ue ‘i i] ; Wy 2 “It Shines For All” MILVERTON, ‘ONT., PERTH £0. ‘THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1899 MALCOLM MacBETR, | ‘Editor and Publish? Transient Se ad are chal ‘at wr Tine, nonpariel, for the pd Se r line for each sue- . Medical W. EGBERT, ae raate of College ott Bi gticsns and raduate student of of ‘Telspbone: connection with Poole, Brunner, Lutheran Church and Bostock. NON, Barristor, Solicitor, fhursdag, A. M. PAN’ Office. open every Block, Main St. 7, Bite. , Wm. ‘Burton’s in SRUNNER Mr. and Rostock ah ae ies at a ert ws alt ‘W. Schmidt and Mrs. sa sounds of st Hileetton ae sige Messts. C Scbmi r, A. Doerr has his. eal macliine going again. will doa rushing business. steam August. Mr. Andrew Yungblut Be Mrs. Henry Yungblut of Rostock spe Sunday at Mr. H. Schmidt's NEWTON. Ait his brother Mr. A. Mr. D. 8. Williams spent Sunday under the parental roof. at his uncle's, Walter Ross, Young: 34 ville. ane wing acquaintances atSt. Marys: Pte Miller of Mitchell is ie visit aftel ending a couple of saa ata tay Toe Schoeltise spent Sunday at. his) home in Mildmay. T 'y ‘artin’s cressing the 2:40 train ted B valuable steer longing ‘0 Mr. M Mr. Paul count i ina ng aS into ine, Zoeger's hi lossy and Sohn Donnelley bave spending afew weeks Dentistry ae tie L. D Dentist. N i visit. the Queen’ san whi Minty of every month fi the practice of bis Ere- J, ROBINS. of Stratford, Honor ‘init ‘Toronto, and Graduate of the ‘College™ of ental Surgeons, Toronto, will visit Milver- ad third ‘Thareday of every pm. 2 pu Cen tral “1 Hotel. Nitrous yain- J. ‘Graduate Onta1 patie treats ail “tisea oe of dou RB. VETERINARY SUR- *GEON, Gea cette tocaetly of Newton(Grad- wate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto.) se eall dlscunes of domestica’ mals. Calls by telephone or otherwise promptly attended to. ie eoinecn: First clase h rigs at all times. Baggage transfer. Catal seeing a ~specialty, soctettex No, 09, Milverton, mesa ¢ MT v aoa. $o’clock, in icant lire aermel’s store, Visking b “brethren al- ways welcome. Jobn CR; A. ‘Barth, Recording Secretary. 0. F., “Silver Star tse sample especially barley. ng. st | His new machine is doing elie CARTHAGE A great many fincas tueets harvest threshing. Mr. Toes Martin is getting it almost all work. Robert J: Moore who Aa been ill fur some time with typhoid fever is) recovering. The fever is Leer nd if he continues to improve as he has been doing he will soon be able to get out of Mr. cream on Saturday evenings. great treat this hot weather. ‘he'Garthage cheese factory sent cheese on Fred Schaefer furnishes ice It isa «the geest of Mr. James Holmes on Friday evening. Quite’ a number off young peaple were — also pre -F enjoyed some excellent mus by Mr. Stewart on his vi “DONEGAL Miss Nellie MucFarlane is at present) visiting fr riends in Liswi iss Bell Mitchell of Aerors iy) eniday Miss Lizzie McFarlan Mist Lise’ MaLoautn was ‘present shies friends at Tralee. e trustees have let the contract. ©) for placiag « floor i in the school hou and expect it wo be ready for opening on Monday. Farmers are busily engaged i cutting and housing he ee Sos which this year are an exceptionally Thresh- ing of course is also in pases iss Nellie McFarlane has been en- d to teach the Junior department Business Cards WEIR, Aactioneer for Store, Male street, DORLAND'S BUS LINE, Bus meets ‘ravellers calls promptly attended orland, Maple St., jones Hotels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont. John Seepes Pzoprietor. Best Beets a and Scigars at, the bar. First-class acco tion and large stabling, Gaeny seal digee HOTEL, Milverton. tion for com Yiquors and cigars, 8. eat Sill etresta, G. casa Proprietor. SHE EE SEE Aa SOE QUEEN'S HOTEL, BeSonic! Ont. a best accommodation for commercial tra rooms, | The star playing cs ea yaaa oil and A. ial: Geleruen plenty of shed cece Henry § ‘Miscellaneous JOHN GROPP, desler in Cedar Posts, in. none Seeltl have been awarded a che AtaGed