Vol VIII—No 36 MALCOLM wacker, Editor and Publishe® The Milverton Sun Ts the chest Local Nenspaper in. the County | Trains due to leave Milver ‘is ‘the Bett | me bh | Year. |6'mo. | 3 mo. | ae cola [a0 ot * $30 00} $16 00 alf os 00}. 9.00) 3 0 2 00} 3 1.00 * »Bankers ‘Tetapions connection with Poole, hurch and Rostocl 3 onto member of the Hi diate Keto of Prostheti Dee Chicago. ~ Offi treet, Listowel, Ont ea bh el, Manat the first pt ‘ net hi 10 is ETO- Honor of Strat sg ity, Toronto. ae 0! 1 wet ase horse’ toilet, ¥. ever Se a Star TRAL HOTEL, Th ES a oe if Fiquors and cig aniafill caeece © Buicning Picoriior 2 QUEENS HOTEL, Milverton. Ow Dest accommodation. "for commercial t elers and 0} olarge rn Only ‘the’ eboicest of Wines. Cigars att] plenty of ee gov hd: Soa ‘Miscellaneous ingles, Pampe; rete.) | a R. Time Table GOING SovTH, ©: Express Mi 0D p.m Res fal 210:19 pm Dentistry of pe | Ore |r ce at JOBN GROPP, desler in Cedar Bont x Teathe, ‘Shi t Ty 2 of the Northern Zoue, a of onlookers, he suk some pel nook, a steam barge to the: bon ug stack blazes- sey have os . Northern Zone. ot hot he smashed up a yacht mioan 5 thus filling with a he g. the BEE aE ie nd-niede He sunk it, by ‘thm wonder Tie men of the Nocthebn Zone. and eunk them, like a stone : boat, “Wow!” ne. w, a j Northera Zon So the President bege we'll show our bare leg: To anes mie test eee tihies ¢ kno: dis —it’s mig aay. Fea vig bur Wk wekdl Fhe Rowen Zone ¢ Khan, in the World, BAECHLERVILLE. ‘Mrs. W. Cornell and son Stephen, from theitord, ate. visiting friends here for a few day BM and, Mie Ge Pagtty ox. spending a few days in Plattsville, aod Mrs. F, Doering left. Mon- psburg to celebrate. the father in-law, are ip is spent b Mr. Ww. Coxon: MONKTON. us se Stratford Pe = Golli s E usxie Hord visited friends i iu} ay. William Hord spent. Sunday with his parents in Mitchell. Miss Hiliel Riddle of the 16th, EL- seession, Logan. avvey and MeKeurie some atnportent ‘wrens oa siness ik While har oe for. the e cow Brain. dog ‘and took | after tise iy, when wie dog oe gi le sedup. Whi going on the boy taade | the muse on fes Vin. (Ste hi ing friends tack Marray, has the St FALL FAIRS. nig seiia Silverton: SG 28-29. sah fie 4 Iniva, Sept. de fete ¥ forehen TG ol ali, te w eat r ion ;| would be serions ready tu Nencer Ads hse ia nae the ert | MILLBANK ASSAULT CASE | S20 AND COSTS IS WHAT If CosT mE. ROTHERFORD, ‘The quiet little villege of alent, |had the monotony of “| stirred the other day by al ae mmitted by. Wim. ” Ravherford on Richard Sark, V. ‘The second act fee drama was played before Magi live Retheloet Ri stage Milbaak, no pata ¥ hen I ee ie nl Gage in door, rushed at me and steuck me a blo wi hieitatagaeeeniese. JH then posed me back through a window, Befor then put his hands upon the counter and jumped upon me ard said that he would scatter my brain, He stamped me on the face with his} toot 4 the e are the rebuls of le accused me of velling li him; when dwn he vou ever tell any m: Toner upon John Ritts T feel sore hie mor that my threatened t A.D. eismigh; Mh, & | Lam a wedical practitione ton. I examined the complainant, Clark, yesterday. I diseovered an in- jury on the face, from “wupich. the Ladd might have been convended by cone for nara that as the w hhad been sworn and had given a p making the claini preceed, The: m contention. of co ns fore i shoulder, ght side vf the head, od by re tusk goet one @ trart but, not broken. Te.giay. be frac- ewe He = [ise pleuro. gave him, iatere yent. If inflame Jexamination of him ubis not-think that he | jnflaiwation does not will. be all iss | that he i WAS en; Rutherford ult nen Cl zune k down and gay He ibaa “Clarke hy Tbr i that Ruth- LOCAL NEWS. If you see it in Tax Sux it’s so. A new stock pete Collars and Ties at Grosch & Mrs. Elsie, 0 Dao is at pres- AE Yoni visiting at Mee Tomatves in Jarge ean arriv ing daily at + Mrs. Joyce, ‘of Water Wat v Neat and natui 16 for 35c in esh oranges, lemons and bananas ys in stock at C. 8. Kertcher’s: iss Wi a at oe is at present ng her s, John McCloy. t pres iting friends in Bilvarton, phots can be got s old stand. 