Milverton Sun, 26 Oct 1899, p. 2

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Babscribers who do not receive 5 ‘ EOS > ‘ : Dubgoriber, modo nat tensive thelr paper @ ; : : . : ‘Call at this office for advertising rates. CRUCIATING PAINS j mman 5 : : : SUCCESS AY GLENCOE ne tochl Field ponte aad ea Cost ; , cme nye i JU Division of the * Expediti rhe THE MILVERTON SUN | penmecnt cere man “being. in : y | Renee ilt at peta Guat sername, Gm ae POPULAR HOTEL CLERK. ene, General § mielgnary | O4 Egcattwe of a ane a2 wor not satisfied ica this year. : THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26,1803. | afte jobs with that. he ‘ Brilliant Victory for Britain After fis Fee sey ted, were tor | fue let, me ue ea © Other Medicines Failed He Was rs . a si Jowed by the cavalry, mounted infa1 ypos estima’ Cured by Dr. Williams’ ee > erce Struggle. try and artillery. The direction tal — ‘Redmond, Parneilite member Hesndon Weusiy: wade eeaneall -dlnee planets Rea iosees SS somes to the eastward. At the lat- ‘the el ‘an ed the polly | from a six weeks’ Put self last. FT GENERAL SYMONS WOUNDED. ene eu the cavalry had not re- [ir ‘Ba erated ae Doukhobors settled thronghout the pad apie Mgr h eiliciag : "} - Seventeen gu 1, Sipe sure, and tig Vote for | the tiene (Quakers) of sont out by annoyances out of the SaaS SS SU Th Be ay opted by 200 against way. 4h Rastein, Oihatln A Small Pill, ane Incant been to the Ministerial bench ‘ haa We put Powerful.—Th ry Swept Everything left the Chamber, ater Zivways speak politely and kindly to| MeDouell: of fhe Gi oe judge of the powers of a pill by ber see ‘Them — Dublin Fusiliers af ~ a of tie Pies ee ne Hotel, Alexandria. At the inion | Pills to be lacking. Itis a little eae . : nd King's Royal Bifle Corpa eine Went Setmsee: pte fore Tee SU it of ror | ME sed poe og Mont ee “an| More ie Brant at the wonton alent lt ee ab | en Seen a aes 8 place t pce alts fect health, and a stranger | Sach { aries Se ap oe ee G Charge—Enemy Retreat- the pray 4 oad Major Yule, for everything and Hing him for the first time could because they are so powerful = ed in Confus uch heavier. The coe Camp, re clock this 5 exening: "3 Boe engine petlinees opty sti dows are required ful that ‘asion, made with a israphant yell, ely Rests "rooted. Cre ee fide sihipi Conlon. st wate beattay Say agente pi red in this London, Oct. 21— the British troops cha yell, and a8 letiow. Sete re cannaities to selp others out of theirs. ell could ever have site Pane TE Ree TENT: : rod the appended Sy (ee eee ocies and fled, |fine Ten mona great courage, ong | ee for the coming winter. In oe interrupt any conversation, pated deg. a eae Most Singalar Ship. Sate ee stop rom Tadysinit, filed at 10.45 a.m. | guns Ba their impedimenta and [eave to the troops under tis veces some 88 were seen. At| for the A oxi abe Some tacks OL Pageet he moet Mandion ‘chip ia stme es Se in ‘A Kindly Prinosss, See guns | ee eeemrtered es ba RU Re gree] each an attempt was made to person: Be f their tethers beni * turn ey wit world i ¥ nigh e ev rath e followin i a ee splendid degree of health stained by | sh An the Polyphsinus, of the rik: | Che Seger A | corer none the “eae is just now SEA BeBe alae st aing on, one bat- | SRE House then adjourned F and | ally inspect the homes and come as| decided cuat Se ale reunite: Giscy thing aaa Rent oe Omer ee er Dera tube, d is simply a long steel| yowls. Now, 1 and Be ae pagan: ‘Wales. Royal Miles ee ee | ae tea “18th Hussars —_— ach as possible im actual touch with | all possible to tid ; i is chenrtal VEY ot Srey ere ‘well known fact that a few years Sndoeemgie so Shamyect Tgaedis. rouble, with iy Steals an ola = ‘win ‘Sendring : ing @ hill ce Uiers | ang Chet ees no ean COLUMBIA-SHAMROCK: the life of the people. ‘The settle-| confro Be ee ae snow and he was the victim of tl bass ising only four feet above the| PUt t would lik ele irag nh ad lady-in-waiting of the } artille ie preeithin three buns | nai the Leicester Regiment, got + >| ments are built on vari lans. Paamgeire, paris m most excru- | Sea. It carries e not e to know late Queen of Denmark Skee i of th: eet on the enemy’s flonk, and ney ious. plans. i on ane the houss:| "sine Daing of rhoumatinm. Km fathead no masts or sails and justified in putting ths teyal lay dying in I advancing sory Sue OE. treamed ‘wildl3 ‘a3. the | The American Yacht Won the THIrd me of the streets and houses are laid | They had no spadi Bin 8 meen gneve ing these facts a News reporter Hh as a ram and torpedo boat. aaa a stop ‘te h aisles Copenhagen, i fee aie ny sa artil-| hilis, making for the idly down the| and Deciding Race 1 « oe. | out at right angles, in others the cop cPoaserrcescirrmg . bless Pci rian tii e i ° i > oa $i His we wich ese ia h a eves rl bel_a| UME MaDonell Sx Gel Parponp BL cos atnyeters aaa “Certainly,” replied the lawyer, |since the latter's bAbsaiat cians } sore Nr that alae tow | wuk bay rallied Deen ext of Es eae wake $9 Pepe es pe rete tepe cnt eme Ligue Without 0 patent an invention all over the a eso pian era if I |doeply attached to her. ey, and was Ly coe tteadvancing on. Retting- | there was rallied for a while, and| New York, oct, 3 is eae , and others seem to be laid out| tion was a grave one the germs of other and fidterently geueed Hac E he aitributed his present Ar costs about $15,000. ‘This Opsaly: e inquired | tian writes every week Rare) fea = sbitweenth Battery and | erable freee de Re with consid | and heavy 5 Picaeihas ep Maeno method whatever, The | spproaci ; ‘in the system health to the of countries. As inate 1 you a ter in) Engl: - gh- Regiment have gone to | the ae: ny of | proached ia gars f bwel s were of three kinds. re ard grg he isl kang tleg Cry od Bests ad ee 2 use pani 2 ive hata ag at gland, and in one of his 1 fnvet ‘them enemy surrendered. = 25-k y of a gale, fully | there is timber, fur would 2 arate. re one ill a Pink Pills for Pale “The the ters mentioning the i let- From Gen, Sir Stew: ‘British Loss 250; Boers 800. -knot wind, the s) sloop Columbia ‘ef , logs are have, ho agg Ag ee People. ‘I am,’ said he, 38 Only One Copper, t does not belong to 6 ‘ing the illness of the old men W ‘art White, ee i. Boers £00. vanquished the British challe good substantial homes are the resul wave, however, i ania Wing, one agate iain 6, 88 years Meg amhard wa ante tote coma ee al un derstand a rf beh {i |Countess, declared that Sic che eine J Bes e War Office also. received the ough estimate place the British Shamrock yesterday by 6 allenger | Fe iaoes where ¢ the result. arate, aremony tas Sean * anaduite rated | pect to li years ago I did not ex- world, and probabl: wish was to speak with the Princess. following ue xateh Avorn air. George | aay at ‘250 killed or rounded, and | and 18 5 con ee aes minutes | "0 no wood is available | young women fastened around their i By fis, gradual aod a ere 9 live this long. At that time I | gets al ly_only one, ae “ana the fence does?" before she A Stewart White, the general command- that of the Boers at 800. minutes Bb siipne) and make a wonderfully neat and | persons long flour sacks, & ‘use, the | Was connected with the Commerci gets along with s single policeman;| /1es" eee 2 Princess was’ ing Natal, dated ‘Thursday It is understood that bef tim 34 seconds corrected | compact little house, consideri pe the ends of ‘ aad strength, by the inf Nace ciel 'ae Commercial | that is Iceland. Bowen. ynite unable to leave England at the from Ladys evening, | day’s battle several More seater: | the Amerie completing the series for | material fr i jering the | which were attached to crossbars fast- pine exerts na influence which Gur | dri of my duties was gana e's ae then, I think I may time. B z x é TF jett | the America’s Cup with a magnificent | yj om which it is made. One ened to long ro Po ~_ Hexelieves iia aeinetae eiciier etehe drive the busses to and from the O. Girls Who Sell Their Hate. ay that you have = perfec tient ty [sympathetic plea Eom @ the re Boers commenced pee eating pS aco ae rae oe Sere aC rouen Weather duel uifhcont | village, where neither timber of sa” plough, which faissae calaed iy ous ie SEAS caked ae nes See OS in ins Human, baie ainsi pee nthe anon ore aid deme eee nee » f Ear a ae oe Shae | ree ete ee ere are | etsampk of a foreigner to wrest f Se ey cae caabeaned @ gustaiane left in the village. These a es ‘ in life is a subjected to the | #¥eone in France, the d f agen by special cpa ™ i a ierday. They “continued to’ ed-| tneir ola to be falling back Pitta i io in a remarkably | 24 young alls izing the nerves, | Sudden. extremes departments |, Miller's Worm Powde “ messenger. The lat- ; - vance, halting f , ad-| their old positi Fae es erica the yachting supremacy mious bi women W: two Tows, 5 a Or Sranigalisiog a, ae eect cold, | Ost frequently eae Dad alah vs are the best |ter arrived only just in ti ‘ , halting for the night with eir old position, ‘They have been | the world has # ied ¥ ious but most laborious way. | and drew the plough 2 vigor to the action ig Along in the ear! F aes cad, | Merchants be e hair | cine for children; as nice as |ready the di ly just in time. Al- ee their left dank at rca. Pee fortrications be. | Tepeated as failed... Except fo Poplar sticks five or six regen plough for two hours, Rivet inure! |e ween ee eae fee aoe | GEG coe et_oaan and“ |S" ohn, ie ir net Ss eae | ett a ane whoa they were rele Wy snot y ge the Mier Hey ra fein ancl aod ‘Haute Vienne. a 16 phono- ‘ i 2 4 eing to contest the y, this seri to form Gere E the system, tearte | relief t v iy. I sought 'e Vienne. ‘The av Epaulettes of Lace. graph gave out its I ng anton ies Li grand adva ies of races has bee an enclosure of | # panes a 3 neh cree daaiaubanit then cons erage price| Lace message of love ; c Lieut. Galway nee of the Imperial | marred by. a. singl ineie | 820 feet, and i an yrere then reliey- 4 pray oe ee is meenis | ieedite then in patent | §!¥e> for a fall long head of hair i epaulettes will be greatly worn and hope, and as the last of the Natal Carbiniers is missing, troops. nest: gle untoward inci- , and in and out of | ed. The women rather see Seas eee “ae aoe rise pene a iad poe een oa ete Bal ie twenty-five ere} “tie cay a s hand | eno and only the clad bares _— PE ae tie Natal pearaeees Hill Was Carried. ee ates aes eta Sapa a ‘willow withes were | joy the novelty of the pide aad Per, red sppeiie. [gubstence-result, im;| two months I ord, relief. “For ings for the best quality and col- es Eisenia; (alc eae naeeec on te ae me the mye slightly wounded. Se Giant heise ot eananapeal Meee cee eect 07 a their labors sing- Weves.ta, p & I, was a helpless invalid, The girls of the distri ways so soft and pretty, and sighed happily, and wi , she f camp dat a position | heey Ariben. Talane, 20 Sir Thomas is perf aes structure when completed was plat ing, hal i 3 peetite. Northrop & Taman of] suffering constant! : fo distrioks “men | aiaph: y; and puffs of ppily, and with “God blees i 1 have selected with the ob: by the. Dubli aan was carried | 5, Derteetiy ot inside and out wi 2 ry 28 Ae See 30) sor Quinine Wine at the a jie their ty the most exernci- tioned above, which are i yphanous gauze falling from you, dear,’? on her li : eabeie thew bject of fin Fusiliers ant e was beaten by th out with, clay and, though | helping to make i | tear enee byte pore ating | reine My hands ond foot | 200%, #Hslnte piel haere ay crown of pa tase, aliine a ies passed away governs Reece Ladysmith, and ne wy ger cover of, sll |, ee A Sean SINR), entirely by hand, 1 presented as ie ansclvenin independent “be homes ie any inthe market. oink oreoe pa was sae Nis the Ee not be cut short in front, and conceal quite ala mode, are gored en ave been sufficiently near to me to 69th” Batteries se and ‘start ie e trowel of a| It was noticed that i market, All druggists sell it was approaching. the