4 4 ie THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1899. fe 8 Fis cotting the Paris Exposition. * tions or held relations with a foreign power or one of its agents, to.induce it hhas ended, and the verdict has. stupe- of the fraudulent methods pursued by | ®*™ the army to convict an innocent man. TR Forged documents have been smuggled | im and accepted by the court as provf|Phe weather is w: that he was implicated in the writing] yield in some places goes as hi of the bordereau. ‘The lines of care on | 45: bushels to the acre. F his face brought.on through years of] Michael Haley ae drowned at Rat gafferings and torture are interpreted | Portage Sund: fact, that he does_not wear his epaulets,| can a searoh. which were torn, from, him years be-| body in flye feet of Sie at the bow of | the Balmoral. fore, brands him, as a, traitor and a Feats ah tse. knave and worthy;of no consideration at the hands of men, who swear by tiate the charge is immaterial to men convicting an ingocenh man, no. mat- ter how irrelevant the. evidence might ju be. What signifies it that confessions |in a recent case, “to inform her in have been made and suicides commit |tended husband of any. device or “1 ted by those who feared, the fieree light tachment to improve the work ture inthe ee cae of ee tae, of exposure. The court was most oth Ge Rea seandalously conducted. Instead of |of'a charge of deception by weating proving the prisoner guilty, he was| glasses to conceal las asked to establish his innocence. The} The Dreyfus verdict is attracting ughor whole affair is a prostitution of justice, and Dreyfus has ‘been. martyred ;| @uartes abt France has been dishonored ; civiliza-| opinions will be valuable, are ees tion “has -been stultified, and: the| to express advers whole world has been astounded: and, a ies ay da bein of the ee It i aut ocnblés there will be omideelle 58: fitation of a proposition for this Gov. ernment to abandon its part in the stupefied. Spee LITERARY NOTES. One is sure to find in the pages. of the| Paris Exposition. Soeespo hit soe eine ci immediate in-|” T, was cumored in the city of Provi- dence awhile ago that the pastor o! the Centre church was about tu marry tv-1a certain.Miss S, i | society young woman, but belonging two the Episcopal chareb. The good people | of the pastor's. church talked it over and came to the conclusion that he around the Erench' people since the days of) mieht choose more wisely. Finally, it Napoleon., ‘there i i him St: re fiye thousand theatres in| Was left to the elders to wait upon se ‘and that oe million and a balf|and expostulate with bim. ‘The pastor |: Beaple attend them. io ate reek-day night, | listened patiently until p illic lol spending sever on heat are t with | ° Shih Mi ger "Fyles. the dramatic | “Gentlemen, there is editor of the New , will open an Congregational church in the world, important series in the next issue of The | there is but one Miss 8.” : ; seriet will'te!" Sir Frederick William, Forestier. n numbers of the mag-| Walker, the new British Commander azine, lavishly illustrated with pictures made in in Chief at the Cay ty neve Witlrent, acute. “The. articles | sineished eareen, and has seen not & ca will run through sev ally paid; how a olay ie writen what the anthors receives h aly no y. is rebrearsed; | ow ‘mike up and what they. nse; Shain s)on. special minute, Woy the Se eat cba oes.on.behind the,scpnes om. “he tage the troops in Egypt from rious... fact ‘and: that ete ceeen | the fe Split Hairs_on., Dostsinal WH nos bat Moy Sein Huose eeatpor| | ity in ieig the the Virtues of Dry Ag s Catarrl tures w. Be i for $50, Haate (Ge gon that 1¢ will care Soir, Bald by | Dave #06 $5000 Br Lisa gS See URES Superintendent Coutts of Aes wen. |B field cemetery, Aberdeen, who ous up a body with x aioeal was sentenced to Beaton « 5 six thoanhs’ imprisonment Satuedal “aaggeding t0% despa At is surmised that the Manitoba | itness i i will be brought on in Novem-| in-as etraal before Chief Baron O'Grady. E gus Young stole 5: cents’ worth of | Some corn an so Hiamilean and “ag have to pay A = $9.90 Police Court cost The Milverton Sun suet BMe Black, he new pastor of Ean chureb, Tor