Subscribers who do aot receive their Peper regularly will please notify us ai once. Call at this effice for advertising rat = THE MILVERTON SUN. Te Gan Be Made by = Bri ight fa THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1899, A Bunch of Old Proverbs. of pride, says the mn th It yen give wes knife, give me = fork, Tn comes the fiddler and out goes the money. wre you break your bowl you lose your Jou shoot one bird you scare the whole Bock. ry off any branch except that yon are sitting an t ‘pall the house down because the chimney smokes You must chut your eyes if the dust : Blows in your face. ‘There never was, and never will be, a man: ng, such that were the he germs pate tad ifferently seated rooted in e system of the palene mia would relieve one ill in ot er. obtainable aca diniene tarvaions ait giarions ills | iis gradual aad judicious use, the nies Straverh, by tne influence whien Gar nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. necessary result, 1 pecagtoasing he ames aud giving 16 a to the digestive organs, which naturally 3 demand tnereased substance result im be? rowed appetite, Northrop é& I. i Toronto, have, given to the pablia thelr “8 rior Quinine tthe usual rate, 24, y waged by the opinion of scientists, shes nearest perfection of any inthe marker. All draggists sell it. Brickt To remove atscolaragtona from Jamip rab with a brush ij acetic acid, wash in soapy wate! oe With adry cloth. Trim wicks just above the lower line of clip corners slightly with scissors. This ‘will give you a truer flame than from wip- img or scraping the wick. Never fill the lamps full; leave 1 expan- pret & over the outside of the lamp. Toa’ be ecreal oder when the lamp is ‘iene always turn the Eiaming De dae tis al ola aiie the top and spread to the outer sides o: minibar boy or girl can poe! Remove by the aid of a small saw dock: CHILDREN’S COLUMN. A TOY SPRINKLER: ‘Walnut and Two Hazelnuts. Here is a toy sprinkler that any bright tknife about one-third of a walnut. a RINELER AT WORK. out the kernel of the in eacl ae the straws and thereby catae the te i ly. sprinkler to revolve quick! ight Kite Flyini You have all flown kites ‘a the phosphorus, trace a face. en the very careful, as it is aenical It you ‘As the box kite is very steady, there is edn ~ child is restless at night, has aes a ee of of miner! eo Warm Powders Ja what very pleasant and perfec! ice of two soap and Grogeist; mix together and stir a one eup ; stand over the fire and Jet i¢ boil thoroughly. Let the mixture ool before using. en the linens are badly scorched spi paste over the ji Brown spot and leave tilldry; then wash then eut the linen, after which operation the scorched spot will be found to have dis- appeared. Minire’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, ee aon eaanea aes Geo zion of Te bea Enight. of the FORE, of Honor is not se rren title. The cross of pines ea red ound sd fran: Pills. “5 for Carrier Pigeons, Fr i Bi Bi & i a Nauseating Pill—The excipient pplll is the substanes which enfolds moisture, and they can be beotnea latitude "without i im) garnet their: ee a “grand. officer’ 7” S00, and a “grand Sete "$60. Toes Tasightly Pimples can be entire: by th f Miller’s Com- An odd contrivance is used in Okina to protect the carrier pigeon from the attacks of birds of prey. ‘Iiny bamboo tubes are terns being blown out, and the appear:| tor the m eae Hick ce of these man: ‘eolored | pon, Tights high up in the air i very beautital the whole day through wing at a Mar! Plo rk. I was new at the plow, and the frst | Const attempt was anything but successful. ‘Look i ‘That cow there by the gate is right oppo- site us. at her, and you'll do p “all it, siz,” said Pat. And just right am the farmer was called away to the arn. minutes later he returned and was oten horrified to see that the plow had been wandering in a zigzag course ever all the field. “Hold on there!” he ron “Hold on! What are you up to’ “And, sure, sir,” said Pat, “I did what you told me. I worked straight for the I have one preacher i mat I love betice ‘than any other upon earth. It is my lit- tle tame robin, which preaches to m tle tree close by and led WA his voice to sings gratitude, tucks