Milverton Sun, 30 Nov 1899, p. 5

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THE FOUNDERED GALLEON. By WEATHERLY (HESNEY AND = ALICK MUNRO. {Copyright, 1899, by the Authors.) “Tm afraid,” said the doctor, rather hat surface of th only, but we intend to navigate our craft underneath it as wel The visitor nodded gravely three or four times, seontving without the least trace of surprise this piece of informa- Mae a hiet had aise mo coe. bate him. His countenance remained as im- peatrely wooden as it had been before. man to zettle down, zo they cay. A year come next Martinmas 1 went int Datos ie a aioe an in four days the strange off altogether. Think of that mak yar!” ‘Miss Colepepper’s choking attack be- came acute again at this point and necessitated remedial measures on the part of Guthrie. “It’s wonderful how some people can adapt toe to circumstances,” loctor with perfect do gravity. “Then you have thought this matter out thoroughly at are quite }4 certain you wish to join The farmer waited a ao or sue to collect his thoughts. “I zeed un turd: pees Serabe ines mont’ed man, be my broth fra aid the d seeing that he paused for comment, er apd eo you dear: eet by yourself and decided Th fatmer nodded. A faint, avery faint, smile flickered about his large plain face and its hamlike coloring a trifle i prit zet on it, was Zusan. T's sites a it marry I for thee Pali ‘Tarrible clever wench is Zusan, miss—’er I keeps com- e doctor. Woman at the Aggie ot it! Might have guessed ‘that. psi eck ae matter ell on hubpotel here, go and discuss with other room. ‘The farmer slowly nodded his large | W. head, and then, when the doctor had gone, turned round again to Dolly. He did not speak He only looked at her. Bat fas a) sich bustnocal { Captain Colepenner, looked at the farmer. and his little pig’s eyes wandered over her from hair to slipper. People al- rad it of staring at Miss Colepep- per, thought Guthrie angrily: but, to tell the truth, she er to like ity. You stay Cain What'e-y B- ban name, eine I * Victoria herself who was visiting him. In fact, Cain almost became bap = ich after events Sore was derful testimonial to Miss Dolly’s oS Dr. rane returned, he brought his partner with him. Captain Colepap- per looked at the farmer, said nothing i about a minute, and then, ‘ing ey “Then you think we had better ac- cept the gentleman’s offer?” “Yea,” And thus Cain Laversha’s name w: written under that of Tom Jelly, she the her collection of nautical curios. No, acrew, and just now it was stated that mee were eight. Who, then, was the other’ It was Miss Dolly Colepepper. ‘Tring bad poet that she as the claimed to benefit by the precedent of it. The opposition, though thorough- disorganized, of course made a show of lady had her way, and perhaps, if ae) truth had been spoken, neither her fa: ter all, edi ieeutically to the doctor, Henrietta was a woman, anc, a8 was eat aes And then the ‘ens had the vie fas blush, for his ally was actually la ing at him. CHAPYER A JUGGERNAUT OF THE OCEAN. ‘The Eureka was rounding. the island of Ushant and entering the bay of Bis- peli which comes. th- the strong, pure sea air ob- oa laid its 2 two Tia, with the teady hope of youth, had almost forgotten tlat less than a week ago he ‘nad ‘walke by the seashore of per-Mare and had groaned Ranta thought of the “shilling a behind him, fore hi: 8a only hope and forte, ‘he ‘The Flat Holme Mens, which hi ed him out ue, ad gn seta pat beacon. cyan Lae she had no troubles, and so, having nothing to forget, she Gould afford. to, enjoy the happiness of thé moment. And this, to tell the truth, she did thoroughly. - . Tring, who was standing by th mainmast, smoking cigarettes in oe less relays, watched the with an points to Knowledge of things nautical, was ex- plaining the mysteries of “knots, bem and splices,”* and illustrating be leon deft it green a bit presently, Texpect. Isn’t it 80, “Yes,” said the captain, who had joined the group, “you're right, doc- case of ‘all hands a “Your watch all St for duty, Cole- pepper, or has the tumbling found out ‘replied | Captai gil “Henri just now that he’s down in the fore ‘Hand lost sverboard when abrémst of Lundy.’ So, ent se Isent him below.”” ‘Th there for the whole of the ran?’’ kn trifle of that trade to start | with, I dare say, and we'll soon dram the rest into him. Duff twice a week, filed beef, hot and cold, tea and spuds the outside of our menoo, and it don’t take much brains to rig up that. Keep her away another balf point, later “Keep her away it is, sin” exicaked ie, ‘‘as we've got a lame watch af it already, you'll have to do double y lad; so mind and jee how iW'ate be done, May as Srthe hana Hlecticsialt torch geu-tn ing through the third eringle on the and overh: “a going ts te ‘irty, doctor,”* he “30, Sur vice ts ready for it. Dolly, my lass, your ides wall ‘be below for ae next 48 hours or 20, I’m thinking; ‘pest be seeing about getting Git Tour needlework and novels in tion. “‘Mayn’t I stay on deck, then?”” asked Miss Coleperper in a tone of disappo' No, Dolly. We shall have the sea: i her ton: Dover to Calais tripper, re you going to let him stay set to work take a trick to steer a course, if yp the reet Ml just get her snugged pene veers pi Pioedat ropeend. Guthrie watched the nimble fingers admiringly and tried to the Geers ae ‘granny,”” Mise aia take the trouble to Gicsihe -Detton” sie: ested, Scuvis the rope witha gesture of aes Seine ey pil id eer creatine one, and fine to draw the farmer into conversa- See, Cain,” he began—but the man interrupted him with a wave of one of opined oro,” put in the culprit orm low tones, “don’t threaten todo joying yourselves, I see. Umph!