OSE a EE ' § i Fels of Mr. vals wal Patrick, spent Sunday with. friends near The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1899. The Boers are stubborn but gallant foes. i ‘The Boers may* know all: about a teek but the British can show them a trick, It would be interesting to see the |Ji™ Japs take a round ont of Adam-Zad| Ada Near, Geo. the Boar. The war may linger yet for months } Ham but the great battles will all have been fpught before Christmas. The cause of the stampede of ethe mules that brought about General White's disaster is accounted f the fact that they came from Kansas where they always turn the Kicking end to the enemy. _ [the British war office A new. and powerful engine on| >! weapon.of war has.been recently in- troduced: by. the British in the form of | Sde lyddite. The secret of its composition. thing like th is Known.only to the British authori- | ° ties. Th is, however, a most powerful destructiye- agent being a hundred times more deadly than dynamite. Its explosive properties are simply tremendous carrying destruction in its wake on eyery hand. It was first used in the Soudan war when one shell destroyed three hundred Dervishes, It has been taken to South Africa but nee e in her Louisa Sanders, Ath Barrie Be det alfe red Broughton: ton, Tommie McCarthy, ¥ Trae Goforth ‘Aiinie Holmes. Beatrice class— Ei ar ge a ar iy yy the Ps Teroey had well Sabet te “ne ne: They = taken do larton Corners Theta lowing i the standing. of the paxil in the Monkioe Public Schoo for October. Snptige prim pres jarablig School Lea : Nellie Mereylel,| fesse Hogaings Ralph Boerson. “Sr. 48 sem ry rie t 5 age Rake Tadeo Taxaa Teed ilaon, ‘Dan MeCarehy. Winteringham, | al Aes ‘Reillor ae sciea Bannerman y equal, Mary” Wintering- tan Pacive Rivet Petel Merryfeld and Wanted Pony Kahry equal Phe Cae ceeee rage attel BRITISH STRONG ON LAND, ‘The rapid and effective mobilization of: Boe the Bete Hh army now § England's mil peer ges not matali ied stead bas staat? ‘All Europe is astounded at the energy of will not bs called into requisition un-| 974 Yess circumstances urgently demand it. Tf it is used once-the Boers will not be desirous of having the dose repeated.’ Tyee : oi Some people in Canada imagine that | 3 poor old Britain is one her last legs: and that her honor ean only be saved | Witch consists of 7 and the Empire defended from the} total British inroads of a foreign foe by sending ont, ctivenets to the traiue ais $2,039 ssn Souimlasivined 32, -| Agents;— bight of Life.” The N ni men, briny the 259, ex- Lard Chashes Beresford pointe outs another Canadian contingent. The} snother bulwark of the Betee Empi ‘i - ic of the colowial militia. ‘The ide nilste ast contingent was sent asa mark 08) 55 giv i hgee: the bere foyalty and accepted as such, but to} manent mi offer another is an insult to the prowess of the fag and will, with firm but courteous refusal, Rex straint is a moee nobler quality, than a com! biatant loyalty which is. not so. ready in asserting itself when the real pinch itain is able to cope. xt present with all visible adversaries as she has plenty of reserve forces within | At ‘@asy command. When she wants an- other Canadian contingent she will no| doubt express her desires in that will be.easily understood. ‘Tem Kui oa Suoday. as Bye. sales billed ” He isa re atta 8. Charles Deneiion visited in Listowel on Saturd no doubt, meet | pos: whi tersap| arm and,J. Goforth were | im ae natineutal powers. theactive militia, and u ia. TBitia nite into three reaching « total of 2 sand rifle clul be ww Soutl ith Wales mber of able- arms in the janada and these the nation ean draw. all the ‘Sphuig material necessary Peter Schmuck, of Surnia, a G.T.R. stantly r kil led in ly severed from his body. il eSiteand tani y. brakesman, formerly of Dees was Sar on Thursday head au iecee complete- [os leaves mon-| Wanted Bright 1 men and pH e osed | BRADLEY-GARRETSON ©0., in pie Agents Aa Vithtistales books! are sure, TS) BRADLEY-GARREISON 00 , Limited ‘ Agents ee the Prisoner of Refase to to Work-—Forign Matters Collect Follows—South American Ratney ane rae ce Six bass A remedy that has that South American Kliney Gore has has had— has met cases of kidney disease victims were at death’s door Sr tanieitben tha remedy compounded for the kidney’s sone —a liquid specifie—a testi- Gady piled on: testlaony given er sensi those who bave The “GRAND JEWEL” Stoves are the y of wonderful merit. der, fe. pre- eps Bald bs James Torrai War is an abomination. oe tha we suffer today through defeat, the others will suffer when we mide over a victory. t_Farmers’ sons or other