Milverton Sun, 14 Sep 1899, p. 4

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‘Bebscribers. receive their paper cugulasly il please notly ast once Call at this effice for advertising ratc THE MILVERTON SUN. ‘THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1899 Punctures. ‘We would not trade eur griefs for other joys. ‘The dealers sell the wheels, but the riders pedal ’em out. “Money talks,” but it isn’t the “hush ” that does it. A. Doat may be in the best repair and yetbea Faved une cite souabing's. £008 broad tire. actly as she alee % fen't half bad. ta man should be Fitting Ablaze, Clay atbor york ance, “get tho hoz of it.” left bdo ‘he te ase to do but trust Ifa dress ite badly, the conselentions Gressmaker hes 9 ft. Ifié isa woll, the eustomer has ons Semnliow welalways ‘expect the fellow Who gets mad frst t0_ gob out of the arga ment second there won't, be anything organize a ‘There never on nd never will in one remedy, rhs "att have, however, f Quinine Wine, when obtainable unadultera Stace, a remedy for many and grevious ills, By its gradual and judicious use, the on paths by the influence which Qu nine exerts on Nature’: Testoratives. Itrelieves the drooping spirits of. those ‘with whom a chronic state of morbid des- animal fanetions of the sr etivits creel flielae tha frame, and giving lite fo the Et oat organs,’ whieh naturally ubstance—result, are °! perioe Quinine W ch ) aused by: a opinion of sci Sug tie trrnenes comes rotoaion of aby inthe market. All druggists sellit. ‘tHlow do-you live on?” “How co you perspire?” Theve Soe sD. ; “Thank God, how are” you?”’ | Arabian. “Be under the guard of God.” man. “How do you have yourself?” Polish. "Stew 40 you do?” That's English and Ami oflow. te your stomach? Have you m your rice?” ‘That's Chinese. FIVE TO 10 POUNDS per month is the penal increase of weight when, taking . MILLERS IRON PIL ‘Te Be Heard Forty Miles. histle that is subi at such a distance, ‘but is quite soft and Jor Minard’s Liniment for ‘sale everywhere. ‘A plant that will furnish pa wi = ee epee all the growin, | Miller's Worm Powders make the ebildren healthy. ‘Where It Com: People who wear falee hair will be S Tronicat Ife. eames consult the man who travels on a FUE you take ore of the pennies the dol- lars will provably be esha reg cya If the sun had nothing to Jo pat shine on the fraly goed, is wouldn’s have to got up 60 early. {you would know what the wild wares are saying, study the handkerchief flirta- tion code. wouldn't bite until they find is bread or stone there Main Aavaratly look embarrassed. Seen ld fried sae will buy again. $100.00 REWARD ! thaihe Above reward witl be paid to any person who will prove PERFUMED ROYAL LAVENDER BLUE will, or streak the finest linen. iy. new bousehold article ‘or reat ‘commissions iti Beate for about NO MONEY REQUIRED. ither premius eos sine for inenary pa amily f TORONTO CHEMICAL COMPANY, TORONTO. FL oses é contains sufficient and. 0: t4months. Nickel Stem Wind jSolid ¢ ma wd [Free for Selling 30 Packages To Those of Sedentary Ovcu Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them of fresh air and exer- cise, are more prone to disorders of the liver and kidneys than those who lead active, ontdoor lives. The former will find ig Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills.a re- surgery on a Lion, qe ychie unique as well as suc- gant operations has just been carried out at Perugia, where on the statute books are full of obselete lay Michigan Filler, Brown Paper. ae ie you think en fk a5 cent ci es—Only 57 Woy, 7 thought I had counted 12 of ABiaceuta alrcedy— Somerville Journal. cataract upon a young lion. This inoldent, according to a Lon- don paper; would have interested that fa- st, ur, who made a ments licked her hand with its rough Minard’s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. faction to all A section of the togetea griihbls hat ie Saas toca ack sufficiently recognize the Ottoman suzer- ainty. Miller's Worm Powders for sallow skin; eld or young. tly Bleyele. abe cole Siegen in the world has just ish monds on every possible The great lung healer is found in excellent medigine sold, as Bickle’s ere Consumpti up. It soothes and di- minishes ey sesaitiliey of the membrane of the throat and valu- accessory suggest themselves to her. She will discover that nothing is so ing to her complexi falce