shorn. Devotees princes in fabri ‘About 100 years ago tl strike Rae a e ae art. ‘Turn, | Finish. rT. first class plasterer had been at work. an older woman: ee ee is shorn appearance at) thai back | by" |/beae th ics sturdy enongh to | for stiffening the frill eet een remy peak eo have powerene Gel rl oa erg ae Fara, oF NE oo 19.0855 23800 | The great ovens and chi work. | always accompanied the girls and : Rapid Deeay ef Teeth. despair, was ee in a draped colored handkerchief. The e ordeal. ase se is around the neck 0 have retired west, British ee have retired. T100; ; mneys of sun- | watched that none work folly b ‘A rapid tendency to decay, hitherto} °F eka attend Siege Best shados of ight snd blonde hair “How's This! Adeasiccreneia trig AGBk encase Sai aii ei comparatively |e paterpert of that at Mold ‘g ae ued Conable 5 Gal ce bi sance tee olny cotyodl bane take parts reckiig (Ose 4 ini extant ta'taktus us 8 use\ of rain m Germany and Swi iS te obs atari Gre ki small body * ¥ | at Majuba Hill, 5 sed way, considerable ground was ‘ [- Gad resorts base pest Mane gee Gis fear ek zerland, and for these me ie ee |, soy eaneot cater tas Dollars Reward, tro Pravels of Miratory Birds. i communication ae See ey ie Eee eae —EEe inet Oe ae public bath | ed for next Soa aon Cena . ap t generation. Of the pine (etc 108 fend nna PEL age Eee ee See all's Cattarh Cure. 4p, by ‘The distances over which birds mi- Sen ree Blandslaagte in Paemtnares MIE: : THE NEW CABINET. area see Lega evening | wise wo 2 dren of a latge number of parochial, | 88 change, but fr hhad noticed | ‘They Are Carefully Pi Co, Prete Tago, | Tale vary betwen wide Limite, and ere they. captured «gaps trains ee duspatches | Probable Distributio Glothes, preparatory peeve eta Rare ‘Varney carr Iustrial and other schools. in. Emg-| dose counted. inane seamed which dissipate Se ee ane ogee ras tae and” baie him | S70 Offom surprisingly great. The Se eee cocaine eae ee sete, Feisty night, Oct, peng artnet PSH A) sevice aki eg Sra eas opi te jan yaltcs pepe cian aca ng-| dose « ncmnad. fy | cannot be expecte basset vae Sie eee ene Sechelt care jslnes tran eve nin | Sobol ain Soe ie felegraph is Stal ication by | 14, an carried by Lae \¢ Ross Government, ¢ at sunrise on| as a most God- i 5 aan be _ examin | thrill through my veins and by the fipon the Intestines, aud to overcom guade by thelr -y out any obligations ee ve ar their young on open via ‘Grey-| Vie Kuruman an sions Toronto, each seventh day (Sunday) and lasts | and ‘condition of each tooth | time I had finished Ha ee rare rnciig edosisitored must Wate Trost, Wholesale Dr Lake Winnipeg, : wes Hopevown, st lelskull to onto, Oct. 21. — Rumors in| for two hi frugal ‘waa marked upon’e Ghat: Teed Deccsca hed the fifth box every influence the action of these canal: must | Walding, Kuans & Marvin, uggists, Toledo. O. | and go to Gaba andi Pox Be British Win at Gl Parent wodteted that Co om. | Plenty are in circulation as to th hours. In the evening of | vor to obtain ie. 15 per cent. of such boy: iaygie Cue deecaser’ ass vanished \ [ee eee ee ee et mals. Bar | Otcica eel d the win! ee ene es Waniotes Bas il indicted a tremendous blow | Probable arrangement of e | the same day services are held for one i sand girls of| Ever since then Ih |. | der the supervision of made, Un-| aiteot Catareh Careis taken interpal aie ter, twice traverse a | fowi cceived the fol-| on the Boers nine miles nerth of in the new 0 portfolios | hour bef buy wool for the an average ae ave been working | substance pervision of experts, that the | Gecctlemt Pic ‘blood and mi i, tance ing 2, i ; aries joes despatch from Lass _| Mafeking. Tw . Meeps et Ontario” Government) it fore sunset, The Doulhol i rf Secs eas eonechl ae toed paren Ee ee oe they intestines ar ra ied in echou ‘until Bega foe abe Dottie. Sold by al| than a fifth af the Eauiiocan et , Net oncuriege tour enole gt if tet perme, whlch i was teen eae |S So ne eee ae Seige