5 = , | dropped on ‘bis chest, ond | be anowor, Christ having quelebed |unless you repent. How can you, go 2 ae rae only good pl: th Ha WELLS OF OLDEN TIMES, | se se Hinde = meas z ee e tia eS, wi pe pene ve sinned en st firs ia Finer i : REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES ON | =¥2™) Dense ‘anda dying mocber's pe THE WELLS OF ABRAEAM. T saw am Account the other day of | WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUK see a. little boy who was to be taken bya | CORNERS OF THE GLOBE. city missionary, with | some other toys, d homes. the Chtef Battles of Christianity are must, peers one FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS We are determined to make things lively around this store ; no need to tell 5 : Peg gunn ead en | Old and New World Events of Interest Chron~ triumph, because Blucher nt Paintion to icled Briefly—interesting Happenings of Prince Albert of Menaco is having tie observatory built in the pol d me guilty.; I | now. gaat Methodistic or old-fashi a ed. fowing text :—“And Isaac digged again If you want to tell men that they “ee : pi ete ime Lord Chief Justice Russell has age t ‘ining out for?” w gaid: t d British phar 4 by kickifig o! : d : : oe f water, which they had ene x dicen in te age of branam bi |i ithe ead of let oF ee et ona ee ite you why, if you read this list carefully : father; for the Philistines ped them after the death of Abraham; ‘aceonlagsenshs “tae and he called their names after the rare He names by which his are had palieg. “Imperial Delhi, the Clapbam Junc- and put it, in ie tion of the East,” is the London Daily ike: to| Mail's way of Sai the capital of eget Waa Sout va be Aue! over my | heard - twenty years % that old hymn. il of pines eas, t sinners, poor e of your mother’s re-|the Mogul * coats from us. Call in and } ; i ¥ ress Goods ancy eens them.”—Genesis xvi. ; ligion to remember her by? Do Venetion coins of 1570 and 157%, i Groceries see what we have. : te is | isea heard Christian men in prayer-meet- | her rs clamour fo: an aring the name of loys Mo- c| A few left ; balance will go} Were 12% per yd, next 3 : tal lands a well of ee ted. with Ai rseenseal > fr T5e. for 60 : ‘a , : i f : ; In Orien bleeding, his feet were dabbled with |jings and eisewl though | this morning? Do see her hold | cenigo, have been foi = h 3 ct: ds. f A: nice line- of Children’s A a fortune. If a king dug one, gore, an¢ that ia © were = be et radical | her withered hands stretch t fi land, in the interior of South Africa. 60c. for y 50c Cheap. 12 Ibs. Coffee lays, {1 yds. for $1.00, OI came as famona as though be td bait the death-bed, bexging you to come t0| Tady Blennerhasset, wife of Sir Row- i0n Saas : Cape, - $18.00 3 is Certs, fesloned se Notrouble to show (8 setae tedatt ‘ou mot like to have the purity of your | nd Blenne ty as Eopeleet Qe. 20, - . Pa (goods. “Great battles were fought for the con- fhother ?. Would you not like to have| the honorary degree of doctor of phil Te ier nes Bae aoe Ae 60, a oo 3 Ibe, Raising, best, 5. JOarnia Woolen ; nest ox defence of such wells of wa- the comfort she felt in dark days? | osophy from the University of Muni ick 18e. for oe Ibe $1.00 3. lbs Saltpeter 25c. . paranese eas 4 : ete alegetonpeg ee ee ec ie eee he 4 ion of mn + a bs Glendon Tea $1.00 ‘ i mie a atannaye toa finds the well of | 1.5." and 1 erie jul “ mate! moments, when she looked up through | of Prince Leopold of Bavaria, and eld- bbeces Cate Stadt bbe | In all shades‘at 5c Ib: Xmas Novelties . Farah Aue red feet through i i i ft go away, for Jesus called her, |¢st daughter of | the othe recipient MILLINEHRY 4‘ Buffalo Starch 250 “Too Early” did you say— aE a solid of pte . These ancient and you said, “Mother, = pei spare |Pr°the Pope's golden rose this y 3 Tins Corn 25, Gents Fall and ier eb rounded by you;” and the outery of an- . . . 