“It Shines For All.” Vol VIL I—No 32 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €O., THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1899 MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publishe? %s the best Local Newspaper in the Count; of rth, Tt is the Best Advertising tes reasonable, Subscript in advance. $1. Modinm. Rates re 8 a yes 3 strict so pai. OM. Ma The Milverton Sun OBETH, PURLISHEE, ADVERTISING RATES, first insertion, ive insertior space. | Year. |6 mo, | 3 mo. | 1 me. 1 mo. One column... $50 00}880 00} $16 00} $6 00 Half column.| 30 00 ) ae 4.50 colar 5 ool 8 00] 6 00] 850 10 00} 6 00) 3.00) 2 00 5 00} 3.00] 200] 100 Transient Advertisements are charged at tthe rate of Sc. per line, nonpariel, for the line for each suc and 3c, per Banking, current rates of interest arieae R. RANNEY & CO., Milverton, os iz fellon Monday evenin W. Ross, hic dy sick refering shower of rain McLeunan and ie Nichol left pe Morden. Many Mr. Wm. Wilson for Regina, Man., on nate 3 ogee train Monday. Messrs Wm. Harron and %S. left o oe » Monae ae suacleks, Man. he Newton Trading nig a situation at Mr, From their. plea: when they returned they met with success. Mr. W. J. Riddolls re Sunnay at, Lebanon, We ee him nof! to come home alons Mrs. Adams eat apes of Petrolia, | is Vieting at Mr. Gies. 7 Nicholls, of Millbank, is “My preset ae for the Newton Trad? ing Mr. wa ue ere spent Sunday ay of Tandon bet in rear Telephone can at College of Bhysictame and rio; also Medical yi grad es ost graduate student ct spits, London, England. Mice, Milverton, Ont. Sickie. sa8) Poole, Brusner, ‘BERT, Lutheran Church and Rostos Block, M: ristor, Solicitor, Ete. PANTON, Barris ‘Office open every Tounday, Wa. Burion’s ental Surgeons, Toron ice at tie Grand Central Dentistry Reg Periee oties ncn AD SE ES ER Ly ; List. ciate PRO og ne caiDemtE | gota severe. shaking up. He isa Graduate of Fi atell Port Graduate Schoo! | present improving rapidly. ‘of Prosthetic Dentistry, Chicago. Office, oa Steinman spent Sunday in, fo, 6 Main street, Listowel, Ont, Will | wow Queen's hotel, Milverton, the firs ‘ gui third Monday of evety month 10 Mise Zoe ger, of Stratford. spent a) the practice of his pro- J, ROBINS. of. Stratford, Honor uate wal, College of{neral, day after to-morrow. nto, ban visit Milver-| and acquaintances please accept this and third ‘Thursday ot ey savior: U. 2 am. Hotel, Nitrous cal Anaesthetics used for pain- Grown and “bridge guaranteed. gtclock; ways wel Barth, Roessin; scientifically. 4 Tey png acetone Od C. 0. F., second and tast Tuesd 8 jcome. Reearsling Secretary 0. BB oe! Pp: isiting breth fa Ch inte teetaiea) ape Bay VETERIN Jes inerly 0! ‘Grad- inary College Foren ) of domesticated a1 telephone or otherwi paver je and rigs at all. times. No. 99, Milverton, meets ev esday of every month, at in their hall over Schneuker Visiting brethren al- ae CR; A. store. fohn <s Star oo F., ‘< Silver meets nace Friday n oh hall, post affice building. swaps ‘ele vKe Loth, RS. Deeds, Afidarite illage eves Main “port LAI W. ties of Perth and Wate Wills Clerk. Business Cards WEIR, Aactioueer for the Conn- , Conveyance, ges dra h Divoion Court. Groseh’s ores and = Morts made. Bailiff a ice, in street, M ND'S BUS LINE, Milverton. First-class ns. Gi travelers and others. réom liquors and cigars, and Mill streeta, C. Hasenpllng, Proprietor. | Dorland; Maple St., Pro Hotels E EXCHANGE HO On Proprietor. Beat, liquors and First-class accommoda- Coe aat barge atahting GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. accommodation for eommerci liree Jarge sample jood_ stubling. ands of QUEEN accor "S$ HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. commercial ma tables and | sone Me shied eaieas ylshig Heer peor Miscellaneous JOHN GRUPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, imber, Prcae Shingles, Pumps, etc. , Ont. ery | and breaking the rack, he got éitizens and | ravellers calls promptly eines to. his home The aoe weather seems hard on, the young men s eyes, especially when| they are returning home early in the morning. Mr. L. Kalbfleisch has secur ed a | situation with ae Kneehtel of Strat’ ford. We wish him success. Mr. McCloy, of Stratford eee erect taking views of bie Selick W, Riddolls, a fying] visit last weel Mr. Tom. Nelson. fell off Mr. Kerr's eetsame a distance of 23 ft., oo few days in town last weel business at present. Foot-ball dead, age 3 months, fan- Friends Mr. Campbell and Wm. |Neleonj dé started tes Manitoba on Monday. Mr. A. D. Hyde has secured a fresh stock of confectione! ery. e is also selling wasbing machines