|The Binder Twin Twine Question. roased price ce of Manila hemp—the militia authorities will or raise and gquip the neces ] ea nei the year tural Hall, Ne 1900, one Se n, Reeve; 8. 8. Ro Clerk an half a maillion dollars. well; “Roth _ of the action o: eeting: Rothwell ite, Smith ‘at Thomas peairan that h- LBrst and second contingents. 2 Life’s Charm Vanishes—No Case of —- swellThat fis iCounett a eee | ‘The in number of men. The offer of}, Beith oluestig tq tend 100. fully SE eee eae equipped men.to South Africa will Be ere De accepted, so that the third Canadian sobungee will be made up of Strath-| °° 's Horse and the British Colum- ee times what it was hh. British Saag ee sna it is ahi: e Cage aN for it mp. avill compare oa “tajerably with the ‘A military expert asserts that Lord |*" a Am Strathcona will be put to a cost of over | twine. This is tl hat soln in the western bh . i U.S. Department “oh ee e bs WHEN HEART FAULS Heart . Agnew’s Cure for the Heart ‘Will Not, Relieve in 30 Minutes, and Per- says that 6 sts to try ad Agnew 's Cure for the Heart. One bottle did him great benefit; four bottles drove every symptom of the trouble away from Sold by James Torrance, a theaufferersfare no Dov havigg thelr po led” for @ cure. tablets 35 cents, — sel id by James Tord adjourned to meet again at ehaue ae for 3 Cass an Audit- general business. na Spe pDairy J ASsocintion, $ + The'Cheese and Butter Association “everything pertaining to the industry. —_—-_—__ ‘Western Blection Protests, Ten election protests have been ‘wendy filed in the Winnipeg cour’ The Liberals have entered protests ‘aguinst the Conservative members ¢ the Jaigia ature for Moi side and Carrillon. will likely be filed next Favin cet edict a Doluthion Fadden “at the aaneetie byeelection for City to oppose Hon. D. F. merson, caused by MeFadden’s a i _septauce of a portfolio in ‘the Mac: donald cabinet. ‘NO PAS One of the most striking features of he present situation is the st wand freedom from panie shown, not (oune irene to.be relied upon, for, i spite of the skéll of commanders no “une mi itary ee as in the conduct of snapligated “Especially must this be the case wher Aroops are dependent upou he Vine £ communication, a the p -forees numerically and re relatively an bodies of met sperating over a field are necessarily occasionall cisolted from ench ot Me ACCEPTS STRATHOONA'S | OFFER. Tor) Srratheona’s offer to defray the cost ‘of equ ipping, transporting ans aining in the field 400 Cnuadin forbidden by his advisers to transact any busin _consequi mw: ny ence of this the detaila of beni) pipe Prmnovmley: dee Deel rden, Portage la e- Another big ah valor of troops, isulated checks of vast ex- “IE. a Merchant Tailor Will sell all Sines Goods at a reduced price,in order fo make room for the Spring Stock. “Call in and See Us. i;mineéd to doa thing we enter into it heart and soul. “ON eve ,|a chance seldom occurs, so take advantage of it. rel off on all Men’s Suits, one quarter off on all Overcoats and ome ; Clearance Sale We have resolved to clear the decks, and when we deter- We want to clear every heavy Garment out of our store within the »: |Next 20 days, and are ready to Suit «Sacre ee "Ulster OF OUR STOCK. 25 Per Cent. Discount This means more to the buyer than ever before. Such One quarter Ulsters, one quarter offon all Youth's and Boys’ Clothing, one quarter off on all Boys Reefers and Ulsters, The Orginal Prices remain on all Remember : ‘ our goods. We make this won- (pe nea atin tea cE derful and truthful offer at the beginning of another year, with in thei i of the people to whom this house has always given the worth of their money. These unusual values, we want the people to possess, are by far the greatest we have ever offered or can be got of any other house. This sacrific sale extends also to our Woollen -department, such as Shawls, Underwear, Tweeds, Dress Goods,Jackets,Carpets. We are also about Stock-Jaking and will sacrifice all odd ends. It will certainly pay you to visit our store and take a look around, asking prices, as everyone who misses this sale is a loser. GROSCH & PFEFFER MILVERTON. t : Grand Jewel Stoves We will prove to you that the Grand Jewel Stoves and Rang- es ARE THE BEST ; all styles and sizes for Wood or Coal. Geta good stove, for you don’t buy one often during your life. See our Self-Feed- ing Coal Stoves and Heaters. We lead in Coal Heaters. Our TINWARE DEPARTMENT is complete. orders promptly filled. 68 of All - Full stock of Shelf and Heayy Hardware: at lowest prices. All kinds of Fence Wire. the raise. A pleasure for us to show you goods. Yours anxious to please, Finkbeiner Bros. =:|No Difference Whether this is the roth or 2oth Century. We have the ~ Latest Styles of Shoes A, Slippers and Rubbers In order to make room for Spring Goods we will close out all Winter Goods at and below cost. Call and see them. A full stock of Trunks and Valises just receiyed. _ GROSCH & SON! MI VERTON. n id re id n y 4 a ONLY 14 DAYS LEFT We give our Customer the benefit of our buying before} When the firm of Loth & Guenther will be ded Call and get one of those DANDY OVERCOATS at $5.50, were 6.50 and $7 Butter 18c., Eggs 18¢ ‘LOTH & GUENTHER, _ Milverton