Milverton Sun, 5 Oct 1899, p. 1

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ee Che “It Shines For All.” Vol VIII—No 37 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1899 mA MacBETH, Editor and Pablishe? The Milverton Sun Medium. Hates reasonable. ‘Sa I per year, strictly in Soca paid ML. MacBeru, Ponast ADVERTISING RATES, space. | Year. |e mo. | $mo. | 1 mo. colut 00! $16 00) $6 00 Half column.} 30 00} 16 00} 9 00) 450 narter ct 16 00) 9 00) 6 00) 3.50 Eighth col..| 10 00} ‘6 00) 3 00) 20 e inch 00) 200} 100 a Trsnsioat sapere are cha Be. a joupariel, for the Se. peel ine for each suc- firet insertion ioe sessive insett! RANREY ESS 00, {Bankers 0 ines, Rotead Tissounted and notes and | qr, posi nor secon reollecteds tah te and rrentirétes of intcrest allows R. RANNEY & CO, ” Milverton. poe WW, EGBERT, M. B., M.D. C. M,, grad: nate 24 College of bugis and Surgeons of Ontario ; also i graduate smakent of 1, London, -Engla ice Beno iso ost Office: aifreten, Dae aphons Dotaetton with} Poole, Brunner, Taitheran Church and Rostoc hursday, Wm. Dentistry it the Queen’s Me thie Monday bee Sere IE I) .to7 for the practice of Hie Fro- . R. J. ROBINS. ; Graduate of ‘Trinity Paiva Toronto, of the Royal College of cons, Toronto, will visit Milver: third _Thacaday of ov tb By Tess ext work aepecialty All work guaranteed Veterinary J. ENGEL, V. aati ‘Ontario Veter treats all diseases seins Ae a scieneiically: AU. cal chs Lee eee n(Gr Me tng ‘Toronto.) animals. Calls by_elepbone eatin promptly attended Livery . in comnection. Fiat cise hoes and rigs at all. times. antler: Commercial driving octet c. 0. Milverton, fr every second Pie Yast Tue Jeday of eve: jonth, at S o'clock, in their a over Sel paaiker 2 Rovisermy ‘g store. z brethren al- ra John n Lasgo, CR; A. Barth, 0. F..Silver Star Milv ieee, Friday night ie thet Ill, post ‘iice pualding: Rislie ‘rethon pinay Helgaae: John i, N. G.; W. K. Loth, RS. BY E Loi Business Cards W. D. WEIR, Aactioneer for the Coun- ies of Meth ‘and Waterloo, Bice e¥ Deoils, Wills and | Moris Affidavits wade. Bailiff Village Clerk. Store, Main street RLAND'S BUS LINE, Milverton: based eee all trains, All citizens aad calls pring ated Wm. Donna Maple Se, Motels BXCHANGE HOTEL, Bromer._ Ont Viquors-and cigars at ‘iow and ae bee EEN CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. First. accomm Fiquors aud cigars. S. W. corner of Mai ‘and Mill streets, C. Haseupflug, opigie QUEEN'S HOTEL, ni ares als Pos accommodation for comm Cigars at the bar. Good warm stables and yi Se herrea, Fiona “Mainceltameus JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts,’ son, amber, Latha, Shingles, Pamps, . et Ont. Legs = Burristor, Solicitor, Ete. | ©. vi Burton’s | * ratford, Honor | ce: MORNINGTON FALL FAIR. A Decided Success—2000 People on the Grounds.—A Keen Interest Taken by Exhibitors. The Mornington show has ‘always been a most. successfal ‘event in past years, and the year ’99 is no exception w therule. The directors have every ‘reason , for ‘congratulating themsely ves ac the tries before night. and clear, but the perceptibly, icra hs day dates Bal ietorchoe w purposes. In fact it grew so cold that snow began to ly in the afcerneon, follow upon the Fate There was no lack uf Poaceae as the grounds swarmed w an bead v. o wonders of their show. speeding loud and long when they passed under the wire winners. he general exhibit wae magmificent, surpassed that of all county shows that they had seen this year, The only department lighter than last year was that of ladies’ fancy work, but the] p, showing was excellent, last year hav ing been abnormally large ‘The a hibit of sheep and swine etoeeed all former years, Tt was cou than an addition of ten lar; w pens would provide ample Sesonl BHR Es but many were unabl unload, all room lieing bean tokenjupy BiecehibiGot he was_also remarkably large, wout 165 entries having been made, The show, tak ie, sed well and gave general satisfaction. The only disappointment experiened by the directors was that of M Pulwer, Guelph, judge of light horses, failing to appear through sickness and we non-attendance of the 28th Batt. shops, where wost of them are em- ployed. The directors were pleased to see a Akal representation of the county press present, among them being Mr. Schniidt of the Co! the Beacon; Mr. Herald; Mr. Green of the Tavistock Gazette, and Mr. Davis of the Mitch- ell Advocat ‘The prize list, here follows: HEAVY DRAUGHT. Span.