The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 189. | jr, PROGRESS OF THE WAR. Pretoria, Tuesday, Nov. 7.—The bombardment and attack on Kimber- ley started this morning, Durban, Natal, Wednesday Nov. 6. —A large force of men and guns from the British first-class cruiser Terrible | , e front. The secre- transport Hawarden Castle has sailed from Cupe Town Cs to Durban. 4.—A ‘special -dis- tl : has demanded that Gen. ‘ite im- er replied, according to the apecial dispatch, that he was entitled to retain the man until he should vender a satisfactory account of him-|" the following opinions of its military ~ expert on the Transvaal situation : r « News from Natal, especially offigial, renely “ meager, bat: os trast » worthy information as is avai reassuring. The artillery Tae of which Gen. White refers, alvhongh it may cause annoyance, and! occasional easvaliies. SSLISEDRY'S BEASSURENG SPEECH nty and,eonfident ring which will have a reassuring eect on U public mind, Although Great Britain is, di that her destiny an fort, 2 att massacres disturbed the peace of Eu Lord Salisbary has reason for his serenity, fur, notwithstanding the present war, ‘ition of Britain is to-day one of greater security than it has been for many a long day. ‘Two or three years~ago the whole both sy gpethy and interest. It was natural bury should allude with ontafcin to tl this new. ment. lordship also gereabe. ‘ne to the iid interferenge in the point he was so em- hat it may be 5 eras ed his words aris and St. arg. shall have to carry this war through _ aoe he-said, “‘and the intesference oe "will have no effect-mpon i, a, resolute hat is in the minds of apy goverament hese are the words of the finished house paint sr., has gone to leave. He reports that the prison- ers are well cared for. London, Nov. 13.— The British | i pl pletion. When fini of the most stylist and com nipreee considerable repairs. It inside and outside was painted. The ide of the church bas a very fines tbls wel did the work. entirely di will London, Nov. 13. this morning publishes the following heal jispatchess rs Messi c bet os ins of their famous red’ br ae the toriek ca a eke this hers het wel, Guid leads in toe Pillage Oa o utooa princed agent for the Cavers Bros. at Galt in this section. They ht Ese: lenges wore. herp de-| have all frst class Eee Sec : tails have. been recei Tae reboria;. 6,—Father as. moyed and re- Matthews, naples ‘of rao Trish Fusi. matted he thi het otherwise improved liers, who was captured at the battle his p sae ty. Miss Maggie Huggins, of the village, on, the 14th 1 opened the new schoo Mowe 1 | McDonald,of Blanschard. Miseos Hadasranen's over San - | in a fall gilt frame fora very smal about. 1e pieture was ve as the Ceiean was considered chea| Tondoa,Nov. Td.—The Times prints |i . Binsin writes this “sthimeslfand how Dr. Mrs, T. Hamilton is having ber|+ _ Mr. Alfred “Holmes is Fainting with | *pirit. this week. be Messi Geory Mitetell, altel on sede in. Monkton on ae time of the y« Later they were found oeer on at the new echool, where they will. finish most of theix +hooling. ‘There was an agent’around the village on | Great Bi Methodist church red and the woodwork both Mr. Seburger of Listo Miss Minetta Moore, who for some time past has been confined to the} la house with a threatened abscess on the leg caused by her being so. constantly on her mother to and we hope sbe [ase tn eat Ker saseale eae th, ” | Sciatic Bheomaten @ Double Compound in porate He Tonk ‘sot by James Torrance. W. D. WEIR'S SALE REGISTER. estal stocl household effects of Simon Rupert, lot 8, con. 4, Mornington, pear Milverton Station. the Realm of* Fain Torture, but South y pec rene Cure Driyes it Out Stoves are the The “GRAND JEWEL” id a ij A *PHILPOTS, Thursday, Nov. 16th, the. real rock, implements and sors. Barnhard & McKenzie shipped to Goderich this week. ‘Trade is rashing wes sold the old English ith, of Milverton. Mr. Broughton has been ap- 1 No. Tuesday, Asani Her on an toseher: Roy Skinner, at Pages: and G. re guests of the Miss Annie Ferg, 10th con.» ‘Elma, ic] yisiting Mr. and Mrs, Chas. B. Broughton in the nig this tans Lemon, day. They report, wheeling good for nswere Wst from the. Me. and Mrs. A. Huggins spent suaay a Died with iene Me, Henry Near bas so far recovered from e is allowed to sit wu His