Milverton Sun, 7 Dec 1899, p. 3

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‘That “Brummagen Joe” is not a true diplomat is evidenced by his pre- mature rush into war with the Trans. vaal Republic and his no less antagon- istie attitude towards France, whom he in a recent utterance threatens with ‘disastrous consequences,” because the yellow press of Paris bas been lawn pooning and villifying the Queen and Prince of Wales. There is a better \sentiment prevailing in France than ‘The war. correspondents are hard| that represented by thuso outeast| |, after Joubert. They have killed him | Journals, but that is not spared by the . Colonial Secretary, who has has in- |< The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1899. _ The arguments used in South On. Yario are clenchers. ‘bwice. Of the Canadian. Contingent the| ill will of all classes in the French Re kin and So will of u 13th Day of dansay, A. D. 1900 and descriptions, and | - first man to give up his life in defence of the Empire was a Frenchman. The Canadian volunteers upon their arrival at Cape Town were immediate- ly sent to the front. This is gratifying tw Canadians who have every . con- fidence in tre heroism of their soldiers. g The-list of dead and wounded: will scor Be more eagerly svannéd in Canada| j than ever eee and ge than one} besmirel sh. griefere the S Home will be fil festive season. is-over. ‘While Messrs. Dryden and Calder are addressing meetings from-the same: platform in South Ontario their esteem- ‘edsupporters impress the argument upon éach other's face in: the rear of. the hall. “Peace-onearth andi goed will: to-|- rdimen,” is- not the-most appropriate slaughtered:in a.war brought, on vhe instigation of capitalists. t Mr. John A, Cooper, Secretary of Association, and ©" the Canadian Press Editor of the Canadian Magazine, thinks-that with the exception of the “"Lorento Globe and Montreal Gazette, ‘the daily press of Canada is edited by “Innatics, and now a. host of Canadian editors think that the- Canadian Magazine is edited by a “freshman.” Ais mresult of the decision of Justice Street sustaining the action of the Ontario. Government in compelling owners of timber limits to cut their logs in Ontario, many. Michigan wills will be idle during tbe coming season A number of lamber: operators in Eastern Michigan are contemplating the removal of their plants to the Gnnadian side. years, Lieut.-Col. R. R. McLennan, M.:P), as he. is familiarly. ealled, declines to again, accept the Glen. | gives no reasons for re- or “ Big Rory,” Gonservative nomination. for garey. He This willbe a. great| 8: Boon to Ontario ay it. wili: give an cate is ready to deposit $50,000 as-a guaran- impetus to the. lumbering industry which has been on the decline for some public. Not omly has he brought the French to the breaking point of en-| durance, but the folly of his action is being severely criticised av home, ‘The most stinging rebuke administered is that by Lord Rosebery, who says in a speech delivered st Edinburgh : of to any pers: ers0 claims they shall aot then have notice McPHERSON & Exeeutors’ Notiee to Creditors in that bebslf that all Geciiiort Nae is hereby given pursuant IN Statute Ate Atk oe executors re i name: ul satement of ‘artical of sige aims: verified, »u ature of the security 2 n: Pag by then, ‘and that bche pests icladad All antl eagned for’ Biitain. the | ones ot January, 1900, iter the said ith d 5 che to distribute e parties entitle thereto Iaving rez only ich they shall then have IGrand Jewel Stoves. We will prove to you that the Grand Jewel Stoves and Rang- es ARE THE BEST ; all styles and. sizes for Wood or Coal. Get a good stove, for you don’t buy one often during’ your life. See our Self-Feed- We lead in Coal Heaters. ing Coal Stoves and Heaters. Our TINWARE DEPARTMENT is complete. orders promptly filled. All Full stock of Shelf and Heayy Hardware at lowest prices. .. |All kinds of Fence Wire, We give our Customer the benefit of our: buying. before. .