Milverton Sun, 20 Jul 1899, p. 3

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unr. When lifes dou their is nigh ga white Ef Atl rest apoo ee aeget paste Ie as henveu'a dows 3 th is fall of winsome grace, & ag oes bee + Beloved by youth and age, July. 5a ‘TREES 1S ALU A-COMEN’ OUT. ‘Trees 1 all a-comit’ out, De chas'n {Maple blossom’s comin’, . Maple shakes her eaves out; de eltum is slow, “0h, afigmes, thw it inakes me think of summahs long ago ! iy & Lie-lock swing nites sez, “Aube I dt ie ea ane _ What. won't take any bla M rites shakes < slot © “Gh” niggahs, summahs long ; _ De grand old oak vane sollum, : ‘Test like some stiff o He don’t pat oat no rush of leaves; Te ain i. ts gow ral plan 5 Bot he's got ter hump hisself, you bet, a rhou-snmmah hot winds blow Oh, darkies, how it makes me think of = stmmahs loug = Bat here and there there. stan’s alone Some old tree dry Aa fe don't put on-no eee ‘An’ his limbs is like to erazk ; No heat wake him up, yeu det, he's ‘done gone dead for sho", -.Oh, duckies sammabe long ago "T onve was like de en bat slo mabs long age sd? uow T'm like de epuicieies De puis at de roo! ech wp, ie Aesectics ede sun's all in a glow; Oh, darkies, how it rages me think summnhas we AVANT OF CONTINUITY. One iy of sores pater sorts sn ee - dengy to wander i ee iscussic ¢ to be of interest ug h which new: fa erat ater sti =the interest of See elittle able spon the warfkrdy even th “flute of heav _ the ee iis ce ee tm lo se te whan eiesien ence ' is ov NO resTIMONTAL, °The personal f of Sir ¥ et iu Montteal, ahd were inte Aves in Ui Droposal to tender Premier » nati ial in recog tion of his servic ne Ete iu counectior ith the mati u Sate 28 the -Withsas’ explained muyanes that had es caused to Sviltnus tients be ve Seema ay the propose Se a over a ¥ ‘Eifid'e most ime gets were aware Of a pat nade tor iis pasty ahd the dsnesw that his sete hin preat af ff r leaves out; de ellum is Lie reset how it makes me think of Oh, vii how it ai me think of But I like to stew Te ris rtroce when de ena to det ae expres tans | bis eotin. ‘The ssible few arb have “aie the cripts Te in the) bal of 4 yes toes will she ith, newspaper debates “vhe ref paielant ae ppbAe inn vind appears. that on bleak ed, fit 3 maple of from two little Indian boys, Wills ant bert McGinnis, who live at Grand Forks, is ee Rainy cqend bere ay in tl ns letter boy white ell yess visitors. Then The | Is the best Local Newspaper in the County bs Perth. Milverton Sun he: is the Best sous wh aa ie “inher ier name tes reasonable. Subscription was Nelson, and they believed he was call- r, rate in advance. $1.50if Sat haat aces: rhe acBerut, Pe Snbled that great man. He bad bub one eye and a bad arm. ADVERTISING RATES. giving all this information the letter closed by saying that their old foot SPACE. | Year. | 6 mo. | 3 mo. i was past mendi sa that thet woul like to have one from the white men who Ove column. 850 00 os30 o0| $16 0 visited Grand Forks. alf col 9 00) Mr. Davis immediately had a football bela Fas . Ks = oo 6 00) purchased an addressed to the McGinnis! fighth 10 00) 6 00} 300 brothers at Grand For ype inch 500] 300] 2 00 NO COAL IN ONTARIO. ‘Transient Advertisements are el e rate of Se. per line. Gankins. Tie sonia sepreae perry ood, and prol Wise owe SS Shes, mbles coal a ooo ober of reese ‘a ai ‘Reaveey si = jortgages. tite a stir over | accoun current rates of interest R. RAN. matter which renders it useless in com: mercial sense. ‘The the discovery of the deposits near Sodbury three or four years age, Burean of Mines sent a mineral vestigate. His re f} Were on the paint of work (HE MAN OF ACTION John Ke 7 ot himself into history. wale to go int st le g Tele history Yon’ the terms rot ‘simian hich See teh call Bort _ red, but it is under ign ed zeal was the spark of *| John for his appearance as a he must ca which produce great e! of AN HOUR OF AGONY. Alikichi, Z. a July 15.