Milverton Sun, 13 Jul 1899, p. 3

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The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1899. There is a big strike on in Toronto among the employees of T. Eaton & €o. who receive from 50 to 70 cents per day. Notwithstanding the indig- nation heaped upon the G. T. R. by the Toronto daily press because that corporation did not pay its men living wages yet these same journals sub- sidised by heavy adyertising contracts refuse to say one word ini favor of the oppressed employees at home. do not even say in their columns that a strike ison. Incalling a meeting |‘ ~the employees have had to resort te hand bills, no paper daring to them space for fear of offending ye great octopus. ‘Toronto Satu Night, the one journal in Toronto i dependent under all circumstances, has taken up-their case and is showing up. Pr the hypocrisy of the bought press of Toronto. Tobe fair and consistent Toronto journals have just the same|i tight to take up the cause of the cloak- makers at home as that of the Grape | men abi BRUNNER Mr. Roehm, who T8,, been promoted to a better. position. The family will leave this weex. J. Zimmerman. will. tak the place of Mr. Roehm. in.this-: seeny aa Mr. Basch will be the third,man. hm is home from, Tonawanda fos The rain of Friday. evening and bere was exactly what wag want- “ed in this locali and pan eran look very promising. Mr. Eidt, of H slings. for eau of the neighbori: eee rs. He sald quite, anumber this, ne io Ki Moehlman has returned: x abel remain home for. tho.summer. TEED Sy CARTHAGE: fost ball game which... wi L. Os 1, No. 544, got, their new ea { bani xy. will march under it on July. ith. We congratulate it on the number ie ung members ob- tained recent A number or ‘Grangemen from here the sermon preached: by. Re Wright to the Lp aan Ge eee \~ Miss Melissa Ewing, of Toronto, visiting at her father's, she Eving She arrived Saturday. and. wi two weeks visiting friends. ROSTOCK., . T. Schneider raised a on ‘harley. The building, + with suraw shed attached. ‘Be eral successful logging bees ave | been held during the last. week, and | soon all the waste area. will he reel: jain. Farmers as aes haying... Mr. Ke has purchased a new traction ape te sia attach-| than ing it to his new Clinton Monareh.| He now has two steam threshing. out. | mat to meet. all. the ke line. He ii nters are so busy tl season that many of them have ar pear barns to finish yet. This is due to the unusually large amountof improve- nae rs. Maurer, another of the old hardshi WESTERN Tone PLATFORM, Mao, July 11—The ees lo the principal, full They | °¥ has been, in they| lity, The root-crop and on emborg, has put: up ae ance in the swamps of Ellice 8 planks in| policy which will ie United States, but reg importation of undesirable immigrants from ea Europe. That proportion ofa eirdble ‘ee —In wife of Jos. Gibson, of a daughter. ras — A+ Milverton, on, July 4tb, the. wife of Frank Hoffman, of 4 on July 10th, the yd, of Mornington, eau = the] pes control of fecthol lands an as the circumstances 0 province sales. All Jonds that ave been sold H or will be sold in the future to be used only for the purpose of supplementing) Pica ps rca = ok Peter ae the ordinary sel given |a y Tagan ee eaeamoae penne from year to yeal spot on can have. same by Government ownership a railways, | Proving Propert y and paying all eo. STRAYED. E will adult, and the a eee ot the principle ea no bonus should im ted to any railway cow) an Oe of at That ademand be made fer ey all Crown lands within the i nitoba hi ce. the boundaries of this province. LBS extended north to Hudson Bay. That the province and administration of the fisheries. within hev boundaries. power of, the province will allow, seems.little to, Aes tween Grits. and;Tories, An.element in the Liberal {’ strongly supporting the.G. P. Brand.Mann & Mackenzie monopoly and “Hag! h John Macdonald an: forthe C.P. a BITTLE TO GAIN Worthington