if The Milverton Sun Robert McMane and. his sister ata attended the party at Mrs. n’s in Logan last Monday evening. J ames Danbrooke, of the 8th con. has parchased a new chopping outfit and is prepared to give satisfaction to Kae week visiting friends at Newton. 4 ampbell mast make # good juryman "THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1899. — If General Buller is not manufac.) turing war news:he may be engaged in the Bistory. Sir Redvers Buller may. be a good ess as war reporter for an American yellow journal. | tingent to South Africa, has beenJost. nt homes! The family con- The report, however, has been dis- bo: two-sons and three spades aredited. all-of whom. are married and settled in: homes oftheir own = William, on the ste Saaicockis Enis Me eee a ae and his forces by General Wingate the| John Holmes, 16th con., Elma, end of the Muhdist revolt in. the|’ iddons, of Salt Luke City. Soudan has come:at last,. For eighteen | years Mahdism has. overran all Kordofan and the country vest of the Wile to Fashoda, and had also practica away over Souther Senaar. The Egyptian forces under British officers ‘were completely routed. Khartoum was taken and General Gordon: nwr- e dered after putting up a noble defence |on Friday afternoon to terian.cemetery, Milverton. against terrible odds. The Dervish Hosts seemed.to have eemplete control, tut British people are: stubborn and the reconquest of tho: Seudnm was entered with» the result that today it inpractically under the com- lete control of Egypt which is’ tanta- all. iy chronicle tie death of nobler occupation of making a sours and lea igh name was Agnes Hush, as born aed: iets he spent the days of “tee girlhood and where she wai soldier, but Ke would never be @ suc-| Wilson over he pas ago. emigrated to fifties settling in Oxford county ued e lived two years. From there | 3, con appa of theentire’ neighberh the Bresbyeorian church of which sl was a member, ani life. She was kind es affable in man- ial disposition . winning?) for her host ‘of friends. The funeral which was largely attended took pies ner, her geni cigs ap aay aw se Gas spring. TIL ead tp text acta He chops every Tu ay. this week to Mrs. Jobo pioneers of the jon Wed C mont as Life's Spring ts Potsoned. If the Kidney’s do not Carry Of its Blood American Kideey Cure Irgans Heal 's Disease an of blood in the body goes sdoeys for the eee _ ot its three Peer life Jasts. The kidneys eee filter—and it stand hat aera very heart beat. When the tions of kidney disorder prese: ance to, So Coat Anson Kidney ed tested and proved specifi jor Bright's disease, iasbeter and bladder y The tail ly Canada in the ew moved to the 10th: con. of Elma, the he loss of their mother, Deceasedi was gular attendant of led a good Christian the Presby- MONKTON. Our brick. and. tile workers are brit ‘There will be a 12th | expense: ve -| Wanted t Bright | and women start reat demand Ney never fails, Sold James Torrance. STRAYED the. premises of J. 3. CARSON, lot . 6, Mornington, on or about October Doth. a brown ram. e owner may have the same by proving property and paying Onto tl Wanted :—Farmers”sons or other in- dustrions ‘persons of fair education to mn. $4.00.» month would be an in- Gucemens. I could aleo engage » few ice at theit oma homes. T. B. LINSUOTT, Brautford. Gerfal “Light of Life.” $3.00 0 day sure ; some make ee that. Experi- or capital unnecessa BRADLEY-GARRETSON €0., + Limited, Agents :—our Ghee books are ready. From Fifty W books explained:in oe Speen famon m and Great Events of the Nineteenth Cestery.7: Great Bat tles, Great Men, Great Taveutions and coveries, Progress of Muations, ever: great event of she century: a slow. sellin; or agency business you lose money to con- tinue. Here is the best opportunity Sir piaking moncy’ yrmentt bad. Bix roll, easy time, Hew plan get our offer BRADLEY- GARRETSON C9*, hl Mr. caters Makenzie ee sold. his hou: , for the sumof $350. Agents :—Dresfus ;_ the mount to saying. that it is British | and iv Cadal e@ Prisoner of ‘The Eto A are basye| Devil's Island. |Full story of the most serritory. putting ov the eecond coat oi Eli on the} remarkable Military