Milverton Sun, 7 Sep 1899, p. 1

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“tt Shines For All.” Vol VIII—No 83 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1899 MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publishet The Milverton Sun &s ee best Local Newspaper in the County oo it is ~*~ a - =o $1.50 if + Pr van St Muclinrn, Poristen. ING RATES, “SPACE. 6 mo. | 3 mo. | } mo. One column... ‘$30 00) $16 00} 36 00 Halt column. 16 00} 900) 450 ‘Quarter col. - 900} 600) 3 50 Eighth col 6 00} 300) 200 we inch... 3.00} 200) 100 Advertisements charged at eee per. line, nonipariel, for the ‘rst Insertion, and 3c. per line for each su: UR. RANNEY & co.,Bankers EsraBLIsHED Yoanking _ erie ounces. Medieet EGBERT, M. B.,M. D.C. M G3 Ipoadon hams, 5 dondon, Ee land. ‘in rear of , Milverton, Ont. “Telephone So neuaon itl Poste, Bromer, | Lutheran Church and Rostoc! G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. corse Sori, GOING SOUTH, press ed -..3:00 p.m .- 10:3 p.m gma. |of our people are ee | Bri sera order throughout. loby Mr. Zie- ‘man of Atwood, which was rendered i his usual good style, an address by Mr. Abrey, solo by = Mitchell, then a selection by the cl DR, R. LEDERMAN; sDentist, Licentiate and Member of to preach next Sanday morning. Rev. Mr. Applegard, ae dein missionary work in British Columbi service in the English church last Sunday, One of our citizens is missing. Mr. Richard Reid of Berlin, spent) Sunday at Mr. James Reid’s With the coming of September many basy preparing for and attending the fall fairs. rs, Read’ is \visiting friends inj @ Sy rs. C. A. falaven. of Millbank, has ad a wide experience as coat an and is prepared to = Legal, es OME fe |. PANTON, Barristor, Solicitorsite. n every Thursday, Wm. Burten jain St. Dentistry Ww. M. BRUCE, LD Dentist. raduate 3 hae gusrantee a fit, Give her a trial, MONKTON. Mr, Andy Buchanan, cattle buyer, was th the village Monday on busi are eraniig the hing ee eherer 8. fea = Toronto 5 bes member of the of Pronhetie ‘Demi yr Chicago. 0 No. 5 Mai wel, Ont. visit the nears bevel beta the first cud third Monday: ‘of every month from 10. . to7 the practice of his pro- wil ton the first and shied v jae Hord spent Sanday ia; Mit-| month from pm. eval with apace prrind Central Hotol Nitrous orgs Struthers jr. off the be ck Oxide and Tocal Anaesthetics pain-| yard, “had the misfortane to sprain his unkle | 6, less extraction of Crown and bridge | on Mouday afternoon and Will be laid off for | ¢ koa: ty All work guarantee lew Tc is exid by good authority thet the ronal ‘Veterinary on the Big GEL, Milverton, Ont. ‘anger vive thegati | Re Graduate Ontario Veterinary Collexe, Tor nyahaeed she uasdeslying Lisbon alld Sid Fae d under with jest a thin aa: Al calls promptly attented | oct on tap and whew you step. oa lephane or otherwise, day o et reak threfeah int te the hot ashes. ai intletey ud Chronic Diseases « specialty a aon fa rate sist bare J. RR. VETERINARY SUR- «eon Valveeranton rmerly of New eal Soe Il diseases of domesticated animals. ri No. 99, Milverton, meets every .st Tuesday of every inonth, at Sovlock, in their hall over Sch Langford, C. Rs A. & will pread couse ‘iii week tC. H. field attended County Comaitin Ruel on Tue sige 4 ies en mak ng the night train for Toronto A fe days ab the ledeeteal Evhel G. on, wLUSIC tchell, was in Monkton Monday evening Las lessonsin music to her pupils. i a number from the ae mei eaue of Soowe ne 211 Se: aud will ane frons Atwood om Brit Mr. Alex. Chalmers ot “Tegersol spent Jonday night in the vill Rev. Me. and Mrs te Abrey” visited friends in Atwood Mon ‘iee in Knox charch, Monkton, ie Mr. the ai the Tueaday evening lowing ier wilthotl a eeiients Ps re - | should also ne in miud that it is with- Barth, Recording igstel tnt postings Dee Pe ty eek Gomes Ok Ucn cat Canada to make | the columns of their respective jour- L 0. 0. F., “Silver Star) lent ‘ile suitable for tke ocension.. Come | all_of their products of the ‘ preferential | nals interesting by the opinions they Loige,® ‘No. 392, Milverton, | boys and bring your best girl ont and have a | tariff wand,’ to the detrimentof the United | hold of each other as newspaper con Vevery Freday night ai | S004 time, Tickets 15 and 25 ates. All of these facts may euter inte | ductors, rn. i cheie hall: pore office building. | We bad a beautifal raion Thorsday tast | the cuvsideration of theloundary dispute, |9%0T™ oe pee ele NG: | which was a great blessing to the covati well as into consideration of -he imperial e prize given for trials of speed ing NG aes the pasture the root crops. in | policy upon which England appears anxious| by the Mornington Agricultural So- Roessiug, N. G.; jesecatais well gh subclued sutec> alt Ae: the vat ed States embark.” ciety for green horses has been raised nisin aban a coe sk ae ame a