rrible din, to which respectable Shaftoe street wae. quite aac pore: ‘The: bail wae senree fn abil tones from somewher the ep es piste lg Wat till you see jer!’ @ doctor looked puzzled. cae is a ee sir,”” the ae her if you don’t want to be Sera lated. eg Jelly is a— Here she’is, big to speak for herself,’ he tuk ee Jelly appeared in the doorway and bestowed upon the captain a Stiff, awkward bow, which seemed to hint that she was not much Pcie to such feminine courtesi She was a squat, broad hipped iacign, with @ snub nose and a eS chin and op i consisted of * Bers laced up boots. She had brown hands and evmang them at her side, sail- or fashion, with the fingers Booked ia. ae and ie grizzled gray hair was cropped as short as a schoolboy’ : Yet, in spite ae her uncouth exterior, no one * Betheps it washer eyes for they al pect enact a ier of soft appealing iti ca spells the w “Jelly and me heard ey ator eat ie Admiral Blake, from them as had been ~ told by you yourself. es we settled to on, ‘Then yon don’t want to bh deteile over again at Srst band?” ne sked the in some surprise “No, fir, thankes,”" replied the wom- an. “I'd like to hear what the terms Soe te ahngh | Ron dmais we-vice to have wages Paud totic 5 aera the ra nite shares, “Enrietta,” inter es elly ‘Don't Bother the gentleman Let's get signed on and be trudging. th a bandéd to her. added ‘he others She wrote the sigsatore in ~-a firm, clear hand, and afterwar underneath it her husband's name al and. having done ¢0. she handed the pe per across to Jelly for ae to ae aa eal the woman shortly. and shouldered her hus- band’s hand organ “Stay a minute,” put in Dr. Trin, Sis Godt etehiaic: Rha eames that you have not yet explained Scur possession of this horrible engine “That's easy answered, six,” replied with a “You see, 1 take “Enrictta along, too, ‘cause, as Cap’n Colepepper ‘imself will tell you, we two allus does ship in company. So after we'd been idle ee month or 60, che says, ‘Jelly,’ says she, ‘ow lave you ever “Matter of a few nile ones rt. OF gay ney fn ella ane es fays she, ‘supposing we takes ip_inshore by Gara cade “That ‘wd suit ‘Tom es ate ae ar Yok sae ‘says she Them’s the very sir; you know “Enrietta’s way, ‘cap'a ould, ye lubber. if y ¢,. ‘and work our passage with that Now I take it, gentlemen all, there ain't many women clever enongh to plan of a tower like that; blow me, if there At the choru: na amused assent which the three aaditues gave to this piece of brazen flatt ahaa igs e others organ keep you “We lived and sa tevelod like a dook things and places. But e Gi begin to tire of it terrible. after a for a sniff of sea air and a bite of ta junk. You know how it chile n Colepepper.” said the captain, with biter a sigh, “J understand. I feel that way «myself sometimes Well, we're going to smell the salt again in L cap'n; = be 1,” said the man, “and so be ” rietta. Treasure bY) or notr treasure, we both of usfeels proud Yn Cok EE af g = oe ‘we'll be ete A word to the Admiral Blake will allus bring us within an Com ery Mr. Jets looked un- | nothing was tiered something place of the felt hat of brush altered there halt ersgien private life his it the manner of the man inside the clothes was totally different. he had been jovial, easy see ae joat he was grave, strict s trifle imperious. There he had bowed 0 Dr. Tring in everything; here there pe small doubt as to which was com- was the doctor who took to eras companiments now. per toni aks in bi is recreations, sub- to playing second fiddle when he tat the plan! im of w this and was .coptent to follow the other’ 's lead without a Haid to encroach upon th bim: under him. ‘That the Ketch rig had tor the nreka was due to the epectal fare of the work which et sroula be a Been chooen lepepper argued that a ed ey in ny mat- On plalued, was that the sail ache was a3 2 3 ge a cc & ring bless you, no! As 8 dockhand, and a rare good. one sh ways ready for duty at aa soa obs with her fingers, and always to be re- lied on ashore. She liked h “ nant ‘now and then, did solos! and woul take a glass with the rest of them. but she never got ara a my knowing, ——. And the strange me. bowed themselves and never patel her. leave. Jelly wasn’t so reliable. He's a ‘weakanin = chap and a bit soft in his upper H often <hiuk and nom tinue Bd ee get way and goon the mad rampage tiie money was done. It was in one of rer that inst Henrietta took hit thor ne eae bai spunk as as ever wore teeetek. oat “after the pair had been and ri rigged herself out man fashion befor “By the way, Colepeppet.”” said the eee ‘now that you've accepted one will have a new ar- your veto, aon not?” put in the un- seep nicky, and then, as he ere: tor’s eye fixed quizzingly jously. upon i, he blushed fari “Young man,” said Dr. Tring enig- tically. ly, ‘your two oes at Oxford have not quite spoiled you. Sh eSioes APTER UL The ketch Bareka, ome eight of a erew on board, was working her wal down the Bristol channel wind and astrong ebb tide. She was al- ugh lan men to be thoronghly thankful for the respite from the tossing which was to ne ig officer wl Paste en te Seen = kaon a sedate lookout at passing craft was another man from the cheery, Poe as sone ae of begins The outward form w: Sa musth heavy pens of eyebrow. the priest of iting from the throat, the neat ae clothes, the shiny boots; with me two years in the Hope aid es. ia per to asin Consequence. much lighter jae dvantage when And of a truth the crew which Captain Cole One, for example. wh at py his own admission, a failure even at that. a eae was what he called himself, and on the moment of grins He had been employed in a hotel at ae had heard = enterprise (which through Captain assed among Mane at the time ce eae wists Ha: wena on oe posted off to Bristol to see but from the point of view of efectve seama: even self confident little eR EES ea ‘been said, put an advertisement Papers asking for v was to a misreading of th pecuniary and physical. For ‘saformatien m apply. in_person between 1 ois and 5:30 p.m. at 108 street, Bristol Now, this advertisement had brought all of whom were qui up the eae if ies ies ready to their hands oi ent, but none of them Caen Spey Si vais ee versha and the Hees —— had = ing enough to make one of th arty who meant to gather those vlome ‘The lower class applicants made no se- ret of their fright. Re ie acer ‘the schoolmasters and the eer y tailors for instance—gen- cateral thein tre their empers an it he felt sufficiently clive nA bey i across his round knees business) When he np 3 esate with a strong Somersetshir: “I come about = cathe said, bled +newspa] ation was needed, thrippince a d phyz au sueep, 25 Deasts, asacenee as sri aes z that. “Wi ou driving at?” tever auerted the ie deck aad ol, man stared Panis for a minute oat ther teat the paper which he Stil held: marked with his fh fapb Le vex physical ’ere rar, in the ment. Izeed un been figurin of | am ont ever zinca. I'l At this pes reply, Miss Cole- and to allow “I come about this yer,” he sata, taken the case, m: my good man. We ane e wan strong arms) We want etlaeee The visitor sowiy extended first one of his huge n fists and then the Cee dexrcinive each ta (aro, cand then after another application of ae yellow math eae ndanna delivered h iether Til eo ‘i’ee ez zailor. I be strong ez a ate (hatten auicast polla roap wi’ any man. Yes, zur, I'll come wi'ee ez zailgr.” +” [ro ne cosrinven.) A PAIR OF ANTIQUE BOOTS. Worn by L ‘When He Founded Winchester In Virginia. is ir al ig boots which ae owned by Lord Fairfax and often by the man who founded the ate. yates ga are the pr kind of footw of leather in an ra tte eee Tain: They Bi were rn ord irfax on special oceasions, a they were conside ha est pair of ts of their day. Dr. Mackey always greatly aes cee and upon oni = pel pegs nearly tu te leather seems quite well preserved.— ‘Winchester (Va.) News Item. Whe ie Broke His Rule. - as Cee hace ts gigs said young man who was en- diavoriae So: pres #8 the girl with a sense of his fearless Se socpelie tp bor Pithiecs Wiese him down the front ste ane called after him as he rEe! “George! what?” a cried, seeing that Ke Sones had gone back into ie Eos yw about never turning your back to danger?” she asked. But the wind moaning through the in the front yard brought the on- ly -answer she received.—Chicago Times-Herald. hiful Condition. s—WI teeter and Brassey their talk bi in the ere they talking it? Hicks—Bieycles and golf. Wicks—But Wheeler doesn’t know kn anything about bicycling. Each kept it up on his Shite topic without lis- ee gives an idea of how the thing is inaged. One side of the knives has to GRINDING MOWING MACHINE knife, and the knife should be held i with 0) e knives are held in posi- tion with one hand and with the other are pressed against the Aft d to way of grinding bevel edged tools one he ever got along with grinding a eaieeneea ee tee, ey aca be pe jth grinding wo have, seems to keep that side of the stone worm dow: with other. The Newer Strawberries, e moet promising ofthe new sorte ae Fountain, Hooai ight, Morgan Favorite, Hudgens "Beaton, Unnamed medi at have been tes for two cues ethane give the “el prom: Pencil Giant, Glen Taeal, Pari, Plow City, Ruby and nd Willia am Bel Sotwitntanding the a of many loubtful if there are or Clyde as fertilizers for th dat tes. For the grower of fancy fruit ander intensive | culture it is Usste a tae meee productive, but bear smaller ber- ‘Bis Greenville, Leroy, Snow! ‘Weston, among sorts not 60 way Sarai de tiie above share given good Tesults as market berries. eka bear large fruit, are late and have a long season. They are well worthy of trial as late vari- L. B. Taft in concluding this summary of varieties of strawberry in a recent Michigan static and Not ss - Owing to the fornia ay Florida have geaty decreased, Seni to If your ground needs manure and tion; cultivate sev: two or three, as formerly. This is The farm Journal's advice. Very general damage to peach om ebards in Geena ae the Longer! eald wave is reported. Progress, Poli ce Capea you catch thet murderer last ni tening to the oth sight’ ‘No, but 1 Page ee = THE COMING SERMON | DR. TALMAGE’S VIEWS ON THE SER- MONS OF THE FUTURE. THE NEW GOSPEL OF CHRIST. Meow He Thinkr Religions Traths be Presented — i ers Oucht to Preack the Living Christ, and Net Didactic Technicalities. pemee oe Noy. 19.