his fitde tend under a Pi Boy Out make with the aid of a ittle danger of your lan-| gra a. een has been majesty m of es ize, od ae black ims, which were rof. Pagen- en Ba is Yoho to use ra Sica iene she prefers a shaded wax sw to Cleanse the System. —P: captaleilivere tne area ot scientifi i fe the effects of extracts tas and bene- assigi to divided equally among all his widows who are entitled to be pen- sioned.”” tired feeling will disappear, your appetite will improve, your digestion will ee feet #0 wl {|| Pound Iron Pills. = cade Girl. One ‘of penders stor Sone 1 ‘They are made of dainty colored webbing and elastic, with real aa worn over a pret st cov er a shirt waist that is thin enough to oe them to Som« < igns silyer-mounted. Of course, they must be attractive to look at—else their mission is Minard’s Liniment Cures = 4 too long for the stature of a person. If your every-day duties are a burden, it is because you are not well. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills will correct this condi- ma: La Sesh Creates the Value. A pound ot mn is worth five mele when in into fabrics toat pound Massa- Kiiney ey Pilla and Plaster. ‘Training Berry Bushes. ‘The German fashion of, gro \dard bushes— rashes siiening g buihes into an in Railway Smoking-Cei rai arisen, PLOWS, | ROLLERS ERS & HARROWS a for Catalor ie, COcKSHUTT PLOW CO. BRANTFORD, ee biltards’6 ora _— of my line of peed —Washington mae aa on ae sae aves i saaaie not only are good, but contain juices. ‘Rice forms the fo08 of one-third of the Ostmeal is pollas the muscle. Teaha aga. _ eaten soakitar. Sega et enaiya ripe, sana poo are richer [lcss, STEELE & BRISTOL, poems Phen, turonTens er anocentes, Writeus. HAMILTON. Lis is Spices BINDER TWINE AND. oes “E NTARIO BINDER AO geliion accudas Tore ‘Anindustriousman of ue le ‘ oe I appai y for anteed salary for ngagement. Address De Saas ae Limited, Brantior® OCER UB an be used in any quantity without i to & eS twice aa Fpjueye, Jour system. and only balf the price. co es me keo it ‘A 10c, package will mak used at your meals inst a and Ask for it, Agents arabe throughont Cane ada. ROKCO MFG. CO., Toronto, SAMPLES FREE. ts yeu nothing to get samples ora Cate inci Rom ty tore taal supplying thou SS homes from ene end of ihe. Domino to the other. It is somewhat cua nue chases without at Teast comparing wl is stor Al very reques samples results in an order. That shows when. eople inv of sellin; yr it joods ant there's less to ‘counting on merit alone to ing—piling up the lume of our mai busin«*s every weel THE COMPANY ROBERT| LIMITED £LURONTO, ON Sworn to before me and subscribed in my was cured of ce Bronchitis by back for 50 cents. Miller's ries on standard Sully fg assed waz.cured of Chronic Rheumatism by aiontoe NT. ee ihe. Tats *colleting taas ina irculars. The Nation’s Holiday t 18Ss9 creat EXPOSITION INDUSTRIAL FAIR Aug. 2B to ages 9,97. ALL igs Mae ATTRACTIONS PROGR! THE ORNTUBY ‘lnsteated in the World’s Inv ntions—Wire ess Teleers hing. Ae Tolephoniags GRAND mura AND wins SPECTAGLES ous Et hand Battles Oanada’s Fam Marvellous Entertaioment Feat ‘The Best Fair, T ie Gheapest Fair. nual Fair on Earth, LOSE AUG. 5th. pce on All Lines of Travel. For Prize Lists, Entry Forms ani ars adi J. J. WITHROW, HL J. HILL, President. Manager, TORONTO. othe alles dela a is aoe fun S reso many cough medicines in the yemmacket, that it is sometimes difficult to,tell Ww) coe hese buy; but if we had a Rey preparations recommended for such com- Largest Stamp Mill. representing $14,000. pound Iroi Exhibit by x loids by a system of A Klondike "Peiend—What is -w York Journal. plaints. The little folks like it as it is as In every ay or town in thes ne P There are 9,000 cells in a square foot of mb. Dougias L terles, each of five stamps, hay- juga g capacity of four tons daily. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- m Pills. ‘Maurus Jokal, the bead novelist, cow, but the crayture wouldn't kape | »85 9D! still” EST BY FACURSIONS gh RETURNING oat ocr. an AND . 