Milverton Sun, 13 Jul 1899, p. 2

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Bubscribers who do not sores eae regularly will please notify us yds mpe| Fs ‘ STR POG ME es E DOINGS OF THE WEEK Atmeepheric Mumiaitr. ; alb thermomet or Y cchdpteheasetate air. but Valerie's taunting voice came to > used ne " W = ‘The me any apology. She must : M. PAUL DESCHANEL- THE MILVERTON SUN. | ‘TEMS OF INTEREST TEREST FROM AROUND | #5 * ag ig i brgianirad BS OMAN azainst (iter, limba. un the broken trasment | 207! Se ho ie in this Rouse eeecg eta d eee sews THE PENFECT BRUTE. THE WORLD ee > $e tower. Roy tenderly hel pas oe in meacetny to Oe Bearer e's | Marae: 3 re ping Valeds a over me intecrapted: hee engxi remost Politicians. fe Wriggled Out of It Whem THURSDAY, JUL’ ae We the rough stones. angrily: His Wit rae its Pwened, Punctuated and Preserved im e oman; Lord Radine went first wp the steps, | *¥287 ie seca ae acne my mnths Ay aut Earn I gad —— holecd SUN Aamiehabe ee eee peli Pithy P: ss then “bent to_ rive band te Alice a your fen is: eS, oo French ‘Academ made a member of the) sling out of trouble when my wite se 3 ¢ ae aragraphs fer the Perusal o€ when, cing Ce ee otaly, she] Alice. anickly. * repeated | politicians of Be ee Ee eaiiras | severe in a fib,” said a "perfect lass cs Practical People — Personal, Political ba thought she saw something glitter- | ™¢- quite: if koe misunderstand Piooted the president of the te Blige Severs conxenial companions, “Oa auch fe Wray ent a wrinkles nick of tune? = Alice listened to. Fran ee beneath an an-| Should be 1.” ae hie Gite 5 | ecrTes Eeetntter was Bealls Deseo pen Wi pian oe: A : a nt c Pe ‘Why ent pony of brandy a fry steed? CASUALTIES. Peg tg eon see that rose to her triridly, ‘ink Wife” the carl sald | literature: 3 eee avers oll od dois acy 9 assume an at of injure ee beuls cf perspiration the jewels | _ Fifteen persons have been drowned in| sac gee ne ot es te. “a pees aida ap voor aed iy, Painking his heart that Alice | was graduated in the arts Amani ae oF a oe That acide. wil Ugg Wh: 9 boating accident at P place, and as ae w plainly the something that glittered | *¢rzet that.” peierh him; “do not | When le was 20, and spent bis pre a womag and shake her: confidence in iy does a lawsuit in rial Carnar- they came in full glittered aut. jest probation-| your guilt. She ah the pockets tomtt variably wear out er he cates ‘all sight of were two dark eyes set in a pale, grim| “1 do not.” the ary period at the M f the Interiors} to Rene e will begin unconsciously a fe een une tote Cae ates aes nich te young ke es OS AS battenlaiy ee et a proudly ey apant See explanation, some sere thin he really en for syed ot Sevarday and five pave been is with “Yes; is it ‘Sa ee ete eens font ek Geen val a when sl ake pattiae o = 2 Hip ahr Dae ce cies aiveseee on Sunday a : without a peer. fe . y sh ea ep oieeie rad te at at I desire you Tiactisuns tos Wil be"eo pound Tee ing to most people? were drowned on “Stine chy Ee, ould care to venture int . ; Iam tired,” she| *t this dinner. Y« leverness that it Why shouldn't wheel-barrow come rh ‘Misainipy! Bier opeinpredp e pee Sony Wehr ight, Easy Running, Always Reliable, — 7 a eon | Site Ta and turing, she fled | Drop Toure Mie ihe Counties to womope cout ot hand pee | seal ee a a, caine | a, Soosae la THE GENDRON NPP’ eae Tate tod ember er | Pega, le, ne