Milverton Sun, 14 Dec 1899, p. 3

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% ‘ The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1899. Mr. Greenway came to grief the first time he ever tried’ to carry an election without the aid of Hon. Joe Martin. Oom Tom Greenway has been driven from his laager to the veldt by Veld- heer Macdonald who, with» his other witlanders, will. soon have_ possession of the volksraai from which all Toukho-bers will be excluded. General Gatacre, failing to Gen. White's experience in trying to ‘operate against’ the Boers single-hand- ed with a small foree, has met a similar ‘but more humiliating fate: He was lediwith a force- of 2,000 men by treacherous guides into a snare where he was immediately set upon by a force of 6,000 Boers well equipped and well armed. The British. general pat up a stubborn resistancebat was final- ly overwhelmed and compelled to retire, not, however, before losing over 600 men in killed, wounded and taken ‘prisoners, His loss would undoubted- ly have been heavier but for the excel- lent work done by the artillery which saved his force from utter rout. These blanders are extremely tiresome and vexatious. but;they cannot alter the final result.of.the war. About tbat there need be-no misgivings. The time. will come’ though it may be months] away. when the-whele Bograrmy will be ciushed Jikean egg shell by the]; superiority of British arms. The Present reverses to British powers may bp, considered brilliant achievements for the enemy but they are merely the} . sheet lightnings of history lighting up the present epoch of the struggle with- ont exercising any influence on the dgstined end. ‘He ctebbing. aftray that recently teok plice at the Central, Prison when young Htghes, the prison messenger, a.boy of 16 years,.was nearly done to death by a young man named Cardinal, a,contirmed criminal,serving a fifth term though not yet over 25 years. of. age, hs revealed the fact thay the machines of justice do not work sosmoothly .,as they might. The boy, though serving | aaterm, was guilty of no crime ovher than being found in the. company, o! hijs father who was arrested at Lindsay while making for the lumber woods in}, company with-his son in,seek of work. Being found without visible meang.of support” his ease came under thestriet ee Qntario vagrant law and he -was con sequently committed for a term in the “Central” for the,crime of being poor, ‘Phat his son might nob) stray away} j7 fram him while, he, was. serving his tinge, he. asked to, have him also com: myjuted which:wasdone. The ,magis- ‘trate, however, must have a peculiar idea of brand a boy as a criminal merely 2% the request of bis father, , T¥e Toronto, Globe and Satue-| Nightbavetaken thematter up and urge a reorganization. or, revision of our present code of criminal laws which | g9_ du, not sufficiently distinguish, between | youthful and confiemed criminals. ‘The result of the Maniacha elections has pat the leader of the-Gpposition in possession.of a jpajority of'ive which| next week, in Gimli and Brephia. may be ingreasedor rednoed- by the elections to. bes held »in, Gimli- and Dauphin which are yet. totake place. ‘Phe Greenway.government. has--gone the way that many.a.capuble.. govern- tment bas gone, before when. great dissues c2ase to agitate the minds. of the people... The-cases.of Sire Rpbert Peel and William Pitt may, be- cited. Mr. Greenway wok hold.ofthe power when government in the prairie (pyovince was in a chaotic state. pad he brought order out of confusion... He bas given it. twelve years of honest, capable administration, defending and ‘promoting 1s interests, both cammer- cial and industrinl, and, secured. it| ¥ Repeater a time of religious andraze dissensions. He has done much for the farmers in the way of promoting railway competition. In fact, he Fantagonized those powerful concerns who, no doubt, contributed very large- ly to his downfall. The outcome of the election shows that there is no grati- tude in polities. However, Greenway’s | ™ dpeosition may be no loss to Manitoba as Hon. Hugh John Macdonald ap- pears to be a practical