THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1899. | *@-Dight_ in committee of ways and rs a age _ Canadian volunteers will march on South African soil to the tune of "The Maple Leaf Forever.” Russian intrigue is rampant in Afghanistan and a rising of th ig hearted en Natives against British rule is hourly |spond to the call of the .chair, The ex! . The last Bfitish resident in |. Cabul has deemed it pradent to’ with- draw though he has large interests in the tountry. Liet-Col. Sam. Hughes, M. P., of Dindsay who probably had more to do with originating the raising of Canadian contingent for the Trans- vaal, than any other man in Canada, has been shut out of any official Position in-the regiment, owing to the Rostile attitude of Major-General Hutton; who threatened to resign if the government insisted on allowing Gol. Hughes to go. Col. Hughes says that the: whole difficulty between him- self andi Goneral Hutton arose from the fact that he sent an offer to raise & contingent in Canada direct to Hon. Jéseph Chamberlain. At the same awe he did so he sent an ie to the I. The fe Scaled bie odter. nt he® received = courteous and complimentary reply from the Secretary of State for she Colonies. The Major-General claims that his action was in accordance with military discipline, in fact, it should a g 01 contempt for superior officers. The olonel, however, maintains that in ® i) writing to Mr. Chamberlain he was a Dr. rd fully within bis rights. _the Minister of Milita, considers that Gol. Hughes is too enthusiastic « soldier to be left at home, and has Re quently given him y to go that he may attach hisnaelel toan Imperial corps. ONLY DID 135 DUTK Sir Wilfrid: Laurier closed his eat ¢ Beals to adians above all, » because it ig a war u baited doubt. es will do their daty, Hetime say one word wore. When our Boys have fee their duty, when the rule of the Queen bias been established cess by showing the example of a popu- question Before us is “Shall $1,000,000 for r the advancement of the im Canada Mr. Ross in speaking in aid of Centary Fund at Cook's Chure, ftoe| ides onto, said : ies‘and. The Milverton Sun | gentlemen, being poe eens I su Presbyterian Church Sapiens has ii f course, you all agree, suppose, reason xe it shoul tude, namely, chat so successful has 8) Been the Presbyterian Church and so thankful bas it felt that we ought to be impelled by asense of gratitude to present the offering of $1,000,000 on the altar of our church for the good- ness of Almighty God to the church during the century. It would be has enabled us to achieve and all the Baptists, and-possibly other churches penury, for there are no ver (sip ) for which the money was asked. Firs 5} came the $400,000 to pay the debts of d,| churches. He asked why a clear deed perhaps “it may become the duty of| ofall the churches should not be _pre- lation who, having had granted < churches. would devote their revenue t them equal rights, have mre united and bappy people.” eae THE NEW. PREMIER The Hon. George William Ross was race achieved, for him his success in life. In 1857. he obtained, by bis own studious efforts, a tnird-class eounty certificate, and devoted himself to teaching. In 1859 he obtained a see schoolgad in 1871 secured siGrat-clast| provincial certificate. The same year he was made Inspector of Pablic 1876 to 1880 he mas member of: the ot leg vealaieaaie ‘upon the im- he ies of broad... culture, among | Ceritral Educational Cor Tn 1872 Mr. Ross was x ctected mem- t Middlesex, and_was returned by ac: chemation in 1874, and again in 1878 and: 1882. Tn 1882 he was appointel Minister home missions, means for the work o work of foreign missionaries, who, British empire than the, ironclad ai apon the work was.a serious master in taiies BORN:, Baztox.—In Elma, on Thnesday, Oct. 261 the wife of Jobn Barton, ofa, Pieced of Education for Nn aud has Higid that portfolio since. 25th, the wife of J. G, Kuepfer, sigiiter. Wanted : Ra aos he we raise | BRADLEY-G4RRETSON CO., ete Now, that isa very big question, but peonts. 2-Ove gems books_are ne otive why this voteshould be passed. 