‘The the township of Elma set ieaar Secale Hall, Atwi 28th August, 1809. | Members st meeting w ile ison, seconded by Mr. sol ne a s bl Fy a ee by Mr. wwldson. f that the report ‘ot the Engineer for Wilso1 rove Im; and that Dela be satkorined to re a By-law Carri Mr Donald- + son, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, that By-law appointing the rin answer _ tothe petition of Jas, Stewarvand others as obo final pene mith, peondes| a : ir. Smith, Mr. Rothwell, that the Council do now. je in atthe call of the WORROKS OF SUIPWRECK The British steamer Woodruf, Capt. | m ‘the others. e mate’s col _Manded at Philadelphia by the German ‘steamer Titania, on Aug. 22. He sta ay. ‘Stool the raft. The ioe ell on the German. He was killed and the blood was sucked strom his veins by the two survivors. n after Anderson lost his reason and savagely attack ‘companion, jomasen’s bre i seative-ot Stevanger, Norway. SESS EMPIRE OR REPUBLIC Wm, J. Beyan passed through Recess way to Calitorote, ee deliverec “an address large crow In opart he gas elise he outlook for snecess in ig | Premier, mal ability to Keep the Afrik ee nel ts Far between Britain and the| express , Donal ‘that the report of the Engineer for lands | allied to W. drain e/'The i r {minut although the merry voices of sum: “Milbran, arrived Haamberg on Sept. dleighing parties at ti d. Aug. Pahari Vqcinvutaes auclegti rn? ton, the W. wurice An- Reta rt sderson and Goodmund » survivors cof the Norwe Dret, wrecked Aug. hcg ighetioag Rice eurearune a By Beene wae] ‘That noise we all hear these evenin; e sit mn to rest cctee! cool hours fallow: sire t, or which keeps. buzzin, Santon hehockingly wratilated f oun bites of | m8 UNE is ee the crazed man- ‘Thomasen tells a dreadfal | °F" We tre to go 0 sleep, a 7 tween the rattle of the ted [Such # loud noise at | Ocahestra produces a Lopes mui leader of that Dateh. majorit peor ol the oe of ‘Tran Finland is politically: related to a rity i v | im the pox ar fe representative. this branch to the t ‘That.Dutch majority allows ‘railways of of the ragga thr shout the pro- || the British colony to be Sean ieieeeis Sok comply. wit provisions of POPULAR munitions of war to Britain’s Lear The | the law, and are in re habit of selling PRICES the Afrikanders in 2 Cape G Colony are politcal in your district. ly rel PERFECT fF G Germany hi woe and Russia his people would probably r-| ss main gee RORCEELION"S W WAYSIDE INN ch in the historical and literary asso- tw fellow aye fa the. belicoom, w for fiddlers. But the poli re of dainty Be ivors and the ioaling bells of winter till break the compre icket and the prolonged song of the frog i le by an insect. known porter was the other day shown a z es 3 e what a thin grasshopper, pale green in color and with wbis gauze wings. wonders that ze = a to 4 lot of frogs oked he. Pablic Library, the’ following rather Tuystifying definition of the cicada red: #1. large cide bounepter- aa pats bav cavities: Bas the sc theaael cored with tense laniiahe with which it makes < shrill und. Ti locust or cricket, th: souad.” ‘This is another mystery cleared up oot teal NA acs ‘THE CHURCH WAR IN ENGLAND. The Lemon corsepondent of the New York Tribun Lord Halifax has Tiever bean more aggresive than in his dress to tl y members of the Englic Church Union, argiag them to stand ¥ fear vels st Mr. Chambetatell ais res uaderstand the new Boer franchise la ¥, aud ik Thi Zion cheveh, Wellesley Tp. at 3 BOER INJUSTICE TO TO UITLANDERS, correspondent of The Pret after he has ve ry, ive years after the law was or with in five years after he has been here two ears, ied he has been hete seven years An irreverent wit once remarked that there was more ren Tape | satisfaction inbeing well dressed than there was in religion. siiias we, Sembee bin Sealing Wax rofie that he has always armel been a man o} acter, and has never Sep member te Wayside Tan bale 7 , . : . pert Howe, a le rence weet Bare ban penny sap. He must then | We don’t suscribe to any such proportion, but we realize that wooded hills? give six months’ notice that he intends to as been here nine | being well dressed is an immense satisfaction. Many a woman fellows famous Tales wat, the digufed ee cniae renin “Squire Lyman Howe, a justice of the years, pends, a o “ah oe ict who Re <a take his Sates snd ad scary rend “oro the ‘he appears better dressed than her neighbors, although she spends a an fied at the inn in 1860—the "i ti it to the State Atte ho shall forevs . Taat of his Tine to keep the famous hostalry: Pager e ear Pema forward werd) far Jess money at it, because she has good taste. There is a Besides “« Squire Howe, the only other real | the State Secretary, whp shall call a special ally at the inn were Th areas, th- The, thing the Bxevetive et a ones. | great saving in a store like ours, where there is a wide choice cet : Luigi Monti, i Sicilian, and Proe| 7°. sagt sigh abeaeee me and an almost unlimited opportunity for tastefully selection at REVENUE GRE , GROWING. zs 3 moderate prices. Ottawa, Sept. “That the trade at ee is purig nay be seen