—' Wm. Goin; Valla ‘Tonaka,” was shot yester- cute of art, | Dental Surgeons, “Toronto, will visit Milver- the firsi ial e Goiugs was made painted a & | four paces Rested a rile i dl, Thi ay lag tenet missed Ges Goings fe Ral Bean bole ot eras was poured iia hie aheoae Senipobey Limes to hasten death by. straugalation tb tie th be shan Ang ed a respite that Goings the sine of the during 1898 t ibis one ae hi trai utained = sauiniobing a soldier. The dithcalty i ney wonsense x Ancora failed, the doe 0. deter f whieh "indled ‘the flame of English indig- lism in vhe rank as ove of the little causes R. RANNEY & CO. Bamkers| ppearancs ‘how it ake me think of} but is mixed with aconsumnable mineral Tae ago . EGB! ae af College ° of Phy of meateat M.B., M. D. C. M ans and Surgeons + ost graduate student of ERT, Try Us When you need an- other pair of Shoes Every day we havea ‘Bargain Sale Of reliable Footwear for Men, Women ment. Try us. J. G. Grosch & Son. and Children. Every day is a Bargain day our in establish- ey Togo, London, England. Office i tea Post Office, Milverton, Ont. cronnection with Poole, Brunuer, ock. — = pe hs i A. M. WM. BRUCE, Le DS. Dentist, Gradaate C.D. S., Toronto; also 2 Sree cha tiwcell ee Dentistry, icago. ice, AE moment | os ae nit. Will ne Queen's ciel the first Wa eed Sfonday of nth. from 10 a.m, to 7 ytehe practive of his. Ero- fession, DR. R. J. ROBINS. of Stratford, Honor saduate of Trinity Unigertty, ‘Toronto, and Gr ‘> | ton aces sa oe ater of | Gre It Ba Lon- specialty re at ieee a pape dor Gata special policeman oF one time vi a Wilfrid | How Tad woh ui epit up with Ue martial sed als x ani sie to. suppress ie skaweeteacs ter. the stu ay ue demonstrat ion, und becat aud the meo Toronto Telegra tended to complicate ti ati atally na rah ie frien “2b mm: — Sic Watt aud ‘ne ‘irre i isheig eee! could oy audithe result heudsme Se pestle there emounte jeinan ef al positon acd pale, eve fe et ase cee whose snips te.) ks. crossed the ts | be 1 suspende ant shuiaie: eons nds | gentenve, and ithe ee eat , office ing Lo acknow le and ae ‘die. British Aco aw: i mes SAD he ti s that! rt thal bv g Fe = "45 e reeeisel gentler. wmgr. Oi reseilinn the help of the wil iivsry ee seal sheuss ash bin} =| ge ged to usecct the ashrity of |S pai PANTON, fone ake r Office open every Thurs: Block, Main Oxide and | | les extraction of teeth. Cra ork aspecialty All Bet guaran , Wm. Barton's Dentistry ‘college of t and this we Yap ot every Falls “by attended — to. Livery First clase horses and ri tran ap 0 e wees w ties of ture, DORLAND* ee is Lene ‘one or ot Dentistry and Chrowie “Diseaes a specialty. filers ste eee CG F., sect aud ‘last Tuesd: So’ Roe erivel’s vays welcome. cording S sai Lodge,” No. J oe meets every ei r Deeds, -W Mortga » ee a jerk. o} aie street, Milverton: Milve ollege, To al te re Oe <B> —DP- -B: 2. We Are Still Do- ing Business in Appel’s old stand Knechtel Merchant Tailor. = : NARY SUR- iW dese feroad) (Grad: tern ge, Toronto.) ‘ases of domesticated «animals. telephone or othersvise promptly oon on EN GER societics 99, Milverton, aero overs onth, at k, in their hall over Seh eats & Visiting brethren al- abe Bue C. R.A. a Drethrei Business Cards WEIR, Anctioveer for the Coun- and “V asa ise fe ttt Division Court. wer Grosch’s Shoe BUS GRAND C! st-claxs accom in ie | brave wut | el 3L HOT M dation ae comune oan others. Thee args se ing. Bes dew $ shakes eae Ont. The for coum - We also give you che lowest quotations on eae Troughing. Prepared and Mi brated Robertson and Sherwin--Williamss con- stantly on hand—any shade. ed Paints of the cele- on hand. Select the furnace. for your new house now. tee them to be the best. mre frie tric Bhat iseretel themse sa their ier es kas politi ‘ f whih | ava does not. init a tinct sort ian ae All men at ake mi: t the naan tist a i 1 we we Sir] confesses to. pleuty rs at of she JOHN GROPP, ni error Lame, Laths, rs lo bear the Pidsioes . O