|the raise. A pleasure for us toshow you goods. right to go into the deci e, ever ceady to flout other nations; and it is no wonder, that Great Britain is unpopular a br this unpopul: : that this tacit frankness: will cease, for these stinging words rankle long afterward, and 1 is not for states men. to speuk under tl i ritation of tne moment, > “SUEFERED UNTOLD MISERY,” South American Rheumatic vee nies Disease. and Cured Him Outs Gibson, merchant, Penta, * ie ‘When hope o ieee tdwclices ay Amencan Rhenmatic Cure. The first ave him instant relief, halfa kottle jin outright. His own words were: ic remedy on eurth.” Sold James Torrance. pom CANADA, A BIG TRIN ¢ Montreal harbor Fania oners have accepted the offer of the Conners Syndicat for the constrnetion of | grais valors at Mont This is a deal of national im- portance. The syndicate, inreturu for the le: asc of three large sites on the water fro: undertakes to erect el and warehouses $4,100,000; to build Steen or $100, ach, giving Canadian shipbuilders the rach and tocarry @ Mon fi water at Poe ficent depth, sa; , 400,009 bushels et grain, or eqnal weight aud each sucee 00,000 bushels. One of the Gee that it wall fuldll the evoditiona of the agrement. “‘Phese negotiations have been as for aboigt eis titcen mantis; duciva which soe syndicite Tadé twoor three deGuite offers, were rejzcted, ag they asked too iz. Tarte would not listen to auy cate, hisintention being ‘the harbor rates as far as the Govern: “nissivn 5 severe treatments: ivi ‘no lasting el BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO:, LP ahve autford, B BADLE Y- Bde elevators, with a capacity of | under ‘Yi the premises or Ne tiring, bat it is thought that he in- tends contesting Cornwall: and Stor- mont, as he now lives in Cornwall, Rory has lost. none of -his pypularity ‘since the days he was the Canadian chaupion hammer throwersand caber equal p The a ntetl racoe * | bit to Government coutrol THE HEART WAILS.. + in, whieh; he is held by the “mea of the Tales.” Mase grind the Heart—It Helieves i ie Thi Our. Fifty, cen-s up. Agentay 0: pee mone plan mre. Bears: ShRRBISOS, bin Limited, NTFORD, ONT. bic Seber ali he Bes Ors yee ad BY. embers “Light of Nhe is a ena tie i i eees Giembas and womearand others ood and maken wonderfal bool Agents :_Dreyfus = as ity ish Fail story. ble Military Trial of these ig bo is on. Snap for canvassers. REETSON-CO., Limited, nee work firn ante: or ladies manent; "reliable references ; experience uit Aiddress Christmas books: sre Four ne books explained in-one prospectus: Om and’ Great: Events of eal who» desire to do money, to cirealate this the prisoner of Brantford. $2 per aay sure, gentlemen } position per- ie fot oar fs FUuNE HEATERS Dated this 4th day Bs Peake, 1899. Yours anxious to please, e e f. ven -cec cee! Finkbeiner Bros Merthe Titieh-fioer Wat in. a regular eo 2 A Few Health Hints Mee sya Wet feet are always running after the doctor. ? ae The Sey ee Children neediless attention to their heads and wee more to their feet. Dry feet from ('ctober wey to-April-ere worth.a whole year of French See race of lifé is not to the swift, but’ to those who keep»their feet dry from start to finish. and Algebra. Mee Those who walk in wisdom’s ways, walk in Rub- bers when it’s wet. Mee There i a snothing more beautiful than snow, and Ra unless you wear Rubbers there is nothing par more. dangerous.. hana J. G. GROSCH & SON ats CAN SUPPLY YOU MME Our stock-vf Rubbers and Overshoes is complete. FARM FOR SALE. half of Lot consists of 16 cultivation with ven. acres good site of repair. ticalars apply to~ Thi Rober wry, Newry,,Aug. 15th, 1899. Bhat parce of and known as Bast 8 Mornington, Sint, If you are in need of a ss Heating Stove do not go past us as wé-can suit you. Having bought before the “tise” in Ironware we are enabled to do the best. COMMERCIAL. Mu.yextox, December. ttled by joint conference, ands wall be} Koy Of Thoasands Have Bacn ‘Teened: Into the | Te of the Cored ae ag, Almost Wool w's Ci The City. of London is-entering a}; vigorous protest against the. proposal ‘of Major-General Hutton to close ap the Wolseley barracks in, that city. Gol. Leys, M.P.P ; has gone to Ottawa to remonstrate with the authorities there with the object of: preventing | ° the General carrying his seheme into execution. It seems reasonable. that London should be some