3 Tins T 25; not a bit of it, buy at once and wells of water were sur ‘Swered by a long breath hig ia you Dunmow, famous for the aiecns of MISS BUNDY will be with us till January 1st, and| ins Tomates 25c. : fi hoice. Will h ‘alla of rock. This wall of rock was } {5 (0't Expiation peek it was all over? Ob, my et bacon, has an old lady of 93 who re- ‘| 5 s oe 3 Tins Peas 25e. Winter Caps get first choice: ill have a covered up with a great slab. In the| Cowper over mo with his sin, mother be one side and father on the cently bought a bicycle, does all ies anything you need in her department will be executed atj 3 Tins Pumpin 25c. Ww. 1 full display next week. a » loved ones . : a 5 ‘ins 5 ari a T's 7] <A berascotn eens ca asta shortest notice, and prices AWAY DOWN. aE acne sR welts & Salmon 10, 12#and15e. fssortment at 25¢ up. ; f by a stone. ene let us ross over now. - in London. A coat of arms or a mono- aes : : i es Cat beeen Gro Sealey Ta be ame‘ hy | Bene ache ana he proves Cotton and Wool |Ladies’ Jackets Readymade Remnants was courting Rachel, he won her fav- pipececss is in order to clean them out, we| From 75¢. per pair to $3.50. |cut the price in two. German trial for swindling with *| forged autographs of Martin Luther Bible says, by removing the i famine. One saeri- ere Oe ne ere ans nue Pema eee painless by tle use of Blankets We have 14 left of 1898 and Clothing We still have: a: number’ te : asarre haat g of the well. }fice for all. : pel. benediction!" Whatever else wu anke ere caer A neathen got Sted! abont his sins,| do not _ You cannot make a mistake, dispose off, do not” delay” see- in buying your Suits and Over-ling tem. “Lord, we must win heaven. t and asked h ish?" because men are not invited that they do a save us—we - You get a general invitatic Let besianh out, the fact that the ink sipelo. Ghe liked him ob| Let us come around the old Gospel sears ago 1s was clever enough, to lay hold and give these doors’ this rae. carrying a | $000 tie sooyies can still be taken a lift to one who very heavy burden. I do not mow | fom it. : hai The aboriginal population of At is; but I noticed some of you, when | tralia is dying out so rapidly that it it ‘4 sad. | has been Tronieed to establish “reser- vations where the rem i structed in agricultural labor and needed it, Tt was considered one of the great- ‘est calamities that could happen am®-| the’ way, uni tion when these wells of water were Handkerchiefs at tc., Just out. LOTH = GUENTHER] ie tell any body. How ma: rr dens on your shoalers and on your hearts? Come ‘A rainbow appearance is now % : : . 4 Abraham at great expense and ca) hu ft deep, and [sented by the Eiffel tower in Pai , : j Bad boon filled up by the opitetal Phi Cut, through the ook; but th Coop |whien fs being peinied. The wader. Prices of Candies and Nuts later Jesest ch is deep a8 eternity, and is cut of paint vary in colour for the if _ istines. jy Isaac orders them | \foted and worn of sin, truaing on 2 a ay ro ree ae Fag boro spanine oe ‘ all opened i y see t] les} your days hae sey nie Bed will yw—come ae mn of God. Shor male opened that other | be deep blu % 4 plunging, and the earth tossing, and | you well; spears 0] Temen- tinia seems to be the Miss sc the water starting, until tne ld wel throw your torturing t ions to fogs Ber, fhe old well-sweep in ae Helen Gould of Spain. She hassent sick e entirely restored; and the cattle | the winds? “The blood ‘of Je Jesus Chris pent ty shtltbe cies bet Late a = : ; : are ‘entire othe trongh and thrust'|cleanseth from all cin t was G come,. "They spent their life-| Panted in the ground, and on it was [soldiers out to