serene cians TEND OF GTR, STRIKE. Call at the office for advertising rates. THE MILVERTON SU THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1899 ets D,_ Steinbach’ nee ‘Thomas’ Saficient, gece, ape skeet pleasure in recommending it asa family medicine, and I would not be without bottle in my ho: willow ‘covered with the blue and white cretonne, ‘White muslin curtains, tied back with blue ribbons, tthe windows, ~ Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, ete, fi T Sdldrene ct Adee f the largest companies ta New England furnish statiotios which risks in ridin, poccrialg ‘Fas were to afoot, a 418 occurred on strect F steamships. nly 1,727. One way ta] ri ~ dispel a vapors Toke pense the wietines of is disorder i is to order them @ course oj are ne, dg Golan tesa sii I suppose,” re ked Uncle Allen Sparks, “for Bretty wach me-reason that a hog squeal: 14 wants to make a noise in the world.” Irish tenant lately observed that t aga An ‘was a “hard thing for a man to out of the honse which his father vult ‘and his grandfather was born in!”” How’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars were for any case Cider tba that cannot be erat 3, {CHENEY 8 co., ower have known F. chenty fc tor ie nes ‘Years, and believe is etek oe nor! pete all business transactiont ‘and finan ally liga tions mac ade b Ae Weet& Tears, Wi Molennie Dray Toledo, O. a S reesreca ba CAN & MARVIN, 5 aureetiy ‘upon, the blood and saucous ‘surfaces ‘Testimonials sent Price 7éc. tle. Gold by al eal “She married him for xis money, and he Tost it all inside of a year.” “Dreadful! How did she take tt?” “Completely. She got itll in her con- trol”? ee one Miller's Kitney ? Pills and Plas A’ Biblical Explanation. could never understand rriages in heaven, as yray to distinguish it (rom the other place. My wife is having the best of health new. Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it. whirt, The tube of a bers inch opis which is used spiral the rate of 75 times a second as it rus throt i A Feint of Resembiance, be * think golf is more or less like the “How is tha: anes ge umber of peoplé who "¢ know much about Miller's Worm Powders make the children healthy. is an ‘article in this mper on athe Girl to be Avoided—* es Oregonians Men 1 Bnew. hs etl wn ooo to get marr Ceol aud Brac! son—Man onght ieee to be in ac- ink 50, too; and as bracin, ng tl mieathes ‘will ask you to lend me ten dollars. Miller's ae Powders for sallow skin; od or you Ne Crowding. ‘Money will not takes man Te! yesterday of the settlement of “the. asa. eured by] y 3 281 sach member. tions Were Successful. Sir Wilfrid Laurier Pleased With the Result—The Arrangement Arrived at ments by the G.T.R. . None of will ther by the superintend- ent or by Mr. Hare himself. The company will furnish rtation im all such cies, x Hays also, stated that m information that he had re te ‘elieved that there would. be foabd t ny overt acts having bs eng pisses, Tnveddition to ther abostion ere are other matters to be y for overtime, and ulty, was greatly ple: Sir reas ‘Laurier in the mat w the Executive Puts It. SLES agar tise tends the tllowing yesterday: micable arrangement following is the official ‘statement ee the Grand Trenk re the strike: which they may time.” Buffalo's Labor Wa) Buffalo. June 19.—A secret ieetng of feave Bight and & proposition was draws up, demanding an ropgsition Will be submicted to Compiny by, a committee of onus will at once be ord Quiet Sunday in Cleveland. mi pet aml on Hoalid wreue line. Secas To the clerk e the Legislative Assem- all my rights or title to sit or tov x:ch member or in any manner to act as (Signed) Donald Macnish. His Fate. Bronson—I saw Harduppe today. and sthe few words we exchanged convinced me that he's going to the dogs Jobnson—You don’t mean it? “Yes; he told me he was about to em- bark in business as a sausage manufac- ro) Mr. James Sutheriand’s Negotia- ay MEN RETURN TO WORK AT ONCE Bie bilty. woul be heartily of the food s whole question with a committee of five| th Th excellent medicine ma: soiiarats Syrup. It soo minishes t dispensed with throat in| posi De differe: in ire to take up, at that | [20 a The Feminine Observer. ae aE at . x The bitterest troubles misfortune that was all ourown Esl are so fashionable that a woman n be forgiven if her temper get rufited Seauiee: % he woman who ddesn’t own any ved red the trouble about moths destro; ion re none in the world ready to pier their inflnence by any possi- bad. kle of the ae the pitcher is the en the thermometer ally realizes the joys of he ood os his own table and inj you can give the really hospitable rons is to fail to eat tells her the candid truth about at lang healer is found in that sold as Bickle’s Anti- soothes and di- ily alithe membrane air is a scandal the men would admit who did the pro- dng moat of tha tinke the novels won ey many hush ds are Braves be- cause if they weren’t their wives would be something w: ‘When you hear a woman always tearing other women’s husbai pieces you can be sure there is something mighty wrong HIS OWN FREE WILL. ak too aroney ee ENARD yin my honse- hold for burns, sprains, etc., and we would not be without it. tis traly a wonderful medicine. MACDO: Pablisher avuprior Chrentcle, y Was Fool cheeks ef that woman over there, and this is the result. ized Regulator.—To bring the digestive organs into syminetrical work: ing is the aim of physicians when they find a patient suffering from stomachic i rising virtue in bringing the refractory organs into subjection and restoring them to normal action, in which condition only ean they perform their duties proper! tr Memory L A Itis the third pre D853 which goes out song an “See dead where serried make the history of our country im th years to come. Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Sacred Fires of India. isited by Parsees in i ing the months allotted to the presiding genius of fire. Ob, my! how your complexion has im- ine Yes, Miller's Compound Iron ills did it. ‘se for Voleano Di np 13 years running without any other inure. look so much better: ys, ana a tel eer air Compound Iron IF Your pty FITTED WITH BUCKEYE TIRES YOU"LL NEVER HAVE TO WALK HOME. THE GENDRON MFG CO. ur Toronto, nt. TAINS NATIONAL are NATIONAL MATIONAL MATIONALNAT TONAL yee FARMER. FAR FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FAR! et GPA COMPANY eae COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY ee aura ATIONAL BINDER TWINE i EiStoinac pombe made.en without om any find, ee eicraly iets est. ‘ever ol ie Canadian farmer. 80 1bs. NATION AL BINDER TWINE FOR following valuable and useful SpzoPEo: — = oH =o =e $11 CASH with any one of the 14-Karat GOLD-PLATED WATOH, stem-wind- ing and stem- nea guaranteed reliable time-keep- or_lady's ieman’s size—maker's gu soriD Sou ‘RING ban) with genuine ¢ pares and Opal g' ke! ‘Trade Mark a guar tines OLOOK, ale sides 5 in Nickel Silver and -—a handsome teeta and accurate time-piece. ee endin, ng plc . ensue the hi ‘i a he Na re HOW Le US DONE: sie ar Farmers; « ioes business onl: lor fests ‘full duty. We AR H Jot of NATIONAL BY and—t so auch that the bank rate of beats ee meer harvest, on the! money locked up, will amount to many thousa dotlars.’ We want to save that interest and give va pihe return for cash. That is where the premium comes it rect to Pecrims This Company resorves the ae refund your money ifthe price of reasol fippia hilt ine war or other causes. Manila Phar p women froth tb the Phi ni Islands, ORDER AT ONO! and make oreain ou 1, Express Order ‘office ad= yo Pay freight on the Tw paid by mail or ex Fo cainot make = os a piece of str! Sine cakaraee iene we all letters and make all remittances payable te. ie FARMERS COMPANY, ufrers are lgsearneyl i icerreuel Kor of this paper as to our respon: GOMPAKY edectdemnnldnt Ars, wed YT | WATIONAL NATIONALNATIONAL Ni NATIONAL Jue see ates tes FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS: FARMERS. FARMERS FARME! COMPANY CAANS COM PANY C ae COMPANY COMPA COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY J. Vipond & Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oorrespondence Solicited. * Advances Made on Consignments. © ESE a TIV urtee rom! eenensnans in by tue ES Clarks of, el tte . " now I can recommend Reins “Particulars upan applica Phone 1842. oe et experienced mining mene Among ther exer ers Sam and Ge Golden Lion, Lite E. GARTLY PARKER, 13 ging, Tether When 308 wie se Wi lint, was the judge's charge Tele Sashes aes ay. Sx-Juryman—Not acent. We got two Rote aa ot. alee a day for our wor! e—That’s nota square Wag BS cele ae was to have her withou® A BOON EMT T ics | Minaré’s Liniment Cures Distemper. ce t a aie ing iro “Jim, the loss of that five dollars is like a barbed-wire fence.” “How's that?” to get over.” a Met SRE Fa Miller's Worm Powders the medicine” for children. 