man and if he inherits even but a portion of the ad- a = oye ea = thei ministrative abilities of his illustrious father any government censigned to his care willbe carried on wisely and well. The opportunity is open to him in Manitoba to show the mettle that he is composed of and a majority of for all working purposes. It is hoped that he may ,be one of the formost statesmen to exert his influence in controlling the great raiJway corpora- tions who take great grants of public money and offer no compensation in return. Greenway Government Defeated. © “Phe elections in Manitoba on Thurs- day last resulted inthe defeat of the Cisse government. The popular ship of railways. From present indi- cations Mr. Macdonald has a majority in the Legislature of five or six which SEATS Ca ate BY GOV ERY. Beautiful Sones C Ennigy. 91 majority:. Birtle—C H Mickle, 150 i Carillon—M_ Jerome, ity. Deloraine—C A Young, Tage ity. ‘Lakeside— James McKenzig,.15 ma jority. Lansdowpe—T C Norris, 46 major- ii La Venandyre—W Lagimodiere, 86 majority. Lorne—J Riddell, 90 melon Minnedosa—R H Myers,, 214 ma- jority ma; jority. ee py ae! AD Bertrand, 28 ween Brandon—F O Fowler, 67 major SpringBeld—T H Smith, 50 major- ity. eine 8 L Morton, 150 ma- rity. PW inniped Centre—D H McMillan, 115 majority. ‘Toral—16. SEATS CABRIED. BY OPPOSI vba Mace 77 major i majority. Cypress-—Geo. Steele, 100 majority. a D H McFadden, 112 ma- jor Manivon-Rabert oar vy 98. Morden—H Ruc Morrs—C H An SO. Norfolk —R F Lyons, 50. North Braudon—Ty -E Greenwood, Rockweed—I Riley, elected. St. Andrew's. and , Kildonan—Dr. Grain, 263. chewan—Ws Fergosan, 11. Souris—A Thompson, 8 jen —James Siespso Winnipeg South—H J. Wionipet North—Dr. Neilson, 229. | Hittes Woodlands — R Py Roblin, 100. Total—21. INDEPENDENT. Rosenfeld—W Hespeler, 8: There-are two elections. to -be held } There is one poll missing, in which may Pianos Ule reales age PROUSCIAL encies of Sond of| in the two jausees Mr. Dryden's ma”| Oa jority inSouth Ontario is estimat: 400, thapgh the returns are not eo Brant-is over 400, returns incomple! West Elgin gt the.jast byelection. Mountain—Thomas Greenway, 82 jority . Rhineland—V Winkler, 118 ma- “Brandon City—Dr. McInnes, 8 “Elineay—oo Lawrence, 143 ma- Portage la Prairie—W Garland, 113 43. Hecselh Wet 8... Cooraqy probably Exeeutors’ Notice to Creditors TOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that, behalf that all Creditors duly verified, and the nature of the security (if ba held by shee and that immedia ately after the said }3th’ day ot January, 1900, Grand Jewel Stoves the safd executors will p todistribate the assets of the sqid deceased, among parties entitled thereto Sen regard ae to the claims of which they shall then have s they distribute iS rt there: of to any person or persone ose debt or claims hall not then wee notice. pav atic Dated this 4th day pa iceater. Agents :—our oe on South Africa tee British-Boer War is a regular book. agent Selteon sight. Ontfit free. BRADLEY-GARREISON CO, Limited, Brantford, Agents;—our Christmas books re ready. From Fifty cen:s up. Four, books explained ip one prospectus, One mons Neg am the NineteeativGentury. great. men 5 great inventions and Coveries ; great event of the Century. a slow sclling beok or engaged in other agency business, you lose money to con- portunity for moneys you ever ind? Big tig opr ee easy time; new GAs SRE FSO% Poe % basta NIFUSD, O: phabis ¥ Agen inte: Comstien Eades Av eiiee ‘orth Ps embers, make money, to cireslate Ubis BRADLEY. OC RRRETSON CO., ‘Limrren. Brantford. Agen idl ar Dreyfus: the prisoner of Neyil’s 4: Ls Bul sory of the most remarkable "Military Trial and Seandal age. Big. Book, well ila yr canva BRADLEY. GARRE ON co., Brantford, oF ladies ; special wanent 5 tien per- ost jest Field Malet Hi FARM FOR SALE. That parcel of fad known» as East half of Lot 11, Con. 8, Mosaingion,| consists of 100 acres with 90 a nder cultivation with ten acres sof bush. ‘The farm is well watered. The buildings are commodions and in « ticulars apply to Thos. Scott on Hie evens, P10 Robert Smith, Newry, Newry, Aug. 15th, 1899. COMMERCIAL. Muvurtox, December 