Milverton Sun, 5 Oct 1899, p. 3

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‘ X anew hotel register es wall, tall and jump. Foe fal parciodlarn’ sak Chas. Ditto Monday was a very day in Newton. Everybody from Millbank 0 town, ‘The farmers all were The Milvertow Sun thousand Sine praalae hands it ad Pa i THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1899. Mr. Morley, addressing a meeting of his constituenty ab Arbroath recent- ly about the Transvaal, said his maxim was patience, no& for the sake of South Africa alone, but for our own sake. He rotested against shifting the grounds new issues,, and invited comparison between what Mr. Chamberlain. wrote in 1895 and the provocative language he was be. ginning touse. We do not want a of dispute and raising of pirate Empire. The panic in Russia owing to the supposed near approach of the ond of the world is one of a sort whieh has often occurred in the history of the earth since the Christian era. There is even trace of such a panic in the pages of the New Testament. The Second Epistle to. the Thessalonians was written to disabuse them of the opinion, which they had taken up that| © the end of the world was quite at hand | ;, right as Li Albert Miller of Millbank is in ne he st and that therefore it was not worth while working at their ordinary em- playments, the final catastrophe being a0 near. Then again, at the approach of the year 1000 after Christ, there was found all through. Europe a belief that the end of the world was to take’ place in 1000, and so in 999 the fields were left untilled, and dearth and:fam- ine and pestilence were the results. A petition is being circulated throughout Ontario with a view to bringing influence to bear upon the Minister of Justice that he may reduce the sentence of Robert Mackie, sen- tenced to do ten years in Kingston penitentiary for implication in the| vaal. Napanee bank robbery. The jury con- victing him recommended him to mercy, but mercy was not shown, Zwhild the professional eroblis! and eracksmen, with long criminal records behind them, directly and confescedly»|. They're but a handful, brave and| | ra ‘implicated, were let off with a year or. two at Kingston. Mackie’s sentence is out of all proportion in comparison with the others. If:this is Canadian law, itis not British justice. _ NEWTON. rs. Mehr is laid up this week with an attack of inflammation. Oar tonsorial artist was out with his “two-wheeled” demon, the bike, on meses La for a silent spin. Mr. Alex. Ross leayes for Millbank popular ae and missed by yonng, and old. Suc- ee attend you,. ns, Stewars ae Mrs. ea a Fvisited at, Stratford on, Saturday last Mr, Chas. Donley wag. in peda TTvfnesday on, business, me was away. this.week on a trip. ion? hanting is quite.a: popular rl with our young. men, these’ fi nig! nie fr oseph Sholtice has returned to town after a three days’ visit. with friends. - ‘The woolen mill isnow running full last. ‘The Newton Trading Company has dying business here. They move to Millbank this.week. The Libby Glass Blowers are per- forming in town,this.week. D.S. Williams spent Lin Quite saber of our town folks at- {tended Mire. fair, last-week: All were waite log Rae a good lot:of samples in for! fall and winter, suits andi over- pik Take aJook at them,before you Big, ae last Monday night. It hart nvthing but afew of our young men who were out late. “ Pork sold for $4, per ewt, live weights on, Monday last n has a Glee. Ciab. They are Shvaticas giving a grand conrert in = near fgture. Ed Hawke ee the Grand Central Hotel is getting for guests. to al ‘igter in. Newton. has, siete ee! make! claimed a young man di clothes and stiff hat stole it, and by these directions of the culprit, one ot our most prominent young citizens was ‘stopped by an officer and asked about the money. course as soon as the officer knew who the young man was, he apologised. But it did the young gentleman no good by apologising, just will keep away from fairs hereafter. r. ©. W. Dettenbeck will go to es | Wanted! zIndostsions cat of char- is ee much pleased wi trip in general seeeune in the removal of tl bert. Simpson, week by Dr. Nichol. the trouble. try and speaks in gh terms of his aster Charles Attig, whilst playing: ‘onday led Hecisee on his lore hepa auapatiied ches A felon. caused LC Mr. Geo. Ross of’ Detroit was in town afew days last week calling on resort at returned bome on |<” pay night from an extended busi- soruplcationa: It friends. FS Miss Murray ‘Kincardine are vi nd Miss Elden of ing in town. bec Ek ‘JAMIESCN RAID [The following Less the. Jamie- son Raid, possessing literary qualities and stirring patriotism, was written by a Newton gentleman