a Soiererg ede nak ese, ete meee | PETS WOES OF LOVERS Apply at this office for advertising rates. THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY. JULY 27, 1899. Nutrition in Fruits. Wears are not as nutritious as’ many er In the chapter on froit the apple is the New York Journal accorded first. place raises ae eee we cherry is tough’ and 44 considered | tig: company. with # cil, and 1 call to coe bet a bad froit. She calls:at ‘my’ laviraeaade ii iend, jous and “wholesome, but in’ must not be 5 ure Ntrawberries ae excellent vee 0 taxa: t be taken that ne eaches are a source of disease unless a ‘a few hours after being plucked, bs berry. has nothing to rec- . On tre ae haan the mul- , bea They, Drove Pim re ates is ia-unsightly. regularities Wy ict rected. jear and clean. ‘Try “them, “and there ‘be another witness to their excel- nx Rund Killed a Horse. due to Pye cs the unaccustomed music of “Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. ‘Names Kuewn ef Old. if instruments now, known the same name i _ musical telep! He pares SEE “Are you not well? Are you pale, weak- yy, in spirits, iestansiaty. tired, pervous and irritable? ‘Then wat ae 's Dompound Iron Pills. build ou up, tone up your nervous pistes give you energy. in Uph white-en: anled hale - a = up ae tive tb: belie ek oe f alight furniare Shapoy 0 pel ithe rs and ne to the plece a Henees and beaut isfac ‘that are most sat- ‘rom those. wi ted with ‘his cguielant ‘and found & ‘They affect the nerve he biood in « surprisingly and the result is almost im- Shediutely seen: Forty-two To! Small tubes of corundum and of | finest steel were tested» ‘The corundu tproke under six tous, but the steel p to 42 tons. ‘The steel split with ‘a noise like the report of a gun, ing - ywaer, and — sparks every direction, which bored their- bes) {nto the machine like Saher Salt sea he a eczematous con- Gitions of the cured by the use of Miller's ary Iron Pills. » Oar young mi Daily. we Pees Indy to. her. lea Ages or how nines. he the lamp; fie, goings. out leave me in beer? =: Sane Chace Noy but I was, = she bas spnsented to break off the engagement. av “ Friend—What became “of that young {man you were engaged to last summer? Misa Catchem ‘(Gnnocently)—Which BEATRICE FAIRFAX KEEPS RIGHT ON And With Ss dom Here gleaned pat the hundreds am <A. fa0e | proper a good pe not ane at Fie give it up, be- Gedier rela fable of the m: body, lady is willing and nes engaged, it is proper to kiss chou I dearly love, but she has 8 ALLEVIATING THEM. mous Words ef Wis- ‘Tries Spirits of Unhappy Wak Liths cupia’s aeeel a few samples of letters fi es in her protestant capacity on ate doo't like mg: trade, sovshe told mony Bave Ba te alas ey NOT LIKE MY TRADE.” in this trade for ite he for me to e people do not iy it Re n and the ass, and how, in trying to Sisko every- nobody. If the young pas Deas Passes Madam—T am engaged to a young lady, very quick tem- T repeated it the gave me no answe Bewass “SHE SNAPPED AT ME.” time, and snapped at me, saying, ‘suppose I am going to get-on my hands Do you suy m and bneen tor your” and 1 just felt like a fool. said similar things [ke that more 50 times, but always before a lot of friends. By advising me hot ou will oblige joux G. The hang mae 4 avery unpleas- generally ce yourself of the rather dangerous so- ety of the young woman is to let her Slone. Did you ever try that way eae Beatrice Fairfax: Madam ams young lady of 8 Iam of 18. love im very “1g IT ME OR 81S WHEEL?” and he comes once a week. I am ooking, and he is a nice gentleman, and now would Hike to know who does he care for, the seb or img? Fleute give me some advice to find o1 pian he thinks that the Len illus- , love is not that be cai pint bia the wheel. Why do you not ride An Ill Wind That Blows, “iw, doen a elon Smith make 8 living? I never beard of him work- ing. ‘Has a scheme of bis own. He makes a business of renting quarters in flats. The landlords invariably pay bim 2 good round sum to get out.” “Disreputable See - t all; cornet eye Beale SS. Conscientious Employ: os Soacciand your peeps Ssperriter roes to a summer resol it your ex- vense every summer.” es.” replied the lawyer. “Just a little business arrangement, you know. a poor igs season Ne ee does not manage to throw breach of promise suits my Set me ghicago Post. And Now is Reading It. “lm afraid Willie will disgrace the family, Jobn.” “What has he been up to now?” “Why, I gave bim a quarter to buy @ scrapbook.” “Well, what did he do?” “Brought home a book called “Points on Pugilism.’”