3 PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS "The Belt Made Send for Catalogue. COCKSHUTT PLOW CO., BRANTFORD. [UCS, STEELE & BRISTO suo of erecta ‘Writeus. HAMILTON. BINDER TWINE AND ROPE. ONTARIO BINDER TWINE Co, 118 Areade, Toronto. Ee Bi Vomtecs Sears off the hot sun, preserves §. Rxtract ouse, beautifies it as wel bane gives ees atitaitien if you use |, Ramsay's :| HOUSE PAINT BAR) TNE, A. RAMSAY & SON, | Qegeeeggieg 25: )esarrss PAINT St 7, A a MAKERS, 8 turer. ’—Philadelphia Record. Watch Co,, Toronte, Outs — “IMPERIAL LIMITED.” .P.R.Inaugurates its100-Hours’ Service Across the Continent. FRED BARBER’S APPOINTMENT. How the Hamilton Smelting Works Com- Strike Riots, EN at os Chicago. given pin’ by the police on Saturday giv: 2,088,430 inhabitants to ahs Windy City. The United States smokeless powder sworks at San Raefel, Cal., blew up on Saturday afternoon, Four men killed, ¢ Presbyterian. General Assembly at Hamilton on Saturday spent most of the diay. a inrasing semanas OTB eg, Taine! India, College. jg London hotels are full of rich mmodation they wanted. fof Montana and his asso- Min- D Advices la, faaia) say ‘that Wazeris are raiding the Bannu district and a number of villages havi burned. ‘The Pi Townships, numbering abo through —Onta Toute to Muskoka Trunk trai day ‘On & spotial Grand Fred. 7% ‘Barber of { Georgetown, nephew of Mr. John R. Barber, M.P.P., bas bee appointed neem of the Northivoat farm how being established by Sir William Van Horne, ‘he $100,000 testimonial to Sir Wilfrid Laurier is making satisfac- een appointed the London, Eng., repre- sentative of the <Alleroft Son large veneer factory in New Brunswick. @ Duke of York has decided that his dng on methods calculated to as British ble, bie eee nied os coe ‘hours—that is on Thursday. ae Gilrie and J. angie broke ti process of the law. THE LEGISLATORS TOUR. hur on San- rt pirseitenp Port Arthur, Ont., June 19.—The ce vincial legislators w! uring north- ‘The Party Reached Fo day—The Imm a to morrow they will visit & & Rainy iver Hallway ay. Marckand Welc; France, June oy the mayor nthusiastic crowds. His passage from the railway station to she residence of his father phal progress. TRUTH ABOUT THE TRANSVAAL. Situation Is Full of Trouble—Sir Alfred Milner’s Plain Speech and Ii eit \@ Result— Three asst out. for redi bes ae eens mea) pect te ae British eines within crisis is show nor of Cape Colony he is =anes the constitutional theory to act upon the i Goce ti adie the improbable, and the third, in the absence of the other two, i certain. everthel: hat I said last oe have War isnot in sight. Al- a He now F aates that the arbitration A FEW MORE KILLED. American Soldiers in the Philip Keep Dropping Off A KLONDIKE QUEEN. returned after 14 mobie the owner of Gomes valued at $50,000 and it Fea tle of “the Mining Queen of ake. where new goldfields have been dis- covered. Hard to Explain a “I fase 8 ee day Tot, ‘vuitaae” he asiced, increasing wonder, “ aoe besa Set Coan parlor,” this ATELEPHONE CATASTROPHE Rather Costl: ° Both Parties te the Un Experience. ‘The train was late that night, and At- lanta seemed a long way from the south coeery in which I was compelled to ours. Lourled up on a bench in the l little waiting roo: sight of the as 1 walked {ook out of tha window 1 bell go _ting-e-ling-ling and 9 ello!’ und, but didn't see any- boay, cor dida'ts say nothing. The voice Hello!’ ‘This time I answers, “:*Who is it?” the voice say. ‘Abe Tur- when it tells me: ni acy but I only yelled ‘Tdon't no sioh thin Pen would lik So son you,’ the voice an- swered. “By that time I was mad, so I called at Iwas maa! ‘Yes, Pll settle wi youl’ I says, and with that 1 Jered eas apn " ‘urder!’ he ee A lot of men rushed in we nabbed m ‘Turn me loose,” a. “There's 3 | YOur crazy man.’ But they iends of i his’n and neers ‘me into that iifencie iidin, bot- iceman took me off before “They kept mo locked up all night, Next day tied up and told i Bank “own $10.75. oy oe the town vey outis Compani Daniel Clark, Medical Supers intendent of the Toronto Asy= lum, said that fully sixty per cent. of those who came to the asylum are those who have inherited from their parents a tendency to insanity, and add- ed: “I have no doubt in my own mind that intemperance in parents produces almost absolute degeneracy in child- ren, to a greater or less extent, Fifty per cent. of all our idiots and imbeciles are without doubt the offspring of drunk- ards.” What awful responsibilities rest upon the possible father who will not fight, with every scientific help he can procure, any desire he may have forin= dulgence in strong drink. Samaria Prescription is the unfailing weapon which aman may confidently use toconquer the liquor habit and to supe plant the desire for strong drink with a relish for freedom from its debasing enslave- ment. It cleans a man clean out of the want of strong drink without leaving any trace of a former slavish liking for it. When Samaria Prescription enters the system alcoholism must go. The remedy sum- mons every. sense and organ of the system to make it go, and it makes every atom ofthe human body glad to have it go. Samaria Prescription startsits grand work with the first dose. It puts the system in perfect accord with its mission on the second day, and after that it has theassistance of every im- pulse in a man to accomplish: its blessed purpose. Within a few days it strengthens the nerves up to a condition to control his tastes, and then he discovers the dominant power of a will restored. Some men stop at this point in the midst of the cure—when only about half of the remedy has been used—feeling confl- dent, in their regained virility and strength, that henceforth they are able to control thems selves. The wonderful potency sai of Samaria Prescription is felt from the beginning, but to as— sure its effects it say, lon’t.’ Tote Bits, ‘The Paying Racket Now. “Besides,” said the Kansas woman, red from the heat of the kitchen stove and with the fumes of the Yesingion, June Bie aj 1 Otis has reported to the War Department an saattionst list ve Sasa among soldiers under his command, numbering: five mon Killed and 50 wounded. Ho aleo the death of 11 men from wounds War and PRreIEe ‘Trouble Them. Manila, —An_ earthquak shock. was fuleae Holo’ at 8 ‘s'elock on apparently under Lotto, tolled 30 30 seconds later by sbaking of th Rhodes Has Acti London, June 19.The eat Ml Ga- aan The Dakere of Weak minster will preside. frying ham, “‘what claim have you on me anyway?” it-| many fine ia sequostrated and space abolish —Edgar Salt is in Collier's should not be discontinued under any circumstance, no matter how positively sea ibe the progress of the cure hi it} been, until the whole poe w vel| Ment has. been used. One whole treatment of Samaria for $3 ocntains ‘The Profitable Age for Winter Layers, “None, ma'am,” replied Tuffola Knute | *2¢ Pg ‘sated have the ase,"”—Ch ‘MISS GI GETTING HER PORTRAIT PAINTED, —New York Journal. ative (listening with some uneasiness) Sim ail that's: another tornado. INTEMPERANCE AND IDIOCY. One of thé most startling fea. tures of the evidence taken by the Canadian Royal Commis- sion on the Liquor Traffic was the unanimity with which ex- pert witnesses éxpressed the icti that ar oF Douatt cig ee on inherit his fighting } lities?”* on the part of parents was chargeable in many cases with quali “Yes, but don’t refer to that; he got ‘them from his mother.” —Chicago Record, idiocy in their offspring. Dr. the | in a hospital in I am free.” eatieh the substance for a permanent As Fine as Silk. hundred at top: siatear seats of lan ere eg cee Thank heaven, Some men are anxious torrid themselves of the curse of strong drink, but in many cases men are cured without their knowledge by some member of the family—wife op mother—who has learned of the wonderful curative power of Samaria Prescription and the easy manner in which it may be given. Parties who Pi Sy testimenials, or advice, should write for our private address, If your druggist does not hap- pen to have Samaria Prescrip- tion it can be had direct, sent. securely wrapped in plain package, on receipt of price $3. SAMARIA REMEDY cO., Jordan St., REOEO: Ont.