G. Ford, in this month's, oy has a ga int concludes that as ates ‘are not to he’ United States, ’ tte Siang riers reerea fis or rather seized conclusion is” shat eae rai my ty. The find a" Philippises, valid cooee ace te 4 markey‘in That a line of railway ba construct| °° Hadson Bi , | eation of bis brother, bad? some Mi then are both leading P calitis bie ai -|A shrewd, careful young man, character, i Good acicots ” btallicel rexpecinpes at e BRADLEY GARRETSON.C0., Limiteds. e BRANTFORD, Opa. COMMERCIAL. e Corrected ares by. M. Schaefer. nLvER: 2" 6 66 35° 35 B 62 | & 3° 7 7 15 00 6 00, 12 ley" lp the United Sas ana te Barle WHAT TO: DO WERE THE BOY. ‘A conversation was held ashort time ago between husband ands: wife concerning the futuze welfare, ot theizonly son: The mother was for givieg hima profession, but the father-thought the professions were crowded and suggested starting the boy in meroantile life ‘The fatber’s'reason,fer: Being opposed to his son entering professional life, wea, that he had a brother, whe, while very clever, had no.hing to show, for his years of labor amore living anda good, big acepunt on the debit side—themeney spent in edu. cating:himself. ‘The father, althougl ete the edu- 75. AZO angaged with The Becisy arsiok Co. Laie of Brantford, Ont., first as ,can- assing agent, being promoted:from time t 1 time until now he was in the vecy: frontyank ‘England and the. United States. It was therefore not to bawondered: shat he iin opposed to his son,taking up; a pro! and as the son in qygstion hada Te Gee and travel, w was finally genes that he onght to follag in the foots! ca his.fother and enlist with this old vrlable bilshing House, expecially aa he had just received a good salaried offer from them. WANTED !! of in each township of Canuda, “Piymautle IT PAKS TO BUY This Trade Mark, is See that you gety it. Best and Most Economical. a THE BEST. Binder: tA S SoU ] i IS PUREST i i f IS STRONGEST; + - Qe ; . 1§, EVENEST gt Is LONGEST P ¢ | BBIf your dealer does not handle ; our Twine write Plymouth Binder~ Twine Agency,54,Bay St., Toronto. _ on every Tag. oe Quality tla si You? am h| with this = conned and making lois of | re;money He lma.alao seen a lot of the world, |. ‘naving been senjito Australia, South. Africa, The Great Dis- |. solution Sale: Stilk Going On At. LOTH & GUENTHER’ Leautae § = ems a : Piccola ‘by ee eres Sapee thas ie as by Spain, he srgaes'that « revenne tariff is the oily patible thing. “Few meu are tent to speal ; probably no peat the . Ford ; ably: no Thee hen es oe San Jose scale-com-,, x has brought Asa good beni salued at $5)_the Jose ill bs Te edited a shortage acer ons ant an tha Chet ‘cannot, it is said, supply the trees jestroyed, the em- shiek of the comm iasion. Uieacale tim gromers qualify theic views ifs—if the scale can be Samey would . procees tbat if potato Up to date 132 eases of yellow fever Agyt nigh’ Pa the. Conmersaive platform, aglopted, /have been — at Saptisgoand 27 deaths. : Pure and Sweet othe bag, it is here .to.stay, they. want, 0 treat. Dressed hogs - Beef, per cwt. Wheat, white red Beef, Aare cerry SSS8SnunS5R8 aS 84 Boe SSars: TVSss. Leave Orders. at my store, ee Stand. Vi, WEITZEL, | ree che orginal. and genuine... Deering Roller and Ball. Bearings. aghipes without, fault. The,Standard of the World. = jj Coneand ExaninoThen. % ¢ Also a full line of all other. | Farm, Implements made by. the { ibest-mapufacturers in Canada. Fer:sale by _ * . T.P. ROE; Milverton. : oe ‘Stor Nex Doon 70 THe Bank, z : HARVEST TOOLS. 