_arowd aT fs the | ee * ye Ra y and i it will please us. ‘Your Attention, your Confidence and your Patronage by _the force of Geninue Merit. Our Goods are Heeebhennenennnonny % ee: % SASEEIAIAAIAAIEIA IEE may Fequire, such as, bid % M% ‘that people want at such price they are willing to pay. : lala lhc ata cialis 'Up- -to-date’ AIRS See Seat sl ia es and eI - Come and judge for yourself, don’t take our word for it. "show our goods and quote prices.—The result will invariably be in our favor, Tf you will try us in any of our departments or for any line. of goods, you It will doubtless prove satisfactory to you, HEHEHE All we ask is an opportunity to We have the Goods Mantles, Furs, ‘Dress Goods, Hosiery Gloves Underwear Readymadesuits Overcoats Caps, Mitts Groceries Crockery, etc. You will find us at the top in Quatily and Style and the bottom in prices. +E. H. DIERLAMM | NVTTTTETTTRTPTTvTTTTTTT | 23 TANT MTT ATTTTRETTTTG TENET TPT sonal gossip and’ pretty pictures as shall add spice to the whole dish. Such a journal is Toronto Saturday Night which for nearly twelve years has been ‘a source of joy in thousands of Torou- to and provincial homes, an 1 is eager- ny sa} ly looked for by those eal ex: re iled from tie Queen City of the West, able reply. Mr, F. Doering acte ‘chairman. The following addre: Was. re: Mrs. David Seiler, the chair \ dover. by Mr. peels Brunnere The address Seas as fol “To Thos. Coxon, tiga », Your friends, take this opportunity 6 ote preciation of ar vices ren- D. After the presentation bee remain- ven. in trip- uchanan, fre ee to the devight Lem -inuch ‘credit Bennet, eiler in beinging euch . ‘letienthal eeeae Cee Ge jase exellent ‘ahin ye ng that M oat pemaiet in his midst as in for- r days. 0] and fie with wit, split thy Bae ia published at the Raney ¥ buildi nee 26~-28 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Mor Ly ‘Diesprcuesaine party to Serve norifad to float it keeps a free lance for humbug, corruption and superstition under whatever guise they may present: ay Ths features of personal ani ossip and current connnents ty Don, ‘Mack other’ writers won for it an im- "| mediate field which has ever since been held. There have been imitations but vhere 1s enly one Saturda, editors and contributors are men and women who travel and think, and that n{ is the reason their weekly output is so Go with them and they | entertail S bail! atta shee hag id cozen thee les with laughter, and make life MaceEine more than a dull reund of toil. really does not cost one anything but the publishers and bo geiseh pe cents a copy or $2 a ted nt on sy BORN. —In aaa on Jan. 10th, the wit of John Mohr, of a ae Ee taba Mornington, on Jan ard, the wife of James Brydone, of a daught eee In Mforni mn Jan. of a rae 2nd, the wife of Martin, son. NATURE'S pawrars, Bakues) Kodts iUdve th Shadow of Tormenting Skin Troubles pak Dr, orbs 8 eae isa Quick an ha erat ot an itching skin tal consequence and ont- Bul misses i tatken) Coal may ulcers, blotches is x port ar Moiogs ot =e deer Cree edi a Re nd as soft. iy Frow. tien ts R W's Liver Pills are the orforty loses. “Sold” ty, FIRST PRIZE BREAD. I have been in business four years and never took second prize for bread. WHY ? Because I make the best The public knows this now, my competitors realize it. Ask the First Prize Baker tocall at your house. G. GUENTHER Saturday Night] At gents: Our book on South Africa and the Yur is a -regular powsnza for gets Big cheap bwok. Sells on sight. it free to THS LINSCOTY PUBLID HING ‘Toronto. MtS;—Fomons Men and Great Hay ” el e at of the Nineteenth Centua; to make it our business to see that they go. days we will inauguratea CLEAN SWEEP SALE and the goods have simply got to go A OLEAN SWEEP SALE >; Get Out of the House That's what we are saying to our Men's Suits, our Men’s Overcoats, FURS, Dress Goods, JACKETS, our Fancy China, Htc., Htc. Dinnerware, Toilet Sets, Yes, that’s what we are saying to them and we are going For the next 20 CLEAN-SWEEP which you must admit are unusual, and ad- SALE mitting that much, how can you see such an Opportunity pass unheeded. The prices are plainly marked. We have never betrayed your confidence, and we won't start now, when we have more of your trade than any other in town. walk fest End shaped the destinies “of nations. is detailed in glowing langn Kings ;all the greatest inves discoveries in the marvelous panorama are hiete presented, Tt as «| Men's suits.which alaways were Men’s Overcoats, $10, $12 $13 going at $8.00 $7.00 and $8.00 now. .$5.00 $5.00 and $6.00 now. .$4.50 $12.50, and $15, now $9.50. $10.00 Coat now .... 8.00 eae be agents, BRADLEY- GABMETSON: ©O., Limited, Bae NTHORDy One. | Children's Suits which always were from $2.00 to $3.00 each going at $1.50 and’ $1.75 Suit. Nis on Teuchers of educated. wen: eee NSCOTT PUBLISHING CO, : - ‘Toren, The Clean Sweep Prices will extend through éach and every department, You will find Clean Sweep Prices on everything, Shall we sell this Clothing now or next winter ? That's the condition now confronting us} ofdinary business. judgment promptly decides ; Sell now, never, mind profits, the | mark prices fow and the goods will go. ijto give usa Cail. All. we ask of you is: