“It Shines For All.” Wol VIII—No 34 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH 60., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1899 MALCOLM MacBETTE, Editor and Publishet The Milverton Sun ety Pe ee t Local bbe eck in the County Perth. It ite the t Advertising Sei iam. Rate: Sart Saber $1 per year, ‘strictly in advai 1.50 not so paid.—M. MacBeru, “Po eat: G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains apes to leave Milverton. 12:40 p.m, Mixed pm . 8:02 pm. alixed.. 10:23 pm ADVERTISING RATES. r. [6 mo.| 3 mo. [ time. ot ae n.. [$50 00/830 00] $16 00] $ aso 30 16 00 9 00 4 50 : 600) 3 “Transient be rag RS nts are charge rate of 8c. per rst inserson, and Se, per line for each 8! @ankins, R. RANNEY & Co.,Bankers th ae banking b Drafts —— al at alt points peo ana saad Jnited States. Money to loam ay ages. Now Tedicountel eet roten and secant collectes sits “received rates of interest allowed R. RANNEY & CO., , Milverton. nsacted. he W. EGBERT, M- B., M.D. ¢ sunte of College of Physicians and sof Ontario ; also post gr mae stadent of i on hi London, . Engtans See car Bape: ice ‘Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, SLatheran Church and Rostoc Legal, NTON, Barristor, Solicitor, Ete. Office sys ery Thursday, Wm. eek Main St ~~ Dentistry x ee DR. R. J. of Stratford, Honor AGraduate of Trinity Daeersty, 0, sand Gradcate of the rv solleg ns, ‘Toronto, will visit and thind “thursday ot every hoped, et sitrens por anreNece ‘by meeting all Ree : ork wspecialty All work guaranteed. Awary EN S., Milverton, Ont alate Ontart Veterinay Vollege, Tor ens 10, treats all diseases of domestic pres ciety All ¢ attended elephonie ar otherwise, Aud Chrouie Diseases specialty. he W. BARR. VETERINARY SUR- GEON, sige ore of Newton(Grad- jGolloge Tor onto.) ti icated. animals. and rigs at all. times. Bagguse transfer. Commercial driving a specialty. 6 00} of Ge neapenel or ef per li Burton’s Su Dentistry ntist, barge Royal Sal departm: practice donee ¥ Orn acenpfuge Tailor chop: —Above LOCAL NEWS. organizing. ‘The village council will meet on Sai urday’evening. Scliool board as, hold a meeting toy night (Thu Aancereee has gone up against the hard antl jagged wall. What do our town fathers propose i 1 doing with i sewer ‘omat in large i pebaag arriv ing daily at C S. Kertch Suspended Payment The banking institution the standing of the institution. of course caused a‘“run”on the bank, and Mr. Mowat, to meet the ordinary deltas of business, hud bis money at interest and consequently coul: ane satisfy the daily calls made upon hin z The minute book of the bank showed fe Pee of that institution to be as ithe liabilities are a short ‘ist, onic $ 52,996 17,659 Sie, said, Due depositors Dite Imperial B ‘The shrinkage, however, it 0) will be considerate, as the real estate is hard to realize Much ele ig felt and expressed throughout the county for Mr. Mowat, ash n in the business for a tion: = SHORT STORIES RETOLD. On when Sir John Leibbock wax about to undergo a surgi- cal operation, his fr ried to en- tice him to take ehlaroform, but he would not give his consent to this and only replied, “No, thank you; T would much rather be present at the opera- jon,” one occasion, r- Rudyard Kipling tells s goed . | story rok himself. when suddenly « gentleman ppenre at the door 1, follow socteties 0. 99, Milverton, meets every secon ‘and last Tuesday of every month, at Gelock, in their hall over Schneuker & Sitiaarinelts store. Visiting brethren al: ne. John nag, CR; ing «Silver Ste 202, Milverton, Fi pt Th. fb that halle post aioe balldmmer eth Jolin G. W. D. WEIR, Anctioucer for the Cow ties of Beet and. Wat loo, Couveyasen Dei ie nd 08 IN ilverton. pS _ In all ti H citizens and travellers calis prompt attended to. Détland, Muple St.; H EL, Branner. Ont. John Gropp, Proprietor. “Bert liquors and cigars at the bar. . First-class accommoda- pment Uiquors ai Sat Mill wercets C: Uneenpting, Proprietor. | - 1 QUEENS HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The|! modation for commercial tray- | *' | Inagh, my augelss there is nothing to io f nl nes, Liquors and “Cigars at the bar, Good Se stables and ‘Plenty of shed room. Hem JOHN GROPP, oe in Cedar Posts, - Yaumber, Eatis," So Pumps, ‘Banner, On y two schoolboys. “Js. this Ryan Hasutoal rote: “Boys, this is Rudyard Kipling. “ is this where you write? “Yes “Boys, that is where he T suppose they way. r. F.C. Bats the well known hacia when pi college to clean the windows. He ..