ab a low figure. woollen and saw mills are -| running ac fall blast. Tt-is rumored that one of our young | & bachelors is seriously thinking of try- ing matrimonial lite. “Mr. E Hawke spent Sunday at bis hom ne. Mr. Chas Donnelly has been laid} up with a sore foot for a few days, but] is improving at present. Wm. Harrdn met with a rather und] % {pleasant accident Inst week. While L off with slight braises on the head and a severe shaking op. MONKTON. Our Publie school started Monday, but with rather a small attendance aster Alfie Broughton has return- from ‘spending “his holidays in Listowel, and now rides a wheel of bis} tia? wiaiie, hle“odlnal seuss «sie Hord spent eS ge village a guest of the Misses’ “Pablie School Inspector Mr. Irwin n his visited our school wheat per day for 15 days, ltotm of course, and another with leutting ten acres of heavy grain in five hours, another oue that thrashed in Mani- nd| Sand ay. ‘Miss Ethel G. McLaren, of Mitchell, was in the village, Monday, attending | °f wil! to her popils in the masic line. ee the young lady every success. ise Nellie Merryfield, ae with ey her ber grins, Mrs. G pentertained for his recover: e tow ood 1. E. Riddolls, of Brantford, paid |S Our Gacriaue aikenis duiay'e poodle ee basa pe Milverton, Sept. a 29. day, after spending three months down among the Thousand Islands, Ottawa, a Toronto and many other laces of interest down east. ey ea look remarkably well, especially Miss Nellie, who has gained in flesh twenty-tive Ibs. ‘Their many friends = village, was in Listowel on Sat day on business. Master Frank Goforth returned home on Monday from holidaying int Mitchell . Teacher E.C. Valance returned to the village Monday, and is again weilding the Birch to the children, and wee the foundation of their future rity. Mr. Simon Angler, we are sorry to state, is no better, but strong -hopes is ‘The ordination and induction of Rev, James Abery will take place at Monkton in Knox church, on Tuesday August 29th, at 2:30 in the pms when Rev. Mr. Grant, of St, Marys will address the le, Ri Hardy, of Litowe ae sermon and Rev. Mitchell will address the congregation, then after the services are concluded-a tea will served in the new manse from 6 to8, Admission, 15@ and 25c. A epared for | o} time, so come one and all and spend a few hours with the good people of Monkton. ” & PRETTY HOUSE WEDDING, The following notice from ‘thi Ridgetows Plaindealer of Aug. 170 bat > Lo refers to Miss Eunice Little, daughter f Mr. W. U. Littie, who, some few ears ago ran the private bank BAA edding was celebrated f Mr. Spore by aited the re, ee fe ‘ise the Wedding played by Miss mie "Gillies, ae brie entered, leaning on the arm o} by her dies forined by Rev. Mr. Lee. looked charming in a dai white silk Mouseline de soie, with Valenciennes lace over white silk, with the regulation veil and orange blossoms. ridesmaid wore a pretty gown of blue and white grena- dine over white sil fter the bride and grooin had received the congratu- lations of those present, a sumptaous wedding breakfast was served, after which the happy young couple left for a sta down the St. Lawrence? The rray of beautiful and costly presents tentiGed to the popularity of the young couple. Among the guests fi distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Duffus, Detroit ; Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Blen- hei; Mrs. Boyes, Highgate; Mr. and Hunt, St. shade and Miss Francis Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Donald, Duart; Mr. and Mrs. S. ‘Lit ue, and the Misses Edith and Edna le and Miss Lily Ballantyne, 2 FALL FAIRS. ‘orth Perth, Stratford, Oct. Bees Waterloo, Galt, Sept. = ae Central, Guelph, Sept. Industral Toronto, Aug. Western, London, Sept. 7 Ext Big, a ies as, S a8 Sent 9. Cannda 1, Ottawa, ee Th 23. Wellesley, Soe 12-13. Elmira, Sept. 28-29. home to the village o on Mon- ing | benevalent publ replaced -|more, the merrier ; let us have your LOCAL NEWS, in as issu ing 3 aeily at C. S. Kertcher’s. Fresh oranges, lemons and bananas always in stock at C. 8. Kerteher’s. Messrs. Grosch and Baseball Barth spent Coe at Dashwood. The need parece 5 a was strongly ee tel on Mon Mr. Thos. Capling, of “heaton sane few sor at his aes | orman Simon cree spent Sikes in Sebring ville. ‘Mr. Joseph Raycraft, of London, oe Ws Raine with his parents in Mil] Hose on Main street for sale or rent. ey for particulars ay The Sun offi Tare: a are ar present yisiting their uncle, Dr. Egbert. Mrs. Philip Knechtel, of Wallace, is at present Mister at the residence} rene Ed. Cleaver's coe a few days with her sister Mrs. James hen: last week, Messrs, Schaefer & Schi prepared to do painting, calcimining and paper isbn either by the 1 by contract. Me Joseph Beirnes, of Milverton, is red to do house painting either br contract or by the day. Call an auber are Albert where shel will spend a few weeks with her sister ‘Mrs. John Scheonhals. sr.