14, 1998. Fall wheat per bush. $ 64. Spring wheat, per bus! Burley per bus Cate Arnie» per bag - Bags per doz ‘Duskeys per pound pow Tattle Mountain—J Jobaston, 180. ‘Macdonald, | Fall Wheat... that the govermpenpeolumn- + SOR is le i ‘The Provincial live senate held ont, x e4: in Ube former two and Chkieer ative an tae w Ini plete... My Preston’s majority in Sout |e |i, 1b tolls Mr. Brower's majority in East Elgin ix in 58. Mr,.MeDiarmid beat his op: ‘Mr. MeNixh having heen elected in ea Sgxing Wheat- Baxley. "Tétonte, December on L $ 3 0 cs sti 0 & 02 60 tol 415 a 29 33 llw 12 00 20 20 35 a2 20 20 jacks 30 51 Tarkeys 6 8 Ge 5 5 o 5% Dromes hogs, 5 25 40 Beef, hindquarteran 600 ; 209 159» 7 50 50. 9g We will prove to you that the Grand Jewel Stoves and Rang- styles and sizes for Wood or Coal. Geta good stove, for you don’t buy one often during your life. See our Self-Feed- ing Coal Stoves and Heaters. We lead in Coal Heaters. Our TINWARE DEPARTMENT is complete. All orders promptly filled. Full stock of Shelf and Heayy Hardware-at lowest prices. Aoclaseix ins kauae DEL Serer we mila feneccen iat as any tah for) All kinds of Fence Wire. We give our Customer the benefit of our buying before— tors for Wecaors the raise.. A pleasure for us to show you goods. - Yours anxious to pleases: Finkbeiner Bros. A Few Health Hints SM Susy Wet feetare always running after the doctor. sysy The race of life is not to the swift, but to those RVR who keep their feet dry from start to finish:. re €hildremneed less attention to thei heads and RORY more to their feet: Dry feet ftom October Wa to April are worth a whole year of French. ROR andiAlgebra. %€M Those wiio walk in wisdom’s ways, walk in Rub-- itt bers-when it’s weti sek There is nothing more beautiful than snow, and wee unless you wear Rubbers there is nothing a more dangerous: = J. G. GROSCH & SON egg CAN SUPPLY YOU SMS Our stock of*Rubbers and Overshoes is complete. Wanted T2S2 ner dayon sure, pestle . al wor os in| FE HEATERS If you are in. need of a Heatiag Stove do not go. past usas we can suit you.. Having bought before the: “rise” in Ironware we are: enabled to do. the best. See our Cooking Stoves: and Ranges. “|SCHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL,, Milverton: Secure Your “== Swit or Overcoat -For Giristmas early and_ 3 avoid the rush. EB KNECHTEL MILVERTON. es ARE THE BEST; all — UPPLEMENT ~ Milverton, Ont., Perth Co., Teer December 14th, 1899. sie of A Good Fitting and Up-to-date} “president Kruger’s nephew once Clothes! sama — At Close Prices, or anything jn GENTS’ FURNISH- J. BURTON, Zion eharch, sare at 3 p. THE TAILOR |“ Zs atheas The late United States Vice-Presi- dent Hobard left a fortune of $2,500,- 000. ‘There are 5000 Masonic lodges in the United States with a membership over 500,000. Paul told him kindly: “I can do nothing for you. ites © eghondinats position you are ladking in ieee and all the higher offices are Mernopist CHURCH. League, Friday veal at 8 o'clpel re at Mie £245 v. MoMillen, Bobs, “Toeumbeat Bivins wor: ship at 7 o'clock p.m. Service at Elma at o'clock p.m. Bunys Cuvncn.—Rev. Anderson, .A., pastor. Sabbath Eeote at If.a.m. and 7 p.m Weekly, Prayer meeting on rsday evenings at 7:30 p.m, Service at na nee qiox—Rey. George, Winkbeiner, pastor. Sabbath Servioes 9:50 a.m. and 7 p.m, Subbath School, 11 YP. C. A. meets on Tuesday evenings pat So ee Lorneran R Blunck B. A., pastor. Sabbath shah at 2 pm 1p. H. BASTENDORFF FIRST PRIZE BREAD. I have been in business four ears and never took second prize for bread. WHY ? Because | mens the best- The public knows this now, my competitors realize i It. Ask the First Prize Baker too all at your house. G GUENTHER UL“ i ee ee es oe MERE RE HE TE TE HE IE HEHE HE AE HERE ERE IE HE ETE EEE IEE FEE EIEIO vpeveeeeeL ee ee eee eee eke ee eee VewUkebey ee ee ee eee ee FIRST PRIZE BREAD Competant judges at the coats Christmas Beautiful Rockers suitable 5/00, SUP) Bedroom Suits of extra finish. We bought largely before yo tu want the benefit of our fore- ‘& Honderich oe x Bieber ga ene a Washington, D. '| County Fair awarded us 1st