—Adam Fleming, Hastings Bros. Brood ware. —O Fam 2 yr. old filly or felting J. Dick- son & Bros., J Thompsu 5 we old ‘filly or geld g.—G Dill. of fe oie HICULTUNAL. Spon, —Hery Brood m: mpson, J. MeCallom, ea Siig or feline. iacdonald. 3 yr. old F. or G.—A. Macdouald. Lys. eid or G.—J. Thompson, D. W. .. | Chalmers. Foal.—James mann, J. sicCallam, if Wa CARRIAGE. Spen—Wr. Low mare. ae S. Freeborn, Henry ace, r ee _ Si ee gre sia Ratz. Byrn. lyr. ait ¥. ee aren Tae Swift Fal —W 8 Frecboru, @ Wilhelm ROADSTER. Span.—John Watson, W_ Thom Hill & Ratz, aE ny ae ea Kacchtel) E Fandashe A Miller, Buggy horse single.—A Crerar, m nyde, W Attridge. Hoailster horse.—A E Ratz, P S Robert- son, J Campbell. Fastest Walking Team.—C neler, John Alexander > SPEEDING CONTESTS. Bree-for-all, purse 1 2 3 ‘Time—2.241-4, 2.28 1-2, 2.97 1-2, Time,—2.493, 2.513. Te Ball 2 yr. —Adam Fania, D. Pugh, Wm. Se el Ball oe: Fiemin; tek, Adam ng. ‘Milk cow—Adam F , and 2 Heifer 1 Soe adan Yeah ng. Heifer colf—Adam Fleming. JERSEY, Milk cow-—C R, Honderi Heifer 2 yrs—R C Clark, Heifer 1 yr—L Dieffor, CS Grosch. Heifer calf—R U ee k, C Somat, , CS Grosch. i eh, daicy types veo Laeloten: aaa Flemin, Milk cow, beef’ typeD Pugh; Adan Fleming. Heifer 2 yrs—Jamee Hamilton, John Hunton, Heifer 1 Land 2, ton, Hater clad Fiémiog, | and 2 Yoke steers 2 yrs—John Hamilton, Wm Livingston, toy lisa Jas Hamilton. Far ©: Ox or Sai 5, jamilton, Heifer under 3 yrs—Geo Shearer, John Pair tat vere = ee D Pagh. LEICESTER, yam—Waler Johnston, Stealing ram — Hastings Bros. J S 26 d ewes—Hastings Bros., J S Cor Sening ewer—J“S Cowan, toes Peed lambs—J S ‘Comme m lambs—J S Cowan, W Johnston Hastings Bros, DS"AND SHROPS. <3 W Saith, Chae Hartltb Shesrinigiahe Oise Ch leib, J Ww ‘Smith Ram lambs—Chi Fat sheep—Hastings Bros., D Pugh, IN) Sa arsey. W_ Struthers, Bec sow Daniel Beton Spring boar—D peta. Tote Spring sow— , Land 2. sora Agel Boar—Geo Hyde, J 8 Cowan. w—Geo Hyde, J S Cowun. Eee Ineo Hyde, JS Cowan, Spring sow—Geo Hyde, D Donglas, YORKSAIRE, ‘Aged bout —Geu Hyde Brood So Serene Spring sew—A Stevenson, Land 2, TAMWORTH, Broud sow—Fred Bivior, D os Biring boar=D Thing ies Bie ere Spring sow—D Douglas, F Bivior. BAOU: Special by & Colvi Goodhai Miller. t Dawes.—G E Goodhand, iar raed y “Dorkings—Hency Goddard eed ee Cochins, Partric Gochins, Bull—2 x Miller, TS Saye Black Spauish—Thoa Sayers, Henry God- dard Leghorns—H Goddard, 1 and 2. Bows Coton H Goddard, 1 and 2. Hambarge, spangled —D. Dooglas, | aud 2 Pigmouth Rocke, tarred Ht Goddard, 1 and Pivinoath Rocke, white Goddard, Thos Sayers. ames, black breasted —John Trachsel. Bantams—H , Thos Sayers Vyandottes -H, Goddard, Thos Sayers as, light—Dr. Johust reas—Geo, Thompson, Thoe Sayers Leghorns—H Goddard, J McTav- ish, Tarkeys, bronze—D Douglas, A Miller Tarkeys, any other kind —J McTavish, A Mi He common. —J McTs A Miller eese, Toulouse—S Milles ‘ish, er, J Trachsel Reese, uny uther kin ind — Wm Strathers bees: Pel bsel 1 and 2. Row Miller A Peay oer “KintES aipelict.: PouutRy 1899. ters. and 2. 8. } and 2 “Golerd,, I barr fie NOTICE— No person is authorized to roceive ment for back subsriptions dno this paper or m: lections of any money for other work unless he is in @ COl-| mo; dressed and Mrs. Kerr is now doing well, The horse, which is a noble ‘one, never moved after the spill. p. — When your age is due, or if you want to borrow money on first class mortgage, come to the undersigned. Lowest rate of interest business of printed on bill heads of this paper. M. McBeth. LOCAL NEWS, If you see it in Tue Sun it’s so. Miss home for Mr. gee erholtz, of Fort Wily iam, spent a tew cays with friends in urea this week Mra. (Rev,) Hamilton of Toronto, hore days at the seside lence of| Mr. J. P. Griffia last week, ~ Park se at in Milverton 0 Monday, throat