“It Shines For All.” - Vol VIII—No 42 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1899 MALCOLM Editor and BETH {publisbee Is the best Local Newspaper in the of Porth: It is the Bes reasonabl: The Milverton Sun County t Advertising ADVERTISING RATES. space. | Year, |e mo. | 3 mo. 350 00)880 00) $1 jlumn.. 16 00| $6 00 16 a9 9 00 8.00] 9 00| 6 00) 3 00) 200 wane fe of 8c Hive insertion, and Sc, per sessive insertion. ‘ABLISHED iio ral ‘banking busi Money to loanon no! Ww. Ee | Coleg 3B yysician {a0 “post. graduate i a mdon, ieee Off Bouton ‘hospital ee Post connection with Poole, “Sean asd Teoatock, quchorsn rsday, Wm. sty nsacted. | ap} el ata a inte n onoada aad he otes R. RANNEY & & CO.,Bankers se iscounted and notes bed * ived and Surgeons 4 e stude nt of Office ton, Ont. Brunner, Mest ie Racal Solicitor, Ete. Burton’s R. R. LEDERMAN WN, Den eae es m Saray ref Mebee of Royal Ss atari ‘io. parlor dentistry in xl! Serice :—Above Hase snoting g's Tailor seearreeae shop. G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. GoINe NORTH. Gorxe sovTH. $2en the am. Express. xed. p.m, Mixed Express ~ pm, Mixed. “ib: 19 bali well taken care at the hands of r, A. L, McLennan, B.A, who directed his attention to "DINED AND WINED. ‘The sauces were just of make them we palatable, the spread reflected great eredit upon the estimable ists ot rat house. was proposed was colonization cess freedum ended to her slg a in ‘A number of the citizens of Mil-| nis to the health of the Queen, and was drank, after the as: guests sang with great fer- nos fairly be reckon cents. It was much more valuable. ‘The higher education was a thing that shonld be aspired for by all who were ambitious. He would not sacrifice four year course for ten years of life“without it. aie dining-toom of the Queen's! ‘The toast betaine. we hotel to do honor to Mr. H. Gleiser; | spunded to in eloquent and flattering in 37) ‘way of banqueting him before | addresses on the Shaver of die tale his departure vo Brandon, where he| sex by Messrs, . Dierlamm and will make his home in future. When |. 8, Kertcher: the hour of ten o'clock arrived about| The toast to the Press was respond- 35 persons sab dainty &|ed to by Mr. M. MacBeth, who gave a rend asone could wish to glut the |short history of journalism from its petite of the ianer man. ‘The tables | beginning, down to the present time, were beautifully decorated with plants, | touching briefly upon the pioneer hose broad-petaled blossoms shed @| journalism of Canada, and its sine in a very tangible manner, afte which the assembled’ rew feller stg “Auld Lang Syne,” eh adjo PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS. At the meeting of Court Milverton, | © No. , on Tuesday evening, Mr. Gleiser was mude the recipient of a handsome mantel clock and an ad- dress by the brethern of ee Court to which Mr. Gleiser rej in terms commensurate with his Pcie He aid, however, that he would still re- .| wain a member of the Court for a time at least. Foilowing 1s the addr To Mr. Henry Geiser: Dear Brorner.—This being the jast evening that we willin all pro- bability xpend together for some time the. officers und Cou brethern of M. BRO sapere! 8.5 Birt baat oar a the Blobs 4 1 matter | Milverton, No. 99, ©.0.F. here as what their creed, religion or faith, bled, desire to take adv: a ‘Graduate School ‘Ours get ened soe antage 0! ase Post shicag go. Of ice, |. _The tonst to “Our Soldiers, Tore ere a ecaictlee the treet, Listowel, Oat ROBINS. of f Trinity o nese Aree th Col Office at Oxide Soa ie Rnacethiel Tess extraction of teeth, work a specialty used Crown Veteriaury J. a. &E vert Graduate Ontw is Vee inary Col ses . ae ae treats ra diseas G aad calls Gtherwises day oF 1 seh se Cc Vel eg MH sinenns of ontetint ted. ‘All’ work gnaranteed otherwise pron £0 Foes taebia se SOEE ford, Honor I ge ani igs mnestic ‘animal: attended | night. tbronie Diseases TP seecialty aptly ction. uttended to. Taser oe oe hoses aad fie a Gans “ames Bag: transfer. em driving @ their hall. ov Tahara store. ya welcome, John Tan ee Barth, Recording Seer wd, C. Lv. bee Ne. every Frid tease welcome v ae breth: Gs Ww. K. Lot! Roessi net C: No. 99, Milverton, meets eve ccs and, ps Teeelty of every, month, 80 in ker Visiting brethren ab at 0. pm. in nthe Tall, post office building. Jolin stness Cards RLAND'S Bi Bus meets all trains. travellers calls promptly sitended to. Dorland, Maple St., Proprie LIN NE, Milverton. zens Sey Aan for the Coun- | pros er, | hi and Vm. Hotels John Gropp, P-oprietr. cigars at the First, ‘ios and laege atabling First-class