te lot he hin t's weno Be : ious to pick te The Werlu’ nds tell me, LB NS any of is e E pins at the end of a bowling ‘ileyh | “P| _‘The' body of ‘Annié Witson, » woman| , Statistics uhcred by m French PC CO, ura Sesoel f oat hie. a Mt Laity Alice ie frightened ot ee GT bod say its, BOE Jone £0 ee | ‘Why would the average man rath who previously bad bee Meee au ‘otal pial dd I go h Now, Valerie with a short it hi Shea: uid be detained over m: e charged with malice viol ba sopcal be | the Toronto aap nan inmate of | OF! aly that 860 different languages To leave Fe Roy glanced at his wife’ ps jis lip as he recalled her humble peat midnight. After I | Meg taal ; “a ze| eee found in the| ST° fhe wor now and that these ‘ ronto, » 7 yo eee alone, oF will may | contempesoaay en e's pale face | Otisin—“before you site 7 Boe, "entan After 1 ett onthe Bele 1 by man wht ‘The i ae jove admiratic y. tit ez and darir eee ieee ae | tae amon, Srnec atc, ner) a momen Dee Me the jtanenng ot wit now Ie Scene cree ; < gitagede iit'yon pide Wn’ tule anoaga? | 2 ‘five, Postowataunt on Thursday i «Eoin pot Se as tne oF Be Lord ents ees 20, © She wil be able too le paraette.: Wes, 1 sot Home, tees a SLES evening. The wi we ses ing “ - id nothi q pba Sur, Care: for, Headache —Bilions ene rea ee eee murder; “perhaps they wili| il. Lady Darrell,” Loins snd | ahe ot ied ae Oe pe oo ee ee sadly seietsally, = 38 che to which women are more John Masters < ti ps nation. “What i young wife In . $ ere Ww fect. th: sub- of Syracuse accidental; a wonder if I shall was it—did yon see a| Stem amazem oth c Hoses tush eee Fe pronrraine shot his T-vear-old. aangbtsr See Tee ; ‘ ‘said Frank Meredith, Poni els bay hy BS oe anaes mae erg Cee es oer ate He forma fine fan ere ia | Calley nearer Sararday aight with! Deafness Cannot be C {While he stroked the horse's neck; “Ted Yes, I eam a ghost” Alice anewi | Orctine af fe eve? pasar Torre a ie oe s effort to free tl anno’ ed staying here another fortnight.” : ‘al it. sie hs aa thi stomach from bile which has beco: accidental. ‘The pi Stay, is ur “y. cones She did not aaa “ Col eater to! Sem Sie ea dip? Racnalors vane. crazy, With| br Iocal aplcation as they gxnnot reaeh the ‘oa may, pethaps," answered Alice:| a man of fi that the ghost was| ,“1 do not understand yon. T snggest teed teitil eg ls a Be, SS esear wee me ai ina sa SUEY “earinct eben 1 l she was drawn » towards Oe conthan yan of flesh and blood. with ‘an ugly | this. not only for the sake i hen I ed suddenly that ee montralizine the cffcel i in snost dissstrovs storm: fer soveral| fov to cure deatneas, a by his frank auth. Seeks ae sh ‘i but f ce of yourself, ANEE. fawkins was seated . outealining the cfieets of the intruding years in the Calvert district of Texas oo- Tonal remedies. “D-afneas is caus ne °9 He seemed wae mocethan ab beneaih :Valerles enotee aid crv npn, pa Sone of mae seatne onl ae | under Do Marcere and Jules Simon. Hu ee eat iE and alse i Hotes Lt pease ap ine. Baer | a eee coe ‘The streams a pemierreres gigi er FRUIT AND Balk COMMISSION MERCHANTS gs eae Mle ere eae a | ee ces aeeta e e tee "He tears T shall disgrace Dim. ant a sdminiraie Pre ceaa ae (| CH KT ee hearitee Gene ea j ound or imperfect hear- | Corresponds » years. ie . for in that sg in the dark | Be despises me,” ved ben ect of Dreux. He occupied also oodness of her heart ‘the dear