is: large and, complete, at lowest prices. A direct importation of Glass EAVE. TROUGHS... We quote you lowest. ices on,best gene eo PAINTS ail OILS We handle only. the best brands of Paints and Oils: We , White Lead and Linseed, Oil absolutely. pure. Pure Pari: Green. . Import. Yours Anxious to Please, Finkbeiner Bros., Eggs Taken Exchange... that our bread is the! best. on the] market. Even our, competito acknowledge it as they all ss fused to compete with us. for a prize. Though we took first we do not bake for shows alone but make good bread all the year round and to prove this, we ask that you give our bread’ a trial and we are sure that you will be convinced. sens to sit di and wi weep | i quer, for, more| V; WEITZEL, "Tha Baxer- Having fora number of years done. Custom Tailor work I LINE, and. have accordingly. secured a new,Stock of Thave engaged MR. ‘GEO. BUR ON, who has had a-, wide; ex Montreal, as, Cutter, 2 The Standard of the World. - Come and HxamineThem. Also a full line..of all. other . Farm Implements made by the... best manufacturers in Canada. — Milverton. % MILVERTON. | to the ~ ailor: “I cappene al b Davevo give What have-decided to launch into. the MERCHANT. TAILORING ; experience in the best shops | in: London, England, : and. ; Y -bepwee jpurgeon and a The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1899. GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. Rossland Masonic Hall was desy troyed es en give that orphin a serene! “T think 50, Bob,” replied Mr, Spurgeon; “ but hy? “Cause I’m hin,” said Thy story ae that the “orpban” had the sixpence. ———-—_— DONEGAL Mr. John Wilson lost a valuable young horse which died of infau-| Nation last week. The junior 12th line football team Federation has been cave ia er defeated the 8th line team on Satur- South Wales br y 101, 100 to 7! day evening last by a score of I to 0. Bourgeois his been asked by| Extensive preparati jons are being Penden Toubet to form a Ministry. | made by the young people for their Lodge of the Canadian | pie-nic on Friday next, June 23rd. Oddfellows js in session at Ingersoll. Mrs. Allan McMane: is at nt | Mr. Matthew Wilks of Speaee visiting relatives and friends in the Park, near Galt, isdead, aged 83.years. | Count of Leeds, The Scott act was repealed in iad County; the majority against the act 540. —_—->—_—_ ANOTHER NEGRO EYNCHED,. New Orleans, La., Juue 15. See iats Gray, m negro, who was arrest 't. John’s parish about a year ago eich das resigned his seat in the Legislature | Gp. Morrelle,. Snape: negro, and ewing to corrupt practices. charged with «series of burglaries, Tn the accident at. the Black Stur-| wee lynched yesterday, after having geon mine near Rat Portage three men} been: released by the authorities ee were killed and a fourth seriously | cause there was no: evidence against ipju him. Since his confinement Gray has ‘Nothing seems to do aman more|been very sick and when released ° he good th than to be able to pay a man|atarted to'the home of friends in the Mr, MeNish, M.P. P., of West Elgin Eclipse BICYCLE is:no experimeahibat is the per- fected result of mechanical skill coupled with expérience, which lhas demonstratedithe fact that under all conditions of weather land roads, the E¢lipse is more satisfactory and gt than any other type of driving mechanism, only bioyele Great Dissolution: and Rebuilding Sale The firm of oth & Guenther will dis-. solve partnership on or about August 1st. We; have decided'ta.sell our: new stock at Great: Reduction for the-next.8 weeks. For genuine: Bargains tr us :- on earth wit i and Brake. PRICE = oaster $50.00 JEWELER. Next Door to Postoffice. P. H. BASTENDORFF who has served him a mean ae in pest of St. Peter. He made his wa: his own coin. Reserve, where his strength A meeting of South Ontario oe servatives at Whitby nominated M: Charles Calder for the yotelection| soon to take place in the riding. + mechanics: operated week, and just as their booty w sight’ they were disturbed by the awakened populace. ees ; g the guilty parties to justice. ‘The casualties of the United States Morrelle, the other negro ely was since the outbreak of Rosh iiyticued last November: —__-—__ ANOTHER OUTRAGE, be sent, to,thia country. These are we longest, days. of the For eleven ‘days—from June |‘ jth to 27th. ‘octave ibe time from sunrise to sunset is 15 honrs, 17 min- s. For the benefit of the large rinmber of people who never see the tan fisep it may. be stated~ that, the|<cstce can stop these’ ovtragen’ or iu eyent in question now. takes place at |honest attempt to stop them, i Biey. wulere | 4.22.a.m.,, while sunset is at 7.39:p.m. fed to compiain if all their slaughter- On Sunday morning, June 4, while a gang of men were gearing ae be poate track of the oie i ae fofuttering 8! maply wort: against the. per- now in Itt of these wtrocities- fawns on them ‘or. their i guaranteed ; i the best... a * fit first, : Next Oh, Say, PERRY’S Going to Selliat- Reduced Rates For the. | You wilf'save-money- by, calling z|and getting your Spring. supply cheap. We don’t keep, any. bank- rupt stock. All.our.stock is andi nobby and Cal and: get your D. PERRY ‘Butter and Eggs Taken in exchange FOR THE For Indigestion, ; Get te seriously injured. $s 2actes PINEAPPEE Zehc Draggists fex,35e a Box of 60 Tablets. An enthusiastic barn rai 30 CHAPTER XII. By ae the excess of acid in| stoma By exciting the natural accumula- tion —S action es the digestive fluids im and the other under Wm. Hossack,. with Daniel Ross, framer and’ ‘builder, master of ceremonies. Same.ves Sola at all druggists for 35 -cente—sixty] f|jtableta in box, Sold by Jas, ‘Torrance, Dr. Yon Stan's Pineapple Tablets Encourage you to eat what you like, ody liandsome young native little more | they correct indigestion in’ a natur than a boy, alleged shia aes land had | They relieve cistress in an instant. belonged to his family for generations, Days : we will endeavor to clear off the balance of our stock to make room for Spring Suites and Setts. Bargains will be given. Call and sec. Wiederhold & Honderich MrtverTon. Next.60. Days| but had been wrongfully seized by the defendant some years Turning before. - to the defendant, a grim old war chief of renowned prowess, the judge asked . him for his statement of Sele The warrior rose, pointed jainful 7e Fo ae bel a rains EVO TOSBUY “Fifteen years ago I ate ore oe THE BEST. The pac zs mine.” An : defence Lord Nelson once sent his coxswain ladyship had read it, sl Json’s coxswain a shall it be—a pot glass grog or « drop of punch?” “s your i Jack, “I a bit Th take the: Sage ae flo wing calomey | is reported boy in his pane Spudgin, s'posing there was an orphin ‘syluman’ a hunnered orphins in it, an’ all the had uncles an’ auntes to bain; % IS PUREST IS STRONGEST: IS EVENEST - ig LONGEST - ig ctl dealer does not handle Ei DRESS GOODS. . $1.25, $1.00 and 85, 75, 50, cts..going at $1.00, 90,70, 60. . 42:.cts., lower lines at prices accordingly. FLANETS. 12%, 10, 8, 7, 6cts,, at 10, 8, 7, 6 and 5 cts. LAWNS and MUSLINS. _We have many to quote you prices but call in and see for - yourself. LACE CURTAINS. AY splendid range at tee following prices : 35, 50, 75 cts. . 1925, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 and $3.50 at 30, 45, 75 cts, 1.00, . 1a 1.65, 2.00, 2.50 and $3.00, LACHES. An endless variety (6000 yds.) largest range in town. TWHEDS. A splendid Tweed at 35 cts. per yd., better ones at 40, 60 , and $1,0c. RHADYMADE CLOTHING. Suits were 5.00, 6.02, 7-00, 8.00 and $10.00, will go at . 4.25, 5.25. 5-75) 6.50 and $7,75. Children’s Clothing at same proportion. Readymade Pants must go-at sacrifice prices. CARPHTS. Wools and eke at 30, 40, 45, 50.and 65 cts., were 35, , 45, 50, 60 and 75 ¢ Poles were ee at 25¢. will go at 22¢., while they last SHIRT WAISTS. 6 doz, were 50, 75, $1.00 and $1.50, must go at. 49c, Don't miss this chance. ; WOOL YARNS: Sarnia mills best Black and Grey at 45c. per Ibi. Berlin , and Zephon wools 8c 0z,. Our Satgens, double-width, 10c. per - yd., worth 12%c. ? MILLINERY- Get your Millinery from us, priees and, up-to-date Pelt and ; Summer Hats:in good-variety.. GINGHAMS. 1234, 10,,8:and 7 cts. as 10,8, 7 and 5 ctsi:. UNDERWEAR. . Now-is your time to buy..Cheap Underwear: Clothing, for - next-falliand winter. Willi pay. youxto, borrow.the money, if * youaeed' anything: in this. line. er f Ai, nice assortment in; Children's: Sweaters. in Navy and) ef 0 ¢ts..; Men’s Grey atagoc., . CROCKERY - DinnerSetts 18.00, 14.99, 13,00, 9.00 and £1.00, 10.00, 8.00 ane $5.50... Red? 200, at J4:00%2, Nice Fancy bone (large an 35-ctse+, GROCERIES. x tins,Catsup for 25c.;3 tins Corn for 25c. c.; 3. tins. Peas | for 25¢.; 3 tins Shoe Polish, sects 250.5 Ib.4oc. Blue Ribbon Tea es . 333 1 Ib: Baking | Seda, 3 33. r 1 ‘lbs Coffee: for $1.00 ; 8 packages-Garden Seeds 250. - No Goods These Prices. . | Call in and see for yourself what we are, offering. _ LOTH & CUENTHE