0 that the government will not be voted out. Ithink the vote should pass, and I think he has given us a splendid Be given us a motive that ought to fill BRADLEY-GARRETSON €O , Limited, our hearts with enthusiasm and grati- Braat Agents :_Dreyfu BRADLEY -~ ae, ye Set , Limited,. magoiticene rounding off cf this won | ABCMtS;—“Light of tat eget derfal century. It would look well, would it not—one million for the Pres- byterian Church as a tribute, as an expression of our gratitude for all the way the Master has led us and all he| pRaADKEY-GARRETSON CO, asrrep. good that followed the work of our women ae are pot to proud to in"wer ad ae e money. during the next three months handling derfal “Light of Life.” Bion a “hay sure; soa sake tice Experi- ‘unnecessai Cents up. Four Tacky axpuiacdie oe ‘Prospectus, ms “Hamoas ‘Men aad Great Events of great event of che century. If you have a slow selling book or engaged in of! for making money profit, easy times pew plan, get our offer tford. e Prisoner of RI teiend, Fall" ios of the most remarkable y Tria scandal of the age. Big beok, well illustrated, sells on sight. Snap for canvassers. =2= Stovesand Ranges _Jp Brotford.| The “GRAND iEwEL Best Stoves Made << gi = 9 CANADAS pT STOVE ‘ MILNE CG, Limit HAMILTON, ONTARIO. please us vi our stock. This is is saying a lot, but _we- are ready to prove it. will carry the largest and best. assorted line of Steves and: Ranges fox Wood or Coal ever shown in: this vicinity. the pleasure of showing you, Allow us to give you figures: Imitated, > ona FURNACE for your oldi Never Equalled. g° or new. liouse. Strongest Heaters. Yours anxious to please, sumac * | FINKBEINER BROS.,. Hardware Merchants, NTFORD, ONT. Testament explained and the Lives, of iad Apeorior open Soke es con Tae dorsed by al. clergyinen, Honan, for canwai Agents taking orders from these fourths cally made. IE you want a share in this gold mine, hi ntford. << ~-0. 8, Kerteher’s **| Confectionery urch it wor coming. Feople of Canada as Canadians. at the close of this great eentury generot jowledgments of thanks cere wonderful peosperity of the ne hundred years ae. te are having # century fund and the that have escaped my notice. I think “| Fresh Chocalates,. Bananas, seas >.cities. everywhere; homes, the abode of, peace and prosperity; glad hearts thronging our streets; our granaries overflowing with grain, and Gur people enjoying the. blessings Ry that would notcbe thankful? Nothing would be worthier of a Christian peo. "| ple, nothing would be worthier of a free people than to present—not of our poor Canada, but of. our. dtssdaams Sea paltry sam of one million dollars. Mr. Ross then reviewed the ee aby verses of earsadinns “Oli aaa "Then. Dr. Worden wanted $600,000 | = eh. | lines. our own. charch in our own land. While paying a high tribute to the he said, had beon.a {greater power in the nd the embattled batvalions, he enlarged fthe missionaries in the Northwest, particularly. in us 01 utaff from home influences, and that ny cases, andit the church-neglected. these in- ences, which these men were pr tically entitled, it would bea great offense. Mr. Ross urged with special force the oe of the part of the fon voved to,the maintenance Is the Place to buy your and Fruits Becausewe lead inthat line. We have a very fine assortment arriving this week; which will be opened for your inspection. «Creams, Oranges, © Bon Bons. Lemons. ,. sorted: line o! We will open up some very fine Lines of 3 : Chinaware AN EYE-OPENER. and Tobaccoes A Cali Solicited. SICH—Red Flag and White Front. Boots and Shoes HAVE, ADVANCED 10 PER CENT. We have purchased all our — FALL AND WINTER. GOODS AT QLD PRICES and will self them at Old Prices. Now is the time to buy your Fall and Winter supply. Just; Received. a New. Lot of TRUNKS and VALISES. MILVERTON. P. S.—All Kinds ef FarmProduce Taken. Now than we also carry an as- f *| Fancy Goods and Toys Remnants! Remnants This week. Prices ranging from 5e. up. OUR 10c. TABLE WILL BE In PIPES, GICARS, We are headquarters as we carry a full assortment. in all Tnrurlee tg clear out all Rem- nants, we have decided to clear . them out regardless of’: cost. Remnantssin Flanets, Shirting - Dress Goeds, Linings,. Prints, Tweeds,Cottons and Ginghams. . LOTH & GUENTHER MILVERTON. “It Shines For All.” Vol VIII—No 40 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1899 Western Advertiser LONDON. Brightest Weekly in the West. Latest general Cable News, Bright, short and continued stories, A clean family Newspaper—twelve and teen pages. aixt 75 Cents Per