Milverton Sun, 13 Jul 1899, p. 1

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“It Shines For All” Vol VIII—No 26 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1899 LOOLM MacBETH, Maditor and Pubiahe® We “ FE HE HE RE RE RE RE EE HE EE RE REE EE EE Redpaths Extra Standard Quality £eeevce eve ev paodedededodedededodedodes FRUIT JARS Best Canadian makes. Imp. Pints Imp. Quarts i ie te ie te HEHE NE HE HE HE HERE EE ERE TE TEE yes id i Me i aa - i Wine Half Gallon Imp. Half Gallon There has been a heavy advance in price en Jars by the manufacturers and prices will be MW much higher. BUY THEM NOW. ay ie ie ie le he ie he he le he Ae le le ee he ole le ec ie ie i is ote ie le le ie ie le he he le le Ne ole he ole he TERE RE RE FE HE HE RE FE FETE IS TE REE HE FE TEE HE HEHE RE HE ERE HEHE HEE HE HE IE EE IE HE TE HE HEHE ES A BIG DROP IN Millinery As our Millinery department closes this week, we have decided to give you the advantage of buying your Millinery AT HALF PRICE For This Week Only. Ladies take advantage of this saleas it means 50 Per Cent Profit to You We only have a very small lot to offer. wishes to thank her numerous customers, who have so liberally patronized her during the season ; we can assure you it was one of the best seasons we've ever had. Grosch & Pfeffer Weare paying 11¢. for Fggs and 12c. for Butter. . .| frames and flooring with them. ‘As Miss S. Spencer was returning | j LOCAL NEWS. Mr. Julius Ganihes, ‘of Listowel os Hees in tor sa McLaren, 8 poo ee Sadsy with Miss Mr. William Orr ae a valvable steer on Friday ‘night 4 lightning. * Miss Petrie, of Donegal, spent a a few| ue a week with Miss Inez Whaley.’ village on Satm idesiioadovoagiaitiy ba bean. visit; ia Milverton tor Hie past month left for her home in Fort Willia ‘A full line of school Siaplies at Torrance’s, who is dares for the Steinberg-Henrich school m ‘We have on hand at the cous Office a large lot of ladies’ and gentlemens’ calling cards. They are of the best ivory finish. Mill St. between Milverton and the station is receiving a course of gravel which will no doubt improve its con- dition in spring and fall. volunteers from remarked :—' farmers away from their haying. All appeals to be made with regard to the Mornington and Milverton Voters’ lists must be made within 30 days of July 3rd and 6th respectively. Miss Edythe Boomer, of Linwood, Lal M. I. Grimm this week. Cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Letitia at of Mil n| v. J. W. Catheart, Ph. D> of Coluber, Ohio, on July “Doth, Money Loanep, — When mortgage is due, or if you want ed. You i with us will.le strictly private, James Torrance. Mr. Louis Schmidt has two gangs of masons busily engaged in the vines this week, one gang is. laying the foundation for the Methodist parson- age and the other is vereering Mr. Ducklow’s house. The village council has purchased a car load of sewer pipe from Hamilton, and intend Jaying some of them along down Schwwidv's hill after every storm. atter The boys of 1033 L. O. L. went at Palmerston on Wednesday to celebrat the anniversary of the Battle of thell Boyne. Since lst year a considerable amsteehave joined the lodge and it is expected that many more will come members before the end of the + One of the hardest working men to be seen on the day that the carload of boek for the Methodist parsonage was nloaded was the Rev. T. J. Snowdon 6 doffd the vioth and went to work believe in the laymen doing all the}, work ; he is willing todo his share. about completed the willwright work of their new factory which is now a large and commodious affair enabling | them to supply the wants of their in- creasing trade. They are now pre- Leave your orders for doors, sash home from Poole on Monday morning she found a roll of bills in front of Mr. ‘W.. Connell’s containing $51. Misg) Spencer at once proceeded to find an owner for the money who was not long in turning up in the person of Mr. David Chalmers of Wellesley. Mr. Chalmers had been paid the. amount by Mr. oa for or oe and had lost it on the road By the destruction of tiie railroad tation at Brussels by fire last week the entire examination rs for’ the in 2 eo. Westman, the Staton, is Henle representative was in I ohn W. Barr lost on Pridey not to samy Messrs. Wiederhold & Honderich have. cee eae pared to turn out work in short wie rf Edueation at Toronto as per school law, and it is reported that these papers were handed by local express agent to the G.T.R, station agent 1n- stead of the express messenger on the train, and in the confusion attending ‘the fire atthe station they were totally. lost i destroyed. r. Riley the other day plucked a timothy and he said that was not prominent among the others. The garden party held on the eh lew under the auspices of the Bui ing Fund Committee and He Tele Friday evening last, was, under the circumstances, a success. All after- noon the weather looked threatening but notwithstanding that many people of all denominations made their ap- appearance on the grounds and it was not until after nine o'clock when every- thing was in full swing that the rain London swriker seeing the} ho sought refuge in the basement of the church and were entertained by speeches eile ae