Subscribers who do not receive their ‘eeubarly will please notify us at once. i Jall atthie office for advertising rates: THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19,1899 FEARFUL TOBOGGANING. ever éntered this region before us had e this: famous mmpente Its Bele Tt is aS i feet hig) Asked w he had me ed much plein the sea when in the a peeed EREEE HEL z 5 3. bale experience during those trips the tem- perature in iris Canadian Rockies did him much. ‘When did you atttempt to make the ascent of Mount Assiniboine?” the question. In com] with Mr. Steele, the experienced Alpinist, I did, however, succeed in a ‘ascent. reached northwest of mountain at a height of 10,000 feet. ”” d “Were you the explorers who height waa not a journey suppose?” I su; ; en ae very far from a HOW HE REGAINED HEALTH. h ed, incase of such long standing. I am here benefit even me. and when I began their use, I was the vic distressing att WORDS FROM THE HEART A NOVA SCOTIAN FARMER TELLS fe Suffered for Years From Kidney minent in the local Bap- ion. to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, he says:—“'I and But thanks to the Lord and Dr. Wil- liams’ y in excellent health with scarcely an i ind me of past suffer- first, used them strictly as directed, and with the Lord’s blessing they did ian ‘and I got twelve boxes more be| with all faith in the result. I only measure reli¢ that for a long time before I used the ths attacks i in me violence being not whit more distr . ‘These at- tacks came on once or twice a week. ceased alm ly. Ay 0H. who lived at a distance six boxes and Dairy Hints. Keep the cow warm and dry. Milk -with clean, dry hands ‘as have poor cows send them to the ‘butcher. It takes as much muscle to milk one hard-milking cow as it does four or ‘Sell her. e cow. of dollars’ ae of this feed are an- nually lost. In freezin, ing weather, scald can cov- ers just before starting the milk for the créamery. The cream will Bot stick and freeze in them. Also Signals of Danger.—Have you lost your appetite? Have you a coated tongu fave you_an unpleasant taste in the mouth? Does your bead ache and hav to, your stomach is out on need medicine ‘of Parmelee's Vege Ebley us ‘and _Sneedily get himself in p80. Bad Habit of a London Cat. In 4 Strand tavern, well known among members of the theatrical po a hi ters in the bar, and to lay up any of the liquid which might have been spilled. As it pee RIDDEN INFLAMMATOXY¥ CAsEs. THE RECORDS SHOW CURES OF Rheumatism BY THE USE OF ST. JACOBS O°L OF CHRONIC CRIPPLES AND OF RED- ‘y THERE'S NO DENYING, 1T OURES. 1 TORRE a Flow to Clean Maslin Gowns, too hot, and when finshed it be- fore the fire to dry. It should not on ny account be fold. deThe best way iron it and then go on to another piece. pasate 's Worm Powders for sallow skin; old or No Right to Plame Herself, ‘Miss Sloughly (entering the draw- ing room after a long delay)—Here I a minute, and at that Sie you ought | to be feathers in half an Dear Sirs,—This is to certify local zpere Ltd troubled with lame back fc have used three bottles of your MIN- has indal; Ge such an extent that toward evening e cannot walk without staggering. ma favorite beverage of this extraor- animal ii dinary that is hanes any other spirit which comes in. her way. ‘A sew back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Plaster. ‘An Up-to-Date Precaution. it ne you are at seri? to use this in any way to further of pds valuable edicine, m® Roper Ross, Rivers, Only » Matter of Quantity. “T have read somewhere, ’” said the TT he a LINIMENT and am completely - onl 0 ere 001 ing altogether, but I k ¥ near elena till a ‘Was gone, donee sent Maps of Ptolemy's Time. Pale people should take Miller’s Com A set of maps of the time of Ptole- | pound Iron Pills. .s, the geographer, has been found in ‘ome elyenth century cripts in| Pennies! the vafician library. No less than £200,000 in pennies is kept locked up in London sree see penny-in-the-slot machines, ing to the computation of the