—Brooklyn Life. The First Thought. “That Italian author travels with 14 inks.” trunks? Well, Pd be that sea- in the brain, and wearing red glasses will send the use of coammneee and ot as wi rel down, to the congestion of the Drain P that red roduced, fact more quickly and efficiently. eto re coniiden fod has suddenly sprung a most im- senat elatter on me. the blood ie the eas be relievi benett as may allow & the Sey and asserts glasses ‘There is not a more dangerous class of isorders than those which affect the pont What does it wee fer, my dear.” What “Why I "pst ‘Naphened 10 to pass throush Ale rome ta my new and yellow shirt that z “wells a don't ao, it again, Miller’s Com- or Country Roads the js without a peer. Light, Easy Running, Always Reliable. THE GENDRON MFG CO. Toronto, LIMITED New ee for a quarter. pound Iron Pills. “Our old neizhbor |) meanest man I w. “What has he ‘fone years we have been neigl WIVES OTHER Sone]. J. Vip ond & Co. IF ANY MED MBER. t OF ‘OUR, ea RIN NES, SISTERS BROTHERS: ate Amiel reren tron (tasteles) secre! a falas impossible. Pamphlet, testi- Fests: ane Corres} pendence confidential. ‘Write The SMa REL I Y CO., Toronto, Ont. FRUIT AND nee COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MO ing that you pay. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local a] ications as they cannot reach the By local Aeon of the car, There ia only. on A} Mich igsn huckster is i, the ex- | San periment of creating a new vegetable by ftin look up te her. Iwas cunep of a severe cold by MIN- MENT. R. F. Hewson. of a terrible sprain by Twas CURED MINARD’S LIN! IMENT. ‘ED COULSON, Yarmouth, N.S, Y.AA.C. Twas CURED of black erysipelas by MIN- ARD! 'S LINIM glesville. J. W. RUGGLES. Walks When Others Sleep. “Does Pa husband walk much dur ing 1 = “Isabel, fat Took like a huge flower One of the greatest blessings to pare! a fam. ¢ CALIFORNIA ‘ORANGE SYRUP CO., Ban rmonloce ON cil yt pes ee ee PLOWS, | ROLLERS & peter copmsaurr Flow as era anemic Le ey AND. MANILA ROPE fart thon, Wa aterous, Brantford, Canada. Brantlord i ——— sag) grace ofthis MONEY 223823 inily isaeaty 90 yom Ee on Bi Sain ae he does most of his | business. we She—" 2 letures. Cat you ba bad been oar os Sainples free if vou write was mai Beet an tell by the way you take | THE court all the umbrella for yourself ROBERT! LIMITED TORONTS, OS. ¥ i Correspondence Solicited. 3 Meet aieet fae -< | erieers Melee Consignments. /@ Last Straw. ——$——=2 A, Teancashire (Hngland) undertaker ae Hey bad enh eae the ti tnfely’ fell dead gt: funeral he wa There's man: apart ae ‘jana And pile the misery Rao ws ents, ke é hove a EN A aes pee sy for the children, Miller's “A monstrous lot of at what is infinitely w ee ‘Than all the tunes they play won Powde pane: z i “Our old book-keeper says he ts batt aa fe OS ates Tione Are Left-Handed: ng. 2 200 2 month at his new place.” A tion hunter Who has made a study| —“Yes—200 mist ee pray aeties. nays that 't-handed, en one s Worm Powders cure all alk Sout blow it always uses Lonplis Miller’ nemts ey children like Imitatio new hat iseabsurd: it ‘The only newspaper man in England who is a peer is Lord tenes, prope etor of the London Morni Miller's Worm Powders are onder ful medicine for the ailments of children. ———_——_— es’ Worm ee sear tees The finest, purest and most. nutritious we ‘that is by tito al Shai remedies. ‘Detfaessis caused by an Jn i aie aes pels