fog ga obdbeareatl auton by tinued in excellent ae hrough the stomach our earth, each Seb to keep in Mafekin; ie in this chil They are taught the 3 / _ rat feel the al eae year. The kingbird "This from Glencoe: We w se ae OB REROUN 3m "yhey will take the following | ten commandm pan g Stina aE eis htest Compliment to Our lays its tack it " ¥ at- isk of explosion, should the t¢ patio on ing 4 ents before : OS a aera ee eee ee ee one ESC edd cronies wearers ee ge eget) We wore, ot | ie dhelied, were sent by Col, Baden ? nag ert ered, uM faa caildcan o> panier tat nour & what _ac-| for a day or so and soon destae wart ia eaid that Preder Amsterdam ‘as ene (of Science ot | tuo winter ee ee : ‘They Se chen ae one | array eee atin Ot, eee Review eeniog der seven know many’ of the psalms alo lelicate - ‘+ ive en COMPOUND IRON PILLS cure faulty as over, feel that I owe, my beach was never conquered far peeps eee id delicate com- | biennial plgrimages of the oe 1 position on a hill, $400 vards east | plode Silene nom creer _Atloniei-General—on. 3. at, cin. | OF Be The little ones are models cathe Queen Absent? ; Hoes illiams’ Pink Pills and never | ;, - was by the sparrows. world aches that its translations aaah enced eye Tmiles, and the tiny . Shells. meee per feed fired plugged | When the engine had uncoupled from | Minister of Educati good behavior, and parents have paee t only pecuniary and { Powerful New Exploniv Paces nk Pills and ever | to his cherry orchard one day, he shall in fature be printed in English humming bird age. nd they fred Diniem | the trucks and retreated about a mile | ard Harsous cation—Hon, Hieh-| Pe on wl tronble im training inten i dighoalten in. the way ie B A German has prod: bes em to others suffering as well. found. many wi f isan of Dutch, in order that Our the enemy shelled the trucks, with | Minister. of a ther than by the ex- of abdication. The Queen, however, pe } plosive. It i Inced a new ex-| Dr. Williams’ Pink ‘Pills ¢ dered them all killed or dri MES iee, they | PLOW: ——= BO ey Ae Tice {ho Reuit that a terrible explosion | Dryden griculture—Hon. John saaplo of thal (are ete eal (iddos: | ee ee Great Britain | teense Be cece oe at eae tebatae tose ney (e Neeenen ey A ee ier he soos see ares cones Hone ‘&HARROWS a yee i Be ene tae occurred, killing, {tis est insta 100 | comiissioner of Grown Land er er ere earn Veit een, fae ee ae carbon, It rene’ i 3 z deolecaareBeees Fo ae eens emy ha: ers. ands-— Hees % to be prepared just before required f sitmen noe PARTI Hine ea igen cea) cNRcomet C d West meee il alana. Get nee soar eae pT ‘advanced to| Free State Boers Advanet eProving ah h yy_hundred women are met, whose Dias powerelen OTS" aay fe fo be prepared jt before reamicee fos | aiseare from f Lup the blood, and) were covered with worms and he | children Ge See es eens ont et ms Here te agente: cece Pek inal Secretany—Hion, J. sings ere. evlod. to Siberia, and | Mere" atricana i, and fof Cdonnintos. | Dhaie as yy means) diss fram the system. Avoid imi- had no cherries. He ordered the spar- 2 eel ‘tn, an almost in-| Ladysmith correspondent receipe i: the daily prayer es the people is that of more Africans and Asiatics than ly no danger in transport or sarge Bet coke ie ting that every box rows to be again admitted to his or- Colec vies to Ractorin enemy retiring posers , the] ing Friday, says: “I unde eas tchfor re Works Elan ey a fs oe ee euaaaicot iret cathrenk of fire close to the explosive | Dearing be bie equceaet bee ah ‘and s0 the sparrows did what | | scientist of Bio do se rates, | OAD ER WUE AND MANILA ROPE : ay pein ashen Jee) [dee aoleee ett Boe castes ad by | Suscers Srith gue por tol Sk families Yamey.sotioed | jerstood by most, f when ready for se1 Saat the full trade mark, Dr. Wil- the armies of cialdince do, |= ‘execnltch ites, ONTABIO BINDER Tw ZwINE oo i tured. ‘P- e defeat of the northern army, are Messrs. J. T. cw and Wm. ‘on. |in settlements which were started, misrepresent