large lians can aflurd to smile or ee to $20. ‘The 1st prize being $10, 2nd w. es ioligas| rey CR for the Coun- ties o serene, nn aud ren re ‘idavite we Bailiff tinea Court, Sigs es oie age street, Milv DORLANDS BUS LINE, Milverton, All citizens and Seaiellere alls compile attended vo. Wo and, Maple St., Proprie Motels EXCHANGE ‘HOTEL, Brunner. Ont. Joho Gropp, Pzoprietor. Best liquors ai cigars First-cl: iva und large stabling. oda cae CENTRAL HOTEL, Mileertin, First-cl mod for rooms. Gi Yiqnors aud cigars. S. W. corner of Main and Mill stfeeta, re Hasenpfiug, Proprietor. Me al HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The accommodation merci: ly Cine at the of shed room. Henry Rose, pro) Miscellaneous JOHN GROPP, dealer in Lumber, Laths, Shi Beanver, Ont. of our village. oe | will now toll fur the rest of the season. esars. Thomas Henry and W: Thompson of Logan spent Bouday ia in| the villaye. The veameeting held in Knox churclr| an excellent programme with plenty of good speakers. Mr. rd of p! eay- ings. He kept first clase order. Ater delivering his address which was short and sweet and full of fun, avd whicl kept the audience in good humor, He e y Miss Mickel! tel Azwood, which was tendered in good days ORS AY’ Mies Tateey an wkd eo by Rev. Mr, Farquerson of Ox Soh Berlet and Joha Werth waa “It in Listowel Monday on basiness. ho} a H n | expoi _| of unlimited expansion. f Dental Su Royal College of Dental ro Hower gradients ao vece open up Dental Praztice dencistey’ sa alk in Gopartan Above Hasenpflug’s Tailor pend pers are seri aa discussing Can lian competition MILBANK. in the British market,a question which been sharply thrust upon them by no service in~ Knox|the report of United States Consul esa jab Baoan Rev. Mr. | Boyle, of Liverpool. Mr. Boyle de- Cunningham, of Wales is expected clares t the come a “competitive battle.” He con- fesses vo the greet ot of Can- adian products, f rise a alarm at Any = endous growth of the shipping facilities between Can- ain and British ports. Daring 1898 he points out, ore were 23 steamers under subsidy, contrac! reement, with the Ganedion Gover Yment,to pro- vide cold storage service for irying of butter, cheese, poses fruits and to been added gular Canadian lines, the capaci oc of some of the old ships have bees wo or three Tow tegdlae lees baveiesur eblia | ed, and the number b grown, From Live there have been six additional sailings a is signiticant, the consul says, that one. ‘iv siyle of cee honey is sol a already have, and in- crease their exports in some lines. niranes on this the Pittsburg | Dispatch sa; Great, “Brita ja are Tetlizatiog of thie fact, and in that Tealiation ay eft in: centive, to the boing of Canadian agr- ealtaral products land. The fact = ing in be ail of this parigray of test aro Bed ache than an increasing eae of farm produets for export, while Canadian agricultare is capable But even if American rivalry does become less for- .| midable, competition is developing in other quarters. _ Russia is going iu for cold storage, and will push her ducts vigorously in the British market, Australia and New Zealand also are idii Canadians are working on the right lines, and if they fail to improve their present advantage it will be their own fault, FALL ia! rs. Mornington, Milverton, me 2828 North Berth, Stratford, Oct South Watezloo, Gilt, Sept ei. Centra, Guelph, Sept. 19 9 Cee Posie, OB SP Shoes ford, duett by Mr. Beiman and Miss Dick-| Tr son, address by Rev. Mr. Grant of St. ‘who kept the audience in con- stant ae duett by Mr. Large and address by Rev. Mr. pron of Monkton. He is a good ; | Monday to spend a week at Zurich A 88) teachers, Mr. McLenn: a opes | cabora’eill pay ti balay che 16a of LOCAL NEWS. | Miss Bertha Guentherof Brantford} is ane ‘on a visit. atoes in large aiypnlities arriv ing daily at C. S. Kertche: Mr. J. Joyce, of Berlin, ae Suny 7. |day with Mr. H, C. Hasenpflug. oranges, lemons and bananas “| always in stock at C. S. Kertcher’s- ‘The masons are now busily engaged in erecting Mr. Henry Miller's block. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Rose A large number of people will likely | Pair nyt in ey London Fair next week. Sam, Whaley and Irvine, Gosed spent Sunday in Linwood. 7 Mr. H. E. Barton, of Brantford, i: at present visiting eae Geo. Guenther louse on Main t for sale or rent. age? Or accrue at The iN Ne ettie McMillen and Miss} ulin Collins left on Saturday for Mrs, Geo. P. Hoffman has return ned alee ene eae a week with friends Tuesda: his arm badly sprained by falling ae a cellar while doing iter wor! te SE ERNE nt Sunday and Labor Be visiting friends in Milverton. — Mr. Joseph Beirnes, of Milverton, is by contract or by the day. Call and get his terms. Messrs. Schaefer & Schauber are repared to do painting, calcimining or by contract. School opened Tuesday and th nan, Miss Bel and Miss Sharman have all resumed and assumed ras duties. Losr.