the pea me nour The Milverton Sun ‘The jury after considering the cae| AGED MINISTENG- A MENDERANCE [Take them fom the stenmer, remore “the ay i come down to ng! ney hem | a nett they | Sune a long beam, Which we laid hold the royal park ‘nea drid, and is ie v = rel dict of * il — lids of the kettles or moulds, end allow the A 9 ‘their nostrils into the water, their bod- Hedley View thee ‘English /enl-| dit not aiines matbars ered) @ they | of Ph our boyhood and brought down- | paying for food and delicacies for them oul i in a verdict of “not guilty.” the Devomber Ladi Journal | huddinge to cooly then veptecs the dear | Ae ou nh pes every ~swallow, until oe = eed hin into a hero: for ai John Bi yan’s pilgrim im start fromt| “2rd: and the bucket dipped into the | out of her own purse. Nien Ga Gane pee ee aos ‘Tun Maclaren® writes pala ‘Uhe Old put the puddings away, Whey will eae? ie} Bee. Bie 6 er Ni * they lift up their heads and look easy. auiet, Weick bad, cates) ap fall: fey. the cris) Mee gittaried gee 0b wantea 1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1899. Clergyiman be Bot,” Se thet“ahor¢ [5 gook pluco for aeveralimontie ora seanealoe : s around and take a long es = his great yell ot the Atone- ee place? he ee read Ji obs fae ne plese a pt cows by <parts of enti: ai THE PROVINCE WINS of morality aud enbelicf, one eunoot | Deemer Ladew Home Jontta ete Ge : sides of their mouths Bunyan's old well, ans n swing on it the lo: ig parishes o! s the Chi u 4 é U ur water from the ae into. the lity are to Lawdaees ee that Piece, nnd I loy ‘bold of it with 1y {eras and Marylebone have refused to TRAT! ASSIZES. ‘At Osgoode Hall on Friday, Mr. |G Stara wnivietuse infective duty Bor A 3 “att ripping in sparkles down rr I pull it down until : : STRATFORD ASSIZES. : y ud i Y For| catarrah of Kong Standing Rellévéa’ in a Reais trough. I never tasted such water in prayer, and \T pu' until the | establish them even where the books Tustice Street gave judgment in the | this will mean obsolete’ theology, the neglect ‘Few Hours, C fe Sone Ne ack out bucket strikes the bottom of the| were offered os a gift. ees action of the Michigan lombermen: to of the young, itolation from the spicit of the| Tt is not alone the of ovr own] WONTLECTIONery he moss covered bucket that swung bbling, foaming, brimming, spark. | ‘The Paris Exhibition of 1900 will con- set aside the regulation requiring the |44¥. avd en rangling. Nothing. would | country, and prominent citizens like Urban | « * of the moss cover Rebeling ae oo ehh ito Shay asia cant nee soa tie es Moses Lang vs. Thomas G. Hodgent evi in: Catena ob al leaee en Seek one resale woenoras (es pe, M.P , of Joliette, Que., and other ae : ‘ip on the chains of the old well-sweep: | here he stood, his stati Seale! [0 cine to Christ aag ee which, an | tain the larg > etal. The facts were. as ihlawee Church than the compulsory retirement upon | members of Parhament, who, having’ “used an PUults > 4 ed over | Wo! TI n, Loa ecording to the report of M. Raulin, 5 crown lands. he judge found for | satisfactory terms of every minister’ above | Dr. Ai hal Pow a and I think when Isaac leaned ov! track of his “fect. all around about y ling Eases Bak y Catarrhal Powder, pronoun: FOr aes pestered well bell ns al “This is the very water “To the dear fountain of ne blood, | the architect who has been entrusted st February, J. ng, son. o| avince on every point raixed,and | the age of sixty. Kor this. would mean not} it the test efiective remedy they: have ever he ‘ the eurb © eae ine Anearnate God! T fly th its construction, it will accom- Moses Lang, of Mornington, answerec Iavly in regard {0 tte provisions | 2417 reserve of good men upon: whom: the | known, but people everywhere. are