bers who do not receive their paper eweuinsly will ploase notty os af once. Call at this effice for advertising rat. “THE MILVERTON SUN, ‘THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1899 Health Hints. ‘Never go to bed with cold ot damp feet. ‘Never lean with the ipon anything ‘that is cold. ‘will close the pores and favor congestion er other After exercise of any kind never ride in an open Never continue keeping the back ex- to the heat after it has become com- bly warm. ‘Never stand still in cold weather, especi- ally after having taken a slight degree of A Carefully Prepared Pill Mud dan prentene iee er pened cia oe perimenting with the Preeti ts that re they were REOuErS a 5 to the state in which they. we t of- fered to the public. Whatever ps are y be, Parmelee’s Ve Pills the result of much enting and represented to be. She Asked te be Kissed. An amusing scene was witni ° savage South exhibition at Earl's art 9 young Women, aged tly. Two about 96 years, ee interested in the “ and at last oneof them Said ahs shoula'like to kine = savage “to eet rhad swan ke She picked-out 9 that she ive and tol Panteas be bed Kissed. ane ‘hack, of course, failed was lookers roared with laughter. New Vigour and. Energy are soon at- estes use of Pills. 50dozes 25 ce: How Many Die» ‘The average duratio: about 33 years. rineet oe: a f thei sahabit. ant Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns, ete. kod Yous - The Hunters rhe blatte Society of SORENESS _-STIFENESS ‘$t. Jacobs Oil Promptly an Effectually ‘Miller's. Compound nts. horse show is ae had to elds, and so on, until all horses exhibited with. their nat appendage: ant hot, diy condition of the skin wilt Miller’s Compound disappear by Iron Pills. Corn Dodgers make corn dodgers, scald one quart Nothing looks more Lusty: than to see a covered over with mn whose hands a! warts, corns, Ge can be found in Hollo- “way’s Corn onde, ‘Will ssy “Our roads are good enough!” Minaré’s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. What He Thought. “T have pleaded the cause of my-sex,” said the new woman, “in season and out “You ave,” said her husband, em- phatically; “espec' ‘ially ont of season!” Health for the children. Miller's | 7™™ ‘orm Powders. aa iow ge it is new, ink he had a mort Collins— ‘but Rollins used to th: gage on be seems to have taken the earth. Mollins—Yes, and since he got s wheel possession. Clear as Med. “New Guide of the Conversation in Por- d English” A peas 80 years had enjoy- ed of a health unalteral ie: eles friends did him of it compliments every “*Mr. Doctor,” they said to Sei fide on you are ema man. What to bear you as well?” these f wc shall tell you it gentleman,’ he was ans ing any remedy who I commanded to my sick? “A Successful Medi icine. — Evel wishes to be successful in’ any. under- taking i ju which he may engage. It ls erefore, extremely gratifying to the 2ro- tors of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills to now that their efforts to compound a medicing which would prove « blessing te mankind been, successful beyond thelr expectations: ‘The ‘endorsativa of these Pills by the public is a guarantee that a pill has been produced w nigh Will fulfil everything claimed for it. Publishing Books. ‘Nose will soon become That eens in appearance by taking Miler’s pound Iron Pills. 50doses 26 cents, after sh “You may if you w' “put if you want the matter would advise you to see mi Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandroff. A Mean Trick. ho runs my boarding “The house is the worst ever.” “What now?” Pp “She has adapted a cash register for use when she has hot biscuits for eupper.’* denefit, I gave it up and ever Catarrh Cannot Be Cured’ | setting well. My ee o— ‘gigh LeotAL, APPLICATIONS. ws ther: exruce| TOTS M Seat Sime Sine atoms Pe Teach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood | Williams’ Pink Pills and persuaded me to ‘Constitutional disease, and in order tocureit| try them. That was about January, ou must ake internal remedies, Hall's atarrh| From th the, reed Cure is taken, internally, and acts directly 02 marvellous, being far beyond my friends’ Cure is not a medicine. It was prescrib ter g five boxes by one of the physicians in is count and regular prescription. It cor of the Dest tonies "known, combine ani the two ingredients is what produces suc wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send f