worms and, gives! Jelly. known is that made from the mucous lin ne of the Tmarvelious manner to the : ioe fe ue ieee | eben ee clephants’ tusks. rmpiing sound or impet eae eee ee and tna une the nda Gea Shanghal’s Rupid Growth. Festored to. item ar of he Chinese di Heh ph hangbai has grown oe ine cases out ‘caused son. Ik mitch ie nothing bet an inflamed condition of oe ae cocabllake the ces. We mil atgive ‘One aoe De ea for any. oF (caused by catarrh) that ean Seeared by Sv Hall's Casarrh Cure. Send for elr- Sse off See ere oa ", geal culars f x aS nd we F. J. CHENEY & 00, Tole, ©. WS Dil tit tawaceae ca Gal a er day ant me Syrui xpenses Leen ey mock; Bartieularn fo for 2 cant Gatalonns Ramsay's sna th pocas. STEELE & BRISTOL, Seer re HOUSE PAINT aie and coeamee i eos Sees PAINT a Viinwe Ar “which is Mrs aramduke Smith's youngest daug! Sa vier eae re for or send “That wlowie 3 srl in the pink frock.” MECHANICS t= tI you where to get ite ae" ‘ou know she’s the young AECHANICS tavet A Ca ShY & SON, “Her sores and sisters all seem ean ge co Lathe ne Hands | 37 ie Tee Montreal. emodern cour hianithy, progressive cree living he Owen Electri [Bade ‘Mark-Dz, Owes, ecientifi and practical Electr Bar Pied emmclonytrng aren tiger Renerats e4 strong curcent of ease. hat is Ener ‘control an the body, Zor the cure — Nervous Di iseases fusiaatee: Wee oorfally Ye: | Thousands of Leyes a mS riety, of yy |impotency, Lost ‘Manhood, ets etc., that the Ste oid red uninjured. ‘Ths is the liberal pole pope up fhe, tail rder spots of featment fail to cire. “here isa lose bat please as: |pénerve force z e weapon dsa costomer and we have by'sny modical treatment, abd any doctor wha oe jone | roae Shete sts by any kind of : $ pureui jangerous (Oth > | perly treated, thete diseases can peut Cured LL logue and Only those who have had cor! tell the torture corns cause. with your boots on, pain with’ them off—pain night and de ’; but relief i is sure se Holloway’s Corn Cure. “Tom yh, ae se Paget, nig] -ank—What's her name? Miller's Worm Powders cure fits in ebildren. Waiter saree ite forgotten some thing, si make such-an expose of my unaccepted manuscripts.’ Gueet~That ‘sso. My wife gave meas letter to post. Thanks! BINDER tu! TWINE = PURE MANILLA 116. LB. CENTRAL TO) CENTRAL PRISON TORONTO CASH WITH ORDER. ONT. RISO FRONTO. gad ‘gives satisfaction if you use BIS TRICKERY IN TRADE Zeei2es 228 ‘Rev. Dr. Talmage Draws a Contrast Between It and Fair Dealing. “tie Condemns Business Processes by Which Values Are Mis- Many of Our M Are Models igton, July 28,—Integrity ai hing that was goin; my text I am sure he must in have walked into conversation between a s ? waxes louder. But thoy er. The merchant put a prog ob & sit not all night at the wine cup. They coke aan the eenioe er | ust e sights. They stagger forth Se ge atened) Thee cost is mot | With cheeks flushed and eyes bl worth what you ask for it. Why, just | The outer gates o! to Teh 3m she Sree eae etscntts of the favict ‘Soe | Yiotims. ‘The wings of lost sonls fis (chat spot on the collar! Besides that, 1» |®™0ng the lights. and the steps of thi does ‘not fit. ‘Twenty dollars for that? |°aFousers sound with the | rumbling | Why, itisnot worth more than $10. Mere of ste i to all th [bave a better article than that and for | ssnotities of hom: et Coa crests pie laayie aan lothem, father, lumbering in’ the inland home. Eros. Sua't want i¢ as | iB some vision of that mi toh 8 any sre glimpse of the ruin wrought they would out and enter bis @t his writing desk and ‘ages a orayon sketch of you, ‘naught, it is naught, sai heii a tages’ his way, P ibeni oth.” Werd as Good us Bond. no higher styles of men in — mae ree made a his mind pied 8 price whioh vill al a ein a living patel when he th ‘were Wi what ae salesman said they were and ‘were sold at a ee sie ie a make great sacrifice, but to business, and Solomon in s-| firm may m are in. | families lace and ‘had put off his disguise, that he sat down for all