Milverton Sun, 14 Dec 1899, p. 2

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Apply at this office for advertising rates PLAN FOR MOBILIZATION. Scheme Outlined Which Would Enable Us THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1899, THINGS TO THINK ABOUT. A fool hates good advice. ‘Troubles were given to teach us our . need of God. + e Live right and God will see to it that you die right. Hoarding up money never makes anybody like Jesus. i . The man who wrongs a brother strikes a blow at God. atid pinteaaty: somebody will be sure to peeicct love rig] # 6 devils sugar-' eed pills always ‘cae piiiodin tua! . The head is never regenerated ‘until is to prove that the devil lies. fone show them His face in ¥ Gee oe ae begins to hate himself. precious in God’s sight ‘nat doce Muti a eae cat teeta: hind ine aes head is to be bi no matter how big or little it may: look. The devil’s cause prospers when Ohristians quarrel among themselves. Giving as God seni us to is the only way by which we can ever be- eome truly ric There is no religion in saying that people are not as good as they ought to be. % ‘Fellowship with Christ cannot be iy enjoyed by those who seek happiness | in their own way. iaoant eS End to Bilious Headache.—Bilious-. caused by excessive bile in are from other causes, but the most excruci- stig of all is the bilious~headache, Par- 6 ly most sympathetic in manner and b But she is growing too heavy. Her is heavier other te Public should bear in mind that The only pene who live right are of a good man| or 2 If you want your ee of wie the devil comes in sight rg me pount Russia does not woigh i miore than 120 answer Senda’ ‘to Put 35,000 Militiamen in the Field. the work which is now concluded has been of satisfactory character. The question of mobilization case of war was given considerable atten- tion. of cavalry, batteries of arti , and battalions of i try must be of uniform an attempt will be made to carry out this idea gradually, existing battalions, yest creased to a The units thus pore on could be combined into brigades and di general has outlined the follow- tise 2 3 ‘Two small companies of infantry are a double number of officers and g t i ve A by au ue iF ul jel clit e dignified pe shoaae low coil and cody! rota ds it aha A PARALLEL CASE. The Case oR A. R. A. Wade, the Criminal Lawyer of Sopeersi Duplicated by tha an Ontario fae Wade's Sight Was Restored by Dodd's as idney Pills—Mrs. Geo. Barnes W: Not Only Shortsighted but Deaf— Part of a possess & a double number o: Officers over and above the establish- laid raised mn the population, sufficient number of trained officers wou! the meetin; ped German forage cap in place of. the style presently ‘worn. jot Heart Trouble. | comin dows on a Buclid ‘car the t day with a high col ins “of an old fashioned shape, a gray whisker and a ay hat a size too small ae him Rect front sia etcaciad aha aeteation oe the pa nthe seat, opposite. By. his tied started aR again with a very un- pleasant jer! ‘When the jerk came, the man on the front seat suddenly slipped his hand ae brea heavily and seemed to An alarmed a on the opposite seat leaned forw: “Heart trouble?” ie aril asked. The other man at hi “eart trouble nothin,” he ¢ growled. “I busted th’ my lead pen- cil!”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. “why aid y es diochatge that ont- have to make things to An oe Answer. Banker—Before I accept yt suitor for my dacghiee I should “like to know how you si politically. | Now, I am for gol Suitor— itor—That’ Taiet Pm after, sir! ed almost exclusively ae Sarl ar three syllables. ome Sery Say antes ae 6 teeven is because you are not Miller's Com- | weary Iron Pulls will oot correct this condi- ion. ed to be entirely wrong when the truth comes out. other Graves’ Worm Exterminator as the largest sale of any similar prepar- ation sold in Canada. It ser ae ion by restoring ee ia fot ther Wrong. Mr. —Billson’s boy has got te be an officer in the navy. ; Green—Well, well! I s’pose on BEWARE IN ‘TIME The First Aente Twinge of Sciatica Is the Warning to Use Mi Jabs UI Delay and Those Twinges May Twist Your Leg Out of Shay > nd ranting man | ard. Pills Restored