express felt within himself that He Here let me ¥ spotted soul "| ttlodate 12,000 to 1 an advertisement for a young man to! requiring the sowing of legnia Cnnad, Church vould depend in emergencies, but a| ing their gratification at the effectiveness rg. < erage worthy of Gosia ars: is ors here deepest dye. ngsia is going to turn rbour work in an office as $45 per month: |-Tie ease will, aadceeodd. pi baste are oe At brescal [st tis edlcins, 7 C10) Arley iat Dealyats oy was very careful to ae “A euity, weak, and helpless wort. | of Libau on the Baltic, near Riga, The advertiser was the Automatic’ once a ee Aiea GAS epee yah knees oat rr a 43 . ppeale inisters who think they are young, and old i Water would ron from a43 Bathou : my ‘Senet and righ into a first-class naval station, and Carrier Company, of Jonded ng: ministers hi vance again ngre- | eyes and nose atime, Abont’ four RS a : 1 My J jesisnese fortress. The port will be closed to had an interview with the company, —————__ gations who do not respect age, aud be- | mouths ago I wasinduced totry Dr. Aenews}— & i Jed,“ The well Ee merchantmen and foreigners, for and his father ree for $300 as ee ences eee ee Seana i tee Suny seandalsand'|Catarrual Powder. and since using the Because wedead inthat line. We * Bis the well by the Rock,” or “ The whom the harbour of Windau is being seeurity for him which was handed'| ype i carpet aed ces abalone Cole yea cearinre epee ney na cag bere er Gee : 3 well of Bubbles,” Tsuac baptized itwith tte a & over to the company. Both son and’ The skipper of a sailing-vessel had | cera, than this standing feud will be bealed, | ten mm Cpaener at ape eMC taal te Waa Rie Scape eos ae ee ten minntes, by James Torranes, “>. GRENFELL. prese There is only one Sirdar in the pub-| witnesses, a1 A beyciing inwryer of Fotedém, who mted himself in Court with his all in knee breeches and father thought the young wan was to get a situation in the London office of the company, but instead he was given much respected: and belie this week, which wi be opened for your inspection. - You bave noticed, Christian friends, that many of is old Gospel bes wells that our fathers ak pe as passenger an estimable bat not fal iratory and | 5 ‘ i a ied . = rs days of Bee ‘ lic mind now, and Sir Herbert Kit-| cycling stockings, was fined 10 marks 3 she Abie te ollie tHaGhine aa coneRa me : ect F RST Ri E: | es oe come chener is his dame. But Major-Gen- | fer gross impropriety, snd the sene a i eeaircis Sika Lideateandt Youngnen were ighienrd ena pet soa soay Becton cher custo I PRIZE. as Chocolotes, Bananas, 1 you Lig Pas itation {o|eral Sir Francis Wallace Grenfell, 6.C. elite te eet ee - gave a note for $300 ‘nnd handed over | thei terror was nothing to thao of the | 7a” BREAD>.: * Creams, Oranges, » : come now to Jesus! why do you serie Na ae aires ‘The Dowager Empress of China was his father's bond as security. The| poor minister,. who’ was haaetra pit, ae th b "Bon Bons. — Lemons.» - | tian army from 1885 to 1892 and Wales playa anatahe owes her father sued for the retarn of his bond. | vhle abject: “ See here, sir,” said the RELISH FLUM PUDDING. ave been in. business four i ‘ 1e [excellent service has all the more rea orm Tolier Wekuiy,, which ubrage: penne was Agee for the plain-| skipper av Jast, with’ kindly severity, | See fe aa wid .|years_and*never tool Scone boca siach i hi cif. + Q. C. - ©. Mukins | +o you want me'to think you're more | paring to make an English tae } for oii tie and Flock; Lon-| afraid of guing to heaven ‘than those | ™!