Year. (SEE CLUBBING LIST.) 2 fio louie al existed epee le strength. and 7 Thursday Brees sa 7290 Pm, nevi Daily Advertiser GREAT CLUBBING OFF! “DAILY ADVERTISER” -“MILVERTON SUN” “ONE YEAR EACH, FOR $2.60 Se SE. Either an sire local paper, or ad- ress ord ADVERTISER PRINTING 00., LONDON, ONT. ter as a mem! the same sabi fis A Good Fitting and Up-to-date tered on. pag trea the credit of (cs cearying rincipally due "4 While Dillion and Dayitt and Redmond he i At Close Prices, or anything A CONFEDERATION. FATHER GONE | “‘Mr. Hardy was his (ate. Walser) friend, and be was glad to say’ it has lost another of her most il- eee whose geni a Although a oe life, le worth | deatl an we a Mitehell ee bore at Newcustle, N. exceed: fiom het B.. June 4, 1824. rapist 2 of Ms . Hi ier was ill-health. munity to “pat bao the clock, Scottish nationality, had settled on Ir. Whitney reac pe’ ger in Referrin, to Majube Hill, Lord Rose! ae the in, is beara ever action was by f that Stange ‘Hardy, Aapositin the membe: elegiatare ‘ hel and ae ive. mem- | °¥e8Y ex-astrophe and disasier that may idwhe thal overtake our a ee peed ft know aye ing. ely tS be Btn Known the i a ot New pe his heal result of long years of Publi tite pure they wou dd all agree in with cho he world Mattvery frontier should Haske —_-+-__ “THE IRDH AT DUNDER MILL Mitchell Parliament were shri asa “hi ernment being fo forme after in GENTS’ FURNISH- Mr. Mitchell was made Minis carat erie | J. BURTON, = aia yi ow tcc te for his English hve pitched a tent or fought « # nae en ‘we shij reat, Britain 28, ly and Spas and Shea. pits pes itis ee “Well, here is to good honest fighting| , it, Custles Tupper at Halifax told SEbL vain Gx year we shipped 45,450| ,, blood ©” a rather good story gilcstenting the ewt., and for the same period this year,| Said Kelly and Burke and Shea, position, as he sees it, of the Dominion 117,850 owt, ‘These figures show a large| This was the refrain that rape out from | Government, For ‘the eight mouths ending with Angas Py the sinking of the Maine, onWWerre all ee me fates oe Scientific American, ia NN #2" Coser Nai New Yo = New York | “Yo Dae gsi 655 oan or ‘the: Set eign fe reio the Maine’ and. Pat eorry off that platform.” “No, Tilstay where 4 t. Ta mnths of tl 767,011 pepe ai retro cal ae Uap ar ope ee ea Ring i{Plied the passenger. “But over the exports of a year ugo, but a ity ‘you want to know how the. Iris ou shall not. Don’t you know that w h letable reduction, as sompared with thoss| on’ their title of “The Fighting ive Spee to get in on not to vane C. S. Kerteher, FIRST PRIZE BREAD. Bread. tor our reputatio “GB es 01 Sr Kacpters of | a LV. WEITZBL, te The Bakers. Competant judges at the Stratford County Baie awarded us 1st Prize for We do not have to depend vpon the intelligence of a sou shaw judge The vast number of people why eat ther “FIT REFORM Tailar Shop. The. Wholesale and Readymade Tailor has been badly outdone in years by the progress made in scientific tailoring. The readymade tailor is at a disadvantage from the start because he has to. make a general fit. and consequent}y his cloth and trimmings cost him more _ than the merchant tailor. : If you want a Suit or Overcoat ina hurry, or if. you wish to save money . when buying your Fall Suit or Overcoat we would like you to examine our stock. We have a large stock of all grades to choose from and feel_ confident that we can suit yon as well, if not better, than any other store in this line. Our goods are carefully bought, well made and trimmed, and cut according to Z the latest New York fashion plates. Order Your OVERCOAT Now — while, you have a cheige of the finest Tines. E. KNECHTEL, en for Which the. Sgares “are available, | 04 Sgbting that le th ‘r_|, Some little time ago a Scotch sett ade 1008, dg tesistible in love and war the worl over. in Australia was arrested for stealing yng and of this we shipped 170,986,368 ae Aes fighting races don’t die out a set of bagpipes from a musically- pounds. out of a total of $28,647,857. pprefay iri he ‘ of butter to Great Britain ie oe Sear pean Said Burke ;” then Ke ily eid ie foube Jeame on for hearing his defence w: rons, 1 saw Hebane ‘Tahiles _savertiscd tm our ‘ ranged in one big hi eld esa ce gee show us that, while in cheese | Gur ities, sab Pocns ak, idna tak’ the pipes, but I hold I was