Both Sight and Hearing. edon our own side of the line, in that ge Barnes of this town. fended bee th sent in the system when the are deranged, attacked, his eyes and Wade went blind. He started ' to a@ miracle by the people ef Chicago thas been duplicated in Canada. Smith’s Falls. Dodd’s Medicine Oo. Gentlemen,—I have been troubled Jedadoctor who gave me medicine | that ake me worse. times I would be deaf and shortsight- ‘and I got one box. Ihave used of the bor and am completely’ cured, an say my hearing and eyesight is now unaffected. You may is if it will be the ing others. { Iremain, yours, etc., ae ~ Mrs. George Barnes. Miller's Worm Powders are the laxative best medicine for children; as nice as ‘Improved His Opportunities. } Hook — I und that your neighbor, has read and traveled extensivel Shook—Oh, yes; he is a blamed fool in several pons great many subjects. ily cured of Bickios fA Constingeive bak a know! ¢ medicine chs, colds, in- flammation of the Jungs, and ail affections of the throat and chest. Its agreeableness {to the taste makes ie: favourite with jladies and children. What Did She Mrs. Styles—Didn’t Tee you at the counter at Gridley’s yester- day? Mrs. Myles—Yes; I was | real cheap, but I wan't see you, though. STATE OF Ouro, Crrx oF TOLEDO,} 4 J. CHexey makes oath that he fs the genlor partner of the frm of FJ. Curxey barn toaey (Said foe wil | pay SDIED DOLLANS Gr presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1686. AL W. GLEASON, {==} EAS ‘Hall’s Catarrl He Ses relives ner Sie syeem. & Send fo rfectimoniale tice festimoni ¥. J. CHENEY € C0, Toledo, 0. ‘saBold by Drugsiste, 750 Mother Worship in Tarkey, =m sidered an They Are Not Violent in Action —Some leanse persons, when ee oS ana = the 4 to ym and other purg- ative salte These are speedy in thelr se tion, but serve good. Their use ‘produces inci splent hill and if per sisted in Pra in; ee stomach. Ber oe aon i lise the eho ina melee's Vegetable Pill eel ‘purposes in Tespect, ai have nosuperior. * Shoes for the Children. Children’s shoes should be entirely flat in the sole, but pliable enongh to give slightly with the motion of the Sst and are more o less injuri- ey throw the a Segeialpep pele Capel ‘That tired feeling will disappear, your igestion will Miller's Com- A Marvelous Man, “Marvelous man that Simpson. I igen sie nels s rgula wonder.’” knew he did at bir on didn’t eh? ed in holding a cleared expenses. ’’ Why, he succeed- charity fair that A tew back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Plaster. te Get in. The Jatge Now then, please be icit. At what point did you enter the altercation? ‘Witne cation. ters itness—I didn’t ae into the bayent Thad only got as far as ym. when. dat 1 ai nomd teller over there hit me with a chair. fide 1d does not ep leeain 2 ces at niilers ‘orm Pew- ders occasio! Accidents With Lamps. them on light, rickety tables. That tired feelin; disay ma will be able to eat pa and sleep dea using Miller's Compound Iron Pills. Macie Trade in Rubber. ough 0) alf of the rubber ee of the forest along the houses in the regi: ie pelo to ae lish. Cotton Goods Factories in Brazil. the last decade chy manufacture of cotton goods has come a firmly established aeey te in Brazil. . A dose of Miller's Worm Powders oeca- sionally will kee; the children healthy. cms poe the Gallery. Maggie— dat villun oe orfal! eae only in de play. I seen dat feller give a Sky to a blind man once. NEW HOPE For ANCER SUFFERERS. A New Method of Treatment That Cures a oe Percent- age of ” Cancer has for somany ages been con- e. that to Ama- | or at the dockyard: ‘On the Safe Side It is only necessary t miele to be aoe hee Hilton Cora Cure is unequalled for the re of corns, warts, ete. It isa eomplete tinguisher. e test. = Putting Him to the in the world for you, Rich But Elderly Maiden—Then kiss me, love. Easy Picking. Oallow—All the world loves a lover, they say. Rounder—Yes, indeed. Everybody appreciates a good thing. Jd For Doukhebo oe shes Ashworth, of 0 has ‘been inyestigating the oer of the colony of Doukhobors recently settled in the North West, Manchester, says: z oe the oes ing, aes: will, in quired in order te tever assist