in- dastrions persons 0 ednextion to whom @ month would be ducement. T coal es at their own homes. H. LINSUOTT, Brantford. women apnea to proud to work and would ike to make some moaoy -dariog/ the Often Imitated, wotee Equalled. Leet St 2 Cookers, Strongest Heaters. Pett Gonget, Gar Least Fuck, This is is. saying a lot, but we are ready to prove it. will carry the largest and best. assorted line o} Ranges for Wood or Coal ever- shown in this wey: please us very m the: pleasure of eae you our stock, Allow us to:give you figures ona FURNACE for your old or new. house. Yours anxious to please, Stoves and It will to: have We: me punts nixar=« @ FINKBEINER BROS.,, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. lardware Merchants. next three months tandling the rer Gerful “Light of Life.” $800 a Site's sme miss’ (ice, tha’ cpart or capital unnecessary. Limited, rentford. ready. From Fifty €ents a: “Roar Sooke explained in 0 f a and’ Great tents sand ~ Nations, eve tury. Hf-you have a slow selling beok or engeged-in other agency business. you Inse money to con- tinne. Here is the best opportunity for making: money yon ever had. Hig profit, easy me new plan, get our offer Brantford. Devil’s Ish Seuarkagle ‘Military’ Trial °a Big book, well illustrated, sells Snap for caavassers. *| BRADLEY GARRETSON CO., Limited, ‘TPORD, ONT. Ee ew ‘estament. explained and the Lives of the Apostles =. two s in one. En- dorsed by all clergymen. ote ae orders from ae made. thaw Whee mine, BRADLEY-GA SRRETSON CO. Laren: autford, Boots and Shoes HAVE ADVANCED 10 PER: CENT. We have purchased all our. FALL. AND WINTER GOODS AT OLD PRICES and willisell them at Old Prices. | Just Received a New Lot of TRUNKS and VALISES. Now is the time to; buy your Fall and Winter supply. P. S:— AN Kinds of Farm Produce Taken. = C. 8. Kerteher's Is the Place to buy your Confectionery and Fruits Why 2 Becausewe lead inthat line. We have a very fine assortment arriving this week, which will be opened for your inspection. Finley ied et belies ‘Kinkora Mr. Alex Chalmers left for ies on jonday moi resume . his cheese inspector. Mr. ne & cement rel was in the up the surplus je Price for egg silage Monday ‘eges for D. ig good but, ae his i. Robert paces ie igbell was in turkeys, “rosea, Mr. pai and men; at" present reaping hay for ce es Hey Hier 14th ey are paying $5.50 Sent ae bay. and in this gers ‘they will Me “and Mrs. John Greenwood, Logan, visited the latter's ees arr inthe village tomake butter which does much help. jessrs. Thomas Dalling =n Andrew trouble with their, fully solicited to make Prof Almond a THE EYES THE NOBLEST OF THE SPECIAL SENSES. Prof: E. Almond MA. EXPERT REFRAGTIONIST. TORONTO. MILYV: n| (Late-.af London, England,) Is now. staying at Dr. Egbert’s ERTON, and will visit Milverton month- bateh-|ly for the purpose of making a scientific examination of all classes. of -Defecti FREE. OF CHARGE. e Vision, Ladies or Gentlemen having any Eyes, are call, and-bave there eyes.inade perfect Constant Head: by Defeevive Vision. hardware siss| Consultation, F bes Cuee: g fe hes ii is. often caused Fresh Chacalates, Bananas, Creams, Oranges, Ben: Bons. — Lemons. Now than we also carry ansas- sorted line of Fancy Goods and Toys We will open up some very fine Lines of: Chinaware . This week. Prices ranging from Se. up. OUR 190. TABLE: WIEL BE AN EYE-OPENER. In PIPES, GIGARS,; and Tobaccoes. We are headquarters. as3,we carry a full assortment ig, all /J.G. GROSCH & SON . MILVERTON. Remnants! Remnants ! In order to clear out all Rem- nants, we have décided to clear them out regardless. of cost. Remnants in Flanets, Shirting Dress Goods, Linings, Prints, - Tweeds,Cottons and Ginghams. LOTH & GUENTHER. RiILVERTON. FIT REFORM Tailor Shop ‘The Wholesale and Readymade Tailor has been badly outdone i in recent.” years by the progress made in scienvitic tailoring. The readymade tailor is at a Sead Mas from the start because he has~ to makea general fit and cousequently bis cloth and trimmings cost = hiore than the merchant tailor. If you want a Suit or Overcontin a hurry, or if you wish to save money when buying your Fall Suit or Overcoat we would like you to exumine our... stock. We have a large stock of all grades to choose from and feel con nfident.. . that we ean suit you as well, if not better, than any othe store in this line. Our goods are carefully bonght, well made and trimmed, the latest New York fashion plates. Order Your OVERCOAT Now while son have a choice of ths. sca lines and ent necordi iS “It Shines For All.” nN Supplement. ° Vol VIII—No 41 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €O., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, {899 MALCOLM MacBETH Editor and Publisher Western Advertiser LONDON. CUURCH DIRECTORY. Brightest Weekly in the West. Reliable Market Reports, All the Home News. Latest general Cable News. Bright, short and continued stories. ‘A clean family Newspaper—twelve and sixteen pages. 