Subscribers who do not receive their paper regularly will please notify us at once. Gall at this effice for advertising rat MISERABLE =» WOMEN, THE MILVERTON SUN. ‘THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1899, ‘Te Clean Light-Colored Sitka. eae of thom with the naphtha or gas- poured into a clean can.—Ladies’ Home Journal. lessrs. Northrop & Lyman Co. are the Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil, id_in immense in and gives rie iiet. The Pepsieotie specific for almost Kare Dl that flesh is ponsable: and it should: be in every ase; ‘When children are pale, and restless at night they require a dose ie two of ‘Milleve., Worm | Powders ‘They are pleasant to take; no physic re- ‘quired, Crocodiles Fat Biz Stones. © ostriches, swallow bbles and small stones, which serve indi: their spcint of fact s stones have been the stomach of s crocodile 2 feet long, bibscaarek Ns the a a uumber for younger tween four and eight. = picee pace ‘Voltzkow, who has wietena Te weenie Rich, red blood is produced by Mlere "@empouad Troa Pil great vitalicing principle upon Peisch a pend health and strength The Trouble With City People. t is your epinion of city people?” } ethey lve too close ‘ar apart.”—Chicago An Unparalleled Sones ais grass There is no other country in the could do what we shall do foreign nations who ar le to the significant fact. It is ealcnlated that will we our —Liverpool Courier. d for a nt, gudialfabie sutitote for all-attes affections of ay eee t with i & purely Vegetable Compound, pe and magically in mes all HOUSEHOLD. The Mis te Which suit ing heard of th Williams? Pink Pills for Pale Sele afew boxes and prevailed| o¢ upon his wife to try them. When in- terviewed as to the merits of the pills of my child, and up to the time I_ be gan to use Dr. Williams’ Pink I could find nothing to cure me. I little or no supe se of the pills that T found they : helping me very much and after taking them for a couple of months I was as well as ever I had My appetite im- n. proved, the pains left me, and I gain- ed cogjsiderably in fiesh and am again gt ted wae, mater lta life is again worth living. all dealers in medicne or Refuse all substitutes. 3 In Spt Gare Since 1728. active volcand) in Sian “las $100. ‘The read per will be. pleased te Jearn that t iface at bettoms arended ulseass mucous sar ‘aces of tie te will not citost it and it is put ab a Rooeriee exclude the benefits. @ poor from even embryoni: fat fowl sonia stop f eggs it is difficult to say, butitisa fact. Complexion, ete. joeity of Haman It is ted that the yaloelby of the blood movement in the arteries is about 12 inches a Jength of time required for the blood to make an entire circuit of the vas- ular system is about 20 seconds. ‘scrofula is Mil- ler's lee Compound in Pi Pills. 50 doses 25 occasionally healthy. **Has Eu; ane ‘Dobbins ‘always mov- ed in the first circles “T have my Soabens he walks on a hardwood floor as if he was it.”? In ee ‘3 Medical experiments glusively thas ey Cures. a ‘shown cou- inal a that Nature aie scare for every dist ease eglect and ignorance have visit a] in. However, this may » it is well known that ‘Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills, distilled from d rbs, are @ sovereign remedy all disorders of the digestion. roots ant curing See be bh mostly in the form of lakes. ith for the children. Miller's Heal Werm Powders. - joan At Wandbary. Norway, the longest day lasts from May ti to July 23 withow i A Cure for Costiven srg Reet mm the refusal of the tory comes frot organs toperform thelr duties veculariy mo eget saneet usually disom rmelee’s Vezetable torpor and arouse them to proper action, Many shousands are preparcs to base Ses: this respect. HOW WOMEN LOSE LOSE INTEREST IN THEIR the wi are Heir: Canse Much panmecn 4 epee = of a Lady Who Has Found a It was not long| 2 Y|ver formed an admirable half-way | the ete eo sate Sans 17, a fo situ- afed on ‘chain of A dose of cea Mike Powders will children | cai afraid of | He: never rag Bekins gered ese Sa genp er: returned aoa 5 England s meats grown in i ~ aaehigeoe hardly be bettered, but he found Mre. T. resides] g noticeable absence of vegetables and at 88¢ Arago Street, St. Roch, Quo- rion GOR oka: tabtea’ bec, is a t of lish} The melons, apples and potatoes in and» music. For 1y Mrs. were all of a inferior kind, and not acceptable to those who in Canada were accustomed to Ins- ‘cious and mellow products of the soil. t Canadian battered condition. Tn some instances he informed that the apples were actually crushed down in the barrels with hand screws i in seater faa as many as possible While it is scarcely cred- mis 8 that Canadian siooers are guil Practices, @ note- Tae Smee of orien that xports are discredit. abroad by careless Svcs British customers are fastidious, and their wishes should be studied. yer—in order to spend a few hours with his daughter and her aa baba wags traveled BAe six thousan ig Kon see bai "aia in this poe family Practically neit party art ies ih territory. rendezvous. GROWING THIN the Bane of asands of women are wasting away day by das, week by. week, month by month, through anxiety, overwork and mi hi ‘Phe onge robust constitutions have been eas spe feh all bo pe has fled is but a portant, fines i check the con- who has JUST A LITTLE pain neglected, may become RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA SCIATICA LUMBAGO Just a little SPRAIN may make a cripple, Just a little BRUISE may make seriousi ition. Just a little BURN may make an ugly scar. awe a little COST will get a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil A PROMPT AND PERMANENT CURE. e has been able t in ali ite pages nd ‘a ie Catach oes Getarch Cure Fears of Comfort against isthe oaly "Oatarri bla known to. nae fice ‘Years of Pain, for fraternity. ational \ires a consti ree Hall's eae fae tema SUS a LN 0 se much faith aS oar A BRAVE WOMAN. fails fecure Send ia alata {How a Drunken Husband Was Made a sarscid by Drageiats, 7 Sober Man ieee Determined Wife- Anti-Viviseotion Exhibition. The opponents of Besos? 2} She fees see od for an time been, arranged for a special exhibit of in- nking of eying ‘Proserip- i, {tion treatment on my husband for bis struments of torture during the Paris) 57; Datsse date waa weenie promicl jon. di ver thatI was giving him medicin and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated watched and coat fon She > anule mS noomIgavo him more and boldly kept right giv ie right on givin, had discovered Something that. P [attentive loving husband, com toa woman’s. inking altogether; bus l kept siviog , bat PES macicine il te was gaan aiel test ot for another lot to hure on bad ithe should relapse, ashe had done from has, and See i beter He oe you how thankful f om. EEE believe is will cure the Jordan street, Toronto. ‘ont. T.N, U. PLOWS, ROLLERS iS a ihe Yet tance send for Catal COCKSHUTT PLOW rh ORD. loss, STERLE & BRISTOL, ee EGors, ewer” ES Writens. HAMILTON. & SEs Saaetee ER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ER TWINE iN ONTARIO BIND ©O,, 118 ‘Talon Station ment, which is ore mes sent. ae to aks whe ees snmpt Sines the wonderful discoveries of D: Slocurn hove been brought £0. the atien tion of the ones wronis a ae staal gaa consumption itself, as has been proven by thousands of reroniueDe physicians. No matter how deep-seated the ailment, the Dr. Slocum Treatment will cure it. ‘Mrs. Irene Symons, Dartmouth, N. 8., In Decline Ten Years Ago and}¢ Now panel? Good Health. “About tei I was very: sick, and everyone thought I was iu deoline. As last resort I started to use the Dr. cum Treatment, and it that I kept on taking i many bottles Ih and thinner until NER Weak Lungs and Wasting Away Womanhood. THE FAMOUS SLOCUM TREATMENT CURING THOUSANDS. FREE TO EVERY READER. strong. Ihave not had » cough for wage nor am I'subject to contracting eo! the winter, as I used “I heve recommended Dr. ams Medicines to many people suffering me }reak lungs, and in almost every case fe been restore: lavaye Keep Oe Suits maediolaee iu the house, as I consider them such @ splendid toned as well as a roe healer.” te Slocum er Kille. the “tae Ina word, it petite and builds making men, women and children and healthy when all ether means have ailed. Now that the raw Minds of fall and wine ter are at hand, Dr. Sloc further demonstrate his wonagetal ‘tre ag the treatment. dinreR NOTE--The bie ‘Treat ent is medicine reduced an exact aciajoe, and