« “It Shines For All” Vol VIII—No 43 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €O., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, jacBETH MALCOLM ALCOLM MackEy The Milverton Sun cant Advertisements at ig ae the rate of 8c. per, Roe nonpaiel fr the insertion and 3c. perline for cach suc- Banking. R. RAN bes 4 CO.Bankers anes ine transacted. in Uanada and the ta loan ‘accounts ee . Se asi) current ales ol ae ier laihaienn: ice, Telephone connection with ae Brunner, Lutheran ‘Charch and Rostock, ‘per intr, Slo A.M. ray etistor, Solicitor Ete, «Office Block, Anais Be Dentistry SR score PE DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate sof Dental Surgery and) Member of Roy of Dental Surgeons of ‘Ontario. ito University, oe Sept. 6th. and departments. tistry in al shop. ove Hase te Tailor <P Dentist ike © ee snemberof ae Hiasal Bost f Prosthetic De tae areas Uk of Stratford , Heanor Prinity oe te of ce P Roval 18 mito, an visit Mi hrsday,of every Ni irons to, by telephont Dendetey aod Chronic Disenses « special eae ort VETERIN saitonsinivern fore iy of Newton( Grad saute of Ortari vivary Gale Toronto) treats all Gineases of domesticated animals. @alls by telephone or awed promptly ivery in. connection. and rigs at all times. Baggage transfer. Commercial driving a specialty. soctetios ‘0, 99, Milverton, meets every G. T.R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. jixed . Express .... 8:17 p.m. W. D. WEIR’S SALE REGISTER. On Tuesday, Nov. 28th, at the vil- lage of Hesson, tl jouse and lot of the late Susan Becebgre Sale to commence at 1. m0, ucsday; Dec. 5th, the farm t | stock so implements and Reechad eftects of Wm. Attridge, lot 8, con. 16, Ellice. commence at One| mess. o'clock. ae chopper in hoe old Soandy: and to be ling this week. most su Mr. and Mrs. J. Preis, of South, Easthope, were the guests of Mr. and| Mrs. C. Rehbe Miss Ida Weber, of Heidelberg, i visiting with Miss S. Scholtzhauer. % . “Sachmann, of Wellesley, was in the village on Thursday last: Mr. P. Susith, of Sebringville, agent for the Downie Fire Insurance was in the village on Friday on busi- Mr. Robt. Martin has moved his household goods to. the home of Mr. | heavy losses. The Situation London, Nov. 21.—The latest direct news from Ladysmith date ‘Ihursday, ee 16, and Friday, Nov. 17, strange- t. | Sagements contrary, both ain seed that be. y ‘Thuesday even- nesday than in any previous fight. According to these circumstantial ae: wane the Boers determine impt ate 8 Graduate School | z well-sustained fire of the British rifle- men and Maxims. Later a Britis! force worked round the Boer flank, causing the latter to withdraw andor cy deadly fusillade, with snpeniirely Large numbers of dead are said to have been counted on the porter f course, reliable dis- Berean epion! h may have been © sored or "| with the native runners. But these tales are so flattering to the British that they have a distinct Su of be- ing belated accounts Kaiii sources of affairs previo cus Se etaal The dispa Re eh Taipunit re- porting that there isan ample supply of ammunition there have seemingly seb at rest. a point on which there was toch diversity of opinion. fe British commander rt sallying oat, and there isa disposition in some quarters to think Gen. Joubert z | possibly initated the story with the ob- -| ject of inducing Gen. White to’ make a A. [serious attack or relax his precautions t ever, say ee are rumors there that | the Bo so as to permit. the Boers te seize ground vital to the defence of the town. A report from Darban, how- re preparing to break camp ®) and anae from the jnvestiuent of Business =n EIR, Anctioneer for the Coun- as Wills and Athalvite ale, Bait’ Bh Divisio * Court. Jerk. Ofices over 's Shoe Main street, Milve AND'S BUS LINE, Milverton Bus ins, All citizens aud Ber cllers calla promptly attended to. ‘Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor. Ladysmith MILLBANK. e sympathy of the communit: goes out w the home of Mr. Williar Young in the death of their int daughter at the age of six month: The funeral on Saturday afternoo: Wm.