—In this dis- a gentleman as you think of the coming sermon ?"’ I supposed he was asking me in regard to some new discourse of Dr. Cumming of London, who someti rea startling sermons, and I replied, “‘I have ni seen it.” But I founa it aft ‘ward that he meant to ask what thought would be the characteristics urge ows, instead a Side aad Wcrobehene: Audi garter et Stee art eacrcig contac this world for God by the old styles Generation ence: vacemibe asleep, and wanting to go hom @ is a discourse 1 preach it y — sppro- priate and meee to all classes ian workers. ail, I remark that that ious uae ll be shee Hogeion. 40 didactic technicalities. yurse may empty of Christ while every sentence is ee tions of his ti id thy a Bae and brotherhood and life with his into. the Meieat: q in the ‘burning taking a child out of the fourth story window; as |’ would be jus sare crisis.” A tbe ist as much a hero in the little so he Gi et icine. aad chiseled away ae it hree then he brought little child, 4 or 5 years of age, 2 ° & g and said to her, “Who do you think t is 2” She must thy one who tok lise children in his arms and bless 7 the sculptor Was satisfied. y friends, what the Beri Wants’ is not a cold Christ, not an intellectual a press the eae wood fa his ieee heart ! When the religious eee of the fut land and in the Christian oath the discourse which is to arouse the world and startle the s and in th ingdom, it will be a discourse. dear it, all theological students, all ye men and women Mia I remark also eg gious Aiscouree which T.epeak will be a. popular dis- course, ere are those in these times that speak of a popular ser mon many pegple Christ's hands ? and sorrows But when that exhortation or dis- es come there will be a scimiters to in 80 professors For the sad old earth must borrow ae mirtl jut has fouble enough of its own gious discourse of the future will be @ reported sermon. If you have idea that prin’ wi vented sim- It is higi time that goo nm, instead of de- nouncing the press, employ it to scatter forth the gospel of Jesus © vast majority of people in our cities do not come to church, pardon’ Sais life" veg isace™ ann. heaven So I cannot understand th vousness of some of my brethern of the ministry, When they see a news- paper man coming in, they say, “Alas, there is a reporter!’ Every added reporter is 10,000, 50,000 100,000 immortal souls added to the auditory. ‘The time will al us Christ, ai ms preach on the Sabbath will reverberate around the world, an The practical bearing of this is upon those who are engaged in Christian Mark? abt only aoun Cleo: ts or in public places? Study ness and common sense. ‘A dying Christian took watch and gave it to said: “Take that wa’ Peis vs erie or ee like Mar tha,call- to givea 1 to a cpa Christ, = like poet Eto make oat for @ prophet, or ikke Deborah, a rouse jarak r ime than ‘@ full rigged brig that comes up af- aiting for that reli- gious Macias of the future (it may be 40, of), take this plain Piviiation man given you ethane create Soothe be glad to b led 1] ther I know not. This one thing Tinow blind, I pai Pabiiee shadows over quicker than birds in their be p ere t, hastier than eagles "the throne, Rejoice for the Lord brings back bis own. Didn’t Come Here te Coal Up. “Don’t you fimd our lake breezes s)”” “"O, yes,” replied the visitor from the IN ACOUSTICS nd pone ts Be Projected Just the Light Signals, ed States. government 30 yaitea estimate of the directi whistle which was distinctly heard t Falkner’s Bay ual to the large steam Snitsties which was'-aotingdes maine diately after the megaphone, so that those in the Se of their comparative stren; £ ‘The experiments completely upset all the preconceived ideas men ee branch of es: ‘The divi- hus desi Firs! elating to philosophy; sixth, writings relating to political economy. Anchor of the Avma of a ‘trawler pee geen had converted into substance. Majesty’s Methodical Ways‘ Eq en), Mrs. Styles—Didn’t | see the bargain counter at cme ‘Ss sestetay ? Mrs. Myles—Ye: looking for sémething rea) chedp’: Y didn't nee Say though. i Small saat In ve Menag Hippopot: Vhat has ane ot your betes Tock? M \b, he’s a collecting agent tor an Lali musician in New York.—Har Pable. per’s Rout ~ INGERSOLL MAN Can Do More Work on the Farm Than His Twenty= Four Year Old Son. For Three or Four Years at One Time Cv ‘Then k three boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills and became a whole, sound man once more. To so great an extent did he gain in strength that in spite a his years he a ove! ig strapping man “ | Mr. Bailey ‘or cen, | have been teouhted with Kidney ss ‘owes its origin to the literary proclivities of the Em 2, ,| gladden the hearts of Scotchm ease, being so bad at times that I could'do nothing. I had tried all the than my twenty-four-year-old son.’” Seotland. Forever. ge ataties wt anes cme with # tartan plaid cover and is. bound to en not re ee but in its grand Many of the