Milverton Sun, 27 Jul 1899, p. 3

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The Milverton Sun ‘FHORSDAY, JULY 27. 1809. ‘The speeches of Sir Charles pista and Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the Hou: of Commons last Saturday, when ner a a wrath coincided that the grab game of the| re baliying republic should be put » stop | Lad! ox ‘to. The question at issue was the brew the dese hg cot Alaska boundary and the situation ‘was stated very clearly. The United without an umpire, providing that the republic may be in a position to re” | exaggeration fase any decision, or they will accept language hefoa an umpire provided that they may ap- point him from a South American re- public cubservient to the Unived| uscd such « States. And even to that proposal | they add that. if they decide certain| wit towns and property belong to Canada they must be handed over to the United States as « gift. Such terms as these no self respecting nation can | t1 ar will accept. —_—_-__ x ‘THE FORESTRY LAWS OF INDIANA A statute for the encouragemel Ate is tthe Sty in Sthonter te eerill biel of the or SGhs,ig, required to Tlage other t Shek bland: aad to provect tle are at least four, diat to file a statement with the muni authorities showing what portion of his laud the selecta.fyr, sea.of the act. Burpo assessor ia required to personally examine cand to note, apon va able’ appreci eat preservation. RINLASD, supposed dole by the Ri Em, facia in reels an poor Pintestrs a Sd Viced out bet have! Gaia Rama tee pockets of Finnish, taxpayers themselves. | Some time since the Goverment of Finland | of i abelish any old one, without the consent of ba iet; neither can the Diet do this with- |" nly perm it ec opinion.” this of teal penis ate a ex = 22] Dlymouth A lian produce; per cent; and that vegan rae e British pur- in Canada has yi Patios Pe Foe F farther pate apply {at Newlands, a FOR SALE. ir pays To Buy (chan Bim weal? OTHE BEST. Bind r Wilton a ‘The house isa Sombewsd brick and is raised so that it can be mad - ¢ e eae bo Hard and soft water shade Seesae front BA rden contains and small pearly hal fuch this office Twine °RICHARD RAYCRAFT, Milverton P.O. unl the’schoolgirl to Eas either an are | day wea all oes aroun tinence, steerer Sean and_ad- t and hn Epvmda that not a family ine thgusand j:! the oie solution Sale Itis to be toped that the Prime Minister has the plan of leginlative fo fusion of two Houses e | You friends this change was the wisest I ever 9 Fra eas and expenses, daily, handle tne tight | BRADLEY-GARRE TSON.CO., Limited, Bras na, Singhs shows ion of the “it: quiet and i inexpensive: dia iss wont be Si 3 fore the sonny, eee paving) Eggs pa ee watilated as the cause se the = ae 16, PUREST: =| The Reason He Changed Situations. 4 IS: STRONGEST” “ Did you hear the reason why I left my ig IS EVENEST are ‘old employers,” said a drummer the other IS LONGEST toa few friends. To this enquiry ey fully expecting to h ee Te ee. cease ty This ede Mark is “I answered an sipwitenr in DE CVery. struck me very forcibly, and I foundiit con- cteitee by ee Best and Most Economical.. Boes Quality Count With You ? Lanon Wan The Milverton Sun f Bf your dealer does not handle~ bis reds), it back nit ows Twine write Plymouth Binder~ .|See that you get it. || “wine Agency,54 Bay St., Toronto. . 0 -room, but | renowned eee Thorvaldsor gh ex-| having been reproduced and eee in aan caper with the Sixteen Masterpieom 9 E e rea is- t | the world-famous Blockhorst, Hofmann at Habe engravings. oy the offer of the Bradley -Gurretaon Co. ar Limited, I concladed to give up ‘*drumming,” and took hold of “Light of Life.” I assure Sti Going On At made, and I shall never regret it. If you © money easy and fust, writ me = fea House for = position a : 1A, iy | )) ents —If you want to mal of Life, SS ‘TFORD, ONT. COMMERCIAL. Corrected weekly by oy HL M. Schaefer, _ Muna Fall wheat per bi Spring wheat, p Burley yor bust Peas ‘Apples per aes ‘ Potatoes‘! ‘* Bi will be hela = rf .