Milverton Sun, 28 Dec 1899, p. 2

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THE FOUNDERED GALLEON mem By WEATHERLY CHESNEY AND ALICK MUNRO. (Copyright, 1899, by the Authors} She put exer the wheel a couple of | spokes, and for a moment the great eel was dropped by th by the lantern rays passed out of sight. But the next in- stant it had worked itself into the gl again, and then, keeping the light all occa: *\ ver ee ‘succeeded, though at thecost of | sions put one this essed oxygen. Buton that one the precious gas and enduring the close | air of the hold till its heayi- ness neerly pes the agai a ous su Heavily waterlogged as she was, the Eureka wonld not rise to the seas, but | rolled sInggishly in the trough and al- lowed the heavy waves to make a clean breach over her. The Senprioaned treas- ea ieee cag hes alin, nd every ri colossal stren; Pieoceht bez earvugli att Soren tea) Alan!”" cried Dolly | hea Melee oe iron eal were taken | from the ha’ it off and t m to the deck the | a of same eyes after using up three whole cylinders of | oe the success with whieh th the tale | ere in the ail; | oened was due. And it ca pa er took to | the nick of time So neeeely rwearicd] yughter’s eyes | ive to pick ont, ses cold the | ent efforts w | as every one with the work and sick- | lespeta- | wi sia sa crept Soni up to ie boister- wea ges the sation turning of that | k that even the two promo- | peliprieoe vabbts Spel? brought | themselves to ae that it must abandoned. Doll: ‘i ae eleventh hour, it is (ous ak geil In 1g admitted seat that be doubted seal he could have | m the alas of loath- ling might ais peared too dggiatape tose | resist and the Eoreka tefal spo' about midway Seas thé | Giticis went tothe ladder and shoot | | rigging = Sanchtag of thesea anchor | *twatch below” (as they were w and the doctor’s long-legs came! proved a task almost too great for | with grim irony to term "pate period of tambling oD the steps three at a time. | them. But at last it was done, and toil in the bowels of the sea), after they fore he arrived the beast had | yotch was slewed round to ride bows on | had been down abou hours, there gained the ketch’s decks, and its ana = ‘withe a quiet hail of “Doctor!” fro snakelike head saa ag ins Then! there was leisure to look aror the conning tower, and loctor, ” CHAPTER VIL ‘THE FINDING OF THE SANTA CATARINA. soon as he saw the great eel Dr. | ‘Tring turned out the lights with a snap and passed down an order to empty the ery soon the was lespin ing eustacoward again in rapi bound: Of w those le ras hold aid didn a pa al prs ittle in it,’ he said. «“Di- Bat, though the doctor sie sly lit- of the encounter er had really great, and mers tha one of th began to wonder iste they Were Vienined ever to fd gold which was to be the reward of the daring. For, do what they would, no glimpse of = Santa Catarina came to reward their pads ditieeaty tah vening, council held on deck, while the ketch her sea faye rr. ously sodden, she might very well get gome undercurrent which would er along goodness take knows how l enough, ding ade ‘oc be Eureka baa’ sen rolling helpless in their trough. ifter the ture with, t Tiapbointnens to the hole crew. ‘This | ® is How it happen {by eure at nk quietly y dove | to watt a tathema je 0078, fod thar eet eh sage directed jown to help the nies on y zemained in the conning to e. The worked easily, She Diese hiiscleta yen her and was jell able to steer a compass course, and as the pace which the hand driven screw gave along the sea floor was slow, and Dolly’s brown eyes were | very Keen, he was vay ‘able to keep a | tower and wen! the beans hatefnl screw shaft for some hour and a half, saying little to one another, and (some of them at least) thinking of lit- tle, for the monotony of the never end- ing work had knock i them. of a sudden they {rife inte. sentient tpi ieayiy ery eof: “Oh, there she is! twas given, but the crank stopped 4 ee at oe tom, = save for Cain Laversha, in ‘his place cel ee aed all nea up the ladder and squeezed into the conning ie Eure Sree Sh and | her dem a light was turned full on the object bias had caused Dolly’s cry. | Tt w: , lying over on its star- | board wig, vith decks Sacto ee the Eurel and m: ts | ts had gone a the | Bowe ee i ay teatling on the port qnar- | era by the rigging. Her. sides were | bid with gun ports. Her bottom was | et ‘green with rampled copper sheath- | ie doctor's hand ‘stole on to Dolly's shoulder. TE aaa he Dolly, “isn’t | it’s 6 r, jumping from seat, sprang nimbly up the ladder. Presently the order was to stop the crank, and then there was a short hissing as the water entered the ballast tanks bb a saat jolt as the te: grounded on lo word had soenea the hold yet of ait had occurred, but the single greaé, ope bis was in euch worker’s mind made sangui inable to stand suspense, Mee ures swiftly | up, the ladder. ctor was standing ya, Jooking ee from one of the He turned nk ee oe youbg fan omg through th “Ah, at Fe le, shake hands! Pleased to see Colepepper has made up her oat it's to bea plone er, a big schooner, with’a steam s0 that ehe can be Dolly laughed. “T hadn’t quite fot so far as that, | doctor," she said, ‘But, she added, | turning to the undergraduate, “I think 's possible that I may decide to have Hie yacht after all) There les the mon- @ look 8 work goes, but 1 don’t suppose the specie will be much the worse for the cing. Where is she? , th eyes to re ace rust have had remarkably go fs reer mf" CHAPTER IX THE HAUL OF THE GRAB. ‘Those brown eyes of Dolly’s must in- en to make out the ing, for, we ae ee of mound, Spanish treasure ship | oaeiom whieh 36 rent, drop of blood in the girl's body at the the undergradnate to take her place at the window of the co1 tower. ing, aise Bie a aa Dg ie a.bF2 ‘tulations. sake bine the glazed port Gathrie could bardly persuade himself that before him lay the £ foundered ea ~“But,”* objected Captain Colepepper, “if there had been any such current ee we should ee ee poe necessarily. some eure stream, Pane af fiss a few r- then Lahall not go away sider it hope! ‘ad 00 te wes decided that i thepesseh ments wh dropping well running, the doctor ean fete be nosmall difficulty. descent was in his ould sarang wait and let thi side to her ng anchor modera i while she was in the black Phe Jas piso, “Ah, lad, shake hands!” selene have pened to any of us Wrec! not plentifal down here on Hai ore tate go round to the other side of certain before we go his head. “Unfor- tunately am quite nreot what Feey.” he on ““That_unlu — craft oa etn ais Chick were the oa Lye a the great council cham- "pal at Venice. ber of doges’ Dolly fy be had studied these careful- left; that she would have; at aay: ie a ‘one mast standi fe had pict aoe ae size and es of its pheas fop,”” and, in ee aa the ae ‘woud doubtless ied by = hea’ a of what the galleon was when she rode in all Ser brave and iting over the waves Bat he had forgoten to allow fr the brine. Iron nails sah fas been baile this century. Th aft had dissolved to mere threads, Head sotto to « ploy siime a whole fabric of the great vessel bad disin- tegrated of ihr oa, Weights Telning vere Sell, sad the over isetpita Z shronded ang its Taentits ante Saipietare Save here and there, at | What @ minute? LS Think about it, dear young people. manen- | and again of alluding slyly to the won- { ~Whaterex we do got sow woire fo | dertul things which his da know, Guthrie, thank you for. D’you gee tad acne is hillock Para, any other in- equality of the sea floor ?"” “Miss Colepepper.”’ said the under- nate, “the very next time we pipe of propesing your be * “and I” you in drinking tl toast !"" cried the doctor heartily. “But | now ron’t waste time in | congratulations. The cabot our stay | down in this Earp asure~ house is | limited. prolong it without danger. Gui ‘on | below sah ‘te her a | pumps. give ye oi aby 7 | sate till La again and laid ‘tainly up ranenaa and | tees stand by to work the grab the word. down the young man tumbled, erness as he had half an ries ial been full of lassitude id loathing. He told the tale to the ever had work in th been moi was forced to sh he should ran the ile And afterward, whem p into ‘onden and dropped worked the amb, ingling with exci erat Bor the aot of all their at labors was now to be put to the