at K gro oe Gee Our Grocery Department day. ‘The total udivls enters let for the “month ending bike ae 631-59 44, a8 against Is well stocked with nice Fresh Groceries indrease being the ex e e| Epeaana 67243, In duly of last year the See ies | Ptah cEXLOy $2,436,491 81, Mainitiediy ye large stm, at] oe ts for the referred to were | @° decal the receip! Toate wert CEYLON TEA. neclleciberapee er it Germany atures Ath HONEST LEAF We are agents for the and Belgi a debarred from particip per - boters the fees by Great “Britain of Celebrated “Ceyloya” Tea. in July of this year the total- amount of customs dues paid sho a decrease of $4%2, B08 75 as pared with July, 1898, ‘Taking the nie moat oper the fees nce of gain this year is $29,863 La From present indi Fiona the impor a Sepiember will also be ‘saprecodcately I large. Milverton. We Can Fit You. ‘Our stock of all kinds of Boots and Shoes and Rub- CHURCH DIRECTORY, HODIST ar ee stot =» Pas a.m, and 7 pan. Weekly. y ae ecery Wednesday at 7:30. p.m. ing Epworth League, Friday occa pm at Soclock. Ser- ib 2 ae at Sona tas. Ws MeMillon, BeA., Faubesk Blea ship at 7 o'clock p.m. Service at ‘Elms ot Buaxs Cuvncu.—Rey. David Anderson, 3 Sabbath Services at 1am. and7 p.m, Weel lay evenings al 730 a m. a Cuvrce oF tHE Evanel as i aiscare George a 110 bat poles School, 11 a. eoleday oreaing FEO Bib, vega One Fae ana bers is complete, and car COMMERCIAL. fitany foot. Try us, ou th y oF di a : ly by H. M. Schaefer. i re 1 : ‘gain aly The Chicago platform at | cent decisio stage paso der he A Atacand A < sabi prices a the lowest “the ne next year will be reaffirmed | of incense ai lights, testsaguinstany Mu. ba rane ee Deri easires eingement of infallibiity, in the |Arch- | Fall wheat per Dosh 7 “Our Londen.” nsition ate platform will ete OF pishop of rbury. Critics reply that he | Spring wheat, pet bi Yours, rd ai the convention at all. Two of the great-| makes every ritualistic priest infallible and Bales per bush. pe tof thie new issues before the eonatry are, | tells the laymen to follow. blindly; and t ane a trusts ; second. the Philippine ee of thi of the Ai ros ti Santerbi Hees ‘on any e e aecetiie Gret question cai scarcely be called question pe ich, bee ebay oot wiatears 5 new; but the trusts en so multi- | legal or illegal usage in the ehpbik establish 600 : MILVERTON. pilied tliat question assuines an importance | ed by low. sf thee. L be es ~ which it did not eee in 1896. eshed ont in the church cung! ic] 12 “Mus been suggested for | will mizet in October in London, * 3 P. S.— All Kinds of Farm Produce Taken. or later there will be the disestablishment Ww question as a decisive issue in politics. 8 — 8 FOOLISH CUSTOM, . ‘A “Constant Reader” asks if it is the| W W custom of the Americans on gay occasions d to gy is ne ion Jack eqnal prominence 5 with th nd St D 6 : S % asepuli pire. ier ra | ply out be de ended on any rom ‘GREAT IS BRITAIN ‘there ever such a power as Great the position of Cape a Calon iu Ee Rnioliey with the preitivn of her e Dateh sabjects if they Wad lived 2 lint the Union Jack. feikanters haye sat aniler thei i fig trees, none during to mn ke + a | pose Frexce, or Grittin, or Russia, 0 3 cies SJnitel States, atvott it. the position - ch Greut. Britain wrcupies 4 ‘ape v2 Inthe firs ple Cape Colony wom have got free government Seon ers save the us teed Sea a Pate Fae bx oe fees perverted ie } feieintcn OR the "og tien rue Cafe ¢ sturdy patriotinn of the “Americans ceva the idea of flaniting another shen thet he sheltering folds of Old Glory. siash nese aor ask iam well together without wearing ek other othe, and eomnt ies ci be fie neightors dbo a dieplag of tbe Star ut St lavishly that it suggest friendship-—Teleram. purearers, mt REWARE! . Sept. ieense depart. ee elony. “ase Thus in » Uritish oolons. slrivi ramen from we wy vt ube pit! Toront The lice ts free] ment of casa Government has spectars wi forn ished the license ing; with the follow lay the thenry that iat thirsting ‘0 come ander | fiunkeyiem Dit Thatitend sinsar ae qT ‘Stratford, September 7, 1899 Phere “WEL” Iris probable if the streets and buildings | ran Wheat... 4 | Lhe “GRAND JEWEL of New York are dressed to recuive Dewey, | g, nog Wheat ° Stoves are the the Union Seek will be as Ihacd to fited [Be be 33 snowballs in Fi 4 : Thee te Cent, Readee” wants Ae *\Best Stoves Made koow why GaueAinon ahha hi be } ia ox ag to decorate Toronto i ae Starsand Stripes FES rp : : ar : Theis eee involved in thix ee This is is saying a lot, but we ing of the Stars and Stripes io Canadian | p. a Se Be iets tie anor yiaee dea Pe eee are ready to prove it. Americans. tere per enh assorted line of Stoves and Ranges for Wood or Coal ever -shown in this vicinity. It will 5 : g_ will carry the largest and best E § 5 1 please us very much to have “ the pleasure of showing you our stock. ; Allow us to give you figures Often imitated, @ ona FURNACE for your old Never Equelled. 4 or new house. see Me crcongest Heaters. & Yours anxious to please, East Longe, 5, Unga Fock g FINKBEINER BROS., ‘Hardware Merchants. tien.