The ilverton Sun THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1899. IMPUpi ENT MORMONS Considerable excitement, prevails ih establis stock and throughout the township of Ellice since the sven of Mormon- ne in Ontan immoral teachings fe cba by Joe Smith, a noted whore-monger and licentious scoundrel, born in New York ubuut 95 years ago. The Disciples er men who introduce these false | g teachings do not seek foreign mision fields but try to destroy the equanimity oi 1 nd al very ably deals with the vices of their doctrine and advises his people and all others who appre true religion t give them a wide berth. Since the tter has been brought to publ gotice we mi here give a short } At the age of 15 years he began w have alleged visions, and in 1823 he claims that the angel Maroni appeared to him three times and told him that the Bible of the Western Continent or supplement of the New Testament burned near Manchester, and that he wenp thither four years afterwards shown them plates, have- since confessed the whole thing a huge fraud. The book professes to give a history of America, from its first the confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel down to the year 5 A:D. There settlers in the course of time destroyed one another but nothing of et een the successors and all were ae Tanuibilated sort St Mormon and his son’ Muroni, who which were supplemented: by, aroni after the death of his father, who was divinely assured tbat the book ‘would’ the book but it was in reality written,» in 1812 by ones Sesame Spalding, a orack- bina dares pba Wovorieal | falling: into] ¢ romance 7 Are He Silier: Rigdon, an ua- serupalous compositor, was by hin vl eras he to h. Smith. med with the book oe assuning e divine ay Smith began, to_at- and start ah uhe oa ap was dicated with sich th's licentiousness had this time grown to such dissolute pro portions ne the church was étisla Kt over to the family. The Milverton Sun =Plymouth THURSDAY, JULY, 20, 1899. arrest but broke jail and escaped. ie ad numerous woinen cohabiting with STRAYED. Onto the premises 2 of Peter Schmehl, Lot Con. 1, Moruington, some time in May a yearlin, wiser ShiaRT RG. ehh wth spot on forehead. Party can have same by F proving property and paying all expenses. r0- Paver Be MEHL, Poole, P.O. rong! criteiog it was bah PSiaiths eden id. ith an: where a mob broke in and shot hia i ia 844. This lee against their preerieey ae they parative extent grown and prospered, in; ng laid by Brigham Young, who died in 1877 leaving a fortune of $2,000,000 al Falnerson iets Willian Geminis, 28 ‘the world-fanious Blockhorst, Hofmann and Hi coming fret from Stratford which weel iv side on mS dey, joined the Orange it Fcould not hold ont sufficient indweement to with the boys e spend aS day. in the he seatered sing the track and: ppresen e Fosl 7 was notified but ainehaged that Fall wheat per bush busi ts oS fatowig revolution: tine an humble | Peas ras setting forth that the provisions of ints | Tarkeyerper ponal | Ham ver pound | Fall Wheat, amends the same ina way. not scoepted by fores Wheat. nor-gene ry by,| Barley - Peas. amendments, and question whether ‘such’ yall shi Batter, A Th rolls |The Reason He Changed Situations. “+ Did yon hear the reason why I left: my old sors” said a drummer the other day toa few friends. To this enquiry they all entre ae Bly, itis hear ly called by good his frieuds), ae, pe in bis chair. “I answered an ndverticement about new book" Light of Life,” as the title struck me very forcibly, and I fonnd it con- tained the story of the New Testament, together with explapations ot alt the more difficult portions, thus being « complete Commentary. It also contains che complete liyes of the Apostles ; that this book wi really to volumes in one, embellished with some of the best illustrations I'ever saw. ‘The statues of the Apostles were by the renowned sculptor, ‘Thorvaldson, these having been reproduced and published i Fconnection with the Sixteen Masterpieces a ian evgrav Knowing that not a family ina thewsand [bad the lives of the Apostles or- a €om- mentary, and that this Look woubdi ave an enormons sale, and as my. old; employers ‘equal the offer of the Bradley-Gurretson Co | Limited,L vouslndeal to give up “ramming,” and took bold of “Light of Life.” I assure | you frieuds this chauge was the wisest I ever If you want to make , daily, handle “The tune BRADLEY Y-CARREISO, CO., Limited, 4 BRANTFORD, ONT, COMMERCIAL. Corrected weekly by H, M. Schaefer. Munyertox, Jul 2, 1899. 