' { t of | i | HOME V. HOTEL LIFE @ Rev. Dr. Talmage Discourses on a Question of Domestic Interest. He Points Out the Disadvantages of a Life Spent in Hotels and Boarding Houses--The Surrounding Washington, July 9.—Home life versus hotel life is the thene of Dr. Talmage’s , the disadvantages of be good Samaritan 1 Baving the ab Hil be Rosanne robbed and almost killed by bandits. the Samaritan had found the unfortunate on pai an “in | ‘he. seats, wh while; this merciful and well-to-do man had walked fill they got to the bi eels et al ata use She! ae Poor wounded fellow to ¢ when Be so er ee berate p tess in all neighbor- ‘hoods, cities, and it is our vari Peoslory of circumstanoes, to take selves the of housekeep- sent anion the and losses ase has that a mother ete fot fora sick child, ond the slnmberleat her moron 3a bob Bebalt -of the oe Among the ence and Christian Adel: board- sive food are not willing to pay lot of cranky men smd are not worthy to om ley terer. ‘The some of the most elegant women tbat know of to-day keep hotels and boarding uses. Luwtul and Unlawful Use of Hotels. ew thoy eat, and what ther cok oh they eat, and bow ltt they roposes in su! Wholesome Influences the Home.” ething wrong about him, er be would to these caravansaries as an early stop- Ping place, malodorous with old sree fees perpetually steaming and meats in broil, air sur- the rie of Home. r walls inclasing one entering except by and chain: side inquisitiveness. in law books am are athe of pes usiness. page in which i i= ni , and the paint of the family is blown to atom: Guy Hee ish predecessor tation, ‘The reason 1s that while In pare ate homes fami m walk to the Trilling ear of some listone# to detraction, they would be out of breath befaré reach- far nesses ait tool ts nfl aes all on other crows| and round very pret jer the same ing Sit soul toh ns Sel youell ‘bout it.’” fod the first guffaw increases , and it has to be told all d while you are pulling the chickweed out ir garden, yours will get all over- horse sorrel and mullen- ‘worst damages that come ‘or hostler or Besides children will go ous into this world without the restraining, anchoring, steadying and all controlling From that none of 30 yest ih ‘ther lives » oa Is pulls bim ich he otherwise jecessary, as I you at the Deginning union this i ereisnal case, let neicher wife ge consent to su The probability is that the that ey Hore: give their entire time 5 a perpetual whist, like a whiptop "eine round and rot ral Bae ai ea ie equipoise and shoots tangent. But the ‘aiferens fy tn ne aso it isa in your domesti is that bade ti wach for aoieale Ineptcae they hirograp! something pa bey or daughter ‘The Grace of Hospitality. beca lisha, and to bere! bbe of il well ef until then. Deny yourself ties and all luxuries until all superflui- potato and broil a mutton Pets since the diet sometimes decides the fate of families nations. groom with ai though you bareke sake ae parched, an te cake asa: conte, Sutied lights ge ou and the Ianghter is mothered in es, last and all the time have pat ee in your Caesar mosthens lay dying = Neotngton i Gay of Ken apd sae, ee fae cil public life transatlantic and cisatl in the scenes of his he kept saying Jn his dream 4 in th ards of ting Charles "Wesley: One family we dwell in bim, | ie the host have crossed the flood \d part are crossing n 01d Secess! n interes' ser relic at atte ree it Charlests state as the news was re- ceived oe testes: and whenever its roar was heard many persons rushed te te heaaiac eatalias joined South Car it was recently dug up in Savannah and returned to Charleston, where it has been faitably mounted and labeled with silver plates and will be Kept as id ef other conm- created earn Ne shipwreck, and throughout each “8 ao ‘istinguished person who had drank from & And that cup which we in Christian hospitality, benware, A Russian Lad’s Rise. enty-five years otis. years arrived in Hays Gt asi direct from the River Volga. He wai shoopakin Coat, and hs fires from the train was te Tight his pipe pipe. > with a fing and stool” Tass week Hays City inaugurated a fine elec- system, of whic this Russian scion Bale od | lad is the sole propr THE DANGER OF STEADY DRINKING. There are men who have never been drunk who are in deadly danger because of their drinking habits. There are slaves of the bottle who never walk with unsteady step. They think themselves safe because they refrain from what they eall excess. Let them try to abstain and they will realize that, unknown to themselves, strong drink has become a netessity of their lives. Such men must escape this bondage orgodown. Continued indul- gence is more harmful than oe- casional outbreaks of wild drunkenness. testify to this fact. Keating, Medical Referee of the Pennsylvania Mutual Life As- sociation, has written a fam- ous book, in which he sets out the unwisdom of insuring men who are