rate do not recetve thelr weper \s regularly will lease notify us at once. * ply at this ofice for advertising rates “THE MILVERTON SUN. » THURSDAY, JANUARY 25. 1900. , : i is (00M. PAUL'S IRISHMEN, ae, mi ograpntbtes! ¥ Wien Great Belinins The heaped al an extract from ae y of truce, and our general would not let us fire on them, when we and the cavalry conld have slaughtered the _ lot. The dead were on It was terrible. England’s ‘first ‘atl was won by the veh have tad five ove and nights misery. The world will never Snow tubal iahmen did ee fear- He Saved Two Trains. Tt does not take heroics to make a hero; it only takes a man bent on do- LIFE’S DIFFICULTIES. Penalties of Modern Methods g of Living. Picton, Dec. 18.—We read a ‘great deal concerning the hardships and endured by the Canadian of De case of Miss Anna Young, of this town, is- an instance. Miss Noung is a grand-daughter of Col. oung, the United Empire Loyalist, in whose honor Fort Henry nam eee ‘out of shape. so he agony I endur: ae My phy- pes Hy could not help me; all the medicines I used wore niterly useless. “YT read of Dr. Arnold’s English Toxin Pills, one eat brag thought I’d thankful for eae for lam now ee from very terrible Bel et I feel I can end ss Utipooced shane to De. eenoltig Th Pills.” jr. Arnolds’ English Toxitt Pills, he aie medicine on earth that cures disse by killing the germs that cause it, are sold by all druggists at Joc. a box; sample size 25¢., or sent West, Toronto. Hettle80 Gan rally a that George is oS love with y Edith a muib ian te ato should tee some of the mean ‘ae be says About you and the rest of the girls in our set.—Boston Transcript. Ps ice of Perils. “Why did you let ene ae army. in fad Philippine: nile autaiit, we aidan Ga go Into = ball teai”—Chicazo Recard, *A Sound Stomach Means a Clear Head —The high presstre of a nervous life ‘Which business men of the present. day are constrained to live makes dranghts. Fegulating the stomach and consequent Keeping the head clea ey, Soap is Unpopular. Totepits'ot British Pile, Tadis ie-ris- tually aisospless country. “‘Through- he villages of Hindustan soap is, the towns it is now sold to extent, but how small this is may be . gathered from the fact that the year- “alone in the mountains. Coming to- ward the yawning gap was the limit- “ed express from the east, while from the west an excursion train, contain- “ing four Hae American journal- “ists, also drew ni The cenraantnien was due first, and it was coming from the side op- posite that on which the watchman stood. The man did pel hesitate. He swollen stream. ania Gispeeel Li O88. the river he ran withou! it cast hit stopped the eta “It is forbidden “By whom me reir forbids it,” sald the Mr. ‘Don ugherty drew sana up and ell your proprietor th: or for- to forbid me jee and ‘| where.” ly consumption of soap dit , 000 on canges that c to say, every 2, average only 112 poids eee 88 consumption of a person. yar child is pale, peevish, and does not thrive, a dose of Miller's Worm Pow- ‘ders : ure. Selecting Eggs for Market. ‘There are a number of ways of sel- eggs ally if private customers are being supplied. Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, ete. Origin of Bride’s Veil. The bride’s veil had its origin, it is said, in the Anglo-Saxon custom of perf the ceremony under a square piece of pao held at each corner by groom and bride, to con ter’s blushes. If the ey was a wid- ow the veil was dispensed with. }| locks. IN A BUSY WORLD, The English tobacco trade empl to-day 121 women to every 100 men. ._ In Italy 600,000 people find_employ- ment in rearing silkworms. About one German woman in Bey twenty-seven works in a factory. firma like 1,850,000 square yards of looking-glass is manufactured in Enrope annually. mi 1898 Great Britain imported merchandise from Canada, and. Cen to it only £5,815,000. Since natural gas was first discover- ed in Indiana 7,208 oil wells and 3,848 gas holes have been sunk. Known to eas ae they sal overcome ea nS, biliousness, conmdieeu reas cans healeby and i to perform their fuuetions. ‘Their merits are wellkuown to thonsinds who know by experience how beneficial they are in giving tone to ‘The Smart Youngster. fere are some children’s sayings reported by the Gees News: ae of leverages sr Nolo @ stall boy at the foot of the olas “Mamma,” said-small Charlie, “I think T’ll be a preacher when I grow up.’ ‘Very well, my son,’’ replied is fond mother, ‘‘but what pat the idea into’ your head?’ “Well,” re- plied the little fellow, “I s’pose I’ve got to go to church all my life: any- way, and it’s a heap more fun to walk around and talk than it is to sit still”? Health for the children. Werm Powders. . Miller’s Character in Woman’s Walk. An observing man insists that he mannish shoes is not dainty or femin- ine, and that the ideal woman wears well-fitting shoes in the street and dainty slippers in the house. Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, Ane Berthier, Que., her age, uae wi a William’s Pink Pills. Fase Pink, Pills for Pale People.” ots one to use a substitute, Co.; "Brockvill “My d health aes ieee cot De Williams? and euery) and she felt Aft Pink Pils she is eno fing as good health as niy Healthy, 1 PenDy Girls. “J never hungry, breathless and tating hearts after slight exercise, so that to merely walk up stairs is exhausting. _ Sometimes a short, dry cough leads to the ’ fear that they are going into consumption. Doctors tell them they are anemic—which means that they have too little blood. Are you like that ? More pale and anemic people have been made bright, active and strong ms Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills than any other medicine. daughter, aged fifteen, has ink Pills, She was. bronity wi tired. four your grand medicine e will make momivae they Mnsist upon their young daughters taking Dr. not take anything that does not bear the full name of ‘Dr. Wil- It is an experiment a a hazard- Sold by all dealers or post paid at 50 cents x OF SIX roe for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. *withens’ Medicine Greater Libertie : ‘The czar of Russia is going to grant more freedom to the press in his coun- . Hereafter he Be Hnsint mene will probably be p. Chicago Times- Herald, circulation table Sia the help of censor. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That ontat buses he te yi’ the sense of mnaie aod. epitert ran the whole system Wien entoring It CG the mucous su: arfacea, Such artiele never be used except on Nerina from repute table yhysicians, a3 the fn ine a will do is sen fold tothe good you lerive from them. Hall's Catarrh Gare a "man uf pire by J.C Co. ‘Toledo, mtains no mereury, and is taken iB internally sede directly upon the blood and curfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Cararrh ‘Cure ‘be sure you s tthe genuine. itis Richey e id a ta ray Ohio, by £501 ta by Dru ee Tic. per bottle, How to Make Potato Snow, Steam the potatoes in their jackets until quite tender, peel them and rub tlirongh a wire sieve or machine into a hot vegetable dish, piling high in the center. eritable City of Padincks, ~ fein tae oe is a city of pad: ‘There are more talus on mnedicetere aie dgnrirt ant Tekutal store than can be found in an Ameri- can city of 20,000. There are as many from one to five. The padlocks weigh from ous to fifteen pounds. The pop- ular size is five pounds and 214 inches ick. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- \d Iron Pills. a. “Remember,” said the young man. with the downy moustache and the oe a es “T am not a fortune es ered ‘Mr, Oumrox, eloomily, « qidisebvetel that iahartly I became your father-in-law. an propose to we still and oe fortune walk into your You wouldn’t = Cee) he Fetes ing as to get up and hunt confound’ char standard ben a = jomas’ Helectric Oil with the Hee ves, externally to relieve pain, and powe remedial when swallowed. of Queensland is stated to be facil an important ae Growers are said to be making read: and tinned A ne k for 50. cents. Miller's ‘Bidney ville and Plaster. THE___a Ale»Porter’ JOHN LABATT, London, Are undoubtedly THE BEST. ‘Testimonfals from 4 chemists, 10 medals, 13 diplomas. ‘The most wholesome of beverages. Recommended by Physicians, For tale. race a piano, from no few- | 6 different countries, ing 45 ‘different hands. le | There are 88 canals of business im- ance United States. from one es to a ‘that of the Erie, | from $70,000. to 52,000, atine chiara require physio none acts ‘Ewwders; very ? Wort not require the Hoge of any purgutive medicine to complete the eure. Give i trial and be convi Knife and Fork Sizns. All the railway stations in Sweden at which meals ard served ar by a sien bearing blem of a crossed knife and fork. Qh, my! how your complexion has im- proved. Yes, Miller’s Compound Iron Pills did it. “Drink Limit 11 Norway, No person in Norway may. spend more than six cents at one visit to a C7 SC Ga, Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. WOMAN’S PLUCK WINS A Lady Who Cured Her Husband of the Liquor Habit Write Pathetic Letter. She writes: “I had for a long. time bea thinking “of tyaug the Samaria Preseripy me. nearly, 2 week, but one when me vel. k's salar to export foe path coffee in ape tt for terial ‘iano, a 48 different feectaia weed | eanory es me, that whi and he Sd elias hog eet a di gnts foo ae fOr Cowtse he had. atopped Tea tnhe the memtetoe wineries gon nein pent. for another nad If he shout relapse.t8 | To tell belle eal care "h sa mphiet in iy iving’ testimon! sidered iy ren Be Remedy Co, of ‘nate and 20,000 s) uimsses ee My af : tasrated Roce at Lnatto like some. the books offered forsale. aw: x ‘of frst boo! ai iam, Briggs, Methodist Book & Pub. House, Toronto. ODORLESS CLOSET. Tho Above C opresents One of the Most Useful tiredvione or the Age in ‘ay of au Indoor Close list write tte THE “OBURLESS eS “Wiser” ‘to, Cc ACM E Washing: Powder. Hs, sitong. 1 fe, culeriog of Line: nzine or Coal Oil needed ~ For Domestic use, for the finest lace to Wirtiest greasy clothes. For Metal Utensils of all kinds, Pipes, Sinks, eto. ~ For Washing Paint, Moors and Animals, and for ae 8, putty har viless to hands or material mi 1. 210; and 91D. packages, ‘at Ibc.per Woe "A ibekal discount to the trader Goal Saving and Smoke Consuming 1r House Stoves, Seats hey tras an . (rhs powder are J, gets uD a steadier and i anging jlaces) tohandioas te teat felt, Ue ei Dorion m discolved in Water and sprinkled Petes 6 cents per Ib. or $100 per tor i grocer oF druggist ns not, It you yi furnish 1¢ on application with above we full direo- Premium Mucilage, Lithograms Ithogram Comporition to be had at all ‘stationer: aie MUCILAGE ©O., loury St. Mentreal. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS "Phe Fett Made. Send for Catalozne. COCKSHUTT PLOW CO., BRANTFORD. [ltAS, STEELE & BRISTOL, Pee roe eas IRTERS OF aRCCERIE Th Bxtesce ‘Write us. Eis E & Splecs BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE RIO BINDER TWINE Co., MSulsudeation Accotes Torsmts, Te ABSOLUTELY FREE, war ted perf e-keeper, ‘to ad Gince for ae gAdeore tising Matter, W on't 00 , address for particulars. ft Huon CONDOR STOPPED FREE, Permanent. REA! Epilepsy. Spasms an ‘Dai its or Nervousvess after oe day's through Onnadien Agency Prue to it pationtn, through Canadian Ageney paying express charges only when recelyed. Bead te Dre Rluessst Aron ot, Dhiadelphiaea. ope | Weaison 1 Flag 8 “ae Gunders, j ee ‘Wood ‘SATURDAYS BATTLE. British Troops Drive Boers From Several Strong Positions GEN. CLERY'S ALL-DAY BATTLE. zed All Day Sunday—Fight- ing Difficult, But British Suceessful— Story of the Advance. _ London, Daily Telegraph uae ‘the “iting despatch tard British wee eee: inence know which Tas riety of a seimi- vith tho eavy fusilade ee Our troops ‘were disposed as fol- lows: Major-Ger. Woodgate's. Bri- gade on the ae _ Malor-Gon. Hart's Brigade in the aes he left. midday the pulag on ‘the hill ae fierce, and fro British eae and eventually the Boer right oe was forced back ward Spion “Our force is "pivomels ‘ing upon ured so gallantly. farren was ‘fighting his engagement, an effectual demon- e being sivorously shelled by the Britian batteries. HART ADVANCED FIRST, Under Henry Fire From Three Pier They Gained Their Poin London. ee ates eae the fol- oes "dated Su Rare evenii fan's Camp: “AN yest terday an Warren ‘has rare attacking the Boers. ir posi river,” At dawn ‘yestotday. (attr: eee enn | “occupied @ Kopje. on’ the east iii Biigede kavensek slays otetites wero! enlghyenvone ff forward and right along ie position semi-circular, Hae brigide advanced pu “ase tho Takin: age of fruciule ‘coven, the tro a ava Dolur w chin 500 Fards of the ‘enemy's Tsht wing. but they did not