Publie school and will mminence duties on Monday. Mr. Anérew McMane RS ‘Brantford spent afew days with friends hei i i Wednesda: nda game of football blew be town wit colors flying and took a crack boys but did not carry yo an victory. In fact the only ae that saved them from a thorough drubbing secure keeper, who was kept hustling to ward off the shots made on goal. The score at the end of an hour pee a blank though impartial ‘onlookers say that atch took place in e Sete field and afterwards a supper was given the boys by Mr, Struthers. MONKTON. | (Too late for last week.) eatherstone, ex-May: ‘amber, Laths,’ Shingles, Pumps, etc. “Brunner, Out. fined to nt wel ster Bert Hyde spent week | assist the de. X 00) Mr, Alexander Ross spent Sunday T A.D. Hyde spent Seen i Miss'Leader, our papal dressmaker is ott “ge the beat spending a fe days in the balmy airof the country this week with her Tae friends. Mr.'Simon Angler is‘at present cot his home with a mild attack of typhoid fever but we hope to see him ain in a few weeks. eta! ‘again. Mr. Areby “Malcolggt the Hara on Monda ing considerebly bet ocr Miss Maggie Huggins has return from visiting friends in Listowel. Messrs. Johnston and Soot started on Monday to burn a kiln of 80,000 en hand. and farmers can now have their orders proniptly filled. Mr. Leonard Sehde had 8 suovess Messrs. o. Wilson are are in ights and sounds of the een We wish them a very pleasant tim ‘The two ladies that went berrypick- ing last week had better make sure. shat they tie iets horse more secure Sa time. rove.a distance in- e woods ae left their borse "Ged, as aes thought, but when they retarn- ed see ane horse and buggi ad to go home without dinner as w as without the horse sr oe It was found by the men later Messrs. Joseph Naan ald oan Blair have again started on their unds with their steam thresher. home who lives not far bad better get their lives ‘insared be hei hei answered them oy turnin, tl with a good sized club which pickle put them to flight. ‘They got such a fright that they vow that aie will never attempt it again until there is moonlight so that they soa see where to run. Sa ee a BURUULARY AT Mrs. ro Hees in Listowel. brick, They have a goed stock of tile| 47 LOCAL NEWS. Clothing at cost at the Newton qT ina ’s. Mr, Ape Brantford, is visiting Mr. ae eee Mr. John sar Nie on Friday, tg) visit friends in Guel Shoes ! Shoes ! 2 te the Newton Seige ee for bargains. Henry Schneuker| oo4to) iss Robb of Stratford epent Sun;| ses Good He with the Mi Tomatoes in large sunnion ‘erriv- ing fe at C.S, Kertch Hii ‘As I have sold my shoe business i desire to have settled at on all out standing accounts on or before Sept. lst. I hope that obits “i require no notice other than this. D, Perry, — ilverton. ‘At the Newton Trading Co.'s big closing sale, 8 yee Lote Ca ene widths fast colors) Does ae 106. pair., 500 yds. Tanase te) Pee yd. aa pies Te. and 8¢., 2: cottonade sale price 15e.yd. Mr, J. Kertcher, who has for some "}| weeks been hovering between life and death with the fever. is nays apparent- ly on the ae an: unforseen — ranges, lemons Sa banal ie in stork at O. S. Kerte here Mrs, (Dr.) Naismith and Mi left on Friday Nec ts sia frena et Hou ie |, atl se on Main street for sale or ‘Apply for particulars at The eo. R, Lamont, of Chesley, Jast| Peaches, d plums of the finest. quality pill he to-day al Ss. Gee her’s. J.M. MacBeth. in Milverton. Mr. Henry Gleiser’s saleon Satar- last was a success the articles put up fiat Pat sol ices. The Rev. McLaughlin, Hartington, wi occury ihe Saher a Burns church ni bath, is at present spending afew days witht] his teasbey” Peter, of Milverton. ee Gus. Hasenpflug, of ‘Teeswater, present seadiag = fow of bid follaeys with his parents at the Grand Central. Messrs. Schaefer & Schauber are prepared to do painting, calcimining | and paper haogit either by the .day or by contra Mr. sea Beirnes, of Milverton, is prepared to do House painting either by contrast oF