Miscetiancous dealer in Cedar Posts, Shingles, Pumps, cte. abe peteeen aa tetas fe had S50 ‘been assouisted. Z See hire WANED 4 Foornsut A letter ptbnraelas Hos. E. J: mbers of the Lexis y's Department. PE ice Eperithes Pauniaey was cl inte the woods, jature rampon Suda ware sand vale at Petit Riviere St. Francois a Quebec. He 1 and See Tieael Sex Optio baw reached the nlirag.Sellowed, in which he wax shut _ G. T. R. Time Table Traine dune to leave Milverton. ors XORTH. «01 Mixed . Mixed: G $0} sia 10:44 a.m. pt Robeger tate se ates BUILDING HARDWAR Builders or intending builders will find it face. | to their adv antage to call and see. us. ur Nails and other material have been bought. in —=|large bulk at reduced prices. oe and Piping check valves, etc., always very best results at the least expense youwilluse ... ThE PAIKT. Pes & ROTHAERMEL il Plymouth and Consumers Binder Twine at the lowest hu lave ordered off us lave. uever had to pay the rise. Call i Owing to the recent demand for the latest ap- pliances in plnmbing we , have decided to make a specialty of this depart- ment of the trade and are now prepared to do all We guaran- WHEN YOU PAINT If you desire the ‘ SHERWIN-WILLIAES i a age ~ The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JULY, 20, 1899. GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. ‘A second trolley strike has broken out in Clevelan n Klein, a ain a freight train a The Provincial Yes hee by Frid Se bill has been made public in ale: ‘he new Queenston-Lewiston suspen+ siou bridge will be Eos orally opened on duly 21. The Winnipeg bye election for the Federal House ix expected to. be held in the near future, Word has reached Ottawa that Mr. Leduc, M.P. for Nicolet, Quebec, is dangerously ill. Geoftrion, of and the last nistered The Hon. ©. A. Montres), is very low, of the church were admi on 1 Mo nday. ‘A severe hailstorm damaged crops and fruit in the very of Chatham. Several farmers lost ull their barley and fall whieat. Bs as been elected America at Richmond, ‘The Hon. of Trade and Commerce was on sEreReE eiinaralypis oat eae morning. his brother in the ee “Tslands. The mil at London for some days to ‘come o will consist of about 60 men of the 21st Essex Fusiliers, a secund diaft of, that battalion being cailled ut, andthe other corps being dlineeed: A gallant railway laborer saved ee on the n Pacific Rail- at K ps by swimming SS cn to warn ap: ig trains at the destruction "oe dispute between t Gpmpany and their employees Rovert MeMillau, of Downie, was on Friday’ night of last: week areal and placed in on As the instance of Simon Cameron, olds a ond mortgage on his ae and’ fare ke MeMillar vade to make provision to meet i was trying ‘Another aveident has taken place Leen raised propping fir to ieiiciene tihber care ‘erashing down carrying everything ee it, erushiig ‘four “the heavy. men, ae probably in wo or three cases, fatally. ‘An Taian from the i nia reserve found. the body o La ‘ob, Was at once notifed, and. gether with au officer and undertaker went to the scene. ‘The body proved to be that of “Gilbert Turner, of that city, who was, drowned apposite the elévator one day last week. On Thursday, July he Ham ahd Now Ge UE Beauttingh sina oe wi eat employees for the at as follow: men, Tor; sinale men 616; bays’; for dtinse couployed bie eats an Over Moe tivse employed | one year, meat d n, $5; single men $3; “boys 2, ‘The concern employs 45. hnods, and is building a new factory which will increase the number. Roy Terry is at the Jamerstown, NY, hospital in a serious condition, the resatt, 18 Gs tf injuries re- ceived while juted into ree Tent, Riighis of Macca hee: Terry has placed the matter in js of an attorney, and demands d ulrat his aus to cause ; Ws spine-was in; t teeth knocked out. jared the bowel: one of his fi Whar ae have been a serious ac- ident happeues Britton, i return g home from Listowel, they tarned| ‘ont two far to let aioe W. B. Ives, ex-Minisger|* aiv er | right,’ ” he said, “than to a him "| in Englay “piri raising pear Markdale, on |, , iam Hay, formerly of jen Paisley, On. and Presbyterian past at Bethany, N.Y., is missing. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of George F. Bell, who alleges that he stole Lieut. Carranza’s letter, and he has disappeared. The remains of the late Shibley of Kingston have been found ia Salmon Lake, in which drowned last autumn. Speaker Eagar of the Griadin House of Commor to The recent prolonged s session has been & great strain upon Dr. en ue ee who wes sent to Kin; nitentiary some time ago for fe raiecrne dregs to commit abortion is to be rele ased on Angust 5th, The Doctor's ease. has been viewed leniently considering b's Supt age and good behavior. eehe gineer Cole, of the Goderich sane of the G.T.R., was dismissed ecause he failed to pass some trivial examination The examination was not conducted makes no difference when the Company on an. wants to get rid of a m: James Bennett, Ens! ford; ed $100 by Maisie elt 20 eas adgment his pene apake of| the prevalence of the disease of lump jaw, and said that as Dr. st told Bennett nature of tl he felt. called upgn to impose penalty. “Better to kill ya ieee) out- by a ‘ing him The practice pase, vere lingering disease by . diseased meat vais oe must he stopped.’ A peculiar error led'to a seene in one of the BiAdaraicn Lee latures the hae day, A charged that one on the opposite side of the Woe had been guilty "of an infringement. of the rules governing he independence of members because he had “bought a schooner filled with a cargo of suipher, said to be consign- ed for the Government.”* As it ap- peared in the report. the member was accused of “buying a scoundrel filled oe sulpher auinigaed ta the Govern- ent.” This is about as hamorous as fe made iy ‘a. bookbinder.| recently, as related by pondent of the Acad a He came bac« .on “The Tallish Man,” and “the B Beg ind of:Montrose!? SHORT STORIES RETOBD. ‘The story is told of a country par- ae to the village tailor : a good evat T go toa ie oo for it. That’s the place., eee go weburch 1” “Oh, vet eek Siuat “Where do “Well, when I want to hear odisermon T 20 London. for it. Thats the place.” A young Irishman once went to kind-hearted old a re 45 4 ation, An eeieabredana with thanks, baw did *What’s the mat ith i the squire. the Ind, ancy, He on the ifeagih of a ering that you'd be wanting to hire me. A ie is told ofa B His mage bs ish eer h a ha “Na, Colonel,” Siar sold: low sitting on the wall, and T ordered was the reply, * n to-crow for Old England, and he mena 1, when T confiscated hit fur a. rebel ull eames a wlio Wade been sp London was describing to his friends the splendor of the hotel he stayed at, “Everything ake le “with tle exception of one thing— they kept the light burning all night ri in-|in my bedroom, a thing T ain't 1," said to,” * Well? didn’t yor thiow it oat” ont,” said the farmer.“ How Tiere blessed thing human eaneere a told by O Slap, dior of th app and Ai sh an thoug! ously abo son were ee Nee Henry .|° he was si relative to. air-braker, | ‘TION after any regular method bat that | Sal sue hae his » | Vorgrs’ Ligr, 1899, Mv —) Towxsuiy a one nd the: Seaielint: +) Dated el W. As} to Jovrnal, rey r tly, and went away remarking that he would | look laws of his own about it for farmers| to follow. 0 cauReH pinectoRy. Mrruopist oe pm Epwortl League, Friday evenings at 8 o'lock. vice at Millbank a 2:45 p.m Hee at vin ship at p.m. Sevbath Sel mater Ib a.m, Cuurcn or-tar E LIC: TA. Re a conge, Fivk iner, pastor. Dba 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath Schodlgltenn SB: A: meets [nesday evenings at 8 o'clock. urHERsSChivren—Rev, Wm. Blunck, WasyB. Ax pastor, Sabbwth Service at. 2. pm: NOTICE ! Vorsrs? Lisr, 1899.