66 oe tubs, dairy. ie 1 sic movie ioe te six. pia hui or esoluti wack bs Considering. the wide lf of time which fet leis specific his |. y oes Se in crbating at Ottawa will the acession, af Brghtu w: ed os wie ay =: Pure -and Bab Leave Orders at my store, Appel's Old Stand Vo, WEITZEL, The Baker. — If your dealer does not handle our Twine write Plymouth Binder Twine Agency,54 Bay St., Toronto. Best and Most Economical. Does Quality Count With You ? ‘ 4 a 4 e Young People’s ie Duion of ‘America at Richmond. The Great Dis- solution Sale Still Going On At LOTH & GUENTHER’ of Trade and Commerce nesday last stricken with Palas and died on Saturday morning. jos his brother in the Magdalen Ts ands. | London, Ont., City Council have ported the complete failure of their efforts to effec! st he ispute between the Street Railway Epmpany and their employees. ‘Everybody Invited. : DEERING LIGHT DRAFT IDEAL MACHINES» | { Machines without fault. . ~The Standard of the World. Come and Examine Them. Also a full line of all other Farm Implements made by the \best manufacturers i in. Canada, Lge ithe iia officer and underti went to the scene. The body gece a de ee of Gilbert Turner, o was drowned opposite vbe ar if one day last week, On Phaleday. 3 UE 13th,the Ham and Nowt Co. of Bra antford, shared pot with heir oa beh for the pas lo men, BB, single men $155 ter 33, for those for married men, $5; single men $3; ‘The concern employs 45 hands, and is building a new factory which will increase the number. Roy Terry is at the Jamerstown, HARVEST TOOLS. We have: 2 full supply. of all kinds of Harvest and. Haying hes, Snaths, Hay Rakes, etc. He Lardine” Machine Oil. BUILDERS’ HARDWARE Our stock is large, and sue at Jowest prices, direct importation of Glass. EAVE TROUGHS. We oe you, oes Prices on best “* Queen’s Head,” TE Show grade, used in our PAIN TS. and. OILS. We handle only the best brands of Paints; and: Oils. guarantee our White Lead and. Linseed J Oil absolutely: pure. Pure Paris Green Import. ibe result, it is alleged, of injuries ed while being initiated into} Lond Canentonk Tent, Knights of Macca six stitches, beside nevaral al cuts ‘bruises. M _ man nearly GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. A second Joolley strike has broken out in ee lant ‘ohn Klei in borer, was killed by a freight train a Berlin Frid he Provincial rditibation bill o me ed aude = ee in Winnij ew Queenston-Lewiston se sion mee Bae eicwoally onesie ca The Ae innipeg bye‘election for the Federal House is expected to be held ser in the near future. til Word has reached Ottawa that Mr. Leduc, MP. for Nicolet, Quebec, is dangerously ill. The Hon. C. A. Geoftrion, of Montreal, is very Jow, and the last rites of the church were administered be on Monday. cau! A severe bail rm damaged crops storm and f the vicinity of ‘Chatham. Rosa ‘amen Jost all their burley and fall sey, tas been elected The Hon. W. B. es ex-Minister | ® on Wed- Ha! postal authorities are investi- the disappearance ofa letter Shntaraing $1,000, sent by W. F. Tid to garrison at London for ili soine days to come will consist of about G0 men,of the 21st Essex Fusiliers, seeund.draft of that battalion i ing ut, and the other corps being A gaunt eailay laborer saved a deaee on the Canadian Pagitie Rail- way tracks at E Kemnlgops ae swimming strear ap- |e ns of ihe cee: of she cin by fire. ‘the ape Strike Committee of the onl stclement of Robert McMillan, of, Downie, was on Friday night of last! week ‘arrested and placed in jail at the instance of Simon Chineron, who holds a second mortgage on his place and feared that was trying ‘to evade to make provision to meet it, Sie lanenarbedu Ticed (bab cua to” inisdflicient! propping ‘timber came year as ful V.-¥., hospital in a serious condition, Ivis SPER as his abdomen was in- je mmation of the bowels ; his spine was injured and oue of his so a8 to cause in! frout teeth knocked out. What might have been a se cident happened on the town ie Brivton, near H. Leslie’ ing home from Listowel, they ae. out too far to let another nie sy and 6 ditel into ‘Gaia’ arn shoalder blarle. scalp ‘vo the hérse from getting away e from Mr. Leslie's. Nate ‘Another accident has taken ,place tw ‘burn raising near Markdale, on m the heavy hing down carrying everything before it, crushing four mén, and probably in two,or three cases, fatally. aka Tudian from.the Sarnia reserve found the body of a nan,,foating