some, and resented 4 eNey LR RU Paar See ae ils foe Fale ovale: tel Se ee ee - fnvestigstion, thst she sGpeb cena me es : : eRe cae ey oar at fiat |oueeset 6 de Snare yen on aay ape carly in the mason to Dat | hing singe Esesaalore sa gear rd E * ea] Seat etchant a scent Z e hill. inent.’” bees if @ Cro] ae iving ruler th 1 ‘ Minard’s Liniment is used by Physici s ler does not keep them th MILLER’ of flowers are du eee TREE. Pe oe es eG, peu nae yp, that bad yield was hens ey understand. What 's Liniment is used by Physiclans. _} will be sent postpaid at 50 id iR'S COMPOUND THON PILLg Ine to bacteria, and Dr aianee GaEAT eee and artill » mal satisfactory, is abdicati ‘i fF L : 50 cents a box, | increase that these a Henve ss od. DE. ELINE'S GREAT illery are still (iad GHW ” ication to the border tribes of ‘ or six bo: ti the power of assimilatio germs are often of a kind ER. Positive | ind: : : pegatiuneeattiae stems | the bores for $9.60 by addressing tara tn fore saat, | tat mest be harmfal to bomen be-| Pee ee u qe Symons ie erty wore IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. elt me eal ft i entice, Oe ee . ttinghansen, ge in the Swit ‘a Medicine Co., ings. ousnens after fi ae __ anton of Uri, as one of the Deere ee ee ‘Tubereniosis in the German Army. pra UsaVesONS8 rah yjeneew fal bot eet “cQur losses are heavy. ‘They will derSeeretary of State for War a eaves: dbasngrawing exon] Cer crece Soudan? From an imper- William Tell, tries to keep Health for th Sema In an article in the Militar W Keep Minard’s Liniment in the H i sugeet nnan Ager 7a to Fi pen be telegraphed as soon as possibl Explains Why Great Britain Has were ont down by frost. In villages ial standpoint a scepter dropped from up its rep- e children. Miller’s = ochen- 1 House. {| Send to Dr’ Kline. 931 mponenrtcckved. ppssible-” ‘ station for good shooting. Out of Scag Baie testi oe areas ain ‘Anxiety for Details, Mobilized Her Large Force. ich were not reached until the the hand of pean Great White Queen inhabitants 184men and women ar Acialageesy SN ber of om of! baberoaléeda “in the [°c OD peach are T. N, Ue r on absence of details Tegarding | | London, Oct, 20-1n the panes ue conte middle of July or even later no can be in her lifetime by eee ee at fetes ta PG Parag pitas eae fallen from | Bomber 18 ik te incllod Ceeenio, 20. = ; See eee hig and etd the Bot har ot te io ee | Me OUR PONE ee tee fee ai) for the coming winter other momorewor ‘ eer i i ‘ : p causes s, Mr. Arthur J. Bal- 5 per 6 the rest. was carried off ane factured ‘or_ bicycles is manu- | 2-9 Der thousand in 1890-91 to 1. ace the table and no among seats at | "The Sere aid the Wax Oitos neat | eereaty for the address of thanks 16 Her A Protest Against Sending iding houses and breaking the | In many parts of the world the ‘ ssyearold gel Hee athe by 2 firm in Hamburg. It is | thousand in 1896-799. De eo Be taeed Looe © state rooms are let- besieged by relatives and eis agoin | eecla ee nog ion tingent t & Con. | land were possible. This was due to British rej ig personified in the Little =| : brothers GS ase a cle ae ot bor, and is fixed just | attributed largely to Koch’s di Ca pee er = tired of bad O eee eet tis tocse tant AGO a ar My Dillon, Nationalist member tor ere Mo toult onthe part of the settlers, | 27 "0 sixty ago, said to f the family as Soong sae ves == and connected | of the bacillus of tubercul: Agee besa eek ie oe of I, as wen part in the fight. Bast Maro, mor a aa a deta Pig hiete DI 21.—After the lull pee Gndonbtedly an independent, | ‘ose who told her that she as ald ee nt wheel in such a way | to whieh the diagnosi osis, owing | Pronounced, 4s confused ; — sary, nrsday there was a good deal | industrious, fragal, hard- Queen, ‘I will be ” aaa Bevern Brides, writ ene a tamed p eens ae ie erie of that wheel ae is easier, bees polinetpipests Sag eee Electri ; a A DETAILED ACCOUNT, erectus Se Mote ot 208 epson ee aire iar and political | self reliant people, aay a < parts of India she is cba rae rose | Mel sod, A : ‘ ‘ : - n Bridge, writes: “I owe, a debt of te ae eed win weed kiero |e lanterns j Great Work by the Britt ES ecerey equations ceparalng tum | Sootine WES tRAE RE ne) Aa eee gling against, in many cases, ‘roater | Huipped #8 8 goddess. 