by the day, Call and get his a a Grosch and Miss Minni Pfeffer left on Friday for Dashw: where they will spend @ couple of weeks visiting friends. Mr. A. MacBeth has been engaged By 8.8. No. 18, Wiimot, two miles east of Wellesley village as teacher at a salary of $400 per year. their Form IL examination. ‘There is a probability that the cigar makers team of Stratford will try con- pusons with Milverton on Friday or Saturday at a of S. S. No. Fite teacher around Milverton for Mornington, was at afew days this week renewing Some time during Sunday night bevels effected an entrance cee the side window post office Sebringville and turned up De peagihine that waslikely to contain any valuables. They also pried open the safe and ’ und a registered Rewer addresses yer. ey opened it and took co money, leaving Acs envelope and|™ stamps lying on the floor, They also took some small clase and stamps,‘in 13, rawer con- taining some atone pines belonging to Mr. ae The tools they used in a iat were au onvof| 5 Frank Lites blacksinith shop. It is also said they gained an entrance into Moser’s hovel, but nothing is trying to sell jewel seen they were ol for Mitchell isa appeared to be about — thirty r, ©. 3. Grosch and son, J. 0. Peet left last Friday for the Soo where they will spend 1 few days in t| the interests of de London Ascetylene Manufacturing C Mr. Gus. Hasenpflug left eh pes for a two weeks’ vacation. tend: ee a visit Montreal and New also go west to the state of Wis- abs before be returns,—Teeswater The eounell meeting called fir on Saturday evening had to be postponed for want of a quorum, only the Reeve and J. L, Rae nt. The get the members. as been suggested that a gigantic Spiehoas picnic be held under Welag spices of the Milverton — publi library. We believe the idea i: good one and if the citizéns ‘who ai not. ii rs old; were dark i ‘jon and | © faiely well dressed. They wore black satin shirts. FALL FAL FAIRS. Ji Mordington, Milferton North Perth, Scr Son Siagits Lon East Elgi mage Thomas, Nae: $8, carry The “Council and. ‘Schoo! Board will no dou! Pe lend what aid they tan. r ago it was thought by soi rene Sine Dre Lanesll of oe ‘a8 too semnpent it with ional of the of wines the Doctor's course then ae oe . | fully borne eat uby Dr. Bryce, bee oe ‘of ech, Canada Genteal, Outaws, ‘Seps. 111-23. | cases t. 12-13. )decided jay. Mr AF Unto, vised rend in the lage Weg 8 n Tan E mira, Sept. 8-2! Hie 2, The Bev. ‘ceo Barth, of Chicago, 3 basebail on Exhibition ich, old St. preee Reeve complains that i¢ is difficalt: to}, inte! the library, shoald get together and chat ca dying of anthrax when he ordered | them to be barned, but the wisdom of | ce tin a ale recovery he Rev. D, And: junday Hast. occu} ied the pulpit it of ihe Meth oe church while the Rev. T. J. eos ae preached in Burns church. ngregation exp! we pee catisled with the discourse. — is hoped for. deal awe in harmony. at O,} You can giv’ Moran, of Kansas, for] psa! oe of Stratford, is visiting friends dd ben! The hoe ine: aah were received constru ‘Canston 2,31 $2, 439; one & Curtis, d L. Conceine, k, 35 Logan, at oe andenburger of ‘al ie quilts last weel pene the bones paicadie the flesh the arm into the gravel. About 50 me were extracted. The ‘can be pieces neal is doing as well as Like a shock came the announce: ment of the death of Mrs, Armstrong, of Arm: ime appeared to suddenly took a turn for the ae away shortly, after it arrived. Much - sympathy is felt for Mr. Armstrong, ~ het ie le ah the care of six child- jen, 01 less than a weel The pce took place at the — Stratford Presbyterian cemetery and the fake was largely attended. h Mercury of Thursday last aa eH Thorp and wife left this — ry. Thomas Wilson, B.A., of Paris, 947 2 LPHOPR. to the ne go through it would give Milverton a — direct route east and would hi he effec: of compelling the G Trank togive’ better accommods: and railway service. thei ae of our fair Dominion. t were left Snare ordi ‘and had