Te officials. —_————_ Solera ir Cure is the medicine nae of porns 80 » | Sir oat Tsoall sums of twenty ¢ Horse—noblest Gio cwibn satioring ka honk aioe or sore, derives as/ mu nefit as ite master in a like Deecsey from the ‘Thomas? lungs, are relieved be Governmental Art Purchase. ‘Italy has a the mns- eum an in Rome for 8 000 000 Bae to be paid i in ten annual instal- Thin people should take Miller's Com pound Iron Pills. Dates. As many as 4,000 dates have beep gathered from a single palm. Minard’s Liniment is used by Physicians. A BRAVE WOMAN. How a Dranken Husband Was Made @ Sober Man by a Determined Wife- for occa but one ee when he n0 “aot much intoxicated and fue nearly all Ithrew off all ant se Reno all sent, effort our home from fay husband had told me, that ee stuff and he was takings feewiee lot to haye on hand if he shoul relapse, as ho atk dona ant his peoetats ies ts, Pete ae Be bi | ‘on how thankful Meee Tineccly tales Ht wir oases te worst cases.”” CANADA'S © SOLDIERS |: Will Really Be Soldiers of the Queen to the Number of 1,000. THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT, The Particulars Those Identical With ieset®, Made blie— mmm Dflicers caentea m9 oo ainis Bae Many pte y Can Furnish— ae ceunrerae Ottawa, Oct. 1 ernment, but the principle that the contingent should it Was never debate. ‘The arrdngements for the raising, equipping and transporting of Can- ada’s contribution of fighting men are identically 1 2 as, [- fer in absolutely no particular from, those of which @ complete account as the other day. The Gov- ernment’s’ official statement. corr: bora’ is, and effectually contra- dicts and disproves misleading statements of the Conservative pr during 1 st fe to ii intentions. ‘The official document handed out last night reads as OWS Official Statement. ¢ greater part of the statements published in the press during the past few days respecting the action of 1 t in relation to the proposed contingent for service i ¢ Transyaal has been inaccurate. h only men. acct the responsibilities of Government ean fully understand. ti wees one idee the last few days that the matter assumed ae admitted. of Government sider a question of so er nee. At no time was ther question the desirability he mada co-operating with the home authorities in any sary for the promotion of Imperial interest question that causes a delay was whether Parlia- of an important bees “chat had not been contemplated Par- iament, arid which might possibly be the regarded as a preceden’ mat- of s0 much consequent Preei dents ought not hastily to be estab- trol of the War Government ok dissent Office, tanaie for South Af 30th inst. Preparations Under Way, Lest night Hon. F. W. Borden. on Friday mornin, our Gity onthe” pit inst of Regini Hamilton Baker, eldest son of W. i eral superintendent the Canadi me ee ms liberty ing Bulg Minis By a fall of rock, Nicholas Milb a coal miner, was killed at the Pro- led tection Island shaft, Nanaimo, B.C., Baron ‘Pauncefote of Preston, ae inced at Rees of the INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE. Minister of Militia, and his stait were | SPeaker. “We want the trade of al 1 | rial Haan intellectual, not be difficult for the te nations pystem of Pelbh other. All But Three Bailed, men of tawa, Oct. 14.—] having a@ secon doubl “a2? Battery Men Skipping Out. e-| o'clock ‘Thursday Ne & N. W. Railway. “got”’ witho + ‘The Manila merchants threaten Be clude several members of close their shops as a protest pe the monet contingent. Man: excessive taxation. If the threat is | bers ha’ in money for their dis- carried out martial law will be pro- | charge. men complain they are imed, serious overworked and are dotinesred over: a ‘ould On e severest shocks of earth- ‘Three. Americans Flee. ake ever felt at Santa Rosa, Cal.,| Manila, Oct. 14.