28 her life- for curing ‘me of a sev oi have passed the medi 's Lintment Lumberman’s Friend, f yh Art | Gin urehase of Delage von fay by Great | rassa, M.P . Henri Bou-| odds than can be i time the nati troubled tee nearly All lak cold, that os Ss ion. De B fy Gt Bleneve, Britain, Mr. Balfour sald no, arrangement -P. for Labelle, has resigned imngined—soarcity if ive races of the empire 3 order et last winter.” In Rea gro gees yubtl me # B . Bad been made for peranaceens (big peat tt Parliament as a of proper food, implements for farm- will either-look to the Queen as their F mi eo OEDr. Thomas’ telee Ask for Minard’s and take no other. The Advocate of India tolls of a ki Piceeoin Blneay 21.—The bat-| sald’ no decision Bad i 2, fie | Sena at Sai fasta © gpa "i [img, aud even the necessary onepen tse ruler, or they will asmme that some- ei hes a ag, oF oteuer 1 the | 9 c, RICHARDS & ora cng nay of ring Ths aud | Th Ry inact ey ; a Ser agi ee yr ened (ote sa a a Sa | Sea, "contingent tothe, rant | sme aay cue the ck, wee bearelg se ncppeateange pep ard peeteer eens . RICHARDS & CO. Dr. ‘being blessed with = * rection Mocpie nae 3 ‘which may possibl A ; | consideration. He insists 7 te In many cases the sick wer i power. imper- ; aeaaice ey escent ic dae | Walley of the Dacenth asy.| daughter, rejoicings were taking | pir ree ae oe eee : ; ich may, possibly for ne Ay Sa aee Ra peepee, ue Se ctiaae eye ae the right Kind See Fea a ts tia pio Pesiuis loses Or Oty Veer by iifooieas ARD’S LINIMENT, as last year I cured car achools, save that of the 189 im. | Place in his state, and a week's pay ac Parteph control and can be applied tony {he British sat er S pean 3 fp, ine Ela tat Siderations ig AT a con-| of medicine. The scarcity of ‘Asiatics and Africans were ee ‘ae 0 IMENT, as. becile children that 7 4 A Co rar, Mr. George + ois &-Bril in and contagious diseases 240,000 lives, et gee eiseiie be five bottles, | his institution in a year, thi eae Leese trons prety: store oa Nervous | Diseas ey ts _the day decided the Bae, ntroauced the supplementary srmy eady to sp & British | was everywhere apparent, not nes minds of the Ministers when they or nearly double the number of lives | there was the horse but in a month | history was year, fee family oration of the event. oe es ey ee seigure of Dundee Hill by | Dealing with, the army, comps nov iting than ten cows were noticed in the 88 unanim refused to advise the lost in the Franco. fat bs no Hngbone and nolameness. | in 104 weraeced tained and clear Uy em Nervous Disuates, such as Seminal riety of - 4 Sugh “the pickets surprise, for, al-| Sets, ‘Wyndbam sald it numbered 24,000 and it i 1870. Ac i: oe JANIEL MUEC! 1. % further demon- 6." prrecpeey Styne ‘S | i . had been exchang- mature men, in- thal phcomaing ite Pharmacen- | Fo P*16 Na eee aly nempetioeee Pon sake oe all ema tuotes of Frente fll che. "There fhe ad rh = ES ee as sat cian ee . formed fo gation » onblio anbecrip. ea, oes a ea Se ee ee Pebahcentiaad any docks he evsell boomod. over the town, 149 | etary ome ty smo ot i fear 1h saA Ge atdonticis? veacaroh ce Gf idiocy scale the production | all ships by fe = as who called ae ioe aera une, Gee, Pe ats eg oe ae Se ee Theo the shells came fast- seas OS ctor, bad. strength. ‘The | © letter to th ie Getiiban ot: pewautnig on : ility. minine names, probably greated, these diseases can — % e hill was positively alive wit ‘men. _ Assumin, Pepe —_———— tread alone. Th i ; tecazinng eee out of deference to Athene, f the swarming Boers on ssuming that 21,000 one ee 6 conditien ef the these discass. —— New lite for = quarter. Miller's hs wea . goddes of |POSI tive a ert Toe ia7! Sltish fal evidesthe risen f ‘ tation had Burned at the Stake, people in one of the latest settlement award. Under this award all i n Postal Cards. sand. Iron Com hs eae ure g ork with magnifi- force | ein the field Eee the val ‘The : por rom Pil ea Electric : oe ‘cent energy and prec fi ist of 26,000 m ‘St. Louis, Oct. 21.