| Knox church cemetery was largely at- tended I Hotels “TRXCHANGE HOTEL, Bromner. Ont. Tiquors. and. cigare. anil Mil etresta, semis, Proptieloc: me, | days answeri mbled last | vi Gusiday moraicg ant tine to hear Rev. Mr. Wright preach his farewell Mr Wright leaves this week esford, his new field of labor, id wishes of all, i eased as ie been in The as ne service in no} chil lass Sisley motiang wane as the farewell services fa “the English oe lackensithe are cept busy these I ng oe dopa whee you ing wo csr cemts per shéeafter this r . 3. A. Gilbert, ‘who has “bee wadines in Chicago for some time post, i spending = few days 1 Schenck. ling last [wee gm | house r aad shell with his i gang of men ‘| of the Court af Exchequer, a ©. Diedrich, sr. and Mr. F, Ohm has moved in with his son William. Mr..J. Wingefelder and Mr. Louis Wicke returned home on Saturday] from Muskoka. Rev. Mr. Blunck preached in the Sebastopol chureh on Sunday. Mr. Oliver Peters, of Brunner, spent, Sunday with Mr. E. Schlotzhauer. 7] Mr. Slemmer, of South Eastho spent Sunday at the home of Mr. White MONKTO: Our Porgiavon was increased by one The pau Patients are all, we are. ae say, getting better a; t G Horite of Mitchel, peas his Shahan. E. avthe Ontario Me 8 ay. Will Hord Sundayed in Mit parents and. bet ‘A few of the choice of Monk evened a party at Mr. Wun. to at-},, toreach the north end of Lady- 5 ey te of iro! era for hi jipment. Mr. C. Querrengesser of Brodhager was in Monkton last week on e new St. Brigets R.C. church Be it is expected, be ready for the opening services on Deo. Tub, so rapid- ly is the work going ahead. Mr. John Gaiger aud’ family have moved to the farm he lately purchased in Gra: There is a great rash this fine weather at the tile works’ and the stock is nearly exlausted. Mr. David Smith of Milverton, set a at work on pull down the old English church which he iately purchased from Mr. Leonard Shade, Messrs. H. Kleber and John . Gerth eet in Milvertor ‘l. Seigel of Mitchell, “passed Scan the village Monday with bis new patent sawing machine ep- route for Listowel where he hopes to dispose of some county rights. It is a good machine and we al wish Mr. Seigel Murray, 14th on., Legan, will offer his 100 acre farm for brick and tile yard for a few days last week. He is also a manufacturer of brick and tile, of which he had samples with him, but Monkton ean’t be beat Two young ie in the neighborhood have tented working places. 8 Lo get nearer to his xivr r irl The 16th school on the ie road pe Come ing and ae ite Ballast of Toron iN n, entsin Atwood and the isited bis pare brother = Thomas at hardware store last ple of Willow Grove have ee build a uew brick Metho- dist seed to cost in ae neighbor- hoo ave teen in the bah fey of Monkton piace: ag si Monkton af the required amount. We Fea them success. Lady Saori ot the: oe tak whe os elie She war a daughter Inte Hon. Sir. Edward Hall agers a baron nd was i 5 Eads s Mr. Wun. Crombieis body “erecting ae vo thie Marquis vf setts jin “the near future. tad was ie alysis in July i fied Ok Monday | LOCAL NEWS. - See our le. Handkerchiefs. lamm's. ‘Try our black and green tea. Dier- lamm’s. We will be headquarters for Kmas- Dierlamm’s. Special sale of fleeced underwear at oe s Pfeffer. 1 White Quilts, selling at 75¢ ais 3 00, Grosch & Pfeffer. Division Cours a meet at Mil- aren on Marcy Nov. 30th. On , Dec. Ist there will be a grand beak match at Topping. Mr. J. G, Grosch is one of ¢he grand jurors at Stratford assizes this week, There will be @ shooting match Newton on Wednesday, Nov. 29th. Bought an immense quantity of Ruste old prices. Grosch & Pfeffer. Messrs. S. Groseh and Joseph Lai bert are anor at the Stratford saa this w Beco prices in Dinner and Tea tts from now till Xmas at, Dier- lamu’s. Mies Secs: Devidan, bas: gous % aking at the Arcade, The fine weather continues despite he fact that it is now the 23rd. of Noresiter Special sale of Chinaware, Sos sold av 25c., your choice for 10e. Grosch & Pfeffer. Job lines Fancy Covers, elways were $1.50 each, going at 75c. each. Grosch & Pfeffer. An Uncle Tom’s Cabin show is try- ing to secure Grosch’s hall for a date 5O dozen job hander vewally sold at fram 10c to 20c. each, going ai each. Grosch 4 Plates fob. lines Ladies: and Mises rons: sare were 35¢ and 00c., going at By Grosch & Pfeffer. ohn Dierlamm, of Waterloo,) ett ‘Sunday with his brother Mee ea H. Dierlamm, of Milverton. Mr. Hadden Goodhand has_ beet engnyed as teead cheesemaker of’ the Kinkora factory for 1900. Mr. and Mrs. John Quaid, of Px oa Ae are at pee pesatiine the daughter Mrs. Adam Schaefer, Mr. John Berton, spent @ few of his parents in Milverton. Mr. avd Mrs. W. H. Groce andl son Will eae: ‘several days. I week visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. A. B. McCallum, of Paisley, has received his commission as Judge Geo Manipaulite 616: Oongtetuletions Archie. 