of esertile literary taste and is signally appropri- ate at this season, the black. WAR TERRORS Pale Into Insignificance to the Man who is ‘Tormented with Piles—Dr. Agnew’s Oint- meut will Cure Them. Of all deah ailments the most distress is piles, blind, bleeting —and the’ remedy nat will gi give ha Suen allel walsehe suteds Gas eiDe, Agnew’s Ointment, It holds a menal as a certain pile cure, and the words “relieved like magic” have been heralded id the globe, and are but the voices the cures all skin diseases, eccems, salt rhenm, pete. Sold by J. Torrance, It is rel that Manitobe wili take 60,000 barrels of Ontario apples this year. RUNNING OFF OUR ~ STOCK are running off our entire stock cheap. The stock has always been kept up to meet the Wanted :_s2 diss stay sure, gentlemen or ladies ;_ special maneot: ralinble, fim, with best ‘fer ences ; experience tae Address : Field ares Toronto! f to travel and: appoint agents, Salary and expenses BRADLEY- Caen, Limited, Brantéord. Wanted :_Christian men and women, i ht of Life,” the most marvellous hook since the publication of the Bible. A commentary on: the Ni Ute Pike i tpotrsioumbeter designed for th the js in every, ee anyborly can sell it. Capital or ex: perience unnecessary. Eevight paid. Books on time Send fors outfit, giving choice of.territory, and we- will show you ‘4 jow to-make money. BRADLE¥-GARREISON.€O, Limited, rantfurd. Agonts hae: book.“ Erste, Dio- >is a revelati a Theta Pret ta rapheipe eee § patronized, least criticised and most snap for-snap hunters. BRADLEY.GARRETSON CO., Limited, BRANTFORD, OX. greenies 2 demands of the trade. ij Qur Readymade Clothing. Our Readymade Clothing counter offers you some plums. Come in and be suited for half that a tailor charges you. Staple Fall Goods. — Our line of Staple Fall Goods is com. ‘plete, and we have just what you: want. Groceries. - - the lowest prices.. CALL. AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES... cloud. of war. hovers- over te Trans- The natural modesty of the writer forbids us using his name. “Where is the proffered aid? ivy ded they: ster the bowler’ pare & Why make that fatal raid? While thousands round them swarm. ‘What can these dauntless riders do? od keep them from,all harm. But Britons ng‘er in danger quail, Their backs no foeman.view, Though cannon pour theit iron bail, ‘And bullets smite them.too, Thongh plied. See shot and shell, And bullets rained around, They, dared. the very jaws of hell And stormed the devil’s ground. They rode amidst the foemen, dire, They dared what men could do, They halted not for steel or fire, Their number—O Five (ae men ‘avainst thousands They code to win or die, Though many fell to rise no ao, ey scorned to yield o1 Tp vaia, alas ! no aid appeai And their last cartridge gone, Nor eae nor si hot, nor death they They rons disgrace alone. Let every son. of Britain’: race ‘Thus face his country’s foe, With fear of nothing bat disgrace, Or colors lows No » grasping | foe our land shall tread. While we e togath er stand; ‘ell meet instead with steel and ‘Whe dare pollute our: land. LIFES SPRING 15 POISONED, If the Kidneys do:Not Carry OF Impurities—South American Diabetes—Bright’s Disease aly Biagder Aeere wery drop of: blood in the body chipeel the Kidneys forthe removal fis bree dag—bile lite ete. Phe Kids es = filter—and it stands to reason that if the filter ia out of order, the. impuresmatter in lood goes to every. part of the body. at . When the Spet infin Where aro. their promised friends] Alas =Bread | lec er “fils. Sod by J.} FARM FOR SALE. That parce of land known as Eas half of Lov. 11, Con. 8 consists 0} under cultivation with bush. ious: oa ina For further par- tiealars apply to Thos. Scott on wry, Newry, Aug. 15th, 1899. premises or to Robert Smith, H. GLEISER, MILVERTON. = MISS BUN DY Has arrived and will be able to show. you aif the New. ; YOU, WANT 4x Good Fitting and Up-to-date Suit of Clothes At,Close Prices, or anything in, GENTS’ FURNISH- INGS goto J. BURTON, THE TALOR Next door to Postoffice. : ILVERTON. Bread | Pure and Sweet Leave Orders at my store, =~ — Appel’s Old Stands uA physician took nine- snakes from math uf Mrs Gehrten,» Things in __ Ready-to-wear and Rough Rider Hats + FOR FALL + MELVERTON. Ae Knechtel; Merchant Tailor, Has moved into his handsomely-equipped new shop, and is now more conveniently situated than ever be- fore. Never was he more eager to cater to the wants of the public,. and will do anything in his power to to please.” As a starter he has purchased a fine line of Seotch Tweed. Suitings, Beayer.