| Wheat, white. cet ~ Beef, per ew’ ROLLER AND BALL. BEARINGS. red Lightest. Draught Binder in the World. . TB: ROB. Agent, je redrrangement | ‘Tuy but it now developes that at thevery mo- ment when the young Emperor, called mo 1D ‘Nel es all i furniab information, prize hsnddeuly increased bis own forces fiye yours, ‘There wil bey of course, & con: quett i "ie mess, Che. * she attractigns there will be no falling ‘ Better th mas year asia Aberacry ei ahs though if yet show: fying surplas has had its own Diet, its pen, a young man puts astardy and advancing eedg es CANADA’ Genin ZRADE. ‘Ay stile on Canadian, trap, nthe! ury Magazipe. Bpints, «ab. 0 mate on the Seat beige ‘fi land century, : eae This eit i [oom start t ae Ms i “HARVEST "FOOLS. B * : We have a; full eopply offall kinds e Harvestand ae ogress, th ‘ease 5 3| Tools, such as Svthes, Snaths,. Hay Rakes, etc, s to same, togetber with Potatoes bau § at main entrance] ns «a 530]? Best! Lagdine” Machine Oi he sone wil} all con”) B serpin é 6x50 «8358 z tinfingir—ei TO the eee = 630 ie BUILDERS’ HARDWARE Our stock:,is large and gomplete;,at lowest; pricess direct impartation of Glass. = Pat |. | |EAVE TROUGHS. : ; lowest pies on»pest,"; Queen's Head,” No cheap grade, cused in, our~. We quote you: ] i iron k Bread Abeseegs WORK GUARANTEED?, © -__,|PAEMTS and OILS . Leave Orders at my store, Appe V's Old Stand. Pure Faris Green if Yours Anzious to-Please,.. Finkbeiner, firos., .. "eee Tien a Sweet We handle only the best brands of Paiats; and.ils.. Wes guaranter, cur White Lead angLinseed. C Oi “absolutely pute. PHORSDAY, JULY, 27, 1899. demand for labor, brings with it and strikes. There has been vivlence GENERAL NEWS |e Ute Sane, plies: CULLED FROM AL ALLSOURCES. ah in the United States nturies ago statutes aay Mayor Gilleland oft Cesharines| andiord Parliament to force laborers dead. to works at rates dictated yas ve em- ation TG amerteis one dollar bills are in circulation. ter Fred. Whaley of Toronto | the purpose drowned while bathing in the William Wood of Sandwich West committed suicide by cutting bis throat with « razor. Bie rene Eeuob, <0 itis june have granted an iner pee Seo iwi s worth, and vo decline or quit singly, or collectively, to demand an: Rer aay wo the veackien. employment ae thatprice cannot be obtained. But they nee no Hgue ‘The people of St. Marys have carried a by law to raise $40,000 for a water- works system for the town. sumel: Employees of the Bank Ville Murie | have Sremecivsatetancd. rfectly of Montreal, embezzled the-institution | free labor market is the only. security of $58,000, and ayes bank, closed its to deter ass mes by violence or con: doors. free will prese Ai fifteen: Hee old boy named Corn-|"0° zwigh was shot and Eemnty riled by ‘eserted by capital and employment, a nen-nnion street railway, conductor ee at Cleveland. IT MAS A CAUSE. M. Grosjean, judge, has been.sui pended for two months for aioe Bal na a document concerning the Dreyfus cas th A An girl named May Pen- nok, while playing at ge ies is had?one of her eyes tarp out 4 truding nail. ly askedy “Wh oe Grand Trunk brakeman bes White ita of Fort, Erie, mgt with a fatal accident at, Merrition o on,July Dah by falling i RF It is the custom eee Bate poten- Returning prosperity, renewing vee tates to give tovtheir visitors all’ that usual its dark shadow of labor disputes} th ‘te said. Half an tier afterwards he found two a niggers straggling i to ean passing attracted ie ie ti + i Fees eens toe market- lace. ‘Fine-elep! the A snd, Satan. Sena beast,” said Reginald. “Tes i ace. Men have a ae right, price for their labor which hey think]; m taking that which they | perfect nity». aa adi Whenever a ion GS i T rine ae revere do ani tolike. Sir t into portmanteau. 't was mad with rage and was ant,” said tasked rly, for it means. war oT a eta aaid|in GENTS? FURNISH: me vei: as a heap of flesh waddled into the pe w all bel r tan, 80 s Regio 1d in a fix.| | ‘ SSS RE 5 cere j asked the Sultan suspiciously. fine woman,” said Sir Reginald in|: desperation: “She is; yours,” saa oe Sultan, pushing waddled over and sat on Sir mete Sul The did pt praise “p— As A GoodiFitting and Up-to-date } As I intend going into busi--. ness.of a different kind, any~- ong buy a stock of - Boots and Shoes,can buy them. ; at a Bargain by calling on. D. INGS go to Next doerto Postoffice. the lady was neither young or ae, poe thought caine anyounglign, cubs, dj tam these, and Ae byeren the hat i ig. your idea of - hammock liceratre, Aleck mal “Any book aes big enough to keep the flies off my face. Atlanti Iv is probable that oiteredoas gee the Grand Trunk trackmen will be re aah in a few days, ax both M ‘and Mr. McGuigrn have re- same thin ake they foudly hoped =: cal institutions. In the pate did, but it foried gh & askank. The cockneys walked Trois in byrrowed clothing. Berlin, July 24.