3 Mr. H. Heimbecker, of New York, York, Magazine, spent afew days last weeie with Mr. J. G. lay Srrayi she oetithes of T. P. Roe, a small ad and white calf, ay information in regard to its where- abouts will be thankfully received. The tax collector cas teen: on’ his nds. Those who were fo him will als tg cae ab iS house and pa p before Dec. 140 Mr. A. ae fae ‘k, of Bina: cheese factory has, through the neces- sity of Ins. increasing ipess, been srplled to put ina new engine soda it = Mr. James Trim returned o1 Eedadiet bis tircebes Harry, who is now out of danger. Mr. A. D. Alexander wishes to nounce to the public that he ey Wis warehouse completed and is now pared to take ingrain for which - ey the highest cash price. e Lyceum Theatrical Company otek was in Miles mur weeks ae he Dier-|' at| PB apert farm at the _| station for the sum of $1700, It as days fast Lay pee, pe Mr, Henry Gleiser and family left 01 ing as it He desires that the party tal quietly restore it without “any further ceremony. The Main and Ki sited in their praise of Mr. Koebiler’s ork as he worked teiuktally and honestly entil the job was completed. Mr. ®dward Cleaver on Friday last chased the al Mr. Rupert’s intention in the Bane to move into the house that he pi oases ad Mr, Samuel Grosch a ew weeks Maney Loan! your mortgage is due, oe ‘it ‘you want to borrow money on first class mortgage, come to the undersigned. Lowest rate of interest char; ‘our asian with us will Le strictly Pe JAMES | cA seid he will give you 6c per Ib, E them. oe uanij, ©. Molunarcey. Mr. W. H.Grosch, of the firm of Grosch & Pfeffer, whiledown at or- onto, made it'‘his business to visit the ener wholesale establishments of the city and picked up an immense quantity ef regular aks at job prices which could not have been obtained He specially wishes spertioa of keen. buyers and teats mters. art effort is being made by Robert Forrest to obtain a suitable clay bed adjoining Atwood with the object of establishing a brick and tile yard in Atwood. r, Blair has a fine brick clay on sa place next the station, but thus far all efforts to buy it have failed. He does not care to sell the clay land apart from the farm of the farmers in this locality having iilabie clay on their farms. for brick making should put themselves in com- eat with Mr. Forrest at once, v. T. G. A. Wright, Mill ae fe of the Church of Bug- nd parishes at Millbank and Cross hill, preached his farewell sermon to the people of those charges on Sunday last, before his transfer to his new field at Thedford and Lakeside, The loss of Mr. Wright will be mack de- plored, as Tie is“one of the most en: ergetic-und enthusastic workers in the always photographie artist on the Monsey possesse: and send will of his parishioners, all of whom deeply regret i leparture, but wish him God-spec be succeeded the Rev, Mr. Baldwin, of Alymen fis, bytatier way ae @ ‘Beol hew of, Biinip. faldiit, ands aoe -ehleeat ready | worker in the church, The Rev. Mr. McMillen has for hie. i few weeks been untiring in his energies which haye been directed to- wards establishing © gymnasium and following officers yr. ee RJ. anes ago is mee tirougtone sat Seretee: a is site ye the strongest and most popular ba Roa om the ro Mr. Henry Mohe, who contemplated going w Ayton a couple of a Lee position —w h Co. Mr. 8. Whaley wall leave next Bott for Ayton, where. se will work fur the Wenger One piect, bce the revival meetings in Stratford was to in degree pani vise: tesurd “AL Home” “of the Model xttiool "| to inflict what § rsa a “certain shi "Physical Diree: VES who with a Messrs. Joh an isrnaemanne The "noe vonstitution is t6 be reported tw committee which wi in have fal ae hey deem ing to tha ‘offence. h by signing an agreement’ le by the laws of the club and be eying co Reuiauiely: embers of students was ‘declared off even the invitations had been sent o