dw some time, ar reflected on the witness’ charac- ,, rat Tl u mittee. to As a means of bringing France to a Bea abe connie, of sense of her dishonor and injuscice, | ernmens to the fall festival at Chicago |< the nations of, the sarth propose boy-| left that city. yesterday for Ottawa and Quebec. The London Street Railway com 4 pany on Monday obtained The:great trial. by court-martial of tion from Judge Elliott,restraining the Captain Alfred Dreyfus charged with | striking street car men from having in 1894 “entered into machina. | busses without a license. Bill Williams, a tramp, tenced to do six months in the Central Prison because hi to commit hostility or undertake war] means of support. The punishment is against France, or procure ig, thej out ofall proportion to the offence. means therefor by delivering the-notes| It is rumored’ aR as cn a tentative agreement Reefs pens od te bevdatgens, swhereby until the ae pean His settled, Canada is to have ports on fied the civilized world. For. weeks! the Lynn Canal and at Pyramid Har- the court has been dragging on, at |bor, and the United States g exposure after exposure has been made dice! at sighs for New Tepiend fish- Few ae original in things they say and do? For instance, ohe man makes a fortune out of a other try it. This is human nature. While it is gratifying to be the ‘* first man’ to bring out an idea, thagreat mass must be content to follow theje leaders. There is one line that is always original, however, and,that is the busingss of Bradley-Garret- som, Co., Limited, of Brantford, Ont., be- cause they, continually bring out pablica- The | agents are me ee | at it und make big “|Special Bargains in Fruit Jars Pebeai on coated Beat velitanl as damning. evidences of guilt. The] immediately, with an other men _be- | Puthfalness oh = claim, in fuct, it is con- pi| Lp. Quarts 65e. Wine Hf. Gallons 75c. Imp. Hf Gallons 90c. ence with this Firm is worth’ more to any The westbound Southern, express, ar ©Y| which,was.held up at Cochise,. Arizona, their soul and cgascience to maintain] arrived as Los Angeles on time. the honor of the-army, The fact that| express car isa wreck and slows ae 5 Lov found to substan- | eflect of the dynamite used by the rob- aes Siena Gead Even much theytaeenee fe noe P known, but the amount is not believed who were appointed for the purpore of | 5 be in excess of $10,000. of view. and financially, it is all that can d. ling our Ine work “The ugh of Life”? ital uw Bary, “Tt is not necessary for a woran BRADLEY ~ een bo CO., Limited, RANTPORD, =] Gone to the West Is the Proprietor. Business. is going on all the same at the | old stand. Greater Bargains than ever Weare able to Offer you. COME IN AND SEE US, this week. ani IGLEISE bush. The farmis well watered. The ‘3 e A Good Fi as and Up-to-date |, ‘At-Close Prices, or anything THE LATEST IN- WALKING and Rough Rider Hats: LOTH & GUENTHER in GENTS’ FURNISH- — to Lieu en. Sir Arthur mas zat his du: the agtresses | tne. Kaffir war of 1878, and pees ess =: BURTON, ce, wi Bgat. “that the} 1895. The general also, ac ste andae pee ets ever wen, ex-| military. secretary to Sir Bartle Frere ‘: sa ms wan.oy 7 THE, fh, TORMENTORS, 12 Years ofsIrritation, Torment,,and Pain, Ee eee and Cured cart beth ty of Dr. a ‘Ojntment, for PONTON WANTS NEW, TRIAL, EL Fae dala sehr ‘hgsobbery Pure and Sweet Leave Orders at oe. store, Geta Suit for the Fair ah Kneettel | Meeshant Tailor Has moved i hee his ‘Iaadiphely Shuepad new shop, _ ate is now more conveniently situated than ever be- fore. ‘Never ‘was he more eager to cater tothe wants of the public, and will do anything in his power to to please. As a Starter he has _ Purchased, a fine , line of = Seoteli Tweed Suitings, - Beayer, & Milton Overeoatings, and will | ore one and most If you want a ‘Suit before the Fair, leave your ‘aie with: us, as we are the. only firm in Milyerton that has a staff enough to turn a suit out on the shortest ‘Morice. ~The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 1899. ably fatally shot himself at Yorktown, N.W.T. Robbers Bamix! 