me ras NS THREE QUESTIONS. Meart, proud heart, what will you de in the spring of life? “Ei toy fa Se dey’ of Mri. Oe epee trifle, J will walk in the pride of youth by the light ‘of mine eyes, And nry life I'll prize.” heart, what will you do tf the Is cold en nae) ‘i in the land of death, where it To help you more? “T shall weep, bas forget my pain When we meet again!" Heart, , one question more—what §f the heart you loved to another turned, for- getting you? “I ehoald creep away—it he were happy, for his dear sake, And St. Paul's. THE MAD GODS. Mana Bai those who stopped to proffer assistance the best run of the People shook their heads and remark- ed that men from the grass coun- ties who will try to fly the Essex fences can only expect broken necks as a mat- ter of course. A fence that begins with a small ditch anda soft’ take off, con- tinues with a big built up bank crown- ed by a stout staked hazel hedge and is concluded by a nine foot drop into chasm people do know. So Percy went home on. @ hurdle—all of him that the startled soul left behind when it set forth on ita separate journey tem, the bottom of that sities ditch, ani ing- iys later, rar in her widow's sodden, gray eyes that looked and saw not. She had been a prisoner and now the shackles had fallen, and behold, she was eres be ars before the heavy Essex clay fell sas and solemnly upon ‘her a Sigel ons tp tha ‘women do not love their husbands. ington was a - Mary an, with a little too ats Se ite watt, Bie aay id fashioned ‘nut Ledeen ated Sea twenty, nd she had nevar been sincerely beppy er Life. ful to be glad when he dies, but es = man’s person has ee ier between oneself an pirithe nite i beainfel to sea a tat ‘s removing, then sin such joicing must be, and sheve’s at endl ot she bad pesicled tee Sree Tomes: 0 been anght gray to her. She sang about the biz. empty house, she laughed whenever ehe cought her tee at the end of six months she book- her passage in the Kandahar to go sit to him. She said goodby to all She smiled vaguely and wee slightly stiff aia her friends atyr uae at pape and pereat “indecent haste Seplayed, Sie! body was hardly cold in the ing to circumstances remembers. ee is the worst and of the w She bad spent pal -twenty years in citing beside os ye And im sight, ina distant cloud of glory, and she straightway arose to it, with- out any mock modest delay. What did it matter? pele was going awsy from bo = for g ele = sailed she recsived as to its ultimate intention. a mistake, it is apt to be spiteful. It lies low and pee its -opportnnity—the opportunity f bringing its victim ,to grief—and ‘hen ai Coie the load fered torture for that one week. At the end of it itely the face dead hus- pee lAl be waiting for her. The was taken on That was the detail w lich arorsdiler salvation. A first to India costs money. It Net be a a to waste it. again was the woman <cpractical throsgh the eget eelbohoee) appalling ealamity, the loss of every- thing she valued’ So. the ‘Sandahar sailed at the end of the week. and the lauie of Mra, Perey Charrington figared its and makes are Stan castiay apenas amend to her. es eee man in her id lin! life crossed her pat nian wih novos Bena the Kandah on the voyage out. He féll in love with her at ice—love that came torun o1 a neck and neck race with pity. ec Goring, and he speech, and told her tat be loved ber an meant to marry he Bis incited te merged ennai than was decorous or suitable when be he told her this, but he understood. Then she grew quieter and gave him the his- tory of three yeais simply and tru ea “quite without hope, and I than good, but Tam an o ola woman. haye got through the best of my life. I Een Wats ype Coctinyiea 10, “Oh, yes, you can,” said Edgar Gor ae said, giving in p, nerveless Disp chy eoaietger derslinatins watery little smile. He Kiswed tke hand. and then he Klee «rt take tne risk.” ho anid. “TI mean you forget. yws upon her a fail a fall- er knowledge of what that love can be 3 her, si ght water Mrs. Witcherly—They say Mra. Dick- son has recently become very economio- al. Mrs. Larrison—Yes; she’s Scien 4 it to an Goa it seems to me. bear that she’s cre, inno gt ber husband to Jet his whiskers grow fo save laundry Billa — New ork World. I would like. = Bes excused from havior: my hair cut thi es -—How long. ere you got to do "Con Five years. But_you see I write prison paper, and all poets. wear Se hair, and— Shall what transpired be mentioned? HEAT HUNGER, Tdream f have you he’ tonight, eset ed eters "3 to mg seth Wasre,T would kas the tes 65 to soa Say