—Major Cheatht took place Thursday night. Chimneys | with a scouting party, while march- ‘were jown and plaster in | ing along the west shore of the many Darts of the city was shaken | encountered a force of rebels strong- from the la’ entrenched at BM upa. Maj Two large barns, with the entire | Chea Tepor e drove the in the were killed and two wounded. Ras Wiman on Deck Again. that it should Montreal, Oct. 14.—All of the 17 e crew Of the Scotsman jar- rested on the charge of pilfering Bret d wife in ite stance, are Fr ents three Americans | 5, New York, Oct. 14.—Erastus Wi- FOREIGN SPIES IN ENGLAND. osed eee ahouek oe sires state Set ae Bi Rated the Coun g Overrun Ww vith Seeret Agents of Sie sista tcp hia, Oct. 14.—A\ Ramificatidas of the Spy System. ‘The enrolment, Commercial Co: yesterday, Lt. | It will probably be news to most once. ‘Every part of arrang: J. Wynburn Laurie, the oficial | peop! t this count literally ments will be pressed forward with | representati the Board of Trade | overran with foreign secret service all possible speed, and ‘of London, spoke of imculties | spies, recently said a prominent For- the Jn -aesorfiance aeith. rhe ender the advancement Of| eign Office official to a writer in Lon- don Tit Bits. Indeed, continued he, at no period in the world’s history have the e eagerness with which it is prose- onted, and the rigorous mi which are adopted in order to « defeat ite machinations, are best trated n | perhaps by the recent eclaton! from Canada of the supposed Spanish spies, Bri ments, this work will be looked after | day by the Imperial authorities, illis ey-and| tion, only afew months since, of ® lan liner Siberiap has been cl Reginald Valler, against whom the| high Italian officer who had quite in- by. the Canadian authorities. evidence is. consider to of @| nocently wandered too near a French more serious nature. The bondsmen alae ebat ‘TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Mr. McNally and Mr, Ritchie | Alpine fortress; and last, but by no means least, that nightmare-like trag- ew cases of bubonic plague ——_—___—_——_. edy, Dreyfus case. Were repo) at Oporto on Friday. Accused of Bisamy, s M. Ivantchofl has ied in for- esiegp ioe Ute: Biceee te oa is the system under which we permit the re; inspection of our dock- and antlteey forces by 8 per- ish Ambassaddr to the Sta e orance when she Hen fms ies Wats |AGO"O gy Ue ter "ek St duty ct ca Piss Se can ke Henry and lost no time in taking ac- " Pe} sia eae ig icke tion when e discovered his alleged | WhO will verything in reason and j would be rejected with the most with- ering morn ‘of which the authorities ‘are capable. “Are Literally Every where. perly accredited spy. literally everywhere. ssed of a remarkably sound sumed nam: of the Fatherland er of “La Belle” may fond almost in every’ regiment and ship of the Queen servi Personally, just the sort of fellows that an officer takes to, they are quiet, to their respective Governments from port they touch at. In this way the minntest details of structure, i maments and future picgciad aleened i in the ward jah rooms of Her Majesty’s ships se the deft- tenaed servants who wit it is necessary that the spy shonld be an efficient rafts This condition, however, is all in favor of the spy: since, by very reasom of his mechanical tré » he is Seervallons mus campai en ular, down to the disastrous siege of Sebas- topol. A. single would have own him wl England many millions and many @ broken heart. Since those days we have learned better. Thanks to the efforts of cap- ‘able reformers, such as Lord Char! B dd. many rs, our naval, military and diplomatic authorities of a ee, effici- ent secret’ service. Ni the members of. this body are known to the powers that be; but the fact of its eixstence may readily be up the Parliamentary estimates, in which he will find the snug little sam less to say, are only merry, trip. The descent was a most him off to the hospital and operate f house on top ed. Hence the first view that pre-| maker, ag as found floating of £30,000 annually set aside for the work. | Just as we hed be- putas rabione pattem Cee bi | will a Hoh and lived in it for {A pempites