& Milton Overcoatings,.. and will make them the latest and most. approved fashion. us, as we are the only firm in Milverton that has a staff large enough to turn a suit out on the shortest notice. WEDDING SUITS Strictly Private. Call and see us, wv. WEITZEL, Paar wee SF E. Knechtel, Merchant. ‘Tailor, Milverton. When in at the Fair call and see us: We: We offer you the best in, Groceries af: LOTH & GUENTHER: Cet a Suit for the Fair- If you want a Suit before the Fair, leave your order with . has been sworn in as a met = The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1899. GENERAL NEWS CUELED FROM ALL SOURCES. seJ. Decker,of Zurieh, sold his driving | ¥ Premier Greenway, of Mani- for the sum of $350. John Watling, of the Stratford G. , R. shops, fell from a beech tree, on Sunday and was badly injured. Mr. Jas. Sutherland, Liberal whip, ber of the Dominion. eabinet without portfolio. Melvin A Powall, of Brooke, fell a distance of 25 feet, where he was gathering hickory nuts and was killed instantly. Stuart O'Connor, aged 15,son of H. PB, O'Connor, ex-M.P.P., Walkerton, died. last week from the effects: of a wound received while climbing a. tree after beech nuts. ‘The standard‘rules came into force on. the G. T. Re ara. simpler than: tha’ o stricter, and are used on a mileage in the United States and Mexico of 166,- 17 miles out of a total_ mileage off 190,680. va A newly born male child;was found] Sta cding, nearly five. in in, a field inthe rear of the Rescue home, Sfratford, on Sunday morning. as dead. and had several marks ‘ato iy and-was bleeding at the nose. The authorities suspect inane and are hunting for the mothe Sei, was were. drowned. were of alow class, taken on at Liver pgol owing to the strike, robbed, wand beat the peeneste E Aube five ot them were arrested a! | with thousands of dollars: a walales npon em. A. writ has been issued by Mr. belief of the plaintiffs, and o manner in which they acted in reg to the death of their child, tint was alleged to have been under the treatment of Christian Scientists. ‘We all know that the Queen is.very accessible while on Deeside, and ‘chats away with her tenantsin a style: that greatly surprises her noble courtiers. It not iefroguendy: happens that! when Her Majesty visits oye of her, old friends, the weather tagns cold, and on | stores—those ‘who advertise and allow eq More people rode upon the street cars than bas been the case since the strike gan, excepting Fair week. engers on the Saree report no snow west of Mou or east of Beachville. The rH po the line of the London, Huron & a was equ- ally as heavy as in the Between four and five ese of anny, fell on Saturday morning betw Ailsa Cgaig and St. Marys. The Toronto Star;.in ibe course of a conversation with the observator; man there regarding the phenomenal nen hereabouts on Saturday, — he “thad received a despatch from don, but that to his way of shinkg, there must, be an exaggerated idea of the depth of snowfalls prevailing in London.” Snow, he: said “had fallen rts received in the | i six inch fell o1 nami on the ‘The. She was quite ‘even, level in London the day ‘THE LITTLE KNOT-HOLE IN. THE FENCE Khan in the Globe. eleven andshe was justitwice And theie love was very pretty and; in- And! they used to kis eneh ather, when: ont of sight Thro, vito tittle kmnot-hole in ,the Bie would,hand her gaudy and the wanld And ther pleasure that iit gave them was,im- The tittle lady alwayslad to stand upon her ‘To swach the little;xnot-hole in the fence, They, Shea pretty nothings, as yoq aie Iitile chap in love is seldom dense—. e handeonne nee S eeeTeeaee, asedto iss: post Sas: Aaslng Tittle haa in the and smart; She pat fer hair wp nicely he put op bis Pay ate far spart, with o pas in egeh oung heat ‘And vk Sheed he little ,knot-hole in He grew great and famous—she divinely such occasions, when the Queen -pre- ir. ae to depart, she ,will be greeted —“ "Deed, mam, and you'll Bo aE awa tiJl ye tak a eup of tea. t warm ye against the ‘cold.” ‘the jaeen Gows and smiles, while the good wife bustles about, a the hum- ble refresliment, and» according a hosptaliey fo the ‘Drivilege of doitg whicl id dame and noble acid onnt wvilkingly sacrifice a great deal of their wealth. Little Wale unters who wish to acquire the ane froin which the Queen has drank, or the chairs on which she sat. THE ane STORM. . ever seen snow fall in ‘Septem! fore Saturday last. The day wi id and a few small flakes dito down fternoun, at nity Free Press says of the faibthere : The snowstorm which set in here covered everything, and “1 The snow was wet and heavy, and wherever it: fell it clung with great tenacity. The effect of this seen particulurly on tke trees, The branches of every tree were bent to the point of breaking. . Fine naples took on the appearance of Seep: willows, Hundreds of Linjbs as thick as aman’s thigh were torn off the parent trunk. 