7 train _ GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM SMALL SOURCES. ‘Two regiments of negro troops are to be raised for service in the Phillip- pines. Since the ramor of war groceries in Johannesburg have advanced in price 10 to 15 per cent. Another Australian province has re- fused enfranchisement for women. ‘Those horrid men. Brantford will build a new isolation ital, and make a large addition to the John H. Stratford hospital. Rossia has restrained Turkey from mounting several pneumatic dynamite guns at the Black Sea entrance to the Baltic. The Boers in Parliament seem spending their time hicose speeches, urging each other to go out and be killed. During a heavy thunderstorm. Jast Thursday Robers 8. Dainard, living about ten miles from. Picton,, while driving a team of horses to water, was struck and instantly killed by, light- ning, also the horses. The idea of boycotting the Paris Ex- position is widely broached in Europ io wis ie press comments on the Dreyfus t, and, overt steps to that end ae picaay been taken in one er two} quarters. Joseph Woodfield a Stratford, an inmate of the House o} ge, was fyund in the city. the ae day dead, and lying beside him was’ a bottle Jabeled carbolic acid An inquest. was Zig and the jury decided that “he had ome to his death through swallowing oe acid. A-large meeting of the colored resi E Oeetary held last. week pass solutigns expressing » confi dence in "Sie AIS ned Milner, the Gover- nor of Cape Colony, and “sympathy for our brethren in the Transvaal who are | denied all rights.” . John. Livingstone, of Listowel, elder brosher of Dr. David Living. and feciscred many Tears and pei sonal mementoes eens hip from Anew ae Was two, years. older . than his of the: set eee delegates. have chosen | ¢, Yand in the Red. Deer district. of Al- t tlers are excellent farmers, agriculture in Finland being highly developed. "These industrious, liberty: ving people will be a great Canada. By wreanising over Flan, Russia is impoverishing herself and e tighing cther countries. The Education “ Department has, been obliged to refuse the applications | 8° of.neurly four hundred students who year, There are already enough ap plications in to fill the Normal schoois for a year to come, even after allow tance has been nade. for the 100 stu- dents that*can be accommodated at the New London Normal ashoke which will be open in geet next. Hon. J. I. who has arrived in | ‘Loudon mach impor health, has laining there of the ee ination of the St Lawrence Teuce as an ocean highway... Th this connec- tion Matthew Jones, prominent Eng-| lish insurance man, Mo I, as announced that result of the small number: of cluime which had had to bezpaid on St. Law: shee :_sbipping duging the- ‘present y have Spent thei ad carousing the baer ue es Test surviving member 5 1 with dynami An- ae Cal. Nel ire ext Uae: $10,- 000 missing. oe pectin at Nace Que., has been robbed of $500 cash and a num- ber of registered pons growers in some places come plain of the winter apples falling from the trees in large quantities. Cornelius Vanderbilt, the head of the Vanderbilt family, died yesterday from a stroke of paralysis. Aged 56 years. any of artillery will ines Halifax o on September 23rd for malt for the Pages of Suoagditele the garrison the Tn a contest aes General Mercier would probably:get first place, Ester- hazy second and Ananias would re- ceive honorable mention, Mis. John Baker, of Waterdown,| while sitting in a dentist’s chair yester- jay at, Hamilton, having several teeta extracted, suddenly expired. John M., Chambers, formerly of Walkerton, Ont., now of Chicazo, has beg elected to the chair of es at ‘Wooster University, Wooster Miss Lena Stewart, ee of Mr; Duunean Stewart of Hampstead, carried’ © | off first prize for buttermaker at the. Tadustrial Exhibitjon, Toronto. Ten,thousand persons were added to Postage no qoube ined eae to do with this. ‘ A little 16 months’-old child, the dalighter of John McGachan-of East Zorra, was nearly gaten by a sow, but was rescued before much damage was done. A. Dy Hodgins was arrested’ at Pe trolea on a charge of attempting to set fire to the store which he,was oc- cupying a,a confectionery and bake shop. The Transvaal may be able-to put sixty thonsand men in the field, but what Oom Paul