Je plain een otra a vailed was that Parliament should in the SE ee ray ee a ee ee ee Ante Be ee ee eet ides , giving testimonials vnd full ea wittnead ot hat ¥ P ent he is| in fact, that one would choose to em- Mi gun to moye on our downward course} cure our suffering, I say again tl to to and say it ails 0 years, never leaying his grounds | formation, with tions how to take i 0 confirm the action missing for a week, and | out now aging director of vice. swe saw a furious sti appr | thank the Dr. Wi ’ | Tye been sliced open once and don’t | except at night. ~ ister Samaria Prescription. Corre- which was proposed. Subsequently | it is Syren he fell off the park |'the Mutual Mercantile Agency of ploy upon the more confidential work It became, therefore, vatmost en-} Pink Pills for my prolonged life and} janker for encores.”” P dence considered sacrediy confiden- tit was learned that the Imperial au-] roadway, while intoxicated. United Si ia. ‘The: new | Of & Test ane orderly room, or the Monument to Col. By. deavor to reach the lower levels be-| present good health. New lite for a quarter, Miller's Com- |Jordan strect, die Supe Homey ( hes LE eet ara seed dey ocons (and the iasmeeat aad |S oe aareitior ve ge OpIGOD. ces of a forte tows. Hi | citizens” commitie i being form fore it burst upon us. All went woll| Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills onre by go- aie pound Iron [ret ch, in fedueing “the initial cost ee canara alae eee Sam ON Bee clanel of one rack artil-| of in Ottawa to. solicit mubecriptions for some ee ing to the root of the disease. Keep Minard’s Liniment in the House, Senn se TN. OG. BAL solving a pte back oa falinpla esthorite ‘taak ist bin Wacko Wicwle! lery regiment discovered to, his hor-| for the erection of a monument to the “Finally, while on the snow slope, | renew and baild up the blood, and Severe aaer enya Se Soo Donslltuttoual question ressection the | President Andrade, stl the ile mea Cet ae attae Aina | Ee Can ie, Gee OMY. eumb eho: | adem Gey of Colisby) fe Ess the fount gaatinake md age wtts great cars| strengthen the nerves, thas driving gabg 4 SOS Re hd bag eras, ae 7] power of enlistment, obviated the ne-| 5 ander, al Cas! tee ix the caven ands édverit of |. atm be hed for yeats eatrnstod |. or af the city. 1780, Colonel cutting steps for, our safety in the from the system. A’ - 4 of font ex Shek sige cessity of a meeting of Parliament in} ‘Rev. John Chisholm, who for the | white fog dra er the bosom of} the more tial work of the| By first as a subal- 3 tay tations by insisting that every box you | S2vises the nee of! in encouragement it gives to public be-| SM@ xp turn to clothe the Government with | past 10 years has orta owsy ocean yesterday lengthen | regiment, by whom all the 0: | Gernoffiar of ths Sapper ‘and Miners: and ice, we came ‘ 1 management of children. He has ex-| neyolence. While it is a day set apais| — : jeuthority to ‘take action. Dunbarton and Melleville Presbyter-| ed unprecedented record of flukea| ports upon mobilization, gunnery | (Royal Engineers) in 1800, and served above a projecting rock buttress. At| purchaso is enclosed in er | Derimented in this direction on sev-| for the t of national, | lew of this fact and of the ur-| ian Church received a unanim-| {in a cup contest to six. As on Tues-| trials and WR bilities of the palaasecares é that very moment my com . | bearing the fall trade mark, Dr. Wil- | 11 thousand little ones di family and personal blessings, every y fae CUE CURE t {gent reasons for prompt action, the| ous call from Kemptville Presbyter | day the yachts did not leave even the mbilinesot the vex” [in this conntey nabil 481t) helosnal:. Steele, sli It was a moment| Hams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. If * : ; Piciveters declaed hid alvecnoae te) andi nage dm 120 Venchorsgee tenioe’ ot Saki ack. 7 (ro ie Seas. been | at the Cascades, on the St, Lawrence, le,” slipped. 