5] bout town the slop was very dis3| eri agreeable. To walk was most unplea it. Particularl Seldom have many in this vicinity | ¢ 2, be- aA growl Some eesyeany woody. angel drew them While hiteases he Me keeping, one day he caught her pee ‘hee! ae Blessed I Title knot-hole in the Tt is necessary here that, the sequel should appear, ‘How tneir:loves were yery pretty and in- tens You ni Jangh and you may, seof, now they're both on one si That nevaghty little iis in the fence. SHORE STORIES RETOLD. The yirtues of a keen buiiness man are often negative rather than posi- that a great broker keep your word ?” Old General Abercombie, who never tasted water, was onee asked “why it was that he had such a natural dislike | for water,” “T'll tell you of' an inci- dent that'll help to explain it,” was the ere oid soldier’s reply; » good ‘iany | Lysate divide. Greenland. In one of my saddle-pock- ets I had 8 juke of whisky, and in the other a jug of water. ell, it was so cold that the jug af water froze up and busted. Supposing it hadbeer inside of me.” ~ z A pomppug.Trish, member: of Parlia- late, and foond himself on the outskirts of a big crow Being anxious to obtain a good v for himself and a lady friend vio ae. baw coal porter on t shoulder and ool aee lenin, “Muke way there.” who ye pushin’ ?” was the eae n representative of the people.” the porter, as he stood ou: Lisore ao we're the bloowin’ People He grow. big and ewkward,she grew big ‘Two New Yorkers on a fishing trip down the St. Lawrence res! tween acts at a smali country tavern where the landlord also served as clerk, bar- tender and stable n- boy. like many another Ontario taver Feeling the effects of their fishing trip in the regi if them anything. John Colinses. “John Col the landlord, * etwhat’ ‘s_ that?” The landlord went out to a grocer store and bought the lemons, the juice of which was soon squeezed into “Now some sugar.” -It was Long Tom, so: squace- answer. “Now, ere give us. he ice and: thera. you are.” “The exclaimed the, Thodlord inraeiowsly. Yes, three chunks of ice.” The la -|lord’s' face showed that .he thought ou..expect & man to-get ice in the middle.of sum mer,” ‘The Hamilton Twice-a-Week Spectator BL Al the megits ob aDaity at the price of a Weekly ONE DOLLAR pageronie ‘Twrom.a-WRER SPR ‘Tavon i< a liieh class fam- ily newspaper in all that the tern impli THE JEWELLER. . Call and See Him.. Next..Door To Postoffice MILVERTON. 1e p sagacity 1’ “Never to give your word.” | avid Built. A new and commodious shop we are now prepared to do all kinds of contracting and order work, Work can be got: out on the shortest notice. Call and leave your order he| with us if you are building. = Wiederhold & ee MutyERros.. Pioricherberbastendonf? ; the best quality. _ prices away. down. Hinges, Locks, ank always have on hand. Meat Choppers and Sizes. a well regulated Now Is The Time “TO SECURE WHAT HARDWARE YOU NEED.. The season is drawing to a close and you should make _ things comfortable as soomas possible. We are: having a big rush'on Furnace Work but will make an effort to accomodate you. Eavetroughing is a specialty with us. orders at once that.they may secure attention. Paints and Oils ofevery description on hand of © Glass of the-finest German make is what we handle. as itis constantly going up in price. Portiand Cement and Plaster of Paris are purehased.early by the car lot’ and thereby, secured. goods at “Stoves of nearly every ‘make to,choose from. - Draining Tools of all kindson hand. a Axes, Cross-Cut Saws of-a:special make in stock. COW CHAINS we purchased in a very large lot, In fact we have everything: to be found in , SCHNEUKER & _Mizverton, Leave your; other Building - Hardware, we Fruit Presses in various Hardware: Store. : ROTHAERMEL, LATE EST? DESIGN, Suit will: lone in the TAILOR;: pian ‘Your Winter Suit. | r Fall Goods a just arrived and they, are of ,the. . : Nearly Three. Hontied: from: Your... d MOST WORKMANEIKE MANNER ‘ee BURTON, MILVERTON. Is a good local. paper and. will’ : : be sent to any address from now Until Jan. 1901. _For One Dollar.. FIRST PRIZE BREAD. I have been in business four ears and never took sesond: prize for bread. WHY ? The solid ates this: new, | my competitors realize it. as ee First Prize Baker 0. .call at your house. Gs, GUENTHER! E3 Because | make the best. 3 EXPERIENCE “Scientific Ainerican. dulation Of any selena Years four mouth, €. Eins, Sen rear; four months, ‘Sd by al. HUN 60,20 ew York Wanted—An td Idea ee i oon aes ae ot eee ‘Washington, D. Sake

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