Milverton Sun, 7 Dec 1899, p. 4

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Keeley EI THE VERY ‘LATEST FROF. “UNITED | John W. Keele motor, pe can Foes ee ee 2 STATES. ae we salons of the hiladelphia. ae sunk at her 1, auditor for 18 years of HINTS FOR THE FARMER. Pan Oy eee ee floor. A couple of feet from =MAKING THINGS HUM Fred Bechel, ALL THE WORLD OVER. SE ban Sone cea j rmbeaziing $158,000. ‘There othe enone weeks eae full twelve | Place « board. and with stakes fix it in omteresting Items twat Ot Our Own counties at ereiien O. tes One guard wee was killed much in need ee ieee: onthe = he ae Pt ae ae Gceat Britain, United States, eonvicts fatally. “ attention on the part ve & earth on the roots. ‘AU Parts of the a ete ae ets SRE of the owner as from now on till the | Place = ro Assorted for ‘Michigan, is, to ‘become United | in zur ch ia ‘io S"Briteeiond, si in | snows of winter drive them 6 shelter. | draw some moist svil part ates A ior to Great Britain is | 1995, ‘a life sent ‘The enclosures in pane the flocks have | UP- another row of bunches Say “ine susie, of the _ coal, miners Iburder of his daughter, tens for tee | been pastured through the summer are And treat jp ke mater When the age pe 2 C., is gontinr for: den and Auburn. 1 Hi, baw) thas been int ppe- | bed is three of four feet wide, put in E . ’ io wour of Jast ‘More men for Esquimalt, B- ¥ é N = x I 5 cram Hafan, ae en ronis rom Ea Recently. wa order wae Penge at ing. i ms Loc .,d to Great Britain. Pree sienna ies Porll| Sa stan, a ent ; the C- ps ages ot) Bore eon, ie be, ious | Seven W n d t + d : . : ae able ii a pate eo na a a e are determined to make things lively around this store ; no need t ri = ae tell aren pee tesa forthe ‘An elephant escaped. from te win They he ay vg crencend the ite cera sap ageele they usually re- eae will probably be needed, but { y hy. if you d thi li ‘“ eed to te _ ne, romised é i ou ° fo ue let Shetty Me na See abn mtn pe [og ot em oe | why, if you read this list carefully : Bie J. Martin, BS.C., one of the| freedom of the town, and later SO bul-| The Biguiy Some That the mania. for | most of them + penhne Keep i from as caterer ae poteties sai te Peoples Palace, Lo} els, He wil ve bee ayer SO Pale) atues in the Paris streats bas reach: | frost and penegieny geben we Oo as possible and be parti ings at Ottawa. the command of the ‘Ssuropean equad- | even epee eee "to the Febe ing, Has lost alee ee ce colsriy carol about ventilation soee: ; ss ‘The Winnipeg Board of Trade. are} ron which, will e=iit the American | peror Julian, {who governed in ntritio Recanridies ee 4| Dress Goods ; ie ee thane aud ot es aE Seabee. Paris | its ns ae in, and is an inferior sub- aaa bank them uo. up only when there is re Ct . Fancy Sateens coats from‘ us, Call in and ment of quarantine at Halifax ‘and St. ute for the sweet a: Neate a) 5 " AD ons in woes alc lons bs | tram en the inngs expulsions of Dunas [and will not keep op tat eit ond scary wore of oor : toe fo eye a ce left; balance wit gq EPOCEPIES | Were 1234c per yd, ext so Col. an, 1 Treasu fetting was the opsord. |last fortnight, many Austrian Sav ‘which never should be lost, | boards along the sides of the be as j ti hg ae fBOS CURAP: 12 Ibs. Coffee di y ni Aes Fi : sonth wher’ be wil ‘Winnipeg for the) Rev. Tuller Rhos de, Methodist, was |and Polish Jews have expelled |8n¢ is aeerey important just ae slang (On tha thes tops of ths ! 50c. for -40c| 1Cape, - $18.00 | 3 lbs Pe eee ys. 18 yee 105 PLEO, NS se ere pfGuitdren & south, eaten the winter, aged ini lh tat Wiehita ican. | from sprealasy a8 well Duichinan {fore going into winter quarters. Nor ibats. 5 ae sticks laid across. 