Milverton Sun, 14 Dec 1899, p. 5

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TIE FOUNDERED CALLEON: © By WEATRERLY CHESN ff Auick MONEO. — : es ie by the Authors] > you arbi abont? The yy itself. was ea oe ja | was winding up my thoughts, doc- | . tar, by uttering the conclusion aloud. ‘You know, have a ach and till recently I have favored but this is so mea ag: th at Ive decided on sailing craft after all. “any Heras rig? inquired the doctor gra “Or will you wait t to decide on Uae a Bae detail as that | ing red till ‘wal x Sur iaae the old inetd i | Pointed to the waves beneath and cried gold a: et heee -} > Unless idea wait,’ she rejoined. rOrES. t snugly stowed in th jea comes to me I'l “There's no par- it, Dolly,”’ said the doc- ith alaugh; ‘‘thereisn’t. Guthrie, board ry during the daylight | wear oe thinnest ¢lothes—ev- Sha t is, except Cant ain Cole- he siipper still wore his shiny Sinex & a and still sported his heavy ee ake aye “Indeed ome day when pare 7 Blazing he tered boi tue on deck tightly buttoned’ up in a jacket. However, as he Pose | comfortable in it i by the statement that. thick eithing learned to take his peculiar attire as a matter of oe only person who was really un- mfortable as the sun beans a nt bigher and Binier ov er the mastheads as Cain Laversha: He literally melt- ed. His great ally wae — Fal and his only respite from Tom abo 1 ike =n = was not given to shintions mele ‘ound in thes die “Here she tounderedl” astering of ene ore cae the quintes- out, he | never oer a ai aie Dolly was near. tting all about his “Za- Proposing to if you are not about the encouragement you give him.” At which remark Dolly levehed amd found in the society aft and the never amusement which was to be got dy of the quartet of part of the voyage came to a -elose, and the fascination of the tee dive into end unknown hold 4| Though he had of course kr sah to ane of vice adventure as of a real, fement, | nee anit to put to th ler that, sont and worked with the to e Ae store of gold and silver jisturbed peace, distant day when the etracearese had fired bi: zine sooner than tender mercies of Nichol: wed dow! of the J Atlantic beaut parison with its weird ‘siemnity known it eee been able as the issue which they were @ proof. No won- beside such a oes other Biewtete daT eceay Wr OE During the previous day any all that on the boundless “Here she foundered!’ Sa ee VL EUREKA T. R FIRST Di alleon Sai ate Catarina, oe th ber ist to the into the pace oe them. she soaed eth a “gh “But hel ra fear- fully exact that I don’t often havea chance.” an Presently Captain Colepepper snd the aa i of the spot where thé ae cmatioon hed said thet the Santa Cats: then she was hove to for ‘That evening the two promoters of the enterprise sat on the after skylight. ander the stars. and played duets. By terms of the agreement Dr. Trin e the command tomorrow, low the sur- hi - sd insensibly into a minor vis and Ries: in the “Land o’ the Leal,” and ‘Home, ge the excite- ent of ssbepatenee re not holy. But presently Guthrie, by_fol- lowing the glances of the two musicians, was able to guess what troubled them. He saw that they were ees cr ing furtive: looks at Dolly, awhile it dawned upon him was the canse a their anxiety. mark of the doctor’s which the young 48 wonld be a perilous gleaning, and | reaper, death, | wo- men wonld go to swell the number of | ose who lie at rest in the wide the esa beat fast with fear. length Cain Laversha broke the si- “Te be powerfni dark down there, zur, won’t if?” sai “*Aye,”" answered Captain Colepepper shortly, ‘‘dark as the grave itself.”” te oe down did ‘ee zay we cc ihandred fathoms, more or ew Hundred fathoms,” the fea slowly. that be, v ” And then be chook Haheas Teele on elpee tase ean Pe Dictor "maid the cantata preient in low, anxious tones, sure we can stand the pressure? It will | awful!’ “Of course we can!” returned Ls Tring, with an amount of impat Geatees cede wie auike uaneaintin showed more plainly than anything done that, even his nerves ion. He had not | ig to o tions, there by Ay a considerable mar- in left over for safety even at 200 fathoms. I see no reason were those aioe now. Do y doctor,’ said the pete “I don’, but—” “But!” interrupted Dr Tring “There are no ‘buts.’ Here, I'll go over the Bae with you again.” And the two men began pacing the deck, the doctor arguing and enforcing his reasons with energetio gestures and ing jous that we really bad to take this dive.’ 2. Guthrie said nothing, but edged little nearer to the girl and sand ene cS eyes fixed in a kind Isa the gold which is to make us rich,” ch,”” Dolly lead Spaniards aie ancl te Sealy ieievad ta enough. It's a ‘J silly thought, ien’t it?" “Quarter of a mile | man heard in the pause while the cap- tain was tightening his B string ane vi islands and drop” her there till we soe to go bac ‘No, no” replied the eaptain decid low be ea which Gattis could jast dis- guish the words, ‘Plucky to the | | ends rae ‘fingers: fre et herselt todeath | ae = this. the doctor replied with | an air of relief: 2H ehink you orn | She deserves to come. And I don’t be- Heeer era oe aay much cur after a, at any rate for her.”* And then the captain enid his date his | w. So they started their aes nets wad ied dicen rer mnt of vigor which Pore erence Saale pleniarcat shaders By daylight next morning “all bands | esently | “are you quite | tt belo she the ‘tees. dike Cae oe ab iron, were replaced and riveted secure- | ie into thelr places. All the canvas was stowed below, the main mpanion and sky ligne were unshipped | Wy, ‘ and replaced with iron plates securely | bolted down, and ge ketch was (Gs ta as a bottle au over. Ever; ration for this been made fa og ights before she left Bristol, and the doing of it ha availa- ble capital, Steady aac pita into by sivs e engines and boilers with which she had been originally fit- ted were taken completely away, and a smaller crew was substituted forthe one which abe ie erly carr genious caida Stceato ltsatate oo that it cold be dealing tarina ee they howl ‘ind eee ae these will be described later on. Rising from the forward part of bh deck was a structure which was i ae ed toserve the purpose of a conning tower, from which her movements be- oi as me hae ca be Miducteenr it asa lighted by « wince of thick peice glass It could te Jon like, we eam Gi insane of Bees dered galleon While the work of wetting all these wees into order was going for- Ae captain had caused to be low- ear neetthees a square of stout canvas vip on iron bars and suit- ably buoyed. The Eureka rode to that at the end of a warp, asa sea sues Her drift was slow. but as the doctor did not want her to get to ee of a ‘in point no ae was to be lost, and the eight the crew phage wig nd hard at the busi- neThe ae Ren ees on the west- smooth as though it had been topped with oi “Everything ready, doctor!” cried Captain Colepepper at last. ‘All we have oe ao i is to get Slow, clap on the sh, bolt it into place and Ciat you a bash about sinking boas soon as you like.” The doctor screwed up his leathery wrinkles and shivered. morning, do you [10 BE conTINUED.] REVIVAL IN LUMBERING. The Army of Bushmen Has Probably Been ‘Trebled This Year. oe coc of pee and oo con- the effect of soon te gai “ais the Imm! rts of the revival of the batberiag . Timber limits which have been abandoned for years, are again Being operated, and shantymen, who have been unable to find suplayaet are again men haye left Hull and vicinity in the past three months to work in the lumber woods, This is nearly ee times the number that left i vity prevail forests of Minnesota, Michigan cutting logs for the market. insuffi it will not sumers will be obliged to go out of the ‘1 |country to get any considerable quan- nee of white pine. In 1892 the three te pine states—Minnesota, Michi- ja and Wisconsin—were cutting anga a. di Heald fat peadubtton ta |1898, and it will take some time |to make up the difference of 1,500,000, 000 feet. ‘The forests of Michigan and Wisconsin are esota. For the next ten years these io alisicivey cal ecbaulypecatioiel we much pine as they are now cutting. At that time the end of the white pine timber in the United States will be in sight. Winter and Spring Wheat Bran. Tiaasa a ce 1 opinion nae a been material difference z the sition of winter 6 result wil aartiy. be pobiiate in bulletin their al it Some Observations on Jost Desirable Class of (Roden fershe the Furmer — @ Sood layer, although she may not win er. This iast trait, Pvaiove, cota Be ed cee a They must have Be inherent fae atinet, produced. Ly sum 8 caling: that induces tice to fo ay Lip yes iene ‘looked form, eiving thein attention solely ry weakens the offspring you wi avoid it. the reason that a hen oes not lay as well the second season is because tie He Pa onlay aay on tae is fed less to i layi condition, van consequently does not have the material wherewith to form: th Pee: Orga and Se ce yiel wa ish which to form ‘the egg. quire more anim: ing fowls and pullets, strange assertion, egg