advance beysna the edge of {he cover. There they remained until ark, apd. bivouneked. The Enemy Sto! ia es Mactan ontontelia, the y fixed shrapnel captured at Colen: Geir sre was lntermittent, femiporacaly ston tor misht: the enemy's 1 right win; Cvaaennied its position ‘ ee eee cree London, Jan. ¢_ correspondent ot ‘The ‘ines at Lorenzo Decorate, “ 2 “T learn from and was always ba AN ALL DAY B. DAY BATTLE. bo riah Clery’s and Teak: en. Warren’s Forces t Their Way Capturing Ridg. After Ridge on Saturday. Lo non, of fice sho! Parr ae bets the following sespatch from fe eB ce Cam) 2 “Gen. Clery, with a ant ot eceWiecane tore. rom 6 a.m. till 7 By a sae ae & Bs aie he capturin; “es nage, fer Beste tices ps are now ‘bivouacking on the ground he has gained, ‘but the main position is still i in front of em. sualties were not heavy. ‘About One. hundred wounded had been cee Je by 6.80 p.m. ‘The oe ber of killed has not yet been asi Lepeuias an an ~ Lo mdehe lar Offies ae rackieet JA the following: hese ‘Gen. 21. ‘This kept the enemy in their yeaah fo, full strength all day. castaltice——Third eee ‘two 12 pouting He has forced the enemy irom The Lane fire is very General Buller’s Casualties. F Office has posted this de- spatch from General Buller, dated lewis ‘Were wounded. in da tiieers—Staff-Col. rc. pieteote B. Hamilton and Mes * Seco Get, BB, Blunt and senna Lieuts. AL < Crofton and E. .. Barrett. st Border Ri poaeaters CoD. Vauehon eae pone ee artes: rst res—Ser on ay gens cine "Second aoe Fusili Capt. C. A, Hensley (since ded), aud ‘Major .. i ron scond Gordons—Second Lieut. P. Ei eonWasy And 276 Roe -ameigeto at coiewa’ada London, Jan. on his Jeft, as swi vg ‘onwar d about a time up hill, it is difficult to say How amiel we have! geined, are making substantial pro- LORD ROBERTS’ BULLETIN, French Postal a Demostration With ry Towards Hebron: Lon on War Office has et ‘the OT from Tard Tow Sees alls Uetion da pratanee. Losses at Luiysmith on Jan. kg third supplementary list the sualties in the teat upon Owes ae 8 al of casualties in tt engagement to 488. SHELLING LADYSMITH, Boers Have Placed in Position New S-Inch Guns and Are Firing a Ops over Gen. Ber’ gk nee, His gun: heard di: ee heli and the Buea a ShelJ& can be White’s Forces at Ladysmith. are jubilant ee the roll of the forces Under Sir George White Deals ed here, wien Gen, Buller is endeay oring fe relieve Ini Mas chesters, Second Boren Giighlnnders Highth — Brigade oyal Ir rish Fusiliers, E iret ae reatas Sirst _Bites, “Second Roy First. nase Second eae Bsizade, 9 Natal Mou: Sine Denese Guards, forse, Natal Light rs, ek Battalion Reval Field Artillery, ed veel: Natal Volunteer Battery, naval g BOER LOSSES 10 Dare, Metimates Shaw the Total te Be Ap- proximately 9,425 Men. Hensberg, Cape Colony, Friday, Jan. 19 aped. enn eet 6,425 meni Anciudiig 2,000. ¢; i ualties ‘during the siege of Ladysmith. eH Prlicher's.Wiom Karujshn: Jan. afeking om Jan, 1 Mafeking, Jan. 10—All accounts "from eve| sine ee eee 8 ae fesults. i, the Britisn soldiers besiegers s Laager. ce as Kin feking, Pela to ‘vis, “Gaberones, va jan, tna sto. bom pacistal 10M, abel 1. nctinig anyor eru er 0 MeKinley * : ae Jan: 22 poccial despatch from J “The action near Vontor's Spruit yester-|~ Naples says that Mr.“Macrum is reported | to be the Bearer of @ letter to Presld=nt Steiintey trot President Ktuger, fa whies the Taes propasen ‘panoe feet Ba pon he status quo, with complete independent ona ichise, . FILIPINOS STILL FIGHT. American Pack Train Sida aiuveed Between Sante Tomas and San P»b.os—Bul- _ | 6 tetin From Gen. Gtix Washington, Jan. 22. — The inteward (happening Bp) the uccessful ca: a Lancashire — Fusiliers— 1 AzA tan} bush to! Meet him; Killed 8, wounded S GUmied\i7, one Spaniard, 6 rifles. His casnalties two er men slightly wounded. « Fei ieee MR, RUSKIN DEAD. of His Time The Greatest Art Oriti Passes Age Away at the f $1 Years don, — Sohn Ruskin isd fos Sect noon of influ- enza, aged John Ruskin was bee in London on Feb. 8, 1819, and was the son of where he secured the New in 1839. He ee Bede Cambridge in Slade of Fine Art,: Oxtora en 1882 ; Ho xford, 1893 ; a Menber of Hie een", Society. in Water Colors, 1873; 0 Falow phe Geographical So- og Society and of any eign academies. He was the author of Modern Painters, 1848-60; 5 lag! soreation! 