25e. for Aa eee a. 8.50 SRNWROE SAS GEEZ isters. No trouble. to. show charged with being an ov! law ant is the fe support covering. ‘int i 3 = 4 , nis having bee -|oree ieee 2 etal LS peels supply all thet calls for at-|and early winter 4 cov oe ee ace iL, (Fur Boas at 6O, 75, and] § ihe Raising, best, 902 [GaTnia Woolen ods: ‘ satisfactor: between Skaguay| {t is reported at Battle Creek Mich. of emlty-one, of the opel diietiis = papanerle this critical season. Shelter | well weighted down will be sufficient. . $1.00 3 ths Saltpeter 25¢. . : i Fa pe a be carried by the cant Sas Hite elk, of int Aish; | General Michel, who distinguished hime Fairaa retpctnnl aa pfoak os haga) ates Soul wil Mave to be iis View Tea sioo [Mitt Yarn ° spew A regular service will is stage Hele, SSHfin de BraacoPramn var in eee teieacuiot tea) yeat are arin ca de of cold tramme 4 Ibs Glendon Tea-$1°.00 eeu No fi eee pee t of Lord | comma: the cuirassiers in the fa- damagi h. ay can e = te sia Gansdian Humane Society | Neleon. eae 4 ous cbarge at Reichshoten. FU cates ee te ed paca aces el ere and at night be covered Ke MILLINERY cheer fone Nba acanieasias oat Xmas Novelties at Haman, ne awarded a medal to oh United & States ig ccterinined that | Ove of the! Inngest forests, int gis Maen min eee Nee in the cellar mee Buffalo Stareh 25¢ Ss Robert risking his | world rests on solid i is si ) n | special ¢: en to give £00 ; ‘ : ‘ i aS “Too Ea saving Wilfrid Storm from drowning | wary 1 Per ‘not epi oy aeet = Lake Ui police le Peete 4 tarpurs Shs punter icop, atoiln be | Tontstion: lbs: the are ust : MISS BUNDY will be. with us-till January rst, and} 3 Tins Tomates 25e. Gents Fall and [ota bit of a Bae eoct ean Triton, = ny longer. The Spanish Government nt 2 rereoly Si ghtaning’ Wheelin oot aces oe through all storms. 7 * + i oe Se Bais ih : E 3 nee an vr ncenliaioay ea aes Sala my longer. The, Suanish, Govesrasion. | 4 region ic was found Rees mace aeanla be eet tops may dry off in the material does anything you need in her department will be executed. at ae ale W inter et first choice. Wi : ee ae cusielaad, MGs" Saar heli eal Po epee ekg ae t after | not turn water. Of course when v' ‘ ted at} 3 Tins Pumpkin 25c. ; ill have a . i the saemmeat The United Steg tromsport St Ea | of 5 fs cold atorms of autumn et io, Bat sila weather apres celery dene et shortest notice, and prices AWAY DOWN: 5 den Cloties Pign Se, | We carry a very large as full display next week. ‘Yocation im Toronto, in order that be] ror Manila, with ag bar Pie Fe eet oal ied cia sha tals pes ook owners make any spe0-| fax” put that to. Soe nega } Salmon 10, 12} and 15e. Jssort! oe i ae duty may be avoided. supplies, of woich ‘200 tons are Christ- of usury at Hanover, has been sentenss bar bates: for their flocks at this and early winter is better pp oat : 16 papbba ees on bi man named Pe ocleeice as. ser- the soldiers in sl coat $2 months’ imprisonm: itica: A few sheep given the B 3 iously inj ina tieeforall ight a eatery atthe peas ; i ? ’ 2 at Onseade City, BE,» rman nan Phiipines. to pay a, ne of cinizenship for five |atill nutritious and are ES POUL! is “cece and Wool \Ladies Jackets Readymade Remnants y Tamb. He wen! ier eamship ears. ‘TRY NOTES. Weh fete . he died, and aa Sire aieder ae tered suit against the De ageuiee ‘ an an ke Ss e have 14 lefe of 1898 and| 2 aad Page eae tan ed ees ne the equndron, under /peunsing sy st an ae of ti in order to clean’ them sa we Clothing We still have a. number to | fy “a, se ‘of Toronto, bss ‘been 2 a pelred aE sag al . Me aut eee a boeilie Beary of } B russia, | é Introduce new blood among the poul- ‘ From 75¢. per pair to $3.50. jcut the price in two. be Selneann rach a dispose off, do not delay see- third a SEY SS excel Baie Agibad Actties en test nited States |San Bay. 7 pare © f our Suits and Over-ling them. : Y ‘Artillery, who lost of ‘ { ; ; of Ottawa, had ten votes and Gi elt thir Sa in the wie o' heat, oatmeal and milk are of Ottawa, hed felt