wate near Mes my Hold fact 5 oe wiling hans seein ek Of fading = while 300 Ye sere nates es d enessed Ra hoped sind een or tn tn wild sols 1 wake to-sey the cold sky overhead. e pale star blink warmly through the in New York Home Jou: ~A STOLEN KISS. ‘My dear Leslie,’ said Sir Henry Seymour to his ward, “‘I do wish yor would try to bea little less fast. Evers one is talking about you, and it painful to me. “My dear guardy,”’ said the youu? mention some of my sins and I will tr: to reform. “Well,” said Sir Henry, “‘to begin with, you are much too fond of using ak ang exp ressions; I am sure you do not any harm, dear, but it dees uo: Git well wistt som wna yeceat re Indylike manner, like those nice ule gine Colonel Bond's daughters we you, Leslie, men do not car Filan ails tuwevamneiaueasy flirt with them, and'I confess I shoulc like to see you well married.”” “Now, my dear Sir Henry," said Les lie coaxingly, “ “tll me, did you ever ing the least weeny “Certainly not, my dear child.’” “Then let me tell you those nice quiet, Indglike girls you admire sc ings that would make your ‘on could only ont them whenever I can. A. arrying_—seally, All the yoxng men w are such muffs or prigs I detest the hole foe What is my next crim smoke cigarettes. Leslie,”* sai her fenrdian Beals Lan’ told youl were actually seen with one betwoon rose! = oat of doors the ather night.’ ung down her head a little, ysis seid, with 6 alight Bina “T cannot deny I tried on indeed it was so nasty feel so il that I aseure you I am’ not Ukaly to-do it lad to Hear 2 60 zona think all young men moffs oF prigs? I hope to {ope prio aonwers Coptain Murray who gained the Victoria cross for de, fending that fort so gallantly in fal last campaign’ course I remem all about him. Why?” “Hie is coming home, and being the son of an old friend be bas promised to pay me a Visit, and expect him sbortly.”” “How delightful! I ehall like to meet a real hero. I hope he is hand- some.’” “Douglas Murray was» a very good looking Jad, but you will not suit him, young lady. ‘He abhors ‘fast girls’ and ig very fastidious. “Well, I shall survive his disappro- bation, I dare ey. Amy will suit him to a T, she is such a demuro little se.” And Mies Lindsay took her- in Murray arrived. ie Lindsay was disappointed. worst colors, und when Sit Henry asked ber whather she thought Captain Mur- may 8 pig oF muff she declared he bites we hot day in July Leslie and Sir Seym ‘vance, suddenly drew back and pointed inside. Amy peeped in. fain — fast asleep in an near the window. "What a chence, Amy, for me to wina gloves You surely thing.’* “Who's afraid?’ said Leslie. ‘Be: sides, he is really fast asleep and will never know, and the temptation is too Consit hero the pped kiss as light tor a\puf? Of thiatlodown spon ‘ie uftoy- at foreli s the sound of the girl’s a riba died away, Douglas’ Murray opened his eyesand, to. eal “J suppose that is considered a fast irl) 1 must confess I like her, and be- i manly, That fast manner is all humbug. Im Tai Cay she bone to open it quite ancon- pig nie Amy remarked: “It ia "jast gn shape ay a glove box.” Leslie. started and looked jelly across the table at Captain Murray, who was, however, going on with nis breakfast. She took off the paper wrapper and @iscovered a Rg aay Ore erga i as che lifted the cover—and, 5 ie Jay sovaral pais of dainty ia Sates of aint ois ony noticed her confusion, not daring to look across the ae the was Piplealtid the cover of the ‘when Captain Murray said very alga “T always pay my debts, Miss Lind. gay; I do ‘not like to feel under an obli- gation.’ Hastily seizing her paroel, Leslie rose, stairs and locked herself into her room, e had a good cry. After a little time sha took a look at wonder how hi knew. And six buttons! And how pkcoa ty they are! He is not quite such a ‘prig,’ after all, but it makes no differ- ence to mere ae islizes me, know, and I wish thon she had another g He yored him. He was in te garden, and Leslie was walking quite Dekersar Beg hie proximity, and they must meet in a moment more. him standing near, sho lifted her sweet blue eyes to his wi wistfu glance. “Miss Lindsay,” said Douglas, “shuke hands with me Tape Iam afraid I took a most unfair nnean of you Bee forgive = and let u frien ade Captain Murray, I do feel so vray ashamed of myself! What must m think of mi veShall I tell aa what I think of you, arling?” as he gently her toward “I think you a dear, sweet, lov- suis girl, and if you can my impertinence. Yon are mnc ar ane; but, indeed," with groat “I call thi sure