the settlers should be in the form of loans, at a small rate of in- ferost and repayable, ss cay bes These teen shoul De ioe, sae the care af the coming to cision, Det aare Daca tine Oe Giecnae la preparing a scheme of loans to the Doukhobors. If this is rect, it will relieve those who are which would of English Tars are Th: ‘The men of the English navy are any means the thrifts that are represented to writers; at least not all. of th There is asing number who put by money in the naval e furn there is $1,313,860 standing to the credit of eee ee in ships’ books The number of depositara is 28,000. Tt will be, teen that each man, on the average, has over $50 to his credit, —-——-- PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS The Belt Made. Sond for Catal COsRS BUTT PeOW Boe PERE ORD, UCAS, STEELE & BRISTOL, G%g Fe en ‘TmronTars oF Groot ‘&B. Extract Writeus, WAMILTON. LS & 1B. Splees INDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO BINDER TWIN Union Station Arcade, T CH ABSOLUTELY cue A timekeeper,” te an snd GintSfor ore a tising Matter. W: Send addrens 15 particulars.” Sure Dnoe.; LONDON ete stele Permanent ie Ses for all Nervous. , Fits, Fpileps cir one and. ‘St Vitus’ Dance, No its jervousness after sie Saree) ae ‘reatise and $2 trial sent T through Cai Agency rare to Fit patents, the ing express c} jonly when received. maces 31 = se came ai UNCLAIMED Mt WONEY ‘i “TSIATE “SEN, Head Office: LONDON, ENGLAND, NORTH AMERICAN OFFICE, DUCALD McFARLANE, MANACER. LOCK Bt BOX. 16, TRURO, | NOVA St ScoTiA. in these latter days, that things that wi impossibie in our fathers’ time are sible now. The ——- the cautery, the plaster and the paste have had their turn, aud all ve n'a knife, with its dangers and its dis- appointments. The many we have cured here in Canada, and whose names and dresses we will, cheerfully give, is de- monstration that removes every shadow of a doubt as to the efficacy of Send your name a . = wo pitied and we = Tee you 55 a plat nvelope’our treatise ‘Do bot delay. tit tid mptten torevery days delay makes your cxse harder te cure STCTT & JURY, Bowmanville, Ont 2 F our treat =| MECHANICS == WA ANTE nec ted iglnyuieni iain Slentaltt of eighteen ‘ehousends glsctric railway, gag and electri fighting. rents low, living cheap: Waterous, Brantford, Gam BAD REVERSE AT STORNBERC. Gen. Gatacre Surprised by the Boers and Forced to Retreat. Casualties Were Two Killed,26 Wor While Nine Offleers and 596 Missing—Missing Troops Undoubtedly 3 Successful Sortie From Ladysmith. Molteno, Cape Col- ony, 10.—Gen. Gklacre tett Putters train for wi reached, when a hot fire was unexpectedly opened pon the advancing eslimn «tie gement began at 4.15 a.m. Gen, Gatacre, i alter a. sharp pecelley $2 duel, ‘tho British retired § now ing towards Molten Re General Gatacre found the enemy's = position impregnable It was impossible for ee British infantry to get at the Boer: i GATACRE’S REVERSE. Attempted to Attack Stormberg With 2,000 Troops—It Was SRLS —Over 600 Missin; ondon, Dec. 11.—The Sy Office publishes” the following despatch from Gen.” Forestios Walker,” a Cape 1 reports ‘Deeply regret to inform you that I met with a ser fous reverse in the attack on Storm- ‘sg. sled as to the and enemy's found Beaton, Capt. Bell, Cap Stephens, eek Suffolk’ Reziment—Wounded, Second and 12 men. CAPTURED BOER GUNS. British Sortie From Lad: ey ey eee ene h After Carried Boer Head beseee Ladysmith, Fri- day, Dec. — The British hav the morning. ravine and stormed Lombard’s Kop, Saige was held by captured fussars and Guards made a sortie west of Ladysmith at daybreak, under cover of a heavy ar- ieee ee hited the Boers returned ish vards re- ede Oe advent. losses are reported to it. ‘Ye Be Court-Martialed. Langer, Ladysmith, Frt r Erasmi in connection with the Boer Story Confirmed. London, Dec. with 500 Natal Volunteers, ing brought to Tadysinith Our loss was one killed and Henderson of the First Mattalion. of the Argyll Highlanders wound “At the same time Col. seized the hill; one s 1 raph lines. ‘They ADVANCING ON COLESBURG. on 3,000 British Preceded is aonsred Train From N: m ndon, Dec. aaa ecial patch gee Pretoria, ‘fate Prides, December