—. und, black on the back. | % and grey sede black on the sides with re, C. Sreanets Mrs. ©. id Mi monies owing to ge who will receipt the accounts. that ail save any unnecessary papers are hobnobbing it on the Press Excursion, their deputies are making $6, 3rd $4. Fit up your nags boys, aad get a piece of it. rant, of St. Mays, |8° will deliver a lecture at Zion chureh, the niost lmporous lecturers in the country are expected. N. Cress, the photographer, who hee for the past two weeks been doing a-thrivé: a peters in Milverton. left this week tor rontoe, where he will attend the aelibiise, but will be back on Sept 13th for one week longer. Do not miss calling. The directors of the Mornington Agriculvaral Society are requested by the President to meet at the grounds at noon on Saturday, Sept. 16th, for the purpose of ascertaining what por- tion of the fixtures and buildings need repairs. A regular meeting of | Beard will be held on the evening of the 23rd for the transaction of business = 8 prepared to do house painting either |i p and paper hanging either by the day |¥P While the Editors of the Stratford | | scorched out of Stratford Firemen captured the wo big events in a walk, at the tournament at the Toronto Industrial Fair on Thursdey last. Perth county are hard to get over when it comes to athletics. As an old Fireman we congratulate the boys. } Money Loanep, — your of interest You with us van Le strictly ey aa AMES Torranc those who attended Toronto Raed thin and last week we noticed :— sue. Jake fae ees) bert, D. 1 Deand Zioiernan Me Gr P, a saat t Goodale, Geo. Goodhand, Bones and D, Langford. Mr. Geo. is desirious of re is an opening for an meee eae business man. Mr, Shas. Hades, who be been. acting as a Miss pad Keen, of St. Marys,¥ transferred to their agency at Strat- spent a few faye last week with her| ford. The Si ney is an im- sister, Mrs, T. P. Roe. portant one and is only filled by men Mr. Frank Hoffman on had} who hav strated their worth. In various parts of the city maple trees are shedding their leaves as sioagts blighted by an autu frost. has been found that an insect which The Labor day re ab Stratford on Monday w: ie of the most successful affairs oft thel ikind ever held in the Classic City. 101 sty Se from the surrounding towns istrict took advantage of the pelle over both eyes. Finder suitably Best reais to nt, The rewarded ince A i eats fae deems all came oe a Mr. Simon Grosch cea piemerne injaan ese events at the day demonstration | Pleased with the programme provided. at Stratford on Monday. The 100} There died at Newton on Tuesday, yards dash and the barrel-race were | Geo: ‘Wilson, a brother of Mrs. ete wi Henderson. 26 years ago Mr. Wilson 4 Ker | left cher, ean mH iy Hac in all pa globe, . C. Hasenpflug and Mr, Mi. | having visited Africa, South Ameri ‘Kopel eHondelthe tpewalce ue: and nited ~ Some few Henry Schierholtz at Tavistock on'| Weeks ago he left Tdaho and came to Friday. Brie in declining health. His leath was not expect soon, as he “lane eats Pee ne authored ee able chan Sant ees few days ago. His funeral will take place today at the Millbank Presby- terian cemetery. The drought which lias been hang- ing, practically over all Western On arid fur week: Thursday night or Friday morning broken by # Ropind, downfall of rain which lasted for about ten hours. It was most pigtats indeed, pasture land was face, roots in the fields were withering away,fall wheat would not breer and theland was becoming almost impossible to till. But pet pastures are beginning to again loo! green and the root crops will no aint pick up and surprise th = under control and ae burning yev in many places, have to give alarm. The soil is in pias condition. ~| and the fall wheat start will be as good as farmers have seen in yea e of Shaks pes a [play “The Merchant of Venice” which werything poi s0C-| is on the *hoards' for Sept. 29th is as hPa Been duoc fllven. Ul you would endeeeuand ihe the weather keeps tavorable, Alrendy i wach ulotinceciiek ta dn: uci Perneaiis Suse lacey SA contests aud some of the best horses in Prince ot s and Pees on rragon, sviturs to Portia; cage e Merchant of Venice; Bassanio, his triend; Solanio, Sularino, Gratiano, friends to Antonio and Bassanio Lorento, i in love with Jessica ; Shylock, a Jew 1, a Jew, his friend ; Launcelot Gobo, aclown, servant to Shylock ; Oid~ Gobbo, father to Launcelot ; Leonardo, _ ser to Bassanio; Balthazar and Stephano, servants to Portia; Portia, a rich” heiress ; Nerissa, her waiting-maid ; Jessica, a daughter to Shylock ; Wabilficone of: Ventoat Olnoee ob aha Court of Justice, Gaoler, Servants, cet ptr he fa Venice’ and partly -at Belmont, is ‘seat of Portia, on the Continent. *

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