this is an honest iraighttows ward offer. If the reader is a consumpt or hae aE es throat trouble, general but Fou Gor Limited, 179 King St, West, ante: i three largo sample bottles (Phe St cum : Oure) wi will be sent delay until it is too phe, , but as these free sa) peers and a force ferro happy to say that Dobbs. He isn’t half such a fool as he looks. Cure is a specific for the arineate of corns and warts. Wehave never heard of its failing to remove even the worst kind. Formidable Army Pistol. German cay ‘weapon. It will Kill up to a distance of 500 yards. WHY Leni nerve in my happiness. and I could see a it future | spread out before me—a eotiord home, a share in the good jife, an i] ABSOLUTELY FREE, AT OH tanen perfect Snnekeeptcy” to ms and | ‘Gina for sat vonc Rives tising Matter. SES address for particu! oe FREE. Permanent red. DE. KLINE’S GREA‘ Peneunasronen. Positive gu iseases, Fits for all, Nery.vs Diseas x Bla hertonsnee afte aret d eto ty rans pattents, throug! Age 8. charges only when received. they paying ex i | Souses Dr kcline von Aron sty Puladelpaie Pa: Brantford ‘STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS Steel Flag Staffs. Grain Grinders, ‘Tron and Wood "a Bee Pumps, Supplies. Send for New Cat- alogue. Send. 25e. for 5 weeks’ ibecription to the CHI; €aG0. BLADE an ou 6 eae ipa aaewe & “taster. sim WINDING WATCH Ean hve ors f ay Tee auioinee - Price's. Sarsaparilla Blood fiecaere tes name and ada ‘wiligesd you fe i with our sa Re eeu tec ren we will EST you the Premium fou sclcet.. ‘Thess Pills Pecurnsbie if not sold. Write us st —|Owen Electri Belt tifle and. mate, Zor general une, et rect and can be applied to for the Thousands of people suffer from = variety of treated, these. Positively “Cured Betts cot ne ores ao amely neve force on Do ‘and vi ‘to the ns and lon ts wiceneNousnytens Without “Medicine, ‘ joers It Jafveling ed that the Boer retreat wil v CANADIAN KILLED BY BOERS. First Graduate of Royal Military College to Fall in Battle. White Still Holds Out at Ladysmith —Purther Details of the Skirmish Frida; to Belmont incident, w! cape a the loss of Col. eoner and pee ee was not 4 yery serious al 1 British Holding Out Ably, PCL dO GE tier. All the de spatehes tend to show that the Brit- : ish are holain out ably. fq Bi eparing for Retreat. Drakensberg Ladys! therefo. ahs obliged te 7 atiantor the siege. KIMBERLEY BO BOMBARDED. Boers Started in to n to Attack the ee on No 7, But No Gre: mage Was Done, Barkly, West, Nov. 6.—A° despatch received from Gronje sent a message ' Kekewich, calling on him to ore six in the risk. The Boers, it added, surrounded j Ki mbar in peat crored, acre’ Wane i! artille d ey gers Pretoria, — Nov. fhe bombard i ment and attack on i iimbertag start- ed this morning. One Britisher and Six Boers Killed. Cape Town, Nov. Deepa teh that E 1 reported} mattene of tue i New York, Nov. 13.—According to a Journal ae eal cable, earn inhabi- ni his and goe: daily x the defences a. Peers BULLETINS FROM BULLER, ol. C. E, Belly: ‘Falconer ren Lieut. ©. ‘ood Were Kille nea London, Nov. 138.—The has received from Gen. AOU HINg. capes, “Cape Town, F ight, Nov. 10.—A iia se force from the War Office Buller tho } 3 2) B as is BE iz ag Pe o to-day al east of ean Casualit: Northumberland F ee Colonel E. Keith Pale oner kill | | pti situation is otherwise unchanged.’ ” No Damage Kimberley, 11-15 a. mi. Saturday —Col. Keko- Nov no damage, and there were no cas- ies. Wrnberg Sick Doing Well, All the sick and wounded in the hospital at Wynberg are doing well. How ccurred. Afternoon, Saturday—With | refer- ence to my telegram of the 10th, Col. Gough, with two squadrons of the 10th Hussars, a battery of field artillery ant one-half com- nies of mol fantry, found about 700 of y with one gun in position about nine . miles the moun’ the enemy's Jeft fla ere hele peak ‘he toss PRESIDENT PAUL KRUGER. bh pesiictt of an thong! poeta diplomats living toda He is a very devout Brit * that the god of battles ss will give him tlie victory. Beacence obelisk at Paai treaty of peace took place at Paardeki world’s smallest one of the ‘hat ‘are cour of the most interesting monuments in THE INDEPENDENCE OBELISK, repl abc: has won of the is shown by his deflance