75 Cents Per Year.|: (SEE CLUBBING LIST.) Daily Advertiser GREAT CLUBBING OFFER. “DAILY ADVERTISER” AND “MILVERTON SUN” ONE YEAR EACH, FOR $2.00 Either call on your local paper, or ad- ress orders ADVERTISER PRINTING 00., LONDON, ONT. League, Friday evenings a at "Bock Ser- vice at Millbank at 2:45 p. Ww. Service at Elma at David ro) mnen—Rey. Wm. Blunck Sabbath Service at 2. pm A, pastor. aallngnonst Cnexen Rev. T, J, Snow- i a v. » B.A, eek Divine wor- Anderson, mn. A. meets YOU WANT A Good Fitting and Up-to- fdate putt of Clothes The Hamilton Twice-a-Week All the merits of a Daily at the price of a Weekly ONE DOLLAR ily newspaper inal that the Two Large 8-Page i ; At Close Prices, or anything in GENTS’ FURNISH- INGS go to J. BURTON, THE TAILOR Next door to Postoffice. MILVERTON. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Tere Marks: DEsicns Aint! atid &c. ovning shld det Sry genes ta 4 Tateas aligns charge, tat Pee The Great "Scientific American, hak oy ely illustrated we Family Journal) | S22csncmutes Sesek A YEAR y HNN & Coser lew York have used Bij rat that I can siertuly reso a yan oth testimonial £ ‘amount of, 008, which I belle by Ripans Tabules induces me t ‘estimonials $0u, 0% as, ay: Sud now takes the out them. ‘The hearibum and slesplesicss lave iucappaared. with the fadiesetion formerly so gresta burden for her. Cole this tales roca ecpenaly fte ‘By mother Js fifty years of age. an F iG * a : e wl iF w ei B |icine:' Curcs. the} Me aed i ole > |, common ‘ever y-day je tus tie toostinsl, sj, iil of humani ie) a w tues 7 My coven-year olf boy és suftered a vA x his bead, constipation o fra complainol of Lis Somach. Ho could tit eat like etildren of Bis ago do and what @id eat did not agree with Lim, He wan ebia of spans Tabules not my youngster Dowels sre tn, {tribute to Hipans Tabulea. sonderfet 3 change at feats hearty meals, an impossiiity before she Jook Ripans Tabales, Tox H. BLAUKES. se credis-t0 old age) If taken accurding to direc- the cr age) ont. foci Ayooest catona Ga) tae ean be hd by mall © ‘One Sy mnie ‘forty-eight conte to the Riraxa ed aoe Uy WAR DECLARED e AGAINST HICH PRICES =r" IN JEWELRY Having purchased a very largestockof WATCHES CLOCKS, RINGS and SILVERWARE at such| Wi unheard of prices, that we will sell so low as to as- tonish everybody. Call and be Convinced that what we say is correct. The Jeweler, Next Door to Postorrice. P. S.—Wateh repairing our Speciality. THE NAMES OF THE DEAD. Were Irish ; they said we'd not fight For the Queen. Was that ri repre Nebel op = pagar ite, Go lack kt tho eailibsoF tu Hast Well pray for the names of the, honored We'll den ‘te the Empire their dying has Piereieherberthastendorff... Joe wat oo ne apace has stai Tes their land and ourland tho dying} hap gaine Go pray for the souls of the dead, —W, A. Fraser, Having Built work, shortest notice. with us if you are building, Wiederhold = & Honderich |=: MILVERTON. ‘the A new and commodious shop we are now prepared to do all ie Bigcas of contracting and order. te Yor! 4 lai Work can be got out on the}nor cc) Call and leave your order|Bi## Discriminating Against Ourselves, jeans Sun.) rd Beacon publishes ‘a most rom Mr. James Pringle oie Stratt instructive letter fr lo to New York, Strat ford tw Buffalo, a distance of ouly 117 miles, was fixed at 10 dents per hundred poun Mr. Pringle’ points out, that this dis- crimination against Canadiay shippers and Sanadiau grain is by’the managers of two railroads that have been built with our ie smaen rete ok fue amor ahinadon the price of wheat at Stratford—and th pay interest on the moneys wit ail built. Our politicians at Ottawa n- FIRST PRIZE BREA ° I have been in business four years and never took secon prize for bread: WHY ? Because | make the best. my competitors realize it. A the First Prize Baker call at your house. G. GUENTHER The public knows this now, | ocea is ony prating about the raya they are de- veloping the country by v tonew dies of pan complish far more forthe country if they would secure for ae farmers and shippers just rates over s! ‘we now. have, in- stead uz money in building more. A good Baas of backbone em deal- Fiebed by the liner niches t the orked positive injury to the Canadian er. he JINGO HYPOCRISY. (Goldwin Smith.) FIRST PRIZE BREAD Competant