1878; Va’ ngs in Florence, 1875- 77; Proserpina, 1875-86; Deucalion, 1875-83; St. Mark's Rest, 1877-84; Laws of Fesole, 1877-78, Bible of 1880-85; Art 883; Storm Cloud 0 ing ‘ury, 188: gad an of recent y Bont = Wecpetg of ag was 890, and Hee en- tirely abstained pees we won although red in public, ‘che! Funsenl on Th iesduye een Jan. 22.—The remains of m Ru in accordance with eae Be cerned ga pee Ga Th Gneenen inane: oaletnn hurt yer eh funeral wit! (apa place o: OSMAN DIGNA IN PRISON. Late eoetn Abduilah’s Principal Gen- L eral Brow: 0 Suakim, ce here yesterday and imprison- a i e whieh Thiet Beiwion Imai Ule-anvin eported on. Saiey, iat led, on Islan’ “ihe Britieh cargo of iron thi slight chances. that she can be saved. ev. Dr. Patrick Accepts, Jan. 22.—Rev. Dr. Wil- eh Dees Scotland, Nl to the ero > of Uenitabe o College. this Queen Victoria Is Afraid. Victoria, blunder was made it the’ construction a8 the vessel must. be stn ches pene te poral iwat about, $20,000, covered DO saraice: ‘The stock of J. W. Peck si: Co. W: "ed. i | pRovisioniNe A TROOP SHIP. An Account of the Phiogh whieh Go to ‘Make Up the Steamer’s Larder. ‘The provisioning of a tibopebip. is ry take some passing interest at the vate ent moment, seeing the seco contingent of Canadian troops have left our cae for South Africa. Just what the Dominion has stored on the Laurentian for the cou- sumption of our boys during the five i vo private and 9 by ions of little Inx~- mn the side, oy which will cer- iat 06 Sapuresiaied ‘on the long yoy- * seat in the London Time Sng ‘Goaenig, sailing from Lon- don or Southampton for South Africa, is Pee iatinaa\ He takes the Sum- atra, which left the Royal Alberts than about 1,200 men, her ee aie re- present what those concerned regi as rather a ‘‘small’’ order. To per- sons unacquainted with these things, however, the quantities will appear formidable eicuen, especially as the refer naeeel Tbs., of vinegar 150 gallons, and of pickles 100 Ibs. ‘The stock of rice is put down at 1,250 lbs., and that of split peas at 1,800 Ibs. There is a suggestion of Christmas puddings in 8 owt. of suet, 900 Ibs. of raisins, and Hh barrels of flour ; while with 6,000 of Demerara on board nie th should be no danger of the 113 Ibs. of chocolate and the 1,300 eli provided by the bie ment. Veet he want.more there will be the canteen for him to fall back on at. his own cost, and the canteen stores— ade rovided on no less gen tle and vari- ed ascale, the articles being disposed of at a very low ae indeed These particular stores comprise, among other things, 200 {-Ib, tins of corn beef, 1, Wee Ibs. of Booher biscuits. herrings, 150 1-lb: tins of lobsters, 60 1-1b. tins of (ian 2, bit 1-1 ie tins at assorted jams, 800 marmalade, so balepint aoe ae iene of 80 half sacks of fiour, 36 Ibs. of candied peel. 200 Ibs. of currants, 200 Ibs. of Valencia raisins, 784 Ibs. of moist sugar, and 80 Ibs, of lard; while the varied eatables he can wash down with the help of 120 1-Ib. tins of sherbet. Should so miscellaneous a diet disagree with him, it may be hoped he will be put right again with the help of 96 bottles of Eno’s fruit S ere as blacking. ‘aces. 1 ae oe i80 tablets). ea a eee supply of ‘‘generak t be specified. are multiplied al times, eae rough i sum total the troops in their long journey across the seas, without regard to what they require'on % —— Be Renict Baivecia Arainst, iene een sae of Experimental Union at Guelph some Startling state- ments were made as to the extent to which unclean and adulterated s B. it is crident that there is care lessness in planting and harvesting the new system ‘The Horrors of Inkerman, Geir Horr Heh were wankeesd ici i side close to me, and the next min- — pu senseless, but th lar of my great Coat neck aoe the stones, and my pistol by my side saved Bey life, as ‘be bene only cut my cl only bruised. I ‘got =e ee yy doe 4 agai onet Nua bayonet across the sand- pertures. The bits of ie je earth ‘that lay on the top even did w throw’ at each other, but, in the. asad nfusion, ‘Chars (EARLE I SEEMS A Case of Forest Preservation, ‘Bohemia is one of the most “popu- lous countries on the globe. Its clim- _