of Great een ‘ter the British rout at Majuba Hill in 1881 the convention which led to the enghged the p oseny tor about hours and then three returned to bere The death A Lieut. Wood has jus been repor' EIEUT. WOOD A CANADIAN. First Graduate of Royal Military College Killed in Battle. Halifax, ‘Nov. —Lieut. C. Cc. ire i Pueiey, 7 pees Africa, is a native of this city, luate of the Royal Canadi- an Military College, Kingston, Ont. J. Taylor Wood, the ote el formed many daring exploits ‘ating the American civil war. Befo1 ceiving the command of’ the "Talla the ‘was introduced to meet this class of vessel. t. Wood w: grandson of the late Jefferson Davis, and a gr on of President Zachary British army to one graduates of this institution. ‘f SARDINIAN HEARD FROM. London, Nov. 18.—The Allan , steamer Sardinian from4. Canadian con- rt rived at St, Vincent, Cape Verde, i Islands. ‘The Sardinian left Quebec onde Oct. 830th at 4.15 p.m. She has Pstill 4,400 ee to travel to% reach Cape Town. REINFORCEMENTS. A Large Foree of Men and Guns From Her Majesty’s Ship Ter- rible Start for the Front, Durban, Natal, Noy. 8.—A large force of men and guns from the Brit- ish first cruiser Terrible has started for the front. Three Troopships Arriv: Nov. 11 is Gficially that the Tentulios nike shire, Lismore Castle a Aurani red at ree pow: with 3. transport foundered off the is- land of Ushant, on the coast of Brit- ny. ‘Two More Troopships Chartered. ‘The Government has chartered the steamers Victorian and Maplemore is ofcially announced that the with 1,010 eae For the Defence of Durban. Natal, Nov. ships have landed a naval aad of guns for the ce Of the town. FIGHTING AT MAFEKING. Boer Attack Lasted Several Days, jed—Col, and Fifty Were Kill len-Powell’s Report. Caj , Nov. vy. from Mafeking, undated, say t Monday the Boers shelled the town. ne gun, it is ars ed out of aetion, and th ro tired, were iets attack Gos and were pe the Cangan kopje, with ee . Wednesday there Tose, ras shelling and a: oat little loss of ae due to Pe ex- cellence the Seba che meant ce spiritey of the troops are g001 Col, em-PowelPs Report, ate; London, ae —The following er-' despatch from Col. Baden-Powell,the British col det at Mafeki ted 25, and forwarded by, goer ‘Bune, was posted last even- e War Office: ma is se here. After two day’s a shelling and a heavy bombardment a yi eral lyn, rains, drove off the enemy at Croco- | kidepoot on Wednesday, killing sight.” MORE FIRING AT LADYSMITH. British Naval Gun: wee Hy or in ‘Action on ‘Thu: Estcourt, Natal, eset (Morning.)—Heavy ata is now. daybreak. reps so much heavi- er than any previously heard as to lead fhe British acavy eh aie sa dat Ladysmith of Beat. Hooper of the 5th Lancers she raioation with te, gareison ie’ po wi started hence, accompanied by a Ni succeeded in traversing , Thursday atternéon, Nov. 9—A party which rode out several miles’ about hoon to observe the ‘bombardment of Lady- could see a Long Tom, om the rallway side of the ulWwara, six to eight minutes, mn was observed 1 2 big bombardment. The locality of the town was nothing but a huge cauldron of Brother of Dr. Leyds i Noy. 12.—Herr Leyds, brother and imself an agent of the aal died of apoplex vesteriy while on a visit to his brother, c joctors, mon, Noe a2 The Marquis of Lans- 5 State of War, “has ich appreciates her offer, he is not. prepa ‘at present to allow women doctors to join the forces in the field. sere a nag 8 xe disc if international interes! A 1c dent, the Rose Fereira with ten Gther mines, are working. Wale and biack eo Ja plentiful and the mint Is busy coin Fhe Quiet the Inhabitante, Grange River, Nov. 8— Sth Lancers, with infantry, reconnoit easterly’ direction, returning Pocasville, without Sieldent vn of wuleting ‘the inhabitants COL. KEKEWICH’s ICH’S REPORT. ing at Kimberley, London, 12.