girt i in cer aa ee a Saati pondence Solicited. me ae corner she had recognized V: seit: re,” though the subprefec renee had arrived at the conclusion thi restless os ane ee es hantioy = eae 3 Adyances Made on Consignments. MON eo went on the i and hated a nae Paul pele eat ul orate oS an ux until 1881,) have gone to the show ngtitie that F must two of Miller’ iD, & 5 ¥ 5 dl e They Gre pleasant to Pu bier Melrose, while aftempting. to board hi ‘Translati Tea Ie do anything for yo, peel Be Pence a sea ele. Haye: 20) election he was defeated by the Radioal at sith ieee 5 Fras ake; no physic re- ae Which is in the Kingston d bytaed ee ae Hac “I yas almost lctroout Z is a business woman, Yoke ae dar CHAPTER VII. oa candidate, but had bis revenge four years gentleness, ‘that something of the kind soot ‘the gang plank and fell to the Scenes say | modest Borton mated, she interested in?” | cing do ead ete CSG NS SE a tag creat shed the Castle in revue tt byes tt lng lied agile ota lected fo represent| tore" have suggested ftselt-\to you! be: EEE ESS H co of 40 fect, sustaining ed by Hall's Catarrh Ci et eases is?” abe asked | time for a late lunch. ioe Panipat pose cue ee aks Hare et Loire| “I by eee Hst severe injuries. He was rem cularsf ete | at the oe were badly shocked re lunch. Alice was lifted ze: but the next instan’ Deschanel is the es “That was enough. Sh @ TiEne Denes ona jury, bat ittakes a| Hotel Dieu = * 53 | carbaad oy Brags EERET 00. Telede, + trom New York sispag? "queried the one arene es than 200 people es cantor say say, 1 only, Know T_ wont aeons Paice te male dooiiog an He anit ecaemb Sate aces tar [See barf si ped cnrntuat te eens coaster! Pwie's Hat es James McCleary, ruggists, yy lightning every year. 38 itis re er habit in her of the distinguished Gam! rt, Eventually I forgave hi AS Green’ a married man, who You x frien’. | hand and tured to’ : . His ora-| sol ther ste ee i apzing eu cost $700, Tevas.a lawsuit | lives in ‘Toronto, wat assending aa ao ee as ee Se ee Aicrpa dog eeebee who have devoted eB pal ears Tapes 1 aan ties erst hes ew eaten ee “meet mie in the large drawing Eats J sal “She, fre (ok yomib Gat i soloere emiey cee eres) He Senet ¢ manly art of self-defence consi ator in the Mussey-Harris Work: 10 longer I live the more Mental and physical activity sre toasts (40 Snes and Germany ag The glimt xy eee evening, ‘eala nd lofty. His grace of appear| If I had tri . So you see how it is. l gery thee dye of an neni pen mulher his foot was caught betwen ‘tha | tat the great difference be @uced by Miller's Compound Iron a bee | haa incre 4 eiey esitatea ahi “held one pee | Bee eee i denier al foal ae net seas topetier end | lished md mannor is proverbial. His pub less had tried to explain, I’ would doubt: f * legal light, who has won “ form and the moving cage. His ankle great and the the insignificant, is ent ; Fe EG EESTI eae i ace ee her with a ceive the people.’ AIOE SS OD: eens topics are valu- 6 le a mess of it and planted i prellas on slot i several um- crushed and also hi " es aterm i ores “You shall,” she said « vague sense of alarm. ‘Then wit able and voluminoi lasting seeds of distrust. As i 5 machine play, justifies bi also his leg. He was re- termination—an honest Am ‘agen te Her Fath skin, though one of the ; Se said simply; “I h What i ith a low bons is turned out, the epi it turned pee Sak lest £ sl sritieent 4a tha Biperctinn: pur- er. 7 2] e of the thinnest, « not one friend it at was Valerie's brother di and Ali ined away, ry hana episode redounds I Badoppee temdear sep ye ene Be a cunie Tat seals gut d Hewitt De you like pointed toed shoes? | 8152 snvof ihe toughest leathers tanned. SF ee eater Yoo the Abbey rains, Whs was i oing | Fler face bu slope are roots. : PRINCE | fee eevee tinge hare betag, bore e ieee Teakesree dln Lone tbe knox to amputate the quality jo anything that can be tors "when they are pointed to- MGn ace URR TYR aa e ea ele Thcned with enacee ana sala ALEXANDER. qrhen you're dealing pb naalectiangys San ed oh as & 3 of k you: 4 '—New sauarve Sone isa wonderfs memory." Seay Here! pl slalees caiman me apport, wil al LONE PLOWS, LAOEL ERS &HARROWS = write to. mi a Ho yon arene prblen too diteult for the | but Sanaa tC treat her with aught | The Seton of Sibi eieasetee Took We Orleans Times-Democrat, jon’t know about that anaes ake Ea dent of the U.S. Fideli o-legged creature withou wideack: cognsnUrt PL tatalog we, i sure if I can iI 10 solve: she stood bef Eiviaaeeed arry Queen Wilhelmina. .S. nd Guar- for 50 cents. Miller's PL oRHANTEORD. : ' 5 will always come, ey ‘ore ce brought cies Beg Comma ot Set, a | Thon of Sl wiliny Pils ont Pater ») jos sree aan, rs Fe ff Satine er fo cae so enc | urge tne el | ater "Dok w]e gua wees urned in se of ntary Oc ° : j 01 em quietly. a given her, m e ll of mor has it, FPRREDE Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper pabaepe ie secnitere foe Meu oho follow Sealey itn — presen Te Ooi a eee nea EE 2B exces i (Sermon van pe venomg roa oxic renal ks aap aca ea tng id Rees pias vac mari ay patra aetaanaaire young Queen of Hollands a lrareteenelich lini sly marina SNe ‘ Eaxnisieys cena ip tet ee pie ge aes fresh air and exer |, a aaa ere ecl Write us, HAMILTON. 1-5: % Bs Spioee_ i jae, should need his ald, but, she dia scenes ate Fe ee ae near him er heart wien | $8.8 son of the famous Dako of Tock cae] ee CESS Himierag tis | aly Religious Daily f fospital at that place. I iver i of the "ane 1 { and the next instant that she might need him. er-inJaw to Pri t violin for 25 years : connec intone | Sat eel op mat a sid omen BINDER TWIME AND recon i i ogearyea ye cag cardiaperate i ee on aigems tr pe Year more than eer she wan [Was fo ay Sibel Holand. Ale utes Sree : sccbeedl nerf ed religions daily paper in the ens pated of light ma‘ ‘ce a tuict to cock mong, thieves,” and EO line acconer Torants nn boo Sai Valerie and Lord Guaia epee legal gudeaaete! as it wes, bag best ike e ould seek another Ife, and, per ‘rent oie SA lei Ab Mon? ene SS Oe iaend an Witnese has 19 the funeral processio! eas “Ont of s ght, = ie I : t : sunshine on her dark-life. haps, in the future hat ae Cy pices as ‘a| me recently, “1 < Deen in Gee ee tees eee a ee eee tee arehiahs ee ee Brantford } sWiat ardent yon. tava’ gh was so terribly alone—no rela- | 20d peace. if not ha Contentment | {izansparency.’’ His fathor is a German) Toll ns Ts nical wort than tp im its pages no advertisements ha\ St eacas eee pantie tera Wiis ante eae rest SORES { | wady' Darrell!” excl ven us, | tions or kinsmen near to hol ‘ . ‘Durlaucht,”” but his mother is the sister| Not on earth prerlay fans eines te ees ihitthed of eheaters: pu eis iol Patt det ne tom fee, amin ee the om 0 moss,’ and FELT | ‘ee ae ss jaimed the latter as| hands to her, a wife hated ra ae oie full eS ane in od a while, and wes pal ee Duke of Cambridge, who thus oon-| of the old Ceheias one Chae Most or manufacturers, nor is jon on - Thu Ses | AND WINDMILLS | Brank Meredith dr band, s girl loathed by her ra | a reparations for the aa : ity. | ed DE cite kts ey printing ac f general | attached to the hearse shied and ¢ Fy er part of valor, i, Beso rew back. love, Velen yy her husband's | dinner that w ean ye se all had to be re- BS hacen eclal Kates. nd “Nothi a i dy Darrell! Thi , Valerie Ross, A) jarred and ret S Coeegtigns ie gee yes dashed into the crow fee feamn| Do yon skis special sive to bidet ig Yenvure, nothing win” | guant rag Sean : gee bad ost | Thie young lovely ki] Sbe took oft et nabit, ond peti on |S it tbe. eran fol ot fr les room barred. and seuecked ia the attempt te A place, and prize fights lowed, men and women ante i ‘i and “Happy is th Grain Grinders, it be true? h 1] a loose. flowing gown of soft “y, t @ declared. hay i ‘ever find mention in its pay ights | were trampled. two e wooing that s not lon; Tt rea ¥ e thought. oft white ma- | “lady Darrell sent aa arily all been it ges. There 5 were killed and a-doin; “We thon: terial, sat down ik fea thrown out of ened Saini ciliad) tee eae area Wel 1 cncwe @ seriously injured. yes," replied the honest hotel clerk. “The man who is PBuppites: J ight you were lost, my Lady | think. afar fire to rest back to all the houses, and they were am pe siete tla DIODeS as: Bess ie one cent, and it consists of 18 to 14 CRIME AND CRIMINALS. a create nettle tera Pe foraclient,” and “Ifyou bid reed Gemee ooNGa s | goers Bene eee oul wits as eet [ior oe Abed airs ‘ si thele makers. annals desigaet oe soe ating come | A true bill was found at Three Ri Rese NEY, mde ee steeee 5 . sees ei peters earoaee eo tacstane cee | Oe Gov. oon Ca about ts pervect walewhifts." Moxé of these Mipaoe bai i forhaving some of the| —Bigg+—There goes ee eee Advertises Itself. a oe cs fal peacoat age Berair mi SCC ceepy) apktasn tameonel ris MILLERS nk bills in his possession, | a smug little fornne This business is conducte . ‘ fow did you miss us?” asked e great masses of golden hair slip | Sd of course as Sa ang tees abla rs agree ahs {the Rainy River tie Keaows how t Lapeer) Piterpoy ice eet eer as eeidly of his wite. “You hs or | from their knots and fall in glorious | What his brid ry Paes rola 2 sousicerod the tere Ss r: $s merits. ~ zn ave il lat soy oe meee erate zo assimilation, thus Distict pete ofyillians ‘Courtney, Bisse No, Ne ies ee pekapecter GOLD PLATED, Sit %*."% | ** estimated that every order filled ee * come | waves over her shoulders almost to her| “7 Teed So ot epee a instrumental structure, F Strength. Who was sentenced to Kingston Ponlten: Bins ‘a peanut GOLD PLATED, srs sina | patrons who shop by mail brings at least feet. gentl e plea that some concerted compere Gary on Juna 9 for e term of a nade stand. Sete Sree ree | tro other cree ea a ab alors . i Se ently, as the woman stopped, covered action should be taken a Save oo sel = iA ci Fi That Mas Saved Engh fer most oe barious tangent to ie tanec ott the children requle physio none Dowe rved that you'll talk about it and for = future tite ke was oe pens Torus oe “they want all bees teah nit) aay Mee a doin tls # 0 nice as Miller's Worm Por a (his store