in thé fiver near Mar yevilles on ‘Thursday oral re- v. William Hay, formerly of pone Ont., and Presbyterian pastor w! at Bethan: y, N.Y, i is missing - of George F, Bell, who alleges a bees Lieut. Carranza’s, letter, and he bas disappeared. The remains of the: late Henry T. Shibley of Kingston have been found a Salmon Lake, in which. he was ake sad last autumn. Speaker Edgar of the Gonedian House of Commons has gone to his summer residence at Bpchee Point on Lake Simcoe for rest and fresh air. The recent prolonged. session has been @ great strain upon ree 5th, The Doctor's case makes no difference when the Company wants to get rid of a man. ined $100 by Ma: ee ah Sete day, for selling eat. giving judgment his the prevalence of the disease of lump jaw, and said that as Dr. Judd had told Bennett the nature of the disease, penalty. “Better to kill right,” he said, “than to kil lingering disease by must he stopped.” « scene in one of the ona tenis A he bad “bought aschooner filled with ed for the Government.” As ceused of “baying a scoundrel filled wih sulpher cansigned te to the Govern- in England recently, as related sl pag STORIES RETOLD. op who said to the village tailor : g London tailor for it. That’s the place.. the way,do you evengo to chpreh f? i “Where do “Oh, yes, ese y- you got? “Well, when & want to hear i goodeserm: a nT ge to: London oe thaws she plac -| written and read to him. He took i with thanks, bus did not move, ee the matter with it?” roas that you'd be wanting to hire me.” { rebel the splendor of the hotel he sve hing. aa er tie £ they kept the light- bur Sony wha Pady it ADY tins ways maintained their pers ship. One a fterndon, when tion of ensilage ax food far ‘eat although he SEN years of age. He held belp being generally sacle came-to the yal sa ensilage 1 What is ensilage 1” Clapp, farmer, explained briefly the proc A “euro has been issued for the | of to follo wi ting of an amateur rvation and rccneayatiae3 Jaws of ae own about it for farmers Dr. Yemen, of esr, who wrsa| Sve been viewed leniently pete after any regular method but that | Sab James Bennett, East Oxford, was ee spoke “of giving him diseased meat to eat. The practice peculiar printer’s error: led to a} said. Act, o| 1 Intures the other day. mnber eone on the pppoe the eas of members ecatae a cargo of sulpher, said w be eonsiga- Pere in the report the member was nt.” This is about as humorous as the mistake made by a bookbinder. | correspondent. of the Academy. He sent anold edition of Sir. Walter Scott’s novels to be bound to hi vrath “The Talisman” and _ the it on. b Mag? ace he Leg End of Montgouel" “The story i told of a sountry par-!® “When I want. a good cent I go toa A young Eee onee went to a kind-hearted old squire for a recom. uire. “Oh, nothin” sorr,” said ie Ind, quickly. “Well, then, why don’tyou go?” “Sure, sorr, T thoaght ‘on the strength of a recommind like ‘A story is told ofa British. soldier in Egypt. His colonel, observing him |‘ one morning wending his way vo exp arms, halted him to know if pe shaat been stealing chickens. “No, Colonel,” | was the reply, “I just saw the old fel- low sitting on the wall, and I ordered im to crow for Old England, and he woolde' t, when I confiscated himfor a AR old farmer who had been. to was describing to Hs friends ond “with the exception of one Chine! ing all night in rods Beal, a thing T ain't used to.” Well,” ssid dao them, sabi it Blow th 11 The pleas thing’ mee tipdete bottl h. aes piscience of Edward Atkin-;, co prin an |, among ues partie entitled rear ously about every ' *pulilic question. 4 onal fri | the Aine of distention + BRYD CHURCH DIRECTORY. Meruopist Crore! 0 Epworth Lea; riday evenings at F3 otelocks Ser: 3 a ibn Kal e ™. a ev. W. V. m| steMillen, B.. A Taco a wor- at 7 o'clock Service at Elma at sl Bo'clock p.m. * Zibtath ‘School, 11 a.m. Burns Cuvgen.—Rev. David Anderson, at Mam. tor, Sabbath Services at 1 . Weekly meeting on ae ingsat 7:20 pam. Service a Zion chaxoh, Wallesley Tp. et 3p Cucncs ov gue Evas TA Rew. George Fiokbe ner, pastor.) mn. bath Sheth Sehool, 11a P on Tuesday ele ae ie daeck. fornenas Cave Wm. Blaunck, B.A., pastor. Sabbath Service mt. 2 pm NOTICE !: Vorsrs’ List, 1899.