—A hound, black on the back ang grey and black on the sides with ube over both ge t Hier suitably rded.—E. | avistock, and Miss Heldman a: a Mrs} Louis Doering, of Philipaburg, "spent Sunday at Mr. Fred Wiederhold’s. Panton, of St. train at the 5: Quite a large auuibor of members have been secured for the Mornington ‘Agr'l Society. since Niet week, 7 The name. Mr. John Engel, V. S., has garden a plo tree which he ha arafed te spring; the grafts have gro’ ce that time a the ‘traor- aur Tenge of 64 feel Moygy LoaNnep. — _ When our cae is due, or if, you nt to of interest charged. ‘our with us will Le strictly private. James TORRANCE. Mr. Ralph Lederman, DD.S,, of Baden, is talking of locating in oat highly recommended, of will Likely take room: sch’s lock. Mr. David Merklinger, who has travelled extensively throagh Westera (Bie ee this year, has had ample op urtunity to view the harvest prospects Ree bk eagtvtine: chia enna aly throughout the whole area that he bas traversed is simply marvellous, the whole land teems with plenty but no- where is the yield greater or the pro- spects finer than in the county f On- tario, which he declares to ‘be the veritable garden of Ontario. While travelling through the town- d- Elma, we dein many places | anadian thistles d (hein: plate: Phe remvtiun: doubt is Abe Queen's’ highway but sorely a man could do so much for pablic chine y as to cut down the ee and at the same time add to his own farms, The community is suflering for want the appearance of Read Sele Bros. new aaeele ev matoes in large quantities arriv- 8 ry andj) ha' to sses Eva and Leah Henning, off rs, Robt. orfaie, of Wallace, |44 day | One Margaret Schaefer left onto *|Puesday for Port’ shi and aire Henry Wino of *ino claw actually shrinking instead of progress- ing—a pers would be most Leh eo The Di of the Mornington Agricultural Gaieactodd have the bulk of their canvassing done this week as the list ef names on which the culty and the directors cerned should try and make this prelim year in the history of the shoe ne the English trade qutoals ide our eyes; we don’t want to trade at your store, because you do nov vertise.” See Str: a Horticultaral Society annual exhibiti going Ee us any stale goods, we have opened that fruit growers make an ee - have as goud showing as prize list may be found Le roading exhibitors in the post ot Fighting is not Teft to — monopoly of blacksmith, implement ae note vers, tailors, dudes an rs, bub ceseconally our sturdy sues in- dulge in the exciting but expensive pasttime. On Tuesday, Mr. Nicholas offence being committed on last. The evidence went to show that Hammer had been watering cat- tle ata pump on the farm he pur- chased Scharde, when the old mah who certain vations, claimed that the exclusive right to the well was one of them and he pulled the spout out of the pump to prevent further trespass. spice pape considered that Hammer right to water his cattle * ay cod fan as he had deeds and _agree- ments in his possession in which was se restraining him. Mr. Scharde was fined $3 and costs, mak- assaulting seldom gives satisfaction. see ee MILLBANK. Mr. R. Glover, who was recently, in in A. J, Babb’s* benefited ee Rev. Dr. MeMfullen, of Woodstoc! the past two weeks, man who was the first pastor of church here preached on Sunday even- ing last to a large c ngregal ation. Rev. W. M. Haig is gone ona two weeks’ vacation. Miss Amy Wheeler is visiting at P the mapse. Miss Annie Marks has returned from Manitoba where she hi ee ae school for the past y residence a Alex. Miller. oe of Ae etans is clerking as S.J. Babbis general sto (A Brunk of Moccihures is putting an addition to Mr. Tames Reid’s house. A number of our young men have gone to ieee ‘ids * week. wish them su iitiam: Histogs i oe ul hing on” olin Joba ichol is-niso Geahioe. fice neigh- borhood. Would some of the farmers ‘adjoin- ing the village kindly cut the thistles by the roadside and thereby to the comfo-t of the public and the ap- is a difficalties me complications mn an ing and admirable manner. lished by the Poole Printing |, Toronto, and is for sale by all. tewadlealers, at the low price of 15 cents, oF wil nt id by the os postpaid by otfain. Debse clouds of smvke,doubt- pearance of their farms; \ Mis Elett Acnoldsie very il ae the ae rae