has issued a catal ie eighteen y« hat ie of a yw will, Billy Hoya, a Woodstock, Ont., sport, | Pleasant to take. scatters trated and descriptive. stone iter | but she waa brave, She | FOR: rains: Ghee lnencaiae Coaaeeee shetr faade got into a row in a saloon be s | saw what her lot Metin lady, forgive me, but I can’ iples are identical, : Paget ue with a nan Se le \ must be in this great | helo it. es ain't neta 43 rst step in the soluti ry ight. ea east: peat eee iarangee she determined to | an outcast, and | tess. T'll s sil iho! @ coun- iAiblend ig tay abacHon at re peed 3 ah int Mrs. Slimdiet—Y¥ G leave it to mistak ae mation contai i pellet add weightyto argu- | rice very well, coc Paap ae ara? j orld—to be lost all el folks at about You ait lke canes making, and aH ats seaegles feasts = oa j Pans Sooners John | | Henry Pook it “Ys associated with one THE SIMP Gers. ever, and cus fee hat from his hate isieas testers! makers and repairers, bigoted {i r. arm the most distressi : . e had no AL ? follow tl . and in the Teg, ve parlee teouking tok | wan guilty of. ng mistakes I ever ROBERT! LiMiTED 5 | Sngletan pk. Weedee deere Ba Se |e Per beiababeen 4! Tate wants euctauine Duatbace tere iy ieeunied bpaceymmiiaa sch: | Wo we } , wees cere cata ak ‘Ane el | “On, if that could only tp teee dee Mau cuicwnGn Ooo will be made by them #0 long as theae er- stierdimstoneset a ‘orms derange the whol é 's gold, and ; : true—that I | Whether this lefe band rors are persi isn chies eee acranitalave been issued at Peterbore | Mother Graves’ Worm te akigee ae. NATIONAL rag arene Ee nea Cae er eer ear it a Gimmes eases Gui ee sears of thet tose suring from chronic. coughs, a ee om ereaeenge Poe ein x geseeiedl pon Oe aba to she answered | valet io answer In any tor oxpert| fasion, with no rex wing tee a, bronchitis, catarrh, Iu aot o try it and be 2 Tite tn Z oo true. I am answer. In expers| fusions, with no result po epy cee eencciatel nipples 7. Eights off the hot RSs omc thea Gile-inte garret would be | Countess ut I was aise! ‘young prince is a good-n: Lenten ent, the| be enough to prove the : whateres should inflamed reas = PP. sun, preserve 1 state of gilded contempt Brows’ alee, d er | ing fall easy go-| tion. I ; Ait ints, by the introduction Sra inaes Mistress (00 5 Sera hat a the house, beautifies it as oat red en Donte a Walia aaa iene | Wisic eave oes and people won't forget |triarwrod pipes te ee ee fia boo of acvaucieg timecr @ 81) 24 or ret ¢ must 4 cd Wal stich, ie e itting ke vanci: cea Seed Oil oe baslamoopae of a person mean and gives satisfaction if you use TWIN Fie ti ved i ae ood 4 ; “He looks food and honest.” Ali heard steps come along the poled oar A cather ei you a queen when they eh Ae ui cinhe We vexraraas | senda cranes ches inialis ot ere secrat nd? i a sanity jelt—order replied, ice | pause at the lor as ee you to-night,” Davis cried gossiped that lexan: of musical artist si : epeaking h door of her boudoir. Healy, enthusias- | m: der might} are obse tiga’ ai Range of the Human Veice, Norah in great surprise) —Dead, mum! TIONAL, NDE. Me eae ‘i Teed elise pobst caer on psa latina Hey ig nest aie Gaye acpi amet are and need becar ‘The range of bie i am. ater See ce Oren a ¢ ; Saar rid cae ta od sulky, and pane room d ‘a tap same to the bed-| She wes draping th entioned. ‘he status of can get no instrament fcapabl as Bee aches ee is quite) say S eck oe z i 4 ee fore, ia alarm, that Tor coe ead in aaswer to her sum- sie sonke, “ce fe: ers as | that of a Gorman resident of tha einen} ting thele able of exhib- fect tones, "but 17. 