P ipiehehhehetatetatatetal % SPECIAL OFFERINGS : IN OUR STAPLE DE- PARTMENT. Towellings «1 Towels 15 inch. glass cloth, pure linen in cardinal, or blue checks, peryd, ..... 6 2 we le ole FE FE RE HE HE HE EE HE HEE HE FE HEE EEE EE AE EIS IE IEEE EIS QuR SLAUGHTERING PRICES Stoieces” GREATING A SENSATION + AMONGST BUYERS AND OTHERS. +« JUST WHAT WE EXPECTED, COULDN'T BE OTHERWISE Crash Toweling, extra "heavy quality, twilled, un- bleached, per yd. ee .5e. It's contagious, we never saw anything like it. We knew what the gong iS 5 doz. Bus Linen Towels, size 18 by 30, per pair, (Special) es aSSA 18c. Flannelets 20 pieces, extra heavy Flan- eelet in light and dark as well. These goods we have marked so as to draw the trade our way, and then we mean to keep it by always giving you the full value for your money. We would sooner have a large trade with small profits, than a small trade MN NC Me Ne Ne oe he Ne he ee ee ee le le i ole ee ele ie JERI IORI IRIE ITI IEE with large profits, by doing business in this way we know we will make colors, regular toc for [Gs E eee . * Mw : 4 friends of the closest buyers. Cottons * We have bought a new stock of Full width Grey ‘Cotton reg- %¢ ular 7¢,spe- Mw f ag $ cial at ....0G. per yd. READYMADE CLOTHING ' cE. : Flannels * — ae which will arrive this week, and ask you to call and have a look this dept. We show, (3 /raugeigitom 1100. z {nye 4 - : per yd. to 35c. per yd. & Hf ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS COMPLETE. —we2>—— isialeheteafeleheiaehetete! sound of the prices would do, and we are still at it with the new Fall Stock + HH. DIERLAMD7Y Highest Price Paid For Butter and Eggs. Successor to H. Grriser. eT BACK FROM THE WEST. cine in the world ie make a new man out of a broken-down one.” Sold by James a, Oct..20,—Hen, David Mills, the | Torrance. ote : apiceare’ st beatae Siomrel eanln Bela ‘western trip. After spending ‘some time jadiong the Ponkhobace and Galician, ecctle- FARM FOR SALE. J ‘ments, where he had every chance. ot seein; WeWiicre eas ReRMahe: the fstnaer fot] That parcel of land! known’ jee Toast justice thinks-that aner and v.ore ‘indus-|half of Lot 11, Con, 8, Mornington, sey oe sg wa fe loonsists of 100 acres with 90 acres|@ Bring it in ; We'll right it. People who sing “Just Behind the Times” didn't get their + their employ haye nothing but good to say|Under cultivation with ten acres o| . & : eae eee i i “ eee crte they havo baea Caled Seen in-|bush, The farmis well watered. The|— time-piece here. Perhaps you're hesitating because you didn’t ; don’t do it; come in and ‘telig gent, a ill make 4 way for them-|bnildings ave commodious and in a . 4 e x yselves eng soon in a country where em.| Jood state of repair. For further par-|—] YOU Can go out on time. We'll treat you white. nade ack pera nee te oe ticulars yapply to Thos. Scott. on *honest labor as to te 3 worker + 3, . . * . sree his Peak Ae ¥ Rieitrenmee coe sto Robert Smith, In spite of the heavy advance in all lines of DRY GOODS, we are still selling 4 ypenod, “Why,” said Me Malls, Sei a| Newry, 3 omer Ang tsa) 1899. goods at the Old Prices, that means alone a net profit of from 15 to 25 per cent. » Aug. 15th, 1899. Suge ne ( Mie De ine ba eakioon aa 2 Call in and see one of the Largest and Finest Stocks ’Griicians, though the latter seem ro. COMMERCIAL. . In Perth County. as ry Te BN : : lages | Corrected weekly by H. M. Schaefer. How is it,that we are doing the business, not because we are extra fine fellows but because ILVERTON, October 26, 1899 $ spe ateal gen aoe We Treat You Right, . been in wert co saphia La ae Sie Spring Astesra dad busi i re get were able to §} eee ae Burley per 5 ¥ s e themsel aatieg un ats ** “ 2 4 Sopety ieumelies “sides pete ae and Give You Prices at Rock Bottom. have earn money to put them on a 100 1 : Hootiog td take ap tunica Yor homeelves 15 7 Never since we are in busines have we been offering such Bargains, as we do at the ‘which many have already dove.® The m 600 6 Ht saat to hssount ofa he talks OF Vier present time. bi ith 2 E 5 i 3 se observ thea were that | Parkes = Another New Shipment of LADIES’ HATS the very latest, and prices the lowest. ; ea ow baat arte ee i ade, “lint | Si ae a0 MISS MacDONALD will be pleased to show you the 28 there fo prevent them from developing 8. 8 x ito the best class f ot They have | La 8 8 Finest Selection of Trimmed Hats yan tt “he: We nev on is 7 7 with their existing allegian ee + IN TOWN. *« shrow of Poland.” Gallctage ate. Fol 5 1 seome of one of the most liberty-loving races a q i oes im as ies In DRESS GOODS In GROCERIES Special Sale of : nif tome of them are poor in pocket, they We lead, as we carry an im- We lead. DON'T THROW GOOD DINNERWARE Lame deyice | ree ONEY AWAY on poor Groceries not somuch worse off t mense stock. mM Pp iis week only, CALL IN ‘of many who stand high i when you ‘can buy fresh, pure e In FURS high-grade goods of us at the ani cand shill,” For my part, my opinion is clear, The same, the largest stock } S¢™° prices you pay for in- | Special Sale of he more we get of beth Gulicians and Doukhcbore and theiclike the better for Wetee a nad? Seep ee in Milverton. New eiipigent of TrerioPa New. Se: GLASSWARE. 2 lected Raisins, 3 Ibs for 25e. ae 4 BROKEN DOWN MAN. . # Ready-to-Wear Clothing: | New Carrants to hand, recleaned, 3 | obi : ‘Stomach hegctin Re aang Gone Wrong We lead. Special Bargains Tbs. for 25: lew shipment of Nerves Shattered—iut South Ai = ye tae cae = i Socios unas they Mon socnee hrokes s in Flannettes, Underwear,Grey agi oor Faia tee, OF Blinds, ale a Wasothe system is all ran down nature | Be Cottons, Ladies’ and Gents’ | 69 duz. of new “Clover Leaf? | Cleums, Carpe ti st back fs Leather Gloves and Mitts. Salmon arrived Saturday — Call and examive. f <a ickens . 30 E = We are headquarters for GRAIN BAGS. ‘rusted verve foros; in =" ap, the aj. | Batter, pce os : q iv di the impacities A Sua elie 4 GROSCH & PFEFFER 30 much ves ee sul ering : i Tack eye : jonnt i, un + wasn peng fore pen eer sd me Potatoce ee fe Butter 16c, Eggs 14c, Dried Apples 5%c, Large Onions 60c. ro Savin hag eget oc Beef, hindquarters gm WANTED :—Northern Spies and Snow Apples. K. again; my pied is Veal oe $00 ‘ a Uigand hearty. Lebiak itthe best medi-! Veal «