is thinking about just now is 2 noe smany he will beable to take o1 The stubborn fight put up by the Phalipines and. the reverses they have used “to. Ameriean arnis appear to tate strengthened Bryan and, weaken ed Poller in the next Bresantial elec! seid resignation'of Mr, Thi i H.Leavitt, one of, the ‘Customs De- Fartinent special staff, has been ac- Leavitt is to becom Conservative orgauizer in.Eastern On: ‘arlo. At the Liberal convention held at Wallaceburg, Tuesday. Donald Mac- t approaching election There were about 150 present at the eaeanliees } Acoutier who arrived at Tfipoli on Duceday. reports that. a French mission al ual terrible Joss, "riled all the members the por by force of arms. ptain Alfred Dreyfus, the French seer charged vith making known the secrets of def fense to a foreign to tem, years’ imprisonment. The verdict came-as a eurprise to the whole world, as the evidence did not Nicolai Rnigiaak: a Galician, prob-- “The fest Pa he ae British postoffice last |” ‘| Wiederhold’ - . by Sept. 25. Gen. Hunter, the chiet ef staff;, leaves .Simla to-morrow for South Africa. France now stands in. isolation, but it can hardly be said to be splendid. BUILDING HARDWARE Builders or intending builders will find it to their advantage to call and see. us. Nails and other-material have been bought in large bulk at reduced prices..,. Our The Eclipse BICYCLE is no experiment, but is the per- fected result of mechanical skill coupled:with experience, which re|has demonstrated the fact that under all conditions of weather and roads, the Eclipse is more satisfactory and practical than any other. type of driving mechanism, the only bicycle on earth with automatic Coaster and Brake. -PRICE = ~ $50.00 P. A BASTENDORFF JEWELER. Next Door to Posteffice, Having Built A new and. commodious shop we are now prepared to-do all kinds of contracting and: order work; Work can be.got out:on the shortest. noti Call and ‘Jeaye your order a with us if you are building. ford cial t &; Honderich _ Mivverrow 6D YEARS’ EXPERIENCE. yrone senting a sketch nud deseriptign may gatas ssceriain Cur opinion free wheter an is probably. ‘Communi <= ene “Scientific merical. ‘substantiate the:court ‘taking any s view of the matter. His inp will likely be-only @ matter of form ‘A handsomely illustrated weekl; Galation of any ace sopute, os MUNN & Co,2*" al = New York ¢ Send for Prize Lists and Programmes. - LT.-COL: W. M. GARTSHORE, The Western Fair, London. SEPTEMBER 7th to 16th, 100 Entries close September 6th. Space allotted on receipt of entry. = rates Exhibits will be unsurpassed. attz Mctions better. than ever Hipgodra rome, Chariot ~ restored to their old,basis.4s.a Ae pean th will ‘i ve ee vais Gan ame esaeitully ol oe E. Pslman and Walter}: Presidents. Riders, World Re- iy! The. British it Rana Lady i ch- es reworks: be attract after the fireworks, + A. NELLES, pary: : Miia for a number of years -doné Custom 1 aie work I} ave decided to launch into the MERCHANT TAILORING i LINE, and have deena secured, ‘a new Stock of ¢ also-give you the, lowest quotations on Prepared and Mixed Paints of the cele- brated Robertson and Sherwin--Williams con- stantly on hand—any shade. Plumbing age Owing to the recent demand for the latest ap- pliances in plumbing we . have decided to make a . specialty of this depart- - iment of the trade and are - now prepared to do all kinds of plumbing and piping. Acfull supply of ~ ; all kinds of brass faucets, ® check valves, etc., always. . on hand. Seles the furse: tor your new house now. We guaran--. WHEN:YOU PAINT. Hf you desire the very best results at _ , the least expense _ youwilluse ... = SHERWIN-WILLIAMS > ° = PE THE PAINT. SCHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL., TWINE.—We sell Plymouth and Consumérs Binder Twine at the lowest, who have ordered off us have never had to pay the rise. Gall, The Milverton Sun Job Printing Rooms: Are well ses ‘with- Envelopes, Wedding Cards, Posters, Ete.,.. é. Is'a good local ‘paper and wil de pe: and the highest - q If you. want something - neat in the line of . Bill Heads, Letter Heads, ‘ Note Heads, Memos,:. x Oran i kind of | Stationery, . _be sent to any address from now. 3