- No harm in that. This yachting weather’s ery pleasant, isn’t it, Guthrie? Feel- a . “Rather!” answered the young man enthusiastically. ‘Why did I never go to for ilor’s life be “No, not all, young man,” answer- sri we're in for asic thew) “sonigh The sies to the waves than she did an hour ago. We shall have her shipping ere have the spending of those Spanish dol- chickens, dad,’’ said she. ‘‘Well, I su must go, apa it's a shame, if there’s going “Placky!’" ease Dr. Tring be- hia breath. ‘But Colepepper's Throughout the day the glass had been falling steadily, and that a eae! gale was spproachig there could be n doubt. the wind rose gradi Sat there wal yee of time to put the Katoh into dirty m weather trim was pressed. blow in real earnest. The sea rose fast, “Counting your %. before she ybout two hours after as now churning right over the stem- Guthrie, w who oe been sent forward with spindrift. She coursed "RUSH OF THE WHEEL. A Thanksgiving Sermon by Rev. i. Imag ALL HONOR TO THE INVENTORS. Km Domestic Life the Wheel Has Caused & Great Eevolution—The Work of the ‘Wheel in the Agricultural, Indus- and ery farm be improved in part or in all of these Dr. Adams aides cathe coutante meiner: GP On ario, subject which bears great in- terest in the present state of Canadian mines, before the McGill Mining So- ciety. says hy oma outttani at thei Bureka’s | spar deck he fetched up against the aoe welghis wibous pieua 5 of the ma ming Ph chosiden ie between a canoe in the industrial world, having very nie thrift and te lave; made the most fava ball and rigging there was little iat important eharacteristic to estab- he sai corundum was very little used, as the much solid plate eae Looking to lee- ward he found was Bos cay. or | Kept its coe too high for general nettles. An older hand woud ae have iJ fos right when he mea that a sailor’s on st Tetting their hog stock deposit is found in the Page m range view only when one Bee on the the eastern townships onsite a. Beene nates SAE eed ne rous lad are “inde i do their eats mak- | modern susie ve eiehe some ae dan cele iets ie though it hes ly When ers rou erie bel Ani puauiee tor i broken pedal me slater tire half weig] °Y | of the other constituents of the rock. ‘The deposits have only recently been discovered, and are as yet almost un- han forgotten its cunnin; ge Soul and body y to be well worth developing, and the 24 us | quite large, though we a not been Seared ae Sr oo, bits, al faster than two men can mine it. It aieant fro uearis of oil every Bom te ces 0} ne eh lesa fee eowenenty Sea, 50 au immorality or Sabbath de:ecration. | Tausportal nd pounds. Sa wed oi ‘tae is kept thi ansult pee homesickness aa suicide —five hi ‘hi fee worked her up to the point where {Women puts on the: band and adjusts ‘the places me which shows ately the hoe ine of Raising Hares. A new industry has just been estab- lished in Indiana by Nathan hee s his asso- wey, ay t0 rahe Tad Beanhore Press, aan et 5 ” peop tie : responsible; but the number At different times in Europe they have tried to got a congress of kings necessaries of life. is thp! Yooper ently comments, there are many ! mon sense therefore calls for its abol- ition. ‘The Cavalry Horse Not Yet Obrolete, One of the ee facts saree ed during the | rogre! 1e South Africa is that dees are a use- ful as ever for war purposes. It was is found, buat? that still sae ea Robbing Feter te Pay Paut, The individual who robs Peter to “iodine uunally: strikes Past fat.» NORTH. mt “NOW. All Over the Country Diabetes is Being. ‘Vanquished by Dodd's Kidney Pills —Thomaa Brooks, of North Bruee, This 11 .e—His Case Required ‘Ywo Dozen Boxes, North Bruce, Noy. 20.—However it is in other parts of Ontario this big toe the province knows the value of considered incurable tele arats Bruce, Ce ed Dia- s 6 sun before resort! to Dodd’s Kidney Pills, have been snatched from the edge grave by their use. The of Mr. Cea aK 10 Se a ue of a pease, my back was 6o bad. Now — can stoop and end with enue. ‘The aes wanted to perform an opera- tion, but I would not allow this. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are better than joctors.”? z ; An Excelent Savory Dish, veal boots and shoes, in one boar itsav- 100,000. 5 Secondly, I look Ante the agricul- i Id to see

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