J. W. Cameron of Burns, and A. M. Haig ‘of Millbank. The music a the 28th Batt. Band was exquisite and as they were nob stingy with it the crowd stayed until after and Mrs, | ing There © bounds to the ome nee mot Captain Smith and cretlowieg Milverton’s only base- i we is ed with Milverton that Siar bis ‘he bags that so few Stratford players Gideon sight of were _ [down on Friday evening and spiked 6 the ground lest some fortunate Strat- fordite, who had inadver' tantly Zot to first, 1 steal them. done up in a witch-hazel poultice cad as in such control that he cou plaze swept that the home boys might make no mistake of place in their ilarous merry-go-roun ut it was ., Nature interfered and saved ,| noon if the weather this time proves favorable. eager’ SYMPATHIERS RIOT IN EON- } DON. ed a crusical puint on Saturday when a a broke loose compelling the com- run all cars to the barn fa £2 sey. The folly of some non-union seats conductors, and private detectives in flourishing revolvers wi lace Sa forthe trouble. A num the men now on the cars Hat ae raha minds to strike and with a will, Mr. Snowdon does not | and were successful in getting out two of the cars again, much to the surprise of the congregated crowd. Conductor Fi with groans, hisses a at which the conductor tea tis band straw that measbred 5} teet in length, | ‘Aid of Burns Church, Milverton, on] as the rain persisted in coming down } ; protection and saved him so faras they could but he received a number of eggs and stones, but was not seriously injured. The police on returning to the street found ancther detective in the toils of the crowd and removed him to safety after receiving a number of bruises and an ugly woun' At this juncture Mayor " Wilson, Ald, Parnell, Mr, Joseph Marks, Elder R. C. Evans of the Mormons, bly to their homes and make The crowd of hours though moving groups of peo- {ple apa upon the sti Spot inane Dae about ix Geleck | in the east end. At thav barn unmolested, but thi sregated quickly and when the third n the scene, eggs and stones make nearly every window, but it reached the barn in safety, the ‘onic car received we same bape eal reach When car came yoked sec stones © and missiles began to directions so thick and fast past and went in the direction of ‘the bar gnade on atriving at the loop tel it, but the police aeencael the fire. imbedded that ing to get it on the track again. The sixth car also overran the switch and was. al mbarded, moterman Regny, who refused to forsake his post was so badly injured. that he has been transferred to the hospital. ‘The seyenth car stopped on Dundas street and the under police protection. car came close on the hee! ree he ds and the motorman was so €: cited that he let it smash’ into the eighth, damaging it badly ‘The tenth car also nearly collided. The police then ran them into the barn, At about 7.30 o'clock Mayor Wilson and Crown Attorney Magee drove to the Eastend and asked the crowd to let the police run the rest of the cars into the barn, At about 9.20 the police attempted to take in two cars but they were greeted with showers of stonesand the wildest excitewens ‘The London street car trouble reach- ai ~ rei tl 12. % “the militie disappeared and the remaining two or three huudred young ‘@8/men dispersed. Quite a number. o! people were slightly ibjaked yy flying missiles, A windows were broken, been - cal Woodstock and Guelph, but it. is thought that the Mayor called for — to] them in an attack of “nerves” as the London volunteers were sufficient te quell uny disturbance. EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS. Although the reduced postal rates have cnly been in operation six months, there aye already indication, not only of the benefits accruing to the com- i red ee crowd who es, eggs aud other missiles Three other cars which came along were similarly treated. Two of them, how- ever, returned and carried several lady passengers but were not molested other thon being hooted at ‘After this incident matters quieted down a little but the crowd was in a somewhat angry mood until about 3 o'clock in the adeeb when one of paper half-year of all the schools of the fos Pde the county of Bees hese are aot to fee! Tae handed to ie Brussels express agent by the school inspector | transmission and exaniination and | the passing thereof by the | . Department De pert Upeascien he called upon a policeman to arrest him and drew a revolver. This,was a foolish move as it maddened g| munity at h «were never seriously questioned—but also of the accuracy of the postmaster-general’s predictions that the increase in busi- ness which woula follow would very — materially reduce the threatened ex- cess of expenditare over receipts, if in- caption, “Two Cent Postage a Success:” “Tt will undoubtedly be found, after a year or two's trial, that a two-cent rate for letters will produce as large a | revenue as the former three-cent rate. The receipts under the new tariff have’ « already exceeded the estimate of the pust-master general, and the proba- ae are we the deticis aie by the crowd who immediately made of him but two policeman pile to he reduction will be entirely wiped oat Nene a

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