you,” said he lasehing “T do not care how muny times you repeat the operation” — Leslie has been Mra. Murray some years, but her husband has never regretted he married a fast girl, while i declares she has found from experi- ce “‘all men are not. sither prigs or | tate. Tonded Neve Curbing Emotio: wal lave ail weactin Solo) rth 0 diplomatic a countenance that an earth- quake would hardly Se any cbaane|s ih hia. Imperturbable thon. We are aps to infer that ‘thoes isphialike “persons never feel emotion, whereas they do not ners shel foslings like the generality San have been written about the passiyeness of Disraeli’a expression. ‘A German philosopher once went to lin for the sole purpose of 6 ad searched for in vain, “ike all men,” wrote fe Dain tai ek that is crossed an: the famous biographer. “He formed the idea in youth that it was unmanly sake pay violent dealing af joy oF pts well in repressing he succeeded 80 hie feclinge that when he grew ap be could not ‘is brother and sister died within, ater days of beoame so ill that his life was in jeopar- Coal Burned by Steamships. sting six to seven = mae? I he was gone.” And) S0 ard him.’ She} male a} both sexes. But tl ith] all the other countries of Europe him. ‘Do not remind me of} }, 4); 4 PARADOX OF EMIGRATION. — ‘Am Unexplained Circumstance About Proportion of the Sexes. ‘The publication of articles on the ce PES “Shae f emigray yh has ne: clearly erat and remains bere. fore something an enigma. It is well known that the foreign immigrants rthern many, Russia a ue ee ey SS Pm from the sai mn pretty evenly syset Ropar: the two, sexes. ie emigr tion from yuntries of Europe, on the contrary, Spain , Italy Greece and Pastigal has been ‘chiefly male, and to this fact perhaps more years has been niore largely made up of female than of male emigrants, while tas Italy, on the other hand, the pro- tion for a period of more than frente years is male, 75 ; female, 25. tal number of emigrants to the United Binies from 1845, the first year of large emigration, to 1895 (a period covering half a eaitaess was in excess of 15008 Oa and more than 40 per cent. was female; where: Spanish and Italian at present (the census figures resuming. their own dimensions since the improve- ment of the times), it might be sup- through the emigration of persons of 6 contrary of this is shown by the figures of the Almanach ae oe from which there is very tet female emigration. the number of ‘tants is actually less than Ne male inhabitants—in the ratio of 99 to 100. In Greece the ratio is 90 to 100. In Roumania it is 98 to oe other hand, in Brit Som Sehich the emigration of ear uaa been continuous, they outnumber the men in the proportion of 104 to 100. In itants are women, In Ri ee is ee women to 100 men, in ane eyes Sat es in Benen ats enn i Soluacland 1k women to 100 itan and in Denmark and Austria 108 wom Goduen ta krange wat Relat “the equality of proportion ae sexes is very evenly prese: Tins Han Paiiind Gere prot POW Wonka’ $o 1,000 men, and in Belgium the differ. ence is smaller, there being 1,001 wo- wn to 1,000 men, ea atl os Decals waaitesttion of the same paradox, if it may be so ind in Ra ‘official ports recently published in England of female Ponulac increased the more rapidly. 1870 to 1890 the male Scent was the eae ae = vd male population increased rapidly.- Hs Y. Sun, ‘The Minutest of Shells. Among the Spas tences spe the face of t! been ele- Mee by means e the microscope into position of independence are the fi iminefera, mostly marine atoms inhabiting many chambered cells. At time they we mollusea, Sonbinass the infusoria and eventually they were settled comfortably in the subiingdom Protozoa. calcareous shells ie in the past a tioned fast deposits tink They a8 ota lay ss pe great variety of the loveliest Iilliputian aoe Sassen ‘every variety to the conchologist. said: yournled with too peat Tt would have been better, I think, that you used gentler meth- Hewitt How noe eon Canada] feight and replied: SO ee sro tos eres Great. aan to have eee Topics. _ ‘own eye in one of the many creat mar Nagi ee poor bards huye ever bees pox secuted. “i "i not forget to By bp tb ae ‘vee aud he laughed. ee preachers ae ee Fred. J. » Stratford Collegiate Tostitute, The Milverton Sun The late General Symons it seems has a host of relatives in Canada, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1899. you would have men speak well of you do not speak well of yourself. GENERAL NEWS ‘CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. ‘The British Navy is keenly on