judges at the Stratford County Fair awarded us Ist Prize for Bread. tor our reputation. ‘The vast ime of people who eat ead in preference to aa, o1 se are th dict as_ the judges at Satter Baie did—Corre V. WEITZEL, The Baker. it “We do not have to depend upon the | br intelligence of a country show judge | civil a President McKinley, on his electioneering tourcontinues to expound the de of Proyidence, which seenis to have shown re- markable and ereditable acatences i idence has not, even Manila, force, fools they certainly are. the lat w: Britons ! We're true to the flag! abs *| Robertson will be up to | give the requirements of the British | men look too small.” ' Tt w: on? jin the House of Commons. {and West Elgi the instinct which leads these poor peopl st injustice with thelr shined ubbed. rebels,” T which the most taiquitogs at war ‘or the heroes who cl non parties fied — always enjoys. Fainful and embarrassing Go ask for the names of the dead. in the highest degree is the situation of a Gan beathars act dined th the teas citizen who believes that his Govern- Ena oe ete: ‘all | ment ing an unjust war. Painful and Who died thatthe whole world might kaiow | restorer Se Both ona: rou e That fee! ry blood the Empire would |7\ 7 who in 181 rded as: unjust the Gosek dec bis cua ese ene var which the Government of the United States at the instigation of Clay and the We've drunk to the Queen—God bless her !] jingoes of that day was making on Englai We'ye fought Spltht tiie Bees who Oarest Canada, The good citizen will pay his hei taxes, faithfully perform any duties When Bghting was on did one of us lag? fain from thwarting in any way the the names of U ealiey operations of his Government. But i he is e te of Beg wea pee ei Lina! Barty to belin ie own eonvietions of to stifle the v nis mscience, Ifhe were Whe se fe a the Mi be ‘rooms in the) ihe world might be given up to the powers Wehaye ‘wrongs! Wwe are poor—Goa knows 1| &f ¥iolence and rapin we'll wait Tie Freniiere, sot qraitorn, well fight Poultry Industry The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture intend to make the poultry exhi- ae at the Fat Stock Show one of the ortant features. In a circular ht out the department says:—Breed- ing poultry is a profitable undertaking, but itis clear that the: farmers of Canada yearly lose thousands of dol- lars through reduced profits by a want of knowledge on how best to feed, the requirements of different breeds, the sgvanvanes of Sattenia, and the mar- keting ataseason when prices ‘high. cuseed by experts, lectures being ee each day at the show. Professor from one noe where Ontario shippers have been unuble to warket. TExperts under his. direction secure ci se railroads were using| will ki : m for through shipments of grain from will kill, pluck» and dress. poultry, United’ States paints to th yard. | Prior. to which will be illustrated the ‘Owing to this shortage of cars, business has |method of cramming, adopted in m greatly hampered, sales have been res] Burope, 3 stricted, and serious losses incurr iin dartherspolnts jul thas afbile “the a export rate on grain from Chi New| — Pye py SHORT STORIES RETOLD. One of the departments of the On- tario Government bought.an expensive camera for use in duty in the new north. Its purpose was to make pio- tures of new settlements, mines, ete., ’ |and generally in the foreground some Government officials stand ease. But the camera was returned with the statement that it would not do, § makers insisted On knowing the reason and were informed that “it. made .the asthen ex- plained by the camera nakers that the 0, would give, them an apy an appearance of ie Physiol hogeness that_would delight hei Dis sraeli, it is said, laughed only once tone peptee Gee the independence of these people, and the only thing left would be the r+ morse “which would be painted with admirable eloquence by the rhetorician f the day.” rhetorician of the day,” was intended y [for himself. fdigoatiog, and Di Ni a a sais cunile That told uf his en) Pride is a woman’s salvation and a man’s damnation. The Lease Nova Scotia were sold at as in auction on* pt-| Thursday by the, tiguidacon, Mt rt. HS. | Holt bagi the purchaser, for the som in | of $153,0 00 cash, The byeelections in South Ontario present mo upon the same Lincoln county Liberals met in con- vention on Thursday and haben . A. C. Lancaster, barrister | Catharines, as their condidele is ie ~ | Dominion Parliament. A pee B.C. Britain of the world ie morality, there may be wisdom deeper than that of politicians in foreign interference that bebe elsewhere, are . All these So) will be dis- sh