testimonials, free. J OHBNEY £ 00,, Props, Toledo, 0. $ Sold by druggi ma’am. ter explosion there wasn’t, = much of him left. ‘Why will you allow a cough to lacerate| 22" your throat and luugs and run the risk of] ly resorting to this treatment filling a consumptive’s grave, when, by the timely use of Bickle'sAnti-Consump- ive Syrup the pain can be allayed and the nd Resling and curing all Sections of ts throat and lungs, colds, coughs, brea- chitis, etc., etc. tapers of Li ee 3 Sahat wrong po ae we say a thing is, shep-wers been w ie rg never has FSi emes hcl ee: Miller's Kidney Pills and Plast o-_ Why ase yon tell me? Can’s She—" you tak your confidence? aot fear g pei te take all of our friends. will find A that you bave a piece ef perfect- ly scented flannel which will isons ers Shake out the ut Sera oaks: salten aig: aie makes the most pervading A FARMVILLE PHILOSOPHER. Deed fo set won « sere bor with 4 hig blade Etit ecg on this way, reckon bottom’ fall out But cae te sin wil be Cuned oy and by Iochels evs) 0 cron ‘Seg meer, perched. end wither nd remarked, “Ye court make a better rur pe rie tare Wee seal How tie But 1 ‘nevee oat ea cee RE ok the aan tins le tree.” Retteete Bit sad. not SE 29. ik a aight or da: Always went Hong contented in the same cld curious way "Bout the bottest summer, neighbor, that we've had fer twenty yeary con't be gettin hotter long as we are hese youngster Jim— Wek ey, 2, rade’ no itinenney ot or. coh "twas all the came; Hines: lemenis to fight ce to get a bite!” —Baltimore News. ” of Welland. Subject te Fr. Coutd Barely Walk. From the Tribune, Welland, Ont. Got int bayrick locking daky, bot J “low thet t blows ‘Ain't ein to blow fordiashiand tt "pears to ae ree ‘i ind, uv time to thin out that old yellow es for It is estimated that about 5 hin bicycles have been made pe and America. ——————_————_—_——— PLOWS, ROLLERS Fok ee "The Bert Made, Sem CoeKSHUrT PLOW Co. ae STEELE & BRISTO ors ee romtmear oer” Egat Entra HAMILTON. LS. | noe a eens ane we ee herd Wi aloe Station Skepticism.—This is unhappily an age of ae eee but there is teh =) ‘much fer kickin, and I feel like Jest the kind of all fired weather fer to go and & swim!” it The secrecy sett theintetier] has Seale Went head about his business, bright and chip- fresh and Got to ork and sang sid wtled fin op bie "Pears to me there ain't no use with them there Lie them perch is out there hungry ter @ rasa Worm Powders cure Sts in WEAK AND ‘AND NERVOUS.) The Condition of a Young Lacy) adaches, Was Pale and Exfaciated and Grew Se Ill she ‘Miss Hattie Archer, of Welland, an ig lady, $7 for reli ieving.| just as cure when other medicines fail. Mistaking the Operation. jong and narrow But sae ogee long narrow grave The man isa up and nemts =e children like magio. Cheapest Avimal to Raise. s large number of ie Minard’s Liniment for sale ble ae Pink Pills for Pale People: aa the fall of 1897 T ‘I was nervous, vey the agement, ‘Aaarent De y-Garretson Co, Limited, Brantford Tiaicad Bramtfe “wate | FOR SALE BY ALL 1 ROCERS. S Bantiad ‘STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS Gato ‘Ap industrious man of haracter totraveland Sppoin agente Guar. : lary for & ‘Wealso make Steel Flag Staffs. Grain Grinders, ‘from and Weed ‘Pumps, Bee Test the sincerity of this | ware a ie aie, to! fully aatt-ty you by thle offer—a “offer and | Sheerfally re- | FeRTane money for ery voas | returned uninjured, ‘Thies the liberal polloy mn which we are building up # a a, coke, e, Ohiam lass Beak @ aud _ rovislons, Carpets an mgt ‘aiture, Wal *Oatalogue, “and a ‘@RONTO, ONT. ———————————— TIN... 235 Irish stew is a dish never seen in Ire-| Wack nd. Co. ‘Dear Sinj-Fer =e years I have oe re aera effect, oul t Ee asample bottle ‘The benefit vee EST = au EXCURSIONS & AUC. 2911, RETURNING UNTIL a Ae = SEPT. 12TH, Ov. “My man, for whom diggest thou this the man Saks no notice. Going marked again: fy man, for whom diggest thon this ‘4 Saison sis actin rs apa © gee et said old foeeil! Tm lay- ers. FREE! 23: os LINEN fobig et co. ex D, Tononro Tie only scientific and practical Hlectrio Belt Fenecates Strong curtént of a rec Sudor perfect control end can be applied to part of the body, for suffer tro1 Rerreus Diseaten, euch as Semninal Weak bag 's Worm Powders cure all ail- — Alia = — —— for tender mcs country, it is ance = aoe se ile | Tg ep ors goed tn tity without, CATALOGUE Contains tallest information regarding the cure — YOUR GROCER |= arg grain FOR ROKCO HEALTH DRINK. SUB- )—FREE—to any AND COF! < fected nhac Ts Miller's Worm Powders the medicine for children. MAY DISMISS THE CABINET. Sir Alfred Milner Said to Be Con- templating Such a Step. Commet: ma Assembly— minarinit SPARS re: Mr. Cecil Rhedes—The B. —Kruger Not Likely te Agree to a ference With Sir Alfred Milner at Co! Cape Town, London, Sept. 1.