production Seoteh Grays, This bi dis the plumage of that old force the Dominique,but lertness and style ia more PAIR OF SCOTCH aes like me fowl, they — are fairly heavy birds, welche 8to- 9 Ibs. for cocks and 7 Ibs. Séotlan vents tiga dian joo COLONIATIONORNATAL 2328 Natives Were impressed With Them ‘That They Elected Them Chiefs, hills, of re streams, and foam- ing falls: of gorgeous multicolored flowers, ae @ jeweled and be-spangl- birds and Seating has a mo- mentous history. The 1 with which the soil beneath his feet is saturat fe hears no oe of the din of the bygone battle; m nix-ery of anguish floats down ee the heretofore to quaver the festoons ar, disemboweling blade. valleys and the hummocky hill, ms and the blossomful th, the pregnant plantations, the oneal crops, e throbbing toy speak to = st peace and ae cul- TO TRADE WITH NATIVES. Seventy-six years ago a Bey ig, with many a creak and groan racked old timbers, lifted heav’ aly ee) rit seabirds, surged down into the seethe of waters behind it. Another roller, mightier than the last, painted marble streaks and spume upon its olive slopes, roughly in its resistless embrace, shook her PY, until ick to keel: found in 1705 by the trader, Postloop- “er, living with two wives and several children. A BLACK NAPOLEON. to teenth century Natal had been thickly Populated with @ peaceful people, efly izis and Acahiphis sviio: foMated pastoral and arsnits, an chase of the numerous wild animals which swarmed alike in the bush and the open. But in its very first years like fields of snow before the warm west winds. The old people were slaughtered, and the young ones for- cibly incorporated i SRS motely hordes of mixed r east of Africa, was a nephew of ! fir WHITE MEN MADE CHIEFS. And so Farewell found but a miser- able remnant of the aboriginal popula- tion, living in hiding upon the fruits of the forest, and the harvest of the years of his ill-spent life with daily ee i torture and dismember- ent. Farewell made friends es this remnant, Sie collected fugitive: ae hue with their aid ie Sad rasta upon ee Couns less swarms of elephants to which the neighborhood of the bay was a favor- ite resort. The courage and prowess displayed by the white men in these first but a few score of fugitive, ee orous outcasts but event ually, by the ay to mas i ne s of the quite eeesahis Indeed, i numbered 5,000 souls.—The Old Pion- eer, in South Africa. A Central Figure. There is not a finer figure in the public eye to-day than Lord Salis- e | bury, Premier of Great Britain others had wills. As many as 140 Natal had white residents. The first vol ome white waits of Natal. But ously fifty-ton ketch a aS on a trad-|is ing is @ master statesman and diplomatist, and his repeated peaceful victories have gained for him che omens ot w tory as an empire builder.—B: Times. Lyddite Not Widely Kn ‘The new aoe: Toa irihich the South r fiesta Bs It read on ere wall?” eried the warning voice in accel i aii ‘school ‘anions og Ted '| faintly, with ashen If writing simply ‘‘Oliver Cromwell,” which is used by to the present day, has much in it to be ii but the elder sons of the younger and their eldest sons in pet uity; the eldest son of the eldest son ofa Knight, and his eldest son in per- o' Companions of the Orders of Knight- Ho the principal o of the Queen's household; depnty-lienten- Prats eres of + Masters of he Sayre th | thing beyond the simple prefix ‘Mr.,”” ‘and the present universal use of ‘“Es- | quire’? i is nothing more than a piece ‘of general presumption. — London Daily Mail. DREADED DIPHTHERIA. ITS AFTER EFFECTS FREQUENTLY SHATTER STRONG NERVES. Mr, S. McDougall Suffered for Years an lis Doctor Told Him Recovery ‘Was Impossible—Again Strong and Healthy. Farmer and ‘‘jack of all trades,”” is what Mr. Salter McDougall styled himself when interviewed by the News recently, Mr. McDougall resides at Alton, about ten miles from d according to his own state- When interviewed by the Mr. McDougall said:—‘‘I am glad to give you any Daseenoe you for Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Up to the year 1888,’’ continued Mr. MeDou- ie eg oe | healt attack of oN ny oa od 5) which left me in a deploral pe et a con- | and fall on my back, or side. oe face, ds and feet would swell an left me and I got very es sleep. I) was under the care of doctor, but got nothing more than occasi Finally 1 gob 20 low This was the doctor told ae ieadh do nothing for me, and he I would live through the night. That night I took a severe fit of vomiting, eo of matter, rae