—Mosicrraurry oF THE Vintace Miuverron, Cousty or Perry. Notive is hereby given, that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons men- tiones in the third and fonrah sections of of Municipal Elections ; and that said Hist was first posted up at my office, at Milverton on the 6th day of July, 1809, and romaius tere for inspection, Electors are called upon to examine the tid Jitand if any conieion or other a are found thereit, to take imme: ceedings to ha Esa cesta eyieocten according to Dated this Gth day of Tuly, 1809, D. WEIR, Cheat ot Milveréar : = Soeting New in SUITINGS in OVERCOATINGS: -im, EROUSERINGS in-DRESS SHIRTS in FANCY SHIRTS: in UNDERWEAR* in BOYS’ COLLARS ; in MEN’S COLLARS., in MEN’S TIES» in DRESS BOWS; in GRADUATE TIES: in GENTS % HOSE in SUSPENDERS, etc. URTON, THE i Next door to- Postoffice. ILVERTON. lOh, Say, — : PERRY'S. Going to Sell at ; Reduced Rates a For the Next 60 Days. ‘You will'save money by calling _ and getting your Spring supply eheap. We don't keep any bank- rupt stock, All our stock is _ guaranteed ; and nobby and) the best. Call and get your fit first. D. PERRY Butter and Eggs Taken in exchange © The Eclipse BICYCLE is no experiment, but is the per- re-| fected result of mechanical skill coupled with experience, which a has demonstrated the fact that ‘junder all conditions of weather; and roads, the Eclipse is more satisfactory and practical than any other type of driving mechanism, the only bicycle on earth with automatic Coaster and Brake. * PRICE = $50.00 NOTICE ! v ¢ OF Mors: cIMILITY oF THR] oS, COUNTY oF Perri. Notieo is hereby give, that I have: trane- mitted; or delivered to the persons tioned iy the Und aad fourth sections of ere Listy Act” the aopten re. “ on tobe so transmitted or deli veal Ses ee je pursuant. to said Act, of all Poe “eating by the Assess of the said Sede @ fae oe elections for members mbly at ions; and that said list was y offive, ab Burns 809, and remains called upon to examine the said list, and af any Evisu orstuetane in, to take immediate pro- the said errors corrected ings this 3a “THN July, 1899. ‘ATSON, ot Mornington, P. H, BASTENDORFF JEWELER. Next Door to Postoffice. Having Built A new and commodious shop we are now prepared to do all kinds of contracting and order ‘work. na * Work can be got out on the: s shortest notice. _ Call and feave your order with us if you are building. Wiederhold & Honderich Mivverton,. Montreal, as Cutter. A Fit Guaranteed. WI1. BURTO Having for a number of years done ection Tailor work 1 en-| have decided to launch into the MERCHANT TAILORING LINE, and have accordingly secured a new Stock. of cae TWEEDS, Etc. I have engaged MR. GEO. BURTON, who-fia: wide experience in the best shops in London, England, and Give:me a Call. 9 Mill St., Milverton: %: s had a . Merchant Tailor, ... oe ington op the til, A.D. 1899, provi iin of {eo he nant of the p sllég foe dcauibe work nthe "Tom nelipfat Blo, in the County of Perth; aul iv the Towuship of: Grey, in the Je at Fany pact le (ee stoneg Tener ie: ace tree rasiony ad caus be nae: tered, Dated the 22nd une, JOHN ASTRON, "Clerk have used Ripans Tabules with sormuch snt!s- fiction that I can chosrfully recomend tn. ny Je : There fount Ai Aer ainet eth pements of Ripans Tables in all the pers Dut ad no faith in them, but about six wee! \pans Tabules. rofessivnal nurse®an in this profession aclear ead fs alwaya ni Kipans Tabules does it. After one-of my cases Notice to Creditors In The Estate of James Prammond, Iate,of | the Townshigcof Mornington, in me County of Perth, Gentleman, Deceased. by given to all persons} the est tate uf rIC having claims agoin in Ree ‘dy eeasdd to send ro tls ase part: thereii*so distributed tow of whose eliin ors hail not notice at 1 _| the time of Fe fae DoE, ci ae Oars tor for Fun down. Actingoa the siviee of We. dep Bow *. GIVES RELIEF. Eipane Tabules, she tke . Fave beard re ees my bi trial, was greatly a au felersi Uy their 10 Pra and of a Reins conection ee rasa OE ee ia Se

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