—The Daily Chronicle break = Great erie again forcing Ceoll Much ahpiagerian ss The Cape Town ndent of The ly Mail says: “ach disappointment is felt here at posal of a confer- ce, as tending to prolong the agony iy. The Pretoria correspondent of The jent to agree Aifred Milner at Cape Town, but rol Sia: cape Town, Sep. 1.—The rumors that thie Schreiner "Cabinet would be dismiss ‘an unusual episode m tho Hour of Amombly. Mr. Cecil Rhodes of the Oppo- sition supported the demand; but the wresk, 90, a war- Yaigned by the British igh oommis- fone fie, Alfred cee with inciting uanaland to rebel patiog't ‘the, Bribie athoriie, was yoa- ‘bound ov Keop the pence, a as arrested on acon telactag. bo Chiet home rnment had excluded the British from political rights. soldiers, and mite. have been general; troublesome. American force found the natives trencbod and drove ym their trench heat prostrations. The natives’ loss is Suffrage Sat Upon. Sian See 1.—The Belginm Cham- bor, of Deputies yesterday rejected & motion to revise the “Sagem the vote sang 95 against $1. The motion tended to pave ee fee saitrege bill, Mealy THE DOCTORS. The Domia Question of Tuberculosis. was held at St. covery Hospital. The lecturers were Drs. A. R. Taners ob Seetiaae ee omens. oe sion, only one wad Man: srare laid on to table aa read an and previous com} Dr. Hunter’ paper was warmly dis- Dr. E. Benedict of Buffalo held that ies a no heredity in relation to consumptior Sir William Hingston stated that the question of heredity has done an enorm- papers deal- ing with technical questions and prob- lems in surgery were read by Prof. Peters, Dr. F. F. Ross, A. G. Benedi and William B. Coley of New York. GREAT LAWYERS IN CONCLAVE. tional Law Association Strengly for Arbitration. oe ate LE AeE Sept. ree the opening sea- sion yesterday he conference of the the High Cozrs of Justice, Englan strongly in favor of cbiasion 7 report was 00d | onary presiden Boers, frightful Blot ap ¢ upon ‘Your Majeaty’s most a rei gloriou: Orange Free State Arming. ammunition for the Transvaal. An addi- tional large amount of oe rites here yesterday on the steam steamer from ‘asiberg July 15 ae, ‘Delagoa Ba; tis Gouthampeon. Bho was at Table Boy Ang. 15. A Boer’s Side ef the Case. Toronto, Sept. 1.—Rev. ing of Jobannesburg is a man of com- manding sppearance—one oe strikes he sympathies, English sspir- ations, and yet they want the fronchise| ag clash William Rann Kennedy, president of the 18th eonference. W. GC. Bndioott, judge of the pees oes art of Massacl Meee eat Davie and lon, Cael a vice-presidents for the United Seueht Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Lon- don, Joseph G. and George G. PI taries. gram . D. Peters, fat eee of Frank Ives, the champion billiard Ives’ body will be brought to Plainwell, Mich., at which place he was born in 1868. Lake Firemen on Strike. second fireman be placed on the tugs ie nll mes Helm, Record, Carrington and Fish as Turtle oe jchers. A curious mode of catching turtle is practiced in the West sade It con- turtle and sucking fish in. “How do 1a, iike thls iden of im: — spelling’ (t makes me laugh, f've been spell- sig quae wag al way Tice and till now .”—Chi- everybody called me ignorant Duluth, Minn., Sept. 1—A strike | Ds firemen 310} PAW FOOZLES BADLY. acorcie’s DAD MAKES SINE SAD EXHIBI ITION OF OF HIM: He Undertakes to Show How the An- Be the Story For Himse! My Uncle Fred Got paw to go out playin Golf yistadj afternoon. Thay Went over to the pik whare they are some Linx, and me maw and Little albert and the pup eek song See un. They ain’? no Game to Thing. What's of Gittin a Fancy Soot fer Sich make Beleave ha Ball so far tho Fugw Whack I’ give it That nobuddy won "§ never Find it Alli ite," says Uncle Fred, “come on and Let's see you Do it. So He put tl he Ball on Top of a Lit- tle pile of Sand and Give paw one of to clubs, w wing it Up and Down, and maw she Holl: to waite i Git Behind a Albert elt out mat of ene ea. and paw He led off and Hit with all His