Triab and scandal: manse, and we hope that it will. be r of the age. _Big bo book, well Mlustrated, for occupation in abo sells on sight, p for canvass spike M Mrs. D. Fs ats have re- BRADLEY. GARRETSON. €0., Limi tired from the busy farm life. an settled in BA T¥ORD, Oa iss Annie Johnston. is spending | the in ybeir comfortable Swaine on Stanley Mr. John’ Ecler’ shooting match was a little dullen. = of their Being’no.guns. & quit assern| biedsand ‘sansa. for. ne ways, .. Campbell was out at Suit last week,ou the jury. Mr. for this is two. years in succession that Ye has been.called. Mr. Dayid. Grieve: has. sold the Balance. of our cheese. being the 4\months of September, © first hi Pa of FECES ripe n aes the tux this last.sale eaehe ake the others as.a topnotch sale. mossocK € Mesere, Habu &Gord of) Waterloo were in che village lass week on og They. bought: several head, zeae | hearty welcome. extended: to all. Ad- Bal wattle. mission 10.and 5c. y _Solom isag as Michigan is} Mr. Chalmers;, of Ingersoll, ae Burley per he vurday, and spent: Sundzy, with | Oats visiting e trends hi < Jase Hishon Hite logging. | boo to lear = the rest of his ou ‘Tuesday Mr. % Rubl of Lenadnce is ables to be around ageimafter. being. indi posed for three monshs.with, a. ake Mahony,, ~ like his fellow. tradesmen was- drinking Heavily. After. revurning.tohis board- me unruly Reid. he|! Gtratford,. tried before , Magistrate array and sentencedto two months St ‘Their many frien ts peace and comfort in their dc hi nite crowd | Wolfe for $275. the. fowl | on Win-Stanley, John. Streets, will Lis okige Garo Monkton factory has sold the last of the seas and.Oct., for 11 3-82, sand expect to ship this. wee an. employee - of = will not be beltind in sending andelegute. of a wed- They as Bale Into Tosign Me. G. ‘some fine. building Lots, and now have jost likely there.will be some fine dwellings BRADLEY-GA RREISONGO., Loerrep, go upmext summer. Mr. R. Thompson, produce me erchant, of wel, was in Monkton on Monday, on’s make, Sep! Mr. George Westman, of was inthe wallage, ‘Mondsy, swellin d | stadt, the list of subscribe 4 en willbe Gelebrated on, the : this week, in| paid Grieve | which oe. oe Mitchell's ge aa wen will take ia i of Monkton '& prominent part. ‘ Miss Miller, teacher-of S. S. No Khryville, je making.» grest eff will be farsished: for the occassion. dL Os Fy Monti te siness is on hand. of Guslph on ‘The re ding an the, 17th on. Ble; say, that Robert is getting lonesome, ai hai ‘Ales: fedooking sheds = War TERRORS. cance es the Soe tik Gasement Will Care Them. OSall Hes ailments the mons. dist ia pjles, blind, bleeding, itebin ating—and the remedy’ that ef ancl surest cure is Dr. Panties is the-order. of the day. ¥ery hile game is to be bad however. October . make of ‘wld for 11 Je. —\, Miss Hastie McMillen, of Milverton, “was the guest of.Mrs. McFarlane Tast omeek._ Mrs. James- Havilton has pn ae ile cure. words “magi round the globe, and are bat It cues all skin diseases, evzei scald-bead, ae ee of Woodstoel to the crowny.on Sana evening. says George-Bruce fi revolver ton Génservatives- have nite Jébia W. Bell, the. mem Commons.. e Herald which the daldtes vill take a- leading part. e -usnal funny. reading ear Excellent music thet 3, % outets Heef, per owt Ointment. It holds a phenomenal reeard rh Fred. Scheloff is on the sick| % ive boom eral of the nations telling of i mi seas powers salt rheum ete, Sold by James Torrance. Date Ayres, ke, gota peeatipietn the dnt at ee hat, close ae eet the-police are " acigunile, present wish them.| Agents;—"Light of Life.” The Xow years. plained aud the Liv bool Sanramere. (Agents theee-fourths calls rate share in this gold mi “Er you want a astle, rautford! FARNi FOR SALE. half of Lot 1, Con. 8, Mornington, [consists £100 acres with 90 acres under cultivation with ten acres of The-farm is well watered. The ticulars apply the premises or 10 Robert Smith, t. | Newry, COMMERCIAL. Mn.weRrox, Sapa oH 1399. wheat per bush.. Sense wheat, per bush. Jere hs = eas Apples per sk Potatoes ** “* nd BL oni Aie wo Fall Wheat. | Spring | the HN teep Toronto, November 30, 1899. .