accommodation EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bramner. Ont, liquors and clas actomicda: Sopes hss grisa an plan a Ao CSS GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. commercial Seavelere and oihers Three farge sumple Good of ery at pe apon the battlefield in the intertsts of any the great Queen mother scidiore fuadee) therfall: Yee ‘Sowing folds of the liberty loving flag. Thougl war was to be © FRE) and G baat case fi paramountey ir Suuth Afrion, (Briton [never surrender, hence our troops |have gone tw | British citizenship in the tar | corners of the earth P ft the refrain, futher: of ublic interests. he was at a loss for words w express arty him. He suit 1 Milverton was fraught nm many heart for this place He would at auy time yetit was yery | assert the rights of aw ‘he wast to oar guest wns roposed iy my cerprise ae to tor object, the f Socially, he wasa fine fellow, < his] best uted jos ver it by In eae wi Mr. ese in responding said that geet fox ie Riatiead aa regard ia aes his sojourn aie with kindly ch ai and be would always have a warm spot in his be to have any of his Sid friends call upon him, and stay as toog as they like if they should ever For years you have beck and your best efforts were always pat forward in the iuterests of the noble society to which you and we belong. Many of those who sit. around you to- night wishing you God’s speed in the $| West were, Lrought into “our forest 1 home” solely through your own. in your connection with us, you have the consciousness of leay- ing behind you, not a sickly and puny court, bat a court strong in numbers © s charitable work for which stituted. And may you continue to impress upon the youth and the parent guardians the necessity of providing 0, : ui ace ee Weir, to th »|for those that are dependent upon “He's a ally good fellow,” who ex-| them suould death or accident dver- tolled the qualities of Mr. Gleiser, and tke the Wediaande woiced the sentimen of all present. sdiiei dadept Gis Clon ao He said that the past twelve ‘4 aa a years, since Mr. “Blniee. bind ‘ent Milverton, he bad been intin aiana! Sit hen te wa ave, ible gpa abe (Ol eek lay a kind Providence long space you in y henlth ok Dade aud, “vier Cok min yon such work as you are tw do with wisdom, zeal and efficiency invincible in the conscious 'y Lithie ay haze LARSON ay J pasts age behalf of the Court in tabeey, Deter and Concord by W. D. Wer, C. R- G. rat Barta, R. S- eee Sire 0s EE Listower's Cheese Fate At the cheese t. Listowel on Thursday last 23 hae boarded 11,149 boxes. There was a fair at tendance of both buyers and saleswen. One sale was made at li cents. The tabling. Best make a vis west. fe ing factories boarded + fiquors and a cea raie| The ‘ost to, our Mereantile In-| | WhiteElmbiaak’ 570; Elma and Tignes etrecta, C. Bescapllag, Proprietor. | dustries, was respmuded to by Messrs. | Morni Ti i ; end Mil ree SES | WK. Eoth and Wm. H. Groseh, who | Harrists M W. A een ete sree dddiedaex, “Suit exseapak-dosie 6005 Cinema bk; Carthage, Two Jerge satuple roome, | their pote to’ the guest of the |400; Newry 590; Donegal 700; Wal o choicest of Fines, Liquors and jeve i Guildstone 325; pire at e ood warm stables and 44 Our “Aagicaltor Industries were | M ver Couriers plenty of shed roodf._Hency R extolled Ly Mr. J. D. Pugh,who spoke | 2 Glenallen 160; Miscellancous Sf tha eaapieee fevaa ie: uf the | Willaw ‘Grove Rotlisay 880; Stains aicaar ree beauties of a farming | Ellice nod ee, raalahd ee Saba Poms, Fa! Culured = eee 360; Arshor Our Educstional Institutions was 300; Piee Riv stromentality, and tough you are| 4 the bike 2g pes about. to.sever LOCAL NEWS. See Dierlamu’s 10c. Bar Soap. Raisins, 5 Ibs, for 250, at Dier-| ook aru ‘gan sa a) Deen For Sale—A trl second hana] d en mia S . and Mies, Sarah Jacobs} r. Alex iene ieeh in Hamburg. iss ja La visiting Said in Stra Mr. and Mrs. J Tackor fa few days in Stratford last weel Plan of hall for Coral ves enter- tainment at Kertcher’s resturant. been rs, Tri t Sunday in Strat vim spent Sunday in Sra fogs Leet at te residence of Mr. Miss Bertha Miller, of St. Marysy spent a few days at her home in Mi in.| vertoi this week. ti Miss Hannah Langford and Miss) Dobson spenta few days Stratford this week T do not see how one can fail to be sels with the Boston ished Club., GL. ae D.D., ¢ famous irre sling, will be at Grosch's ing of Tieteo jug: ford eee in ete and. Tea agford is nt presen a tae a of Walncnls ay 4 he Rey. A. W. Tonge, of Platt ville formerly pastor of the Methodist ing Mess: Cross fey: Hani spinal, Behe a on a eredasse ght to a close their series le fect. brought to me attitude of past conduct in nfo ce the the fact that they made to patie even though they fail, not ‘orthy ef some commendation. least, ballon the eve ee an a a geod, as they must have a tendency Tt was worth travelling mu2s_ to| one way or the other. hear the Boston Carol Club sing" Some ewo or three years ago THE some Brew e.”