mite. record. and I Holl you. paw. Ibet you kin oie Bown tn Three Three and Beat Bogey e First Welae pial boa Gane But started after the Watch. We Found most of it in Less than Half nour, ‘Then paw Went Back to Try it agin. Alter Hoe struck that Time maw says “Paw, wait I'll Send Georgie Ho the G went rollin along about ey feat. Shoes on with them iron Thldgs in the Rolex, 60 Hit it agin. 8 ninterest in 2 Hiis toes, i “No.” saya Uncle Fred, “try it” ‘Then the other and Rolled over on the Says to Maw: eee Toda, and This Woulden’t of Gzorcrz a eo Times-Herald Hiving Swarms on Hot ‘When hiving swarms on hi lays, if bees cluster on the front e = a hive and TPeatinta to go in, do not hurry em too a ways make it comfortable for swarms. It is the only holiday they pats during ear, says New Nata “What we need in this world is na- * she said. adi husband to buy a country place. “But you get it in shape for naa opige Post Too Emotional. “Wouldn't yon tke! ses Sarah as Hamlet’ iT elak ae me be too much itke tying. & to fix your eye on an elec- tric fan. icago Recard. haven't been there this SORGHUM CANE. Varieties Found Best For Sugar Mam- ufacture. In five years of experimenting in im- proving varieties of sorghum for sugar ture. F manufacture. ‘The vatitien selected for sugar manufacture w he orted from South best SEED HEADS OF COLLIER SORGHUM. ing a very high prercee of as lt a low percentage of glucose 0 tallizable sugar in fe ates. tt aie bun about a pound’ this ty are believed to be tangled, broken 7 Windstorme less aes erent other canes. There some who believe it to be one of the beat variates f for Re ber Orange ple nated fase : ps Setiien Early Amber and Ki nay Amber Piaad Eanses Orange, is is generally preferred ase canes of ete es not “tall, with is good qual Variety ‘et originated in a twee Early Amber and Link's Fybaid fs slender, which is a fault derived from Link “a Hybrid. It ripens rather early, much e exter than Eink's Hybrid. Its juice n fies is cece ca though stand- verage eanice of Louisiana sugar nd much less glucose or uncrys- izable sugar. Folger’s Early is Early eAaibec ead iin erlerhs “Tt Tipens not rly Amber and remains g sedioe uncut in the field much is rian Ss ‘Amber. It yields more cane and more seed per acre “feiss Early Amber. It is eoueiawl the best oxy maturing variety for general Planting. The Early Amber variety, warily for early ripe cane or for lat growing season is v seed or grain have very generally se- z ot sorghum, a8 being gro" or Geouehnees or are the cep planted ly quit mayatead cane, et liked Detier int the than in the south. It is the best 6 planting and ah sections in which the iors. ‘Those who grow cane males tad the ol 4 Kaffir corn, a er we vari- it for Dwarf and the irup manufacture. THE HESSIAN FLY. : ‘What May Be Done After Whi ‘west—Sowing Decoy Cro The Hessian fy is giving trouble in various ‘sections of the country. In # ai plowing under the stubble, destruction of volunteer wheat, planting oer prevailing for the season. ese will constitute a practice which can be modified for each year as the condi- tions will indica: ith the Rareerting of grain ther er—whether dry or moist, a condition apparent to every eee and that the sug- jon amounts to postponement of of Au; tp the southern part the state not the first week September. To the north and south this he ce any ‘ould be unable to escape. Cover Crops, ere @ nitrogenous fertilizer is not desired, rye is a good cover crop. It is useful on very light, sandy soils and on very hard, lumpy soils, where grown heat is good for the same pr » sown 80 as to h its full height, but not to produce seed befo1 iter. Among other plants of more or less jue as cover crops are oats, wheat, barley, millet and spurry. News and Notes. In commenting upon the complaints consumer we should hear no more com- eet of its Son quality. ~ a Canadian te wrt scab then e seed gave a better result ca an ene ‘the seed on burned or un- burned stubble or on disked unburned stubble. In answer to the question whether manure, where\sawdust has been for Dp el is injurious to soil, Amer~ ican Gardening has obtained the opin- ae ne such re ra castioe ee as Pro- rs Day oi a Oaandas Olin- ss fon Brae deena caters, Voorhees of f Oklahorsa and fessor Day thinks an excessive amount on light | al might sonata injure the texture‘ he soil, sorghum are superior for the’ grow sorghum have not yet seared which kinds of purpose.