sort of as mili-} sary centre. It is situated in the} pense or in +04 cS left her, and she bas had no ret and ascribes her eure to thin Sf keart remeice, Sold by James Torrazes JOVEERTS FAILURE tentre of the-most thickly eaten evalship of the eo ofthe armies of ‘the | p, tate. and prosperous districts in Ontario. tf Peoeraal a is near the border line of the Phe States, and. is naturally a, militaey headquarters for defensive operations. should weever be so. unfortunate as have a. war with our neighbors. The general issomewhat of an auto-| °% © ceatain his way, and the guvernment fawugh it need not confine his latitude ativald nyt let chiar iereial rein. pons ma bee war coold only muster ‘Av asmy wi cal ci i greatest | the namber of fighters in the the two re republic were able to mobilize ought to have t headway against a | 3 which toe the Set five ae of the Chet whieh could muster 7 there e five “| Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat. ey: BS ne8Ske Cy ¢ oT 7,-1899. 64 See our Cooking Stoves and Ranges. Milverton. 4 SCHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL,. NIST Oe DO Secure Your —"=— : Suit or Overcoat For Christmas early and avoid the rush. 60 43 200 ir} ee E. KNECHTEL i MILVERTON. 2 50 8 Te. 50 540 9 00 7 5 too), 4 poe Ont, Perth Co., Thursday, Dee ath, 4 ie pene = The late United Si Vice-Presi Gens Hoberwleten Sek Wve est raeiee Kruger’s nephew once YOU WANT asked him for a government job. on ee A Good Fitting and Up-to-date mig Espo aa bord im Suit of Sean Clothes ana ‘al the higher seh are filled, FIRST PRIZE Fes BREAD. GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. isk osprey cre ram rm CANADA. have chosen it as the bes ears and At Close Prices, or anything ae for hie ee in GENTS’ FURNISH- r INGS go to WHY ? THE TAILOR Next door to Postoffice. Checelau ens your mone aoe Mitverton. : have been in business four oe ie Because | mgke the best- ‘ 300,000 J B U 70 N The public knows this now, |: a Ave yy competitors realize it. G. GUENTHER|™ nd | blood. we sighing 7 70 poun Th cases of ican packers : ia gan, or 7,000,000 can Sir Charen (Sao Sk and ve at present aii Hon, ane “John Mack Manitoba hayes cam, coy nee The d amount collected in fF lovember, 1898, ‘AR DECLARED AGAINST HIGH PRIGES Is the Place to buy your Confectionery <<" IN JEWELRY Havin, urchased a very largestock of WATCHES CLOCKS, RINGS and SILVERWARE at such unheard of prices, that we will sell so low as to as- tonish eeu, Why fall and be — ar What have a very fine assortment we say is be opened for your inspection. |e jonoy Fresh ¢ ni Pirioherberasenont ia ee The Jeweler. ‘Bon Bons. — Lemons. 'zxt Door to Posrorrics, sorted line of Christm as |F wey Goods and Toys Goods — in P. 8.—Watch repairing our ; ig our Speciality Ni E ow than we also carry an as- if Chinawave This week. Prices ranging | from 5e, up. - gettin, WREay ig iture of OUR 10c. TABLE tlie BE AN EYE-OPE Beautif ul Rockers i and Fruits Becausewe lead in y line. We arriving this week, which will ‘Owing e in: healt, ister of P ‘orks, was unable to tat ae St Andrew’s Day cele- Mr r. cols te a II, ines who is n Oar ada be repel a eayalationt 150,000" blocks a The River Modder means ae The lish after | were bor: ich white re eas peared each Sapa mi ish goveroment has bought |i anned meats of as e Boer war be- $398, te over the lignes Of the days ie wa 9 Opes may him, and ho eo brig! Mr. Tarte, Min-| foundations oe our Gatacnt and deep. & the occupa ee pee eins bloc! inches long by 8 inches through, ‘will | iiisaoet is year to En; 5 They are used largely as rolles for iosing machines. Most of the maple mo Huron, Bruce and Grey. mic. nadian Gazette, of London, ma olds, but nt thel outloci suas hb age pepsin as yet, bat we are fare obtain Hane g-, comments on the great aa mate ie ee has been taken since, i i John MacDonald refused” hi peat to the raising of two Canadian detach- ments to aid Great Britain in th Soudanese war. ‘The ch a South th Afri ue tica, has indeed been | "°4Te" any farmers’ w: ee Carts who do not fgg Rah e i pen teat Sey is washed before it is | ti pests 100 ot our citizens to aid in|agee lift up he ig order and good govern | the he peoples