127 tt ‘eoae gre preparing coffee in ‘ab ia Brasil for ee re a Inventor—My fortmne is made. T've ce the greatest invention that ever hap- cA fees ing suit ee looks T..N. U. 234 ry | The = Owen ee Belt. Inv just as well after it has been in the wa- ter as it did betore—New j i ‘Trade Mark-Dr. Owen diced Woatoest, aed vould, 4 tg accom nish this eee: prt these sens Positively Cured Biectricity, as sy ‘by the Owen Electrie Belt and macry iI fneee sorte e ea easy = inn ie kediay Bnacs Eaattge, Bhoumatieny —FRER to aay MONOPOLY 1S UPHELD | ss Dynamite Extortion Is Continued by the Boer Volksraad. A NEW TRANSVAAL BLUE BOOK. ‘Whe Question of the Transit of Ammuni- ‘tiem Discussed in the ©: Coleny ‘House of Assembly—Mr. Cenying- ham Greene, Britis! Johannesburg, on the Export Afrioa, Aug. 26.—The to of the dynamite commission, continuing Cape Town, Aug. In the Cape | to acco i Mr. Schreiner contended that, in egress es wee le Gt och then added that if war should unbappily ensue, he would do his duty as an earnest Qui pre- | not Tented the probibition, the vabjoot was ‘dropped. hey Want Action. London, yes 26,—The Johannesburg correspondent of The Times, who ex- presses strongly, the “feeling af impa- lence here at the protrac and Government,” say: not oe forever on statesmen who By ‘thelr hands, to, the “plough! and) stand sgeariGerec ads Nephew Geing. ~ London, Aug. %6.—The Hon. Evelyn Conservative member of Parlia- Farmers end Exporting Cattle. London, Aug. 26.—A despatch to The| { ‘Dolly ‘Mail trom Johannesburg. éays “the British agent, Mr. Conyingham Greene, ‘advised the British farmers that they’ pro] ition regarding New Blue Boek Ont, Len¢on Aug. 26.—The Foreign Ontos es quiry, which was telegraphed to Sir Alfred July 81. No information is given, howaver, as to the views of the Transvaal Year, at Batangas, atter if arms exaggerated of announced that the cordon will not affect, and Gaya, so that th ‘will continue. Arbitrati ene ‘Thi ‘Resi Paris, Aug, 20.—The oe the ‘Asicio-Veosenaian Soudary Scientia ere resumed yesterday. 6,000 HARVESTERS. A eee ee a on the Maniteba fest Excarsion Walked Off the ‘Train to His Death. Winnipeg, Aug. re hi arrived from Ontario ester, ‘comple ing the ten train ed man nam lis victim, Bales wall Sain while it was going a f speed, and falling on ite rhea, ioe his neck. The C.P.R. sent an engine resident of Collingwood for some er Fagetadans oa ine above struck | Hon. his head against a projecting ak while he had his head through the car window. thief, tive Davis, a “geo Anderson’s oail ‘will be fixed CONSUL BEDLOE SUSPENDED ted a cage oy ow: aheey to a Filibu she had landed a and ammunition for the \gton ground that the Filipinos were the sie of the ie arms were 3 of It is said = ane State Department that in American citizen, pe on this the registry. Abbey secured re; gegarding this Sia piltay Army Reserve Mon in Canada. Ottawa, Aug. 26.—To-day’s ate ot e oo to army serve men now living in Canada. The trouble in Sout impelied the home authorities to instract reserve men accepting appoint- Senta in the colonial militia foros “must regres opie Full particulars. of oivil Soe ee pi gran pn ie oa) THE GUERIN FARCE. ‘ML. Guerin Fired Two Shots at = Duty- Struck Policeman. Paris, Aug. apes Guerin ye his| able stench since the water su) was out off, ey Guerin Fired on the Police. iota ly incensed, — at a policeman. Neither sear FLEEING FROM THE PLAGUE. las Flom Oporto Because of ine Cordon Decision. 26.—There has been a| pop! th ‘The Week’s 5 owing 1 advant ‘positions which they occup.ed, only suffered slight A fe mark, Sut the Pam agar a will robabie probably wale ONTARIO RIFLE MATCHES. oting at the Long Brauch ages Close score of 34, carried o! and was closely followed by Lieut Agnew of the 12th Battalion. FIGHTING IN BAYTI. Government Forces Said to Have Get the Wor: i st of It. to The revolutionists are _be continually receiving reinforcements. Hydrephobia in Thamesferd. Toronto, Aug. 26.—The Provincial 4 From ttawa. 26.