taken as s tonic lemon, take of very hot water, immodiately upon Tis- ing, is the best of medicines. Her Gentle Hint. such plan ae ‘sdopied” she fventured “thins becian little elihood ‘that you will ev: lil ried. ‘he had canght his breath he made the customary avowal, and thei engagement was announced the next day. =Chicago Post. Creeds. A creed atk better ae et ener ee asa —Ram’s Horn, Yes, true, I was very weak and | sillore eae Tron Pills made me strong. ‘0 Whiten the Neck. Fig! of rosewater, ounce ee tinorure of banzoin, two drops of attar of roses: ‘This lotion, applied with a soft cloth on ia and whitening e skin; but time and patience are sere before the good. result Gan be ap Minard’s Liniment Cares bal ete, Thought ss, my My rou Ear inisuend droy a team of eae toe foul mignthe?” bared Sieber yw be his brot iiccoric Be, Be pare to her sister’s little ones. A Sure Cure for Headache.—Bilious headuche to which women ate more sub- fect than men, beco: in some Bubjects that they are utterly. Goensies ‘The stomach retuses food, and there is, 8 com duly secreted: there. Parmolees - Vé table Pills are x eacaen! alterative, and in neutralizing ts of the intruding 5 the pressure on. Headache, Pry th Left a Biz Fertune. if eunuch of the sultan, ae died Ser Goes ie lorrsld aii latte New ue for @ quarter. Miller’s Com- yn Pills. pound I “He sai “eligt e a edaimed, ‘delighted. ‘The Telltale Countenance. “Madge, you've been riding with Mr. Tubbs.” “How do you know “Because you've ae your automobile face on.”” Spring eens Delayed. | RAE 's poetry erything,” “You're right,” replied the Co “For instance, there’s a stove full Cleveland Plain Dealer. tiie ee of $160,000, besides $500,000 in ‘The chief eunuch. who isa great @ sultan’s household, has ee ivan alspieailincteniteals ve ® prominent oriental dies ae ‘That weak, tired condition will soon change by of Miller's Compound Tron Pills. 50 doses 25 cents. Many Nobles in Stripes. Europe is 20,000. Of these Russia has the Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot 000 of her blue- Dleoded lawbreakers ‘having been placed Dbahind the bars. Tealy,-whose prison cells theusands of Y hoblenen, has won Sermetyarss slae anii an order so'oerete iP Fou mast nec Hall's Catarrh n featimontale, tre ‘gels HENEY ile Sitienx 4.0, Pom, tone.0 Automatic ek Leader. “Ask “aabanaahts ieunse’ far ryvolveis bas been designed. Te fete 8 # Jong ta Iwas curED of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD’S LINIMENT. Anprew Kine, Halifax. Iwas coRED of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S ‘In-Cot, C, Ckew2 Ruav, oe Iwas cbnup of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'S se ee Brnirne. Markham, Ont. he would be within the city 1 didn't tell him he’d have te (Bracing, Himself Fe: th plain about wel bas Deca when I told him walk-30 minutes to rea Chicago Tribune. minutes’ ride of A Delicious Tor ipe tomatoes, cho} and strained through a colander; one sweet pepper, choped; three onions, chop- ped; one black pepper, one Tongitu the chambers er tho rahe. ‘The tube is chambers simultaneously. for the children. Miller's Health Worm Powders. 1 sprain Bruise ‘The surest way out of either or - ‘beth is through the use of ST. JACOBS OIL WHICH WILL PROMPTLY CURE. Delicious Eice ‘Biscuits. Shape into biscuits and bake in oven. Curled Gingerbread Receipt. allspice, one Se ‘one tablespoonful cloves, two , salt to taste; stirall together sud put in jars. not cork. Is will Keep a year. for ate cents. Miller's Kitney. "pills tae Plast office so early now?” “My wife’s doing her own cooking, and Lhaye vo make. her believe that I can's CANADIAN VEST Y. EST a EXCURSIONS ‘WILL RE RUN AUC. ING cr, 25TH, ‘SEPT. a rk “a a i800 {$30 Pi "Assistant General ‘Passenger Agent, Bel Strategy. It “Why is it that you get dewmte the For Men and Women. Fashionable, thy a Glothing ia 8 onable enn ure the material for upplied any garme: oaeaeaie Salts and Skirts = SIMPSOI ONTO, ONL, COMPANY: LIMITED PLOWS, Boose ee, & HARROWS The Bert M: cocksHurr FL nd for Catalogue. Y C0., BRANTFORD. pais, sr STEELE & msi Wuteas, WAMILTON. le Te £8 Bi eueract Eis. & & Sploce BINDER TW! TWINE “AND. MANILA, met aloe Station Aroado: Foran FOR SALE BY ALL GROCE! ‘Trade Mark--Dr. Owen The only sheath General use, Havin Thousands of people suffer from Nervous Disgases, sich 98 oon mn ey re ay be ‘aocomplik