| humbly consented to de so, if the mas- but directly the man got Outside the Window onto the ledge Burnand fast- ened the catch, and loft him out there. For this Dr. (afterward Cardinal) Manning severely rated the eles telling him that he would mi a ter shoemaker than priest. “Well, y leave me atany rate the cnre of sdles,” is said to have been the witty reply. Richard Cumberland, the play- sik ase extremely ses loi of his you: Richard She t is piers that he ie his eneee one of the first formances of the School for Beaodal 4” adding, in an underto ule du with his isp) ebiare laughing at oy oe ly, for ‘ote, | WE frow beginning w end.” ad all literary London to do that|j ter would give him a leson in the artg & | compli his tragedy I Ronee a ‘The race track pee Bas a live- ly appearance these evenings. Fresh oranges, lemons and bananas m. always in stock ut C, S. Kertcher’s. A large namber of our citizens tended the Wellesley fair on Wednes- day. ¥ A large number of Milvertonians are attending the fair at London this week, House on Main street for sale or Apply for particulars at The Son offi ri S Grosch is at present at, tending the Eastern fair at Ottawa} in the mterests of uf his company. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup- per will'be dispensed in Burns church on the second Sabbath in October. Mr. Gideon <a ‘of Stratfordy rehased @ stock in Paris and Nall Sate business there in tu meu. o: & Kertcber hnd W. K.¥ 36 | Loth had the contract-to paint London do the job. reliev’ whe 's. Aaron Knechtel and Mr. . Gideon Koi Sermuford speut Sunday with Ms and rs, Ezra Knechtel of Milve: aS and Mrs. G. E. fous left their cous' was the tachae of ‘Me. “Hedley ¢ Goad: hand, Sosa here aridiverenry services of the Listowel Soe sf the: Mornington Agri cutee Society would confer a great favor on the secretary if they woul send in their entries‘a week or two before the fair that a rush may be avoided on those Mr. Arthur Spencer, formerly of the Sun staff, has secured a position wn the Hensall paper aud left on Monday\; b. Arthur is quite an adept at “slinging” quads, and we wish him every success. t eding contest are F. Wiederhold’s dshonie Guiddust, Grosch Bros. Gertie M. Grim’s Dark Bay and V. Nes- a Telos Chestant Cyaaede Miss Maggie Hanna will act ’ fancy work at the He - M. Schaefer ay James Haigltan f grain and roots Mr, Henry Hovenpélag, whose grow. business sitated ne, oui, bi nce beers shop which will enable hijn to do his work with wach wore-convenience than here- bas’ ehgaged as wood- er experiened mechanic. in the pa of J. Stub. of Blooming- le. bas At the Stratford ict financial meeting ae in Sinton: ‘on Thursday the Rev. ‘W. Henderson of St. Marys wae ate inted to peat the ucational Sermon ae Milverton this ye A quiet but inpresiee event. — place before a ds and rel tives of the inte: oe oa ties At eA eis of Mr. David Pugh, Bricks his daughter Ida, w young Jady of ac oor was given i in marrage to Mr. Geo. Roe, one of ‘“Milverton’s young couple left fur an extend: trip up the lakes, whére they will spend their honeym \e adian The football’ club is talking of re- com at-{ cor soon ky engaged in rattering it. a deep eeranh and left on Monday to 5 2 Mr. Stokes of Listowel fs at present ade eving Me. nt here) is at posse moving ‘ths family sey echtel of Hvidey Int to nitend the faueral of ah Among the green horses that al nd Hes fitted up in Milverton for the Money Loanep. — When your ‘ToRRANCE. Mr. C. Bchwatbe: formerly of Milver-| 4 ton, has opened up a tailor shop in Mr. Schwartz bas the latest system in cutting and is isa tailor of some six or seven years’ alien He guaran- tees a fit “ BL sey great convene to rr who, when they have perishable stuff left off at the fier here, have ring it up at Mr, Hermann Miller bas the brickwork of his new. block oo ed and carpenters will ‘he work was pushed along more rapidly | Hi han any other job ever done in Milverton, the whole building, 65x26, and an annex to the sop er aud re having been erected in ‘tha week. Mr. Schmidt ue vind ne en- ormous season’s* work, begin- ning now to see aayiiate. eat it. The plan