—The iaaaprite re a |Particulars in the North Waterloo 4 Bulky Document of Nearly One Hun- ai ages Containing Nearly 140 Allegations of Wrong-Doing en the essrs. W. D. a Bristol, acting @ passenger |or yur fatal aooldents re- rganizer and ive $600 or fellas rig 2 purpose in the disre, particularly n= mnised the rged with promi ings dint 0 or nae, to procure f lex. against the The sum of $15, it is stated, was paid ithaupt's agents to K. Weinke eA He was Nes |andif the troth could be fully known ‘we opine such would be found to be the case. to fers ant urements ‘were cotly or indirectly ta one J. H. Wildfong, | siek National S he | to procure tor ti candidate BRIBERY 1S ALLEGED. |, 2een gunmen Can Be Used Where Other Ladders Have STEPLADDER ON WHEELS. This 1s really a handy style of, adden, if properly made is safe to use where fscither ladder ‘bas no. suppers and can’t be used with safety. NOT A GOOD RATION. cut ee Diminishes Milk herwise Injuries Dairy Cows. is cargo of Filipinos. himself and by and through Ber i The Navy Department has received a ike Agere nies hae a I. Sylvester of London, | through the license commissioners of, the | yet, oorn fodder or si ow of no e of the owners of the ship Abbey, rongh the | better dry feed for milch cows than z. fodder. Feed them eep oat corn the re epondents aia, straw away from them and there will be ree to | no decrease in the flow of milk in the or offer con- | fall and winter.—Beatrice M. Ebbing- se for the pele haus, in Obio Farmer. a MESES 2 ED A ‘or his vote and influ- Serious Menace to Health. ould be safe to say th to A Word of Warning. ‘The continued use of stimulant fertili- the Gov- |zers will eventually exhaust the Bas that its natural fertility; hence if is ‘was not enough they could get $30,000 seonamny i erny them continuously. 1 m fers, the peti- | has been said that stimulant manures to H.C. |‘ im the son.” This is literally true, as has been ee Ss the tea ee oak lovers te. all th mers are also of the belief | and oa pierporl see “hich may ‘be lt Tie em by dalaveten nA ilies lines hae aabeen to the rey orgat for bribery, while gifts, ioans, promises, known ‘a5 wxtalie” tbe: mad tioned and to make a sacs alten aie: itockmai sins for Fattening Hogs. Eig,"" and also by spoiling ballots. Vari. | _O%° cheese factories which makes pee 120 to 140 tons of cheese in against the party |® season ui lise all te wiahy 3a rowing eh and fattening hogs, x ahgub ADD dating Orcas veaat. th Drerents what 18 one cause of trouble «f whey in the milk cans which taints the day's milk, The ata pee en tet trom the as as possible factory and kept that it may not give se bie neste to taint the milk. Corn in the Orchard. man can move it around a woes SOME OF THE CHARGES MADE, |*e Sutaia of w tae aid” go¥ nice fruit that isso hard to get with a common ladder. It can be backed into'a Potent on tt, T had ene $0/yeare ago snd Flow and cht after the threshing yard scat oe a as they w! from the straw ie thing oe in the va ral in anything eaten, in the continuance of his a ah) a |e shape of boracio acid, *algetis id AN OLD LANDMARK. Dr. Johase Removed ae Seta the vorthern suburb of cio which is so well known all over world for its historic and literary “Vanity of Human Wishes’® iat Trateadion ef the Tenth of Juvenal. goes house ie octhae to be destroyed. se with so many land aneey 14 must be pulled down to make m Lane ‘on the 6th of eureacy? 1749. It ran for 13 = and has never been seen on the attended the theatre every aight behind the soones. ‘wearing for the some waistooat and a gold | harmony of the ole composition were universally adm 5 Rigas Jannibon writes’ Seay"? weld Hass tues roars and sleeps; when Shakepeare wrote he dipped , is pen fn TEniaan bee : ie failure of ‘his play did not ee bg issanoers i yhilesophio doo- Sete ceontved about, aL B00 for his - rights, while it was acted, and he was: wall “assured of the ‘popularity of the gave songs of tingales. It was rn8 long atter his residence fon this house that Dr. Johnson lost his what it was to re with a faltering voice, ‘‘Sir, I have own what it have fe and; have known what it was to wife. ' It had almost broke my e Strike at Golf, Good Man_Do you know what comes of little boys that use bad words | ve they are playing marbles? joy—Yep! Dey ee grows up ami ne golf.—Chicago New i i Neither Well Ner Sick. hares ain to have received from the ing home sour} next “Ob, ‘all right,” I heard her answer. Tm of il now. Le oc se risen eae! id he sok abe t repeated. ‘Don’t you ard? Ty dosen't mean SPecsnally, I think it’s when I’m Wraiber aro Tereatar be "Hk" Waning