7 We have a full supply of all kinds of Harvest and Haying . Tools, such as Svthes, Snathis, Hay Rakes, etc. 3 Best ‘fLardine ™lachine Oil. BUILDERS’ HARDWARE ie Our stock: is. lar; ng complete at lowest, prices. A + direct importation of ‘ 4 : f i EAVE TROUGHS. |: We quote._you lowest ees on best ‘-Queen’s Head,” ~ | E No cheap grade used in our. i q I | troughs. “WORK GUARANTEED. , “| PAIN TS:and.OILs : We liandle only the best brands off guarantee our, White Lead and Linseed. Oj absolutely pure. Pure Paris Green, Import. ._ < © a The. Baker. The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JULY, 13, 1899. GENERAL! NEWS GULLED FROM 3M ALL SOURCES. of deaths reported in The number Ontario from tuberculosis in March, April and May *99 is, 722. has declared itself in tasoe of the pro: posed Australian federation scheme. President Cannon of the church of tele Day Saints, Salt Lake rrested on a charge of polygamy. | govern ae we = aoe a tthe preliminary 2A ea talked patie 7 but dae 4 iiebatain- fie play. for at Branton, Emily Hi lake con- | all—English, American, French, German or ny ole ei sogima ita: policy- fessed to Subaes shot her mistress, Mrs. a re gs arty Hates Robert buts poliey Which leaves cll others free. to aoe and had a | strathroy wae died the next morning. Fireman Isaac Jon th om y engine, Chatham, had bis, ene oe ae ‘civilized nations in a frog and was run over engine on Saturday last. The Grand Duke George, of Russia, iat Lpres brother of the Czar, = nae ore {he industrial and tradi ad been a \e country. to the throne, is deat ee from ete: bert. Bonner, publisher. of i it New on York ‘Ledger’ Grote of tMe | st the Ameri ald famous horses, died 3 hig: ome: in ee a easter so hittlas = ay 4q ag New York on Thursday last. eee cavatihnnt uae “pat NOTICE r Abvut every mustered Bi volunteer. pee oe net ath P * cs officer of the Spanish war wants | al tint ita good for i By Fe tede te new commission "for the Philippines, ‘keep up with the times, ish aub- | Vorzrsi'Lisr, 1809)—Municiratiry oF THE AR thousand applications are: in. j i of tad, by Clive po direct! Vytace Mivvarton, County or Pentu. 4 fae: stonigs ere, for. cat that ‘he Ontario farmer leads the * pro: fine sewer i Ky national lines; bat | Notice is hereby eiven-tbab I have trane- me in the production .of w th. pb and on the:| mitted or delivered to the persons men- ined in the third and fourth sections of The figures are: Agricultnre, $1 $16; mings, $6,,fisher- ier forests, naee erithe United Stat Mees reapinj section to be so transmit 8, $4. Sore imperialism, and we do oe rere ot the list, made pursuant to Cecil Rhodes admits.that he made a eee ize it. to. Americans or-any one else. | said oh all at alae ae rey as the mistake in using force toward the reece of ‘Transvaal, When aman of, Rhodes’, cnaneasee ipaban: ns caliber admits that hey, nh a mistake 3 Agpecial from.@aldwell, Texas, say®:— | Municipal £} ction 5 ie that said list wé there is hope-for him. jn.the future... “| ee fs byyootion buyers a8 to ae neeeas we Milverton The Miners Union, of Rossland, B.C., | loss resulting from .dam: 0, the Soe on the 6th BRS at a 009, and rem: Son crop intl razogare , wo | there for inspecti has passed e. jeans upholding the, crop i the he mules of cotton-beariug land |" lectors. are culled upon to examine the action of Hon, Joseplt Martin, © | as peen flooded: Basing the lass on tive! aid list, and af any omission or other errors recent banquet given to ex: ‘Gove rnOF | per cent, figures, te crop destroyed on these } are found here to take immediate pro- MeoIntosh of ‘that ae plantations are worth almost 1} ceeding ave the said? errors corrected Well informed porsons ure of the opinion} agcording to Dr, Lambert Lack,.a London sur-| chat the unprecedented razos Assembly of Tasmania e yard very cleacly in the nttitade we pi 20:per 3} Lanark. of Place, and Mayor Shaw, of* Perth, are ct, said to be hard after it. In the Imperial House-of Commons Joseph Chamberlain ai wever, given to a over British goods. ¢ | Bombers cuuRcH pmectory. .d the new cos os win Bi ee 2 ty aati ing development of | say) ‘We have latly opened up the ile Valley, at oh ‘ownexpense, but. we do! on Tuesday evenings at 8 ols is n Our LypHEeran Masta B. Ag, pastor. Rev. W Blunck, ip Aperiesn a sapeayee gtr bridge bald bath salle at 2 pm. iat’ Pa ees hepa sity fea Cor ireeoe to | tionec manu- the Dated this ‘ok