$§ GF 8 67 “re- eres be aes ig SLSSSuaSVSVSSRSE He at no- SSSRS noBsayss Raan enon ana Grand Jewel Stoves" We will prove to you that the Grand Jewel Stoves and Rang- es ARE THE BEST ; all styles and sizes for Wood or Coal. Geta good stove, for you don’t buy one often during your life. See our Self-Feed- ing Coal Stoves and Heaters, We lead in Coal Heaters. Oar TINWARE: DEPARTMENT is complete. orders promptly filled. Als Full stock of Shelfand Heayy Hardware at lowest prices... All’ kinds of Fence Wire. We give our Customer the benefit of our buying before: the raise. A pleasure for us to show you goods. Yours anxious to please, Finkbeiner Bros. “3d. G. GROSCH & SON “|Our stock of Shoes and Ru bers of ever description is complete and guar- antee prices. MILVERTON: AT THIS TIME OF YEAR. You want to buy Shies=. that are reliable. Cheap, Shoddy Stuff Will not protect your= feet in. winter. See-our guaranteed Footwear andi at; reasonable prices. b- OBIS eS Oi BEL That parcel of Sinad. kamen‘ aa, Rant Co This Space Re- served For Watch. for Ad. Next Weels. Nevrs.ave 118 |SCHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL,, re 8 8 4 7 7 5 6 i ggees. Bea ; avoid the rush. B. KNECHTEL MILVERTON. pore. y yi Milverton, Ont., Perth Co., Thursday, November 30th, 1899. Weekly Friday’ Seening at ‘ Golo Bee vice at a kk oda 245 p. ‘Cuvecn MoMlilon Dek. deg op ria p.m. Service at Elma at Beas Goons toe Deel? Anderson, B.A, pastor. “Sabbath Services st ress and 7p. .m, Weekls ran ursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Zion church, Welles Tp. at 3 p.m —Rev. Sabbath Services 9:30 Sabbath School, 1am. “¥.P.C. A. meats ents Tossing areinees at 8o'clocl = —Rey. Blunek *Bubbath Setviee at 2p Christmas Goods We are now preparing for the Christmas trade by getting in a large lot of Furniture o} the latest design. Sygaa Beautiful Rockers suitable A presents {from $3.00 up, room Suits of extra fish, We bought largely before the advance in price, If you want the benefit of our fore- thought, order early. Wiederhold - & Honderich Mitverton. “lea Divine wor-|> -| A Good Fitting and Up-to-date ‘J. BURTON, : A railway between Guelph and God- erich is see +. eee: in on him. rly kill Thomes Hazzard was working in a 5 nD governor yesterd an order in- worth | Sewer in 5 Weedaioek thursday. Tt} council, which wiuae Aces Cars BIC STROKE FoR ovTaRso. Toronto, Nov. eee lieutenant- ie reaching. effect upon the industries o} the: province, and oe may seen in HEN YOU WANT Suit of | At Close Prices, or anything in GENTS’ FURNISH- INGS go to THE TAILOR Next door to Postoffice. MILVERTON. WAR DECLARED ACAINST HICH PRICES paviue pirgiaesd a very kof WATCHES FIRST PRIZE BREAD Competant judges at the Stratford Roary Fair awarded us lst Prize for We do not have to depend upon the intelligence of a poe show judge tor our reputatio: i pees vast cuter of people wha eae bread in preference n hand ae ethic best finden and gi hee ver- dict'as the sadgee at Stratford Fair se eareti 2 CLOCKS, RINGS and SILVERWARE at such unheard of prices, that we will sell so low as to as- tonish everybody. Call and be Convinced that wih we say is correct, The Jeweler, Nexr Door to Postorricg. -Y, WEITZEL, The Baker. S.—Wateh repairing our Speciality ‘The best-informed me: § THE “NECESSARY” MAGAZINE and women in the world use the AMERIC, fee ee ari Clothes == =" IN JEWELRY | ® ~~’ Piepeieherherthastendorff| = sive works for the ston a nic- kel to be used in the building of com- missioners of the sdiniraty may ob- tain an of nickel for the ture of armor plate and other eats for the protection and equip: nt of war vessels. It willbe news to'the people of Ontario that a similar r was made by the government of this province in the year 1891, but as the merits of nickel in connection with the manufacture of armor plate had not then been made apparent the lords of the admiralty did not d>em it wi avail eee of tl peiilege then tender in-council also pro pari for the cotsrriese in Ontario of nick lw ao De oe may ierenfier ba nécessary to the esha of the industry, prohibits a export from res and matte. an important communication to the government, Mr. Archibald Blue, director