Prize fo Bread. ‘We donot have to depend upon the intelligence of a country show judge tor our reputation. ‘The vast number of people why eat ur bread in preference to any other a the best judges, and give the ver- ed the judges at Stratford Fair {id ——Corr Wi ing fe the es V. WEITZ EL, in a large lot of Furniture of The Baker. Se Se aareScryE SEve7EFiiitt 22857! Ss 8 Cee EEE KLEE EEE ee eee eee ie ie ie ie ie le le oie oe le PERERA II 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE sending a sketebrand 41 mn soeartait our option, ow Besher a tions ‘on Patents Order Your Winter Suit Balt nee have just arrived and ati are of the _ Nearly” Three ae Pieces to choose from. Your MosT WORKMANLIKE eer < Cee he ee kekeee eee ee eek eee kee eeecececiccckcckk cick oe eases 3 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. Perth has organized a county his- torical oss Rev. Wm. McDonagh, of ‘Stratford, fell shales and broke his leg, on Tuesday of last week. Miss Annie McCarthy, sister of the | fro, late Dalton McCarthy, died at her homé in Barrie last week at the age of 66 years. Miss Aggie Bushfield, who has re cently graduated from Guelph Gener Hospital, os left for Fort McLeod, where she has secured a position in e general ER The steamer Niagara, with a cargo of lumber and shingles, plying be- tween olen and peeelo ig sup- posed to have gone down off Long Point, tae “rie with her Hie of 16 men. Right Hon. Mr. Ritchie, a member of the British Government, in a public people on the improved trade of the country. He announced that the total trade of Great Britain this year would be at least £798, 000,000, or ey 000,000! That is a pretty ‘good record, re is vim and vigor in the old motherland yet, and plenty of it ! oe of the besp suggestions ever | j is js that every farmer should display his name at the front gate of his farm. It} j, would be a matter of trifling expense and no particular trouble for every farmer in the country to have his |i name and the number of his lot neatly pain inked ‘on a small board to be nailed to te post nearest the concession Te cedea tetany eonlas prove of incalculable value to the pete and to}{ mers t! emse! ves. two millions in 1895. BBY comes next, with gn increase of 1 per cent ; oe United States ‘aie with 100 per cent ; or in other words, in, 37 per cent., and Germany, 29 per cel Mark Twain has met the Boer, and y this is what he says of him :—‘ He His deeply religious ; profoundly ignor- ant; dull, obstinate, bigoted ; un- cleanly in his habits ; hospitable, hon- est in his dealings with the whites, a hard master to his black servant; lazy, a # woodsboy B ood horseman, addicted: the chase ; a lover of political in- ae ndence ; good husband and fath- towns, but liking the auloaon and re: satisfied with pork, and Indian corn and biltong, requiring only that th quantity shall not be stinted ; willing. to ride a long journey to take a Baud a rude all-night dance interspersed with vigorous feeding and boisterous |; jollity, but ready to ride twice as far for a prayer meeting. business this year mop iD producers. hi ie oe i ie ole ie oe le oe oh ie le oe FE REE RE HEINE EE IE IE PIE IEE Cv a le ee ei ee ee they did last year, and have zed $1.40 per box eto the average, than in 1898, for, if Canada was in the fortunate veto of being | able to supply the me qu sari pet other, countries were ni The exports from the ae -were so trifling as to be inapy in their bearing on the hae i wile the conditions iv other dairy produc- ing cou! foaeeeies were exceptional. It is | “ many y since such un fayerablersonaltona for dairying ex- ‘ist as prevailed throughout the greater part of the summer fai fall in) Denmark, saree France. Cana- EME IEEE EIEN K y y K y y y K 3 » wy Be Be eee eee ec for cheese that they y hamper the ais hdy jourfals o ‘ork. depend uj address last week, dicta the x ade by the newspapers of this country | Si America | tae exactl: me eaetn iS Pe th a good rs, er ; notfond of herding together in| ¢ | have wenped ‘the Senet) yaeec at of this, in the shape of the highest ee i verage

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