vroof. isa {ro 28 continvED.] WIRELESS TEL TELEPHONES: Mamas Voices Readily Heard Through the Earth, Sir William Preece’s wirel be heard and that at great dis- tances with it results. Soon I hope to be in a position to give a series of practical demonstrations in the presence of electrical experts.” Worth Thinking Of to make coma ttle brothers and. sisters. Lieutenant General Lord Methuen, RAILWAYS IN IN AFRICA.: ot of Lines on the Dark ements end of the next decade will si be 000 miles of railroad in operation. ‘The Colonial Council at Berlin was informed on Oct. the im- perial Government. had decided to build t African Ceni - road, for this purpose would Taise a loan at Gr per cent. inter The object of government bullding the road it@eltla to hasten nga Pinactor’ havo estimated cost of gease “ulleoad, with terminal on onane ee to ae Ave acania ha oraaniee of that State. The Brif- ish are rapidly building their impel the building of ing German line, the neigh! a few years ago of the rapid developemnt of z civilized North and Sou! Bf three Algorian lines push- lag tores nis the them to be merican bridge, and now approaching Khartoum, and line ding north from Bulawayo to Salisbury, which a to. be another link in the road that is to join South ica with the Mediterranean. has giver % Prtehter day of the Sar maki all progress possible even the far interior of close touch with the rest of toa world. - = An Important Matter. “Blizabeth a cease | death by sending ba “Had she eaten aemesinas: “No. She wired u ing by bass 7 Africa aw eyeeesiy ~ 1600 or 1700, having skipped “DAYS OF FESTIVITY. surrounding 0 Is an Se ace hei : Sear ee ane intauities “of all smile at what the imperial vi!’ain ¢ centuries and will m u = : 1 ft has destroyed th nit ee cdi aaa ecw 6 CY Gift of an Amériean to the ‘Sunshine and Shadow onthe} pronunciamento went forth from that menting fer ee cy faaieoee British Government: Cradle of the Saviour. Plnck and partanies. ie One. Apreetas sod, that I may go worship | , cally savings, “Slay Bite setee\ ut ‘AN the detectives be ecgute allt nants tne “the sent out ftled tn the search. THE STORY OF THE INCARNATION tenth of the one. child. tha Sic anf tae ve Ser mice aA tint reatens my dominion!” “xt rbiee ate Seas, = Retr dian, int ea sea it seacris AE Wr. Talmage Takes His Text From What. cra most cradles are likewise " Can you Soaveue why any Many Consider the ‘Dullest and “Most | S584; - e ee the epidemics oes ‘Wnimpertant Chapter in : Deh ai all their climbin mpertant Chapter tn the New Tee-| aight chill” between, Bethlehem of Meee enor can ak tate eee | ‘tament, But He Finds {t Fail of Prac-|Judaca and Cairo, will secure his de- | Ou." experiments wi losives. a: Heal, Startling and Eternal Interest. |Sud ait the demons Dt hell. Kamara: | wei running against horses’ ho ed that dle. and daring of trolleys and carts fast shingto: - 24.—The story of es en, yet somehow get through, ‘the incarnation is here told by Dr.| Another shadow upon that Christic | .necially boys of high it Talmage in a new way, and practical | e obscurity of the place “that are going to. muc use is made of these days of festivi- vag Snes: was an obscun ount for their coming through ty; text, Matthew i, 17, “So all the| village. David. the si cate be boy. gn right, with only a few wounds | The wages of the Captain of the generations from Abraham to avid ree atbeie ates and Bruises, by the iact that they | Maine are about $100, the three mates @ 14 generations, and from David|#me general and king he gave te es) Lotvinely “pastes thre i unlll the carrying away into Daby-| Sienifcance, I think never mentioning Senet srpon't and three engineers ave! ton are le gudorations saat foal tes] tt bat to ask ink of watery SATs of Per and the crew of thirty-two seamen oxtryind ey ii tivion unto| Out of the old well to which he used | pom de a | and fire $25 Christ aro 14 generations.” CONE crea village 0 They are the same reckless creatures | making a total of $1,500. Mr. Baker From what many consi om Hand uolmpartant; Feats Rad t Ssout whorl iol | will pay the officer men every nd most unimportant chapter of | *© be Separat rom 20-' gnxious