day of July, 1600. has cost'the people ica Texas Mate janis view Ww. D. 0, $10,000.09 Thonsa ave Bara ieeten: Sates: eo ins wie a drowyed al of the don domentio Seman igre : cprisheds rented houses and neero quarters ways due to a.specific injury to the | jy e nearly basement, membranes of, the, allied n stores . CE! ment, ep beaac. a mea ’ TI oe I structures. ‘The girls in a, Kentucky town have | x that. bas for their |road bet formed a socie| Ly moti shall never tat oul that there is a in that the third reading, in Gor “th orgs _ Burton,, Boyd and Mr. Justice Falconbridge. E,W. Clarke, special agent of American Goverament: in charge Seal, sate 2 Bering clared: that despite the pe the Paris "ibe seal Jife- has-greal ly deere: leasant story was told the other even. |acvording to law | sa, ‘The wave a pe ins extended | ing ata reception in Washington. The| Dated this 3rd her a age : ta Newfoundland. The revenve for great master enjoys nothing better than ek of Mornington. the fiscal year ended June 30th was is bo or receiving a Jake etinss Teave used Bipan Satyr os been n croat | sive the largest in the history of the island |his bon mots are & trifle savage. One Pre heen troubled for woout turee 3 cats with with the exception of 1893 when the|evening st s sovial function = young NOTICE That Teale bilOns steko a crease was due to imports design violinist, who had a much higher i: that it wap caused by bad teeth, of whieh I bint i i n of his own musical ability than hat It 9? Gag the focth exiracted, ut the Bi replace the poperty destroyed in silen Ta ied duciba tate y ay Notice is testes given ieee a By-law froks continued. I had ere taveriirmente, of the St: John’s fi eee ad th ste to play | assed by thie Municipal Council of ‘he ns papers bat had Bo fl ree Se : Reece ey ae tne. eens enDNIES TELS of Mtonungtom, onthe Third day | Senate wy tm sarisrrears |= ihe baband iy odii le shame re ae variations of hie own creation. Th ing for the ane Font boxes of the Taboles angi hays Bal hina iH reneeare PUnee tter were ina] GIES, -08, for cae aie ear ie gare old delapitated cemetery of Durban aaa jae vibe Sea BEI Sauge wack | eee oe liar eae Some eine ville, was requested'by the village Im-| performer ended his work and made] Perth, and p_ of “Grey, | many, testimonials yoo doubtless shave im your |gueare pSociesy two contribute t : his way to $ te, doa expect nd. that | Possession noy A. Tebewirr. \t nave, been BGins fro fencing and|inos word of recogniti * th she reniatey & Te wy x ga word of recognition or praise. ie Fo 3 Saude the old place in some order, | Sarasate snid nothing, and the player iding of seeeay = sa, eds ok aos! y BERATELEE SY and he sent vat a fall. avked, “ hope . pee Captain ‘atkins, in his laiaed to | that piece!” a f. So the Rew. ¥: «Board -of Steamboat RE It was.a piece of , impu- Bie tea a an Ae lmitted oh th S tele oe 2 iinet a eee ime ee og Sark a yer ke. ‘5 || The modern stande: iS A A aie courted, a ler! es w Hie aioe aes he goade) sirl for three years without daring to] = ae in caleulating the position. of the | propose, Finally,.while he was visit- : . ayo. a 3 : Ss: i Mleamer Hie certifeate has been re se Toots, be decided w prope! Notice: to Creditors w | cine: Curess the suspended for two years. by mail. He sent the letter, and for ae a | sommon every-day Senator Sanford, of Hgmilton, one/two hours was one of the iappiest men kan tof bh ne 3 ws the wealthiest. and best known men in. ee ‘Then he began to believe @ | Hl of humanity. 