‘Mrs Niemier 3 table. centre piece, Mre Niemicr, Mrs mow i The gate recei can te. PPers, | netted $149, Sinoll” WHE tho.concase proceeds (40 \d the revenue from the vers. Games, black breast cree ‘Trachsel. Bantatos—Thos Sayers, RA Roe, hans —J oi Be ge brouze—J M ‘urkeys, any other kind—A. See Joho " MeTasish + Geese, To ulouse-—S Miller. J McTavish. Geese, any other-kine kT Trachsel, Jobo ~ McTavish. Ducks, Pekin—H ‘Goddard, } and 2. ucks, Rou dtl Miller, Ducks, aey other kind—John Trachsel. Fall wheat, white, W Preine ite week dish DP on wheat, red, «-erhold, J Alexander, A A Hog "field corn, Ph 108 oe spade corn, Chapa, a og la lodder * sora, Tee Giteon, _ . Eearly potatoes, Mrs McLaren, R Roulston, P Barth ; beauty of hebron, Wim bach, Geo Wilhelm, A Zimmerman ; parenips, Chapman, Switzer <aollection of Eels ats ane - Yibaren, J Trac _Gerani aaa ‘single, G Be Gree, D ea en- m, double, eis at i lants; D Monier collection of astors, Miss Drnmmond, 1 and 2; collection of pansies, Miss McLaren, Miss Drummond; cut flowers, Miss M is Snow apples, Switzer Bros, A Dowdi es dio MeLavish; Davehess. of mm coudale; ribstone Roulstons BI greening, i is, John eg Geo, Obap “Thompkins, Jno € ~AVagner, Jao Bieta Ta oibent wrenve, Switzer Bros, a H MeMillans ae DAIRY. Tak re LE Sti Fleming, Hast- fogs roll butter, D Stewart ; J 4 aia es Bros ket ) Sehnenker, JJ Kerr, J Wiederhold ; home le bread. i i" ley 5 ‘takers’ “bread, er, V Weitzel ‘Assia dia sale, Wis Taersiens t Condale: MECHANICAL. — se shoes, rondst set doubles e baress, WediBenitli; iset- single} 3 harness, W J Smith, Geo Grosch ; peg: boots, P Bart h, Geo. Grosch, DOMESTIC MAXCFACTURERS. AN wool fa nel, Mrs P Zornes; poi Werkets, Mrs McLaren, Miss McMillen ; bape iy J Wiederhold. HM. icMillan ; wool _yarn, J Trachsel. J Wistertoht fine wits, D Stewart, Mrs P woollen sucks, tsps FANCY WORK. 2 nls dprae: Sliss Rostling 5 darning on : oe Mise Mal “A Meclowald s arruinnt if joel tree ie wo! s Zuelinet; fancy Mead Ay vig Mies Dern Zuelluer ‘fant lampatede, we ee ec a ‘lig Mra cS fn ak or Mrs. Mrs as Mrs MoLaren's pumpkins, A Miller, J Me: a = eenier of ie isl ish; | it zhe most eff red fe J | gate conte rem heading about 12 o'clock at ni Niem Mn Nienier eas table loch, Mw A Miss Hall, collection of Tndy's fan ling = ge 3 at Selita Mt Niemier, as Avling: fod soo, so Ling jewel, Aylin; ngs Zoclver mre xn Ail jemb. on olin loth rs Zoellner, atts Ayling ; em Sire Zellers Niemier sins ie Mrs onsen auttine a8 galls Zoic emb, outline-on cot «| stands, will bring the total well up to ing. | the $200 mark. fe ; Are the Results of Dr, Von Stan’s Fostiple of the "SIMPLY WONDERFUL ‘Tablets in all Bi eicis mach. we a 2 the eater ie pineapple liberally yields a component known as. vegetable pepsin, & t second only to the baman iigestive its power of digesting foo a. _ &. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. NG SOUTH. 10:38 a.m. 125 Mixed Mixed Express tray cloth, stiss ‘Ayling, "iss larning, FINE ARTS. he landscape, A. Macdonald, painting, aay subject, Miss A Macdonald; water color painting, fas Tal Masiguskisicepoaideartin, Mies ‘oodale, A Macdon pe ue cesses le; painting ov ae Hania Maconals Ee Heine Miss Roe, ‘AXIDERMY. Statfed bird, C. S. Wook Land 2; stuffed animal, © § Groscb, 1a FAIR NOTES. The disappointiwent in the band, wing to the severity of the day, was ere} not much fele. One exhibitor remarked, “Ivs. the deuce uris holding fairs in wiuter time.” The freak in the snake-tent received a_ bi ite from ene of the reptiles during bis performan: th ‘The interest centered in the An ing contests aud the ladies’ fancy wor! Se moh agael meow country, ae prominent Enea hike Ureen Lipp, “M.P., and other Fageae wus, Bevie crt Agnew’s Catarchal Powder, pronounce ve pe bhclr prstihcasion at che eficetiveness of ine. C. G. Archer of Brewer, faine, says; “Ihave had catarch for sev- ee bi fal atti Omnis Testa (WHALS FOR SEPTEMBER at the lecal surro Pie the mouth of Sep- a Becker, retired oes Mit- mda Sid +) chell, $815 personal, $200 real, James| poet Kelly, farmer, Ellice, $1,650 