Yose# Sr Gait tse) We atenrded Thalen capa he time Pg iteet eh arated send ee ' ° on on the final vote, tr Deen amr te iat sem om 8 fe inneret ce 2a ed Gave lime for growth of bone and for Handkerchief “e : Mrs. Burrell, who killed her three ti War, gave hin $16,000 for f ee a Seah S at Ic u ===. children in Toronto, and LE Ban tg eae jvania Railway | pondered. or forging the téle pepper in the food aif Ig Saatees ot market, who shot Ber eee Se iges near ph The, mother of the Cm tae aiosotedt wlaes Tayiag. ; i fain “tte Avgooitton acylom in| SL. ne fatally. injured soma, onl oaty |vev. Se oer vo Bema sal yaa tthe ee tee see SFE be enka of two keepers. right, one fatally injured, an‘ vey relief provi Cr is t] out of twenty men = | Society to the famine -sufferers in The usual causes of oy are cold, ion Ge has grant-| hurt ic Russia. ere : Bee y ed $200 to the widow of Francis Mes-| pa, us brides over a measure of s Pri f Candie: : Pager ‘Edward A. Kimball, inventor and the- ea Russian G 1 season. To thrive, sh A leying bee shoul have her food rices of Candles an N : ’ while “employe ae omrass killed | chanical expert former superi he (Shar setnbdae argent te ti oo 8 rege Mer Bits cimetcing ee ee, regular inter J uts later. wane | tendent of the mechan Piepartmentt | building. yar a order for | sheep-husban ary Do not winter late pallets nea | : Stacy est, ut str oahu emer 2 Sa Ce ee oe ee owt Sy in Chicago, is Her disp! | . oe pvt he CER, land officials re-|"" 2 Naughton, former presid+ caracity, eat seed M2 Seemead one Bs - ers er parts of the nea or Jands held ent of the ieee mae National Bank, t 0 longer profitable. P there sup} sent et | be Mi 1c! NOVEMBER WILLS PROBATED. “Fi; 4 by the C. P. R., in the timber Nem ree Biogen ae Philippine insurgents have oc- aust: besminr® of Deh papeenth pee fof Yataligant e managenent fer feed : . coaomanera Pai seg wale bua dace Fe + THE WINDERM ‘The officers of the steamship West-| sets Sreatinen ays ee ia Nax§ cupied three supurbs of Lloilo and are es y with chickens as tes | = a= ys ies were made al 6 ny, was-banquetted ae Pridey ERE DRY: HOT AIR H meath, al pogo Mdag U Neciethoiierry 4 ee ne, petton, ae expected to attack this town. int VALUE a | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1899. te Court daring the mouth | pop et by his many friends in Bruce pened the oan corks io ord 60 sink | of liabilities eed at |is paralyzed. an ae the inhabitants are CORN FODDER. Corn is 2 fattening food, : st Novnier oe ea ate: ‘hotlas Oliver, peas his departure for Ostia STRATFORD; ONTARIO. Tr, as they it nats 5 state of yusiness men m0) nearly atways be iven at ni ae i ‘ GE 5 rt, personal $7,688, real $1, Coa ‘Sarah | Where he will tak sits " Cave ‘te woe Large oe 4 lla in, of Pit Soe 5 ban es a eco mimander ofthe — fess a" ses aah ae eee Mos a Es ig) = good ‘ ‘The Year's Trade Goo, estates eee South Baste person 100 iil take up his daties. Opened tobi ist, Posseses the Finest Treat we a . 3 » i navigation. . ber mother and attempted to remain i ‘value they place on the crop; | Ottawa, Dee. 5.—The department of | personal, “Ober Fire broke out in the Methodist a s in America.—Trained edge a ; ih amore pee ie chapter 82 Noe eee ame cr Dee tere an ache aes! THE 1V¥'S HEARTHSTONE. customs tins just Guished the. figures| Benger, 3 500 church in Arthucon Friday evening uate F a Sheree norte American ecreuhtie SS ie ar ry ead Strelitz has just celebrated his seventy- en eaeete during the past sea-| ,, | for the year’s trade returns for. the Si Sane 11 $123, real |of last week; a defect in the furnace Company, and on pion- | rounds ee ava ninth ee Sere riya ont troy oe eae een nts Cee Soe Jere the: Teaves. Gather Ape ls \ annual report, which is in th ba d. y ela perelinets Stet hem ‘i ou cers, of the akan district, ev at SueGe rt meee er than the Queen of England Raitare id atienly ak Layortant Ball rene ants ee in io j the pele ss iSite oaeaaa ts ay fps le ae ae he pulpit was IND OFFER TO DECEMBER PATIENTS, ; <s vase oi caad yer 0 L. z 5 . Mnraingtori, royed and other damage di | i out of he onde busine C0 Canal Dove the ‘Malvern district ear [snark wh i ie ety ae Gr reece an Geant ood aay eee eee Laie eee Re eae stiowhbnSticrsuce’ over $i7,-|2 5 ie ta the extent of about $200; 105 I curbed AND OUR OFFER TO DOUBTING THOMASES. 