eee friends will be plessed to hear/that he is radidly recovering, and w ont again. ob the people you meet ‘nowadays are Neclsaie of the, cold they. have, Why noi try Four T's. MART STAGGERS. Here’s Confession of Intense Meart Suffer- ing ang. ewe tmare ‘s Cure fe the Heart was ne Savidg Agent Fea ae Johnston St., for uhe Heart helped him: “i tiles of this heart peat and cine completely oak me veakness, from whieh I suffered severely for years., Prior to " slightest exertion or excitement would pro- duce severe palpitation snd nervous pression. Tamas strong as ever, and witboat one g aymptomn of Heart disease.” jold by James Torrance. Paes no GRAB AE: SE RESTRAINT, masters o' anteleetigal the ‘Cham! Africa ts with greater appreci- ome f the whole Empire | eas and the spirit of of adventots, as Canadi Rey. Jan. Abiey made « Basiness trip to| Stratford, Tuesday. numerous Siebde % wish that her labors wil crowned" with success. of Ai neon ts5— “Light of’ ane Tue New estament, explained, and» the Lives of the Apostles: two books en dorsed bye all clergymen, Bonanza: for! 2 bE cal 1 orders from ely. thee e foul made, nL want a ew's tthe premises or using it. they tion ip Canada than relsowrhere e is tralaaia and is on ie it iz they are the let selves tov beyond nted :—Farmers’ sons or aes in fair educal ducement. I co ladies at their own aes T. w Bese peg thy rantford. $e wan cendl mone Often imitated, hes Equallod. Warrante: ber asin ae nae Fuel. HAMILTON), ONTARIO. This is is saying a lot, but we- are ready to prove it. We will carry the largest and best~ assorted, line of Stoves and Ranges for Wood or Coal ever shown. in this vicinity. It will please us very much to have: the pleasure of showing you our stock. - to give you figures. P ona FURNACE for your old. or newrhouse. Yours anxious to please, _ FINKBEINER BROS... Hardware Morchants, ‘who are not, to pi mrad Seek au opld roto make money during the pH tres handling the won- ata {Light of ite.” $5.00 ai bees twice that. Ecbek or Pate -GARRETSON co., Epi rantford. }\ Agents e-Oan. Chisesmads books ready. From Fifty Crate =i lained in one Prospect g & ede pte a had. sure. BRADHEY-GARRETSON CO, Limited, Brantford. ents :—Drefus ; the Prisoner of Devils Island. Full story of the most Somertsble Mitlery, etl ands e age, Big book;. well “itt sells on sight. Snap for cane BRADLETGARRETSON CO, 0, Limited, ap, OX share in this gold mine, hustle. BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO., Liurren. Boots and Shoes HAVE ADVANCED 10 PER CENT. We have -purchased all, our FALL AND WINTER GOODS: AT OLD PRICES |and will sell them at Old Prices. time to buy your Fall and Winter supply. Just Reeeived a New Lot of. TRUNKS ang VALISES. Now is the J. G. GROSCH & SON. MILVERTON. P. S.—All Kinas of Farm Produce Taken. Brantford, FARM FOR SALE. That parcel of land known as Eas! half of Lot.11, Con. 8, Settee, For further par- « apply to Thos. Scott on to. Robert Suiith, Newry, Newry, Aug. 15th, 1899, Remnants! — Remnants _ COMMERCIAL. Corrected,weekly by H: M. Schaefer. Mazvertox, November a3 1899, 8 Fall wheat, per busl 65 Spring wheat, per bush a 65, Burley per bash. BO 35 Oni ae Bary 25 Pei 35°. BS 100. 100 ibe 76 aes, ies $ 3 In order taclear out all Rem- nants, we Have decided to clear them out.regardless of cost. Remnants in Flanets, Shirting Dress Goods, Linings, Prints, Tweeds,Cottons and Ginghams. LOTH & GUENTHER MILVERTON. than the merebant tailor. while you have a choice of # @aT00 er a saly y ahacel in the glories of an ve part i a issees 5 a ° S885Son8ssesstseess FIT REFORM Tailor, Shop ‘The Wholesale and Readymade Tailor has been badly outdone in receng years by the Progress made in scientific tailoring. The readymade tailor is at a disadvantage from the start because he has to make a general Gt and consequently his cloth and trimmings cost him more If you want a Suit or Overcoat in a hurry, or if you wish. to save money when buying your Fall Suit or Overcoat we would like you to examine our ‘We have a large stock of all grades to choose from and feel confident aan we can suit you as well, if not better, than Soy, other store in this line. — Our goods are carefully bought, well made and trimmed, and cut according to. the latest New York fashion plates. Order Your OVEROOAT low - finest lines. E. KNECHTEL. beg ee sat Supplement : c b (‘6 “It Shines For All.” Vol VIII—No 42 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1899 MALCOLM MacBETH Editor and Publisher Western Advertiser LONDON. cavecn DIRECTORY. «| AGAINST Brightest Weekly in the West, Reliable Market Reports. All the Home News. Latest general Cable News. Bright, short and continued stories. ‘A clean family Newspaper—twelve and ixteen pages. 