Sth, says 8,000 British troops) preceded an armored train, are advancing on Colesburg, from Naauwpoort. AU Quiet at Frere. LIEUTENANT GENERAL SIR GEORGE S, WHITE, White is a veteran campaigner; but, outnumbered as he was b3 General the Boers, his campaign around Ladys: hen it was begun. When hostilities opened, he was wi British troops in Natal. smith was practically doomed to failure in command of al’ sh rth ae the oramary discomtorts inci lent to a campaign. otis cater ‘upon news from the front. is -very ven ua v4 days, but our officers seam to think thet ate basen Gf APS fis WEY Canucks Are Zealous. River, Saturday, Dec. 9.— men of the Canadian have gone. forward. Tike Orange All the tingent ing, Major Stor phen: Capt. Fletcher,| Frere Camp, Natal, Dec, 6.—(6| Australian contingent, they have eent i Morley Becand Lieut. Wake. | ».m.)—Heliographic communication | put to stiff work since their ae ieut. M. Coulson, Lieut Rad-| with Ladysmith continues daily. Gen-| and have been building sidings, er a re eral and ander ees platforms and ren e mie Botha/ate/in commana’ of the uial routine service. They are in ex- Royal ‘Berkshire Regiment—Killed, | Boer forces at Ladysmith. The horses calede condition and very zealous. ~ one private. are said to be in poor condition. A xa ‘The remainder of my Sey pete heavy report was heard in the di an: sh fe «Be Wired as soon as ascor ion of Colenso to-day. ‘The sound TANS ESS REST inh Lost One Gun. pras followed) by Je cloud | of wast Griquasto Be Pat in shape for Suoe . London, Dec. 11.—The Times pub- smoke. The supposition is that e ssful Defen Histiod the fonloyrtay trom? Molteng 3 “General Gatacre attempted to as- ult ement. DETAILS OF THE COLLISION. - gees oad ale eel eis ole Boers Had Yael Molteno, Cape Colony, 5 ab ay, Dec. 1 E50 pb. m—Gee. Gatacie’s mortinent way reconnaissance in force, ‘ho ‘Kraal shortly after noon with a Sghting force slightly Leaving Molteno at 9 last le night eldt. There was sound, except a steady tramp, and there were no distinguishing: Lents, the bright ing gone down about haif-past Koes ” Ss The As eae vithin | le oem niles of its estination, ‘the only the march bi occasion- call of “Halt,” vunder th 1e belier ferric fre, opened -simul- the British front and right Royal Irish Hifes, whieh fon: advance, sought shelter behind 2 boring Kop ie, and were speedily joined remain the col Noma ubwere Op: denly a ously. on he all : Z ee , engazini covering the troops in their 3] : th rn up the highway ” All Boer Camps Located. The aan pes now located all , have arrived tere in starving condition, 18th Hu: *s Under Fire- Dec. 11.- lespatch from Ladysmith by way ae Frere, adds to the War ice acco bl ry ery, Feconnoitered in the direction of Pepworth Hill, with a view of cutting off the Boor z ut he found the position still strongly held. The 18th Huss; pushing forward, dre @, furious and suff rely, losing 4 rs fired incessantly ay the British te ey Tetired. At ecial parade. afterwards, General shanked Genera! unter and al it. work. ‘OUR BOYS MAY SOON BEIN It. The Contingent is atl eis Getting Into ¥1 ee ecial by cable ichinond ee smith, The S Canadian corr respondent, attached to the Canadian continge oan Fiighland Brigade, to hich Royal Canadian Regiment is ed, arrived here to-day (Wenstay) reported that the Impe ernment has instructed Sir HG, Elliot, commander of the British forces in Griqualand East, to arm the natives for defensive purposes. WAE OFFICE ADVICES State That the spt =o sashes London, Dee. fag ee ae ‘Office has re- celved the following Sespaten from Cape Town, dated Saturda ee hh ve Major. Elliott reports that Dalgetty, wit has gone towards Dordrecht to operate with Gatacre. puns Fallway)trvige at Modder’ Biver ‘was completed on Dee. ‘Methuen ‘re t he made a demon- tha stration up a eee eee Mgnt t to-day with artillery. ‘The "Methuen [a receiving the remainder of his Felnforcements and suppites. He has es. tablished detached posts on nes umn. State Fevoria all well on Nov, #0 Bound and ti tin want London, Dec. 10.