this Srugs is pucming 2 dangerous erly treated, these ‘diseases can ‘and practical Electric Bel Tatterion pe ty that ‘applied to cuted Cured vi Nervous ition, Rheumatism, Saree idiey Disease bas ‘Tumbego, Lame Back and Dyspepsia. OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullest. information regarding the cure St acute, chronic and nervous diseases, pr pric how toorden ete. Gealed) — REE—to any The Owen Electric Belt And Appliance Cos,» ‘1 Kine Sr. East, TonowTo. HPT. DREYFUS CONVICTED. Army “Justice” Appalls the Civilized World. ‘Whe “Martyr? Meets His Fate Like « ‘Man, Shrugs His Show mn pin strous Injustice Has Been Committed. eae Sept 11.—The. expected has has been cabdecinen bere aiohgh's any of those in the wanda: CAPTAIN DREYFUS. present walked quietly down the street for more than a block without speaking of the court-martial he listened impas- sively to the sentence. _- His Wife Is Braye, ‘His wife, who was waiting in torture mffering as she walked from her carriage e prison. ‘eels for His Wife. Matthieu Dreyfus was not present {i general beli t Dreyf ain pas bus shio will not saety ote friends, he vehemently they will refuse to acce areas san ‘will continue the battle until the judg- ment is rever $s directed more against Dreyfus, and, if allowed to stand, will nas their existence i Ampossibli eit dal tax seen: OR ies oF at yesterday Sgaca ‘an application’ for eet of the case, although there is no hope that the verdict will be reversed. Both aro Faticbs ufiaeh, thovgts It Gan’ early be ant al ‘that they are surprised. The application to the Court of Revi- sion was signed by Dreyfus at noon yes- terday. ange’s Able Address. honor, discovered 1896 that he had-put his Tac te Abas ot @ traitor, he oom: forgery, upon qrhleh “coun Twould not dwell, for he had paid for it with his life. Demangce pobre ae In closing, M. inted to the Santrast between the private life of of Kater showed Major Carriere’s Demand. med its session at urnment, the ready a oS ‘application of article article 26 knew, namely, that you are only answer- able to your consciences an your verdict. this case. I se you are pea sane fasts His Innoce: ae Jouaust, president ot the Sed to d only one Sole to say, but of that he was perfectly assured. “affirm befors my county fhe army that Tam Mie been maust—Have you Tiniabed, es, Mr. Presi n retired to deliberate ttle of rifles then followed. Then Colonel Jouau President began, and ee atone in bis voice and ay ere the verdict, as fol mer Oth of September, 1899, the courtntial of toe 10th Army Corps, deliberating -bebind closed resident put the following question: Pins Altred Dre fas, uth Regiment of Artillery, probationer ou the ceaetat wistt: cuiler ‘oh Laeine ik 1804 entered Into shachinations or held relations with a foreign power, or Of ts agents, to induce it to conmit tos tility or undertake war against France, or procure it the means therefor by de- Rae Ae Ses 1e doc dereau, according to the decision of the Court or Cassation of June 8, 18007" taken separately, be- sina the ‘interior grade and young- inte: eae, the pesiaeat Ba ing given his opinion e court etary eae question by “Yes, missary ‘of the Government, the presi- Sete apa Gt tae aeekton andl rece yet, the vot As a result, the court condemns by a majority of five votes to two. Alfred Drestya to the puntshment of 19 years ‘The. speatap feelings of the audien: were e: in a long drawn when Colonel Setiete reavhed ‘he ‘guilt whe foreign poy its agents, to induce it so commnlt hostil- ity or undertake war ‘Trouble Bezins at Rennes. , Sept. 9—Scenes of great excite- ae octarred at Rennes to-night. ‘The ‘| anti-Dreyfusards broke loose and started @ ioe wicks “bat for prompt and | ingagures of the policg. wanta on. | moral Sedan. Tee doubtedly have developed Into serious dis- orders, 4 ore ape at Havre. —The Socialist and Re- as demonstrated here this the verdict. _ ‘The police ‘crowds and sade 15's age ne bese wou Joins in Execration. spt. 11.