the alert at ines 'The Tasmanian government has been econ by a parliamentary ma- jority of two, nt and Essex counties will turn oat about eA menting: pounds of tobacco leaf this y Professor 5c Gea aa Smith and Mis. Smith will spend the winter in Europe. They will sail this week * Thirteen students of the Woodstock College were injured in a row between = rand the city boys on Hallowe'en. a Free Press sug; that Paths “United States of the she pire” seems to be the coming power in the world. The steamer Walkato, which had heen adrift four months with a broken been shaft, has towed into Sydney, Australia. A young son of Mr. John Landreth, of the Provincial Botel, Tavistock, sliced about a thumb while chopping kindling the other day. and 2 pupils on the'roll, and an average daily attendance of 5, 538. The Kingston X News or that as i cee Co will be Pa ; early into the . Rope, formerly of the and 7 . Goonge eblicnee of eounty while returning. from ee uncle's the other evening were attacsed by.a wild cat, and a rather Cae encounter, but finally Sears led in escaping with e. _ out any serious damagi ‘The members of the Scotsman crew, when the vessel was w leased at Mee as there was cast against the The action of a New York. cns- rve in ies and facilities to Sir Louis Davies, member of t nadian Cabinet, on hgh HcecaeMealiic Mew Tonks Ks been taken cognizance of by the authorities. © A. $20,000,000 iron, timber. and transportation soivey is in, progress will be called: the capitalists who organized dated Lake Superior Cuan, Mrs, Swan, of Woodstock, hi ceived paper from Chicago skese ing an account of serious accident Mr. ig lays ago. He was struck by a street car insome way. ie ‘was otherwise injured: e Ontario government slightly over $10,000) i fees forthe 's to new companies d more than the annual receipts a few years ago. The crown lands department, be- cause of the danger to standing tim- ber through the progress of serderecat in the Rainy River country, and ‘the opening up of the territory by mining companies and prospectors, will sell at an early date timber areas in Algoma, ing andthe Rainy Rivev- dis- tricts. Tyranny breeds reforms. History has shown oS fon —— is again repeating where in Canada is railway Hoag so much felt as in oH west, and nowhere in Canada ic doctrine of Govern- tion ‘revolution in shore| i BEE ee that cc "Other shippers have also the cause bere. the high prices, fruit d_ the immense ‘ies the t De, Dsl 0 His skull was crushed in, and ul <a Gen. White never have occasion say thi left behind him. British motto, It ought to be impress- ed es the melee vers. farmer named Smith of London Toaship was kiiled by a falling brick while workings ina well.” A man named Boucher was found guy ot neues Wm. Hawkeas.of pe at St. Joseph, Mich. ae tee while out hunting near. Newbury last week accidentally shot companion “in the eye through a. clump of bushes while firiag at a rising Boers are generally credited with being two centuries the invariably conceal the fact The Marquis of als and Ava has been elected” Lord Rector of Edinburgh University over Mr. H. H. Asquith, the former ae 1. Wood, lately of: Leaming- ton, ae raerly of Stratford, as to take eharge of the St. Mary’s ‘Journal as eae for the propricton. Mr. Eedy, g | OF uh Thomas The piles one Twine Com- . D. Chevrier, a Ons rae sent ‘men to The wages average from “boat _ | per mou Oana nes sels 237,000 pure e ee than the United St known party or imself vghile in his room. Mr, ui BES yr aré held for cna in ADE. 8 | connection with the shoo a Mr. James Smart, Depa Minister | of the Interior, sa ontinent,, agriculturists. who would ral themselves of the ns to,warrant their: leaving their old homes.and coming tothis country. says it is “like a little one,and another chap (Canada) comes along and chips in to help the big one.” Lieut.-Col Davidson also thinks the step unnecessary. Summer tourists and settlers are of- to Reputable firms do not allow their men w kill deer but the trouble is that to jobbers who con- tation to secure cheap food for their men is so great that they per- sistently violate the law and have: men. casses are said to have been brought to one camp and though these people were fined $200, they are said’ to ihave | ta found the business a profitabie one venison ata cent a pound. It ought not to bew difficulty matier to stoj this slarghter by a periodical and ef- ficient search of Abe various camps by the game oe Passer gent Lambkin: of the Tiara tells. the following in- rash on the: departure m Quebec :— something