—A . proved pitiable indeed. Here the ‘uable plantations and A new postal card Nervous applied precision. ‘The special, to} 4; gol back for 50 cents. Miller’ came from Vienna, People should take Miller's | Beltand by the Owen Electric a eertea pat= | ors and 21,000 reservists The: visitors told that i Lad Kidoey Pills and Plaster. «| and now the same city has’ originated SEES a ee ‘Compound Iron Pills. ‘sie the Faspongorr. will mont asqurogly dos 3 i en from the camp took up posi- ‘Why the Force is So Large. _* | St. Annes patch says a e mear were told the salt bad | 7°” indisputably settled within Brit- Pee ee ee: ® plan of dropping ei The Lake of Me . Hcy 7 eaanei hat is iecking, namely Power that will supply a gh ae south of the toyen and, | Tue msl. pee™ ame 7 seas ‘and only enough flour food | ish territory: The chief British ooun- ‘Women Little Esteemed. etter boxes to be tent at sath raises in] has a queer habit of jh er cen apo SERN ore to Realthy ection rt ee | : ‘cont to ereten Ee? agape tno Fenalch O Sete juxtap Po ere i A 5 2 ‘aietinewde ook ma hills. : @ | situation havea strategical is so little es- is provided for the pur- or three times > x ‘iety has been t ig abling them to conces teemed that she has not even a Gees UC ee Bree pur: | ing to the presence of littl — started in Vienna by 120 members. Without “Bedi Es ea. Symons Mortally Wounded. | fonilcr everywh frontier of 2020 ike Eas eaten Se plants. ‘The peculiarity crating uatic | Its programme includes so | Varieooe icine, Pgs ede yymons was mortally wound- Seer oe stowed upon hé eteeee is that % from alcohol in ev erent a Ne eaves ion, Rheumatism, aie early in the action and the area invol “hi is peeiet ee Be ey he =| ae Germany potato bread is used by | which pias tai only lake in | benefit of the health Asif Sanctions i Ridgey Disease, Lumbogo, Lame Back mend then devolved on re ae Yule, | 220.00 volved, wilh ear tuat oo yy Ae eager cara e natives of ‘Thuringia to feed their a ‘carious growth is devel- | people, and to show the absol Spiers OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE _ ee ci at" aymons! Onvecer. | epoud crpoy unm ss lute use- Gor ‘tain 3 General Sir Willi: Pe yf stre Sa lessness of alcohol. ita eee «x Sepeml Ste Willem Pe conmwall, + a re areca ates ee OE ing the cure ph: s born in Hatt, Cornwall, greatest dependen: lencies from the hi ofthat Dickies Anti Contuy ane New Tint tow (garden sto, mail tee aay ae peered i Stl ting eo eration. she is oy “the daughter” 0 poem strength are excellen: gare ges relic ae tana os bad that ele Sep? ,. eat EE to any inet tn 38847 | git co Pmous transpor 7 te re reliet im sister’ of So-and-So. and all affections of th or coughs, colds i be app: iio lon acing Soaier sans Ee From the Femin' chest, It isa speci shih Ave Aeaagicey plate, eamh aad utes roca ceernen s munlee aes Bigg Webs er see as mae ae ibas never be been poe: film anaes ona quicksilver 5 trees abont three feet above abandon the fs mightier than the sword. sang expectoration, thereby Temoving, © oe aes 5 ig! ted back . was ¥ mt w the surface of the earth, and on ‘thi tion ef her general claim. ad diseased. ‘parts © | triste Srerenoe piste ‘produces eolor by 5 + 10 1580-00, or wl saver, 7et oh iter and easter. task. 2 Sipe Coaeentab he feet of soil, in which sar panded 8 Bet 25, 2400» ‘men ould be shipped, Cat Seat Gilphie. He tes had 80 years some four weeks ago were to ietag ie Maks bab Masse 6 1804-95 see Se on” ce Erie |fome of the finest cabbages ever Emperor William's stables cost him elon Bete, grown. The anxiety of these patient wate

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