4 ing the Pas ‘year. wer, Onio. "The latest find is| Grand ee itied tiene t in all general live stock grow-|.. ivy grows,” said Mr. Gozzleby, 000 more the ‘for ety The Sehae a Bich Banthope, a $£,204, | by insurance. will pay One Hundred Dollars to an ‘A com) has been formed in To- ate w miles north of Mal oldest of al Liga nbourg is {Be | ing, writes H. M. Culbertson. C where the leav e green at first idstail fol real $6,300 ison, allio ‘aieutnatien brovght to the I y case of articular or muscular ronto wh Mepirae: ery Shere at 0 da nao discovered inety-| culture d 6 m. Corn|:, 5 proad vertical band off eee: personal $150;-¥ , Stratford, per- i ne Institution’ we cannor cure. — I ae! faunicipal debentures on a large qin|on his farm an ore which be claims igi hee Ces a ti Resin Siniply mess the eae, aud St rae ee 1s99, | seal $2,000, Feat $3,500 re") Lord Rosebery—War isa bideou Undeed Dollars and ave the heomatiot take this fer op, 0 soupersa ea The co1 ge and) to be richer than the Malvern Pro- ROTA uring of the oe but the care and aig pomttvely, tere / ‘ $162,764,308 engrossing fact; it cannot. be paltered| We will positively gr Sera EY systematic Sole ome and Foreign Se- two ge following that band with j seg 05 BAC Thea Gabel orton Heal Let We will positively guarantee to “eure {cerebral and 1 Known sa tbe. Home jo) and tho| ,,Uaited Staten cat a orl cue es, “ogtak sakes” may pombiy we | 8er being Fete ae ao tectobianey: bad ane ‘ eee Reaien on ena ark [rheumatiom, “If we xin He ebral and-spinal paralysis are recognized!” d pital will be $1, ). ra-| Ivey is under arrest at Juneau, Asks, come the fashion of the hour er ea r WI Le a from the edge of the roof, 3 — property, is treason against It + Sire Been od it c ey aaneh ers ls, which often require : ad SS St esttie Pa gael arsede ae golden hearts name a : mney ran there In oy the News ofthe Great Cares Bet Mut Date al vee eee We eal ict ie care of bene. Tprispebe: tld Shute ong Government have declined to y ttle, gi . by, South American Nervine It tausele, every fi nd the n ust We Bt sf} medicuhoat’ said tbat_no~ cept ‘submit Ivey connect with a whiske? ks, lucky beans and other devices may be matur Sweed an-Arm fer 2 ae icursdat equals the Dry Hot Air. of the tend vonnect 5. yo that y ir Treat: Peg ae Sa SD poe for smuggling ring in a published inter- Gah “at oem Le the € pe eloraiis: Pes cbludigeation and Nerve Trou les. te ee nt eae seinidank, be ee eee Se ween Canada and Great Britain wie| gie, the neck and the watch chain. ii aeeeme SAnerence ae iH; Hblanes, of E inenloula Satan ised eet Ineteagmay cer acne Probable cease ae ce GuNeHAL: Froid Noe aoouit aay fa! Paris’ the a Total imports froo Great Britain taken se fete co whom ivi ere over the nation } july merit of which lies i akting TROUBLES find jnyited. -votrsness-and for ca en d read It is rumored in Winnipeg t bee ier Bese peo Ses manoe-|young Queen of Holland is declared to ce chean fang, 2 Pac a consumption were $27, 7,531, ‘Sia wie Going Lazio rand for soine | peal treba Se ie I'with the natural remedial -agent, one pea ay; ea love their ‘melitoht Pky 3 chain whic! ‘ogether of autumn, and the lea 4 2 a ty enter- | sulted best do rties of which areas cre Dr’ lot Northern ‘Pacific. will build oie et tietes ere: im pEOeH have worn a long, gol hain of | tion which, together with clover i , and