of mines, points out that in the seven years, 1892-98, the quantity of ore smelted and reduced to matte in the Sudbury district was 591,853 tons valued at $4,596,865 at es ‘furnaces, the metals was increased to $14,372, 35 processes of _Mangfacture, eh $1,929,894, a is ete that aoblcey lows : bodies of considerable promise | 4 haye been discoyered this y. be- | tween Lake Temagami and Lake Tem- iscaming, 75 miles northeast of the working mines at Sudbury. which extends across the tl rovince a larger share in the profit of the mining’ in- dustiy +1 is at t attainable. people a larger share tion of the profits of oe industry.” Tom Corwin had an mouth. enormous He once said he had been in- sulted by mn Smith. ‘The good brother asked for ih explanation. “Well,” oH Corwii I stood up the province of nickel bo than $10,000,000 has been paid for wages, services a profits ontside of Ontario, Mr, Blue concludes gs fol-|® with home labor and gio for our own | seaso in the distribu-| 2” Once when ‘Edouard mone the| 2 author of Le Monde ou Pin SStennnie | 4 st Nov. 25.—Lord Cro flowin dispa thousands surrendered. tian foree. Tt the khalifa, referred to as giv en ack wb, jb may power of the erushi ment of Egypt in th an chener utterly t the yee Efe: his hare! Osman Digna, since been fugitives. ‘There when he got Tussaud’s, Captain Alexander MeDon, Snead Wis., the inventor of back type of “grain-carr Sis on the alee our shij portation if its prod: oe of traffic capacity of the St. soon be s00n be about, nde: daca Bat by degrees and experience, STARTLING NEWS FROM CAIRO. Boe romer, British y minister here, has received the tch from Gen. Lord oe ite’s force came up with the Khalifa’s force seven miles soathoce | bl gue the principal emirs, killed or captured, except Osman Digna, who escaped, The dervishes were utterly defeated. ving n killed in battle, is ula El Taint, the gost phiefiain of pe y be said ae ie 8 Rieghene is y piohebly ‘he Re ty kchalifas who, in 1382, pad af ta-| ous mehdi to overthro the khalifa with tremendous slaughter, | +4 ant jost famous af the} hi Soudanese Pytony suc and have ma} some farther trouble for the British in made a strenuous attempt to obtain | the se pean in eee atte po but refi fonier aA aiid lack ob) “eoowledge of African conditions, A ca might ata send Kruger head to} #4 ra AN AMERICAN VIEW OF CAN. EW OF CANADIAN PROS d ‘ge num-| 5), ber of women, children and cattle also fell into the hands of the Anglo- Eayp- ie Sou-| ¢ the the fact that the Refar salt ee nee hes need aid from Pro! Rev. Marble Gamteginee Chi she President of Committee. SALISBUI AY. A Briti ie esid: is very special meanings world. An alliance wi wr of West fi as wha finery? to Canada’s new fourtee: i | but the eee wil athe theel cede ae ts. to the seaboard, and tke east by the business arising. ont of will wheat grea a sea-coast, in miles, we 1 this rere or for movement, wrence canal ‘The capacity at first one se i built rane ie the ie came of he ae ie them sea —-+—__ BUILD OUR OWN GHIPs ie) Mon nts the sentimental side of the case very 7 aptly when it says oceans need not now be stated. itude. Timt ting | sti e neetied dwellers also What more ia lee on nada of ours Nort! tthe. si soe oot the Mappa Glyde, the ‘Tyne, ‘the ‘Tees, the neh rd feos ore A ALGAE: NOTION The right to discuss the justice of | meson Lc tare Progress is cclable aithonties, Sit, Williaa Hace sy Reopen y Uae tates to to Atlantis er- | such favorable advantages business forced upon this route to ler. | volume. avillage in RELZGIOUS AWAKENING IN FRANCE France called “Hu- memorial | be ‘Under will be the sea in great For idee Hokie: bes sie iace oh ern aieie wernment, makes eg fi all the juct of | cgareheg Twenty three thousand five ended barrels of les -shipy Lig fe famine 2 Brotes seyoyns not_at is pees ier tae PE France are quite unable to sup- pastors for now rare! f fr. David James Bartell, of the arch, New York City, Franco-American tish diplomatist of the radical echool Pl Omdurman, Sept. 2, 1898, Gen, Kit-| of polities js quoted by a Loudon dent as heing with in “the. diplomatic ga Times argues that Cana- much mooted? ‘The Monetarg