160,044 515 diferent Rinari’s Liniment Cares Garget in Cows, se leenblp ate Mae 1 a ein gs tiene palend beepers turned, ant! some- | 0, shine, She chose a most beautifal ik ig Meniipavien ar a @uacbOae fas oe Ne kes uemeh aodoe Refers He HOUSE PAINT Re».itcash and give full shipping Sees | ee eatin Se oe fit ite satin SIR ALFRED MILNER. Riguere eecniard’ eomaitie 1 wane : : 20 eee! ’ fen? ation beginning | wearily waking thing Better want some- anuscles produce 173,741,823, and First P ae 2 4 all? her miserable . niet the Trans-| than was ever wren peter a ince: liician The other ida has BARN PAINT NATIONAL FARMERS CO. Pie oe roca” do set grat oo. ana | heed i he Heel oes mri i ete ie ecko Smee aa en these independently of diferent degrees of Second md Pollan es: 1 lone they’ ROOF PAINT ange j } | “Now for the rulns! Roy give me your ‘There was a sm too tired.” j_ Hier Hlorious olen hair was gathered Sir Alfred a Mine, E.0.B,, who bes it” telligence can produce i oacrhcdis. Mec Cadi 7 ‘ Qand.” rising. and looking lence; then xreat at the back Eeprones ritain in the dan psoee pan oes All deals have tA for card ot send | NATIONAL i Tt ec was beside hr lata, and da man’s form Be ales oa PI ea ack of her [out norotiations with ‘Preddent, Kragee| wish goa wo Stay: Sareea ee : P \ ; cna ‘ wi a fi aveal, aren atoh, hom lite tor 5 quarter, Miller's Mistross—You have no young man,t| A, RAMSAY & SON, POWDE fo the round. Tord Radine| bust ae eS a ee bun. “she pig ogy ie nc mish you would tell me what is the ‘hope? , “Y don’t think She blush Sa iia ite gloves, and then prepared tomer, passing it ‘gi eepeearn os pe! aOb, no, ma'am; he's 601f he's a | MARERS, Montreal. RED «: pons i : Geuwine back, i yit come¥ ahe'sait | reagent ouie ae aint ae els |e Seman coin tics the doce ek opto Saxony's minister of edi : : ‘hat, Lady Alice unconsciously into on sf bearing apse rd to male it ed a decree that al Sitee tclercled Cecil Rhodes sailed for Cay 7. N. U. SP KNOWN , Y 3 a Eta; Allee ntenlaiy hie 0 | lie wa aang her ase a case and a message from the Dow: you?” inquired the jeweler eA bite eed patieceols s d colleges shall aban-| Saturday from Londoi Te es —— Self im “Gf you are nervous! remain admiration. even though his fect was eee a eee son's ee ee id of don the sare of nets and aye are ee Oe pea some ; BLES “eS Se ; q Mai iy wine ey i sowanis her. Never had ark oan) Se fe, eae pee pena rr ia of ten and twelve years scuster of emee Ps (eq MPROVES Good nds, <antemptuously. a more lovely vision than ae “td eep them in the future. “Sor ere Land: ee atine | Alice wai Te. jetimes you ha See ets ont airy! Tina Gon eae oo ANADIAN Makes the Bote taode B 2 When he was not looting. at Alice, be Hise frm pias a ee | Serra alee et as mt i Ugg RSS arto won ere ¥ 3 . in pursual MINARD'S: LINDMENT, of the Crop ly remem! wast ick or somethii ‘i r Ties Lat re ete | et et pees Tears mracurpe waeren, ty BYERS Sa pp ier | SE Sut ores” te alt any, | tee sete ee i ARNOT AE oe oe ae Saas he ening ro Liaihinaies eagioy Sea's LIN at of Rheume-| Home ‘ By Peri enemas Lord Redine. Whispered | but T wished to ani ae ee occ Namen eee eee oe 2 or aan judge—Yes, I do take