is “Te th the buyer, but of Integrity. of o1 fa ee come to town, re a mas the. alshonesty-af other bislnods houses, | ef course ft an lows welt met’ tomer with @ roll under terror ale there may spring up brai in other olties, aia sl eis partoers of ths drive their full bloo achieved. ir gras a voice will oH the ext Bo you peste that?” And cl avarice and crime.” While we adm’ approve of sll acuteness and tact in the of goods. | any moves by Whloh a fabric or product is dag pos- sessing a Fale ‘which it really does not silt cat peti sn their luster, cali- ely. ash out, stoves tat eek under the Test ‘hot fire, ly |, carpets ala fu:aiture porter with patiy eters and sold as havin, rece! Young business dishonor, and you lll avold all the rest. The cay to draw it chain could nat be ioosened in surgeon was called to rena aie lsiahy fens baloes the work could be done the tide roll viotim, and his life was gone. I coos around, ana it will be the duty of some enterprising e is a large pi and has plenty of me and money, and it will pay to be very atten ‘The evening is spent at a place of .doul ent. Then jend same mercantile ectablishment eae in, and Lee and ates ove into their mansions and ded span, and the may sweep the street with the most elegant apparel that human heart m-| ever wove or earthly magnificence ever Bab sons ts gathering surely for those if it does not seize hold of the that they -compelled to ey siatiareaty and runners and draymen and bookkeeprs who! mw. behind the, soanea' wil ony to. their nefarious deeds, and some virtuous sot .6e stood at the splendor and power of tnese m to admit a sick hrguane reward, Mee a Teplest or triakery mi, one for himself, receive condemna- ATielairfol:dividenite ied nbd olean ‘be- sca stepped into the insurance office? was providential. And what a ashy solace for a business man to fee] that things are providential! What peace an equilibrium in such a consideration, ma what a grand thing If all business men could fealiee From Lethargy. Te Tohdlies men are often let their calling interfere vith the Game: aad I [will del asiteee ae if The store and the coun’ have devel borinaneniecst @ of the most imatwark cbar- had but = oe first pulled pone him all benevolence, aswel ae lability, next your soul, saying, ‘ first the Kingdom of ‘God and nite uni and ther things shall devil, ions will boast through eternal ages that the fhe in his lite could not be, outwitted at last tumbled into sL and swindled out of heaven. Perbaps some of you saw the fire in New York in 1835. feed en us “some stood on the ira eee THE BACHELOR’S BEDROOM. a its place is not in thé neatness to anyone.’? ‘Surprised. She felt that she could by reminding her that cleanlin upon s woman with & newbo living with you,” re “She not If and a bit of carpet, ans ‘becau: peby raid tt it." The reformer apologized for oe hurried out of the ‘presenoe ofa of soul which was a revelation Sie ip not likely forget. ‘The Manly Bos. Writing ebay boys in The | Canadian ‘Magazine, editor sa} ‘Above sei be man- ly. In England this is taught mainl: ugh the sports in which the youth many manliness mean? It means which makes the man a ‘More Diplo: jos a re my wife nae a thing people who inhabit ed meigorhod a8 which we je hay us wit Cal did she manage ie “Engaged two of the bieelt vans in m to move all on looked at Acer oe een nae, and threatened to obliterate eroial world ase wo are farashing The “sleeping: | ald to the ee airy | standing nearest to “Now, to a an dust as possible, and restful to look at. 2 albogeenece unlooked for e | Bits. inspection, and could give a lesson in The yout mer was a superlative- ly fecainine srcstare whee sual shbored in those which come from the harp, but her sympathies had d and had entered her Deen name on the roll of Friendly Visitors.” face her jety friends without being able to ‘experiences in reforming some- See ree ae eae ee premises Taming eaaouy ane unmade bed, which ereepeth by night,”* her eye rested mn babe at