4 When at the ae call and see the natty goods Grosch -& Pieffer are showing, KMr. John Westman has beet pointed city reporter of the Stratford Herald. For a niece Silk Waist Szirt, New Hat, or a nice Fall Suit, go to Grosch & paseo ‘Ss Anderson will on Sunday oe a sermon bearing principally on the foreign mission field. M. aggie Rae left ‘on Monday. Dachules, whats, chetwealUusphn aes: eral wee ting friends. Those reting to have properly tested for glasses call on Dr. PLC. Pack on fair day. A Me. Gilbert Atkin Lien to rénto on Monday to resume te studies atthe Toronto Medical & of the last week at the age of 7: concession _passet ears, Call and see the new and latest as- ie of eine Mantles and. foods a f Miss ey es left Tuesday for Woodstock, where she will remain *{ until the Be of the millinery season. Khechtel offers a spécial prize rs of trhusérs (gods to be seen inchis window) Lo th}; cet eudGlé horse. Fa aa) 2] De Frank ‘Turnbull, house surgeon the Toronto General’ Hospital, is at present spending a couple of weeks at home. Aes Mrs. H. ©. Hasenpfiug and her) s Emma yriederhold, spent last week with friends in ¥ Mr. Ephriam Guenther and daugb- ry, leave on Saturday for ., where they wilt reside in fature. \. Miss LilyAttridge has opened out a dressmaking establishment in Weitzel's old stand and is prepared to guarantee allwork. Call and ges her prices, they are moderate. ‘The rain on Sunday had a most de cided effect on the atmosphere, ren- dering the use of fe clothing and fai comfortable. Z Messrs. H. rand Joseph Smith, who oon ft bapiad apples th sogusee ens district, are now busy , 2 ei at work, Ly Dr. P.O. Park, who rect dave 1a Grae Britath andl eye and ear work, Milverton to-day and to- sday and Friday,) spent the Cont will” be in omne ent. ferford Giarke, saw ) Rutherford: r vagh a win-|t-sir, W. Coulter left on Monday for | ery, Sark called me, Bee hia and | Toledo, Ohio, where he will resume his |T went imnuedia assistance!| sradie ai the Toledo Medical College. gmable Hford’s arm ws accowwpanied by Maynard nd tried to persna it. T} Trim, als also intends to take the B. | course. in| Conductor B Bright, of Stratford, has Been arrested, zed with man- 7 When Li det ii ahs ease | est the er, AR ninteone of the ingu vt " 5 wer. erry, jt j}retorned to Mielngan with, his father. held 5 Kerr, reeve of Morning- ton, years old that shov- "| gnaed ia the millinery, departments of heir eyes | James Robb, an. old ae ioneer we K , Pi ; Sea ly |ed Mr, Andrew Bellar’s pumpk -Yy services ot the Mil- o don’t elled of twodoads of sand without a Exhibition probs: Fine weather and big crowds, Call and see the large assortment of Furs at Grosch & Pfeffer's, A. fresh assortment of Candies, Sweet Biscuits and Sodas at Grosch & Piel {Miss Bu indy of Linwood and Mis ‘Macdonald of Guelph have again re- turned to Milverton and are busily en- Messrs. Loth & Guenther and Gros & Preffer. Monzy Loanep. — When your mortgage is due, or if you want to borrow money on first class mOneeeS come to the undersigned, rate of interest charged. Your fash: te: us aa Le strictly private. JamEs Be resenting the Stimpson Scale Co., and was as far west as Cal carry. ring what the Winnipeg and Coast pe had to say about the coming Milverton, he timed his arrival Boe for the big event. From_all ind ations the fall fair The ea into shape for the last time and goo weather is the only acquisition ior ae ae breaker. r. John Grosch has gone to c mistakes on show have been numbered previous ‘to the show that ne mistakes may occur. The plan ig¢ rapidly filling i ‘and those who- were ae ut out year shoolt profit by e pals in time procure that Seats atron MILLBANK. The prikwuy tibet hag, reel Becure bending x lots be re thie. has been a hot time'in» the nthe past wee tiam Johnson and fami ily left on Bote . visit friends 2 Elmira: Ese ir. Fear, of Atwood, con: C oe Grace in chureh ie ‘Sanday, anniversary. services Daseilticheeat oll be ae ecrelcerae Kaox elireh next Sunda; Last Suaday was clildren’s day in ahd Pradby taeda eles and a, large number of the little ones The discourse was ceposiallg adapted to: the children. The Methodist. social in. th There he town was spent in listening to the speeches a and mo eds ap onleaie aaa about sixty dollars a 0 theyor- gan fund. ¥ ‘A Iarge numberof apples are ? ing through here to be shipped Fibs the station. A few of oar sising young men visit: the Ls aight and played tepoos his pum turo pl visite ‘ We understand the guilty ones ha s Se en X While B a eau eee hardwaresars yy Wi _ m a ou or provoeation, iyed down kicked and beaten in a most’ brutal manner, Before W. D. Weir the next day’ Rutherford was fined the small and costs, amounting in att your, neighbor Pp ol tect Gacage wife panied The doctors now say. that’ licking stamps werous practice. We $ do not know about licking stamps, but her kind of Heking: thas A dangerous unle: esr there is an is considere the “You're not reasonable, count. You pay me,aid still you “demand a reductiim of 20 franes on each suit of cloves. “Oh, iv’s entirely in your interest, wy mua, Yua'll lose 20 frapes’ Jess.” would have the. Bite He Neheee Bat bis father, bound to cary his point. o ityeness Not many children of this age that | estly cali he is like “Tht fellow? Why he. Jans a. thing ip the warld that he con hon own.” “Ah, you wrong always his thirst.” ee There is