75 Cents Per Year. (SEE CLUBBING LIST.) = HICH PRI “DAILY ADVERTISER” Daily Advertiser GREAT CLUBBING OFFER. AND “MILVERTON SUN” ONE YEAR EACH, FOR $2.00 gee call on your local paper, or ad- a ders to ADVERTISER PRINTING. C0,, LONDON, ONT, The Hamilton - Twice-a-Week ' Spectator 3 33 ee > Beerepspecin al tant eh # Two Large 8-Page © Papers Every Week. Wednesday and— « Saturday— $311 All the merits of a Daily at the price of a Weekly ONE DOLLAR The motto of the Tw1oE- A-WEEK is im- Provement. It strives.ench oricn-a Wank SPRO- aTor isa high class fam- 6 YOU WANT A Good Fitting and Up-to-date Suit of WAR DECLARED SIN SEWELRY |: Having purchased a very |*# ‘anol eu Tabac prabir cesocrest ty Sines Piereigherberthastendorff| aississtismte sees! Shee : SIBERIA’S FUTURE. ites in the November Out- William Durban, who has lived for a long time in Ri writes merisan commonwealth, gains gronnd: it and by Mr. McKinley's dip- seer? inthis matter of tthe ‘y blic will presently especially of Siberia. At present Siberia exalt its i cea to the pack of heroes CES contains about 4,000,000 people but as soon ee ible men in Engl a Canada é 2s the Siberian Une is completed, stupend-| ° sire and have steadily ought tte zat be set on | cultivate friendship with the United Clothes At Close Prices, or anything in GENTS’ FURNISH- INGS go to work. J. BURTON, THE TAILOR Next door to Postoffice. Mitverron. shortest notice. = with f my Le uilt, and for this Russia wil it ee us if you are building. With all the arta of her bureaucratic EXPERIENCE as ll contend only diplomat- x oh ically fora few years, but will never re- r object, which is to control North tier et meee Anyone sendi ets ana rants ac pac. nyone sending as eg i mn eee eee fal. stab ntoabaas ey or time beg in vite energy s} yet equaled. "the at reat os . a. V In way will mako Bbcqee oepaile oom ‘ rare for timber; with E an the B l It A new and commodious shop] nation now ra we are now prepared to do all i kinds of contracting and order Work can be got out on the| an, Call and leave your order Cl Wiederhold iglesia ena & Honderich|-= Mizverton. facilities, i Egypt, the Unit » Hungary, ieeerala toe baa “with US pes ind Tapa for tea, whicl peli Taurees 3 are aieein all alte « on rth in mang-a valuable commodit lonbt the great future ‘of the aa 2 will led, eases Bee gee warded off by! diplomacy. The farther end of the railway is entire inished. nt meanwhile the Manchurian line, over which the dipteae ‘Battle of Newchany’ has 0 long raged, ritish people, with tl nese, will encroachments of Russid on the Ottoman is a chun special notice, without fit inthe Scientific Al ‘A handsomely ific A week! tel FIRST B poppe ay any, icieptitg eos, fe al, be MON 36 1Broadway, UMW & Coste ew York ioe for bread. 82.50 Tu be enon recat ofan cet — y “A THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY ace WH my competitors Ask the First READ. I have been in business four] w and never took second | fiverting all the energies. Because I make the best: The public knows this now, | nt.cteati P te call gat your pnaoea: G. GUENTHER PRIZE in Torke: ey, Gr Greee, Servia, Roumania, Bal- garia an ‘he pant ‘aud Prospective growth of Y? m, biit it is developing ca a Tea continue to e aeectan at arate pi realize it. Baker great world struggle bet: wi FIRST BREAD Competant judges at = eget The Baker. world empires, PRIZE od SioKioley pers ersists in_encumbering reat Britain with hishelp. He is now, we pee |, preparing to South Attica, ostensibly for te pxateckion Every month, tn Tho Progress of the World,” Dr. Albert Shar County Fair awarded us 1st Prize for of American interests, reall * | cept, gives a “ae pieces of the eos Sartag Ths weet Bread. Mion 5 ata Ree a ee | ° wana ostensibly for thi af Ga A asters emma esmtctoeng |||. Wedons hve io dependant secret ate ey rea wins at the readers of the (CAN MONTHLY can get intelligence of ‘a ee show judge | ance the