cases. He will also test “for glasses. Messrs. R. J. Ranney and T. P, Roe, have purchased several tons of hay for shipment. They unl @ press on Wedni lay and will commence press- to ing operations at once. While a Gleiser’s shed on Friday day) a grey skirt was taken out. buggy was standing i last. (show The party guilty of the offence had better} -. make reparation at once by leaving it at this office Mr. Chas. Finkbeiner was on Wed- nesday united in marriage to Mi Hannah Weber, daughter of Mr. Dan‘ jel Weber of Wallace. ‘The happy couple left after the ceremony for ple where they will spend their honeymoo! The Te of the Mornington Ag- ricultural Society will meet at THe Sun offioe on Friday evening, Oct. 6th, had better be present on that date. 8. Grosch left at the Sux |e a Monday a bunch of second growth raspberries, accompanied by a piece of ice a half inch ved up with ice at this time of the oe m edna pig ge is not prisons up ngland. The last vag 25 a i stones, 118-64. Accor i 2 nie paid ie this means a direct loss to shippers Tt was the day after the fair that a dweller of the swamp came into 1 village and after doping higielt plenti- fully with ‘“skitawaboo” ennoune that he was “stinking for a fight ip making the spgouroemel declared “he schmell is d. aff ye now.” The Township of Mornington Sun- day-school convention will be held at Millbank in me Chureh of " Addresses weil be de- Lelnnun; JW. C and essrs.Thos. Magwood of Poule and James Woods of Galt. ‘The opening services of ‘Trinity ebureb, Bima, will be held on Sunday. ie morhing ets will be conducted Bev, J. W. Horlgins of Seaforth at Tada. ‘The afternoon and even- ing services will be condue . Canon Hill of St. Thomas or Rev Mr. Lowe of Wingham av 3 o'clock and 7.30 o'clock. A sacred concert will be held on Monday evening, collection will be taken up. ‘rom the village desire to attend the ey ht leave word Mr. Barr, who will take out the ’bus ie’ he gets a sufficient. number. While Mrs. J. J. Kerr. was driving home frow Milverton fair on Friday last she accidentally pulled the wrong line, causing the horse to turn into the 9. | ditch, upsetting the bdxey and? throw. ing the occupants, three in number, Soc Mine het put out her hands to save lierseli, but the weight of. her body broke one of her arms aliove the wrist. She drove back to. the. village and.medical nid was iminediately sam- moned. The injured member was foe coe of eae was} Fred Bi = ey rt blished, | CoH publishes with us will Le strictly private. James RRANCE. The Hamilton Spectator of Sept. 28 GNF dad dover My fees were eeu Mrs, Orr being a cousin of the bride, At the cheese market in Listowel on leas Seps. -21, after the quiet market for a few days pre- cheese Mr. MacLaren bid 11 7-16e, at which they were sold. The market is holding up strong since the fair, some of the eastern cheese going ‘h 12e and 12 1-16c. The Listowel mar- ket adjourned for two weeks, MONTHLY REPORT The teachers of the achool have un- in what is really their childrens’ equip- ment for life. By the report cards, information on the prominent points _}connected with the pupils’ progress will be furnished and it is requested” tbat due attention be given to the re- parks by the Gastar ‘which will wea contain Pees eins as to how he parents may as: plies ihe. Kebobetaaica ot the tol lowing | pupils has not been satisfactory during his wounds jing hope to make the teports uniform. in this respect. Pe I Jr, Leaving.—(Names given pee C. Trim, M. Pfeffer, Entrance. Max. No, of marks, 725. M. Griese 533, C. Herr 521, Griffin 515, M. Miller 496, E. Duck: low 485, A. Here 436, C. Guenther 422 In the 9nd. and Jr. Dept. it is _pro- nsed to have only ‘the nanies. and rank of ‘popils inaking over 60. per Second Dept.—Jr. TV (No. in class, H. Grosch, b. Miller, » B. Auder- ny, A Hactmier, F. Say a Se TI. in pies 10.) s. Wiederhold, o Ns mith, R. Ander- son, G. Rae, A. Hasenpflug, L. Coutts. (No* fn class, 17 eae, 8. Setter J. Saith, B Dorland, LSmith. ch, & MX Bais, 7 Junior Dept:—2nd. Che ey Grp ¥ + Appel 2nd law — Louis. G ae E, rere. W. Rae,

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