68 nada was drowned in Lake|he bad been precipi and was assnil- Windermere, Muskoka, on Monday |ed with doubt. That night he did not a ft . a t 1 z morning by being upset from t{sleep. He thought all sorts of things, , T iebsa is bones, by. nen ee feralaave S while Gshing., In, compepy with him | and vainl wished he;could intercept | Me to send in th ‘th g. aed ly i % ap the time was wyoung, lady visitor the letter es reached her. Bat). verified to th F 3 who was rescued Hy two» young girls | tl that was mani ely yen Te| coused a to their #0 ora, Oh SION GTI VIS FITTS OT ITTS who heard the eryyfor help. The city il noow the, ni tha), "20th Day oF duly; 1899 ue a ‘a saffron of Hawiltoasuffers a severe loss in his was | after which time the exeentors She loapes fw cartons Bipons, | Heading. ae smcatais im favor 2 : unhappy demixe... The 2500 people in * Rushing in| to distrimute the aieets of ve wo | ony relieved but avail cure my SURE, ie erapley feel the loss to be a personal ange ie artis enti shred eee nn Se oe i a ow a ted, one ashe was. known to be just and 2 iss Wettiede bank pre notice, and vs Pear st iy ata | Se EO ae web) erous ip all dealings with his Chicaggs Mailed you wrong ighall not be liable for the suid assets o vest hat and spits Tam sattanel time BE ion was ever allowed to ad ‘bated vo snyont of sity hs | Qeeradiote old age If axes between the firm and employees) and di ee » the exegators had wot notice at oe Son 3, a CPBLEATS EET RRE CET wliea he was at home, ce Rev. Geo. | that he tcl W. “TiS DSNR, cto Ont. varia rans pected na pre aen inc gine)is now for ssle - the E ur the the economies D., his pastor, ready to partake ¢ of. hie = py hotel. ibaa when word reached 1 ity, of f bis death. “The lips ee touch jTiases said dena et ‘aia _ Row. ne The dios al has Tnssed 2s How rae poodle-d the Sea, has de- Something New| = wnTON, The st | satisfactory and practical than any other type of driving}: with us if you are building. — in SUITINGS : in OVERCOATINGS: | in TROUSERINGS; } in DRESS SHIRTS: in FANGY: SHIRTS in UNDERWEAR: 2 ig,BOYS’ COLLARS. 1 ir MEN’S COLLARS. in MEN’S TIES« : iz, DRESS BOWS: in GRADUATE‘TIES; in GENTS % HOSE* i in SUSPENDERS, ete:. THE TAILOR Mext door to: Postoffice. MILVERTON. Reduced Rates ‘and getting your Spring supply ° cheap. poet stock. All our stock is. guaranteed ; 2 ‘the best. Call and get your fit first. Butter and Eggs Taken in exchange PERRY'S. Going to,Sell at For the Next 60 Days: ‘ou. will save money by calling » We don’t keep any bank- - and nobby and D. PERRY Eclipse | BICYCLE is no experiment, but is the per- fected result of mechanical skill coupled with experience, which has demonstrated the fact that under all conditions of weather and roads, the Eclipse is more mechanism, the only bicycle on earth with automatic Coaster and Brake. - PRICE = $50.00 Pp. H. BASTENDORFF JEWELER. Next Door to Postoffice, A new and commodious shop « we are now prepared to do all” kinds of contracting and order’- Lwork. shortest notice. Wiederhold Having Built - Work can be got out on the . Call and leave your order - & Honderich Mitverton. and not a train bi ween. ea bad and ino for a week, SHOR STORIES RETOLD. mitted or deliv he perso tioned in the er a fourth aaesiods/ ok day a man, carrying a fuzzy|\\"The Voters’ Lists Ac ater og under one atm, enter- cna be wai wo transmitted E | ed the-office of Philip D. Armour, in| or Selves ec the list, made akpeae to said Act, of all persoas appearin, e ae ne vo talke itn es | last resid Pormeut Boll of the. aatd Mt el to be entitled to vote in the man, re at ‘the ese a back oane| ae “No. The jar. Lion. led sate to examine pores os aes co imi of sea» before I can oe eve tor eee apes Bring around a mastiff. aut Ti talk to you. Of Sarasate, the famous violinist, a| ceedincs to he pene Ks aie ened elections for members| wide experience in: sak wn Montreal, as Cutter: A Fit Guaranteed... Give-me:a Call. IRTON, "mi Se, miverton-.. Having for a number of years done Custom Tailor work I : Notice ery given, that L have trans have decided to launch into the MERCHANT TAILORING. LINE, and have accordingly secured a new Stock of TWEEDS, Ete.. Ihave engaged MR. GEO. BURTON, whe has-had, a. the best.shops.ia London, England, and. ; WI1.B -|a telegram was awaiting him fy 4 e Ty ee “John, = No; you paailed Sight jt +. St. jan me uRNE 5 LION, Seem one! |

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