—Bvery Day | soy trie induce the citizens of Chureh, Bos Milverton to seek ways and mea The qua eeny services of the Evan | sovide against fire in some degres, gelieal church were held on Sunday }buy che matter was talked of for a day last when the Bay, Mr. Weng of or two and then’ forgotten. Since Berlin, preached. aust Lae Joey at present is somewhat tt old timers say that the fall i is one APO "the finest in the rt | history of the country. Mr. G, 8. Kertcher has already sold over 150 reserved seat tickets for his Boston Carol Club entertainment at Grosch’s hall, Nov. 22nd. . A. MacBeth has been engaged will on Wednesday, Nov. 22nd, hold a sooial in the Temperance hall, Poole: good programme will be provided will be charged Le and. Newwn, last week, a patched horse blanket. The finder will greatly oblige James Galop, by leaving it at this office, or at, Dontey’s hotel New- toa. Gpagencaliniods are due Mr, Bren Kastner, of Sebringville, who has cently been appointed as eee "of that place, the positio t {rendered vacant by abe dedth of Ma ohn Pearso Moxey Loaxzp. — When is due, your in the village coun oo Tae. Seale WEL pnghtnbiaser ee cern, Bes bourd, on the agricultural character as aman, And when you of interest charged. Ake Berd of Dies: and even act into ita Gal to note. the “Weeding {Sich we wil Lecriclly private, JAMES lodge room. He had always deen hours may it alsu call wo rememberance 7 P! him as a firm friend, and asa eine your kindly and fraternal ‘ations | 2oe peieed ties ME as «| with the members of this court. aste your apples ; C. Me Do not w eet “of Berautord, ts. paying $1.50. for winter apples fit for export and $1.00 for seconds. If you dry the culls he will give you 6c per Ib. Cash for hem. Yours traly, C. He bras . H, Dierlamm on the, receipt his home in Port El covered saa celta he left on id Pines are enter- rC.8. Rensher: deserves wets fi tis enterprise in bringing fin at great exp mse the Buston Carol” Club which will apj Grosch's hall on. four female. and one male singer. Much sympathy ic felt for Mr. and he David Kerr i in teavement. twelfth year, aud Aheir late be, | smeet dinpuision, and mach loved by her play: Ti e cause of her have hese from dite ‘The funeral took place Preshyterian eemetery on Toe, and was sa wrended by sends and avighbe: ‘The Ladies Aid of Baran Church | and a sinall admittance fee of 15 cents | fi ci: Taceveead! lob: Mombttent the evening et Wednesday, Nov. 22nd. The club has most bale press | ya notices from the dail of Boston, that time, many néw ae have gs that were new closely adjacent to new structures if fire were to break out in such fase as to be ond the control bucket fends there is no telling Itis teworthy fact that Milverton ,bas been as fortunate in the ab- astrous fires, but it is also as P oa of the Milverton Pubh school ine the ion 1900 in the stead} fact, that the most destructive fires of Mr. L. MeLenuan, B.A.,| are often the result of an accidentjand ty = "| an accident is liable to happen’ at ae system cou! annual cost of say one-half mill or even one will on the dollar. We m of the ratepayers on this question. men who have large property interests do not take an interest in this matter, who will ? “Death loves a shining mark,” is an old adage that las again been ex: en | emplitied in the death of | Mary Ann, of Mr. and Mrs. who second daughter year— overtaken by the Grim Reaper. was a young woman Gs fine. qualities life the household. Sie was held in ies by all who knew her and her death has brought the deepest sorrow into the home as well as into the neighborh The family feel her loss most. keenly. the chureh circle ker demise will distinct loss as she was ever aid in any enterprise which bad tonite object the fartherance of Christ's Kingdom Her pastor, Rev. r. McMillen was much depressed on receipt of the intelligence of her death. She was the frst candidate confirmed consigned place in the “iutle tae chureh- rdin Elma where they will lie awaiting the resurrection in the life eternal beyond. The following figures show the total British losses up to Nov. 40th as near: ly ascan be calculaued from officiat despatches: Died of favor. ied of wounds Total Sap eS SNe