il, in the case of butter, room tor almost Will stretch three deep that day pairfitly justfyit in rescuin’ the nation- x 's mB tivfidd 1 iin tthe | eco Jou doubtless: ha vt 8 ae ots bres tee you, bixhest benedt Saas Re * from eam “ RA ANS ear Sf oe ao a. a! ard 2 & | cines a z i w 2 ° And perce Of the cheese factory “ees not Dublin boys as they ran the race with: the | Scotchmen ores will fully sym- VO Vet eee The aisles fiend | ro n “si ‘ME. WHITSEY'S TRIBUTE TOME, HARDY. The Study of ae sculptor, had the Duke of Hon. A. 8. Hard; ted the ” ellington sitting fora statue, he ofies ot ap ince fhe | wears ‘eng aa Pagrerbeties to look warlike. al ie Hall, at were Year. At the age of @2 Mr ny ears Tess at Ree oBindy fie jo tea ed for Wellington aed, ings by th ic service, in pee rede Small Communit > in ihe aashef aber! is face, never to have heard of Water- man, and no one will begrudge him «| individucl, pe Jour sre ke or Talavera. At last Sir!John lost B brilliant prof dices on ig tins, Coreen in| were doing b Bandy, sacrificed ili . * may. in| Were doing before, say, the Battl epi tgonir the Laila leader of tur. lernsome rom the succenees or |Salamanca? Were ade sallooine 2 you loping tion than leader of any government in this| diftdent ce the bewinning ; there is methiee | BbOUt the field cheering on- your men action’ native i there is es fe po ye be step 4 effort. Any | “if you really want to he 6 aie ie down from the core fublet of wading, worthy i tel = ‘di LA rie meas T e first, Domini Gor: a by a neck. piles with repens rai ry. ads Bethe shall make us ri but true.” ty Justiumental Hn trraniag wired tne Hallas 6 e frotind between the | self shall remain ited i e ion, by which the United Ms eee reese ie SHORT STORIES RETOLD. not to count the cost. On f whey gest without & pause, and before Someo cased Archbishop P Langley the 20 rs knew whi of Et they were fein fr their Bea Pees gland ee Wherever the difficult to say what it is, Here, how- battle the Irish have been their iscain, 1g | Cvers is an instance of what it is not: orders, leading forlorn hopes, dying in th Only this morning a clergyman ji tence and enrying the Uso Jack a a apie wens 10 ie, fla ooaslderesien SERGE ME? ease m pee wee if erect yr xt biatt ur grace’s many infirmities and ESE UTTLR. Egraibuei Waterloo to taling powers.’ That was not tact- ring the. eight months ending Ay And st Still there’s enough for a corps or crew, | £al ! 0 Great Britain 803,269]. that dead man's list” said the immortal | "°° Standing on the platform when of cheese, forthe fet eight montka of | te aud thea they drank * i J ‘ou must get. read Kipling’s (Sergeant a st ar the whole of 1897, the Zlast complete | abe epitome of the fove and wit of womes Ld have mad in ni ee supplied $16,300,905, hey seldom ae ie in bed, minded Chinaman. te when the case irish ach ready and fluent. “I’m in’,” reat Britain from all countries valued at| ‘The rie with ithe he awn. gel ‘paena said, facing the court pet aaeg? le ut reached our fit, there p that da batter, oom for most ‘Brota ied ta Golden Gidea | eenstrument o’ my ain country frae Stavme ‘of tue tae | "Well, here's thank God fir the race and | like see’ ach sa] sal Ew nd She hair like the tail of an auld soo, tn wen John F. Fiderty's pro-Boer an weelin’ eneuch tae ot only is the i for | saxon ‘blood ‘will tingle’ when hema a | but Tin dashed dit TH gis abd tee ck ‘ Be : nie. iccan a jahndiced-faced i ie tas epportnitios fo Pride ite |and Burke and Shea” and the ret of thy birkie to deeorate et soe gamtons aol deat up the bullet-swept | pathize with his fee! Patience. “As Tam going * to make toxhow. It is| really difficult, There is nd | can be of use for the was.on the nit Sslama =P ripe ieieertia is, however, possible to get together groups Ehex hoi crawling along a ditch on it him Hite) 3 my ease able ie, “Bul if] oat on than oer plies atret fe eae ‘another iis aes tee Searle Aylin : se ities Yams di = com cine Mr. Whitaey, the | souree of -nach and continous piocasre so Judge to egsire into te Wet Eigio ion in he i active of thought and study amet five [essen frands Proceedings will Petar eerie tey | of defective power of utterance, « winnower | Ken against all persons persons reported for eae ce of at, of harsh accent or ultra-|Corrupt practices at other election mannerism, ; AES en og