—A despateh fo The Times fromt Pie Plecermaritzbu Boers, mia "bullets outrageous treat ‘Loss A cop} Diggers. Hews, xoeeived here; ctrsiaim’ 4 ist This Seas ss London, Dec. that the ided_on formation of the volunteer reserves. It is expected that half a, million volunteers Ill Jol the ew, oFeantza Had Machine Guns, et ae however, that ine, guns well lace dish were mpelted to ‘race a ther. co) inties _exceedin, Fe not suffering more | carry ae we, were net or wounded seriously complicates the situation. le that Basutos and other will follow their exainpl Attack Sarai Ras ier and ‘Each will four British Attack Cronje. Lorenzo Marquez, Delagoa Bay, Dec. 9.— A. despaten from’ Pretoria dated to-day says. “Reports have been received here of fight- ing early this morning in the vicinity of Schaltz-Nek, the British attacking “Gen. AN ARMY CORPS To Be Raised by the University and Col- leges of Toronto—W. S, Taylor De- clared Governor ef Kentucky. | ‘The Election Commissioners decided on Saturday tl si W. S. Taylor, Re- publican, had been elected Governor of Kentucky, Signor Crispi was at Nesta Yesterday for cataract. The final operation formed a n official despatch Re teats says that 229 Spaniards, who were aa _Dulsoners inthe hands of , have arrived there. Tho North” German Lloyd steamer cd Fri- floated and has proceeded on her voy- n Bixty miners met death in di experienced culey in breathing, bas com vered his usual health. of 0) some di Bieter ne Re Washington, Metroporitan m1 th are right.” A pies crowd was in indications are that the Toronto grand success id at 56 and 58 West whe ‘fotamigpion. ers, wi in Seale be osanaes miekattat sustetaine higher lake levels, will, it said, meen Saag Ailton ates a of the late ‘known of Bo- Tront His “Excellency Lord Minto on Sun- lay. unveiled memorial _ tablet in the armouries at Toronto atts yer and Parletateaen west in raeeeas the ceremonial. _ brevity and beauty, as = COL. AYLMER ON THE WAR. He Thinks \One Hundred Thousand Mem Will be Needed a Africa. Colonel Hon. Matthew Arimer, Ad jutant-General, who is still su! from the accident to his foot, fea the following view of the Tr He says: “I was in England during the critical pe the outbreak of hostilities and while was prec me o macy did its utmost ‘at aa § was veel ftant trots 8 fsthtaie ot the y solution of wine ae yellow and corresponding to *cuatiaing, Kiget Shee said that rar occasioned most intense talk ere,” he said, ‘when intelli- ce received, of 5 intention to send out re bonttasta, and the announcement great de- light. It merely fteoded tai gia ea lity of Great Britain. Those who attended the Queen’s Jubilee, how- , needed no stronger evidence of of enthusiasm, although the men went off in comparatively antec ae ments whenever a ship was “How long will the war inet 2 was asked. land it was thought that’; the Boers could be wiped out in afew ks, er the recent di to bring the issue to a eu mination.” there was a likelihood of asecond contingent going out from Canada, Col that yime ht by ed tia goa whi wean the way was in fighting trim, there would likely not be a necessity for more. *Do you think the Canadian contin- gent will be called on to fight?” “That is what Ber, re ae for, but it will be some time before they Ae teatgh Orhay ew fab taht ee, feell oilseed arn creer peat a cereale but they need a in rifle Shooting before being called into action.** “That story about the contingent di © What will likely be the outcome of 6 war?” The je ne done ee pa the British will ultimately first place, we'll have the cream = »est generals of the time, Sir Redvers Buller, is at its head. The Boers will likely lose everything, but their fran- ation, as it has a but the amicable relations now exist- ing between these two countries pet urs well for the success of the Ject.”” ‘There is a girl in town who, being both pea and has a but the most ardent of nose. ‘ Naturally she has to stan no nie to plead his cause in private and alone and pes was at last driven to use aie per. Here. is his SeatWeBia! It is)recoy mended to all bashful lovers for its bi see : & Cae Bos want ion know 7 tat Tore you. It 80, pi toe tout aight to ok ive me a ‘ours truly, ‘Braxxerr Ds And Sie or one it? That heartless mi to him about i. yet~<clevelana Plain Dealer.

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