12 has his con- | Canadian is taught from childhood ees iv af life or death. If we were dashed | your dealer does not them they nated ite and St, yi ug Dance erate perma. ‘y out an arrangement which had ee for his new field of labor. itten, and whose memory could al-| and the Martello Towers, upon the “ : clusions in 28 different medical pam-| that on this day he must the | [EPae cured: by the os ecertien attendant Cortera Ee lise cece tee aa! Fill be sent post paid at 50 cents a box ca-|_ John S. Maynard, of Detroit, who ways pon to furnish thede- | Plains of Abraham, Quebeo, attest the wae jer we would have been hicts. With care on the of the | loaf, feed the hungry and give ear to Full coarse ea atment se nt ition with the I 1 ; Dar Ati az si ‘ernshed to ‘or six boxes for $2.50 by ad P g alle NEUROSAL. » rage to allguiferers. Write 4 mperial authorities. on a ughters of the King. tails of every War Office order and| high opinion in which this young oy the Dr. S Medicine Go., | 27mmotiser, who should always be | the ory - icance | | us now. pape ress Tho is @ Home Governthent agreed to re-| out by Marcus Rich, a Windsor tai-| Toronto, Oct. 14—The King’s | defensive and offensive plan in the | officer was held by his superiors, who Thad just tim time to strike my axe = man habits and carefulness, | of the day is to those who appro- Chemical eT a7 Wistoria ; lceive into the army in Africa a con-| lor, on the charge of smuggling over | Daughters, after the most social and | r ecords, was nothing more , / te the hilt into ‘the rock-like snow, | Brockville, Ont. thas is’ ho says, no risk of harm | priate it solely for personal 4 tingent comprising @ number of units} a suit of clothes, was convicted be- {solemn of their services, parted last fr sentrusted to bint the Gieskion ef Oia thus secure a better anchor. But nee = oat SE iaoeklNe FS fet 225 men each, and certain ofesrs, | fore Judge Swan iday morning meet again in Kingston next vougaens the clever spy of a for-| were then each ory important works the force of the tug on the rope when Facts Tol é = =. @& OTF ae 3 @ major, so tha’ d fined $50 and $100 costs. ernment fe ed the survey Hie, Stents fall wae oo terrific T was| tis said that the health of the Bra-| Tye sfost Popular Pi Health for the children. Miller's STEM, WIND? ay ware | the unit may be eonsoll-| sult of clothes was also confiscated. *"The lection of officers took place So well, however, had the ali city and of Quebec from ince hurled down the slope. By| nett eye is, as a rule, super-} most popular of all ‘orm Powders. gay een ie ge gems eens gee wenn teresa McCue, who mests Jack Ben-|in the afternoon, and cealed his identity, that it was only by | which the great Duke of Wellington yy ee jor to that of the blonde type. Black | snd of pills the Taost p Se a Violin or Gute The ovement tt 20 rounds, Thanksgiving |J. E. Austen, Toronto, weneelelies se- id by the | approved and laid out there the pres- 8 quick, m it = Sealy ipiinets e00% ers of | 05. le Pil Tndelibly Printed. tar, for selling 2 boxes of Dr, : e movement is to be entirely al night, in the Mutual street rink, has % . M. Brown, nto, | heels. An illegibl: euvel= panion he reached an_ opening where | eyes ly indicate good pow it is ase: ey can do, and are not put| ,,. rsaparil { {volunteer one. The number of officers | arrived in Toronto, and now the six |recording secretary; Executive Com- egy. ent system of fortifications. Return- the sow had melted owing to the physical endurance. Dark blue seley Re formant os =e sitions clait 1: ‘I shall never forget that lady leo- ee ery stingy send ‘ ‘and men determined Sarl fle Z ; psere fet 2 6 os = pining. Ps eres re ive m- | ope his Continental employers | ing to England in 1811, he did duty heat radiated from an adjacent rock. acuta E they Leste: Rec Sing! ert PUretecelsy iad ceed oe aa Saee Pils, ahae wiippliog than | show are carefully training there. |B. Dymond, Mrs, fie are eer UE | was opened in error by a loyal color | with his corps upon the home stations The stable footing which we here se-| cate, refined or effeminate nor gripe, and a ines ere Give velief in the most | Sion om me.’ ~ sean betb * ee as ee Solcny: of Bred Wyatt of Ottawa end, Pat Kit A. M. Brown, Biss: Gibbs, Mrs. , who promptly communicat-| until 18%, in which ha and generally show weak health. “By her intellect?’ them and remit us the ,e payment and we will pire. e Militia Department, | ty go 10 rounds as the chief preli- Rata Mis Mrs. Broo! Miss ed its contents to his superior. For | risen to the rank of colonel, he was our descent. We were generally “No; she blue sash | send you the Premium you ile fae oil ft pies in shape, will Mrs. . able after that fo continue our descent a ort. fo Was Sure. os Rob et aeyels tre Gapure blood, rheumatism, liver and Kid- dmmediately provide arms and equip-| Taree quantities of upwards of an hour the colonel was i selected by the Imperial ‘at leisure. ‘You need not cough Al all mats ie A bright eas fellow, hearing a crooked at the back. aay. diecanes, “and all ate ot rar ase cage ead gent for then aid ae 6 a q o! sues, are arin — Se tial mating: tga Voie hi i pcapeeal ‘but | Government to proceed to Canada to “ A * a sntion this (CB anding offi is yhen, expiration of peri ¢ the approved se Tas nh tor 0 Ge detent, sn | Soe cong hs ste cotractng gucet of the family quate: SS. How’s This! Buy Street! "Foronte, Outen” Plott crea tapsieliut Ohuate wal Pst Ture oi tapas “@ oo sea _Mosgow, Oct. 14—Tho Sultan's | the latter emerged with the object of | scheme of an Ae esctal waterway! 10 gpa is face’ Co wooratalel (OR, Bickie’s Ant Cot-| coime f Saget Caren Unt exonot De ‘| PLOWs, ROLLERS & HARROWS Oe ge aa ete 5 t the invasion of ‘Can i: |men, Arabia, Pet ot RG | arresting the spy, the latter - | provide communication between the is STR “ ‘Cattarh Cure. The Bett Made send for Catalozne, ‘warded to the nie tory by the st cheap. |terrible position. Mutiny is evi wa and St. Lawrence rivers. For dear, no, it was not sliding as we see Iniammation of tt, Tungs| at the visitor, said: “Sir, my Fo (J, CHENEY &.00. Props., Toledo, 0, | COCKRSHUTT PLOW CO., BRANTFORD ister of Snitic. Only men in th ri i eG 3 sliding on the ponds and rivers It pro-| er’s the noblest work too.” ‘We, the on ‘have known B. J. Ser very best physical conbtitien ill te cea bes ue cet oe ee heretofore hei tan’s po in | Needléss to say, he six years he labored over the territory “fn the winter time hereabouts. a ew oy sxpestoal Sion, which ezif Beene Aico. fan, tad, pele PUOkS, STEELE & BRISTOL, 2°55 Bo Comtoee, ted, and pref Seek lor Gaus Oring Peake Ei marae Primes pedecrs ye plshoagh: tt is well} between! Ottawa ‘and Kingston — tain slide is called glissading. leg Every person suffering from general Sad Gnancially sbletocarry out any obligations Wiee MAMILTOR:: Beem Reeves ‘ good marksmé it is expect A valuable bern belonging to dependence. Dj Bey" bolesot the mown that a _thoroug! % | comparatively an unknown wilder- This is the way it was = debility should take Miller's Compound sole eat 8 A Jenale: ‘mToledo, 0. lor obvious reasons that chiefly un-| alderman Burch, of St. Cath. |Grand Vizier of aE EOE. certain foreign embassy would speed- with the rong of a par- we got s hold in our axe-1 apes Seer Sa oa anos patne eas oh & Meron, Drug: BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE 4 perks form the contin-| arines, was destroyed by fire about |yesterday while stand ee ee oa But the | tial survey of the here Spiders are a serious. plagu 's Catan is taken Internally, 7 T Oy | ore 30 p.m. tiday. The building |Of ® steamer bound for Pola, on the | mbassies ign are, un- | Capt. Jebb, a ee in 1818 the whole where we could como tosstopand) 1 ghey spin their webs on the Steam Machinery in Old Exrvt, —__| direct thou be Tare i len neo iaces G| __Onion Station Arcade, Toronto. e ements will be made by the | contained a valuable lot of — ‘ifietic, Whe saurdorer, en tnknows | der a certain international law, sooure ce is eae tron on our backs we did so. the ‘bottle. Sold by all * _ |€anadian Gov for the equi 5 work of the Ri » bed ie at his feet close together. jegraph wires, and are so numerons eet before set ot “Pec Foe. por bo y cies © ae chats | aauentlty. of ay and oats and escal om such inquisitions. Consequently | to padi tices ‘under the di- : With the axe tightly held under the as to canse a serious, loss of insuls-| ef Watt, Nero of “exancts ted, and for the transportation o biel ene oep ges nun Daussh aceE Kuncawel “ex-soldier of rection of Colonel By. With char- its like sh tion. Sweeping the wires does little} ed = ive Cream. | the force to a point of disembarka-| tiful black. beaten Ottawa, Oct. 14—Th Queen’? has only to lie hidden until | acteristic cour! this officer invited. bbs ett 2 gine begin all over| was steam. He also invented a double as one onncs oi of eat ton, tion in Sou on arrival building end dei ie amount of blade cutting deeply into the ice, we ao, Ee; aus are apatite atetge ss | (1 Ngouth Atri ‘contents about $3,000. in circulation during Septem- | ® fsvorable ity arises formak- | Capt. Franklin, R. N., (af slid swiftly along down the steep aw eG soho A ap ob socemmicesss Meet On arrival in So METS ish imperi aba ‘was $26,910,513, as against | ing his escape to the land he has éerv- | Sir John Franklin, the celebrated and i cy anticipated the modern turbine wheel Late white wax, and then 24d | steei ap. | | tingent he roccived inte tee om | issued abolishing all measures that |$26,636,795 in . During the | ed so long and so Fenforbunate = Aroti ‘orer), whe ae ae hetm, Ask for Minard’s and take no 01 by a machine he called “‘neolpile.”” two ounces of rose-water, and stir it ‘ * perial Siete Pe SAN cade tuuter a prevented the free BT, the public debt decreased deel ahd aed happened he and by a slight shifting of the bandle Growth of Vesuvius. Cy Wanic nerds Gabe: earl ee ee Cee Papeie eeeeyrealations. one [224 2? oe ee ee ee ore guar eae eae. Ottawa at the time on bis journey ; we could pilt oursleves out of the way ‘Tho bale cf amaleing del ioe noel urutten healtiy: Miler’s Worm Powders the medicine ee a ee eee Metkben ae thd csancon asada ed is carried on in the ships of our navy | home from his first tion, Ge thine aiarenily not smooth en- ta wired Vomst ie a Oot —————— for children. Tete SLs &@ | chigher grade ih no fear of 7 Of | monasteries destroyed during the and royal In ‘of our | to lay the first stone of the locks, at Goel for oar comfort.” boy, by stanting for the ae Set rs Souvent ITS: ee eee cfs 10 the Canadien Covent | oubles, and payment of sums due be caaeacitines men-of-war, and notably in our Medi- | the foot of what is now Parl = reached the foot of the| old veteran has ded 150 feet to his} he Lutheran church in si se aca staked SS pti wine , ‘ment, who would have preferred to fate ged or the lies of officials natonee is a highly successful man, isn’t Channel fieets, the ma- | Hill, and which was done on the 16th without injury’? stature within the past year. mumbers about 72,000 baptized mem-| Ecos ‘home fom ‘Spasms and St. Vitus’ Dance. % _ ,send e complete regiment, under the | Wo Were or killed in the jority of the ships’ servants are for- | August, 1827. Col. By surveyed — ers, which is about the total popula- es. Ha Rerowses ral boetle. seat command of a Canadian officer, but *SOb {don't know. He makes #0 much | gigners—Frenchmen, Italians, Span- | site of Bytown, now Ottewa, and ee ee eens ee tion. ra Tasca tse wr | see Sees i saa A apron ais eS ee eee | ese ek Meee falas ope foundéd the hamlet which at the time ing worms. No has. ESSE PTE eile eee do he mall this’ the happiest pot * #1 winard’s Liniment Lomberman’s Friend. | freight.”” time of the year?" PA thew hn re ontoell fotny po Bie see from ship to ship, the information my wife invariably writes me that, panto sp say, for the sommer again.”—Cht ost. “Money talks.’ é “Well, with me it has always stutter- Detroit Free Press. shay pik a ie ften of mos impor 4.”—1 is readily forwarded