insurrection. ritain ie incidting ee — Reid mse nearly - ‘hundred pi are 4, tor our reputat di ‘McKinley's veips chi can ae rete mien. and: women ‘who are wel ‘The Bistory of the inaee ae s ae rater le wha eat i eat tie is cbvi ins be wate ice “ ips any man or woman in his or our bread in preference to any hand o ritain to help bork te Her work. A subscription to the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW are the best od aut eee Ge pinta which hc has fallen, ‘The mey about REVIEWS represents an investment for the best kind of profit, as dictas the jud are those who have the bitterest woll as entertainment. One subscriber has just east Goat au as the ju His at Stratford Fair enemies of England. If President McKinley | ; a subscriber, and ie you send mea number the limit of did—Correct pe Seay oa ok him show bis no renewal from me, a cosier i of y submitti kates oe vere | ¥. WEITZEL, (essesren ers Brice 25 cents per ‘clic ye A sample copy lan id a, of which he ies ye nel aut thor, sc and which eed the door 0) % iberal New York Wanted—An Idea a Hes Ease Eater itis j and han people & tie one States, it’ ‘mill i Cheistianiy came in hich ure, aod those which aapire to be, the poke at they want 1s flesdshins - ie St ceil IS are oot Be ion, ill ere to mae vid Anderson, new eastern land. Al ns are A TERRIBLE OUTRAGE. BA oui Sabbath ru att am. largestockof WATCHES ringing ap like mushrooms in the wake of of er meet i? railway Thareaby eesng a7 a 7:30 D- “Serica CLOCKS, RINGS and for il development. Thode fest ie that, the cipal he ae Soe: ee a ney Tp Fat3 SILVERWARE at such | '!"%y, gunning. the Siberia | ed the beck door of Mr, Charice Carlee BCH BF ie sero sport aM osha! whee tbe Climate delightfully mild eom- [residence daring the latter's cempora w— Rev, ‘ e nce, Mrs. . i i peeenig Ge Foo am ond Fm unheard of prices, that-we Bent is that al he eh ef gold fields are in | and conéin Bed eyes Sabbath School, lam. ¥. P. C. A. meets will sell so low as to. as-| this southern tan Govern: | thigh bone, called 0 Gasay Seine a shock RRS al ment,” Mr. Dar _ oes “ia the narrowest) "ls that'you Charlis > when the intruder Lassie Desa ise Wa Bina onish everybody. and most exclosive in the word in most | opened De yon deer: er, gayi uA patie Hans ey at 2 pw pen 7 apse) ut in some it is ‘Where does the boss keep h jis movey?” Seeking es tly ech eechars eon wi said he had it wath him, and Call and be Convinced that what] forei enterprise, absolutely without re- | dra Sealab " we striction, except that all gold gathered must The man bunted up the , HEN je say is sorrect. be je government, offices, and Shree 25-cent serine Aphis oe the ust made arash at “her, seaitelll ber tor Gaulae Eee nee rs. Carline had a walking. stile by. h bedside,-and at fond Herealt nid, be dbclgres--agd on LD rast Wheat li ie king Lia bine oe one The Jeweler rowing plains which will beome ane of the | He wrenched the stick from her and struck . granaries of the world. Capit is and | her a savage blow on the top of the heat Nexr Door to Postorrice. per he pale will soot be in Ue en ‘another on they ight templ ih | see,in Siberia the most ng field let ha cried out, Oh, P. S.—Watah repuiring our Speciality. |on ibe ge for tie eet and thin | Bee ne nas tar tat 4 the i marvelous ne way | broken | Mr. Carling thisking it chlorof het: band over her nee fe a pee ae ed nds arbolic acid ar 5 said: : ae the rong bottle, ad wits kill a eg he sai : You may, kill m: dy, cannot kill my soul. It tien re opened before entering her heacing the z 8 yt ie 8 pores kk, did not lose conscionsnes ooh, bat lled 78 had p. peak and a scarf covering the lower im, "Gul hehe rl ine js ini a a vel critical and is uot expected to recyv cig SUES IE OPPOSED To WAR, [coir Be sa) to the world. "The ee Mr. [Dickie has preached rae hamanit; ped te fruits, a aboot elyhioy reas “ ee + pethay ¢ prolongation of foe Torch tyranny, with its ge heen Coriatian populations, and it is adnitiad on almost al m pore a miserable In a certain parish in Scotland several years ago an old man, who did not like his ee prcaohings said he could do better himself. On hear- ing this his minister went to his house e and after repeating this several times an. ol woman in the congregation coped out, “Come awa’ _ felis a ae which doon, “ mannie, au’ be content te | he sheep