—The War Office issned fhe ollomtng despaten disor ig from Bedvers Baller, “uated, Cape t 12.30 p.m. the’ Transvaal troops nd- bac on Kenilworth. “Major Peakmat with a squadron of ie ioe red Light hiding bush, and gave se, was the enemy a warm jon. "The Boers 1, Turner reinforced Major Peakman, and at Be ed fire with one piece of artillery at nearly, ands range, Battery Did Not Get I guns of the peeve “Pie et feat 19. support ‘The enemy's artillery fre was not danfiging, and hig shooting a mour casualties In’ the, Kenflworth engage- was init. ge Ao Ag let ob the Cape pollee, whe He Is expected to recover.” x Loss Heavy: ater in foe as our’ pickets say, the off six dead from one spot, probaly Killed by onr Maxim, ‘The total was probably heavy, but had not ton aot “harm fed by Col Bekewian, wal in, eth Tan was again in new hody of the enemy on ¥rom about tro. ales to ‘ne north Tey resi vthers Closure on thelr own Night Sank, Col ur wit a: two gins of a artiliony sent As sup, rt. une Into aetion at 8.4 eontinaed 1 ine until) di severe, Jud goceing from the precipitate Poeat a y Stuck to It, pars ene bi P.m. the ener Pas eae fire weit lece of artillery mposdam, Otros ane a “itr "bela nei byt ‘the ape police. a FURTHER DETAILS FROM GOUGH. Boers Were at Their Old Tactics— Hills Fulll of Sharpshooters, London, Nov, 12.—The this morning ‘issued the iolowiag Since dest atch trom Cape Town, dated Sunday, Nov. aeeh Goa, at Orange River, reports that reconnaissance Of 15 miles, ‘As the cavalry, in open order, cies aroun 1 then, the hills seemed ra fall of shoote: He mounted peered ta ouifank order 9 dlscives 1 the he iti coming under ya ed fife from a few ‘The Enemy Wi 3 8 fired al ay effect- jots, but the enemy did not respond, aving withdrawn with the wounded. ‘The enemy did not fire on an ambulance. Ci Gough wi r after a demon- stration Jai three hours, and returned cam sume afternoon, near Orange ver. ‘Woundea at “The guns and a few h jo by Falk The wound Orange River, ra immediately after the action, ine Galena h appeal msider- able; s*ptarentiy 700, with one gun, unc David Lib! dP.’ Van der Merwe.” Hleetric Road to Guelph. Hamilto 1 taract Power Syndicate propose to build an electric ee) ra Guelph, aes Preston, Doon and it @ pro- pecky comstiected. remy aig graded road, with double track, mot run- ning on side roads. ‘M. Gi son told the Finance ittee of the Council Yesterday that the right the city uld cost, at least $100,000, and then laid ese three islam eae the com- Cataract Company; , tl ‘Ai make an abatement of the an- nual percentage and mileage cl will consider the question. Dates of tae car Toronto, Nov. —The the npc aeeicaw it -in. in Wes jest igi, and South Ontario will probably sued to-day. dates that likely be decided upon are nomina-| Ne tions on , Nov. 21, and poll- ing on Tuesday, Nov. 28. THE BONE OF CONTENTION. Japan and Russia Soon to Bein a Struggle After Corea. Russia is Entrenched There and Nov. 12—Amid much wild talk ily, gapans only 1 ee ants. trade is destined begin t Gro seabry becomes more industrial. “Phis correspondent argu Cor ey to the question. If Russia Japanese autonomy. ¢ trol of a advantageol sition in the Bons W. Where the on te sega EAE cls ee pand a apgeition n of Corea area, Japan desire 01 1 and je reasons. Ho) a ttieship, Londo. joy. 12.- o 's have beep received by the builders Of the teats be A ow in process of ya a got) ‘Ot nga ask, to complet vessel as ee speedily le. The new ship, which wil he one of the largest afloat, is to be London, Noy. Shi of The Dally MMiall sa esy fecling regarding the relations of Ras Sis’ and. Japan iS oprending here. a wi the Empress Dowager inflicted pon Chinese envoys to Japan ga rei ‘This mm The Daily Mail says: “We understand there is. con or ‘on cable- grams from THE CZAR WAS AFTER MONEY. Visited Berlin to Raise ryan to erage Sinerina “Basi Berlin, 1 Associated Pi ea On the ‘ighest authority that ne Dee of Finance, it appeal Subjects aiseusced dusing peror Nicholas last week was the raisiny another Russian Joan a ere or not depended largely upon Di peror William's request. Yo the meantin Dr. Von | consulted with the leading eS German “ Fa cacy, all ota ROBBED AT MONTREAL, Louis oe pecmest Chief Engin- eer Public Works De- pistaaes Faaiietea ‘of $12,000. Louis Montreal, Nov. 13. Ww gui epee roneeeiting amount of $12,000, Be able papers con’ in Mr. Coste’s valise were principally mining sl A Move in the Right Direction, Middletown, ee Supt. McGuire of the prego Divi- ion of the Erie Railw: an order 01 y that no enj or foreman call- ip and Umiting @ month's work ys. This has been done to {insre the men patti, Test.