a few drinks of | sador at W: French smbas-| “Mahone Bay gasak nye Dever i “No, I will go,” Ailce ticularly. bie” Sh eit ician woman hed worn ft ane out ap atten ening, but none durin: pd ie chdrrmpre tei wan on Saturda = * Nati face : Davis unl for years? eis ib nas (Reine, ee ae super allver loving oup | siete? ST Re = sprained leg bY Seekers pa National Farmers Co., Toronto rowing white beneath Valere's “Nee anewered Alice, growing more | out the Bigetc onan ci iene TSS ‘cre tt Passi haere darian! Ni sed. asa token ened. aly ling fh pride cs Pee iia tone eco of be-| tion of bis services. in the ere ee Bridgew ecaia wenuewes. | 00 WAY A af pes Ss ed er ar eer are oe i wire phat really’ vals the watch is peace between this country and Spain. Excursions | 2 ENTRAL PRISON Eh oped trom hes horme, and exh ack found on my rots ee a ee Oe Se jarned ran owner,” “Yiss Flo, are you fond ef clams?” —_—____ Ss io her hand, hurried | to veoole arn Tare Tenant | Alice hesitated mo Io scales inane ag ini the Resnanaibiler. Te the 3 efter the others. . ee ae et ot once egy kia iar a Nor acrey eee oe The maid looked nt him corty, and Bio: blasarist, Uncle Obie?” é ee met My | Mistress of all he owned. ‘ee true =o poripegery ie. : Sehapeenperr ea reg es blatarit? Why, he is a man who wctning Wert devi Canadian er $36 Jt bes mp oh ss empgae ee ee is a me ives mee fee | 2 ar cties ine een e beta Sapo aa —— is own opinions with- + Bess eines ¥ 2 ntess, and or- | the maid clasped th: as B \ ‘Mo worne metic! Bes sc ing pace If the various powers get all they want _ At first Alice conl ce a large dinn e magnificent neck- Ruins His ¥ en's Worm ead sa tag ha ten! ees Lire Imeielnes <a 7 1 aa ae declares the tomanoe---) $40 x a ee he ae eng je will be invited. Te Tear atlas tele ee ee Mca Bees pualy vee a & sir sigan eve y Sey gempetor might ag ‘ell throw away the Gelpe.dune.27, Returning until Aug. 26 wine ae 4 Ha Bey oto na ny | ee re ee nae eee [em Sekithe Hoh te wae old tone Oe oe Whe ae, Bog ag ‘ nodgrass— a balls, e forms logies 5 vaphe fbisss acs The world bas a place for She ag a copies Miata thsted gemma eS Seige, Joy, 13, Returning until Sept. 12 i ‘gieail ao: oak ta 'one ees ‘those two on| taking your duties on her to you for some not as his wife only, but enteetaining, e y not? He is a ve bt china The world is mine! And how, you ask, | £9/3Ea 3°Us'Sners P bat as they penetrated ’s presence, to. 2h her birth. io oe j i Pern opeh al the sat 8 pen is, ee Tes 0 a mug.”—Cleve- Can ea whee tal * Subp st Rotarninn: watit S2¥e: #7 MANILLA, 126. a vaults. her strange panied toy Boy. Ping ‘8 head dzoppe8: a5 pidge ive pare e diadem on the wavy, ee Tike he wasnt : generally somebody else nd Plain Dealer. Lye won a little maiden, and For tickets appiy. to Cenadion he turned, fear re- itt ive’ len locks, clasned thi ieaaitie’ ater bee fick ext : ~~ She's all the world te me. te MIXED MANILLA, | [Ge + Sein. Sciae ne woas Seneca She anewered very Yow and coldly er te rounded arma, then pe ciae : a @ASEL “ > (i aie ieee 58 ed ae ® moment's pause: > after | er and looked at her mistress in Costa Rica means the rich coast, and + oo = a eyes. into open ‘Lady Darel! need not . * ¢ it is rich, partic & Mier ed not have offered [ro sx conrmrven.} te which eer eee Pr eaiae ana. leadly culebra de sangre (or > Yj 3 .

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