and wondering wha: g the New Testat alk other Bethlehem then existing and s0 Matter now. Div igi: protected! | to ¢ Sore Te Sane ee aa find: s as ¢alled ‘Bethlehem’ ‘of eee | ner Pinay. | protected twa tauw el o y; and, calculat- ice aad St i There was a gr pital of Jeru-| have peon dead long ann bat for that, | ing this at three dollars ‘a ton, the Pisce agh shcetin salem; there were the 15 beautiful Ne peer eae, ‘c “ete scattaring |° bill each month will be $1,980. tament, through w: hich all the splen- sige of evan; ente! Three e te: e 42 generations, hilo Gane te i: srgustpoe icky Chey all Eas eels ts tnt {otitrated ad. beet called | BY 11> craianotntas te was peer tories | pate aes ship valotion of $200,- him. “And at least 42 generations | Some "the least anon e Princes Of | yond all capgcity of pen or tongue | 000 tO be carried.» It will be soen that pas ct us. If they were good,|3Uda.”’ Christ himself was to make! (. canvas to express. Without talc | it will cost between "$2,000 and $9.000 Steels orga Na ie Tnceg. 7 | the town famous for a and all 4 ie result of the goodness. ca eg A ing a year’s Hy? sovate in any Seats | # month to operate the Maine, At they were bad, we feel the results of | °temmity. So heroes in later days by | ¢, y he ness. If some were cood| thelr deeds have given celebrity to je same time the ship is losing her Seabee: is an inter-|¢ighborhoods that would 1" i me | mn onthly earnings of from $5,000 to Seniesa ta jts| Otherwise have been heard of beyond | cts of subsequent days. have @ loted | $10,000, ence ‘that puts its ites, | 2nd tried to expound. | Great liter- | he radius of a few hund ft ‘The Maine fleet of on us. And Wel Wrat a place for Christ to arrive ac )tY Works have for ti ost. p: . belongs to) the! floss: 0! the effect of at least 42° genera~| tS ee en The here of the | been the result of much elaboration. | twenty-five ieseeed own At oe — eices stern 2 m Ediaund Burke rewrote the conclu- | lantic Transpor ean: which operates e) 01 Tat c) | scueneny ten cae ‘and women of Messiante op-| his speech against Warren | botwe radle is more important portunity, ari Ae au Ree eiaks Paton hie Weecert setae eee Tanion Ms, Bae fe placaidh vowesnatt emorable for GeTate Ris speech in behalf of Queen | president of the company. ‘The ships pronese to show you some of the your rea ag eas PLS ec peea RT PCE os 4 mnporasieots Ss eda ae ee ee i + Lad >| Christ was eloquent withou' ander the Briti: lag, . Megs end. 5 " Bethchen end then the sunshine that | pe eeieee Whore Gow wore bora, 4g | having studied one of the Tae | ot [they on bo souatrantedls aal cpeentod eebavewesan jorge Peabody went back to Dan-| Pro‘ory: | Me was the ft jmore cheaply than und e Stars at vers, Mass., and with your wealth | tor that ever lived ee land Stripes. The head office of the quent cet ietpr. jcompany is at Balti: Shortly however iar back, some instances of | @™ pernicious and baleful and corrupt ances ny atoazement I found in those parts of Australia to which Australia originally and good cae ere may ha iniquity ugmented by a ep par- Do apa annot eden up the rapids oe Nag ra. Do not blame « ship captain because he cannot out- whirlwin The fa- who does wrong right and his mo- ther all right; but away back in the centuries, alight just as heavy upon been. that, nothin, were ru and Would we walk 20. fines to announc this ence has in his pocket a our allegiance to \ our evone | Roman , I wish he would just Jes esar Augustus wanted to| hand it to me.” And someone know by the record o1 hich that| handed him a penny, and then man and that woman wrote their| the overwhelming answer of Christ, names, or had em ten, just| ‘Render to Caesar the things that how many people in his empire hej ®Te Caesar's and e ga could d on in case oe xigency.