of the earth shal t to the throne of the Et bel or ie inland rev et a4 La i seated sane e consumption —_—___ hie SMOKE to be shi: ie fut : t cI Se narrow hatred ‘Tet ue one | Forme Su U. 8. Kertoher’sje2 2% a: & that deeper than he hoch a vers es = “i ar weith cd ‘hat it which be Saas on ste satgng ‘years This means a vast oe transportation ere 2 also means a gress | impetus in buil ra dsy Papeete e I wih En ing sa th American shippers them: vas a it through teaugportation 0 ied ‘the ports of The Provi cial Gon pent : men ing Dec | Shapes Goran for com, rae $30.0 $0, re any ' Between $100, conn the feo. w al io 6 rae ele ) ar | and $1,000, von not sad whe first h $10, ee aking the fee is the ome ap $10. Tae ohatahees br general effect wi a materially in- 5 I ions. Formerly for companies wi whe euiel of $1,000,000 or apres the Bast: mom Fee was $400, ww, for such Ee aaapeet as te ae, Canad "yaa, for be fee weal | be $1, 63 5. Mae ty — EVER THE R THE same Each of the Posies carried by British on the road to Ki ied g tare Pe rent inberey i ie not the “ her badge nteatey had been same quality as the they | sat down ms six Belmont veh the | sition by siege, ll be brought ternal God. qucH ish infantry — the finest in he ey thank keeping qualities as an unwashed | turns ‘show be fe ore! The most successful packers of ending June 30 last in the quantities ef ena God there is so little of it.” é apply a coating, ‘resembling, | cigars, roche The ption of "¢ : is chal, ae hed in the twelve months a seats of which the eggs hi : iAbephaas aia ‘ Brke idg toms ae ave been ae i eae 154 te 127. 2. Taking the census pop elt ar ae chr ee asked keeping Gslity of the eng is ie, or hindered, secon with ¢ that apres betw and the packing, nae sr of all eggs being marketed the Broprity Promptly. CHURCH piecTory, dons Bh Ph. haa pastor. a.m.and7 p.m, Weel ee erm every Wednesday erae my pw Le Ue a8 oelocl ‘a of £6 a total of base 6,648, the Shae Be ; ands, | Say.” f to- pounds. The id) of fo Tent : Seamnaietiin ey ai 3, sent a eons ee tes Roth 190,750, ah ray}? Wiederhold carry a full assortment in all lines. A Call Solicited. ese ool 11. bs eiGia mea) SIGN—Red Flag and White Front, ue Fall Goods EST DES Got tv ius “arrived and they. are of the| ire —& Honderich C, S. Kertcher, BA pastor, Ont FIRST PRIZE the Se ke —_-___ » COMING OUR Way Itis becoming abundant; cg pe expectations ent A le ie ah of the Possibilities se ‘for presents jf wiseme at at 2 is year. ‘The ifrom $3.00 Cuore se 51, 788 Ae 31,067,656, ed rea ae that will : 5 ines feared ‘Bedroom Suits of extra “Foish, In PIPES, ele McMill "Heo aaa paRer. W. iad Co es ere ae the difficulties in the Philippines, yt We bought feel o ver S, os si en -m. Service at Elma at| ¢oug ott? sad doesnot include that served the man with the =a jargely before ttl fem res ine ie palteny the office oe advance in price, If you and Tobaccoes ro = a riftlectin ne mo paid the ® en i Si Sobaces ali tias hes “a ke -imperialist Screecher, int the benefit of our fore-|We are head Pronal eekly, Prayer eel Sars sve mont | a wid es aon, ea y evenings at le ; ought, order early. quarters as welziw ee Welle 720 pom, Service at doubt due to the iy core oe es tad the pls ‘What's the BE 5 a s 3 ic lenknn Piss or Competant 3 County Pair judges at the Stratford| acts of their adi e had been yn for ae ait “Why, all that wag The Baker. : tebec, and servi ove ieee We do not have to depend ment @ facilities of Fc plion ae fa, igence upon th i settled this morning, Ne ie Petonte Hundred Pieces to choose from. Your aoe me cthet cir hes Jndge = ie ink: lem paca a a “he, Dank g ; The vast number of rapane ye ve you, I shtop, - MOST WORKMAN KE MANI our brea in proferencs Pope sheet vroven 5| Thor im, have some Schnappe, ae, ; LI : Mi NNER | sre the bes: judges, Rate regal dab and dnd we rnencd he et : WM. aa the judges at Stratford Fair wrong, end I nob get all my money.” i ES Curreck Wr eed Ba eee BURTON, | man, “that was last years ow, WEIT Z ready seoksatr” “Oh, mine grodnout “MILVERTON! EL, serving them ae a thor- ane Boer, “I never thought of vol steel ‘ent mae gle ied all.” And he

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