intemperate, He goes into lengthy details of the physical injury which drinking habits entail, and adds: “The primary effects of alcohol on the nervous system—from ner- vous disorders, from various disorders of motion and sen- sation up to delirium tremens —are among the earliest, but not the most fatal of its results. Samaria Prescription may not be wanted by some men who have drifted into the habit of tippling and think them- selves safe because they never get ‘blind drunk.” But they need the remedy even worse than those who never touch liquor for months only to break out into a periodical “spree”? which “paralyzes” them for several days. The tippler, while never drunk, is never really sober. His system is saturated with the alcoholic disease, and its taint, trans- mitted to his children, isacurse to their lives, It’s the tippler that most needs the home treatment which a wife may administer without the need of his knowledge or consent. Samaria Prescription is a scientific preparation, ac- knowledged by some of the best medical examiners con- nected with life insurance companies as being the most effective remedy to correct the injuries and repair the wastes of the liquor habit of a lifetime and to destroy all desire for as| liquor ever after. The treat- ment isin the form of tablets, having neither taste or smell, and which are readily mixed and dissolved in any food: And while its action is primarily directed to cure alcoholism, its effects on the stomach, heart, liver and kidneys are of the highest and most lasting bene- fits. Its good work begins with the first dose. A Woma: a J. M, ‘Ctaws! fie her experi- “T had for a Jong time been e writes:— thinking: of trying the Samaria Proscri on my husband for I hone: ove it will cure the worst cases. ee We will send our pamphlet free, giving testimonials and full information, with direc- tions how to take or adminis- ceipt of price, $3. Correspon- dence considered sacredly confidential. private addres: SAMARIA Ff =MEDY CO., Jordan St., Toronto, Ont. Write for our. M. LEBON WAS CRUEL. His Dreyfus Guards Brutal and Served Him Well. CRUELTY THAT IS UNIMAGINABLE Maitre Labori Tells the Stery of the ‘Tortures Inflicted Upon Capt. Dreyfus While He Wus Confined te Devil's Is favor witn the authorities by treating the violence and meapness. I you all ee extreme verations deceribed to us, But Here is an be was ina high fever, he accidentally upset a tae vot water bik ape, altbough the letter was proved a n 0} that Dreyfus be "trons. Notwithstanding ‘he was very ill, he was st and chained to Thus ne wae Teft 20 days. srith- ondant “No; the story about eee cage is not true,” M. Labori answerei. ‘But the to ; Lebon, devised for Dreyfus sleep into a night- eee dreaded night more than that!’* exclaimed M. harass Drey: to make a confession. “Bes; even your family bas abandon- stantly ssid to bim. nfess 6 {ntimaticns that she was anxious to re- 03 wrote urgent appeals; asked lows, until the heat strangle one ia Oleg, mitted to h infamy,” orled Mt Himelt, ferlons, was ‘ished letter to a rr a letter full of the love he fale 4t alond in his be mane guards were Droyfus exist: how did be pess the time?” the correspondent neried. “At first be read and wrote and tried self in mathematics,” replied has confessed he lost Jas ied that he need the most aes ry Cares the to! “Did: she: thongs of aie ever come to his mind?" a Lea Dreyfus «© "¥es,’ be sald, ‘often during the last x ‘And yon ate confident of the result?” “Goan eas, a00,, witb combative toss of iia deflant fend, exclaimed: “If they want fi,be. now 18 the time. Let them all come on South Perth's Protest Disminsed. joner muat pay the costs, THE TEXAS FLOODS, Twonty-Thres Drowned oh rowning and disasters are coi pa ty. Bye Gneaes calvary, ‘Tex, July. Twenty-three ee have Se iiened tin this, Rob- ertson, wee » Growing Worse. D te ‘don ts Tadeo giave ‘Thi oring the nbght, and ts saill n cS from the high penis at the Santa where the efuge. Refu; Four deaths by dro near here in the last 24 ho wernor $ ster with the Au dred he stock, A of those on te mound have ceaicanttiven from the reptiles and are in a dying oon- dition, FATAL SMASH NEAR DELHI. Driver Frank Bowen of Bridzeburg Was Instantly Killed. peta d the ties were icks. ‘The cause of the accident is unknown, but it is supposed that some pars of thi gine to be condition of the ged. body (was station. He lived a6 Bridgeburg, and leaves a wifeand family. GOBBLED BY THE STANDARD. chered in Octopus Ses Gai the Ontario co. usiness will firm. as been ascetrained that the pur- new company, Dr. King acting as gen- eral manager. HAS SEDAN BEEN FORGOTTEN? Suceammek pater Great Friend- ais rgen, ees ® —Emperor Willian bas Invited. tho vallcars and 60 German; eg President Loubet: “‘Berzen, July President of the French Republic, P: "T bave had the pleasure board the scbavlatip Tinto ame ilitary bear! impres- sailor's heart and sicleal of comrades —- the graci- accorded happy cireumsta: perm: jes the 0 Tpbigente and your, smiable antrymen. (Signed) ‘William. Rep! su anan Death of br. His sera in his piles ‘began in 1869, hen EMINENT PHYSICIAN DIES. ¥. Grabam of yhysician in the Ontario “Association of t Physic cians, LINKLATER STILL AWAY, Consequently the West Huron Election Appeal Was Again Adjourned. —Mr. till be was on ba fore adjourned. wyer 1 Dickinson filed an affidavit to the effect, though he had — ee, yet he was unable order pon ‘inklae, Pra. aaved ‘Whe trial was there- i and his colleague would take the matter up sooner. Sir Richar (Still Talking. Paris, July 8.