* wit them a pound of curt don, young men are-of'going’to hell?” post a peed eonsiderable|> time of the court was: Clarke vs. ‘Tt is a constant wonder to me,” | joan: paid the student of human nature, “to | three aan ofa poun see i m, with all away, and it would never come augurated ~é united with alittle gump- again? Do you know v that your nature|culmination by his successor. Sir oes i Sees so, from Cleo- has been chang-|Francis, indeed, as commanding in | Patra Gown, and eo. it wil ever be not | Egypt, had had the satisfaction ‘of re-| While the world wa; ‘The Hon. Philip ae heir ni e Barony of Pei the respi Your child dies, re dai; | prize for bread}. rants and*falf Now than we also carry an as-- sorted line of i WHY ? i Because I make the best~| Fancy. Goods and Toys 3 i brick or a stone, 0 ~ old Gospel well,’ We are se told tha the fact that cient the fe I neh how quickly the'ninds of mn’ men bee can te : - We will'open up some very fine a give me a ‘angry with the wi eee i eect -| outa rather Baye aw ilicerste, maa aay." Do you at Enow Sat yo have Dave nla in nina Mer eeutO oni git; a thor half spat of Je public rons) sae Meies ‘backwoods who knows Christ, God? e grasp” bos’ lor orange jnice; pour over the my competitors realize it. Chi eee ae ton Annie The ctfonceshe clatmesieas| #08 astounding. F met him in- the] gredjente and mix thoroughly. ‘The mixture Lhinaware rae ie vous dere : 5 sales esghity the ai should not be wet, but acl patile should ies: nee e Bl the "Five Boints" of the univ thie e-moistened, "Pack this into small grease is week. Prices rangi i 5e. up. * St there are a gent sane nae Werle Tt Eetles crmoulda It will 6 wo three Ametho: First. Prize Bater| on ne Sone oe ere ae 8 replied 2 ites, Pat on the covers, stand | $22 8M mt your house. - Sino. whole work f t js to fill ‘up these Christian wells. ign Will not think it ‘stronge then, bat case; Be‘answered, ‘it’s mire” the pees xs ra, y is ae to get the fat ot the night’ be: | (Tr q fore; mix and put them on early inthe : morning, allowing them to cvok all day. OUR 10c: TABLE WILL BE- * AN EYE-OPENER~ -- testifiy tothe character of the-girl but all denied having had intercourse with * & large-warehouse*for curing: tobac. feel eAlke Mico oire slag ean eee ee k es “e ‘ = P ° = ‘ irt Z offered inducements to help Ruther-! The electors of Westmoreland Coun Wi taw Shy if ja > i ; Sand the m1 ith which you trying t A bap Set eg Se erga 25 zat i the stree ford out of the trouble but refused. ! ty sustained the Scot Act by a slight- Order Your Winter Suit In PIPES, ., 10 RS, j open Jorions well of the. atone- -__ Drive up th of | the cheek, erying, “His b fected thi “Ar ad eee Besser 4 i Considerable evidence-sf a malodorous oi decreased . Our Fall Goods! Hate ceetne f ee x aes is of old phil ir blesting at {his eool Youn sins striped bl "yellow, the persis - sede et bag hereon: nith, Financial) LATEST DES 1GN, I ee obaccoes: es that were worn out of |To this well David Pane prcties he lost pick cane ee Quem'e Dares, Kings- red and raw with the scourge; an his See died; Sand he ton, is dead, Nearly: Thrée-Hurdred Pieces:to choose from: Your} We are *Headiqdartersasswe The farmers in the: neighborhood of | Suit will be‘done im the’ - carps. falf-assortment + in ~all' 9 jatham are reapin; nite a harv fa Sree dna TORE MOST WORKMANLIKE MANNER} with peas geese and ducks. =; Over b a Cait" Solictted.” Wit.. BURTON, % % while in the service of Ratherford eke 3,500 eys, geese and ducks- were Home? Tf in the former, then they Paeheogs Killed. & by one «Chatham = ee C. S. Kertcher,,. MILWERTON?|* SIGN—Red Flag and White Front. - anes For a sual fee people could and lat- ot tof nov’ #tin for shipment to the old’ country. [| Let us have war: shouted the belli gerent patriot. fiercely. “Let _ us have’ : 2 a i ie E ee tat whe mrave 3. Sut the muster-roll | the little occas ‘of your Savini ee een one child, for 3 ‘ou will never see her again | War 1e—not t