—During a thunder. storm yesterday forty pe! mapa were leaning against a wire railing at the Charlottenburg cycle track ‘sare struck bv lightning. Three were killed and twenty were severely injured. ‘Three of the six Italians who were lygghed at Tallalah, La.,*Jast week i i eo Th all pertaining to it all w o was generally orporation inko Fr. Boris, and left Poronto o "Lauistane three yeurs go, They were all), bore , x Sete tained his loyalty gave bim a pull when eiebceamae the celebrated |, came to division of the spoils, Rober infidel lecturer, diedae) his hone i sibly he may,liave been: corrupt and the system Maa criticism; that a surpke of apoplexy, His body wil | hoe he descendants of those wh tbat about all there was worth wonderful powers of eloqyence and grabbing in England—and who hold me of it aire the ae aristo- who set the pace and give Ber- English alia the tone of honor and New. York on Frida: aoe the result =o be cremated. Robert Ingersoll had Id thrill an. audignce on, any sul ject. In Registrar Merner’s offige al lin is an old document of a.deed Ve the integrity we so ire. 64,000 acres of Waterloo. county. It} point is that in aaiold and Geistod country, all the stealing: in the way o! distribution of natural opportunities been done, reat source of political there- seas sold by Colonel Beaslay, an Eng- igh officer, in 1803, for 163000 pounds. That a was grandfather of | a i ie late nd special privileges ins done Sherif Berner ex-M. Drs, Powell, Cameron, Roddick, |"? Machell and Scadding on Thursday an srt health. : 0 Col Hughes feels certain that he could get thousands of Canadians to] ing go to the Tiansvaal, and thus does the gallant colonel wish it to be under stood that he i us as good a hand at taking people out of the country Clifford Sie i is OM bringing them in. party and ailigenty. basing tending to hustl bi Tews of apple seeds have taken England the Arent along the shores ofthe islands of Mall and Tona, at i spring eae mark, where the rom =the secre steamer Eee were strew- ed in profusion. ‘The: stems Abe athe two to five inches long, and Aug Benne are Dae, and | vigonams. croft- are see me 2 had ancesto rned 2 mn of wa beri He sx sny! ats ce iene of men who went wil at Cue eee of electi Few find gold. ‘ood rvice examigations thas fe e.prites. Hi s that the soanay 5 is ave 2 . He says - ei ar: One isdoing a good wor and ish Iife by serv ilely copying British politi ih of political - ‘cor. | a ago to the cal hese of the period, | baron, sebo instende of "lying ee joid ‘with his vassels aod dependents |'cha Y| whenever the Opposition made itself, bl - Hees pee square. How- ever, he does not know for sure, al- d hough he has the new plans. “very space, maid Mr: Jardin for these applications was set dead Hee a Hee place all the exhibits.” J. Gi Jardine, the Canadian ehanaebaard the-Paris Exposition, cen-| will leave to-night for Ottawa, oe he will spend the next two weeks-in PrerPe the exhibits for he ig exposition, Changes have been a| made-in ree the British colonial building, ‘so that now the space allotted will be. altogether. ir. Jardine |’ at Canada will have an ad- re receiving eae oe “The ope identifying himself with» political |, sao es Sea CHURCH DIRECTORY, len, B.A., Tnenswber Coe ~m. Service at Elan at 3 o'clodl fceckag David Andenon, ath Services, at 1 x Cavrcn-Re' know that they ia see rapryest Voregs’ List, 1899. from nny. PAPE, Bas hard, they gs ave On. aliens necrasnty w gti them to. tive nd » ‘The Listowel Public School passed |* 25 out of 29 can eat | agg tor trance. NOTICE. TOSIGIPALITY OF THE Covsry or Peer. Vigtace Minverr Notice is hereby gi T have trans- -d by qe ivered of tbe" lists made parsaant to said Act of all persona appearing by the sgessmien revised A of the said nicipality to be entit rue ss vote in uv it eli s For or, members ny oe “a p day of or ban “gk bee “The Av new and commodious shop’. are now prepared to do all, i¢sno-experiment, but is the pe ad. fected result of mechanical skill) we ‘coupled with experience, w! :| has demonstrated the fact that| work. "| under all conditions of weather and roads, the Eclipse is more ° | satisfactory and practical than nuke, and one old eat.” This i any other type of. driving characteristics of public Fee and it-is sad and not funny. eehaniem he only bicycle on earth.with automatic Coaster |; cane aoe ete | Tope. World for its strictures: é Work can be got out on the . Call and leave your order - with us if you are building. 3 /p. H.BASTENDOREF| @ Honderich: Having for a number of years done Custom Tailor work I { have decided to launch into the MERCHANT “EAILORING ; LINE,, and have accordingly secured a new Stock of TWEEDS, Ete: R. GEO. BURTON, who. has had ay wide experience in the best shops in Logsdon, E A Fit Guaranteed:. Give-me:a. Call. ay |WIl. BURTON, so eipare Talo Sxetion Bsve bessonties Tor abjat three years with

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