and leath = and about inches The vomiting almost choked me, Sank itre- Pills until I had taken seventeen Doxes, and they have made a new man of me. My health is ‘better than it has been for twenty years, and not- withstanding the doctor's prediction, cae Fears of the Vulgar. the handwriting ou have rei turn cold. In this pa: I ord not | body. feet and had to A TRAGEDY OF LIFE A Toronto Girl’s Terrible Experience in the Shadow of Death. breadth Escape—A [From The Toronto News, Oct, 21.1 when she sits, a sllvery-hafred grand dame, among her sturdy Canadian grandchildren, She will tell them, and with bated breath home at Armstrong-arenue, . where cours, tives wid parents Dovthers, and eters, Jenn father, Scere Cinmay of a; chert intstrone and ‘ations, us to te ev marks ‘an her Ife, she was in the employ of-Mirs. ard, dearalis fe 0 ge makitg. A re io Se Sheehan hs swhher tua eecatin ers ees Laura endorsing her words. QUSS LAURA SHEDHAN. ‘Laura has always been a social favor- ite,"" said Mrs, Sheehan, “andl among. ber friends and, seanalntances she. is serious wrong ‘with fer, be on | the: sai of Maz last 1 went with jer to St. | atiehae! “Whi mined her, Dut. to Bed, and a6 aa at ee a auige that mad Sones She lay oe pote able of moving not. Day after day I visited improving, I found here 1s relolcing to-day in the sug tittle | £2 many | me little tin time, prey he was amigsed | of | purchased ‘at Gibson's Laura Sheehan, 93 Armstrong Avenue, Has a Hair- Modern Miracle—Thrilling Narrative of the Young Girl Fully Corroborated. was near! and back 1 fell ily myseit, “I rematned, 13 ‘and during this perlod ingly upon me, and cared m be her own ARNotb's ENG. h self aguin—thanks to DR. which have rought ess gay) as ly sa x life ‘world but Di. ARNOLD'S ste Or tried t! all.” ‘Suc ch ‘Sheen ans account of Laura Wines and sesoecer: Ie wusieaee foboruted by her busband, and by Laura her Feporters are, skeptical individsals, ge alt abaee Lauras story lated thought it rdrawi, and oe ae ‘for ‘bimseit. aera: BI ‘NGLISa aos PILLS that could bave r ly he Tan's neighbors edicine_but DR. ARNOLD'S pNGLISHT ‘PONT PILES could have saved Laura Sheehan, “Determined to further investigate this case, erhich, some ae era in medical p moder Michael's Hospital en jnformation, the secords show that Laura Shechan admitted as a Hier | cakel wah’ epoliec sicians and sisters. It w: - ‘The pat dition during her stay in the recoils wad Bs deseribed by her mother, who came and home “eircom the “hospital EF went Ward's dressnalg eacabiighment ae a Dundds-street, ive business, eld thENeR o"She fully contovortied the had been told h dz Eola, as we called “bes, “waa with me thr the” day before she was taken Bick, (and ‘went ‘$9 the “hospital. ad story. as it Hoe qerree enought ho loth, m her baud ‘Frequcntiy 1 wuld make her He down and rest I-really ant ant Daler that ‘her nervous system could ever be re tored to its proper condition. When © heard iat ake aa paralpced gave hi is Just for @ certainty. et id been oni; p TOXIN PILLS have ae ; trom whonr ! lee one yerson I could obtain Thfornatlon regarding thi 0 and thi is wonderful case, it was the druggist from whom Mrs. ehan had ‘bowghe the writes aid Shee ae iis buat saved her dlaaghter’s 1 found that had been eee corner of Bloor and Bathurst settee ang. chee I went. Mr. Moy iashager Ku of Miss Sheehan’ ocho. Sheohan, he aid, purchased a box of Dit. ARNO ENGuL ISH TOXIN PILLS there some it hey could | g hot All ir, sel ail tie Car (attention and kindness , bad falled to hel ell, we Broagnt Her home “and her every care. Old Temedies were used: of nearly every Ena failed to a skeleton almost,and |e ‘unable to move band or f ha sd. every mea store her ts health | Er erything bad failed ang hare fo be ever; fable one ‘Segoe ea et by a iyleians nospital fect: re NOLD'S ENGLISH TOXIN iment her terrible i, “One day a friend cam a 0 see See Sonia not, realise that eeless form once bright, lading hy trlena. anked me DE. ARNOLD'S ENGLISH ing her case in the ite ‘hospiay and speaking a e point that every young girl, every See every father who reads the Barth sulnee (of sble eal ce extraordinary by ive gh we may look and. feel to be auite stroae ont ‘And why did DR. ARNOnb's SNGLIEH ‘Soon her SSS | TOAIN ELLUS sane ile id strength followed. a few days she was able to cine Scares ~ Stone walls do not a aon make," anced | the prison visitor. sbbe not,"” said the convict, A Pye a at darned hard fer feller to get ou!

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