of Hall for the great play Parties wish- ing good seats had better seeure them alled on Dr. Lederman, Sones e pla ae an operating ¢ been par: light. The tee been tastefully, sorbed sndachee The ros pects, wenn fee b commana, busy since bre open Mr. Shipman, seca agent of the Lyceum Theatrical Company, shiahelon was in Milverton on making final arrangements for the staging of Shi as bad years of experie rtists, Rdward D'Oize und Hoe Eugenie Van Zile, who assume the leading roles, Shylock and Portia, are unsur- passed on the stage. ‘The p of six acts and eleven setae ac will require from two and a half to three hours in presentation. The oat sonvention of the Perl Teachers’ Association will b the piles hall of the Coleg In- Hate on Friday me jaturday, Sep- te! e of ahi Aikce as Ticanibe 2 luctebes: «uNOOROE ie speeches from leading authorities on educational questions, anungst whom are Prine’ cipal Wm. Clark, LL.D., of Trivie a Jniversity, Toronto; Tnspector Dearn if Middlesex; Hon. Aa G. Sefer, United States. Congul, and a number cf ot iy ers. Prine’ Clark will leeture on his subject being “Books aud Reading.” The Western Fair i the most dis- naobese apricnlnienl aby Lepeg ence in Canada, paste its ose: of w vancement as ever on rease, Those attending it ubis year + will hase every opportuni to. reach the grounds without ‘patronizing the street cain, as, besides the accommoda- tion provided by the G.T.R. arid OP. R., there will be about fifty, pes ue by the London labor tni vulanteers were in camp Jast_ summer. bey refused wo ride on the street even nw ben, tickets were given wo theni nd at every y ore in te s have rs. The West- tapes the strik Rostock and is doing a good business. | 8m her wey of Seat division | t is | Julia Bedore returned home Monday. n | and visiting friends in to consists | dui ve held. 0 | tear ‘pal 5 Friday evening, | = Accidents of an appalling. nature appear almost epidemic in their fre- | quency in this locality of late. The latest unfortunate victim is little Mur-- YX with us will * dete private. James | Mrs, Roe, wi : soe wale bebin id the h n edey 1 putting the gh safferer under anaes: etics during the operation. She is bres as well” as could » for. Mach iaioep on is felt for the little one.—Atw: bea seas Fall seata te: is being rushed ih this neighborhood The shipment e "cheese for the first half of hare left'the factory Satur- day. Cheese is a goo4 ‘price now, but we hear it is coming down @ little. Mr. Won, Campbell aud Me. be Sinks toms rama Fraga Gee ek Hamifton ‘and the Toronto ioe Me. doba Moore bas pane to Dako- ta and other te points. fle in- tends spending a visiting friends and Seles the coun The ange : an now ita Brooks Comedy Co. MONKTON. Miss Maggie , Huggins and Miss pending a week sight sei: os wn, EEG aa A Smith, Tea agent for the Tea Co., of Stratford, was in Monday en reate f e will ‘meke a thorough canvas. essrs Johnston aus eee ine their new kiln finisl borne it, Ivhas a sail of f abode arte A. McRobb is Mater! aie: on the 16th * Elma th ‘A number of our villagers: Bene ag | the anniversary tea- meeting at St Pauls Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr. Abrey_ exchanged aaletioe with Rev. r, Sameron, of Nort Meraiceion, on Sanday Mr. and Mrs. A. Sorheia via Serauae te Moukzou'on eee tt Remember the Harvest Hone tei held “in’ he Methodist chell, will take the chair, come hear him. M Bannerman, ere is visiting friends on the 16th of Eh few days. . May she havea e ry pleasant ‘ane is the wish of her ie tobe friends. Mrs, Jesse Joy spent Sun-\ jay with friends in Elm: Reem operations Be still going Johu Gerth is building a ie new she this Heckuell and men are building it. bis week one of our villagers has ed to ride a wheel ; now the boys off tw slong lege ee cee tnaker of™ Willowgrove factory, spent Sunday with his parents and” one friends on ee es nad Monaton. M - Gill has a common. white What about the Rav and dark how. lamps. Moakeon will have a dray. the gossip says: FALL FAIRS. E | sfopatsetin: Milverton, Sent te -| North Perth, Stratford, » South Waterloo, Galt, ole Central, Guelph, Soph 19.21. rn, London, Sept 7-16. embered by = who ing street car men pee a cause that is} Weste: ) be ‘rem sin Central, Ortawa, Sept. 11-23 oon t. 28-29, th livery service in the near future, leper 5