tl Sans asnoune $22, 667,423 enti Ited best doctors, but t pun che as ing 4 jon with | physivlogical properties of whic areas well ie AWindermere Dry He li Ww P fens | (Berlin penere Sa ee um thickness, “which ould per-| winters young stock if fall, but those along the chimney : edunder the general taritl, $22,850, A f saat cet agitating:aud absorb: | Sriwn ait, and ae teers aint OE ete pera ny acini fake SE at tae Pther deme army will be eratually “increased te exaui quisite a rat with shi for| profitably ana thnftily gl gare Dyed (EL eed ail the Test is | 980 under the preferential ta iff," Last adhe eae be Garon apace pe or no ‘bonus, on the Manitoba di- by here xquisi ae with which 4 prédubtive of E46 Bast result is also|bare there may si vite be some leaves he the ei imports of Great Britain or removing genet ty ae i tic aad ath ect ens in cont "advocates will be sent to Cayenne to | glit results, so far an) bere, lingering Yet around the ivy's i penefitisd fi pobtler (a ‘The Russian Government is. prepar-| , SHEUMATISM. th ehh oad se et Oe ee ia otal hea af neha Dreyfus in the preparation of his |j 3 sitieting, se ct some ight Inches | bal orga: aoe aah of the dairy d Ot ne Fabs cea one is bis, Bae he onl ing the construction of a now: oer oa is ereated with wom pABRYOUS, DISORDERS, prekat : ho are the owners defence. The head < in ying I have — chs tail to| going indermere 4 bility, Pzosracted * Quebec, who are, the ommetsplate. di] Prince George of Greece, the crete see ees eed cattacy Pacsiis Ee soetahialesl toed ‘<bork : 495 under the pre:|38¥ Pe ist aes 28 Ra er Rtspead! Becta ies erage Gonvales Pie Wee ac sae eta Fiains of property. into lotsand sell Cie eee ot the powers in Crete, Eris znificen = while the este bo wroaess eee Ge anne fs th corn -ALDETTA. ferential tariff. This was,. therefore, oneane asia to. Turkestan, att ees lea | ai wit within the healing infaencevof Titng ‘Ze tho” lease to the Dominion bas gone to gerd eeape Sh lexible body °08-| ve fed it for fort e year ani] Every one who has visited the Island eaten ton er BiB eens railroad it is intended to connect the eerk ras ap ae pina : Gor nt is about to expire. It is said at London and Pa Paris that pager Renee thi ee rty-six successive | of Malta is struck by the ales Atieien iar taxi s commercial fre GUNEat® va Ste tgfluealse Gk tue tre re AFTER REFECTS @P GRIP, so, oh: ear will be aes sin ‘wi Field rene tsortaerseye 2 el front : ss Baa oat ae iecnee ch fe is-year, MARRIED. tral ae heoktnon ter of record thut anaes paste th distrest ngite treat aa Government Moris battle field: ds Sade: ceiling was + ville, Ae ee Rae ee ler the generat he project is far less costi; W Fir tof rheumaties are cared at The fccomm br ayo s Fred W. Johnston, coloured, has he r. sof the \0f, the jewels forming © realistic 2 ue collected from ‘THERS.— de THUSIRy | arene Stk i wiermore Deg Hot Air Hospital, No “se sececlivay lan nei gun suit J. B. orth German wed Became tation of the < Great Britain under the ae tariff ‘sorb ae, Eh Feith torMins Baie] © iberian railway. itxelé,.wh Rice Calas o Sc ein ea vOORI| eo +4 It is wi both of the nataral smecessfald Goferall ‘ at ore of the Academy of Music, Montreal. | pany, F id said that often as Queen wil- tS $2,278,508) and under the: pre- fee ive Sore soeetnte ssa reatinent may be taken at any th see ots damages for having eee cans heliine’n ‘ber tol ea ine ferential riff, $5,049,685. Tae recofin Halles? os prada eee ee scarcely inferior to: those | wh ct good resnlts, while iogtances are many Tie auele acald aehis azeeaa oulicert faced admission to the, theatre on 26; number at resent 587, ot which 186 cine fier eta ane ever 5 d x aie Sey eee nen ey ies Miter 0 oe ean =e pad errant SuNigo mes oncevorees count coloar. made their in, and innumerable . ia Liese, of atment, ‘That distressing