earth ,300 real. Win. Wright, fremer, Geo. Goerling, cooper, Downie, 375 personal, $1.200 real. Joho W. Prien, farmer, Ellice, $1,460 personal, 36,000 real. widow, Serattord, $1,150 personal, $500 real William Hall, farmer, 74 Downie, $581 personal, Mr. Jane T. Ore, Surutford, $146.39 personal. AN PLGIN TRAGEDY in Fs peas night about 6 o'clock He shot the latter's oldest daughter, about rsof age, and afterwards. west fa} place, and shot himself in the Icfr he Miss Doyle was shot in the left ear. The doctor-in attendance thinks she :| will reewer, comusitted ‘the act. Bis Ae wel: is likely to have anew PRO raat sae Ory urs Zoellner ; oeddit een | O Dentistry DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate of Dental Surgery and Member of Roysl 1 LosT. ee Hos aie leaving it at Sun office, Milverton. WANTED. ‘A. general servant; good wages. Apply to Mrs. Ti TROW, Cambria street, Stratford STRAYED. be owner may have Ube same on proving ownership und paying expenses. 9). The big Sonte this year were 5 little squashes. Water would ran from my eyes | The ited wills sais been en- Hgts ton Blanshard, $1,130 personal, $5,000} #! arker 5 pe ES miniscration. — Annie Calliton, 9 f to his Foe about a mile from Doyls T No reason is koown why McPhail CHURCH DIRECTORY, Y PERFECT FITTING mmponed of this| ot fit juice. ‘They cure pe N F ll H es and give aah et Box of 60 ew ra ats SNES We one need no torture intgetion and dy: een Within Ge ss all is an unfailing remedy which, enab) piiben t the fall benefit of the food n. In Great Variety at Our Store. _ New Mantles New Dress Goods In fact, everything new at our Store, 12:40 p.m, Mixed ..3:00 p.m 8:17 p.m. Mixed..10:19p.m| New Ready-Made Clothing for Men and Boys. New Fall Overcoats for Men and Reefers for Boys. le ‘Dental Surgeons of Ontari Houor graduate of Torouto University, wil 3 ‘ : 5 ee ienial wwacioon ae Ole? ants Look at our window and examine the nice variety of i Ladies’ Headgear. Call and examine our New Mantles; over one hundred to, select from and prices from $2.25 to $15. Our new Dress Goods is attracting great attention and sion Setarday, ‘Sept. 30th, between| are still selling them at old prices. Dress Goods have ad- pcsareay wate! Ag carved ase, vanced 15 to 25 per cent and are very. scarce, but we were very Finder will bo aaa rewarded by | lucky and purchased ours before the advance and are therefore giving you the benefit. CALL AND SEE 0 OUR NEW SUITINGS. Onto the premises of Jas. Atkin, lot 36, . con. 15, Ehna, on August 9th, a young pig. e nN 4 Milverton. i Mrrnopist Cuvcu.—Rev. T. J. don, Ph, B., pastor. sebbath ace Bi 7 p.m. Weel i every Wednesday at 7: vice at ae I ee: 45 p.tn Cuvrce GLAS We We MeMillen, BA, Muciente Dinocroc shipat 7.oclock p.m. Service at Elma at Bunxs Cacucr—Rev, David Anderson, | Bld spesta Hebbal Geroioen /et aud 7 p.m. | Weebly Prayer ee Tharsday evenings at 7:30 p. Service at Zion charch, Wellesley 1 Cuencu or tHe EvaNGrizcaL Assocta- Bees George Finkbeiner, pastor. s rvices 9:30 a.m, and 7 p.m. bath School, 11 acm. Y= B,C. A. meets n Tuesday evenings at ae lock, Lurreray Cavecu—Rev. B, A., pastor. Sloth Sapioe nt pm COMMERCIAL. Corrected weekly by H. M. Schaefer. <, Oetober 5, 1899 S$ bt 6 ataciae 2. rs Boots and Shoes HAVE ADVANCED 10 PER CENT. Tp. at pam. FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT. OLED PRICES Wm, Blunck,|and will sell them at Old Prices, time to buy your Fall and Winter supply. Just Received a New Lot of TRUNKS P. S. 0 We have purchased all our Now is the and VALISES. J.G. GROSCH & SON MILVERTON. —All Kinds of Farm Preduce Taken. The “GRAND JEWEL” Stoves are the CANADAS § REATEST STOVE Cften imitated, Q Nover Equalied. Stove Warranted i his is is saying a lot, but we are ready to prove it We will carry the largest and best assorted line of Stoves and Ranges for Wood or Coal ever shown in this vicinity. It will please us very much’ to have the pleasure of showing you our stock, Allow us to give you figures ona FURNACE for your old or new house. Yours anxious to please, FINKBEINER BROS Hardware Merchants,