—At yesterday's sitting the Venezuela aroitrati nm, Sir Richard Webster, leading counsel for reat Brirain, continued his ES i ser of the British side of tha na: CAUGHT IN A MOWER. Terribly Painful Accident te 11-Year-Old We ixen. morn- er examination it was found that the sharp | Knives bad sev fois) a oes auaeing py ei akin igh Voyage Cured Mr. Tarte. Montreal, July 6.—Hon. J, als ‘Tarte wired yesterday that he arrived at Bristol safely and ja good health. OUR TRADE WITH BRITAIN. Increases fer Six in British taste mae Gamat London, July The Bri wns for the six months coal eng hee follow Ba jh imports £19,000, hams 213,000, atic 281,000. cheese 256,000, hewn wood £53,000, sawn wood £340,000. jecreases. are Hessos | 48,000, wheat flour £25,000, peas 2109, bacon £97,000, fish 2108, 000. ‘he chief inereasen in Brissh to Canada wi ‘ston piece goods £50,- 900, 1inen 221,000, 0, woollen tissues £29,- were: Wool £14,500, Berend binige bebe es slops £31,000. THE BOUNDARY WRANGLE. British Foreign Ofice Admits That the uation Is Gr London. Be 8.—The ocala of the foreign Office wi neither sie iB laut line propo: ba e officials confirm the vader’ Military Go General Zarlinden, The tase fotaine be membershij gee Council of War. ‘The Cable Cenference. London, July 8.—It is believed Hinformed creles here, thas the ait Shir Platte Machine Versus Hund Labor. nating writer persistently . | says that well-equipped farmers Ln have r ato grow! will ich profit. even thongh prices should be those who cannot afford Justice Oster | Fie Pincheley-—he served better than he did the diners.— ery Cause of the Trouble. “Why must you and your good separate, Past eres the Coates : That's Joost, tt. She won's patch px me pants.”"—Philadelphia North BLOOD POISONING, Terrible Suffering of a Prince Edward County Farmer. Mespital Treatment Failed te Benefit Him and His Life Was Despaired @f— Again Well and Strong. From the Hou le Sun. ugh th es Pink Pals for Pale People which is little short of miraculous. The subject William H. Gonklin, a object of his visit the Be eas invited into the house | story as follows: “You can see for yourself that my oak is now one of good for $2.50, Wiliams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. before the public, announces the London Chronicle. Tes distinguishing merit is | fees er cheng fhe tng to pot ere lial eae maak Conklin gave his A ‘ear | Hieves and HANDY POST LIFTER. Apeciah, leans feat It Never te De ee jack of w« tie some one wall, ahaspion the field, which oe 2 80 and Yes out at the ground sppeared ficult task. tiouge the sod was hg yet after working them Seti all directions they stuck so p tly and required so much tugging, effort and of the Belleville Sun resent: ‘ns aly they stuck. ‘ree and easy expectoration fmaiiede’ sieves aud {tees the throat “an ids, inflam ft d all affections of the throat and ed sai itis pleasant, adults 1k cures the Compressed Aix for Power, has the | the Gharietenburg Koie street car line in Berlin, and has rendered very pares It is not what you eat, but what as that similat nourishes. MILLER'S COMPOUND IRON PILLS cure faulty assimilation. Waiters Deman: ‘The waiters of London, England, held.a ‘the [me refused to tp couse to have his food and drink fired at Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, ete, . Marquis of Salisbury. he Marquis of Salisbury, wh is in his pecans beat is odiof” te teas dike A Dety. of parliament: having’ entered the ‘Huse of Commons when only 23 years of Hospital Nurse (fo mangled victim of ‘accident)—I understand jhe derrick felb ten Hes to the payemel Mangl ea Viet Re eakiy Ex one alate that impressi for the children, Miller's 4 wo item iroedecs ‘The Dowsward Path. i ents Rakeleigh—My descent dates back ss Gotha = long timet Gc cpwennryng es A Mare aly fy omarkable Telephone. as! A new telephone will shortly be placed Saphed—Will you tell, me your candid opinion of me, Miss Kene? Miss Kené no opinion ef you, ‘Mr. Saphed. sent when 5 ge were made | with one of the instruments, and speech A lady writ rites: “I wasenal abled to rem the corns, roo! and branch, by tees use oC: ‘was clearly heard Sovak various resist- ances at a distance of 30 feet. Cor Ci 7 Others he ha’ persed ah nears ers Ww! :