—MUNICIPALITY OF THE Viuttace Mityerton, County or Pert. Notice is hereby given, that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons men- ired b; ordelivered of the list, made pursuant to all persons appearing, by the Y Reeoa Hell of par eaid i to vote in the ality at SEE si jative Assembly and at Municipal Betis: 3 tsa eat lounas sted uy office, at Milverton on the 6th day of July, 1899, and remain for inspection. jectors are called upon to examine the sail Jistc nnd 1 ppaemisuicnlor Oviee errers found therein, to take immediate pro- ceedings to have the said errors corrected Seapine last Dated this Gth day of July, 1899. EIR, Clerk of Milverton. lle ! Vorers’ List, Bowrases oF, anes County or a Notice is hereby given, that have trans- mitted or delivered. to the persons: men- ired by said section to be so. transmitted ar delivered off vbe Lint made pusmunnt ta ia ssembly and at Moe jou 5 and Ubut aid Tis wa first my , at Borns on the ied Dig fe aly 1600; aban esata Flectors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omission ‘or other errors are foun therein, to take immediate pro: credings to have the. said errors corrasted acvording to law. Dated this 3rd ar st Fely, POD N WATS! ICIPILITY OF THE = Something New in SUITINGS in OVERCOATINGS in TROUSERINGS: in DRESS SHIRTS in FANCY SHIRTS in UNDERWEAR in BOYS? COLLARS in MEN’S COLLARS , in. MEN’S TIES in, DRESS BOWS . in GRADUATE TIi£S in GENTS % HOSE. in SUSPENDERS, ete, - ‘= BURTON, THE TAILOR ‘Next wise to Postoffice. Mitverton. lOh, Say, _ PERRY'S Going to, Sell at. Reduced Rates For the Next 60 aa Yan will save money by alte and getting your Spring supply - cheap. We don't keep any bank- rupt stock. All our stock is guaranteed ; and nobby and the best. Call and get your fit first. , D. PERRY Butter and Eggs Taken in exchange |The Eclipse BICYCLE is no experiment, but is the per- re-|fected result of mechanical skill coupled with experience, which has demonstrated the fact that “€|under all conditions of weather and roads, the Eclipse is more "| satisfactory and practical than any: other type of driving mechanism, the only bicycle and Brake. PRICE = $50.00 P..H. BASTENDORFF JEWELER. Next Door to Postoftice. on eartii, with automatic Coaster |; A new and commodious shop: , we are now prepared to do all kinds of contracting and order work. ; Work can be got out on the: shortest notice. Call and Teave your order - with. us if you are building. Wiederhold &. Honderich Mitverron. Montreal, as Cutter. Having for a number of years done Custom Tailor Work Le have decided to launch into the MERCHANT TAILORING ; LINE, and have accordingly secured a new Stack of TWEEDS, Ete. = T have engaged MR. GEO. BURTON, who -has el ae wide experience in the best shops in London, England, and. 4 A Fit Guaranteed, Give me a Call. WI1. BURTON Merchant Tailor, Mill St., Milverton:. , fore a Monlibod NOTICE. Notice is herehy given that a B: i bes asserd by ae Municipal a, she Toahip of Morniug! Tied ae pril, A. D. 1899, provi jaime ‘or the issue of debentures I We ‘amount o -08, for the purpose o fing for anteiee work in the Powaabip at Elma, in the cea mty of Seaio unre nceke Tran sie anton ie tration, and canuot be male thereafter. Dated the 22nd day of sda, “1809. JOHN WATSON, Clerk: ‘have used Ripans Tabules wits co wor yerat faction that T can cheerfully reso.inenil t. 9 Have been troubied for about what Toalled alk on re et ance a wook. | Was told Uy dicerent p alc ued 2 Ripaus fn them, but about six weeks since sone by Ripans Tabules induces me Iaith Ten ta many testimonials you doubtless have in your Dossession now. ‘A. T. DeWitt. 1 want, to inform roa, e 3 ES a8 i; rt i 4: tees RI Kipans Favules dose tt ‘After one of my cages 1 Ngbies plas In pis gon of James Drammead og? cg of Moruington, tema. i} which Aistril bat ty Me ae etnies ae rh no py ll ti Ae ragclstar’ Fan down, Acting on 30 airico Seen terese hip Lion Sipans Tabales) wich net Fe false Beasts 0 eine: ONE GI 2s Gal F. Feitetet™ seer their and duwetakos tha® PAN 3 fee stand- ' ard: Family Med. common ever#-day 1 uso t ‘Mrs. il ef humanity. Fe FE LELE LSE EF EF ITSO Sia cree ‘si out tiem. The he aud slewplensuess bara Guspyeared withthe" g Tnulgetos Rick wee RAS ta burdea for Ler! Our while UBS cay they Lavajpom.gete- Cures the 35 yomarr pete. i liar rou are wejeames » 5 his testimonial ed My sever: oe K Ler es a Pho ans Tabuies, Hite vem “alba Ta ou ralerea eb eter g@hearty meal. My mother is iffy years of exe stoma Sronvertal chaure f atteloute 20 ‘tipeaa abodes am took Kkipans Tabales ‘Astox FL BLavces. tars hearty méats, on impossibility Pefire she Tee cron ss ine? EO surging fei © @. W, Price. mst 7 tn forcy-eight cen switt a een tor five con!