| that are Ta all our churches th re so] Buk the shadows have their uses. many half and half scien, so many| There must be & backsround to every one-third es ‘ather | good pi ‘Turner always ‘put at mgainst that ce that came forth that night from that cray bless the neighborhood where in The ee oe most people always has *aese ave not. wort ealed himself after his resurrection by the peculiar way he pronounced Eis GR ides | the one word ae Hi ower humble folk had| of look shown by the way Peter, the the man’s turban| STeat apostle, we ed under it. The the sun | D0ok says, Lord tur and taxing: the woinan’s | 10oked upon putes bes 3¢ was ant one be- | Bipotent facial expression. he limestone rock, of| His power of hyperbole: A camel none up, trying to crowd its hump throug! iaxing. No; the the eye of a sewing woman's néedle and all that learned out a the ousers thigh Buble: ta tone lat “any rate ie! The _ influenc palace and take fog ae Mike ties’ alae William Wi eat 20n, hrist‘$ oratory wag unlike any- thing that went before or came af ven the criticism of the world e em learn gate called the “‘needle’s eye,’ only mnperor that all the i Gr itain and| belittling the hyperbole. Power of and ry sree ae Nee ‘ose lands included | Sarcasm: hypocrite styled by him Hactlopol, Seo ee ee some appointed place| “‘the whole who n not a physi-|has triple expansion and six , be registered | clan.” His power of peroratiom The | bulkheads. Captain Frederick Stone loyalty to the] crashing of the panes) of ‘tha pea, oe master. During that patri- bape house the of Mr. Baker is one of the first citizens the first ¢ i a mighfily the bri ven. days and hope| And will {t not be glorious if after all this scene tude Just Like Boys. You may see young gar-fish play- jeap-fro; tas you ave soe the big boys at it. joating ‘we 2 LANE HOSPITAL SHIP. ic in Baptiste Mangtl- | foods oe dave, Stores for the ship’s operation and Missouri to the U. S. Government un- der the same conditions on which the Maino has been lent to Great Britain. Sho was operated by her regular off seven died daring fe voyages and ee The Navy Department having made aregular hospital ship of the Mis- souri, the the U. 8. Government pur- chased her-Jast June, and she is now jon her way " be pes to bring home the ill ana an t Must Be Taken Away, The Sepik of these islands know that Lord Salisbury is speaking the rigid truth when he says that we have not engaged in this war, ie a evs from any craving for gold d. law-abiding fel- low subjects and to the danger of the Empire.—The Times. : COULD NOT _DRES DRESS ALONE. ‘A.Kova Scotian Farmer Tells of His ta- nse Suffering From Rheumatism and How He Found Relief. From the Bridgewater, N. S., Enter- prise. Such suffering as rheumatism cat the victim upon whom it fastens it- Only those the following cablegram to the com- pany’s agents in London: “Offer Her Majesty’s Government the choice of steamers Maine, land and aise the continuance fully i absolutely free, with aot ins necessary.” The he read: Maino will be The Maine is now at London, the daily press one another to supply free everything needed a tee ships washing to docking th Mr. Baker sites ‘that he offered the vessel through cial of the tection offered hie ships while un- der the British flag. ie Maine is a steel steamer, 316 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 2934 feet of hold. She registers 2,780 ci He received the news of the loss steamship Mohegan on the in the English Channel by long dis- to York. He reached there at eight Sit the morning, and at nine was on the deck of a six day steamer which was pulling out from her pier and headed ee and the United Stai any alterations | * self is almost ly © writhe under its a can i eed. Folkenham, of Ne: im, N.S., is I could not get out.of the house. The pains were | in my hip and back, and what I suffered can essed. am lf Eventually the trouble spread to my ds an ui Williams’ Pink Pills, and after veo four boxes began to improve. using six i the pains and es ed had all go ure, those suffering from liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. » Getting Even With Him. loney, money, money all ige time,” he growled when she said a new bonnet. “Do you know ew much it om? ee Son you in the country this "No. ate replied, “I don’t know, but 1 know it didn’t cost so much as it did to keep you in the city.”—Chicago Post. Wha mais began hostilities Mr. Baker lent the then he rrecrieaary De De Ghanpee= New York Weekly.

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