and | Wlar life ‘Time ceaired for see fees tickets for orchestra seats f last year-Jare the exp! and even z RG ae sae if ‘hontnatias | Set Shea, ds | DUE Sele apa css | himself and. lady. le oe a ce “Ey are the cain ante been invented. £0 The crigin of this garment is very Tue TRALER neTiER: pees ‘A naval friend. writing to~ a: corre- oe ae m_Selation aha theee oF a four oR et Nont, GREAT BRITAIN. Goatainn, monde, 360 reset Ee ne area ‘s papel ine atacg: 9 is said that when the ae BEesIA JEALODS ait of on ee Bivens give KIN- DISEASE, © incnding most ses, Seba 268 mat Gtes: the cen AMre. Julia Leary, the mother of two| Bi eae he: Bach yeah tt oan pa is, ote, cree poet ta County, Comneil Rabaee mere ofthe Ei ss LBA) OE soi, sho are Biting in an Trish regiment Yep ao pec al wee | eaten wre? 8 Sane veld readity: to: eres Pola | a press of Austria, has the {shops in the Rue de re: Pai: d ri t e ekinis stimulated to a+ bealth+ has yanced the i ie, and pre d © | fal nt i :s fudgment of the court 0 condemning from the | mise mise to be very Po) ni iow will peat ore bur; its Fauidhens adoption of an improved armanent for ort oe : <a sata itera Ft ans thit range seven miles, ec ot ls om pieaiea tock relish it, — e $00 ete cae pistes, sitios ete rather tending 5 hack 0 abe shige Bite. the first y be fed from| This period will soon re und muce outrageous and r x ereniatle et eet ie ote until is a subject for on offensive, ethnore tnserupaons reps new ¢ specnlat sentation an of th Feces Be ‘$25,000 to head a sub- eve, hee et Gees he rel oe ae The deat! rated and and in regard ee ans n, : ¢ conclusions: (re a verip iiGon for fitting out on Ani rolment eocnee it ‘bie hoes a ed a8 ian ek nce Bie vorbis te seedless rae bats not, according. to the Boer idea, 9. POISONING. expedi Li pet ee ened ined. ore a 4 Mae at all me raid ay dicot Toren [ec of buon race.” a ade ts ata ee pen ‘The British and Ameri ears Barres 4 ‘gar; ‘stage! ni H a ckiy aigplayed together at the aunch of | i soaing at Beplia. that, Germany | 84°" essed the last 18: veten. shia | BEG Te a pene sea ee — pea Ferg peak Ja eb allows perastenve ia the ae higeeae “HMS. Formidable. to. acquire the Portuguese | her honght ~ that | Fuddy—There is sometimes a decided” Mr. Th i é LIOGS AND) LIVER TROUBLES re Rosin 8. Purdy was committed for on of Angola, on the west coast | $1,000,000 : db ak returns were 0 be be obtained from | aiffe rence in ISTEP ot two Ties Reet Fag ae FA by Hels _ MLp.B;| Te is reported that the! 2 Beer | find the teeatment ES) ot sae z o en a iglish newspal for East: Middlesex, died sud nines are filing with wau Decguttier’ tee go gat Pied trial st Hendon: Tel” contained nied Admiral Dewey ha contracted with | = Eo in the ines Pb ar seta Tita of the Iie humoon che. oetsKiren of Landon | Mt Robles extinsates : “| see = ae Ee letter addressed 16, Ge cha Fe | tyre of the Spanish. as & sunk | ti eam: air 9 So aeste: grec the fly a is over cane cut dependent of the Board oeGuardans: cher ia-|Iast Thursday. Mr: Hodgins has for $50,000 per day, as oh bgp bag td cope! ified Jatives of vietims of the Mobegan dis-! Othe nie SP anita. a ane a fa Sar motes ee > |upany: years agence ssweprominent eat ape a = e captain 7 want * ——— ji H i tt; jf The Madrid mewspapers discuss the| benefit of my creditors nservative. an ape r Inland Revenues Department’ certainty, and us Sree have nccomraodation at ae eosreat for'an Misery: “ty ering beter [ose taken up the’ ie in pay ‘ Srl tna cnet numbet of patients, he a been is hristianized “Thel! irenlar- ese st aa ep : ee eres Es ee 0 Lhe aes and. y peas pl oe einen [amenable “to i lis ee ly oom, or patient cau live gute thefts United States © For iim nicuiae's ecenargabaleag number Fido ptenee pact ticul writesthe Manage: a ‘WILLARD READY

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