—With the exception of a m, Sept. ne Seat ‘rains “in Rome and the con Scare creer: as criminals, and gloomy is scribed. a: speculations is are indulged as to what future 1s, ta store for France. he German press is espeelally ‘ndiguaut, he National Zettung. remarking that “eve the worst enemy of France enuld m t have wished what Papers of all nationalities fall in with the idea of ee barn the ex — a. The Daly Mall says: Rennes fs Prance’s iv Graphic “The Rennes Sit Mve. forever as the supreme re_ [effort of uman wrongheadednes ‘The Daily Chrolcle says that Mercier 1s e of the blackest scranavls ie histor: The Daily News. remarks: “It ts no longer Dreyfus but Franee herself that 1s that “The graph “This In- disgraces | France, dee Inui oe, Rzlsel and ry! are watching by tia Nick bol of a eteat uation, none kaow- ing. whet new and ee form the malady may assume.’ By observer ot hesitate to pronounce it Hh gh ap palling, “prostitution or Justice | the: world ed in modern times. All the nieanen: Sccandals, which marked. the course of the trial pale into, insignificance eside the crowning scaniial of the’ ver: U.S. Newspapers With Dreyfus. New York, Sept. 10.—Newspapers thi es, without exception: Rennes verdict ratifying act fia Teecial Parliament. Vietor Rehaoh Mae oe Earl ae Jer- as ang en al Con South Wales from 18 Bot 33. He f the most governors whien that colony has a would undoubtedly prove a mos rst lat appointment to the higher office to be createa bp the Australian Wederation Bi PENNY POSTAGE ALL niaHT. Great Britain al Revenu Profit of $18.000,000 Aa a Yea: it. 11.—Postmaster-General joreased and now stands at 160,000, of whom 32, 000 are Lendon Manslaughter Case. sist ot will eg given. The ‘balk of levidense in Harding’: nited ra noe Down. Point Ba iward. 2 aa ‘ited: amuinice of he Santer Line ates was drawing 14 feet 5 inches. eidrcrger Eaton, of the Toronto oh bd ental store, received a1 Sreoks, balore Ms Eaton is out St. Andrew's, Toronte, New Pastor. Sept. 11.—Rev: Armstrong to take THE WORK OF THE EAR NATURE’S EXQUISITE PROVISIONS FOR THE SENSE OF HEARING. ot te Serve in Place ef Eyes has been at great psins selessness of the external shell dence that ‘‘once upon a time” an ance tor had pointed ears. ‘Thove who are carlods. in the matter Descent of Man.” Ea ‘this question, bus as in Salice, but each bas an peta In fact, 16 is not impossib! ° It may well be questioned whether sy ether group of animals has so mobile Piioda spate oi axfuuy ve, If you have the good fortune to catch a long-eared bat, you may sce one of the most curious ears imal king- dom, as tar as the ternal ear is con- Within the large outer membrane you window, even in a haps, as sensitive ears as n. The domestic ehlch yauoannos-pomibly hear. a eas The cat, however, hears a mouse be- ind the wainscot and is on Notice how full of hairs the whole body seems to breathe gently in’ the direction of ‘he pepanie, the cat at on impinging of undulations on a sensitive ou ever stroll out on a summer ide of = wood and feed sn oar is loud enough to put bis prey in motion, an¢ & paddle wheel will soand Ike thunder to the inhabitant . In some fishes. ‘ape of Leaghinel ‘The air-bladder aa off fibers Pane stretched in ve any fram tack the chicken’ fn anlar ‘That open- is in ‘owk wna, is while to try to get a sight of what cat be described without technical term: Bat the tuts ot feathers seen on. what teed for collecting ae les binds iyo ently through the niga, the vibration of the ground caused by then clap 7 your hands, and before the away the snake bas sout- Ripeagieiaentionty x we find an ap- it is mone the less sensitive. Tas lowers forms of appear to have any organs which cam definitely by, called ea: eee ee a the e earthworm, Spay ie ine hatin ce balla ob) jects. very angler who goes out at night oe pe te —— for bait know: he ns his bull’s oye. ge ihe the Sie so, not a others again the pits are not open, sed. ¢ unlike a shrimo in ing. The cavity is fill gelatinous fluid in which tho otoliths These are affected by the vibrations and finally it reaches the nerve center the creature, Insects, like grasshoppers, rickets, foanses, evs thelr ox ning the external ain, and. within the cavity isa nerre-mass developed at the end of erve.- 6 chirping cicada, “ on the hearth,” and the queralous katydi of ing a tin kettle at swarming time is im ‘yain. naturalists who have tried them he globules are ru] the mi [ogee eer will ask whether produce sounds ly heard. Whatever may be true of the division a whole, ft i certainly trae to what you say. Living Down Consequences, the locust hath eaten.” —Sanday School ‘Times. A. sin soci tem 000. Tt ise tiny tht }sbout tour Inches long by elgh cece oa

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