ai aid not know that you ay Shia lady, you see I have a window and I invited her to | ack se I thought is would be a place ranepieee nite dy for tame see THE FUNNY MAN. Why ie Poet Did It. che curtain of ortmgom, ruddy sunshine sufuses ax Gay ik, The top of the pine coveied mountate sammy eternal, unbending, rock , lone, Tae dark “ple Tall of the crud hovers over Mp t, deep throbbing, that soon baply may ery With echoes fll resonant, rick and harmonious to the music of ocean’s soft moaut. Tet hot toe te mountain, nor lightning fort nor deep throated thun« in pr ty take posses- nape ee with scent like the ieee See ven, Po w! up sion of them. The toils of business life, tane, ups es mblance of altar an which racked brains and rasped eel and their nerves for so many y: ‘will have | Awoke on the oe the wild chord of devotion forever “There the wicked the inst rapturous solitude plays on), from troubling and the weary are at ‘Bee Ponty rs and rhea te Camere Meawe Nor was'tt the sea, with tte rumble and ripple, 1 Dreier d shingle advancing and fall- Its tate fener snd ita deep. Nagase minded the Greek of bis Tat ‘this “yse Inspired, eb, ot therefore 8 a os in fury and frenzy these v« But sity aad sisrly /, inka te ps yw many w could get in a line! Puno on En nsectar essing a a class that iat Tan of the not continuous, ge him. could your father walk aroun@ It can be all af ttle thought was the prompt reply. de judiciously mixad with the planning} “ it. One very pl wo in| ‘“Becunse be's broken bis leg,” was ie mind is in the home of a ‘bachelor man. esponse.—’ Goi A “What that old ‘pro’ moss and the rolling stone?" frog the New York girl. “A revolving fragment of the paleozoie age collects no cryptogamous veg tion,” replied usin from Boston. ‘Land’s sake!” ejaculated the New as or and let it go at that—Chicaga e Sweet Srosente e—he hasn't a heart. » L honor your cones e yt I feel, knowing nothing at all? ‘And learning does not ill become yous Still fain would I brush it aside f ‘And have you, sweet grad, push it from you hiladelphia North American, Em! Mrs. Bare 's ae ‘ennorings meet were not mean enough to have the amin arvenu—Of course not. ipa fic genuine ‘blue bloods. But a bargiar Tied off all the rest of the silver and fet those spoons.—Detroit Bree In France. “What a turbulent people the French are, to be sure!” hey are expecting the man/on horse- “Well, one would think they wore ex pecting ‘carriages company ffom the fuss make”’—Detroit Jouraal. An Exciting Prospect. In the year of 1900, if you go to gay Paree, There won't be any limit to the sights that you can see. ‘You may watch the mob in motion—it ts docile, though it’s queer. i Folie ee eee ee I LR donc gets os Seared ‘You may see waste baskets where the pax per scraps eee And for‘a slight gratuity they will politely show The interesting relic which they call a “bor 0" ‘You may patronize the graphophone and hear the thing exclaim ee suybedy whom ‘rin, chagce to now They ave absolutely endlem, the taclities for glee Ta the year o! tin you go gy Pace Conduct Accounted For. ihe Statesman— Why ere you always riting those scathing articles against cigarettes whea, you auiske-20 or 80. 5 the young man| day yourself? m rights and those of others.| The Copy Maker—It is part of the job Jo speech, | —like your shouts for purity in politiea— temperai agnanimity’ in| Indianapolis Jour cond dan earnest i loyalty to duty. It has no limits, no Got ed bounds. It is a garment which| First Servant Gi nunds the so that} coming afflicted wi distinguished from the| Second Servant Girl—W! First Servant Girl—Here lately when the inisecs Gulla mab so'bee up, cant off asleep again.—Ohio State Journal. Proper Way. Harttord exchange w: recipe for cutting a Georgia mielon in the prop- er way. Well, bere Put one-kalf o: that, | An then you git naan ing an begin! ? ta Constitut = 1 ‘igg—1 won iy many men than women die suddenly? agg—I suppose the women wait a lite tle while in order to have the last w