halding on to his knee, and, loo! wensaw a little gi kindly act was peel ‘as promptly opened for him, at Ladysmith was the girl he | Pr sot “What we have we'll hold” is the] Pounds Secretary oft capital stock for the lax year. "The | i * last ener was 60 per vantages of- The idea of sending 8. second Can- adian pa nEeae to South Africa.does| consists of 100 acres, with "| Corrected weekly by Hi M. Schaefer. even at that, and to have had) their} ¢ @ took the little one! hi left lest the United States was pulled on Friday evening last. The pals were Jim Jeffries, cham; Hoary. weight fighter of the world, nod sailor, who ae and awarded him the decision much to Sharkey’s chagrin. ——_——_ W. D. WEIR’S SALE REGISTER. On Thursdsy, Nov. 16th, the real estate, farm stock, implements and household effects of Simon Rupert, lot Station. sAt Geis? hotel, Newton, on Thurs day, Nov. 9th, 15 good dairy cows and 15 yearling heifers at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. SER Bee THE PRESIDENTS Srory.. A Slave to Chronic Catarrh for Yenre--Re- medien, Failed—Specialinta Dre tarclal Powder (Simplest of ie >: my case had made the feat cophenslan Tad relief, ce in its use enti! JAPAN. IN HER, WAR PAINT New York, Nov. 7.—The probability of war between Russia and Japan. before. the red ina half-page of exble- _ A. Gouin, aval nnen young | pursuance ofa design to acquire Korea and chanel Calgary, was shot by an un-|' hi cumpletion of the trans-Siberian pea? may, the 2orrespondence shows, make war in a few. weeks, ‘The Loudon Dally Mail, commenting on bd report, says ‘Japan knows that her ny forth- jow or in the ‘That is to say, she must ie completion of the rian Railway, while the hands of Hhoewivel by the Paris Exposit B likely to have but one result, GREE: woes thextily, auilipanpet | enti FARM FOR SALE. chat paral OF ladd Hecowny antes half of Lov 11, Con. 8 Moraingian, under cultivation with ten bush. buildings are com te of repair. ticulars appl. the premises or 10 bert Smith, Newry, Newry, Aug: 15th, 1899. COMMERCIAL. MunvEntos, November 9, 1899. Fall wheat. per. bush... 3 bt Spring hint sper bus pre ley = bas Durkeys per Pound Ham per pond Toronto, November.9, 1899, Wheat, white $ Seocred 12 battle ever sean in| Ja fore the Coney Island Fathletic wceb 8, con. 4,-Mornington, near. Milverton | ta i Bh "We have before pointed out the strict trality of the Russians, and the present Naceuent Ceaeiay ne mecaoting Lov iipiiat for England. With the German Emper England to occupy Russia is ret and ie} the activity of Japan in sl ardly ready to adopt the}: ‘it De, Lode af thn patecael —— A.WOMAN'S ainalaiabaeiy < ers es pace her Bodily. _Altments ths Ne Es “Tac sie ene lifefor years, dct and proprietac een til co pletely lose. heart. ing duced by a. Friend to try South Amerisan Necvine, attor king onebottle I was greatly reliev ee bottles effected a» complete cure. isasa jedy and can. reek cae it w be the best nerve and stomach tonic in the-world. Seld’by James Torrance. "se | Christmas “Is Coming: SQ1Ss ‘MAITLAND: Saeconay a week or two.ago is Ss Be ey - He.will be at his Mil- ~ verton Studio on | FRIDAY. 24th. “Nov. If you wish a good portrait, CALL EARLY, G. F. Maitland” _ Paints and Oils of the best quality. - + prices away down. always have on hand, sizes. a well reguiated ESCHNEUKER & Minverton. » Now Is The Time TO SECURE WHAT HARDWARE YOU NEED. The season is drawing to a close and you should make - ‘hs) | things. comfortable as soon as possible. : ¥ We are having a big rush on Furnace Work but - will make an effort to accomodate you. Eavetroughing is a specialty with us. Leave your’- orders at once that they may secure attention: _ every déseriptiom:on: hand of Glass of the finest German: make is what we handle. Get it now as it is constantly going up in price. Stoves of nearly every make to choose from. Draining Tools of all kinds on hand. Axes, Cross-Cut Saws of a special make in stock. COW CHAINS we purchased in a very large lot. Meat Choppers and Fruit Presses in various ‘In fact we haveeverything to be found in Hardware Store. ROTHAERMEL, Suit will be done in the TAILOR, g Order Your Winter Suit Our Fall Goods have just. arrived and they are of the ab LATEST DESIGN, — Nearly Three Hundred: Pieces to choose from. Your~ MOST WORKMANLIKE MANNER ls BURTON, MILVERTON. Butter Parchment In large or small quantities, printed or plain at ‘Portland Cement and Plaster of Paris are.- purchased early by the car lot and thereby secured goods at.- Binece Locks, ank. other Building Hardware, we: - ’